Medical faculty
anatomy department
Pectoralis 3rd to 5th ribs near Upper surface of the raises the ribs during Medial
minor their cartilages coracoid process near inspiration with fixed pectoral
its tip scapula nerve scapula
Serratus Outer surfaces of the 3 digitations into the Protracts the scapula Long thoracic
anterior upper 8 ribs near their Ventral surface of the Or fix scapula and nerve
angles medial border of move the ribs in
scapula and the lower forced inspiration
5 digitations into abduction
inferior angle of the more than
scapula 90
Muscles of the shoulder:
Deltoid Anterior fibers: Deltoid tuberosity On the arm: Axillary nerve
Lateral ⅟3 of the in the middle of Anterior fibers
clavicle; middle the lateral surface Flexion with
fibers: from of the shaft of the medial rotation,
acromion; humerus middle fibers
posterior fibers: abduction from
from spine of 15
18-90 degrees
scapula posterior fibers
extension with
lateral rotation
Rotator cuff: From scapula: Into humerus On the arm
1. Supraspinatus Supraspinous Upper part of the Abduction of arm Suprascapular
fossa greater tuberosity 15
18 degrees nerve
2. Infraspinatus Infraspinous fossa Middle part of Lateral rotation of Suprascapular
greater tuberosity arm nerve
3. Teres minor Upper ⅔ of lateral Lower part of Lateral rotation of Axillary nerve
border greater tuberosity arm
4. Subscapularis
Subscapular fossa Lesser tuberosity Adduction and Upper and
medial rotation of lower
arm subscapular
Teres major Lower ⅟3 of In the medial lip of Adduction, medial Lower
lateral border of the intertubercular rotation and subscapular
scapula groove of the extension of arm
Muscles of the arm:
Biceps From scapula: Long A tendon into the Powerful supinator Musculo-
head from radial tuberosity of and Flexor of elbow cutaneous
supraglenoid tubercle radius and a bicipital joint nerve
and short head from aponeurosis blends
coracoid process with the deep fascia of
the forearm
Brachialis Lower half of the front Into the front of the The main flexor of Musculo-
of the shaft of the coronoid process of the the elbow joint Cutaneous
humerus ulna and radial
Triceps Long head from the Into the posterior part The main extensor of Radial
infraglenoid tubercle of the upper surface of the elbow nerve; a
Lateral head from a the olecranon process branch for
ridge in back of the of the ulna. Some of each head.
humerus above spiral the deep fibers pass to The long
groove the fibrous capsule of head has its
Medial head from the the elbow joint. branch in
back of the humerus axilla
below spiral groove
1- Articular branch to shoulder joint from the trunk.
2- Anterior division gives anterior part of deltoid.
3- Posterior gives teres minor, posterior part of deltoid and upper lateral cutaneous nerve
of arm.
1- Muscular to coracobrachialis, biceps and brachialis.
2- Articular branch to elbow joint
3- Lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm.
Radial nerve
Origin and course:
1- In the axilla, it arises from the posterior cord of brachial plexus, it runs on the
subscapularis and Tendons of latissimus dorsi and teres major.
2- In the arm, it runs in the spiral groove.
3- In the lateral side of the arm, it lies between the brachialis and brachioradialis
4- It divides into superficial and deep divisions (branches) in front of the lateral epicondyle
of the Humerus.
In axilla: Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm
Long head of triceps