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Class 10 Maths Height and Distance

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Rah Classes

Mathematics – Height and distances

1) A tower stands vertically on the ground. angle of 60° with the ground. At what
From a point on the ground, 20 m away height from the ground did the tree break?
from the foot of the tower, the angle of 9) A vertical tower stands on a horizontal
elevation of the top of the tower is 60°. plane and is surmounted by a vertical flag-
What is the height of the tower? staff of height 5 metres. At a point on the
2) The angle of elevation of a ladder leaning plane, the angles of elevation of the bottom
against a wall is 60' and the foot of the and the top of the flag-staff are respectively
ladder is 9.5 m away from the wall. Find the 30° and 60°. Find the height of the tower.
length of the ladder. 10) A person observed the angle of elevation of
3) A ladder is placed along a wall of a house the top of a tower as 30°. He walked 50 m
such that its upper end is touching the top towards the foot of the tower along level
of the wall. The foot of the ladder is 2 m ground and found the angle of elevation of
away from the wall and the ladder is making the top of the tower as 60°. Find the height
an angle of 60° with the level of the ground. of the tower.
Determine the height of the wall. 11) The shadow of a tower, when the angle of
4) An electric pole is 10 m high. A steel wire elevation of the sun is 45°, is found to be 10
tied to top of the pole is affixed at a point m. longer than when it was 60°. Find the
on the ground to keep the pole up right. If height of the tower.
the wire makes an angle of 45° with the 12) A parachutist is descending vertically and
horizontal through the foot of the pole, find makes angles of elevation of 45° and 60° at
the length of the wire. two observing points 100 m apart from
5) A kite is flying at a height of 75 metres from each other on the left side of himself. Find
the ground level, attached to a string the maximum height from which he falls
inclined at 60° to the horizontal. Find the and the distance of the point where he falls
length of the string to the nearest metre. on the ground from the just observation
6) A ladder 15 metres long just reaches the point.
top of a vertical wall. If the ladder makes an 13) On the same side of a tower, two objects
angle of 60° with the wall, find the height of are located. When observed from the top of
the wall. the tower, their angles of depression are 45
7) A vertical tower stands on a horizontal and 60°. If the height of the tower is 150 m,
plane and is surmounted by a vertical flag- find the distance between the objects.
staff. At a point on the plane 70 metres 14) The angle of elevation of a tower from a
away from the tower, an observer notices point on the same level as the foot of the
that the angles of elevation of the top and tower is 30°. On advancing 150 metres
the bottom of the flag-staff are respectively towards the foot of the tower, the angle of
60° and 45° Find the height of the flag-staff elevation of the tower becomes 60°. Show
and that of the tower. that the height of the tower is 129.9 metres
8) A vertically straight tree, 15 m high, is 15) The angle of elevation of the top of a tower
broken by the wind in such a way that its from a point A on the moving a distance of
top just touches the ground and makes an 20 metres towards the foot of the tower to
Rah Classes 7007955803 , 7905052756
Chandmari ,Near Pulia Run and managed by Engineers
City Tower Jaunpur
Rah Classes
Mathematics – Height and distances

