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IEC 60601 1 4th Ed FINAL Design Specification Outline 1701413653

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Design Specification Outline

for the fourth edition of IEC 60601-1

Design Specification Outline for the fourth edition of IEC 60601-1

1. About this Design Specification

This Design Specification is developed to provide guidance and mapping for drafting the 4th edition of IEC

This Design Specification supplements the Architectural Specification for Safety Standards of Medical
Electrical Equipment, Medical Electrical Systems, and Software used in Healthcare (62/348/Q) that was
drafted by the representatives of IEC TC 62 and its subcommittees and finalized in 2020. It outlines the
concepts and goals for the IEC 60601 series of standards. This includes the IEC 80601 and ISO 80601 series
of standards.

Once the Architectural Specification was finalized and approved by the National Committees of IEC/TC 62
and subcommittees, IEC/SC 62A was tasked with developing this Design Specification. The aim of this
Design Specification is to provide clear, concise basis for developing the next edition of IEC 60601-1. It is
intended to provide information to develop a user-friendly, distinct and easily readable edition of IEC

The new structure of the requirements is mirrored by a new structure of the Working Groups, each
working on a separate cluster. A table is provided which maps the clauses of Ed.3.2 and other documents
into each cluster. The numbering (A … L) of the clusters does not reflect the final numbering of the Clauses
of Ed.4.

This document provides the philosophy, principles in drafting the fourth edition as well as how the
proposed grouping of the work will be performed.

The Design Specification and the 4th edition are intended to support the UN sustainable Development
Goal 3: Good health and well-being—ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all.

2. Clustering of requirements
The IEC 60601 series contains requirements for medical electrical equipment, medical electrical systems
and its software. Those requirements can apply to all equipment/systems (as in the general standard), to
specific groups of equipment or to specific properties/aspects of equipment (as in the collateral standards
and in some particular standards that address general issues (i.e., 60601-2-22, 80601-2-49, 60601-2-57,

It is the intention of the 4th edition to include the requirements of the general standard and collateral
standards (as well as some “general” particular standards) into one document. To better manage the
number of requirements in the development phase of the standard, corresponding requirements are
grouped into clusters. All technical requirements related to specific hazards (e.g., electrical, mechanical,
electromagnetic, radiation) are grouped into separate clusters.

The clusters are indicated with capital letters (A, B, C, …) to distinguish them from clauses. It is the
intention that each cluster be managed by one Working Group (WG). The responsible WG can decide on
grouping the requirements into one clause or into more clauses where necessary or appropriate.

To be consistent with Directives part 2, defined terms are denoted in italics.

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Design Specification Outline for the fourth edition of IEC 60601-1

3. Proposed title of the 4th edition:

Medical electrical equipment — Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance

4. The first three clauses are determined per ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (and will
be handled by the editing team):
1. Scope
2. Normative references
3. Terms and definitions

5. Clusters of requirements
The content and specific requirements are grouped into general requirements and a set of clusters
according to kind or source of harm/hazardous situation: [62/348/Q-Goal 3]

A. General requirements
B. Physical environment hazards
C. User interface related hazards (including all labelling and information to be provided)
D. Materials hazards
E. PEMS (e.g., SaMD (Software as a medical device), SiMD (Software in a medical device), firmware,
software, apps, OS, drivers) related hazards
F. Electrical hazards
G. Mechanical hazards
H. Thermal and fire hazards
I. Optical radiation (visible, UV and IR) hazards
J. Ionizing radiation hazards
K. Electromagnetic exposure (not optical or ionizing but including SAR) hazards
L. Electromagnetic disturbances (including coexistence) hazards

A separate cluster for medical electrical systems is not included in this list, because system aspects are
covered in the hazard-specific clusters. Where applicable, the system-specific requirements need to be
indicated clearly in those clusters.

A separate cluster for ‘Hazardous situations and fault conditions for ME Equipment’, former Clause 13, is
not included because hazardous situations and single fault conditions are distributed into the hazard-
specific clusters.

6. The following topics are deleted.

• Specific single-fault conditions (IEC 60601-1, 13.2.2-5, 13.2.11-12) because these subclauses are
only references to other subclauses.
• Specific mechanical hazards (IEC 60601-1, 16.7) because it is only a reference to Clause 9.
• Cathode-ray tubes (IEC 60601-1, 9.5.2) because this technology is no longer used.
• Flammable anaesthetics (IEC 60601-1, 11.4, Annex G) because 11.4 is only a reference to Annex
G and such gases are no longer in use. Hospitals are no longer designed to be able to safely use
these gases.

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7. The following topics were considered but are not to be included in the 4th
Following topics have been moved to the scope of IEC/SC 62A/WG 20 and IEC/TC 62 – ISO/TC 210/JAG 5
to be considered in a separate standard in the future.

• Content of IEC 60601-1-9

• Energy efficiency, (IEC guide 118, 119; annex C 118 overview).

8. Proposed scope for the 4th edition:

8.1 Scope [62/348/Q-Goal 5]
This document applies to medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems, hereafter referred to as MEE
and MES.

This document specifies the general requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of MEE and MES,
intended for use by the specific users and in the specific environments of use as specified in the instructions for use.

This document applies to software integrated into an MEE (SiMD). This document applies to software as a medical
device (SaMD) in an MES when the SaMD contributes to basic safety or essential performance.

This document can be applied to subassemblies of MEE or MES.

EXAMPLE Power supply unit or x-ray tube assembly.

Hazards related to the intended physiological effect of MEE or MES are not covered by the specific requirements of
this document except in xxx (formerly 7.2.13) and xxx (formerly 8.4.1).

NOTE 1 See also xxx (formerly 4.2).

The IEC 60601 series does not apply to:

– in vitro diagnostic equipment that does not fall within the definition of MEE, which is covered by the IEC 61010

– implantable parts of active implantable medical devices covered by the ISO 14708 series; or

– medical gas pipeline systems covered by ISO 7396-1.

NOTE 2 ISO 7396-1 applies the requirements of IEC 60601-1-8 to certain monitoring and ALARM SIGNALS.

9. Terminology and definitions

Currently, IEC TC62/WG 4 62/WG4 is still working on these definitions so they are subject to change.

Definitions in this document are only informative for better understanding of this document; definitions will be
specified in IEC 60050-880.

Once they are published in IEC 60050-880, they will be used in IEC 60601-1 Ed.4.

