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Focus January 2024

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12, Issue 1
2 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1
FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

Cover Design by Lal Varghese, Esq., Dallas

1. Editorial – Climate Crisis and the Church Prof. Kanayathu Koshy Page 4

2. Book Review – The Syriac World, In Search of a Forgotten……. Dr. Sunil Mani Page 6/20

3. In Search of Divine Restoration of Creation Revd Dr. M. J. Joseph Page 7

4. WCC General Secretary on Climate Crisis FOCUS Editorial Board Page 10

5. To See Climate Crisis in a Bar of Soap FOCUS Editorial Board Page 10

6. Ecological Crisis and the Bible Revd Dr. M. Mani Chacko Page 11

7. Climate Change, a Christian Perspective Mr. Chhotebhai Page 13

8. Climate Crisis and the Church Dr. Vinod Thomas Page 15

9. Felicitation to New Bishops of the Mar Thoma Church FOCUS Editorial Board Page 17

10. Climate Crisis and the Church Dr. Susan Varghese Page 18

11. Farewell and Welcome to Mar Philoxenos and Mar Paulos FOCUS Editorial Board Page 19/20

12. Climate Change and the Church Prof. Philip Koshi Page 21

13. Obituary Tribute to Revd Dr. Jacob Verghis Revd Dr. M. J. Joseph Page 23

14. Good Samaritans in a Wounded-Earth Dr. Zac Varghese Page 24

15. Navigating Ecological Grief Revd Renny Varghese Page 26

16. My Story – Part 5 Dr. Titus Mathews Page 28

17. Climate Crisis and the Church Mr. Mathew Jojin Thomas Page 30

18. Climate Crisis and the Church Dr. Cherian Samuel Page 32

19. Theme for FOCUS April 2024 FOCUS Editorial Board Page 34

20. Faith Journey Through Holy Land – Part 2 Lal Varghese, Esq. Page 35

21. Book Review - The Village Maestro and 100 Stories Dr. Cherian Samuel Pate 38

22. Christmas and New Year Wishes FOCUS Editorial Board Page 39

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Climate Crisis and the Church droughts, more extreme precipitation, rapid sea-level rise,
loss of Arctic Sea ice and ice sheets, thawing permafrost
and more. Overshooting 1.5 degrees C also increases the
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
probability of high-impact events, such as mass forest
Change (IPCC), latest report, unless there are immediate
dieback, which would turn critical carbon sinks into
and large-scale reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG)
carbon sources.
emissions, limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius,
will not be possible. “Climate change is already
4. Inequity, conflict, and development
impacting every corner of the world, and much more
Right now, 3.3 billion-3.6 billion people live in countries
severe impacts are in store.” UN Secretary-General
highly vulnerable to climate impacts, with global hotspots
Antonio Guterres called the report “an atlas of human
concentrated in Small Island Developing States, the
suffering and a damning indictment of failed climate
Arctic, South Asia, Central and South America, and much
of sub-Saharan Africa. Inequity, conflict, and development
challenges such as poverty, weak governance, and limited
Here are six takeaways from the report:
access to basic services like healthcare not only heighten
sensitivity to hazards, but also constrain ability of
1. Climate impacts are already more widespread and
communities to adapt to climatic changes. In highly
severe than expected
vulnerable nations, for example, mortality from droughts,
Climate change is already causing widespread disruption
storms, and floods in 2010-2020 was 15 times greater
in every region in the world with just 1.1 degrees C (2
than in countries with very low vulnerability. In sub-
degrees F) of warming; imagine it changes to 1.5 as they
Saharan Africa about 60% people and 529 million people
agreed in Paris. Withering droughts, extreme heat and
in Asia are based in very vulnerable city areas and there is
record floods already threaten food security and
little resilience for them. They also have such geographic
livelihoods for millions of people. Since 1961, crop
inequalities among the city and rural communities,
productivity growth in Africa shrunk by a third due to
through years of dwelling, which weakens their economic
climate change.
resilience as well.
2. We are locked into even worse impacts
5. Adaptation is crucial
Even if the world rapidly decarbonizes, greenhouse gases
This relates to the funding for the rural communities. The
already in the atmosphere and current emissions trends
good news is that existing adaptation options can reduce
will make some very significant climate impacts
climate risks if they are sufficiently funded.
unavoidable through 2040. The IPCC estimates that in the
next decade alone, climate change will drive 32-132
Three assessed climate change adaptation approaches
million more people into extreme poverty. Global warming
will jeopardize food security, as well as increase the
incidence of heat-related mortality, heart disease and
Social programs that improve equity and
mental health challenges. Species and ecosystems will
face dramatic changes as well, such as mangroves failing justice: Partnerships between governments, civil society
to counteract sea level rise, declines in sea-ice dependent organizations and the private sector—as well as inclusive,
species, large-scale tree death and loss of humans locally led decision-making processes—can help ensure
(children 48,000 by 2030). that provision of these services improves the climate
resilience of vulnerable communities.
3. Risks will escalate quickly
The IPCC report finds that every tenth of a degree of Ecosystem-based adaptation: This approach incudes
additional warming will escalate threats to people, the protection, restoration, and sustainable management
species, and ecosystems. Even limiting global warming to of ecosystems to more sustainable e.g.., integrating trees
1.5 degrees C (2.7 degrees, F), is not safe for all. For into farms, increasing crop diversity and planting trees in
instance, with just 1.5 degrees C of global warming, many pastures. Collaboration with indigenous people and local
glaciers around the world will either disappear completely communities is integral to the success.
or lose most of their mass (water + creatures + plants etc.);
an additional 350 million people will experience water New technologies and infrastructure: Access to better
scarcity by 2030. Similarly, if warming exceeds 1.5 technologies, such as more resilient crop varieties,
degrees C, even temporarily, much more severe, often improved livestock breeding, or solar and wind power, can
irreversible effects of climate change will occur, such as improve resilience. Coupling nature-solutions with
stronger storms, longer heat waves and engineered solutions may help water related problems.

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6. How to address losses and damages answer. Extending this we could say “nature as our
With the 1.1 degrees C of global warming now the world neighbour, we are all created by GOD and such a society
is experiencing, some highly vulnerable people and will be a just one. Eco-spirituality is all about establishing
ecosystems, are beginning to reach the limits of what they and maintaining this inter-connectedness between God,
can adapt to. In some regions, these limits are “soft” — Man and Nature. If we regard God-Man-Nature Eco-
effective adaptation measures exist, but political, spirituality is all about establishing and maintaining this
economic, and social challenges hinder implementation, inter-connectedness. This is why we need to urgently shift
such as limited access to finance. But in others, people from our anthropocentric survival instincts to an earth-
and ecosystems already face “hard” limits to adaptation. centred perspective. In this wounded world we need Good
Whether facing soft or hard limits of climate adaptation, Samaritans like Greta Thunberg to save this planet. In our
the result for communities is devastating and oftentimes quest for eternity, we should not neglect our
irreversible. These losses and damages will only increase responsibilities for the wounded-earth. Having reminded
as global temperatures rise. For instance, if the world our responsibilities to planet earth with a global apology
warms beyond 1.5 degrees C, communities that depend to forgive our trespasses against poison on beautiful
on glacial and snow melt will face water shortages to Mother Nature thru all the sins we have committed.
which they cannot adapt. At 2 degrees C (3.6 degrees F),
the risk of simultaneous failures in maize production 3) Revd Dr. M. J. Joseph: Revd M. J. Joseph attended
across key growing regions will increase significantly. And the 15th General Assembly of the Christian Conference of
above 3 degrees C (5.4 degrees F), parts of southern Asia held at Kottayam, 2023. The meeting had the title,
Europe will experience dangerously high summertime God Renew Us in your Spirit, and Restore the Creation. He
heat. wanted to research the idea to see that if God will in his
divine capacity Restore Creation by Himself. Part of the
But there is remnant group who understands and act on conviction came from (Revelation 21:5-6), all people are
the basis of these cautious advise. In the limited time the same and a huge problem like Climate Change knows
available to me, I only had the opportunity to review the no boundary and for these reasons, the word crisis itself
contributions of six excellent writers who discuss pros and need a new orientation. It is a transformation we need, to
cons of the climate crisis. I also thank others who are hear the Voice of the Voiceless (Uppsala Conference) and
contributing to this issue of the journal. the Conscience of the World (Pope Francis) – both were
focused on similar themes. When Jesus talked about love,
1) Dr. Vinod Thomas is a conditioned writer who begins compassion, and reconciliation he meant the same ideas
his article with the connection fossil fuel has to climate too (2 Cor: 5, 18-21). The peace builders have to learn this
change. This connection brings him to climate justice and spiritual truth from nature. A paradigm shift from a pure
says it is the poor who make the least contribution to anthropocentric attitude to an earth-centric attitude to life
global warming, bear the brunt of climate change impacts. is the need of the hour. The earth spirituality of the above
While most educated people are with the mainstream, a groups provides a legacy for the mission paradigm of the
small minority is with the opposition who can in the Church. Let us talk about climate crisis remembering that
immediate future stir up some damage. Since climate we are the answer to it.
change is only indirectly related to human wellbeing,
people need to be more vocal in making their point that 4) Revd Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay: (WCC Secretary) The
they fail to counter act them. If we are thinking of what we theme of the assembly, Dr. Pillay attended was, “God,
should do, at least be on the side of the ‘Aye’ Sayers. If Renew Us in Your Spirit, and Restore the Creation.” The
this is Kerala Christian not saying this, we ought to be following is a summary of his inaugural address. Dr. Pillay
good believers of “Creation Care.” Tipping points after opened his keynote address by saying that “Today, the
tipping points are changing, if we say we are still not existential threat is global and threatens the integrity of life
convinced, it is strange. There are a number of things on earth as we know it.” The world is facing multiple
Christians can do such as using the vast network lobby for shocks, he added. “Yet, the political establishments are
Renewable Energy, rallying for disaster preparedness and marked by an inability or unwillingness to address these
resilience building, encourage a sustainable life style and multidimensional and complex challenge.” This is not only
fostering a mindset change towards environmental for ‘them’ for ‘us’ too. “The current ecological crisis is a
stewardship. major challenge for humanity.” Only through a
transformative change can we address it meaning that,
2) Dr. Zac Varghese starts with the story of the “Good “As God loves and cares for all creation, so must we
Samaritan” helping a man who was attacked by robbers. express and exercise creation care.” What I have been
A Priest and a Levite walked by offering no help. The saying is that it cannot be by “Subjugation, Dominion
Samaritan felt pity and helped him. Then Jesus during a means Stewardship” in our case.
conversation with a wealthy man, narrated the story and
asked who in his opinion was a good neighbor and he 5) Dr. Susan Varghese: She starts with her own story of
gave the answer, the third man – the Good Samaritan, and not knowing much about “Climate Change,” and assumed
Jesus told him, correct, go and do likewise. The wealthy that to be the case with many others, which is true. Then
man understood that race, religion, or wealth was not the she went on with the way how she mastered Climate

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Change all by herself. This encouraged her Sunday school
students much, that they started reading around the Book Review
subject. Then she introduced her father’s story, and said Francoise Briquel Chatonnet and Muriel Debie, The
how passionate he was when he started growing all sorts Syriac World, in Search of a Forgotten Christianity, New
of kitchen vegetables. Dr. Susan kept up with her creation Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2023
lesson with her Sunday school students doing energy (Translated by Jeffrey Haines), pp. xiv+ 285.
saving measures, introducing the idea of Renewable
Energy, and overall living a sustainable life. ‘Environmental Christianity, a global phenomenon
Stewardship,’ educating people for ‘Awareness,’ with a rich history spanning over
community outreach, and we can expand such efforts two millennia, has undergone a
through sermons, seminars, and discussion groups that profound transformation, giving
provide a space for congregants to learn about the rise to numerous denominations.
science of climate change. From the venerable Roman
Catholic, Protestant, and
6) Mr. Chhotebhai: He starts by saying that there is Orthodox traditions to the
Christian perspective to Climate change. Polar ice caps burgeoning landscape of
are melting, glaciers receding, and sea levels are rising, evangelical churches, each faction
extreme weather conditions – storms, cold or heat waves harbours a complex network of subdivisions and splinter
are increasing, causing death and destruction. groups.
Temperature is rising, agriculture not the same anymore
and water too. If these will not convince someone, what Even within the imposing structures of Roman
else will? Well, there are some who will only believe in Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy, a multitude of
what is written in the Bible, for them everything else is divisions surfaces, each nurturing unique liturgical rites
heresy. Chhotebhai practices what he preaches: for and worship languages. While Latin and Greek bask in
example, when he was working in a shop, he distributed recognition, Syriac, a lesser-known linguistic entity,
jute shopping bags to customers and used to give a occupies a distinct yet crucial niche. In this exceptionally
discount to those who cared to bring the bag for readable historical account, the authors assert that Syriac
shopping, as an incentive. He takes a shopping bag while held cultural prominence in Syro-Mesopotamia from the
shopping and avoids bottled water. He believes where 2nd to the 13th century AD.
there is a will, there is a way.
Notably, Syriac never ascended to the status of a state
language or a vehicle of expression for a specific national
or ethnic group. Instead, it primarily functioned as a
religious tongue, facilitating encounters and connections.
Operating as an elitist language, its proximity to
Aramaic—the language spoken by Christ—imbued it with
a sacred aura. Despite ranking third in importance within
Christianity after Latin and Greek, Syriac's historical
trajectory and diffusion across the Christian world have
remained in relative obscurity.

The book under consideration seeks to rectify this historical

oversight, guiding readers on a captivating journey through
the intricate tapestry of Syriac Christianity—a nearly
A rapidly closing window: We know that the science is forgotten thread in the fabric of religious heritage. The
unequivocal. Delayed action risks triggering impacts of authors' meticulous research and scholarly acumen unravel
climate change so catastrophic our world will become the intricate complexities of Syriac Christianity, providing a
unrecognizable. Changing course will require immediate, sweeping panorama that spans historical, cultural, and
ambitious, and concerted efforts to slash emissions, build religious dimensions.
resilience, conserve ecosystems, and dramatically
Divided into eight chapters, the book boasts a meticulously
increase finance for adaptation and addressing loss and
crafted structure complemented by a glossary, chronology,
damage. For these, developed countries must
bibliography, references for excerpts, and an index. This
demonstrate their solidarity with vulnerable nations.
thoughtful arrangement caters to a diverse readership,
Coming to grips with the climate crisis will not be easy. seamlessly combining academic rigor with accessibility for
Governments, civil society, and the private sector must all both scholars and enthusiasts alike. In essence, "The Syriac
step up. As the IPCC report makes clear, there is no World" emerges as a commendable effort to illuminate and
alternative. revive the obscured history of Syriac Christianity, offering a
valuable contribution to the broader understanding of
Prof. Dr. Kanayathu C. Koshy religious evolution and interconnection.
(Guest Editor) (Contd. Page 20)

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In Search of Divine Restoration of Creation
Revd Dr. M. J. Joseph

A Word of Praise to the Creator God: speak of our missionary obligation in God's one world so
"O Supreme Lord of the Universe, as to enjoy the goodness in all of creation. The church is
You fill and sustain everything around us; called to transform the whole of creation into a new
With the touch of your hand, you turned chaos into heaven and new earth and act as bearers and
order, instruments of renewal and transformation. As a prayer,
From you bursts forth the splendor of the Sun the theme invokes God, the creator, to have mercy upon
And the mild radiance of the moon, the entire creation as the visible presence of his Kingdom
Stars and planets without number you set on earth. "'Your kingdom come on earth" is an invocation
In ordered movement. to addressing God, the Father, to have divine
You are the source of the fire's heat and the wind's compassion on us for a meaningful pilgrimage on this
might, planet earth. The reference to "creation" in the theme
Of the water's coolness and the earth's stability, makes the meaning clear for our inclusive attitude in our
Deep and wonderful are the mysteries of your creation." inhabited earth. At the very outset Sirach.18:13
(cf.Ps.145:9) is to be borne in mind for a holistic
(Taken from the Opening worship Order of the 15th understanding of renewal and restoration of God's
Assembly of the Christian Conference of Asia held from creation: "The compassion of man is for his neighbour,
Sept.27- Oct.3, 2023 at Kottayam, Kerala, India) but the compassion of the Lord is for all living beings."
In order to bring back the creation to a former or better
An Overview of the Theme state, human beings need to live with ecological
repentance and eco-spirituality. The ecological sins such
It is quite appropriate that the 15th General Assembly of as air pollution, water pollution, light pollution and sound
the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) has taken an pollution which are indeed symbols of Death have to be
initiative to select a topic, which is being widely turned to symbols of life across the globe. This is the
discussed and reflected for a meaningful existence in the ecological challenge before us. A theological
world of today. The theme chosen for the Assembly was understanding of one God and one creation requires us
“God, Renew Us in Your Spirit and Restore the to live with a dialogical approach to life as we are all
Creation.” The point is to seek for an avenue of “birds of the same nest". In our feeble attempt to restore
convergence by pooling the religious and secular what is lost, we need to rememberthat "the Earth is the
resources of the world for an authentic spirituality which Lord's". The earth which God created does not belong to
speaks of a common tomorrow in the name of the creator us; but we belong to the earth". Ps.104 and Job.38-41
God. In the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, one could are reminders to us when we think of our caring attitude
notice a strong sense of inclusiveness. The following to God's creation for itsrenewal and restoration. Isaiah
prayer of the WCC makes better sense when we say 40:28 speaks of the everlasting power of the Creator
together, "Almighty God as your Son our saviour was where we read: “The Lord is the everlasting God, the
born of a Hebrew mother, but rejoiced in the faith of a Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or
Roman soldier; welcomed Greeks who sought him and weary, and his understanding no-one can fathom". In
suffered a man from Africa to carry his cross. So, teach wisdom, He created everything and renews the face of
us to regard the members of all races as fellow heirs of the earth (Ps.104: 30). The Psalmist exclaims: "How
the Kingdom of Jesus Christ our Lord." This means that many are your works Lord"(Ps.104:24).
there is a compulsion in Christian faith to transcend the
boundaries of caste, creed, and cult with a view to Let me quote from a message of the 9th WCC Assembly
affirming God's grace in the Created order. As the held at Port Alegre (Brazil). "God of grace, open our
Climate change knows no geographical boundaries, the hearts to love and to see that all people are made in your
very talk about climate crisis requires a big canvas. The image to care for creation and affirm life in all its
time has come for the church to speak of a new mission wondrous diversity. Transform us in the offering of
paradigm with regard to climate justice for the common ourselves so that we may be your partners in
good of humanity. transformation, to strive for the full visible unity of the
Church of Jesus Christ and to become neighbors to all,
The key words in the theme of the Assembly," renew" as we await with eager longing for the full revelation of
and "restore "require further reflection as they speak of your rule in the coming of a new heaven and a new earth.”
human co-operation with God as His co-workers in The message goes on to pray as: "God hears the cries of
historical moments for a better tomorrow . The word all creation, the cries of water, the air, the land and all
"renew" simply means " make new again" and the word living things, the cries of the all who are exploited,
"restore" has the meaning of "bringing back to a former marginalized abused and victimized. . . .” It is at this point
or better state'. Both the words are interrelated and the response to climate crisis becomes imperative.