a point B the angle of elevation increases to walks towards the building. Find the
60°. Find the height of the tower and the distance he walked towards the building.
distance of the tower from the point A. 21) The shadow of a tower standing on a level
16) From the top of a building 15 m high the ground is found to be 40 m longer when
angle of elevation of the top of a tower is Sun's altitude is 30° than when it was 60°.
found to be 30°. From the bottom of the Find the height of the tower.
same building, the angle of elevation of the 22) From a point on the ground the angles of
top of the tower is found to be 60°. Find the elevation of the bottom and top of a
height of the tower and the distance transmission tower fixed at the top of 20 m
between the tower and building. high building are 45° and 60° Find the
17) On a horizontal plane there is a vertical height of the transimission tower.
tower with a flag pole on the top of the 23) The angles of depression of the top and
tower. At a point 9 metres away from the bottom of 8 m tall building from the top of
foot of the tower the angle of elevation of a multistoried building are 30° and 45°
the top and bottom of the flag pole are 60° respectively. Find the height of the
and 30° respectively. Find the height of the multistoried building and the distance
tower and the flag pole mounted on it. between the two buildings
18) A tree breaks due to storm and the broken 24) A statue 1.6 m tall stands on the top of the
part bends so that the top of the tree pedestal. From a point on the ground, the
touches the ground making an angle of 30° angle of elevation of the top of the statue is
with the ground. The distance between the 60° and from the same point the angle of
foot of the tree to the point where the top elevation of the top of the pedestal is 45°.
touches the ground is 8 m. Find the height Find the height of the pedestal.
of the tree. 20. From a point P on the 25) AT.V. Tower stands vertically on a bank of a
ground the angle of elevation of a 10 m tall river. From a point on the other bank
building is 30°. A flag is hoisted at the top of directly opposite the tower, the angle of
the building and the angle of elevation of elevation of the top of the tower is 60°.
the top of the flag-staff from P is 45°. Find From a point 20m away from this point on
the length of the flag-staff and the distance the same bank, the angle of elevation of the
of the building from the point P. (Take √3= top of the tower is 30. Find the height of
1.732). the tower and the width of the river.
19) A 1.6m tall girl stands at a distance of 3.2 m 26) From the top of a 7 m high building, the
from a lamp-post and casts a shadow of 4.8 angle of elevation of the top of a cable
m on the ground. Find the height of the tower is 60° and the angle of depression of
lamp-post its foot is 45. Determine the height of the
20) A 1.5m tall boy is standing at some distance tower.
from a 30 m tall building. The angle of 27) As observed from the top of a 75 m tall
elevation from his eyes to the top of the lighthouse, the angles of depression of two
building increases from 30° to 60° as he ships are 30° and 45°. If one ship is exactly
behind the other on the same side of the
Rah Classes 7007955803 , 7905052756
Chandmari ,Near Pulia Run and managed by Engineers
City Tower Jaunpur
Rah Classes
Mathematics – Height and distances

lighthouse, find the distance between the than when it was 45°. Prove that the height
two ships. of tower is x (√3+1) metres.
28) The angle of elevation of the top of the 34) A tree breaks due to the storm and the
building from the foot of the tower is 30° broken part bends so that the top of the
and the angle of the top of the tower from tree touches the ground making an angle of
the foot of the building is 60°. If the tower is 30° with the ground. The distance from the
50m high, find the height of the building. foot of the tree to the point where the top
29) From a point on a bridge across a river the touches the ground is 10 metres. Find the
angles of depression of the banks on height of the tree.
opposite side of the river are 30° and 45° 35) A balloon is connected to a meteorological
respectively. If bridge is at the height of 30 ground station by a cable of length 215 m
m from the banks, find the width of the inclined at 60° to the horizontal. Determine
river. the height of the balloon from the ground.
30) Two poles of equal heights a are standing Assume that there is no slack in the cable
opposite to each other on either side of the 36) Two men on either side of the cliff 80 m
road of the which is 80 m wide. From a high observes the angles of elevation of the
point between them on the road the angles top of the cliff to be 30 and 60°
of elevation top of the poles are 60° and 30° respectively. Find the distance between the
respectively. Find the height of the poles two men.
and the distances of the point from the 37) Find the angle of elevation of the sun (sun's
poles. altitude) when the length of the shadow of
31) A man sitting at a height of 20 m on a tall a vertical pole is equal to its height
tree on a small island in the middle of a 38) An aeroplane is flying at a height of 210 m.
river observes two poles directly opposite Flying at this height at some instant the
to each other on the two banks of the river angles of depression of two points in a line
and in line with the foot of tree. If the in opposite directions on both the banks of
angles of depression of the feet of the poles the river are 45 and 60°. Find the width of
from a point at which the man is sitting on the river.
the tree on either side of the river are 60° 39) The angle of elevation of the top of a
and 30° respectively. Find width of river. chimney from the top of a tower is 60° and
32) A vertical tower stands on a horizontal the angle of depression of the foot of the
plane and is surmounted by a flag-staff of chimney from the top of the tower is 30°. If
height 7m. From a point on the plane, the the height of the tower is 40 m, find the
angle of elevation of the bottom of the Find height of the chimney. According to
the width of the river. flag-staff is 30° and pollution control norms, the minimum
that of the top of the flag-staff is 45°. Find height of a smoke emitting chimney should
the height of the tower. be 100 m. State if the height of the above
33) The length of the shadow of a tower mentioned chimney meets the pollution
standing on level plane is found to be 2x norms.
metres longer when the sun's altitude is 30
Rah Classes 7007955803 , 7905052756
Chandmari ,Near Pulia Run and managed by Engineers
City Tower Jaunpur
Rah Classes
Mathematics – Height and distances