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9.1 medical electrical equipment

ME equipment
electrical medical device (IEV 880-09-23) having an applied part (IEV 880-09-07) or transferring
energy or substances to or from the patient (IEV 880-14-16) or detecting such energy or substance
transfer to or from the patient and which is provided with not more than one connection to a
particular mains (IEV 880-06-10)
Note 1 to entry: The MEE also includes those accessories and detachable parts as defined by the
manufacturer that are necessary to enable the normal use of the MEE.
Note 2 to entry: An electrical medical device having more than one connection to a particular mains is
considered MES.
Note 3 to entry: Not all electrical equipment used in medical practice falls within this definition (e.g., in vitro
diagnostic equipment for the laboratory).
Note 4 to entry: The definition of medical device is broader than that of MEE.
Note 5 to entry: The transfer or detecting of energy includes optical radiation and imaging (e.g., infrared, x -
ray and ultrasound imaging).
[SOURCE: IEC 60601-1:2005, 3.63, modified — added “MEE” as a term, “electrical equipment”
with “electrical medical device” and “supply mains” with “mains”, added “or substances”, deleted
item b) and notes 3 to 5, and added note 2.]

9.2 essential performance

performance of a clinical or diagnostic function, other than that related to basic safety
(IEV 880-18-02), where loss or degradation beyond the limits specified by the manufacturer
(IEV 880-14-14) results in an unacceptable risk (IEV 880-18-14)
Note 1 to entry: Essential performance is most easily understood by considering whether loss of the function
or degradation of the performance would result in an unacceptable risk.
Note 2 to entry: Clinical and diagnostic functions include therapeutic, patient monitoring and in vitro
diagnostic functions.
[SOURCE: IEC 60601-1:2005 and IEC 60601-1:2005/AMD1:2012, 3.27, modified — added “or
diagnostic” and note 2 and replaced “its absence or degradation” with “loss of the function or
degradation of the performance” in note 1.]

9.3 medical device

instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, appliance, implant, reagent for in vitro use, software,
material or other similar or related article, intended by the manufacturer (IEV 880-14-14) to be
used, alone or in combination, for patients (IEV 880-14-16), for one or more of the specific medical
purpose(s) of
— diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of disease,
— diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of or compensation for an injury,
— investigation, replacement, modification, or support of the anatomy or of a physiological
— supporting or sustaining life,
— control of conception,
— disinfection (IEV 880-04-02) of medical devices (IEV 880-09-23),
— providing information by means of in vitro examination of specimens derived from the patient,
and which does not achieve its primary intended action by pharmacological, immunological or
metabolic means, in or on the patient, but which can be assisted in its intended function by such

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Note 1 to entry: Products which can be considered to be medical devices in some jurisdictions but not in
others include:
— disinfection substances,
— aids for persons with disabilities,
— devices incorporating animal or human tissues,
— devices for in-vitro fertilization or assisted reproductive technologies .

[SOURCE: ISO/IEC Guide 63:2019, 3.7, modified — replaced “and/or” with “or” and “human being”
and “human body” with “patient”.]

9.4 medical electrical system

ME system
combination, as specified by its manufacturer (IEV 880-14-14), of items of equipment or software,
at least one of which is MEE (IEV 880-09-25) interconnected by functional connection
(IEV 880-05-03)
Note 1 to entry: The manufacturer of an MES can also be an IT integrator, implementer, distributor or a
healthcare delivery organization.
Note 2 to entry: When SaMD contributes to basic safety or essential performance of an MEE, then the SaMD
shall be considered an element of a MES.
Note 3 to entry: Elements of an MES can be in different locations.
[SOURCE: IEC 60601-1:2005, 3.64, modified — added “MES” as a term, added “software” and
notes 2 to 3 and replaced “to be inter-connected by functional connection or by use of a multiple
socket-outlet” with “interconnected by functional connection” and note 1.]

9.5 functional connection

connection by electrical, mechanical, wireless or other means, including those intended to transfer
signals, data, power or substances
Note 1 to entry: A connection to the fixed mains socket outlet, whether single or multiple, is not considered
to result in a functional connection.
Note 2 to entry: Permanently installed equipment is not considered to have a functional connection to mains.
Note 3 to entry: A patient connection is not considered a functional connection.
Note 4 to entry: Power can be electrical, gas, mechanical, etc.
[SOURCE: IEC 60601-1:2005, 3.33, modified — replaced “, electrical or otherwise” with “by electrical,
mechanical, wireless or otherwise” and replaced note 1 with notes 1 to 4.]

9.6 patient
subject of care
living being (person or animal) receiving healthcare services
Note 1 to entry: Healthcare services include diagnostic, therapeutic, monitoring, surgical or dental
procedures and can be delivered in the home healthcare environment, professional healthcare environment
and emergency medical services environment.
Note 2 to entry: A patient can be a user.
Note 3 to entry: Safety limit values can be different for different patients, especially for non-human patients.
[SOURCE: IEC 60601-1:2005, 3.76, modified — replaced “undergoing a medical, surgical or dental
procedure” with “receiving healthcare services” and "operator" with "user" and added notes 1 and 3.]

9.7 applied part

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part of MEE (IEV 880-09-25) that in normal use (IEV 880-21-07) necessarily comes into physical
contact with the patient (IEV 880-14-16) for an MEE to perform its function
[SOURCE: IEC 60601-1:2005, 3.8, modified — deleted “or an MES” and notes.]

9.8 user
DEPRECATED: operator
person interacting with (i.e., operating or handling) the medical device (IEV 880-09-23), accessory
(IEV 880-09-04) and associated items
Note 1 to entry: There can be more than one user of a medical device.
Note 2 to entry: Common users include, among others, healthcare professional providers, patients, lay
persons, processors, maintenance and service personnel.
[SOURCE: IEC 62366-1:2015, 3.24, modified — added “, accessory and associated items” and
"lay persons", replaced “cleaners” with “processors”.]

10. Principles for drafting the fourth edition

10.1 General
The clusters are indicated with capital letters (A, B, C, …) to distinguish them from clauses. Each cluster is
intended to be managed by one Working Group (WG). The responsible WG decides on grouping the
requirements into the clausal structure (e.g., into one Clause or into multiple Clauses where necessary or
appropriate). This means that the current structure of IEC/SC 62A will be disrupted and will be
restructured. When work on the 4th edition is approved, the working groups and maintenance teams
under SC 62A related to the 3rd edition will be dissolved and new working group structure will be put in
place for the 4th edition. There will be call for nominations for the new working groups, with possible call
for new leaders, before the work on 4th edition begins.

Additionally, IEC/SC 62A will utilize an editing team to ensure consistency of content and writing style
authored by the different WGs as well as making the document consistent with the current ISO/IEC
Directives, Part 2.

Also, to assist in developing the 4th edition, there will be two phases of training provided. First set will be
for the groups drafting the texts for IEC 60601-1. Second set will be for those who will need to reference
IEC 60601-1 in their publication, most notably the writers of part 2 standards and other documents in the
IEC 60601 series.

