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Syllabus For Class IX PT-3

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Date : 07.11.2023 Class : IX
ENGLISH *Literature: Reading Comprehension
Ch.1 How I Taught my Grandmother to Read
Ch.2 A Dog Named Duke
Ch.3 The Man who Knew too Much
Ch.4 Keeping it from Harold
P1: The Brook
P2: The Road not Taken
P3: The Solitary Reaper
P5: The Seven Ages
P6: Oh ! I Wish I’d Looked After Me Teeth
D1: Villa for Sale

*Writing Skill:
1) Notice Writing (for school assembly/ Resident Welfare Association/ School
Events/ Classroom information)
2) Dialogue Writing
3) Informal Letter

Interactive Exercises:
1) Rearranging the jumbled words
2) Types of Sentences
3) Reported Speech (completion of dialogue)
4) Editing/Omission
5) Gap Filling
(based on the topics taught)
HINDI spSa- Baaga 1 ¹gaV KMD 1´ duK ka AiQakar 2´ evarosT maorI iSaKr yaa~a
3´ tuma kba jaaAaogao Aitiqa
4´ vaO&ainak caotnaa ko vaahk caMd`SaoKr vaoMkTramana
pV KMD 1´ pd ¹ rOdasa 2´ daoho ¹ rhIma 3´ Aignapqa 4´ gaIt¹AgaIt.
saMcayana Baaga 1 ¹ 1´ igallaU 2´ smaRit 3´ kllaU kumhar kI ]naakaoiT.
vyaakrNa ¹Sabd AaOr pdÊ Anausvaar Ê Anaunaaisak Ê ]psaga- Ê p`%yaya Ê vaa@ya ³Aqa- ko AaQaar pr´Ê
svar saMiQa Ê ivarama ica*na.
laoKna kaOSala ¹ica~ vaNa-na Ê saMvaad laoKna Ê AnaaOpcaairk p~¹laoKna Ê AnaucCod¹laoKna.
pzna kaOSala ¹Apizt gad\yaaMSa .
MATHEMATICS Ch. 1.Number Systems Ch. 2. Polynomials
Ch. 3.Coordinate Geometry Ch. 4.Linear Equations in Two Variables
Ch. 5. Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry
Ch. 6. Lines and Angles Ch. 7. Triangles
Ch. 8. Quadrilaterals Ch. 10.Heron’s Formula
Ch. 12.Statistics
Ch.8 Force and Laws of Motion.
Ch.9 Gravitation.
CHEMISTRY Ch.1 Matter in our surroundings
Ch.2 Is matter around us pure
Ch.3 Atoms and molecules
BIOLOGY Ch.5 The fundamental unit of Life
Ch.6 Tissues
SOCIAL HISTORY Ch.1 The French Revolution
SCIENCE Ch.2 Socialism in Europe and the Russian revolution (Till
Page No. 38) Part-3
Ch.3 The Nazism
GEOGRAPHY Ch.1 India Size and Location
Ch.2 Physical features of India
Ch.3 Drainage
Ch.6 Population
ECONOMICS Ch.2 People as Resources
Ch.3 Poverty As Challenge
CIVICS Ch.1What is Democracy? Why Democracy
Ch.2Constitutional Design
Ch.3 Electoral Politics
INTELLIGENCE Ch. 8 Components of computer system
Ch. 9 Various peripheral device of Computer System
Ch. 10 Operationg System
Ch. 11 Working With Windows7
Ch. 12 The Internet
SANSKRIT थम: पाठ:-भारतीवस गीित।
ि तीय: पाठ:- णकाक: प म: पाठ:- सू मौ कम्, ष : पाठ: - ांतो बाल:, स म:
पाठ: - िभ ानम् , अ म: पाठ: - लोहतुला, नवम: पाठ: - िसकतासेतु:, दशम: पाठ: -
जटायो: शौयम्।
श पािण - तत् , एतत् , अ द् , यु द् । धातु पािण - खाद् , वद् , चर् , खेल् , नी(नय्)
(लोट् लकार: , िविधिलङ् लकार:, लङ् लकार:)।
िच वणन, प लेखन , वा ानुवाद, ाकरिणक काय।
FRENCH Compréhension
Writing Skills – Letters, Messages, Dialogue re-arranging
Grammar – Adjectif Démonstratif, Trouvez la question, Négatif, Pronoms,
Tenses – Présent, Impératif, Passé Récent, Passé Composé,
Imparfait, Futur Proche, Futur Simple
Culture & Civilisation – Lesson – 1,3,4,5,6


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