40) Two ships are there in the sea on either side elevation of the top of the tower is 45°. Find
of a light house in such away that the ships the height of the flag-staff.
and the light house are in the same straight 47) The angle of elevation of the top of a
line. The angles of depression of two ships vertical tower PQ from a point X on the
are observed from the top of the light ground is 60°. At a point Y, 40m vertically
house are 60 and 45° respectively. If the above X, the angle of elevation of the top is
height of the light house is 200 m, find the 45. Calculate the height of tower.
distance between the two ships. (Use √3 =
1.73) 48) As observed from the top of a 150 m tall
41) The horizontal distance between two poles light house, the angles of depression of two
is 15 m. The angle of depression of the top ships approaching it are 30° and 45°. If one
of the first pole as seen from the top of the ship is directly behind the other, find the
second pole is 30. If the height of the distance between the two ships.
second pole is 24 m, find the height of the 49) The angles of elevation of the top of a rock
first pole. from the top and foot of a 100 m high
42) The angles of depression of two ships from tower are respectively 30° and 45°. Find the
the top of a light house and on the same height of the rock.
side of it are found to be 45 and 30° 50) A straight highway leads to the foot of a
respectively. If the ships are 200 m apart, tower of height 50 m. From the top of the
find the height of the light house. tower, the angles of depression of two cars
43) The angles of elevation of the top of a standing on the highway are 30° and 60°
tower from two points at a distance of 4 m respectively. What is the distance between
and 9m from the base of the tower and in the two cars and how far is each car from
the same straight line with it are the tower?
complementary. Prove that the height of 51) From the top of a building AB, 60 m high,
the tower is 6m. the angles of depression of the top and
44) From the top of a 50 m high tower, the bottom of a vertical lamp post CD are
angles of depression of the top and bottom observed to be 30 and 60° respectively. Find
of a pole are observed to be 45° and 60° (i) the horizontal distance between AB and
respectively. Find the height of the pole. CD.
45) The horizontal distance between two trees (i) the height of the lamp post.
of different heights is 60 m. The angle of (ii) the difference between the heights
depression of the top of the first tree when of the building and the lamp post.
seen from the top of the second tree is 45° 52) Two boats approach a light house in mid-
.lf the height of the second tree is 80 m, sea from opposite directions. The angles of
find the height of the first tree. elevation of the top of the light house from
46) A flag-staff stands on the top of a 5 m high two boats are 30° and 45° respectively. If
tower. From a point on the ground, the the distance between two boats is 100 m,
angle of elevation of the top of the flagstaff find the height of the light house.
is 60° and from the same point, the angle of
Rah Classes 7007955803 , 7905052756
Chandmari ,Near Pulia Run and managed by Engineers
City Tower Jaunpur
Rah Classes
Mathematics – Height and distances