A mapping between the relevant goals of the Architecture Document 62/348/Q and how each goal will
be implemented for the 4th edition project is detailed in Annex A.

10.2 Goals from the Architecture Document, 62/348/Q.

The Architecture Specification contains very broad and comprehensive descriptions of architectural
goals to be considered when writing Ed. 4. The authors of Ed. 4 are expected to consider the description
of the architectural goals in the Architecture Specification for additional guidance.

a) Regarding normative references, the following text will be added to the general Clause (WG A):
[62/348/Q-Goal 3]

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Where this document specifies a specific edition of a normatively referenced document, the
manufacturer may substitute a more current version provided the manufacturer can demonstrate
that the residual risk that results from the substitution remains acceptable and is comparable to the
residual risk that results from applying the normatively referenced document.

b) Terminology shall be consistent and shall utilize the terminology of IEC 60050-880, International
Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 880: Electrical equipment, electrical systems and software
used in healthcare, where appropriate. [62/348/Q-Goal 3]
c) Each Clause shall cover the needed requirements for MEE, MES and, as appropriate, should cover the
needed requirements for subassemblies or components. [62/348/Q-Goal 5]
d) Requirements shall clearly indicate whether they are applicable to MEE, MES, subassemblies or
components, as appropriate. [62/348/Q-Goals 5.5.3 and 5.5.6]
e) Each Clause shall consider whether requirements need to vary based on e.g., intended use
environment, intended patient or intended user. [62/348/Q-Goal 5]
f) Each requirement shall be reconciled into a single statement (i.e., each requirement is distinct and
has a unique identifier). [62/348/Q-Goal 2]
g) Each requirement should include rationale for the safety goal in the rationale annex. [62/348/Q-Goal
h) Each requirement should include the correlation with IMDRF N47 and N52 in an Annex. [62/348/Q-
Goal 6]
i) Each requirement will be reviewed to ensure that it still reflects the generally acknowledged state of
the art. [62/348/Q-Goal 1]
j) Each requirement will be reviewed to ensure that the acceptance criteria are verifiable (quantitative
where possible). [62/348/Q-Goal 4]
k) Test methods should be described in sufficient detail, or referenced to an existing accepted standard,
to ensure that the test can be successfully reproducibly conducted and have consistent results.
l) Cross references within the document shall be avoided where practicable and, if necessary, be as
short as possible. [62/348/Q-Goal 3]
m) Normative reference to external standards should be as precise as practicable to avoid referencing
more of a standard than is necessary. Such references should be as specific as practicable. [62/348/Q-
Goals 3 and 4]
n) Small parts of external standards should be copied into the document (if possible verbatim) to avoid
the normative reference (e.g., a single requirement from an external standard). In such a case, a note
or the rationale should indicate the source of the requirement. [62/348/Q-Goal 3]
o) Informative references should be limited to notes or the rationale. [62/348/Q-Goal 3]
p) References to the outputs of processes (e.g., usability engineering, software development, risk
management) in conformance statements should be minimized, where practicable. However, the
conformance statement for each process document shall be clear and specific. [62/348/Q-Goal 4]
EXAMPLE Following a mechanical stress test:

1. Confirm that basic safety and essential performance are maintained.

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2. Confirm that the enclosure integrity is maintained and access to live parts is prevented.

11. Process standard implementation example

The following is an example of how to call out a process standard with the related conformity
statement. As this is an example for usability to demonstrate the intended approach, it is not final text
for insertion into the 4th edition. The conformity check was adapted from the IECEE TRF for 60601-1-6.
A usability engineering process complying with IEC 62366-1:2015+A1:2020 shall be performed except for:
a) the planning for and execution of production and post-production monitoring in the context of applying
the usability engineering process within the framework of ISO 14971, and
b) the maintenance of the usability engineering process.
Check conformity by inspection of the usability engineering file:
1. to confirm that the manufacturer has:
a. established a usability engineering process,
b. established acceptance criteria for use-related residual risk, and
c. demonstrated that the acceptance criteria for use-related residual risk is acceptable;
2. to confirm that:
a. the interactions with the medical device according to the accompanying document have been
addressed in the usability engineering process,
b. Information for safety and training (if appropriate) used as a risk control measure has been
evaluated according to the usability engineering process, and
c. the results of the usability engineering process are recorded in the usability engineering file;
3. to confirm that the usability engineering file contains a use specification addressing:
a. intended medical indication,
b. intended patient population,
c. intended part of the body or type of tissue applied to or interacted with,
d. intended user profile,
e. intended use environment, and
f. operating principle;
4. to confirm that the manufacturer has identified:
a. user interface characteristics that could be related to safety and potential use errors, and
b. known or foreseeable hazards and hazardous situations which could affect patients, users or
others, related to the use of the MEE;
5. to confirm that the:
a. risk analysis includes a description of all the reasonably foreseeable hazard-related use
scenarios associated with the identified hazard and hazardous situations,
b. description of each identified hazard-related use scenario includes all tasks and their sequences,
c. severity of the possible resulting associated harm was determined;
6. to confirm that the manufacturer has selected the hazard-related use scenarios to be included in a
summative evaluation by selecting:
a. all hazard-related use scenarios,
b. a subset of the hazard-related use scenarios based on the severity of the potential harm that
could be caused by use error, or

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c. a subset of the hazard-related use scenarios based on the severity of the potential harm and
based on other circumstances specific to the MEE and the manufacturer;
7. to confirm that the manufacturer has established and maintained:
a. a user interface specification which includes whether accompanying documentation is required
and whether training is required, and
b. a user interface evaluation plan for the user interface;
8. If training on the medical device is required for the safe use by the intended user, to confirm that the
manufacturer has designed and implemented a training capability for the expected service life of the
medical device by doing at least one of the following:
a. provided the materials necessary for training, and
b. ensured the materials necessary for training are available,
c. make the training available, or
d. make training available to the responsible organization that enables it to train its users;
9. to confirm that the manufacturer has performed a summative evaluation of each selected hazard-
related use scenario;
10. to confirm that all use errors and use difficulties that occurred are to be identified;
a. Identify if new use errors, hazards, hazardous situations or hazard-related use scenarios
11. to confirm whether further improvement of the user interface design as it relates to safety is
necessary and practicable:
a. if not, confirm that the manufacturer has documented why improvement is not necessary or not
b. if not, confirm that the data from the usability engineering process needed to determine the
residual risk related to use is documented, and
c. confirm that the residual risk has been evaluated according to ISO 14971:2019, 7.3 (see
IEC 62366-1:2015 + A1:2020, Figure A.5); and
12. if user interface of unknown provenance (UOUP) is present, confirm that it was evaluated to
Annex C.