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Beyond the Seen and the Unseen that we breathe... We thank Thee for the river that runs
all day.... We thank Thee for the flower that blooms, birds
that sing; fish that swim;... We thank Thee for the
pastures where the cattle may mow; we thank thee for
the love so pure and free, O Lord". The lessons that we
learn from the order of creation is that life is meant for
giving and that nature is the best gift of God to all across
any religious or cultural divide. So, Jesus said "for he (the
heavenly Father) makes his Sun rise on the evil and on
the good, and sends rains on the just and the unjust"
(St.Matt.5: 45). Learning from nature is the urgent need
of all human beings. The Psalmist adds a note of
exclamation, as "The heavens are telling of the glory of
God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork" (Ps
19:1). The above words of wonder could be summed up
in the famous hymn, "All things bright and beautiful; All
creatures great and small; All things wise and wonderful;
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" The Lord God made them all "The hymn takes us to the
(Gen. 1: 1) "The earth is the Lord's"(Ps.24.1). “...for the height of response when we sing: "He gave us eyes to
world and all that is in it is mine" (Ps.50: 12b, 89:11). The see them; And lips that we might tell; How great is God
above texts speak volumes to us about the Almighty, who has made all things well". The great eco-
sacramentality of creation. By sacramentality, we mean hymn, "O Lord, my God when I in awesome wonder
the very talk about God and his created order. In 'God- "leads us to the cave of the heart for praise and
talk', we search for the reverence of life and thanksgiving. The eco-vision of St. Paul is vividly brought
interrelatedness between God and humans, humans, and out in Romans 1:20 where we read: "Ever since the
creation. So, we need to look for the buckle that binds all creation of the world his invisible nature, namely his
human beings with the flora and fauna on this planet. This eternal power, and deity, has been clearly perceived in
is in tune with the compassion of the Lord (cf. Sib. 18:
the things that have been made".
13). We also read in the Bhagavad-Gita that the Supreme
(or the Almighty) is pleased with a gift from nature, be it a
The veil of nature is rendered transparent and helps us to
flower or a fruit." Whomsoever shall offer Me a leaf, a
breathe afresh in a world choked by the noxious gases of
flower, a fruit, water, in the spirit of devotion and with
purity of mind, that offering I accept" (IX, vs.26) The greed, lust and profit making. As ecology is an art, we
prayer is a hymn of praise and gratitude to the one God need to develop esthetics for adoration and appreciation.
of life: leaf is a symbol of life and growth; flower is the The words of the French Philosopher Paul Caudal are
fulfillment of becoming; fruit represents the ultimate goal worth recalling when he replied to someone who said
of being, and water is that which refreshes all living "everything in the world is illusion". The French poet said,
"No" "everything is allusion." Ecology thus becomes a
beings on this planet. In a bio-centric attitude to life, there
platform for the affirmation of life across religious or
is always praise and thanksgiving from all that breathe"
(cf. Ps. 150: 6). The Eco- prayer of Francis of Assisi be ethnic divide. In our affirmation of One God and One
recalled as it speaks of the divine stamp on all creation: human family, nature paves the basic thread of life. This
"Be praised, my Lord, for brother wind and for the air, is the theological basis of the ecological concerns of the
cloudy and clear and all weather by which you give Church. If life is the gift of God, life is to be preserved,
sustenance to your creatures; Be praised, my Lord, for protected, and promoted from the onslaught of Death
our sister mother earth who sustains and governs us, and dealing forces. The task is tremendous as the symbols of
produces fruits with colorful flowers and leaves". This life (water, air, earth, fire, and space) have become the
gives us the biblical vision of connectivity in the order of symbols of death!
creation for a better tomorrow, which we call sustainable
future. Those who dwell among the beauties and Call to Live by Ecosophy (Ecological Philosophy)
mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life. The
sacramentality of creation is in fact the pillars of life for a If we entertain a new vision of one God and one human
qualitative aspect of life. family on earth, we need to talk about ecosophy.
"Ecosophy implies a new world encountered not as “it”
How Great Thou Art, O Lord! but as “thou" (Thomas Manickam). One may have to drive
a note of dissent to the philosophy of Martin Buber when
Let me illustrate the above point with excerpts from a he speaks of I- IT and I-Thou relationships in the order of
creation. If we opt for one existence in this planet, the
song of Jim Reeves: "We thank Thee each morning for a
question of I-It relationship does not arise. It is not
new born day, we thank Thee for the sunshine and the air

8 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

possible for us to separate a monkey from its tail. A tree Mission in Christ's way (Missio Dei)
in the courtyard and we are connected. As ecosophy is a
"passionate concern for the well-being of all beings" (cf. For the transformation of the entire creation, one has to
Gita. 12: 4), the ecological man will have to see his role speak the language of love, compassion, and
as one of being a steward (parent) of creation. A steward reconciliation. "To welcome one another just as Christ
is not the owner. The concept of an ecological universe has welcomed us for the glory of God"(Rom.15:7) is the
where every created entity has an intrinsic value may key to social amity. Peace with nature is integral to the
serve God's purpose of creation. In Deep Ecology, this restoration of God's created order. This is meant to
idea is affirmed. God is concerned about the falling of create a household of God on earth with compassion and
"even a sparrow" (Matt. 10: 29). Christian ethics should love. The message of forgiveness and reconciliation as
be one of conservation ethics and the connectivity is to entrusted to the Church (2Cor: 5.18-21) is also a lesson
be celebrated. God's question to Cain, "where is your that we learn from nature. A tree provides handle to a
brother?" is a question of human connectivity and God's knife and gives shade to a wood cutter till it falls. Yes,
command to Noah's to preserve all the species of the peace builders have to learn this spiritual truth from
creatures in the ark is indeed a divine mandate to keep nature. The gospel of forgiveness and reconciliation is
bio-diversity in God's one world. The UN year of bio- an unseen leaf in nature and in all religious books of the
diversity in 2010 had reminded us to preserve all living world. This is to be made visible as co-workers with God.
species on this planet. We are committed to live by the To build a culture of peace and forgiveness, we need to
ecological values such as conservation, not identify and to collaborate with peace net- works. There
consumerism; need not greed; enabling power not is no reconciliation between justice and injustice, good
dominating power; integrity of creation not exploitation. and evil, God and evil. Truth is the mediating term
These values are for a genuine spirituality and should be between justice and reconciliation "Truth is beauty and
affirmed as an answer to climate crisis. beauty is truth “in nature (John Keats). Jesus said that
the affirmation of truth in nature makes human beings
The attempt by the Catholic theologian St. Bonaventure humble and loving. To this, St. Paul adds that he and his
is worth recalling. As he elaborates, A Theology of the colleagues could not do anything against the truth but
Sacramentality of Creation, he presupposes that the only for the truth (2Cor.13:8). As co- workers with God,
created world is considered as the footprints of Christ. the work of transformation is to be carried out within the
see Christ of creation in St. John and Colossians) Any plan of God with a grateful heart thanking God for the
attempt to disrespect creation is to deface the image of beauty of creation (trees, plants, flowers, and all living
Christ present in all creation. Hence, he says Christ creatures such as wild animals, domestic animals, birds
suffers not only when people are denied their rights but and fish) .Remember that a colourful nature pleases our
also when seas, rivers, wetlands, hills, and forests are minds and inspires us to live with grace We should never
desecrated. When we consider the whole creation as forget that the most vulnerable groups in the world are
sacramental our attitude to life speaks of a new heaven related to the mother earth. For example, the Dalits to the
and a new earth . land, the tribals to the forest, and the fisher-folks to the
csea. A paradigm shift from a pure anthropo-centric
The Kingdom of God – a new social consciousness attitude to an earth-centric attitude to life is the need of
the hour. The earth spirituality of the above groups
The Nazareth sermon of Jesus as recorded in (Lk.4:18- provides a legacy for the mission paradigm of the
19) speaks of the vision of the Kingdom for the Church. Let us talk about climate crisis remembering that
transformation of the world. This is an enactment of the we are the answer to it.
Jubilee vision in Lev: 25.8-17:25-28.The oikoumene
vision in the Lord's prayer also represents a vision for *Revd Dr. M. J. Joseph was the
humanity. The reign of God on earth (gen) is to blossom principal and professor of New
into a community of people, caring for nature, forgiving Testament at the Mar Thoma
each other, and praising God for the gift of divine Theological Seminary, Kottayam.
He was also a former Director,
providence in creation. "A great city is one that handles
Ecumenical Christian Centre,
its art and garbage equally well". This means that there Bangalore; he was the secretary of
should have a holistic approach to human development. the Board of Theological Education
The church being "the voice of the voiceless” (Uppsala of the Senate of Serampore
Assembly WCC-1968) and “the conscience of the University, W. Bengal, and a
world"(Vatican II), should always aim at transforming and member of the Faith and Order
restoring the crowd (ochlos) into “a people" (laos) Commission of the World Council of Churches, Geneva. He was
also the convener of the Ecological Commission of the Mar
Thoma Church for over a decade.

9 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

WCC General Secretary on Climate Crisis
World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Revd far, it is apparent that humans have a role to play in the
Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay offered a keynote address on 28th of restoration of creation.”
September at the 15th Christian Conference of Asia
assembly, held at Kottayam, Kerala, India, from 27th
September to 4th October. The theme of the assembly was To See Climate Crisis in a
“God, Renew Us in Your Spirit, and Restore the
Creation.” The following is a summary of his inaugural Bar of Soap
address. The Editorial Board of the FOCUS is grateful to the
WCC news for the summary of Revd Pillay’s message. A Chinese proverb says, “A journey of a thousand miles
starts with a single step.” Amy E. Herman in her book,
Dr. Pillay opened his keynote address by reflecting that we ‘Visual Intelligence’ tells a story of how looking at an
are living in difficult times. “The world is in crisis,” he said. everyday event and doing something about it helped a man
“Today, the existential threat is global and threatens the to do something very practical about the ecological crisis.
integrity of life on earth as we know it.” The world is facing
multiple shocks, he added. “Yet, the political establishments The story is about Derreck Kayongo, a Ugandan refugee,
are marked by an inability or unwillingness to address these who later in his life in a Philadelphia hotel room noticed how
multidimensional and complex challenges,” he said. “Only a a bar of soap in the bathroom is replaced every day. This led
holistic and transformative response to these crises, which him to enquire whether he is charged for this unnecessary
will even overwhelm the political and societal impediments, luxury of having a new bar of soap every day. He was told
can give us respite from these existential challenges.” that they replaced the soap every day, free of charge, for
every guest and it is a long-standing custom. On enquiring
Pillay reflected on how churches and ecumenical further, Kayongo was shocked to realize that this is
movements are called to respond to these global happening every day, in every room and in every hotel in the
challenges, especially the climate crisis. “The current USA. He further learned that these bars of soaps were
ecological crisis is a major challenge for humanity,” he said. dumped in landfills. Kayongo visualized how hundreds of
“As God loves and cares for all creation, so must we express millions of bars of soap and other such items being
and exercise creation care.” To be created in the image of dumped across the world in this way. Throwing away soap
God provides a great honour—and a great responsibility, bars after being used only once troubled him and he
Pillay continued. “However, ideals of stewardship and decided to do something about it.
dominion have often led to practices of dominion and
devastation,” he said. “Human beings have often regarded Kayongo found a recycling plant to scrape, melt and
themselves as masters of the world, taming and disinfect the bars of soap that he collected from hotels. This
domesticating it, doing as they please with its resources.” is how the charity, ‘Global Soap Project,’ was born. He has
since recycled hundreds of tons of recycled soap to many
countries around the world. It is by doing little things under
The image of God also entails social and ecological
the grace of God that we may address the climate crisis. The
responsibilities, added Pillay. “While dominion has been
great Chinese thinker, Lao Tzu, said, “Great acts are made
interpreted as a divine grant to prey on the rest of nature
up of small deeds.” Mother Teresa remined us, “We cannot
without restraints, we regard dominion to mean the entire
all do great things, but we can do small things with great
stewardship of nature,” he said. “The appearance of
love.” This story also reminds me of William Blakes poem,
creation is a glad act of embrace.” Humans are the stewards
Auguries of Innocence,’
of everything God has conferred on us, reflected Pillay. “To
be in the image of God is a vocation or calling, based on the
“To see a World in a Grain of Sand
biological fact that humans alone have evolved the peculiar
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
capacity to represent, in modest caring ways, God's care for
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
creation,” he said. “We are called to be faithful stewards, but
And Eternity in an hour
only so long as stewardship is understood as just and
A Robin Red breast in a Cage
benevolent service on behalf of the interests of both human
Puts all Heaven in a Rage. . . .”
and non-human kind.”
The parable of the Talents in Matthew’s Gospel (Mt 25:14-
God created not only the visible but also the invisible, 30) reminds us that not everyone is entrusted with the same
continued Pillay. “God is the sole source and providential number of talents, but all are called to be faithful with what
benefactor of all beings,” he said. “While the kingdom is they have been given. It is important to be diligent and wise
here and present in the world yet it is still to come.” Faith is in the use of talents given to us. This parable is applicable
not a kind of make-believe utopianism, said Pillay. “Faith is to the environmental crisis, we should be mindful of our
protest against apparent inevitabilities and the restoration of stewardship to God’s creations.
creation,” he said. “From what we have been saying thus
FOCUS Editorial Board

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Ecological Crisis and the Bible
Revd Dr. M. Mani Chacko

Each year, April 22 is observed as the Earth Day. Earth carried out in the name of progress and development. We
Day is meant to be a day to celebrate our planet and raise should not forget that respect for life, and above all for
awareness of the need to love, protect and respect it. It the dignity of the human person, is the ultimate guiding
is the largest civic event in the world. It was a massive oil norm for any sound economic, industrial or scientific
spill in Santa Barbara, California in 1969 that put the development or progress.
creation of Earth Day in motion in an effort to raise
political and public awareness of the need for B. The Biblical Challenge
environmental conservation. Earth Day was created by
Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin after learning about The Bible is a powerful ecological handbook on how to
the devastating effects of that Santa Barbara oil spill, live rightly on earth. The Bible presents a serious call to
according to Earth Day Network's website. He was take care of the creation God has given us. This becomes
inspired by the anti-Vietnam War movement taking place clear to us when we read the Scriptures afresh searching
on college campuses; he realized that if he could infuse for ecological insights. The following Biblical principles
that energy with an emerging public consciousness will enable us to rediscover the importance the Bible
about air and water pollution, it would force gives to ecology and our role in preserving the ecological
environmental protection onto the national political balance. There are a number of biblical principles that we
agenda. The first Earth Day took place on April 22, 1970, can revisit for our knowledge and inspiration:
and it has been an annual celebration ever since.
a. The Creation Principle
A. The Ecological Crisis God created the entire creation and looked at it and said
“very good”. The humankind was expected to work in the
A major factor that has caused today’s ecological crisis garden and keep it and thereby sustain God’s creation.
is the indiscriminate application of advances in science The Hebrew verb la-avod, usually translated “to work”
and technology. Many recent discoveries have brought also means “to serve” in a religious sense and is often
undeniable benefits to humanity. They demonstrate the used in situations of service to God. The Hebrew word
nobility of the human vocation to participate responsibly for “keep” is shamar, which is also translated “guard”,
in God’s creative action in the world. Unfortunately, it is “take care of”, “look after”. Shamar indicates a loving,
now clear that the application of these discoveries have caring, sustaining kind of keeping. Our relationship to
produced harmful long-term effects. creation must be a loving and caring relationship.

The gradual depletion of the ozone layer and the related b. The Sabbath Principle
“greenhouse effect” has now reached crisis proportions In Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5, God commands us to
as a consequence of industrial growth, massive urban set aside one day in seven as a day of rest for people and
concentrations and vastly increased energy needs. for animals. The Sabbath day is given to protect us all
Industrial waste, the burning of fossil fuels, unrestricted from the hazards of continuous work, to help us pull our
deforestation, the use of certain types of herbicides, lives again. The land also must have its time of Sabbath
coolants and propellants: all of these are known to harm rest. Nothing in creation must be relentlessly pressed.
the atmosphere and environment. The resulting Exodus 23:10-11 reads: “For six years you shall sow your
meteorological and atmospheric changes range from land and gather in its yield; but the seventh year you shall
damage to health to the future submersion of low-lying let it rest and lie fallow, so that the poor of your people
lands. While in some cases the damage already done may eat…”
may well be irreversible, in many other cases it can still
be halted. It is necessary. However, the entire human c. The Discipleship Principle
community should take seriously the responsibility that is We are called to be disciples of Jesus Christ- the Creator,
theirs. Sustainer and Reconciler of all things. Christ is the one in
whom and for whom and through whom all things were
The most profound and serious indication of the created. In John 3:16 the New Testament teaches that
ecological crisis is the lack of respect for life evident in God loved the world so much that he gave his only son
many of the patterns of environmental pollution. Often, to bring true life, to make things right again. All who follow
the interests of production prevail over concern for the Jesus follow the example of the one who makes all things
dignity of workers, while economic interests take priority right again as it is stated in Revelation 21:5.
over the good of individuals and even entire peoples.

On another level, delicate ecological balances are upset d. The Kingdom Principle
by the uncontrolled destruction of animal and plant life or Jesus advises us in Mathew 6:33 to seek first the
by a reckless exploitation of natural resources often Kingdom of God and God’s rightness; then everything

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else will be added to us. Personal happiness, joy and selfish ways contributed to such tragedies where
fulfillment are not we seek first of all in life. Instead, we thousands of people have lost their lives and so much
seek first the Kingdom of God and strive to sustain and damage has caused to buildings? For a person of faith, a
renew God’s creation. In seeking God’s Kingdom, we genuine question that one confronts is “Where is God in
discover that happiness and joy are by-products of our such tragedies? In his book Where is God?
stewardship. Earthquake, Terrorism, Barbarity, and Hope, liberation
theologian Jon Sobrino reflects on the theological
C. THE EARTH BIBLE PROJECT question of “natural” disasters. Sobrino’s own words are
worth noting: “There is no logical, rationally convincing
A vivid example of realizing the above biblical challenge answer to the question about where God is in suffering.
is seen in the launch of the Earth Bible Project. The Earth Without discussing it further now, let us simply say that
Bible is an international project that was initiated in God is also crucified. In Europe, Bonhoeffer and
Australia. In the context of the ecological crisis, a Moltmann have made that point very well. Some of us
symposium was held in Adelaide on Ecology and Religion have also thought about the problem. But it is clear that
in 1996. In spite of considerable literature on eco- the answer to the question about God can only be found
theology and eco-spirituality, it became very apparent in life: if ultimate mystery, even in a time of catastrophe,
that few scholars had undertaken a serious attempt to can give rise to hope. That is to say, if hope does not die”.
interpret the biblical tradition from an ecological
perspective. A group of interested biblical scholars was Revd Dr. M. Mani Chacko is the former General
recruited to form a team, which came to be known as the Secretary of the Bible Society of India.
Earth Bible team. They follow the following eco-justice
guidelines in reading the Scripture:

a. The principle of intrinsic worth: the

universe, Earth and all its components have
intrinsic worth/value.
b. The principle of
interconnectedness: Earth is a community of
interconnected living things that are mutually
dependent on each other for life and survival.
c. The principle of voice: Earth is a subject
capable of raising its voice in celebration and
against injustice.
d. The principle of purpose: the universe,
Earth and all its components are part of a
dynamic cosmic design within which each
piece has a place in the overall goal of that
e. The principle of mutual
custodianship: Earth is a balanced and
diverse domain where responsible custodians
can function as partners with, rather than
rulers over, Earth to sustain its balance and a
diverse Earth community.
f. The principle of resistance: Earth and its
components not only suffer from human
injustices but, actively resist them in the
struggle for justice.