53) The angle of elevation of the top of a hill at and the angle of depression of the base of
the foot of a tower is 60° and the angle of the hill. Calculate the distance of the hill
elevation of the top of the tower from the from the ship and the height of the hill.
foot of the hill is 30°. If the tower is 50 m 60) There are two temples, one on each bank of
high, what is the height of the hill. a river, just opposite to each other. One
54) A moving boat is observed from the top of a temple is 50 m high. From the top of this
150 m high cliff moving away from the cliff. temple, the angles of depression of the top
The angle of depression of the boat changes and the foot of the other temple are 30°
from 60° to 45° in 2 minutes. Find the speed and 60° respectively. Find the width of the
of the boat in m/h. river a the height of the other temple.
55) From the top of a 120 m high tower, a man 61) The angle of elevation of an aeroplane from
observes two cars on the opposite a point on the ground is 45°. After a flight of
tower and in a straight line with the 15 seconds, the elevation changes to 30°. If
base of tower with angles of depression the aeroplane is flying at a height of 3000
as 60° and 45. Find the distance metres, find the speed of the aeroplane.
between the cars. 62) An aeroplane flying horizontally 1 km above
56) Two points A and B are on the same side of the ground is observed at an elevation of
a tower and in the same straight line with 60°. After 10 seconds, its elevation is
its base. The angles of depression of these observed to be 30°. Find the speed of the
points from the top of the tower are 60 and aeroplane in km/hr.
45° respectively. If the height of the tower 63) A tower subtends an angle a at a point A in
is 15 m, then find the distance between the plane of its base and the angle of
these points. depression of the foot of the tower at a
57) A fire in a building B is reported on point b metres just above A is ẞ. Prove that
telephone to two fire stations P and Q, 20 the height of the tower is b tan a cot ẞ.
km apart from each other on a straight 64) An observer, 1.5 m tall, is 28.5 m away
road. P observes that the fire is at an angle from a tower 30 m high elevation of the top
of 60° to the road and Q observes that it is of the tower from his eye.
at an angle of 45° to the road. Which 65) A carpenter makes stools for electricians
station should send its team and how much with a square top of side 0.5 m and at a
will this team have to travel? height of 1.5 m above the ground. Also,
58) A man on the deck of a ship is 10 m above each leg is inclined i at an angle of 60° to
the water level. He observes that the angle the ground. Find the length of each leg and
of elevation of the top of a cliff is 45° and also the lengths of two steps to be put at
the angle of depression of the base is 30. equal distances.
Calculate the distance of the cliff from the 66) A boy is standing on the ground and flying a
ship and the height of the cliff. kite with 100 m of string at an elevation of
59) Aman standing on the deck of a ship, which another boy is standing on the roof of a 10
is 8 m above water level. He observes the m high building and is flying his kite at an
angle of elevation of the top of a hill as 60 elevation of 45°. Both the boys are on
Rah Classes 7007955803 , 7905052756
Chandmari ,Near Pulia Run and managed by Engineers
City Tower Jaunpur
Rah Classes
Mathematics – Height and distances