Add to Cluster C, for the IFU:

a. The instructions for use shall contain a summary of the use specification as specified in IEC
62366-1:2015 + A1:2020, 5.1;
b. The same information is also included in the technical description, if this is provided as a
separate document from instructions for use.

12. Dividing the work

Each WG has an area of responsibility and will be assigned the relevant items from the "Long List". The
"Long List" is a database of known issues in the 3rd edition of 60601 (series). The issues will be
distributed to the relevant WG.

Where an entry indicates new, the existing 3rd edition does not address the issue and the WG will need
to identify or develop appropriate requirements. When a question mark is indicated in the “3rd edition
or other standard’s clauses/subclauses (specified numbering)” column, it represents work that the
cluster will need to do determine the specifics to be incorporated.

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There are classifications in Cluster A that will be used to determine which subclauses of the standard are
applicable to a given product and which test levels are applicable.

The following working groups need to be formed:

A. General requirements: general issues with respect to underlying concepts (e.g., basic
safety/essential performance, single fault safety, type testing), correlation with processes
relevant for the IEC 60601-1 defined by other process standards (e.g., risk management).
B. Physical environment hazards: safety issues due to specific environmental conditions, including
power supply.
C. User interface (means by which user and medical device interact) aspects (including all labelling
and information to be provided) hazards: safety issues related to user interfaces including
marking, indications, accompanying information, alarm systems and usability.
D. Materials hazards: safety issues related to interferences of materials of MEE/MES with users,
patients, used substances, including cleaning, disinfection, sterilization.
E. PEMS related hazards (e.g., Software as a medical device, Software in a medical device, firmware,
software, apps, operating system, drivers): safety issues related to software driven functionality.
F. Electrical hazards: safety issues related to electricity.
G. Mechanical hazards: safety issues related to mechanics, including acoustic and pneumatic energy
and vibration energy.
H. Thermal and fire hazards: safety issues related to thermal effects caused by MEE/MES and to fire
in MEE or MES.
I. Optical radiation (visible, UV and IR) hazards: safety issues related to (visible radiation, UV and or
J. Ionizing radiation hazards: safety issues related to ionizing radiation.
K. Electromagnetic exposure (not optical or ionizing but including SAR) hazards: safety issues related
to radiation not (not optical or ionizing radiation hazards but including SAR).
L. Electromagnetic disturbances (including wireless coexistence) hazards: safety issues related to
electromagnetic emissions or electromagnetic immunity, (including wireless coexistence).

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13. Proposed groupings for the IEC 60601 4th Edition development [62/348/Q-Goal 3]

Table 1 — First 3 Clauses required by the Directives

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New
clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
1. editing Scope 1 (required by Directives) 1
2. editing Normative references 2 (required by Directives) 2
3. editing Terminology and definitions 3 (required by Directives) 3

Table 2 — General requirements

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New
clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
1. A General requirements • applicability of standard 1.1+1.2; (60601-1-2: 1.1+1.2); 1
(60601-1-3: 1.1+1.2); (60601-1-6:
1.1+1.2); (60601-1-8: 1.1+1.2);
(60601-1.10: 1.1+1.2); (60601-1-11:
1.1+1.2); (60601-1-12: 1.1+1.2)
2. A General requirements General philosophy 4.1, 16.1; Selective from 60513
3. A General requirements • how to deal with multiple [80601-2-49 201.4.5]
applicable particular standards
4. A General requirements Application of risk management 4.2, (4.6, 5.9.1)
5. A General requirements • intended use/use specification [in IFU, 20417 6.6.2 a) 4)], [60601-1-
2 a)]
6. A General requirements • alarm system [60601-1-8 Clause 4]
7. A General requirements • alternative risk controls 4.5, include newer standard version

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# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New

clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
8. A General requirements Single fault safety concept
9. A General requirements • basic safety and essential 4.7, (5.1 paragraph 3), 13.1.1,
performance [13.2.1 first paragraph] expand
discussion of BS vs EP and how to
confirm; Selective from 60513
New SFC (including any single
failures) for basic safety and need
for safe fall back
10. A General requirements • identification of essential 4.3, [60601-1-2 b)]
performance (and means to
11. A General requirements • includes verification of essential IEC 60601-1:2005/AMD1:2012
performance in single fault /ISH1:2021
12. A General requirements • specific hazardous situations 13.1
13. A General requirements • specific single fault conditions 13.2
14. A General requirements • use of COMPONENTS WITH HIGH- 4.9, +new [new—how to prove it is
INTEGRITY CHARACTERISTICS in ME such a component IEC 62308 &
EQUIPMENT 61709]. Is it a critical component?
15. A General requirements Expected service life and shelf life 4.4, 15.3.7, [60601-1-11 7.4.8],
[new—how to evaluate expected
16. A General requirements • disclose and what to do at the new
end of expected service life or if
maintenance and repair not
performed (properly)

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# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New

clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
17. A General requirements • maintenance and repair new; 62353, 62354, [new disclose
effect of not doing maintenance and
Parts of 7.9.3
identify critical components and
how to verify or validate a
replacement component
how to verify BS and EP following
maintenance and repair
18. A General requirements • reliability new
19. A General requirements General requirements for testing 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, [80601-2-49
201.5.4], [60601-1-2 4.3.1, 4.3.2]
20. A General requirements • create test plan, include 5.8, New [See 60601-1-2,6.2], Annex
sequence of testing B
21. A General requirements • 60601 testing procedure 5.8, 62354
22. A General requirements • production tests New, 62354, Annex K
23. A General requirements • accelerated life evaluation new
24. A General requirements Accuracy aspects requiring validation
(testing in subjects or testing in lab) i.e.
essential performance
25. A General requirements • Validation (of EP) new
[60601-1-10 8.2.5]
26. A General requirements • accuracy of controls and 12.1, [60601-1-11 Clause 9]
27. A General requirements • using non-human subjects new
28. A General requirements Classification 6
29. A General requirements • clinical environment (home, new
ambulance, OR, ICU, special,
critical care, intermediate care,
basic care, etc.)