We need to go green. Going green means implementing

certain lifestyle changes designed to help us live in a
more eco-friendly way. It means becoming more
environmentally aware and changing our behavior and
lifestyle to reduce the amount of pollution and waste we
generate. Natural catastrophes like earthquakes, floods
etc. demand our consideration. Have we in our own

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Climate Change – A Christian Perspective
like saying, why eat today, I’ll be hungry again tomorrow?
Is there a Christian perspective to Climate Change (CC)? Convoluted logic.
If there isn’t, there should be, because Christians, at least
notionally, constitute 50 % of the world’s population. While addressing a recent meeting in Goa on Vatican II
Secondly, some of the worst polluters are industrialised ecclesiology (the Catholic response to modern situations)
nations that have a Christian history. Thirdly, some of the some participants said that this was heresy. They only
most densely populated countries in the southern believed what is written in the Bible (gospel truth). Such
hemisphere are Christian, and largely Catholic. In that thinking is not uncommon, especially among self-
sense, Christians would be directly or indirectly righteous Christians. As the old saying goes, “You can’t
responsible for 80% of CC, and cannot shy away from teach something to someone who already knows
that responsibility; guys like Donald Trump everything”! Since this article’s primary readership is
notwithstanding. Christian, we need to ask ourselves a basic question.
Does a Christian have a fundamental duty to protect the
I am writing this in the post-Diwali cracker pollution in environment?
north India, where I live. It coincides with the stubble
burning in the paddy fields of Punjab and adjoining I will start at the very beginning, to address a common
States, causing the Air Quality Index (AQI) in Delhi and misconception. Fundamentalist or conservative
northern India to assume life threatening levels. This Christians quote the biblical passage, “God blessed
piece is being written in the small window between Diwali them. Saying to them: Be fruitful and multiply, fill the
and Dubai – the Conference of Parties (COP 28) of the earth and subdue it. Be masters of … all the living
UN Framework Convention on Climate, beginning this creatures that move on the earth” (Gen 1:28). This is from
30th November. the very first chapter of the Bible and is used by the nay-
sayers to claim their masterly right over all creation; and
I am not a specialist on the environment or ecology, even to abjure responsible parenthood. These are
hence shall refrain from quoting statistics and data, both dangerous assumptions that need to be squarely
easily available on the net. Besides, we can always be addressed. I see this as the biggest hurdle to be crossed;
selective and manipulative about the data we quote. if at all Christians are to assume responsibility for CC.

But the effects of CC are staring us in the face, Bible thumpers believe that this is the “undiluted” Word
everywhere. We are told that global sea temperatures of God that brooks no argument. We need to deconstruct
have risen by 1.5 0C, post industrialisation. Acold statistic this misconception. I shall now extensively quote from
(double entendre`). Polar ice caps are melting, glaciers the introductory notes to The New Jerusalem Bible that I
are receding, and sea levels are rising. Extreme weather use for prayer and study. For the benefit of Catholics let
conditions – storms, cold or heat waves are increasing, me state that it has a Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur by
causing death and destruction. My wife, who has been Cardinal George Basil Hume OSB, then Archbishop of
working with “special” children for 30 years, noted Westminster, on 18/6/1985.
another development. In and around Diwali there was a
spike in the number of premature births. CC and the Genesis is the first of the five books of the Old Testament,
resultant jumping pollution levels are hurting all of known as the Pentateuch. It is accepted in Judaism as
creation, in more ways than we can imagine. the Torah and in Islam as the Toreth. To truly understand
sacred scripture, we need to study how, when and where
Yet there are some, or possibly many of us, who continue it was written.
to live in denial mode, a la Trump, who is a great
influencer in his own right (pun intended). “The Pentateuch is an amalgam of four documents
issuing from different places and times, but all much later
Many of us may have reconciled to the inevitable, a good than Moses (who was earlier believed to have penned the
excuse to do nothing. Others may be waiting for the Pentateuch). Moses was a contemporary of Egyptian
Government or UN agencies to act. After all, what can an Pharaoh Rameses II (1290 – 1224 BC) in the late Bronze
ordinary individual do to address the CC monster? Right? Age. “The Pentateuch was probably committed to writing
Wrong! Helplessness and passing the buck may placate for the main part during the reign of King Solomon” (970
our consciences, but that only aggravates the situation, – 931 BC). “However, the Homo Habilis is dated at 2
for which each one of us is responsible. million BC. The end of the second Ice Age, the
development of food gathering, began in about 13000
Recently I read a cover story in a Christian magazine BC; stock raising and agriculture began in 9000 BC,
questioning Pope Francis’ plan to attend the Dubai corresponding with the story of Cain and Abel.”
summit. The illogical contention was simple – Why bother
about CC because we are all going to die anyway? It’s

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“The discovery of Dead Sea literature of the Middle East
… show that many of the laws and institutions in the For over 30 years I have been into organised retailing (no
Pentateuch had extra biblical parallels far earlier than the profits accrued). When the government raised an alarm
dates attributed to them. For example, the story of the about single use plastic, I began a scheme of giving out
Great Flood is found in various texts and traditions, expensive jute shopping bags. When customers returned
including in the remote tribes of the Andaman Islands in without them, I offered a cash discount to those who
the Bay of Bengal.” brought along their shopping bags. I always carry my
own bag when buying vegetables and fruit.
Coming specifically to Genesis, we are told that “it falls
into two unequal parts, where chapters 1-11 deal with I try to plant/ grow as many trees as possible. This rainy
primordial history … The first eleven chapters must be season I squeezed out space in my garden for two more
considered separately. They give a description in a trees. I have also eschewed all forms of disposable
simple, pictorial way suited to the mentality of plastic or Styrofoam glasses/plates etc for both social
unsophisticated people … The Genesis account of and personal events. I never consume bottled/ packaged
creation is using a scenario familiar in the poly theistic drinking water.
myths of the ancient near east.”
These are but a few personal examples that I have shared
From the above we are constrained to conclude that in the hope that they may strike a chord with readers,
what was recorded in the 10th century BC could never who in turn will explore ways to curb pollution and CC.
have been a “literal” documentation of events that may Where there is a will there is a way. We cannot also claim
have occurred thousands of years earlier, moreso when to love the Creator, if we do not love Creation. This is the
language or scripts had not even been developed. That “Gospel truth.”
being so, Christians cannot use obscure ancient texts, no
matter how sacred, to abdicate responsibility. New wine The writer has been espousing environmental issues for
requires new wineskins (cf Mat 9:17), as evidenced in the last 30 years. He may be contacted at
contemporary church teachings.

These thoughts may sound heretical to some Christians.

I run that risk, but I believe that there are many more
Christians who will see sense in what I have just stated.
So let me propose some practical suggestions. From
biblical exegesis I switch to practical personal
experiences, even at the risk of seeming egotistical. The
reason is that my concern for the environment has been
influenced by the example and words of others. In like
manner I too fervently hope that my experiences may
inspire or influence others too.

My first experience is of vermicomposting, using deep

burrowing worms to convert kitchen and garden “waste”
into organic manure. I produce 500 kgs every year.
Secondly, when I shifted to a new house 20 years ago, I
had a choice of developing an immaculate lawn with
beautiful flowers, or growing oxygen emitting trees. I now
have ten different shady or fruit trees. When I contracted
Covid in 2021 I would lie in the shade of my oxygen
generating Ashoka and neem trees.

Birds also require trees, especially fruit bearing ones, as

birds are part of the ecological balance. We therefore
allowed a mulberry tree to come up on its own. We get
to eat less than 5% of the fruit. The birds and bats enjoy
the rest.

We talk about water shortage and rain water harvesting,

then proceed to construct houses with concrete all
around. We chose to leave all the open spaces earthen
“kutcha.” Even in the drive way we placed flagstones on
porous sand with grass growing in between.

14 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

Climate Change and the Church
Dr. Vinod Thomas

Climate change disproportionately affects the most Problems such as smoking, ozone layer depletion, and
vulnerable people, particularly those living in poorer COVID-19 have a clear line of direct causation. When the
countries. Devastating consequences of floods, storms, public connects cause and effect, responses are usually
heatwaves, and forest fires resulting from rising sea levels strong. For example, smoking has been established to
and global warming impact the vulnerable the most. have a direct contributory relationship with lung cancer.
Agricultural disruptions, food shortages, threat to This has enabled effective policy responses (increased
livelihoods and climate migration are on the rise. The poor taxes on cigarettes, ban on public smoking,
lack the resources to adapt, exacerbating food insecurity advertisements to discourage smoking) as well as
and displacing communities. Ironically, they contribute the changes in individual choices.
least to global warming yet bear the brunt of its impacts.
Furthermore, in the case of smoking and COVID-19,
there is a direct personal identification that undergirds
The Church can play a pivotal role in both raising
public opinion and the pressure to act, like experiencing
awareness and actively promoting solutions to the climate
personally or a family member getting sick with lung
crisis. These solutions lay in two broad areas: (i) efforts to
cancer or COVID-19. Air pollution can be identified
adapt or cope with the consequences of climate change;
intuitively and empirically as a contributing factor in
and (ii) efforts to mitigate or prevent the impacts of climate
respiratory illnesses.
change by using cleaner forms of energy. Rooted in
principles of compassion and stewardship, the Church Climate change, however, is more indirectly related to
can amplify the urgency of climate action through its human well-being. It involves steps in going from the
global reach and moral authority. By advocating for source of the problem to its impact. Greenhouse gas
policies that prioritize environmental conservation and (GHG) emissions raise the warming of air and water
social justice, the Church can contribute significantly for temperatures, increasing the chances of droughts,
shaping a sustainable future. heatwaves, and fires, on the one side, and worsening the
intensity of storms and floods on the other. Warming
Fossil fuels and the Catastrophe causes sea levels to rise and increases the evaporation
of water vapor, making for more extreme rainfall and
Unabated use of fossil fuels stands at the core of the floods, as well as adding greater energy to storms. These
climate crisis, driven by the relentless pursuit of profits by disasters, in turn, result in losses in lives and livelihoods.
major oil corporations. Misinformation campaigns
propagated by these entities have obscured scientific Therefore, it is important to have good communication
facts, leading to public confusion and skepticism regarding the cause and effect of global warming. When
regarding climate change. The largest oil and gas climate disasters strike, people need to connect the dots
companies have spent enormous amounts of resources and attribute the damages to the burning of fossil fuels,
for blocking climate policies; buying influence in the and not merely poor disaster management. The acclaimed
European Union is a case in point. Organizations funded and wonderfully made Malayalam movie “2018” depicts
by corporations clearly show greater propensity to deny the biblical floods that hammered Kerala in 2018. It
climate change. correctly links the error-prone management of dams and
the lack of an early warning system to the catastrophe.
Ever-increasing emissions have escalated global However, the film overlooks the critical role of climate
warming, creating a complex web of challenges. The change, exemplified by the sheer volume of water that
daunting task of finding solutions is further hampered by poured in a short span of time, for which no extent of
lobbying efforts from fossil fuel industries, perpetuating a preparedness would have been sufficient.
cycle of misinformation and hindering progress towards
sustainable alternatives. The United Nations’ biggest Protection of Nature and the Church
climate summit, titled COP 28 that takes place in Dubai
at the end of 2023 has a daunting agenda. Humanity’s attention has been focused on financial capital
and human capital that have been recognized as
fundamental for raising people’s living standards.

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However, the role of natural capital has been neglected, particular attention to the plight of the poor, resonates
though it is equally important for life and wellbeing on deeply within the Church and beyond.
planet earth. Nature is a precious gift from God, and
humankind has been entrusted the task of protecting and The Daunting Challenge for Kerala
sustaining it. Unfortunately, humanity has not lived up to
this calling, but has destroyed natural capital relentlessly. India faces multifaceted challenges due to climate
The best illustration of humankind’s neglect of nature is change, including erratic monsoons, heat waves, and
the injustice of climate change. Humanity bears the coastal erosion. Kerala in particular, grapples with the
responsibility for human-induced climate change driven prospect of intensified floods and landslides,
by carbon dioxide (CO2) and other GHG emissions. The demonstrating the immediate and dire impacts of
richer nations, like the US, the UK and Germany that environmental degradation on communities. Blessed with
industrialized first on the back of fossil fuels bear the one of the most vibrant Church communities in the world,
greatest responsibility; China, India and other emerging Kerala can and should find sustainable answers to the
economies are following suite now. climate crisis by mobilizing the Church’s strengths and
moral sway.
The task of changing our ways and protecting nature is
urgent as the window is closing with the sixteen ecological
Kerala requires a resilience strategy that is flexible enough
tipping points already reached, with the world in the grip
to accommodate multiple scenarios. Disasters of widely
of an existential crisis. Global temperatures have broken
varying scope and scale could strike the state, perhaps in
all records and threaten to surpass 2 degrees Celsius (3.6
the same year. There is more to climate change than
degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels in the
extreme weather. The consequences of climate change
coming years, which signals an impending catastrophe.
are as complex, multiple, and interlinked as the climate
Record sea level rise with shrinking glaciers and
system itself. Any such mitigation strategy should take
subsidence of land endanger life as we know it in low lying
into consideration the multiple facets of the problem. Such
coastal areas like the state of Kerala.
a plan should be formalised with inputs, not only from the
physical sciences of climate change, but also from the
In this context, the Church has supported various efforts
social sciences and the spiritual and cultural spheres, as
to help people withstand the impacts of climate change,
well as ensuring that traditional environmental wisdom is
but by and large—with Pope Francis a notable exception,
acknowledged. It is also important that the public be made
as discussed below—has been silent on the need to
aware of the action plans and choice of strategies.
decarbonize economies and reverse global warming.
What is worse, the Church has not always been on the
In a highly literate and politically aware society like Kerala,
side of environmental protection. Kerala’s Christian
climate change should be understood and discussed by
Church for example has opposed the proposed decision
the Church, civic groups, and educational institutions.
of the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests to
Uncertain future awaits every one of us. Every year when
implement the excellent report of the Western Ghats
the weather is extreme, we expect it to be an exception,
Ecology Expert Panel, headed by Professor Madhav
and revert to normal the following year. How scary is the
thought that we cannot go back to the climate that we
The teachings of Jesus emphasize living in harmony with have been used to, that it has permanently changed,
nature and denounce human greed. These teachings disrupting the patterns of our agricultural calendar,
advocate a profound respect for creation, promoting reflected in numerous folk and oral lore. Kerala has a
humility and responsible stewardship of the Earth's history of transformative plans that have undergirded the
resources. Nature-based solutions, inspired by these progress of the state; we are in need of another such plan,
teachings, involve sustainable practices like regenerative right now.
agriculture, afforestation, and renewable energy
adoption. Conclusion

Pope Francis has been a vocal advocate for climate The Church can be highly influential in charting a way out
of the human-made climate crisis. The Parishes, through
action, emphasizing the moral imperative to safeguard the
their vast network and influence, can proactively
environment in his encyclical "Laudato Si'." His call to participate in initiatives for promoting renewable energy
address the climate crisis as a global community, with adoption, disaster preparedness, and community
resilience building. Encouraging sustainable lifestyles and

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fostering a mindset shift towards environmental Dr. Joseph Daniel Ramban) and Rt. Revd Mathews Mar
stewardship are vital roles the Church can play. Seraphim Episcopa (Revd Mathew K. Chandy Ramban).
May the focus their meditation be Jesus; may the route of
their daily worship be the foot of the cross; may the source
Churches are focal points for communities, promoting
of their strength be the word of God, and may the power of
dialogue and learning relating to living peacefully and their ministry be the grace of God.
sustainably. By integrating ecological and environmental
teachings into sermons, organizing educational and We seek an assurance of God's presence in our world and in
studies programs, and leading by example through our lives through our ever-living grace-filled faith. We live in a
sustainable practices within the organization, churches world, which needs the healing touch of God. Advent is a time
when we think of heavenly light, but it is also a season in
can drive a transformative shift towards more mindful and
which we also acknowledge the darkness around us.
environmentally friendly lifestyles that provide the basis for
urgently needed climate solutions. Unfortunately, the world is not a happy place now, we are
surrounded by evil and suffering because of wars, poverty,
Vinod Thomas is a former Senior Vice and ecological crisis. It is okay to be faithful Christians who
President, World Bank Group, recognise that we are weary of hoping and waiting and long
Washington DC. His current areas of for our Lord to appear to sort out the dreadful mess that we
work include climate change, sustainable created and continue to create. Our minds are filled with all
development, disaster risk management, manner of worries of the damage done by violence in around
and resilience building. Dr. Thomas is the the world, but each Sunday during the Advent, some
author of 17 books, including, Risk and churches will be lighting Advent candles. They are to remind
Resilience in the Era of Climate Change us that we live in times of darkness in which the light of Christ
(2023) and Climate Change and Natural is needed in our life. May we have faith that the new Bishops
Disasters (2017). will share that light in this Advent season and in the years to
Felicitations for the New Bishops of
May God’s love, grace and blessing fill these three Bishops,
the Mar Thoma Church and may God endow them with wisdom and ever-deepening
understanding as they guide the members of the church and
others in society entrusted to their loving care. May their
servant ministry help us to practice God’s kingdom values
of faith, love, forgiveness, justice, caring for the needy,
humility, servanthood, thankfulness, and spirituality. Let us
offer our prayers for the three new Bishops, the Metropolitan
of the Mar Thoma Church and other Bishops. As Pope
Francis said, may God strengthen them to build ‘a church of
the people and not a church for the people.’

May the divine grace of the Almighty continue to guide and

strengthen you in this new chapter of your ministry; Your
wisdom, humility, and commitment to the teachings of Christ
will undoubtedly enrich the spiritual tapestry of the Mar
Thoma Church, fostering a community of love, inclusivity,
and deep faith. As you embark on this noble journey, may you
find solace in the love and support of the Mar Thoma
Let us thank God for the Episcopal consecration of the three community, and may your leadership inspire generations to
Bishops of the Mar Thoma Church, which took place at come. May the Lord's blessings be abundant in your service,
Tiruvalla, Kerala, on 2nd of December 2023. The consecration and may you continue to be vessels of His grace, spreading
service was led by Most Revd. Dr. Theodosius Mar Thoma the light of faith and hope.
Mertropolitan and assisted by all Bishops of the Mar Thoma
Church along with Bishops from Orthodox, Jacobite, Once again heartfelt congratulations on this momentous
Catholic and other religious leaders. It is good to remember occasion. May your consecration as bishops be a source of
that it took place at the beginning of the Advent season; blessing not only to you but to the entire Mar Thoma Church,
Advent is a time that we prepare to celebrate once again the as you continue to lead with humility, grace, and the spirit of
birth our saviour Jesus Christ. On behalf of the FOCUS family Christ.
across the world, the editorial board thank God and
congratulate the newly consecrated Bishops: Rt. Revd Dr. Zac Varghese
Zacharias Mar Aprem Episcopa (Revd Saju C. Pappachen For the FOCUS Editorial Board
Ramban), Rt. Revd Dr. Joseph Mar Ivanios Episcopa (Revd

17 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

Climate Crisis and the Church
Dr. Susan Varghese

While many Christians are aware of the climate crisis, not as environmental stewardship. This includes implementing
many are aware of the important role the church can play in sustainable practices within its own operations and
tackling this issue. Having long viewed climate crisis/climate properties. Congregations can reduce energy consumption,
change as a political and environmental issue myself, it has reduce their carbon footprint, and promote recycling. By
been quite eye opening for me to delve into this important taking these steps, churches can demonstrate a commitment
issue, read the perspectives of Christian leaders and better to responsible stewardship and inspire their members to do
understand our role as Christians in helping mitigate some of
the same in their daily lives
the problems associated with climate change. According to
the United Nations - climate change refers to the long-term b. Education and Awareness - The church can serve as a
changes in patterns in temperature and weather. These long- platform for education and awareness on the climate crisis.
term shifts can be attributed to natural causes as well as
For example, the Going Green project initiated by the
human activities such as the use of fossil fuels, gas, and coal.
Diocesan Council helped raise awareness about Global
We have all witnessed the climate crisis in some form or the
other - whether it is in the form of extreme weather events or Warming. All the parishes were encouraged to initiate an
rising sea levels. We may have also had conversations with exhibition or a competition on the topic of protecting the
our friends and colleagues and expressed our surprise at environment. Students were asked to submit posters,
unusual weather events taking place around us. painting, and drawings as part of the initiative and
participants’ contributions were acknowledged through
As Christians one of our first Sunday School lessons is prizes and certificates. Such initiatives can raise awareness
typically the story of creation. The Bible teaches us that God of important issues. We can expand such efforts through
is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and as His sermons, seminars, and discussion groups that provide a
children, we are called to be stewards of His creation. In space for congregants to learn about the science of climate
Genesis 1:26-28, God grants human beings dominion over change, its impacts, and the ethical and moral dimensions of
the earth, which includes the responsibility to care for and the crisis. Raising awareness within the church community is
protect it. This dominion is not one of exploitation but of
a crucial first step in mobilizing individuals to take action.
stewardship, as we can see in Genesis 2:15 when Adam is
Children and youth in our church are aware of the climate
placed in the Garden of Eden to "till it and keep it." I often
think of my father and his garden when I read about such crisis through their schools and social media. However, it is
stewardship. Some of my earliest memories are of him often seen as an exclusively political, environmental, or social
spending hours in the evening and on weekends in our issue and not connected at all to the church. The church can
garden in Delhi tending to his plants, and the joy and pride he play an active role in bridging this gap by paying more
felt about the garden. This later extended to him spending attention to the issue and incorporating it in the regular
many hours of his retired life in Kerala growing every fruit and activities of the church.
vegetable that his little farm could sustain, and sending me
the regular pictures of them. He really loved looking after his c. Community Outreach - We as members of the church can
plants and taking care of them. raise awareness on this topic through community outreach.
This includes providing clean drinking water, planting
Our Sunday school kids are also very familiar with the story community gardens, and offering support to vulnerable
of creation. At our church, I teach the 8th grade Diocesan populations affected by environmental disasters. The climate
curriculum in Sunday School. The first lesson is on creation crisis poses a significant threat to our planet, and the
and my students assumed they simply had to learn what God responsibility to address it extends to every individual and
created on each day. However, as the lesson progressed, I community, including the Mar Thoma Church. The Mar
asked the kids to broaden their perspective and tell me what
Thoma church has a dedicated and active community of
else comes to their mind as they read the passage about the
members who can think creatively to address the issue of
creation. The kids brought up the sense of responsibility they
feel towards preserving God’s creation. They discussed ways climate crisis. By implementing sustainable practices,
in which they need to be more mindful about doing their part educating their congregations, and advocating for change
in reducing energy consumption, promoting recycling, and our church can make a meaningful contribution to addressing
supporting local, sustainable initiatives. My students’ the climate crisis.
suggestions are examples of how we as Christians can
actively make a difference. Below are some ways in which Dr. Susan Varghese is a member of the
Horeb MTC, Los Angeles. She currently
our church can play an important role in addressing the
works as a program supervisor for a mental
global challenge of climate change.
health agency. She has a Master's degree in
a. Environmental Stewardship - From the perspective of Social Work from Tata Institute of Social
Christian stewardship, we all have the responsibility to Sciences and a Ph.D. in Counseling from
maintain and use the gifts that God has given us in a wise Penn State University, University Park, PA.
manner. This means the church can lead by example in

18 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

Farewell and Philoxenos Thirumeni has become a symbol of
worldwide ecumenical involvement through his
Welcome Felicitations participation in the World Council of Churches (WCC)
and the National Council of Churches (NCC) in America
and Asia. Serving two terms on the central committee
Bon Voyage to Rt. Revd Dr. Isaac Mar of WCC and as a member of the Policy Reference
Philoxenos Episcopa Committee and Committee for Justice and Peace,
Thirumeni has played a significant role in the paradigm
shifts in ecumenical approach and thinking. His
ecumenical journey extends beyond Christian
denominations, embracing a pluralistic approach with
other religious faiths. Thirumeni's doctoral thesis,
exploring "The doctrine of Grace in Vaishnavism and
Christianity" at Banaras Hindu University, reflects his
profound understanding of grace as a personal term
denoting relationship.

In 2018, the Diocese of North America and Europe

published a Festschrift volume in honor of the
Episcopal Silver Jubilee of Mar Philoxenos. This
volume, edited by Rev. Manoj Idiculla, Dr. Zac
Varghese, and Lal Varghese, Esq., attests to
Thirumeni's intellectual eminence, impeccable
discipline, clear communication, and relentless logic.
Described as a quiet and thoughtful person imbued
with charisma and simple Christian virtues, Thirumeni's
leadership has been marked by enduring innocence
and innate love. The Festschrift volume concludes with
a recognition of Thirumeni as a quiet leader of
Over the past seven years, Rt. Revd Dr. Isaac Mar unfathomable depth and vision, who has led the Mar
Philoxenos Thirumeni has served as the Diocesan Thoma Church with humility and simplicity, contributing
Bishop in the North American and Europe Diocese, significantly to its growth and progress.
demonstrating unwavering commitment to nurturing
the faith and practices of the members of the Mar Thirumeni's three-decade-long service as a Bishop,
Thoma Church, and particularly among the younger particularly in the expansive North American and
generations. In pursuit of this goal, the Carmel Mar Europe Diocese, is a testament to his dedication.
Thoma Center in Atlanta was established as a mission Thirumeni also contributed much in designating Europe
center, overseeing various mission activities, including region as an independent Zone in 2018, and its further
the Native American Mission, Mexico Mission, development as a Diocese. As mentioned in the
Neighborhood Mission, India Mission, and the Light to Festschrift volume, the faithful believers chant 'axios,
Life project. Thirumeni's foresight envisions the axios, axios' during a Bishop's consecration, signifying
development of Carmel Mar Thoma Center into a worthiness, deservingness, and suitability. Philoxenos
theological institution, providing younger generations Thirumeni has not only proven his worthiness as a
with an opportunity to learn about the rich heritage, Bishop but has also excelled as a successful
faith, and practices of the Mar Thoma Church. ecumenical leader. His humble and gentle disposition
has earned him admiration in theological and
To support this vision, the "Mar Thoma Mission and ecumenical circles. As Thirumeni embarks on a new
History Institution" was established in collaboration journey, may the Lord continue to shower His loving
with Columbia University in Atlanta. This institution care and providence upon him, guiding him in
aims to train priests assigned to this Diocese, continuing the faith journey of the Mar Thoma Church
equipping them to serve the younger generations. with grace, humility, simplicity, and calmness. May the
Thirumeni also initiated the lay chaplaincy program, good Lord bless and keep Thirumeni in His providence
appointing young adults with theological training as lay to continue the faith journey of Mar Thoma Church in
chaplains in various centers. These chaplains serve as the new Diocese.
leaders for the younger generations and act as a bridge Lal Varghese, Esq.
between the older and younger generations. For the FOCUS Editorial Board

19 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

Welcome to Rt. Revd Dr. Book Review (Contd. from Page 6)
Abraham Mar Paulos Episcopa
As an Indian Syrian Christian, I found chapters 5 and 8
particularly enticing, delving into Syriac Christianity in Asia
and the diaspora and the west during the 15th and 21st
centuries, respectively. However, I express some
disappointment with the limited attention given to the
proliferation of churches in Kerala (pp. 219-223) in chapter 8,
covering the period from 1552 to 1924. Notably absent is a
comprehensive analysis of the Synod of Diamper (or
Udayamperoor) in 1599, a pivotal event that supposedly
dethroned the Syriac language. Despite criticisms, the synod
had positive implications, including the rejection of
superstitious practices and the birth of the Syro-Malabar
church, the largest among Syrian denominations in India.

The authors' account of the growth and evolution of Syrian

Christians in Kerala is somewhat lacking, attributing it to the
absence of manuscripts dating prior to the 16th century.
We welcome Rt. Revd Dr. Abraham Mar Paulos Episcopa However, factual errors, such as misplacing Mattancheerry in
who assumes the role of Diocesan Bishop of the Mar Kuravilangad, and overlooking recent scholarly endeavours
Thoma Church Diocese of North America from January 1, like the activities of St Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute
2024. Paulos Thirumeni is also a member of the WCC in Kottayam, are notable gaps. Additionally, the absence of
executive committee, representing the Mar Thoma citations from local Syriac authors in the chapters,
Church. Thirumeni is Currently serving as the Diocesan particularly in Chapter 8, accentuates a Western bias in
Bishop of the Adoor Diocese. history writing.

Thirumeni furthered his theological studies at Princeton Despite these shortcomings, the book distinguishes itself
through its ability to balance academic rigour with readability.
Theological Seminary, New Jersey, and Boston University,
The scholarly yet engaging narrative delves into the
earning a doctorate in Christian Education. His service
intricacies of Syriac Christianity, weaving together historical
includes roles as Vicar at MTC Boston, Ebenezer MTC, accounts, linguistic insights, and cultural context. A notable
New York, St. Andrew's MTC, New York, and Long Island strength lies in the exploration of Syriac-speaking
MTC, New York. Thirumeni's notable contributions communities' influence on the broader Christian world,
include serving as the General Secretary of Sunday tracing their contributions to theology, literature, and
School Samajam. His leadership qualities and spirituality.
organizational skills were evident in the successful
organization of the Children’s Maramon, held in The inclusion of a glossary proves invaluable for readers
connection with the Centenary of the Sunday School unfamiliar with Syriac terms, ensuring accessibility to a
Samajam. diverse audience. The meticulous attention to detail in the
chronology and bibliography enhances the book's scholarly
An outstanding orator and scholar, Thirumeni, in addition credibility. While "The Syriac World" may not be a light read,
to being a friend of children, has served in Chengannur – it rewards those who venture into its pages with a nuanced
Mavelikkara Diocese and as the head of understanding of a neglected aspect of Christian history.
Thiruvananthapuram – Kollam, Mumbai, and Delhi
Dioceses. Currently serving in the Adoor Diocese and in Originally published in French as Le Monde Syriaque in 2017
charge of Kottayam - Kochi Diocese, Thirumeni views his and later translated into English by Jeffrey Haines, the
call as God’s Commission for hard work and commitment, collaborative effort of authors Francoise Briquel Chatonnet
finding strength in God’s mercy and the love of the Church and Muriel Debie stands as a commendable contribution to
the scholarly discourse on Syriac Christianity, making it a
members. Valuing humility and systematic work,
valuable addition to the library of anyone interested in the
Thirumeni is dedicated to knowing the people more and
multifaceted tapestry of religious history.
more and contributing to their well-being. He takes special
care to ensure that activities in the Parishes are vibrant
Dr. Sunil Mani is a distinguished
and meaningful. economist and researcher on matters of
technology and innovation. He served as
May the good Lord bless and keep Thirumeni in His the Director and Professor at the Centre
providence to continue the faith journey of Mar Thoma for Development Studies (CDS),
Church in this Diocese. Trivandrum, Kerala.
Lal Varghese, Esq.
For the FOCUS Editorial Board

20 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

Climate Change and the Church
Prof. Philip Koshi

“The best portion of a good man’s life is

His little, nameless unremembered acts
Of Kindness and love” (William Wordsworth).

We can all be kind, kind to ourselves, kind to others - even patterns and vicissitudes of the climate and is suitably
kind to the planet! Research shows that helping others can adapted to withstand the rigors of its harshness.
be good for our mental and physical health. It reduces
stress, improves our emotional well-being and benefits Until recent times not many people took notice of the
our physical health. In short, doing good does you good. changing climate patterns that impacted and affected life.
Doing something nice for someone does not cost a lot of We chose to look upon it as an everyday phenomenon that
time or money. It is the small things in life that can make a did not carry any consequential effects on our lives.
big difference. Never stop doing little things for others.
Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of Man went to the forests, jungles and wood and fell trees
their hearts. in large numbers to erect homes and buildings to live in
style and comfort. He also demolished forests and jungles
The Bible describes kindness as selfless, compassionate, and woods to clear the way for mansions and
and merciful. Apostle Paul, in Acts 28:2 says thus while skyscrapers. Man sprayed pesticides and fertilizers to
ashore in Malta, “The islanders showed us unusual reap a bumper harvest, little realizing or acknowledging
kindness. They built a fire and welcomed us all because it that the poor earth was bleeding and had no one to
was raining and cold.” complain to.

Today when we examine ourselves, we find that we are Man committed and continues to launch frontal assaults
mishandling the earth. We are no longer kind and on nature in order to make a quick buck and lead a
appreciative of Mother Earth. In fact, Christians in premium life. It is as though to echo the words of the
particular and humanity in general are facing the greatest British poet., Rudyard Kipling, who once penned the
challenge in their lives brought about by themselves. following lines: “The sun never sets on the British Empire.”
It was no different from the 1740 poem by James
This article is with special reference to global climate Thomson- “Rule, Britannia, Rule.” It is unbelievable and
change and the church. Pope Francis has frequently shocking of this unparalleled event in the annals of history
spoken about climate change during his decade-long where Mother Earth has been bullied, beaten, spat at by
leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. In 2015, he her own children! The greatest crime anyone can commit
devoted an entire encyclical to the matter, citing scientific short of homicide.
consensus that the earth is warming due to human
activity. “We are committed to ensuring that all inhabitants of this
planet receive their daily bread, fresh air to breathe and
With forests burning, floods and extreme heat waves, clean water to drink, as we are aware that, if we want
churches are talking about shared responsibility to justice and peace., we must protect the habitat that
address the urgent climate crisis. There are many different sustains us. The believers among us ask God to grant us
elements today that make this crisis an urgent one such this wish, . . . we appeal to all nations, to develop and
as the acidification of oceans, less biodiversity, and the implement, without delay, effective and fair policies to
destruction of natural habitat. reduce the causes and impacts of climate change on
communities and ecosystems, including mountain
Droughts are expected to become worse and last longer. glaciers and their watersheds, aware that we all live in the
Warmer ocean waters mean the number of strong same home. By acting now, in the spirit of common but
hurricanes is expected to increase. Wildfires will become differentiated responsibility, we accept our duty to one
more intense due to hotter climates and drying another and to the stewardship of a planet blessed with
landscapes. Melting ice sheets will leave some populated the gift of life” (Excerpts from the study commissioned by
coastal regions under water. Therefore, the issue of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences by 24 authors that
climate change is of great significance for the future of included climate scientist, Veerabhadran Ramanathan,
mankind. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, California).

Climate plays a very crucial and elemental role in the life As scientific reports confirm, climate change affects the
of every human being. As universally demonstrated and people who are the most vulnerable in our societies.
acknowledged, there are four well-defined seasons in a Climate change intertwines with issues of land, food,
year. Man has become well attached to the varying work, devastation, and human dignity. Climate change
often results in people becoming vulnerable to losing their

21 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

land, and being forced to live in other areas that are not “The generation that destroys the environment is not the
devastated by climate change. generation that pays the price” Wangari Maathai (2004
Nobel Peace Prize).
Climate change is a grave moral issue that threatens our
commitments: to protect human life, health, dignity, and “Every person has the inalienable right to a decent
security; to exercise a preferential option for the poor; to environment” (Gaylord Nelson, Founder, Earth Day).
promote the common good of which the climate is part; to
live in solidarity with future generations. Religious leaders and faith-based organizations must
embrace the climate change issue in a vigorous manner.
The World Council of Churches (WCC) International Advocacy for the earth must become a top priority. A
Ecumenical Peace Convention held in Kingston, Jamaica powerful advocacy tool must be developed and made
in 2011 clearly stated that there can be ‘no peace on earth applicable for all of mankind.
without peace with the earth.’
The Church teaches that the entire universe belongs to
Climate variability and natural hazards like floods and God. The Psalmist asserts that “the earth is the Lord’s and
earthquakes can act as environmental shocks or everything in it, the world and all who live in it” (Psalms
sociological stressors leading to instability and suffering 24:1). God’s will must be done, and mankind must protect
throughout human history. the earth. God commissioned us to rule over the creation
in a way that sustains, protects, and enhance His work so
The impact of environmental stressors is mediated that all creation may fulfill the purpose God intended for.
through extant cultural, political, and economic structures
that evolve over extended timescales. These structures “We may come from different faith traditions, yet what
can generate high resilience to major shocks, facilitate unites us is that we share the gift of life on earth, our only
positive adaptation or alternatively undermine collective home. All our faiths teach us, that we, human beings, have
action and lead to unrest, violence, and even societal a sacred responsibility to nurture and protect the gift of
collapse. Many researchers have viewed environmental life” (Rev. Dr. Jerry Pillay, General Secretary, World
degradation, often occurring in tandem with periods of Council of Churches).
climate change as primary drivers of community collapse.
Dr. Pillay also noted that the climate emergency
Undoubtedly, climate change is the greatest ecological, disproportionately affects children and young people.
economic, and social challenge of our time. Today we “Today, this gift of life is imperiled by our society’s deep-
have become ‘sick’ and so too is nature. Oceans are filling seated addiction to fossil fuels and growth. The latest
up with plastic and turning more acidic. Extreme heat, scientific findings warn us that we are sliding from climate
wildfires and floods have affected millions of people and crisis to catastrophe. If we are to overcome the climate
are the order of the day. The planet is losing 4.7 million crisis, humanity must learn to share resources, make
hectares of forests every year- an area larger than reparations, transcend divisions, work together, and unify
Denmark. efforts to move the world to a more just and sustainable
future” (Dr. Pillay).
It is estimated that around one million animal and plant
species are now threatened with extinction. Pollutants The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his
such as carbon dioxide accumulate in the atmosphere. willingness to sacrifice something today for future
The more of sun’s heat gets trapped, the warmer it gets generations whose words of thanks will not be heard. Our
on earth. If unchecked it will cross critical tolerance goal is not just an environment of clean air and water and
thresholds with devastating impacts on agriculture and scenic beauty. The objective is an environment of
human health. decency, quality and mutual respect for all other human
beings and all other living creatures.
We have to combat climate change and prevent mass
extinction. We need to shift to a more sustainable The Church needs to be part of the conversation about
economy that works for both people and the planet. We climate instability - not divided by partisanship but united
have the knowledge, tools, and resources to secure a in the spirit to bring hope and restoration to communities
livable, sustainable future for all. Then what prevents us impacted by climate related disasters around the world.
from doing so? People within the church are now joining the conversation
on climate change and the christian calling to care for
Climate change is making it harder to maintain safe homes creation. We should care for God’s creation and that is
and healthy families. It can also contribute to political and part of our biblical mandate. The environmental crisis is a
social instability with potential ramifications on defense, deeply spiritual crisis, built on a foundation of greed,
diplomacy, and national security. extraction, and irreverence. The Bible reveals to us that,
“Only if we understand can we care/only if we care will we creation is a good gift, which God has made and invited
help/Only if we help shall they be saved” (Jane Goodall). us to be stewards. Through Scripture we come to