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# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New

clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
30. A General requirements • continuous/non-continuous 6.6, 7.2.11, part continuous and part
[continuous should be default] non-continuous. Review 2nd edition

31. A General requirements • type of mobility (mobile, fixed, new

32. A General requirements • type of applied part, class I & II, 5.9.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, (6.1, 6.2,
internally powered, IPxx, single 8.3), 7.2.5, 7.2.6, 7.2.10, 7.2.11,
use/multiple use, O2, mode of [60601-1-11 Clause 6], [60601-1-12
operation Clause 5], [20417]
33. A General requirements • type (size, etc.) of patient new
34. A General requirements • type/use of gas input 7.2.18 new
35. A General requirements • type/use of liquid input new
36. A General requirements • multiple applied parts [80601-2-49 201.6.2, 201.8.3]
37. A General requirements • size/mass of equipment 7.2.21
38. A General requirements • degree of autonomy present new
39. A General requirements o PCLC New [60601-1-10]
40. A General requirements o AI/ML new
41. A General requirements o robotics New [60601-4-1]
42. A General requirements • pieces of equipment new
(subassemblies and accessories)
43. A General requirements • components 4.8
o differentiate detachable
part vs accessory
(? Delete 7.2.2 and 7.2.4
and use 20417, 6.1)
44. A General requirements • functional connections (e.g., new
systems, sip/sop, wireless,
network. other connections)

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Design Specification Outline for the fourth edition of IEC 60601-1

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New

clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
45. A General requirements • distributed essential new
performance present?
o distributed UI present?
o distributed alarm system
o distributed control
46. A General requirements • determining accessible parts 5.9.2, [8.4.2 part], 13.2.1 (parts),
16.4 (determining), [60601-1-11
Clause 5]

Table 3 — Physical environment hazards

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New
clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
1. B Physical environment 5.3
2. B Physical environment Environmental requirements (operating, New, [60601-1-11 4.2.2, 4.2.3],
transport in use/ transport & storage [60601-1-12 4.2]
between uses; transport & storage prior 7.2.17, 13.2.8 (parts), [15.3 except
to first use; temperature, humidity & 15.3.7],, [shock and
pressure range, shock & free fall/ vibration missing], packaging tests
vibration/robustness/strength, physical missing, [60601-1-11 Clause 10.1],
security) [60601-1-12 Clause 10.1]
EMC classification IEV part 880 and 60601-1-2

3. B Physical environment • earthquake (fixed or stationary New – {OSHPD (HCAI), or Japan

MEE) certificate} IEC 60721-2-6
4. B Physical environment • corrosion (by ambient, due to New, 62368-1, Annex N & Annex Y.3
electrochemical action between
dissimilar metals, by patient)
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Design Specification Outline for the fourth edition of IEC 60601-1

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New

clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
5. B Physical environment • power supply input 4.10, 5.5, 7.2.5; 7.2.6; 7.2.7; 7.2.8;
8.2; 16.3, [60601-1-11 4.1], [60601-
1-12 4.1], [new — emergency
backed up power vs. non backed up]
6. B Physical environment • batteries 7.3.3; 15.4.3 (need extension,
include battery management, and
charging and discharging); [60601-1-
11: 7.4.2; 8.5]; [60601-1-12: 6.3.2;
7. B Physical environment • ingress particulates and water 6.3, (60601-1-11 7.2 except safety
(IPNN) sign), (60601-1-12 6.2 except safety
sign), 7.2.9, [11.6.1, 11.6.2, 11.6.3,
11.6.5],, [60601-1-11 7.2,
8.3], [60601-1-12 6.2, 8.1], [80601-2-
Review reference to 60529 and add
appropriate acceptance criteria
8. B Physical environment • oxygen rich environment 6.5, 11.2.2
9. B Physical environment • US deviation for x-ray
Call out ASTM test methods with
• OR limits; See IEC 62570
• shielded
• Other?

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Design Specification Outline for the fourth edition of IEC 60601-1

Table 4 — User interface aspects

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New
clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
1. C User interface aspects Information provided by the 7, 16.2, 16.3 (overvoltage category),
manufacturer [60601-1-6 Clause 5], [60601-1-11
7.1, 7.3.1], [60601-1-12 6.1, 7.3.1],
[60601-1-3 5.2]
2. C User interface aspects • elements to be established [20417 5]
3. C User interface aspects • label [20417 6.1]
4. C User interface aspects • marking [20417 6.1.1], [80601-2-49],, 7.2.13, 7.2.20,
[60601-1-3 5.1], [60601-1-2 5.1],
5. C User interface aspects • legibility of marking 7.1.2, [20417 6.3], 60601-1-11,
60601-1-12, 6.1
ISO/TR 22411
6. C User interface aspects • legibility of marking/display new
including with PPE
7. C User interface aspects • durability of marking 7.1.3, [20417 6.4]
8. C User interface aspects • packaging [20417 6.5]
9. C User interface aspects • IFU [20417 6.6.2, 6.6.3], [60601-1-6, 5],
[60601-1-8 5.2.1], [60601-1-11 7.3.2,
7.4.1, 7.4.2, 7.4.3, 7.4.4, 7.4.5,
7.4.6], [60601-1-12 6.3.2, 6.3.3,
6.3.4, 6.3.5], [80601-2-49], [60601-1-3 5.2.4],
[60601-1-2, c) to f),],
10. C User interface aspects • technical description [20417 6.6.4], [60601-1-8 5.2.2],
[60601-1-11 7.5.1], [60601-1-12
6.4], [60601-1-2 5.2.2], 7.9.3
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Design Specification Outline for the fourth edition of IEC 60601-1

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New

clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
11. C User interface aspects • e-documentation [20417 6.6.5]
12. C User interface aspects • site planning safety information [60601-2-33,201.7.101]
(power, cooling, ventilation,
shielding, installation)
13. C User interface aspects Covered by 20417, marking, packaging, 7.2.2, 7.2.3, 7.2.4, 7.2.17, 7.5, 7.6,
IFU, technical description (7.9.1 mostly), ( except
classifications), ( except EMC
& MSO), ( except applied part
& SIP/SOP),,,,,,,
(+consumables in use, biohazard),,,,,
(some of, 14.13
[60601-1-11 7.3.1, 7.4.9],
[60601-1-12 6.3.1]
14. C User interface aspects Other information 7 (some parts)
15. C User interface aspects • accessory compatibility New,
see ventilators 201.102.1 & 2
16. C User interface aspects Displays (graphical user interface), 12.4.2, 12.4.3, 12.4.4, 15.1, 15.4.4,
controls and indicators 15.4.5, 15.4.6, [60601-1-11 10.2],
[80601-2-49 201.15], new (voice,
gesture, feedback, etc.]
17. C User interface aspects • distributed user interface New, include nurse call
18. C User interface aspects • autonomy (including AI) new
19. C User interface aspects Touch sensitivity including with PPE New, ISO 9241-910
20. C User interface aspects Indication of state of internal electrical [60601-1-11 8.5.1], [60601-1-12 8.3
power source part]

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Design Specification Outline for the fourth edition of IEC 60601-1