22 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

recognize and appreciate God’s vision for the world, able to sit with
which He created. Achen in various
committees of
Throughout His ministry Jesus wove creation into the Senate. He
teachings, parables, and prayers. Jesus often used was the
creation to illustrate how we are called to love one another president of the
and in doing so affirmed the goodness of God’s gift for Senate for a
which we must care. The God of the Bible is a God of period and had
Justice, who protects, loves, and cares for the most carried out his
vulnerable among His creatures. God’s mission includes responsibility
all of creation in the redemptive work. This means that for with dignity and
those who want to follow Jesus, caring for the prudence. He
environment is one aspect of that calling. Five hundred was always very
years ago, Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1541), a Swiss theologian, pleasing in the
developed an eco-theology whereby he stated that the chair. He could
earth is not our house, but God’s house and Christians handle academic debates with ease. As a New Testament
have a shared responsibility to take care of it. professor, he could guide several doctoral candidates in
the field of New Testament. I remember with gratitude for
“Across the world, common people with uncommon his presence in the team of viva voice panel when it had
courage and the whispers of their ancestors in their ears its personal conversation on my doctoral thesis in the
continue their struggle to protect the land and water and year 1976. He was principal of KUT Seminary, Trivandrum,
trees on which their very existence is based. And like small at that time. Later in the formation of FFRRC, he played a
tributaries joining together to form a mighty river their significant role as the principal of KUTS along with the
force and power grows” (Winona LaDuke, activist, writer, principals of OTS and MTTS I had the privilege to work
two-time nominee for Vice-President on the Green Party with the team as its convener and later the Registrar of
ticket). FFRRC (1980-1986). All the senior New Testament
faculty members in various theological colleges in India
When the kindness of the Bible, which is selfless, remember his name with great love.
compassionate, and merciful becomes a true reality,
abundant life would be ensured for our children and future He was one of the Editors of the One Volume Bible
generations. “Forgive us O Lord, for we have distorted the Commentary published in Malayalam by the Theological
universe for our greed and selfishness. Help us, O Lord, to Literature Committee, Tiruvalla under the able leadership
be good and faithful stewards for the fulfillment of Your of late Revd Dr. E. C. John of Bangalore. Late Mrs. K. K
will” (The Mar Thoma Church Order of Worship for Divine George was the convener of the project. Achen wrote a
Service, Holy Qurbana, and other Sacraments and Rites, commentary on St. John’s Gospel; in the commentary, his
Pg. 65, Revised Edition, 2018). exposition of ‘OM’ similar to the concept of ‘Logos’
rooted in the Greek philosophy was well appreciated by
biblical scholars. His commentary on St. John as a whole
An Obituary Tribute to is worth studying. His knowledge of Greek language was
indeed praise worthy.
Revd Dr. Jacob Verghis
Revd Dr. M. J. Joseph As a scholar and pastor of the CSI with noble qualities,
he has left his footprints on the sands of time. His glory as
"Life levels all men, death reveals the eminent"(Bernard a theologian will not be blotted out. He will continue to
Shaw). speak to us as the Abel of old. As a servant of Christ, he
will continue to live in the presence of the Risen Christ
The demise of Revd Dr. Jacob Verghis, a theological Thanks be to God for his life and witness.
educator par excellence, is indeed a loss to the theological
fraternity of the Serampore University, West Bengal, and May God of grace grant divine peace to his beloved wife
its family members. He is well remembered and respected and children on his departure to eternity. In God's mercy,
in the academic community. I praise the Almighty God for let us hope that he has "not passed away, but has passed
granting long period of life (97 years) to Achen and before us".
enabling him to spread the Gospel and glorify God in
various ways even after his retirement. What matters in life is not being applauded when you
Revd Dr. K. V. Mathew and I have had a long period of arrive, but being missed when you leave.
association with Jacob Verghis Achen through the
academic concerns of the Serampore University. I was

23 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

Good Samaritans in a Wounded-Earth
Dr. Zac Varghese

In St. Luke’s Gospel (Lk 10:25-37), we read about Jesus biological components. The environment determines the
answering a question put to him by an expert of the law climate and weather. Any changes in the environment can
through the well-known parable of the ‘Good Samaritan.’ alter the natural rhythmic cycles and climatic conditions.
The question was, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?’ Ecology, on the other hand, is the study of Environment.
As the answer was in the question, Jesus asked the Any changes in the environment can alter the natural
lawyer, “What is written in the Law? “As an expert lawyer, cycles and climatic conditions. The object of ecology is to
without any hesitation, he replied by quoting Deuteronomy maintain the mutual relationship of the organism and
6:5: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with environment. From this angle, the current environmental
all your soul and with all your strength and with all your and ecological crisis is the result of the breakdown of
mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.” Jesus said, relationship of mankind with God and nature. Eco-
“You have answered correctly,” and asked him, “Do this spirituality is all about establishing and maintaining this
you will live.” Not satisfied with Jesus’ reply, the lawyer inter-connectedness.
put a supplementary question to Jesus: “Who is my
neighbour?” The answer to this question was the parable. St. Francis of Assisi, who lived in the twelfth century is the
patron saint of ecology. He propagated eco-spirituality
Who is my neighbour? because he felt deeply connected to the whole creation;
he realized that he too was created by the loving God.
This question was an effort to limit the reach of the law St. Francis addressed other creatures ‘brother and ‘sister’
and to interpret the law in a way that only some people, according gender of the words in Italian: “Brother Sun,
‘the elected few’ are neighbours while others are not. This Sister Moon, our Sister Mother earth, and so on. In
parable is an answer to the here and now of an existential Malayalam, we have an expression for earth as
question of the survival of all God’s creation, which He ‘mathirboohmi’ (mother earth). Therefore, we are expected
pronounced as ‘very good’ on the 6th day of the creation to have respect for the earth in which ‘we live, move and
story. God took Adam and put him the Garden of Eden have our being.’ We are created by God, and in Him all
and asked him ‘to work it and take care of it’ (Gen 2:15). things hold together (Col 1:16–17). We cannot exist apart
This is the stewardship entrusted to mankind. St. Peter from God. “Finding God in all things” is a phrase coined
wrote: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have by St. Ignatius of Loyola to teach the inter-relationship
received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s between all living beings. This idea helps us to maintain
grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4:10). Stewardship the integrity and wholeness of creation and our
means the carful and responsible management of responsibility as stewards of God’s creations, and to
something entrusted to one’s care. Radhanath Swami of protect the environment. I was surprised to find the quote
Govardhan Ecovillage of Palghat, Kerala, sees Nature as from late Mikhail Gorbachev: “I believe in the cosmos. All
our neighbour and says, “The first and great of us are linked to the cosmos. So, nature is my god. To
commandment is to love God with all one’s heart, mind me, nature is sacred. Trees are my temples and forests are
and soul – the natural result of that is to love your my cathedrals.”1 Charles Kingsley, a Victorian Church of
neighbour as yourself. Nature is also our neighbour, she England priest and poet, wrote about his interactions with
is alive with rights like everyone else, but too many people nature in the following way: “I was aware that I was
do not see Nature that way. God has empowered all of us immersed in the infinite ocean of God.” There is a basic
in different ways and if we agree on what the real problem proposition that God has given us two books: one is the
is, then we can all contribute our part of the solution. The Bible and the second is nature, all the life forms of the
well-being of Mother Earth is everyone’s problem.” living world of the earth, which is not created by human
Therefore, it is important to think of nature as our efforts such as animals and plants; nature is God’s green
neighbour to live in harmony with God, nature, and with book.2 This idea is poetically expressed in Psalm 19:1-4:
each other to create an environmentally friendly just “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim
society; the kingdom values that Jesus taught should be the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth
extended to nature as well, and consider nature as a living speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They
entity with its amazing bio-diversity and beauty. have no speech; they use no words; no sound is heard
from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their
God, Mankind, and Nature words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has
pitched a tent for the sun.”
Human beings are created in the image and likeness of
God (Gen1:27), and placed them in an environment with Today, the ecological crisis calls us to review the concept
a responsibility to be stewards of God’s creation. of stewardship. We urgently need a paradigm shift from
Environment in this context refers to the surroundings that our anthropocentric survival instincts to an earth-centred
we live in. It is a combination of both physical and perspective. Stewardship is the responsibility to protect all
God’s creation because it is intended for the well-being of

24 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

all creatures. We live in a wounded-world, but we ignore an escapist theology of escaping from the present realities
it for the sake of many economic and other facing the world. In our quest for eternity, we should not
anthropocentric priorities. We have excuses of all kinds for neglect our responsibilities for the wounded-earth. The
‘walking on the other side of the road’ without getting Indian Mystic, Sri Aurobindo, said, “A yoga which requires
involved, as we find in the parable. Then we find Greta me to give up the world is not for me; a solitary salvation
Thunberg and such young people emerging to help us to leaving the world to its fates was felt as almost
understand and resolve the issues involved, We need distasteful”4
such ‘Good Samaritans’ to save the planet earth.’ The
parable of the ‘Good Smaritan’ should help us to address In Acts 11:19ff we read of the practical help provided by
the global warming and other ecological issues. We the new Christians in Antioch to the church in Jerusalem.
cannot be passersby or onlookers. It is our responsibility There is a generosity of spirit shown by the church in
to make the prayer that Jesus taught us to become true Antioch reaching out to the church in Judea (vs 29,30). We
though our partnership in God’s mission; “Let Thy will be are to be marked by a generosity which welcomes and
done on earth as it is in heaven.” accepts others (Romans 15:7), and which meets the
practical needs of others (2 Corinthians 8:1–9). Our
Quest for Eternity attitudes to ‘I,’ ‘Me,’ ‘Mine,’ ‘Us,’ ’Ours,’ and such self-
centred attitudes should change to include the whole
God’s creations. We need to be mindful to the
environmental issues. It should be our natural grateful
response to what God has done for us. Many Christian
organisations are aware of the wounded-earth and the
need to become Good Samaritans to heal this fractured-
earth. Let us thank God for the members of organisations
such as Tearfund, CAFOD, Green Christian and other
such Christian charities for their work for a green
revolution; it is for saving the world from an environmental
disaster. Let us hope and pray for echo-spirituality in our
daily living.

In conclusion, we live in a wounded-earth; it is God’s

loving desire that human beings be stewards of the rest of
God’s creation and live in union with God and in creative
harmony with the world. We urgently need ‘Good
As of old times, the religious quest is mostly about Samaritans’ to care for the wounded-earth. I am grateful
eternity. This is particularly so for older generation; there to Dr. Sara Bhattacharji for John O’Donoghue’s poem ‘In
is a tendency to think of the future for escaping into a life Praise of the Earth,’ which has the following lines:
beyond the earth-bound life. This was the concern of the
lawyer who approached Jesus in the story of the Good “Let us ask forgiveness of the Earth
Samaritans. Jesus opened his eyes to see the problems in For all our sins against her:
the here and now. Some of the life-denying realities of the For our violence and poisonings
present time include ruthless exploitation of weaker Of her beauty.”
sections of society, poverty, inflation, religious
fundamentalism, fanaticism, racism, ecological References
degradation and climate change, boundary disputes and
wars, political and religious aggression, and so on and on.
1. Violita, AC., “The Green Mantle’s Hidden
Faced with such realities, does it make any sense to think
Messages” In Christo (Ranchi), 45/4 (October
about eternal life in another place? For many people,
2007) p.238.
eternal life is mostly about an other-worldly life, it is about
2. Z. Varghese, ‘Ecology and Spirituality,’ FOCUS,
life after death. Does our faith in Christ give a better
Jan, 2022, Vol.10 (1),p.46-49
understanding of a life here on earth and our
3. W.R. Inge, ‘Personal Religion and the life of
responsibilities as stewards of God’s creations? The Lord
Devotion,’ Longman, Green and Co, London,
Bishop of London wrote, “Heaven is not a faraway place
1924, (Introduction by The Lord Bishop of
to which we hope to go; it is the presence of God in which
London) p.10.
we ought to live. ”3 Heaven is where God is.
4. Satprem, ‘Sri Aurobindo, the Mother’s Institute
of research, Let us Delhi, Mira Aditi, Mysore,
The understanding of eternal life in the Gospel of John is
primarily a ‘here and now reality’ and not a future one after p.41.
death. St. John says: “Whoever believes in the Son has
eternal life” (Jn 3:36). The theology of eternal life is often

25 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

Navigating Ecological Grief Embracing Eco-Spirituality
for a Sustainable Tomorrow
Revd Renny Varghese

The theme adopted by FOCUS magazine for the month of describes the pain experienced when witnessing
January, “Climate Crisis and the Church,” invites our environmental disorder and crisis. Environmental
journey of introspection and resilience as we navigate a scientists and psychologists later expanded on Albrecht’s
world grappling with climate change, demanding our concept, terming it Ecological Grief or Climate Grief.
collective consciousness. To describe the prevailing Today, the emotion of Ecological Grief is a familiar
attitude of indifference in this era of a serious experience amidst unexpected natural calamities such as
environmental crisis, I like to quote the words of David earthquakes, flooding, global warming, famine, and
Takayoshi Suzuki, a renowned geneticist, broadcaster, ecological imbalance. It’s crucial to recognize that the
and environmentalist of Japanese-Canadian origin, ecosystem doesn’t grieve solely for its own sake; when
“We’re in a giant car heading towards a brick wall and one part of creation falters, the entire ecosystem suffers.
everyone arguing over where they’re going to sit.” The The grief expressed by the ecosystem, in response to the
prevalent attitude and situations we observe make us environmental impact of human actions driven by selfish
wonder if anyone is genuinely considering today’s climate greed and need, underscores the fundamental reality of
crisis as an existential threat. It is high time that we our interconnectedness. We must cultivate an awareness
perceive this as an emerging crisis that will impact the that all wounds in an ecosystem are our wounds, and
survival of humankind and the entire creation. A truth every environmental grief should become our grief. This
humanity should remember, especially in this climate knowledge and consciousness can guide the Church in
crisis context, is that we are not individuals fighting a embracing eco-spirituality as an urgent need of our time.
faceless system; rather, we are the system that needs to
change. Biblical Understanding of Ecological Grief

In this time of an escalating climate crisis, the role and The term “ecological grief” may not be explicitly
mission of the Church extend beyond the sacred and mentioned in the Bible, but various biblical passages and
spiritual boundaries into the realm of ecological narratives resonate with its theme. The fundamental
stewardship. This article aims to explore the theme, message of the Bible emphasizes that human beings exist
“Navigating Ecological Grief: Embrace Eco-spirituality for within the community of life, highlighting their
a Sustainable Tomorrow.” Churches can empower God’s interconnectedness with other creations (Gen. 1:31; Gen.
people to proclaim and practice moral responsibility and 2:15). Walter Brueggemann aptly states, “The central
accountability regarding ecology. In this era of climate vision of world history in the Bible is that all of creation is
change and crisis, let us delve into some reflections on the one, every creature in community with every other, living
mission and ministry of the Church in this time of climate in harmony and security toward the joy and well-being of
crisis and consider what God, the Creator, expects from every other creature.”
the Church.
In Genesis 2:15, God appointed humans as caretakers of
Ecological Grief is also Ecclesial Grief God’s creation. However, the sin of human disobedience
led to witnessing the degradation of the environment and
The prefix “Eco” is derived from the Greek word “oikos,” experiencing associated grief. Romans 8:22, where St.
meaning “house” or “household.” Its meaning extends Paul notes, “the whole creation has been groaning as in
beyond a physical dwelling; it can include the broader the pains of childbirth right up to the present time,”
community or indicate the entire creation, emphasizing communicates the truth that creation groans due to the
the interconnectedness of organisms within their consequences of sin, waiting for final redemption.
environment, akin to members of a household. The term’s
root meaning is the same as for “Economy,” “Ecology,” In the prophetic Book of Hosea 4:3, a message unfolds:
and “Ecclesia.” Ecology primarily explores the “Therefore the land mourns, and everyone who lives in it
relationships within the natural world, while ecclesiology languishes.” The land grieves due to human
looks at the church as a community and its waywardness, marked by a lack of faithfulness, kindness,
interconnections within the human and spiritual realms. knowledge of God, swearing, deception, murder, stealing,
From an eco-theological standpoint, everyone and adultery, and violence. The land laments, revealing a
everything on this earth belongs to God’s family and are fundamental ecological truth in the Bible: when one part
members of God’s household. Certainly, both Ecology of God’s creation deviates from the creator’s plan, the
and the Church are subjects of God’s care. entire created world suffers.