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New

clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
21. C User interface aspects (includes Alarm systems (me equipment and me 12.3, [60601-1-8 clause 6 & annex
construction) systems) G], [60601-1-11 7.4.10], [60601-1-11
Clause 13], [80601-2-49 208.6],
include nurse call
22. C User interface aspects Primary operating functions [62366-1, 5.2], [80601-2-49 206],
[60601-1-3 6.2.1]
23. C User interface aspects Indicator lights [7.8.1 & 60601-1-8 5.1], 7.8.2?
24. C User interface aspects Usability 12.2, 12.4.1, [60601-1-6 clause 4],
(60601-1-11 7.1), [60601-1-12
Clause 9]
25. C User interface aspects • installation, 7.9.3, +new (proper)
26. C User interface aspects • serviceability, maintenance and [15.2 for the expected service life];
repair [7.3 safety of service personnel], 5.1
test after repair (62353, 62354),
27. C User interface aspects • use error (15.4.1 & 16.9.1),,,
[60601-1-3 6.4]
28. C User interface aspects • Protection from interruption of 11.8, 16.8, [60601-1-11 8.4], [60601-
power source (are they NC or 1-12 8.2, 8.3 part], [80601-2-49
SFC?) 201.11.8]
29. C User interface aspects • protection from hazardous 12.4
30. C User interface aspects • Require usability evaluation of 62366-1, 4.1.3
information for safety

Table 5 — Materials hazards

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New
clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
1. D Materials new

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Design Specification Outline for the fourth edition of IEC 60601-1

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New

clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
2. D Materials • biocompatibility 11.7, 10993 series, 18562 series
3. D Materials • cleaning and disinfection; 6.4, 11.6.6, 11.6.7, [60601-1-11
cleaning and sterilization 7.4.7, 7.5.2, 8.1, 8.2], 17664 series
(biological hazards)
4. D Materials • compatibility with substances 11.6.8
5. D Materials • hazardous substances (chemical new
6. D Materials • surface coatings 8.6.5,, [62368-1 5.6.2,
Annex N]
7. D Materials • enclosures, outdoor exposure UL 50E, CSA 94-2, 60721-4-x
8. D Materials Adhesive new
• applied part (too sticky)
• hold for expected service life

Table 6 — PEMS related hazards

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New
clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
1. E PEMS PEMS [14 except 14.13], annex H
2. E PEMS • data exchange new
3. E PEMS • ADT (admit, discharge, transfer) new
4. E PEMS Security (physical and cyber) New, 60601-4-5, 81001-5-1
5. E PEMS • SBoM (software bill of materials) new
6. E PEMS • Cybersecurity patches new
7. E PEMS Big data new
8. E PEMS Clinical Decision Support new
9. E PEMS AI/ML in use with MEE new
10. E PEMS Degree of autonomy (including new
situational awareness)
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Design Specification Outline for the fourth edition of IEC 60601-1

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New

clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
11. E PEMS Distributed essential performance new
including cloud computing
12. E PEMS Remote control new
13. E PEMS • locus of control new
14. E PEMS Safety of Physiologic Closed Loop 60601-1-10 except 8.2.5
15. E PEMS Impact on basic safety New (need to expand SFC)

Table 7 — Electrical hazards

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New
clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
1. F Electrical Electrical safety 4.11, 5.7, 7.2.7 (should be with
4.11), 7.2.12, 7.2.14, 7.2.19, 7.4 –
7.4.2, 7.7
2. F Electrical General (8)
3. F Electrical • SFC 8.1, 8.9.2 a), 13.1.3, 13.2.9, 13.2.10,
4. F Electrical • power sources 8.2
5. F Electrical • classifications 8.3, [,,]
6. F Electrical • limitation of voltage, current or 8.4 [only part of 8.4.2], 16.4
energy (limitation) IEC 61201
7. F Electrical • separation of parts (fix defib 8.5, 16.5, [60601-1-11 8.5.3],
test) [80601-2-49,,]
8. F Electrical • earthing, functional earthing and 8.6 except 8.6.5,
potential equalization

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# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New

clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
9. F Electrical • leakage currents and patient 8.7, 16.6
auxiliary currents IEC 60479-1 & -2
3-phase (60990)
10. F Electrical • Insulation [8.8 +13.2.1 2nd paragraph + Annex
L], 60664
11. F Electrical • creepage distances and air [8.9 except], [ + annex
clearances M], [60601-1-12 Clause 7], 60664
12. F Electrical Construction, 8.10, [8.10.5 acceptance
criteria for mechanical stress and
expected service life use], 8.11,
15.4.1 a), 15.4.8, 15.5.3,,
13. F Electrical production line test for bonding, leakage New, 62354, Annex K
current and dielectric or insulation (non-destructive testing)

Table 8 — Mechanical hazards

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New
clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
1. G Mechanical Mechanical safety (review applicability
to ME systems)
2. G Mechanical • moving parts 9.2
3. G Mechanical • surfaces, corners and edges 9.3, need test protocol (UL1439)
4. G Mechanical • Instability 9.4
5. G Mechanical • handling 9.4.4
6. G Mechanical • expelled parts 9.5, except 9.5.2

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Design Specification Outline for the fourth edition of IEC 60601-1

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New

clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
7. G Mechanical • acoustic energy/vibration 9.6, 12.4.6, [80601-2-70], [80601-2-12]
8. G Mechanical • pressure vessels and pieces 9.7
9. G Mechanical • support systems 9.8, [60601-1-12 10.2]
10. G Mechanical • suspension/lifting systems 9.8, [60601-1-12 10.2]+machinery
11. G Mechanical Strangulation or asphyxiation or choking [60601-1-11 7.4.1, 8.5.2, Clauses 9
and 11], [60601-2-52 figures AA.11
to AA.17]

Table 9 — Thermal and fire hazards

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New
clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
1. H Thermal, fire Thermal safety 7.2.15, 13.2.8, 13.2.9, 13.2.10,
• contact duration 13.2.13, 15.5.1
• SFC vs NC limits
• Patient vs user 80601-2-74 enthalpy (moist air)
• Patient (internal vs skin)
• Ambient temp greater than limit
2. H Thermal, fire Construction 11.3,, review 62368-1
New: Polymer aging for enclosures
(temperature, UV)
Fix wiring call out
3. H Thermal, fire • excessive temperatures (high 11.1, 13.1.2, 13.2.7, Table 26,
and low) consider adding thermal imaging for
4. H Thermal, fire • fluid Egress protection 13.2.6, [15.4.9 why only oil?]