The term “Solastalgia,” coined by Australian philosopher In 1 Corinthians 12:26, “If one part suffers, every part
Glenn Albrecht in 2005 when naming new emotions, suffers with it.” This underscores our interconnected

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lives—one to another and all to God, the creator. This today’s climate crisis radically changed ecclesia into an
interconnected world is known as the eco-system. The eco-centric vision and mission. Eco-centric vision
ultimate truth that the Bible reminds us of is that if this acknowledges the interconnectedness of all elements
interconnected relationship between God and humans, within the environment. The Church's ecological
humans, and nature, deteriorates, the whole creation will commitments witness a faithful vision and journey toward
experience grief. harmonious and sustainable living embracing the values
of stewardship and environmental care. From the smallest
Church Embracing Eco-spirituality individual action to community-wide initiatives, the
Church is increasingly recognizing the moral imperative to
The sense of the climate crisis deepens, emphasizing the care for God’s creation. In this time of environmental
need for a transformative journey within the walls of the crisis, the ecclesial commitment to ecological stewardship
Church a call marked by a profound shift towards becomes not only a response to global challenges but a
embracing eco-spirituality and eco-perspectives. To view testimony to its unwavering commitment to the divine call
the sacredness of creation not as a distant concept but as to care for the creation and address ecological challenges.
an integral part of the ecclesial experience. The Church
holds a significant role in nurturing ecological Eco-Praxis: An imperative for our time: The ecological
consciousness and fostering a spiritual commitment to praxis is a divine call to see, think, and act. Today
developing eco-spirituality. It can provide meaning and environmental crisis will not be solved by being limited to
motivation, build an ecological ethos, and contribute to theories and ideas, but needs a shift from passive
the foundation of eco-spirituality. In today’s context of the awareness to proactive engagement. Eco-praxis
climate crisis, God calls the Church to stand at the represents the urgent need to translate ecological
forefront as a protector of God’s creation, urging a awareness into tangible, impactful actions it means
discovery of the divine connection between faith and the environmental stewardship beyond the Pulpit and the
natural world. The Church, as a spiritual cornerstone in sanctuary. Eco-Praxis is a transformative call for the
many communities, emerges as a pivotal player at this Church from theoretical environmental awareness to
crisis time. The call to embrace eco-spirituality within the active and impactful engagement. This imperative
Church encapsulates a holistic approach, emphasizing becomes not only a call to global climate crisis but a
not only the sanctity of the spiritual journey but also a deep fundamental call for the Church’s mission to be stewards
sense of responsibility towards the Earth. Eco-spirituality of God’s creation. Eco-Praxis puts tangible imprints of the
equips the faith community with transformative power to Church’s faith in this world and witnesses the sacred
develop environmental consciousness, rediscover interconnectedness between spirituality and the creation.
harmony, adoptive environmental mindfulness, and, To find a solution for today's climate crisis collective
above all, rekindle a spiritual connection with creation. Let action from all branches of discipline should come
me share a few points in connection with Church together to act against climate crisis collaboration and
Embracing Eco-spirituality. collaborative action are needed. Church becomes an
agent of change in this world, the true power of eco-praxis
Nurturing Eco-Faith Community: In an era where climate lies in collective and collaborative actions. Through eco-
change affects the existence of mankind and all creation praxis, the ecclesia not only honors its divine call and
today, we need a community where nature and faith are sacred responsibilities but also becomes a transformative
revered and stand together. The vision of eco-faith force for progressive change in this world.
communities emerges as a new hope in the context of the
climate crisis which offers a transformative vision towards Eco-doxy for Sustainable Tomorrow: As the Church
a sustainable world. Eco-faith community blended and clings to orthodoxy in connection with faith, doctrines,
rooted in spiritual ethos and ecological stewardship which teaching, and values for faith and practice in its existence
strengthens a deeper connection between faith and in this changing world, Eco-Doxy invites us to reimagine
ecological responsibilities. Eco-spirituality helps the faith and rediscover the theological roots that strengthen
community to reimagine sacred spaces, extending humanity’s role as caretakers and stewards of God’s
beyond the walls of traditional worship the whole creation creation. Eco-Doxy challenges the traditional
becomes a holy sanctuary where people revere the beauty anthropocentric vision and invites us to expand our
of creation. The members are empowered by the spiritual call and consciousness to accommodate the
knowledge and awareness about ecological issues, vision and mission of the well-being of the entire God-
sustainable practices, and theological base for ecological created ecosystem. It is a call to eco-centrism, not viewing
stewardship. the creation solely through the lens of human utility. This
theological approach helps us to recognize and affirm the
Ecological Commitments: Today the Church has intrinsic value of the God-created world order. Eco-Doxy
undeniable commitments toward ecology this is a gives importance to the nature of Cosmic Christ, God the
profound knowledge the Church has today. Commitment creator incarnated as a human and becomes part of
to ecology is similar to the commitment to God the creator creation – the one in whom all things were created and in
and humankind. In the early centuries, the Church had a whom all are reconciled (Col. 1:15-20). Eco-Doxy
more proto-anthropocentric vision and mission but advocates for the integration of eco-ethics into spiritual

27 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

doctrine and envisions a faith community that believes in
shared responsibility for the Earth. It helps us to overcome My Story (Part-5)
challenges and barriers, encouraging open dialogue, Dr. Titus Mathews, Professor Emeritus,
education, and a shared commitment to a sustainable
University of Calgary, Canada.
In an era dominated by ecological crisis, the vision of Eco-
[Dr. Titus Mathews may be very familiar to the readers of
Doxy illuminates a journey to a sustainable tomorrow,
the FOCUS Journal. He was one of the founding editors
intertwined with faith and environmental stewardship. It is
and only given up the responsibility after ten years being
a journey that affirms and acknowledges the
an editor. He lived and worked in India, Africa, England,
interdependence of all life, emphasizing that the well-
and Canada. His contributions to the Mar Thoma Diaspora
being of creation is a shared responsibility. The Church is
communities and the academic life in these countries are
called out by God as a community to embrace this
enormous and hence it is worth publishing it for the benefit
transformative vision and mission, inspiring others to a
of our readers. The following is the fifth part of an
collective commitment to building a sustainable and
autobiographical sketch written by Dr. Titus Mathew and
harmonious future for generations to come.
supplemented by his wife, Mrs. Sara Joseph. We are
hoping to publish it in several parts over the next two years.
We are very grateful for the help and support of the family
In conclusion, let me quote Dalai Lama, “Since climate
for helping us with this. The part-IV of the story was
change and the global economy now affect us all, we have
published in the October issue (FOCUS October 2023,
to develop a sense of the oneness of humanity.” As we
Vol. 11, Issue 4, p33-34) For the Editorial Board.]
navigate ecological grief in the context of today’s climate
crisis, the exploration facilitates the faith community’s
initiation of a profound journey of introspection and Life in Canada
interconnectedness with creation. It demands the Church
to be at the forefront of ecological advocacy, serving as a The following is a very brief account of our life in Calgary.
corrective and counterforce against the soulless Titus had started to write about it, but not completed.
developments in this world. The Church stands as a Since the accounts of his community activities are given
symbol of God’s hope in this complex era of separately, those are not included in this section.
environmental crisis, offering a ray of hope for a
sustainable tomorrow. As a faith community embraces We had about three months in Kerala before leaving for
eco-spirituality for a better tomorrow, it embarks on a Canada. The great-grandparents, grandparents and
transformative journey that transcends individual sorrow families on both sides were all were looking forward to and
into a collective experience. This journey opens a way very happy to see their first ‘new generation’ baby Titus
toward healing, reconciliation, restoration, and wholeness, (Jr). We had to secure the visa to Canada and for that we
capable of shaping a greener, restored tomorrow for had to have medical check-ups and an interview. The
generations to come. interview in Delhi was just to make sure that I could speak
sufficient English. I was a bit annoyed that a PhD from the
References University of London was not sufficient proof for that
purpose. Since I had an appointment offer, they were not
Barbour, Ian G. Religion and Science. “Historical and worried about anything else. But the rules are rules and
Contemporary Issues,” New York: Harper Collins, 1997. they had to keep to that.
Brian Greene. “The Fabric of the Cosmos” (London: Penguin,
2004) In early July we flew to London, stayed a couple of days
Brueggemann, Walter. “The Prophetic Imagination” and found it very cold. We wondered how cold it would
(Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1989) be in Canada and bought some more warm clothes. We
Brueggemann, Walter. "The Loss and Recovery of Creation took the Trans-Atlantic flight which stopped in Gander,
in Old Testament Theology.” Theology Today 53:2 (1996): Newfoundland, where we became landed immigrants. It
Denis, Edwards. “Jesus and the Cosmos” (New York: Paulist was surprisingly warm there, with temperatures in the
Press, 1991) eighties. The flight continued to Ottawa, and we stayed
H. Paul Santmire. “Nature Reborn: The Ecological and with Dr. PK John and family. Dr. John was working at the
Cosmic Promise of Christian Theology” (Minneapolis: time with National Research Council. We were together in
Fortress Press, 2000) U.C. College, as lecturers, and were resident wardens in
John Barrow. “The Universe That Discovered Itself” (Oxford: the Holland hostel. He was also Sarah’s teacher. (Dr. PK
Oxford University Press, 2000) John’s son, Dr. Sajeeve John recently got Order of
Moltmann, Jurgen. “God in Creation: An Ecological Doctrine Canada for his research in trapping light in crystals.)
of Creation” (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1993)
Moltmann, Jurgen. “The Spirit of Life: A Universal
After couple of days in Ottawa, we reached Calgary on
Affirmation” (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1992)
July 20th 1966. Dr. NR Parsons, a member of the faculty
of Physics Department of the university met us at the
airport and took us to a motel near the university. The first

28 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

thing my wife did was searching through the telephone how to control a skidding car. At the same time, it was
directory to see any name resembling a Malayalee one! very refreshing to walk in the snow, and slowly we learned
The next day I walked to the University and met with how not only to handle the snow, but to some extent,
everyone in the Physics Department. Up until the same enjoy it too.
year in April, it was only a campus of the University of
Alberta in Edmonton, with only two or three thousand Members of Physics Department were also very friendly
students in Calgary. But the number was increasing and welcoming. I was assigned two courses to teach as
rapidly, and it was decided to make it an independent well as organizing a graduate course on cosmic rays. But
university. the most important thing was the forthcoming
International Cosmic Ray Conference the following
We moved to a two-bedroom apartment in Sunnyside, summer, and for which I had to prepare some papers. The
near 10th Street and the Bow River. It was close to Riley Department had a laboratory atop of Sulphur Mountain in
Park with lots of beautiful flowers, fountains, kids play area Banff in the Rockies, originally built by National Research
and a cricket field. We used to go there after dinner and Council. There were cosmic ray counters, and a second
walk around and watch people play cricket. The summer neutron monitor was in the department building. These
weather was so pleasant that we wondered why we pair of monitors provided enough data for several papers
brought all those warm clothes. over time. Going to the top of the Sulphur Mountain to
collect data was interesting and often adventurous,
In the first week of my joining the University itself, our especially in the winter. But the view from there was
Librarian Mr. Jordan noticed that one of the new additions marvelous.
to the faculty was from India and suspected he may be a
Christian, because of the name. His wife’s parents were We moved to a newly built small house near the University
missionaries in India. So, he in March of 1967, purchased with a small down payment
and his wife, Francis, came to meet us and offered to take and balance on a mortgage. My salary was only a
us to church the next Sunday. The two women clicked thousand dollars a month including all deductions. It was
right away, discussing shopping, cooking, the etiquette, a nice house that gave more space for our get-togethers,
and so on. So, the next Sunday, they took us to a Baptist and a yard for Titu to play around and a vegetable patch.
Church in downtown. At the door itself one lady came and I spent the summer landscaping the yard, and my wife
took the baby Titu to the children’s area (apparently, he tried growing some vegetables.
cried the whole time). Even the Jordens were surprised
how well we could participate in the service. The old There were several people from Kerala in Edmonton and
gentleman sitting next to my wife appreciated my wife’s in isolated rural areas, mostly single, and working in
singing and asked how she learned those hymns and hospitals, staying in hostels and as paying guests in local
asked her to join their choir. The general public did not houses. When they had vacation, some of them would
have a clue about the Christians in Kerala. Francis often come to Calgary and stay with us. That was something we
visited my wife and was very helpful in getting her settled enjoyed mutually. For them, it was a good change, a
in this new place. After a month or so we discovered an chance to speak in Malayalam, eat home-cooked meals,
Anglican Church, St. Barnabas, just near the park where and relax. My wife enjoyed it more, as she could have ‘girl
we went, and started going there. talk’ with them, singing ‘Nadodi Pattu’ discussing movies
and film stars the wives of Mathew and George did not
Dr. Mathew Zachariah, who I knew from Madras Christian know Malayalam; Gina was an American, and Susy,
College, and Dr. George Kurian Kalarikal also joined the though from Kerala, grew up in North India and couldn’t
University later in the same year, in the Departments of speak Malayalam.) In time, many of them moved away,
Education and Sociology. Mr. U.O. Cherian joined the hade families and places of their own, but still call Ponnie
Chemistry Department as a graduate student. We used to Aunty to chit chat.
get together often on weekends. There were several Indian
appointees in different departments of the University, and In the summer of 1967, I got an offer from the Principal of
a few other professionals at that time in Calgary. But we Madras Christian College, Dr. Devanesan, for the position
realized that we were the first Malayalees to come and of Professor and Head of the Department of Physics. That
stay in Calgary. was a prestigious position, and I was tempted to accept
it. But Ponnie was of the opinion that we should not return
The first snow fall was very interesting and beautiful. It was to India so soon after coming to North America, before we
not very cold at first, but gradually we felt the biting grip had a chance to see the place. Also, there were anti-
of winter and we had to buy heavy coats, boots and so on. Malayalee agitations in Madras at the time. So, I turned
By that time, I got a driving license, and bought a second- down the offer, much to the disappointment of Dr.
hand car. I had to get used to driving on the left, especially Devanesan and my mentor Dr. IM Mathai. In the long run
in snow, and made many mistakes in learning how to clear it was the right decision, though eventually it led to my
the frost and ice from the windshield and windows, and staying in Calgary for good. (To be continued. . . .)

29 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

Climate Crisis and Church!
Mathew Jojin Thomas

In the beginning, when our God finished His creation, He injustice and corruption entered this world. As Debra
said its good and it was good. Since then, so much have Rienstra stated in her podcast – humans are not to just live
changed. His creations are not the same today, especially on this land but live with this land. It is somewhat safe to
the earth that we are living on. Now more than ever, we say, that is not the reality in today’s world.
have extreme flooding, wildfires, and hurricanes due to the
climate crisis across the globe. As per CNN, from
November 2022 to October 2023 were the hottest 12
months and our earth’s temperature is rising by at least a
little over 1 degree Celsius per year. When it comes to the
topic of climate crisis, we all have varying views and
feelings, but we can’t ignore the fact that many of these
changes are due to the direct effects of human activities.
As President Biden stated – climate crisis is real and it’s
happening rapidly. It’s one of the most urgent threats that
all of creation are facing today.

Love our God with all our heart, soul, mind and love our
neighbor is one of those Bible verses that most of us have
been reciting probably from our Sunday school days. A
question we often forget to ask ourselves is: how we can
love our God without loving His creation? Here the
problem is deeper than that. As the author and Professor It is very evident that we haven’t been a good stewards
Debra Rienstra states, in today’s world, most of our God intended for us to be. Consequentially, the earth that
theological system is based on just humans and don’t give we call home, is suffering. As per The World Health
much prominence to God’s other creations. When we Organization, (WHO), climate crises are causing over
think about God’s creation, most of our thoughts are 150,000 deaths per year and that number will continue to
human centered. We often forget the fact that God’s rise. It is having a detrimental effect more in developing
creation is much more than humans. Trees that we see, countries than in developed countries. The
the birds that fly, the mountains and valleys that sing, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated
creatures big and small, and everything that we see that the crisis is causing serious health conditions
around us are also His creation. As Paul stated in the book especially in countries like Africa. Due to the increase in
of Romans – “ For since the creation of the world God’s temperature, mosquito populations and insect borne
invisible qualities –his eternal power and divine nature – diseases are increasing which is causing a widespread of
have been clearly seen, being understood from what has infectious diseases like dengue and malaria. Even though
been made, so that people are without excuse.” When we developed countries have more resources to tolerate
look around us, everything that we see today should be climate crises, especially temperature change, there was
pointing us towards the creator, our God. a small outbreak of malaria in countries like United States
and United Kingdom some years ago. Heat waves are also
When we think about our personal relationship with God, causing serious health conditions like hyperthermia or
we usually see Him in multiple roles: as our father, friend, heatstroke especially in the elderly and
teacher, or our redeemer. A particular relationship that we immunocompromised. Another group that is affected by
can see across the Bible that we don’t talk much about, is the climate crises is the farmers or the agricultural
a partnership relationship. If we look in the Bible, in several productivity. Droughts are making the conditions of our
portions we can see humans are to have a partnership fellow neighbors deplorable. IPCC stated that
relationship with God and we tend to forget that or we approximately 75 million to 250 million people will be
don’t usually talk about that. When we have a partnership without adequate water and food shortage due to the
with someone, we are to work alongside with that person dramatic climate change.
towards the same goal. As we can see in Genesis when
God placed man in the garden, He placed him to work it One of the most important questions we need to ask
and take care of it. When God place His unique creation ourselves as a church is-what can we do to be better
humans to be diligent stewards of this world, the world stewards of His creation? When I say church, church as
was good, and humans were to bring more goodness into individuals and as a whole. It is a question that every one
this world. On the other hand, the rebellious nature of of us shall ask ourselves. I personally think, one of the first
humans had different plans. They wanted to create a steps we should take is the awareness of what’s
world on their own terms; therefore, the partnership happening to the climate and accepting the fact that, our
relationship with the creator was broken. As a result, contribution as humans to the climate crisis that we are

30 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

facing today is irrefutable. It is also important to calling? The world that our God created looks so much
understand that our actions are not only causing danger different because of our actions. As I was reading the book
to us but also having an adverse reaction on our neighbors of Jeremiah, a question that came to my mind was- would
and the generations to come. Now if our actions are the Church be surprised if our Lord spoke just like He
having an antagonistic reaction to our neighbors, the spoke to Israel through Jerimiah – “I brought you into a
problem is even bigger. Once when an expert of the law fertile land to eat its fruit and rich produce. But you came
asked Jesus regarding the greatest commandment in the and defiled my land and made my inheritance
law, He responded by saying- Love your God with all your detestable.”? God knew human failed to be the caretaker,
heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. the provider, the protector, the shepherd that he intended
If our actions are causing negative impact on our us to be and He knew we needed a way maker to show us
neighbors, are we violating the second greatest the way. Therefore, He sent His son Jesus to exemplify
commandment? If our actions are causing infectious what it meant to be a provider, a savior, caretaker, and a
diseases, heatwaves, loss of agricultural productivity and shepherd. He showed and taught us how to love our
other problems to our neighbors, it is high time for us to neighbors. A loving neighbor would take pity on the one
re-evaluate our actions. who is in need and bandage the wounds. There are
sacrifices in love and a loving neighbor would take that
When God placed man on the ground, He wanted humans extra step to take care of the wounds. As Michael Jordan
to be the caretaker, the provider, the shepherd to this land. mentioned in his book- “For the Love of The Game,” when
Man had different plans. Man wanted to go in his own way you have true love for something, you would go to the
and corrupted the land. Therefore, God cursed the ground extreme to maintain that love even when you know it’s not
because of humans. This continues to be the case even going to be easy and obstacles will be there. When you
now. When humans turned away from the original have true love, it drives you and push you to that extreme
purpose, evil entered and the ground that we are living to do anything to maintain that love. There are sacrifices
became corrupted because of our actions. Matthew Myer involved. My fellow Church, our planet is in crisis and it
Boulton, a theologian once said the fall of creation didn’t needs help. Can we demonstrate the love of God, just like
happen solely because of human’s disobedience but also that Good Samaritan did to the one who needed help? The
because of what they did right after, hide from God and choice is ours!
started to blame. Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the
serpent. This is the same pattern that we are continuing References:
today, the blame game. When humans stay away from
their calling, our earth suffers. Earth is home to many and 1. Jordan, M. (1998). For the love of the game: My story
we are created and called to care for it. by Michael Jordan. Crown Publishers.
2. Kasotia, P. (2007). The Health Effects Of Global
Man wanted everything to be human centered including Warming: Developing Countries Are The Most Vulnerable.
the Bible. If the Gospel of Jesus Christ was just for
humans, then He wouldn’t have said to His disciples: “Go global-warming-developing-countries-are-most-
into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” If vulnerable
gospel was just for humans, He wouldn’t have cared for 3. Life application study bible: New international version.
and feed the birds of the air and clothe the grass of the (2011). . Kingsway.
field. God so loved the world that He gave His one and 4. Myer Boulton, M. (2021, April 22). Strange New World.
only son. Here one thing we have to pay close attention to
is – it doesn't say God so loved humans. God so loved the blog/2021/4/22/the-bible-part-one Genesis
land and sea, sun and the moon, animals and the birds, 5. RIENSTRA, D. (2022, April 11). ECO-THEOLOGY:
fish, and the sea turtles and of course the humans for all BEYOND STEWARDSHIP.
of which He gave up His one and only son. If so, when
God tells us to love our neighbor, is that just humans? Or rienstra-eco-theology-beyond-stewardship/
does He want us to see his creation as our neighborhood?
That is something to think about. In the words of Job: “In *Mathew Jojin Thomas is a
his hand is the life of every creature.” As mentioned earlier, Registered Respiratory Therapist and
today our churches are so human centered, and we currently working as a Pulmonary
usually fail to remember His creation extends beyond Function Technician at New York
humans. Presbyterian-Columbia. He has an
appreciation for different kinds of
Church, it is time for us to ask ourselves many questions lights and take every opportunity to
capture them.
– what kind of steward am I to this world? Am I loving God
and my neighbor? How can I go back to my original