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# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New

clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
5. H Thermal, fire Fire protection 7.3.8, 11.2, 11.5

Table 10 — Optical radiation hazards

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New
clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
1. I Optical radiation 1 nm-1 mm wavelength 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7
(IEV 731-01-03)
2. I Optical radiation • Class 3B and 4 Lasers 60601-2-22
3. I Optical radiation • non-laser sources of 200 nm to, 62471; 60601-2-57
3,000 nm for non-visual Need inexpensive way to exempt
photobiological effects indicator lights
4. I Optical radiation • therapy and diagnosis, 62471; 60601-2-75

Table 11 — Ionizing radiation hazards

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New
clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
1. J Ionizing Radiation Include X-ray, gamma and particle, 10.2, 12.4.5
(IEV 881-02-05) radiation
2. J Ionizing Radiation • radiation quality [60601-1-3 7 except 7.2 which is
moved to particulars]
3. J Ionizing Radiation • MEE/MES unintentional (include 10.1.1, Parts of 10
patient/operator radiation
4. J Ionizing Radiation • PPE for patient and user new

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# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New

clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
5. J Ionizing Radiation • MEE/MES intentional (include 10.1.2, 12.4.5, Parts of 10 (10.2),
patient radiation safety) [60601-1-3 Clause 4, (Clause 6
except 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.4, 6.5 & 6.7
that will go to the relevant
particulars) ];

Table 12 —Electromagnetic exposure hazards

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New
clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
1. K EM Radiation (Not Optical or MEE/MES unintentional emissions Parts of 10 (10.3)
Ionizing) (include patient/operator radiation New, IEEE C95.1, IEC 62209, IEC
safety, e.g., electric blankets, e.g., SARs) 62311
2. K EM Radiation (Not Optical or • functional connection New, IEEE C95.1, IEC 62209, IEC
Ionizing) intentional radiation (include 62311
human radiation safety, SAR,
include DC magnetic fields)

Table 13 —Electromagnetic disturbances hazards

# WG WG Title Areas of responsibility 3rd edition or other standard’s New
clauses/subclauses (specified Clause #
1. L Electromagnetic disturbances General requirements [60601-1-2 4.2, 4.3, 6, 9]
2. L Electromagnetic disturbances Emissions 6, 7, 9, 17, [60601-1-2 Clause 7],
[60601-1-11 Clause 12], [60601-1-12
Clause 11], [80601-2-49 202.7]
3. L Electromagnetic disturbances • wireless coexistence IEEE/ANSI C63.27, AAMI TIR69
4. L Electromagnetic disturbances Immunity (include DC magnetic fields) 6, 8, 9, 17, [60601-1-2 8], [80601-2-
49 202.8], new
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Design Specification Outline for the fourth edition of IEC 60601-1

Annex A
Mapping of the goals of the Architecture Document to the implementation plan
for the 4th edition
No. Goal Goal in 62/348/Q Implementation in 60601-1 Ed. 4 project
1 1 Sharpen the focus on basic safety and essential Cluster A and WG training
2 1.1 Clarify the basic safety and essential performance Cluster A and Handbook for WG convenors covering
concept (specifications for design & type testing for these aspects
a "product standard", Basic safety & Essential
Performance in NC and SFC, not safety related
aspects outside of the scope)
3 1.2 Streamline the approach for safe use of new Handbook for WG convenors covering these aspects
technologies (for non-patient related safety use of
external IEC/ISO standards / collaboration with other “New” text needed in multiple clusters
TCs, for patient safety input from
clinicians/manufacturers, process elements to be
kept outside added to existing process standards)
4 1.3 Include protection goals (rationale) for each of the Protection goals and where appropriate rationales
safety requirements (goals for each subclause at the why the normative requirements support that goals
beginning of the subclause entry in the informative shall be written in Annex A for at least each "first-
annex with rationales where necessary for level" sub-clause (i.e., subclause x.y) in the beginning
compliance criteria and selected test methods) of the text (see examples in of 62/348/Q for an
appropriate level of detail). The 62A review team that
assists the consistent implementation of architecture
and design spec will review this aspect before each
document stage and can propose solutions to the
corresponding WG, if necessary.

5 1.4 Include, where appropriate, explanatory rationale

for test methods and the selected pass/fail criteria
(especially where test methods / conditions or the
pass/fail criteria do not obviously mirror the
correlating technical requirements, to be included in
the annexes)
6 1.5 Justify changes, to make it clear, if they are
improvements, safety gap closures or for other
important reasons (e.g., changing technology)
(project start: document with justification including
information about gaps to be filled and new safety
aspects and added value aspects for user groups and
list of recommended changes for legacy devices;
publication of the standard: publicly visible
justification in IEC marketing information or in the
standard foreword listing filled gaps, new safety
aspects, added value for user groups and
recommendations for legacy devices)

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Design Specification Outline for the fourth edition of IEC 60601-1

No. Goal Goal in 62/348/Q Implementation in 60601-1 Ed. 4 project

7 1.6 Improve the correlation between the IEC 60601
series, applicable ISO/IEC guides and process
documents, including risk management, usability
evaluations and software lifecycle process (base
standard on ISO/IEC Guide 63, clarify normative
references to process standards as specified in of 62/348/Q for the scope section of IEC
8 1.7 Establish a policy for using post-production
information to review the standards (convenors /
project leaders shall evaluate post-production
information available e.g., on regulatory authority
websites or specified in ISO/IEC Guide 63 and IEC
Guide 104)
9 1.8 Include where appropriate information to be
communicated to support safe interoperability (in
IEC 60601-1 inclusion of general safety requirements
related to interoperability of MEE that are intended
to support interoperability, inclusion of correlated IT
security safety aspects, decision if to be included
into the PEMS clause or a new clause)

10 2 Reconcile requirements to a single statement WG training

11 2.1 Understand the user need (each requirement to be
placed into a uniquely identified paragraph)
12 2.2 Utilize standardized file format (XML and other
publication formats to support preparing standards
with uniquely identified requirements)
13 3 Simplify the structure of the IEC 60601 series Cluster organization, integration of the collaterals
14 3.1 Integrate the collateral standards (integrate existing
ones except for IEC 60601-1-9, retain collateral
concept for urgently needed new safety aspects until
next revision of the general standard but not
reference the general standard or modify a
requirement or test of the general standard)
15 3.2 Rationalize the organization of the documents in the
IEC 60601 series (retain basic clause / subclause
structure where possible, establish rules for clause
numbers of particular standards in IEC 60601-1, add
general clauses behind clause 3 followed by
technical clauses related to safety aspects, include all
requirements related to a safety aspect ina single
major clause, clause numbering in particular
standards starting with 101, add reference no. for
the revision like Ed. 4.0)

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Design Specification Outline for the fourth edition of IEC 60601-1

No. Goal Goal in 62/348/Q Implementation in 60601-1 Ed. 4 project

16 3.3 Reduce cross-referencing within parts of the IEC
60601 series (especially no cross-reference to an
identifiable requirement or test method if it includes
further cross references or includes more than a
single testable requirement)
17 3.4 Reduce referencing between parts of the IEC 60601
series (avoid references between the standards of
the IEC 60601 series except of references from
particulars to the general standard, no cross-
references between particular standards if the
referenced text includes further cross references or
includes more than a single testable requirement)

18 3.5 Streamline the use of terminology in the IEC 60601

series (establish a firm policy for creating/using
defined terms in the 60601 series, include in 60601-1
only generally applicable terms, use them in
particulars - if needed only with an additional
adjective, no modification of those terms in
collaterals which may be created in future)

19 3.6 Reduce normative references to external standards

(enhance usefulness by reduction of normative
references without leaving gaps, replace them with
precise informative references to exemplary external
standards where possible as shown in & of 62/348/Q, integrate small sections - of
max. one subclause - or description of tools into the
standard with informative reference to the source,
use normative references only for introduction of
type testable requirements or specific test methods)

20 3.7 Clarify the IEC/TC 62 policy for the use of dated and
undated references (all normative references dated,
amendments only if they modify the affected
contents, state in each document that subsequent
revisions of dated references standards can be
accepted provided it is demonstrated that the
affected hazard/ hazardous situation is also resolved
adequately in the subsequent revision, acceptance
of dated or undated informative references)

21 4 Increase separation of type testing and process See example process standard reference

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Design Specification Outline for the fourth edition of IEC 60601-1

No. Goal Goal in 62/348/Q Implementation in 60601-1 Ed. 4 project

22 4.1 Reduce process requirements in the IEC 60601 series
to the extent feasible (collect process requirements
in corresponding process standards and reduce them
in type test standards)

23 4.2 Clarify the application of ISO 14971 (risk

management) in the IEC 60601 series (except of 4.3-
4.9 in Ed. 3.2 of 60601-1, review all instructions
using risk management process to see if replaceable
with type tests, review type test requirements if they
reflect an acceptable level of residual risk and are
unambiguous with limits for measurable values or
detailed description of required observable product
behaviour), use of risk assessment output - outside
of 4.3-4.9 - only when specific acceptance criteria
cannot (yet) be identified, use of "maintain BS/EP"
only for new technologies with a rationale in the

24 4.3 Clarify the application of IEC 62304 (PEMS, software)

in the61 IEC 60601 series (clarify how type testing is
applied on PEMS and medical software in ME
systems, reduce SW process requirements in IEC
60601-1 by removing 14.1-14.12, retaining 14.13 or
moving it to technical documentation section,
include type test aspects of PEMS and SW in MES
into type test clause 5, add iin the introduction
clause as correlation of type test standards with
process standards including IEC 62304)

25 4.4 Clarify the application of IEC 62366-1(usability) in the

IEC 60601 series (reference to IEC 62366-1 only in
the general standard, only in the very first clauses
like 4.2 of Ed.3.2 for risk management process, only
addressing review of design output)

26 5 Clarification of scope of the IEC 60601 series See new scope and supporting definitions
27 5.1 Patients (especially particular standards need to
identify in their scope coverage with respect to
different patient groups and types of animals, with
specific considerations in the main part for allowable
values, IEC 60601-1 can also be used for some
28 5.2 Intended operators (consider the intended
operator/user who can be a lay, a professional, a

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Design Specification Outline for the fourth edition of IEC 60601-1

No. Goal Goal in 62/348/Q Implementation in 60601-1 Ed. 4 project

29 5.3 Medical environments (specify specific care
environments, mainly "healthcare facilities" with
subgroups "basic care, intermediate care, critical
care" environments, "home" healthcare
environment, "emergency" healthcare environment,
"assisted living facilities")
30 5.4 Medical systems, equipment, accessories, sub-
assemblies, and components (define in IEC 60601-1:
"component", "non-medical sub-assembly",
"medical sub-assembly", "medical accessory",
"associated part" as specified in of 62/348/Q;
consider them in the safety concepts; differentiate
"normal use" during "operation", "service" and "any
other" mode of use)

31 5.5 Maintenance of medical electrical

equipment/medical electrical systems – the lifecycle
of safety (address aspects for maintaining MEE/MES
during the lifecycle, especially in the accompanying
32 5.6 Concept to clarify medical electrical system
requirements (overcome problems with unclear and
mixed MEE/MES requirements, clearly segregate
MEE requirements from MES requirements in all
clauses; add a general requirement for MEE that is
intended / optionally intended to be integrated into
MES as listed in of 62/348/Q including
accompanying information about use of functional
connections / environmental operating conditions /
verification of distributable essential performance;
include verification method for large systems or
systems difficult to be tested as complete by
practicable subgroup verification)

33 5.7 Clarify the relationship between the terms IT-

network, SIP/SOP, network/data coupling and
functional connection (delineate those terms by
appropriate more precise definitions, functional
connection not only including but also covering data
connections, SIP/SOP referring to data connections
to equipment external of the MEE only,
network/data coupling referring to data transfer
to/from other equipment, IT-network used for a
system of data-connected equipment)
34 6 Establish a policy relating requirement of the IEC Annex planned to support those mappings
60601 series to the IMDRF essential principles and
labelling principles

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Design Specification Outline for the fourth edition of IEC 60601-1

No. Goal Goal in 62/348/Q Implementation in 60601-1 Ed. 4 project

35 6.1 International Medical Devices Regulatory Forum
(IMDRF) (decrease cost of gaining regulatory
compliance and allow patient earlier access to new
technologies in considering some of the IMDRF
essential principles and labelling principles during
standard development)
36 6.2 Relationship to the essential principles and labelling
principles of the IMDRF (include goals for coverage
of the applicable IMDRF principles in the project
document for each new/updated standard, include a
statement in the introduction clause of the standard
as given in of 62/348/Q, add informative
mapping annex like Annex B of 62/348/Q, indicate
which IMDRF principles are covered by which
37 7 Establish a policy for scheduled release and stability Task of the TC and SC officers
38 7.1 Synchronize the release of the standards in the IEC
60601 series (establish lasting and stable rules &
structures for synchronized release of standards in
the IEC 60601 series, reference 62/348/Q and its
stability policy / synchronized mode concept of 5.7 in
the documents of the 60601 series)

39 7.2 Address very urgent safety gaps (in very urgent

safety gap cases, exception has to be confirmed by
SC62A & TC62 with consultation of SC62B, 62C, 62D
and a quick return to stability rules)

40 8 Establish training for authors of documents Task of the editing team

developed by IEC/TC 62
41 8.1 Develop training modules (available for leaders and
members of TC62 and its SC, its MTs; WGs, JWGs,
member of ISO counterparts, National Committee
42 8.2 Develop IEC 60601 series specific training (on the
architecture for convenors and experts to become
involved in the development of next ed. of IEC 60601
series, including the TC62 safety concept, the
differences in the structure of next ed. of the series,
the numbering structure, the relationship to other
important IEC/ISO standards, the use of the IEC
60601 template, the relationship to IMDRF essential
principles and possible use of input from regulatory

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