31 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

Climate Crisis and the Church: Implications of COP28
Dr. Cherian Samuel

Introduction. This essay explores the implications of the The report highlights the fact that technology such as
recent (30 November-12 December 2023) 28th carbon capture and storage (liquifying the carbon from
Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai, United Arab power plants and storing it underground) and direct air
Emirates—the annual United Nations (UN) Climate capture (removing carbon from the atmosphere by
Change Conference—for the Church in the context of the chemical means) will likely be needed to ensure that any
Climate Crisis. The essay is divided into two sections. The rise above 1.5°C is only temporary. However, this
first section outlines issues related to the Climate Crisis technology is expensive, often untested and has not been
and COP28. The second section explores the implications used at scale. The report recommends that more money
for the Church, and concludes the essay. must flow to renewable energy solutions and less money
I to fossil fuel companies. If government subsidies for fossil
Climate Crisis. According to the World Meteorological fuel companies were to be removed, emissions would
Organization (WMO), the years between 2015 and 2022 reduce 10 per cent by 2030. The report concludes that
has been the warmest period on record, with 2022 more finance needs to flow to Developing Countries for
marking the eighth consecutive year of the annual global both climate change mitigation and adaptation.
temperature reaching at least 1 degree Celsius (1°C)
above pre-Industrial Revolution levels, due to increasing On a positive note, the report found that the average
greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations and accumulated annual rate of emissions growth has slowed in the past ten
heat. Scientific evidence has shown that the warming of years from 2.1 per cent per annum in the early 2000s to
the last one hundred years has been unusual compared to 1.3 per cent per annum between 2010 and 2019. This is
the last few thousand years, largely due to higher particularly noticeable in the energy and industry sectors
concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) which are mostly where the rate of growth has more than halved. Zero
attributed to human actions. The scope and scale of emissions targets have been set by at least 826 cities and
climate change has been alarming, unfolding over 103 regions, while a number of countries have achieved a
decades whereas the earlier occurrences of climate steady decrease in emissions, consistent with limiting
change happened over centuries and millennia. warming to 2°C. Another success has been around
renewable energy, with big declines in unit costs,
Poor and developing countries, particularly the least particularly in solar energy (85 per cent drop), onshore
developed countries (LDCs), are among those most wind (55 per cent drop) and batteries for electric vehicles
adversely affected and least able to cope with climate (85 per cent).
change related shocks to social, economic, and natural
systems. Increases in global temperature, sea level rise, However, the report concluded that the window of
ocean acidification and other climate change impacts are opportunity for resolving the climate crisis is closing. The
seriously affecting coastal areas and low-lying coastal report highlighted a number of approaches—that are not
countries, including many LDCs and Small Island easy—for tackling the climate challenge: (i) Closing
Developing States (SIDS). In August 2023 for example, investment gaps, particularly for Developing Countries, for
Pakistan was devastated by catastrophic flooding due to both climate change adaptation and mitigation; (ii)
climate change, which killed more than 1,500 people with Increased investment in low-emission technological
economic damages exceeding $30 billion. innovation to help the transition from fossil fuels; (iii)
Increased international partnerships and co-operation.
IPCC assessment. The Intergovernmental Panel on Ultimately though, political will remains fundamental for
Climate Change’s (IPCC) most recent report (April 2022) resolving the climate crisis; governments need to do more
focused on climate change mitigation issues, to transition from fossil fuels into renewable energy
complementing the August 2021 report on the causes of sources.
climate change and the February 2022 report on the
impacts of climate change. The IPCC report provides a An interesting and unique aspect of the report is the fact
stark warning regarding the climate crisis: unless the that this is the first IPCC report that deals with the social
emissions—at their highest level in human history aspects of climate change, which the report terms as
currently—are cut quickly and significantly, limiting “demand management,” related to life style changes, from
warming to 1.5°C is beyond reach, and a climate reducing the amount of meat eaten to the type of transport
catastrophe is highly likely. In particular, the report states used. The report also highlights the disproportionately
that the only realistic way to keep within 1.5°C is to phase negative effects of the top 10 per cent of the world on the
out coal use fully and reduce the amount of fossil fuels. All climate, contributing up to 45 per cent of consumption-
other measures, ranging from planting trees to carbon based household emissions.
capture technology, is secondary to reducing the
dependence on fossil fuels. Climate Policy. The global political response to Climate
Change began at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, where the

32 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

‘Rio Convention’ included the adoption of the UN potential damages or benefit from opportunities
Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC)—the global associated with climate change. In other words,
intergovernmental forum for negotiating the climate adaptation solutions are expected to respond to climate
change response—which was established in 1994. The change impacts that are already happening, as well as
UNFCC negotiations are based on the assessments by preparing for future impacts, thereby increasing resilience,
the IPCC, the international body that assesses the science and reducing climate-related impacts and risks.
related to climate change, set up by the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United COP28. COP28 is the 2023 UN Climate Change
Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in 1988. Conference, the global multilateral decision-making forum
on climate change, with practically all countries in
In December 2015, the 21st Session of the Conference of attendance, for implementing the COP21 Paris Climate
the Parties (COP21) convened in Paris, France, and Change Agreement that has negotiated and agreed over
adopted the Paris Agreement, a universal agreement that the last few years. More than 70,000 delegates— business
aims to keep a global temperature rise for this century leaders, young people, climate scientists, indigenous
below 2°C, with the goal of limiting the temperature rise to Peoples, Journalists, other experts, and stakeholders—
1.5°C above pre-industrial revolution levels. As per the participated in COP28. COP28 has been a tremendous
August 2021 IPCC Assessment Report, unless there are opportunity for the global community for finding solutions
immediate, rapid, and large-scale reductions in GHG to the climate crisis, such as limiting global temperature
emissions, limiting warming to close to 1.5°C or even 2°C rise to 1.5°C, helping vulnerable communities adapt to the
will be beyond reach. The report showed that GHG effects of climate change, and achieving net-zero
emissions from human activities are responsible for emissions by 2050. COP28 has also been a forum for
approximately 1.1°C of warming since 1850-1900, and assessing countries’ preparations for revised and more
found that averaged over the next 20 years, global ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)—
temperature is expected to reach or exceed 1.5°C of national climate plans—due by 2025, accelerate the green
warming. transition and achieve the delivery of the Paris Agreement
Likewise, the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) October
2021 flagship World Energy Outlook noted that the A new initiative of COP28 is the conclusion of the first ever
transition from coal, oil and natural gas is not happening Global Stock-take, a process for countries and
fast enough to avoid dangerous levels of global warming. stakeholders to examine the progress for meeting the
IEA warned that extreme volatility in energy markets goals of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, identifying
present a continued risk as well, unless investment in the gaps, and accelerating climate action. The stock-take
clean power is tripled in the next decade. The energy is intended to inform the next round of climate action plans
sector is responsible for almost 75% of the emissions that under the Paris Agreement (NDCs) to be formulated by
have already pushed global average temperatures 1.1°C 2025.
higher since the pre-industrial age, and therefore critical II
for tackling the climate change crisis. Church Response. Given our collective carbon emissions
as humanity, Climate Change presents an unprecedented
Climate Action. Climate action consists of both climate ethical problem to Christians, impinging on Jesus’s
change mitigation and climate change adaptation foundational command to Love One Another, across time
measures. Climate change mitigation comprises actions and space. Humanity is called to care for the neighbors of
that limit global warming and related effects, involving the future and the present. The relationship between the
reductions in human emissions of GHGs as well as their ethical considerations of climate change—the knowledge
concentration in the atmosphere. Fossil fuel combustion that our actions directly or indirectly cause harm to
accounts for 89% of all CO2 emissions and 68% of all others—and the practice of the Christian faith has been
GHG emissions. The most important challenge is to challenging.
eliminate the use of coal, oil, and gas and substitute them
with clean energy sources. Climate change mitigation may The World Council of Churches (WCC) has consistently
also be achieved through changes in agriculture, placed the care for creation and justice at the center of its
transport, forest-management (reforestation and work on climate change, anchored in the call for humanity
preservation), waste management, buildings, and to be stewards of God’s creation (Genesis 2:15). Over the
industrial systems. Methane emissions, which have a high years, the WCC has supported the climate justice
short-term impact, can be targeted by reductions in cattle movement, and has participated in all the UN climate
and meat consumption. change conferences, with a focus on a sustainable future
for all. With regard to COP28, WCC has emphasized the
Climate change adaptation includes adjustments in imperative of climate justice, calling on governments to
ecological, social, or economic systems in response to phase out fossil fuels—which account for 75% of GHG
actual or expected climatic stimuli and their effects. At its emissions—by ending fossil fuel subsidies and halting
core, climate change adaptation consists of changes in new extraction of fossil fuels. WCC has also urged
processes, practices, and structures to moderate providing financing for vulnerable and low-income

33 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

countries for loss and damage, for climate change outsourced to social services and other government
adaptation, and for the transition to a renewable energy- agencies. On the other hand, the younger generation is more
based economy; concerned about existential threats like Climate Change,
which requires the older generation to be more cognizant of
Implications. Given the existential nature of the Climate intergenerational aspects of the Climate Crisis. Therefore, the
Crisis, it is incumbent upon the Church and its members need of the hour is Solidarity Among Generations, facilitating
to make their voices heard wherever decisions are taken, love, care, and relationships across all ages.
in political debates, with local authorities, in boardrooms
and at the ballot box. The case for switching from coal- Among the Indian states, Kerala has been undergoing an
fired power to renewable energy has to be made rapidly unprecedented demographic transition—driven by rising life
and widely. While systemic change is essential, grassroots expectancy and declining fertility rates—that has led to an
activism is needed as well, at the Church and member increase in the older population, with the proportion of older
levels. We must not to give up hope, believing that one people in Kerala higher than any other state. In 1961, Kerala's
can make a difference, fully trusting God. old age population was only 5.1% of total population, lower
than the all-India average of 5.6%; by 2011, it rose to 12.7%,
Conclusions. Climate crisis presents an existential threat
higher than the national average of 8.6%; by 2021, it has
to humanity, as well as a fundamental challenge to Jesus’s
been estimated to have risen to ~ 16.7%, higher than the
radical Love One Another command to Christians. national average of 10.1%.
Therefore, the Church must be present with its voice in
climate matters, and pursue grassroots activism. We must
believe that we can make a difference regarding the Dr K. C. Zachariah (1925-2023), the visionary demographer
and economist, has estimated that Christians have the
climate crisis, fully trusting God.
highest out-migration rate among Kerala communities; in the
case of the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church, nearly a
References quarter of the members were estimated to be living outside
IPCC, “AR6 Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Kerala. While the Kerala Christian community and the Kerala
Change”, April 2022 Christian Diaspora have experienced significant economic
and social progress over the years—primarily due to
Theme for FOCUS – April 2024 educational achievements—the size and significance of the
Christian community in Kerala has been dwindling. The
Solidarity Among Generations growing importance and influence of older and unemployed
people in the Kerala Christian community has posed
important challenges for Churches regarding pastoral care
“The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like and fellowship, as well as financial sustainability. In particular,
a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will caring for the lonely and the old at the parish level—who face
flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old serious risks of social isolation—due to out-migration and
age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, “The Lord is insufficient resources has emerged as a key issue.
upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.””
(Psalm 92: 12-15).
In the past, the Kerala Christian community—like other Indian
communities—was anchored in the joint family system, with
Psalm 92 is a Song for the Sabbath day, praising the LORD different generations dwelling under the same family unit,
for His Love and Faithfulness for the righteous, juxta which facilitated elder care within the family. However,
positioned with the fool and the wicked. The Psalmist families have become nuclear over time, with out-migration
commands us to declare His lovingkindness in the morning increasingly in the form of whole-family migration—unlike the
and faithfulness every night, with a ten-stringed instrument, earlier pattern—and elder care provided through old age
lute, harp, and a harmonious sound (Psalm 92:2-3). In verses homes. As the Kerala Christian community navigates these
10-15, the Psalmist praises God for His unfailing goodness unchartered waters, Solidarity Among Generations remains a
and mercies on the righteous throughout life, bearing fruit in challenge for Churches. Churches must formulate
old age, remaining fresh, and flourishing, like palm trees and approaches to facilitate listening across older and younger
cedars. The Psalmist emphasizes that the blessedness of the generations, following Apostle Paul’s instruction to Timothy
old age fruit-bearing, fresh and flourishing abundant life of the regarding the treatment of Church members with gentleness
righteous comes from a lifetime of dependence and trust in and purity (1 Timothy 5:1-2), elaborated further in his epistle
God, like a tree planted in the house of the LORD. More to Titus (Titus 2:1-8).
generally, the Bible is replete with God’s promises to sustain
His people through their lives, including old age.
FOCUS Editorial Board
Editorial note: The FOCUS Editorial Board requests our
However, providing elderly care has been a global challenge.
contributors and readers to pray for this theme and also write
Old age is often a burden for many, even considered a curse
about it and send your reflections on or before 4th March,
due to health issues and other burdens. While old age is
2024 to Dr. Cherian Samuel at his e-mail
associated with wisdom, old people are often disregarded
and rejected, with the responsibilities for elder care

34 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

A Faith Journey Through the Holy Land (Part-2)
Lal Varghese, Esq.

[Every journey brings with it an experience of new as well Capernaum. Jesus visited Jerusalem many times and that
as familiar; the predictable as well as the unpredictable, is where he was crucified, buried, and resurrected, but the
the ordinary and the extraordinary. Mr. Lal Varghese in the time Jesus spent in Jerusalem was relatively short.
following article gives a description of places that he Capernaum is where Jesus lived as he carried out his
visited during his Holy Land pilgrimage. His description is mission. Most of the chapters in the New Testament
a combination of the old and the new, the past, the present describe what happened when he was living in
and the future, physically beautiful and spiritually Capernaum – from his baptism to the last week of his life.
enriching. A visit to the Holy Land brings the Bible to life Jesus chose his twelve disciples in this area on the
and helps us to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. This is a northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. Five of them – Peter,
never-ending journey; it continues with our everyday Andrew, James, John, and Matthew – came directly from
routines; we will revisit the Holy Land in our minds at every Capernaum and all the other disciples came from the
Sunday worship and when you read or hear the Gospels. Galilee area. The only one who did not come from the
The tragic attack by Hamas on Israelis on 7 October 2023, Galilee was Judas Iscariot, who would later betray Jesus.
and the consequent catastrophic war is threatening the
peace and stability of the Middle East, and other parts of Church hovers over Peter’s house: Capernaum later fell
the world, which is also causing untold humanitarian crisis. into ruin. A 3rd-century report called the town
This travelogue is important and timely because due to the “despicable; it numbers only seven houses of poor
current situation in the Holy Land , it may not be possible fishermen”. It was later resettled but again fell into
to have a pilgrimage to this place for few years. Let us disrepair. The ruins lay undiscovered until 1838, when a
hope and continue to pray for a peaceful two state visiting scholar gave this description: “The whole place is
settlement between Israelis and Palestinians. Part -1 of desolate and mournful . . . .”Today an ultra-modern
this article appeared in the October issue of the FOCUS Catholic church, perched on eight sturdy pillars, hovers
(Vol.11 (4) page36-39. For the editorial Board.] protectively over an excavation site. It is believed to have
been the site of Peter’s house, where Jesus would have
The Wedding Church at Cana or simply Wedding lodged. Archaeologists believe the house was in a small
Church, also Franciscan Wedding Church, is a religious complex grouped around irregular courtyards. Drystone
building of the Catholic Church located in Lower Galilee, basalt walls would have supported a roof of tree branches
located in northern Israel. It is dedicated to the weddings covered with straw and earth — a fairly flimsy construction
of Christianity. Cana in Galilee is celebrated as the scene easily breached to lower a paralyzed man on a mat, as
of Jesus’ first miracle. It is actually the place of his first two described in Mark 2:1-12.
public miracles in Galilee — the changing of water into
wine and the remote healing of an official’s son 32km Excavations show that one room in this interlinked
away in Capernaum. complex had been singled out since the middle of the 1st
century. Graffiti scratched on its plaster walls referred to
Jesus as Lord and Christ (in Greek). It is suggested that
The “Sermon on the Mount” is recorded in Matthew 5–7
this room was venerated for religious gatherings as a
and Luke 6 and the place is known as Mount of
house church. If so, it would have been the first such
Beatitudes. The Beatitudes as recorded in Matt 5:3:
example in the Christian world. In 5th century an
“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of
octagonal church was built around this venerated room.
heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be
The present church, dedicated in 1990, repeats the
comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the
octagonal shape.
earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after
righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the
Ornate Synagogue in white limestone: Near the church,
merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure
a partly reconstructed synagogue is believed to have been
in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the
built on the foundations of the synagogue in which Jesus
peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
taught. Erected in the 4th or 5th centuries, this impressive
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’
structure with ornately carved decorations is the largest
sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye,
synagogue discovered in Israel. Its white limestone, carted
when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall
from a distant quarry, contrasts with the local black basalt
say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.”
of the synagogue Christ knew. That original synagogue
Capernaum is mentioned more than fifty times in the New was built by a Roman centurion, the same centurion who
Testament, making it the most-mentioned place after had his servant healed after a declaration of faith that
Jerusalem. Jesus was born in Bethlehem and grew up in amazed Jesus (Luke 7:1-10).
Nazareth. After being baptized by John the Baptist in the
Jordan River, Jesus returned to Nazareth. However, the The Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish,
people of Nazareth rejected him and so he traveled to shortened to the Church of the Multiplication, is a Roman

35 | Page FOCUS, January 2024, Vol. 12, Issue 1

Catholic church located at Tabgha, on the northwest Church of Ascension with a 64-metre tower dominates
shore of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. The Church of the the Mount of Olives skyline belongs to the
Multiplication is in the area of Tabgha on the western Russian Orthodox Church of the Ascension. It was built to
shore of the Sea of Galilee. The church marks the site this height in the 1870s so that pilgrims unable to walk to
where Jesus performed the miracle of the multiplication of the Jordan River could climb its 214 steps and at least see
loaves and fish. This was also the site where Jesus the river. Atop the freestanding square tower is a sharply-
appeared for the fourth time after his resurrection. pointed belfry. It contains an eight-ton bell, cast in Russia,
and pulled and pushed — mainly by women pilgrims — on
In Mark 6:30-46 we read how Jesus and his disciples went a circular wagon from the port of Jaffa. It was the first
out on the water to a remote site in search of some peace Christian bell to ring in the Ottoman city of Jerusalem.
and quiet. Crowds of Jesus’ followers came after them While the church is dedicated to the Ascension of Jesus
and as night fell there was nowhere around to find food for — an event most Christians believe took place about 200
the multitudes. To feed the crowd of five thousand people meters further west at the Dome of the Ascension — it
Jesus performed a miracle sharing the meager two fish also claims a connection to St John the Baptist. An old
and five loaves between all the people. Shortly after tradition says the Baptist’s head was buried on the Mount
performing this miracle Jesus performed an additional of Olives and discovered on the site of the church by two
miracle by walking on the water. The Biblical reference Syrian monks in the 4th century.
does not mention Tabgha by name but calls it a remote
place on the shores of Galilee. Church of Dominus Flevit, halfway down the western
slope of the Mount of Olives, recalls the Gospel incident
The Church of the Primacy of Saint Peter is a in which Jesus wept over the future fate of Jerusalem.
Franciscan church located in Tabgha, Israel, on the This poignant incident occurred during Jesus’ triumphal
northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee. It commemorates, entry into Jerusalem on the first Palm Sunday, when
and allegedly marks the spot, of Jesus' reinstatement of crowds threw their cloaks on the road in front of him and
Peter as chief among the Apostles. But the best-known shouted, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of
mosaic, on the floor near the altar, refers to the miracle the the Lord!”
church commemorates. It shows a basket of
loaves flanked by two Galilee mullet. Beneath the altar is Looking down on the city, Jesus wept over it as he
the rock on which it is believed Jesus placed the loaves prophesied its future destruction. Enemies would “set up
and fish when he blessed them. ramparts around you and surround you, and hem you in
on every side . . . crush you to the ground . . . and they will
Church of Nativity that marks the site of Christ’s not leave within you one stone upon another; because you
birthplace means having to stoop low. The only doorway did not recognize the time of your visitation from God.”
in the fortress-like front wall is just 1.2 meters high. The (Luke 19:37-44) Within 40 years, in AD 70, Jesus’
previous entrance to the Church of the Nativity in prophesy was fulfilled. Roman legions besieged
Bethlehem was lowered around the year 1500 to stop Jerusalem and, after six months of fighting, burnt
looters from driving their carts in. To Christians, it seems the Temple and levelled the city.
appropriate to bow low before entering the place where
God humbled himself to become man. Today’s basilica, The Church of Agony (Church of all Nations) was built by
the oldest complete church in the Christian world, was Antonio Barluzzi, the Italian architect, in 1924. The unique
built by the emperor Justinian in the 6th century. It design is a harmonious mixture of outstanding Islamic
replaced the original church of Constantine the Great, architectural features, like domes on the roof and sides of
built over the cave venerated as Christ’s birthplace, and the building, and Christian Basilica in the front. Many
dedicated in AD 339. countries helped build the church, thus the name “Church
of all nations.” A slight oriental reference is noticeable in
The Church of Pater Noster on the Mount of Olives, it is the domes where the flags of the nations are displayed.
believed that Christ taught the Lord’s Prayer to his A Byzantine church was built on the same grounds in the
disciples. On walls around the church and its vaulted 4th century later converted to a basilica by the Crusaders.
cloister, translations of the Lord’s Prayer in 140 The most prominent part of the church is the presbytery
languages are inscribed on colorful ceramic plaques. A and the high altar that are behind a large piece of the rock
long tradition holds that Jesus taught the Lord’s Prayer or believed to be where Jesus prayed the night before the
Our Father in the cave that forms the grotto under the Passion.
church. When the Crusaders built a church here in the
12th century, they called it Pater Noster (Latin for Our We were able to visit different places in the City of
Father). Pilgrims of the time reported seeing the words of Jerusalem, where several important events happened
the prayer inscribed in Hebrew and Greek on during the life and ministry of Jesus. We walked through
marble plaques. Excavations have uncovered a Latin the street, which believed to be traveled by Jesus on the
version. One can see the Lord’s prayer in Malayalam also. donkey signifying his entry into Jerusalem. The view of
Jerusalem from Mount Olives is very beautiful. We were

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not able to visit the Mosque, which is standing at the place The Temple Mount, a walled compound in the Old City,
where Jerusalem Temple once was. It is unfortunate that also hosts Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock. It
after 2,000 years, Jews were not able to re-build the is the holiest site in Judaism, and the former site of the
Jerusalem Temsle. The one interesting thing, which First Jewish Temple, which is known as Jerusalem
caught my eyes is the tombs by the side of Olive Temple. This enormous area is also the third most
Mountain, where the dead bodies are buried with face important site to Muslims, falling behind only Mecca and
towards the site where Jerusalem Temple once stood. Medina. It is the site Muslims believe from where
These tombs belong to Muslims, Jews and Christians and Muhammad made his ascent to the heaven.
they pay a high price about $30,000 for being buried in
these tombs. The people believe that when the Messiah Seaof Galilee, Bethlehem and nearby areas were visited
comes, these people will be resurrected first and will join by us and had a boat ride through the Sea of Galilee also.
with the Messiah for an internal life in heaven. Jordan river, which flows from the north forms the Sea of
Galilee and then flows into south and ends up as Dead
The seven gates at the time of Suleiman were and by their Sea. The Sea of Galilee has many varieties of fishes of
current name: the Damascus Gate; Herod's Gate; Lions' which the most famous one is known as Peter's fish. We
Gate; Golden Gate; Dung Gate; Zion Gate; and Jaffa Gate. had our lunch with Peter's fish in a nearby restaurant.
Jerusalem’s Old City is home to world-famous and Jesus and his ministry are closely related to the Sea of
monumental sites such as the Western Wall, the Temple Galilee. The sermon on the mount which contains the 8
Mount, and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Walking beatitudes as recorded in Mathew 5-7, healing Peter's
through the Old City is like walking through thousands of mother in law (Mathew 8: 14-15), feeding the 5,000
years of human history, and each quarter has different (Mathew 6: 30-44), Jesus walking on the water (Mathew
sites, restaurants, architecture, and history to explore. 14: 22-32), healing the men possessed with devil (Luke 8:
27-39), 153 fishes caught by Peter and other disciples at
Gethsemane is a garden at the foot of the Mount of Olives the instructions of Jesus (Luke 5: 4-11), Jesus calming the
in Jerusalem where, according to the four Gospels of the storm (Mark 4: 37-41), baptism of Jesus by John the
New Testament, Jesus Christ underwent the agony in the Baptist (Matt 3: 13-16) and several other things took place
garden and was arrested before his crucifixion. It is a place by the side of Sea of Galilee and Jordan river. There are
of great resonance in Christianity. There are several small two places one on Israel side and the other on Jordan's
olive groves in church property, all adjacent to each other side, where it is claimed that Jesus took the baptism. The
and identified with biblical Gethsemane, believed to be Jordan river is muddy and water is not clear at all. There
more than 2,000 years old. Sitting outside the city walls of are people taking baptism at both sites, which are just
Jerusalem, the Garden of Gethsemane at the foot of opposite each other. The Jordan river is very narrow at this
Mount of Olives is a sacred destination for Christian location may be about 15-20 feet only wide and the water
pilgrims. may be about less than 10 feet deep in this part.

There is a church with a cross on which a cock is Synagogue in Nazareth, the ruins of the old synagogue
standing, where Peter denounced three times Jesus. where Jesus was handed a scroll of the book of Isaiah, finds
The palace of Herod was nowhere to be seen, but a path the place he is looking for, and reads Isaiah 61: “The Spirit of
with stones with iron fence around can be found, believed the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim
to be walked by Jesus with cross to Calvary. Nearby is the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to
tomb of Miriam, which one of the Christian traditions the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at
identifies as the burial cave of Miriam, the mother of Jesus. liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the
The Cave of Betrayal, also known as the Cave of the Lord’s favor.” Jesus then sat down and Luke tells us, “And
the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed upon him. And he
Apostles, or the Cave of Grief, is owned by the Franciscan
began to say to them, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled
Order and is right next to the entrance. in your hearing.” It is customary for 7 people to read from the
Torah on a Sabbath Day, priest, Levite and 5 ordinary

The Mount Precipice, or Mount of the Leap, is a steep hill in the

southern outskirts of Nazareth, overlooking the Jezreel Valley,
where it is believed that Jesus was taken and try to push him
down. After his baptism, Jesus returned to Nazareth and at the
local synagogue declared, for the first time in public, that he is
the Messiah. However, rejecting his claim the Nazoreans
declared him as a false Messiah, and dragged him to the “edge
of the city“. They attempted to throw him to his death, but “he
passed through the midst of them and walked away” (Luke 4:29-
30). Mount Precipice is 397 meters above Sea level, and its
southern edge is over a steep lookout of Jezreel valley.

(To be continued. . . .)

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forbid from studying the scriptures, as per the Manusmriti,
Book Review the book that has systematized the law of the Indian
“The Village Maestro and 100 Other Stories” Hardcover by
Dr. Varghese Mathai, Pippa Rann Books, Sutton, England The Village Maestro Book also includes fascinating and
(UK), 2022, Pp296, ISBN-13: 978-1913738815, $27.99 persuasive portraits of leading literary and historical
(Hard cover) figures: (i) Tiro, a slave born in Cicero’s household, but
became the preserver of his very legacy (#2, The Masterly
Dr. Varghese Mathai, the Slave). The story concludes, “Nothing matches the beauty
Benjamin P. Browne Chair of of merit reigning from its rightful seat”; (ii) Emperor Julian,
Communications at Judson the great persecutor of Christians, who succeeded the
University (Illinois), has been a Christian Emperors of Rome, restored the Empire to
scholar and teacher of Poetry paganism (#24, Views of a Fall). However, the Emperor
and Literature in various US was killed during his ill-fated campaign against Persia, an
universities for over 40 years. Dr. outcome that was prophetically revealed to two Christian
Mathai’s books include: “The leaders at the time: Metropolitan Basil of Caesarea and
Malabar Mandate: A Life of Didymus the Blind of Alexandria.
Volbrecht Nagel” (CLS 2012 and
2015), “The Village Maestro and The lead story, The Village Maestro (#15), is a portrait of a
100 Other Stories” (Pippa Rann sixty-five-year-old, retired music teacher from an Indian
Books, 2022), and “Mahakavi K. village, short in stature, albeit adored by the author. While the
V. Simon: The Milton of the Maestro traveled around as an itinerant harmonium player
East” (Bloomsbury, 2023). singing old hymns, his greedy neighbor encroached on his
property, grabbing land illegally, which failed to provoke and
aggravate the Maestro (“Aasaan”), which surprised the
The 2022 Village Maestro book is a masterful collection of
neighbors. The Maestro’s calm response to the greedy
stories and reflections that offer deep insights and poses
neighbor endeared him even more to the Author, who calls
searching questions, drawn from global literature,
him a “prince of heaven” in the story, and concludes, “An
contemporary events, and sacred scriptures, primarily the emperor could not despoil him, for his wealth was indexed
Bible. As noted in the introductory sections of the Book, far too high . . .”
the stories were originally “class-openers,” rendered by
Prof. Mathai at the beginning of each and every class; if The Fig Tree (#11), which was excerpted in the April 2022
the students missed the class, they would come by Dr. FOCUS Issue (Theme: Kerala Christian Diaspora, Part II),
Mathai’s office the following day, just to listen to the story! recounts the story of the author’s unhelpful discussions with
In fact, Dr. Mathai—describing himself as an “academic a fellow graduate student regarding Jesus’s cursing of the fig
migrant labor”—states that a key motivation for writing tree, discussed in Mark 11 and Matthew 21. However, God
The Village Maestro has been the request from students miraculously granted him the understanding another time
for a collection of stories in the form of a book, terming that Jesus could have been giving a figurative lesson on the
them as God’s gift to him, and the classroom as his village. nation of Israel: The fig tree was Israel; He was its great
The book is written in the tradition of classic storytellers gardener, looking for fruit and finding no fruit in the tree of his
like Aesop, Grimm Brothers, Will Rogers, and R.K. own planting. Therefore, The Fig Tree story concludes, “A
Narayan, albeit in a measured and crispy style, marked by fruitless tree signals its own doom by the axe and fire.”
the exceptional gift of contemplation and revelation.
My favorite story from the Village Maestro book is the
The 101 stories included in the Village Maestro book inspirational and moving account of Revd E.V. Hill, the
provide reflections and commentaries on a wide range of African American preacher from Los Angeles, who worked
topics, with practically every story immersed with with Martin Luther Kings during the Civil Rights movement
(#46, Don’t Worry, Mama is Praying). Hill grew up dirt poor,
surprising and challenging teasers:(i) Science (#5, Claims
born in a log cabin during the Great Depression, and raised
of Leverage)—The story begins with a discussion on the
by a single mother, graduating from a segregated school as
mechanical aspects of the Lever, but transitions to the its only graduate. Though he wanted to go to college, he had
concept of Leverage (influence), concluding with the no money. In faith, Hill got on a bus to Houston to attend
notion of the human soul being equipped with leverage college, with six dollars in his pocket, but buoyed by his
(power) to connect with the LORD Almighty; Caste (#72, mother’s assurance, “Go on, honey, Mama will be praying for
The Shadow Show)—The essay on caste concludes you,” though the paperwork was unfinished. When he arrived
emphatically, “Racism and casteism are similar at the college in Houston, Hill learned that he had been
phenomena because they are, in different cultures, the granted a full-ride scholarship; the letter sent to him was
worst form of thinking ourselves superior to others for no undelivered, stating that the address was wrong! The story
accomplishment of our own.” The conclusion is based on concludes, “Mothers are major power brokers. They have
a persuasive analysis of the baseless caste practices in disabled engines of oppression and altered history.”
India, with a focus on Maharashtra and Kerala. The essay
also notes that the Sudras (Untouchables) have been

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A great, charming story from the Village Mastro book is,
”Mr. Jacob and Prime Minister Nehru” (#54), featuring Christmas and the New
India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Mr.
Jacob, a school principal in Colonial India, who lived in Year Greetings
Delhi as a lay evangelist. Following a dream, where he was Once again, we are passing through the goodwill seasons
instructed to meet With Mr. Nehru that morning, Mr. Jacob of Christmas and hope-filled dreams and expectations
got on his bicycle early in the morning to meet Nehru, for the New year. The Christmas Story will mean different
some ten miles away. Mr. Jacob introduced himself as an things to different people, but it is a foundation of our
“Ambassador” to the security staff, while seeking an Christian faith. To celebrate Christmas is to share life with
audience with the Prime Minister, which was granted. another, for that is what God has done, shared divine life
When he met Nehru, Mr. Jacob declined the Prime with created life orms in a simple yet profound way: the
Minister’s invitation to be seated, stating that he had a birth of baby Jessus, Immanuel (meaning God with us).
busy day! He handed Nehru a small Gideon’s New The central message, which defined the original Christmas
Testament, saying that it contained words of life that the and continues to shape spirituality today is that Jesus has
Prime Minister needed. Nehru accepted the New come to earth as the son of God. St. John describes it
Testament gracefully, which was signed by Mr. Jacob beautifully: “God so loved the world that he gave his only
upon Nehru’s request. Nehru died 10 days later! Mr. Jacob son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have
learned later that Nehru had the practice of leaving a eternal life” (Jn 3:16).
weekly hour open for anyone who wanted to meet him,
which allowed Mr. Jacob to meet the Prime Minister. Most We commercialized Christmas by buying, selling and
providentially, it would seem, since Mr. Jacob had no prior profit making, but St. Francis of Assisi had the God-given
knowledge of Nehru’s open-door policy that day! insight to celebrate Christmas in a new and profound
spiritual way, as a liturgical celebration of all creation
A striking aspect of the Village Maestro book is its ability to awakened to the indwelling presence of God. St. Francis
share the truths of the Bible—including the redemptive story wanted everyone to see the drama of Christ’s birth, so he
of God’s plan of salvation for humanity through faith in Jesus had a manger prepared and hay carried in; an ox and an
Christ—mostly without direct Biblical references or merely ass were led to the spot of the manger. For him to
alluding to Biblical references. The LeMaster’s Dedication celebrate Christmas was to share life with another, for that
story (#3)—that documents the cases of famous authors who
is what God has done, shared divine life with created life
were initially rejected by publishers—ends with the
in a simple yet profound way: it is the amazing act of
statement, “Time has a way of showing builders that the
Mary’s total submission to the Divine plan of God
stone that they had rejected was perhaps the cornerstone”.
This is of course a reference to Jesus, as stated in Apostle becoming flesh in human form. It was a moment of heaven
Peter’s first epistle, “.The stone which the builders rejected and earth coming together. “In the beginning was Word,
Has become the chief cornerstone,” (1 Peter 2:7). and the Word was made flesh and dwells among us” (Jn
1:1). As we are thinking of the ecological crisis in this
I strongly recommend the book to FOCUS readers, worth issue of the FOCUS, Christmas celebrations should be
repeated and periodic reading for grasping the nuances of about heaven and earth coming together in the unity of
the stories and appreciating the perspectives of the author. I Godly love. Christmas is the spirit of giving without a
think the readers will find the fifteen “Study or Discussion thought of receiving. It is forgetting self and finding time
Questions,” included at the end of the book, useful and for others and sharing.
important for learning from the stories. Suggested sample
questions for a deep dive into the stories include the Many things are continuing to trouble us at this Christmas
following: (i) Examine how affliction can be a strong and the New year: wars in Ukraine, Israel-Gaza, and the
contributor to greatness; (ii) How do metaphors and symbols ecological crisis. How should we as Christians respond to
become vehicles of ideas; (iii) Identify the spiritual principle these crises? For us the Christmas message is God loves
accepted or resisted; (iv) Learn and apply the paradigm of us. Our common home, our mother earth challenges us as
parabolic teaching, that puts the illustration first and provides we enter the New Year to appreciate the gift of nature God
the theory afterwards, distinct from conventional teaching, has given us and to be sensitive to the needy people
which moves from theory to example; (v) Explore and
around us. May the God of love and peace sanctify us
appreciate the how experiences from global contexts of
throughout the New Year.
experiences could provide a foundation for comparative
We wish you a very happy Christmas and a blessed New
Dr. Cherian Samuel Year.
For the FOCUS Editorial Board
FOCUS Editorial Board

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