opposite sides of both the kites. Find the m high tower observes two cars at angles of
length of the string that the second boy depression of 30 and 60°, which are
must have so that the two kites meet. approaching the foot of the tower. If one
67) From the top of a tower / metre high, the cor is exactly behind the other on the sone
angles of depression of two objects, which side of the tower, find the distance
are in the line with the foot of the tower are between the two cars.
a and ẞ (β > a). Find the distance between 74) From the top of a 7 m high building, the
the two objects. angle of elevation of the top of a cable
68) A window of a house is a metre above the tower is 60° and the angle of depression of
ground. From the window, the angles of its foot is 30°. Determine the height of the
elevation and depression of the top and tower.
bottom of another house situated on the 75) A man on the top of a vertical tower
opposite side of the lane are found to be a observes a car moving at a uniform speed
and ẞ respectively. Prove that the height of coming directly towards it. If it takes 18
the house is (1 + tan a tanẞ) metres . minutes for the angle of depression to
69) The lower window of a house is at a height change from 30° to 60°, how soon after this
of 2 m above the ground and its upper will the car reach the tower?
window is 4 m vertically above the lower 76) A girl on a ship standing on a wooden
window. At certain instant the angles of platform, which is 50 m above water level,
elevation of a balloon from these windows observes the angle of elevation of the top
are observed to be 60° and 30° respectively. of a hill as 30° and the angle of depression
Find the height of the balloon above the of the base of the hill as 60°. Calculate the
ground. distance of the hill from the platform and
70) One evening, Kaushik was in a park Children the height of the hill.
were playing cricket Birds were singing on a 77) If the angle of elevation of a cloud from a
nearby tree of height 80 m. He observed a point 10 metres above a lake is 30° and the
bird on the tree at an angle of elevation of angle of depression of its reflection in the
45°.When a sixer was hit, a ball flew lake is 60°, find the height of the cloud from
through the tree frightening the bird to fly the surface of lake.
away. In 2 seconds, he observed the bird 78) A vertical tower of height 20 m stands on a
flying at the same height at an angle of horizontal plane and is surmounted by a
elevation of 30° and the ball flying towards vertical flag staff of height h. At a point on
him at the same height at an angle of the plane, the angle of elevation of the
elevation of 60°. bottom and top of the flag staff are 45° and
71) After hitting the tree, how far did the ball 60°, respectively. Find the value of h.
travel in the sky when Kaushik saw the ball? 79) The shadow of a tower standing on a level
72) (C) What is the speed of the bird in m/min if ground is found to be 40 m longer when the
it had flown 20(√3+1) m? Sun's altitude is 30° than when it was 60°.
73) A straight highway leads to the foot of a Find the height of the tower.
tower. A man standing on the top of the 75
Rah Classes 7007955803 , 7905052756
Chandmari ,Near Pulia Run and managed by Engineers
City Tower Jaunpur
Rah Classes
Mathematics – Height and distances

80) Vishal saw a peepal tree in his orchard casts 86) As observed from the top of a 100 m high
a shadow of 4√3 m on ground.what is light house from the sea-level, the angles of
height of tree. depression of two ships are 30° and 45° If
81) The angles of depression of the top and one ship is exactly behind the other on the
bottom of building 50 metres high as same side of the light house, find the
observed from the top of a tower are 30° distance between the two ships.
and 60°, respectively. Find the height of the 87) Two ships are approaching a lighthouse
tower and also the horizontal distances from opposite directions. The angles of
between the building and the tower. depression of the two ships from the top of
82) The angle of elevation of the top of a the lighthouse are 30° and 45°. If the
building from the foot of a tower is 30°, and distance between the two ships is 100 m.
the angle of elevation of the top of the Find the height of the lighthouse. [Use √3 =
tower from the foot of the building is 60°. If 1.732]
the tower is 50 m high, show that the 88) A vertical tower subtends a right angle at
height of the building is 16.67 m. the top of a vertical flag on the ground, the
83) Rishu is riding in a hot air balloon. After height of the flag being 10 m. If the distance
reaching a point P, he spots a car parked at between the tower and the flag be 10 m,
B on the ground at an angle of depression find the height of the tower.The tops of two
of 30°. The balloon rises further by 50 poles of height 16 m and 12 m are
metres and now he spots the same car at an connected by a wire, the wire makes angle
angle of depression of 45° and a lorry of 30° with the horizontal, find length of
parked at B' at an angle of depression of wire.
30°. 89) A moving boat is observed from the top of a
84) The angle of elevation of the top of a hill 150 m high cliff moving away from the cliff.
from the foot of a tower is 60° and the The angle of depression of the boat changes
angle of elevation of the top of the tower from 60° to 45° in 2 minutes. Find the speed
with height 100 m from the foot of the hill of the boat in m/h.
is 30°. 90) The angles of elevation and depression of
85) At a given instance, ATC finds that the angle the top and the bottom of a tower from the
of elevation of an airplane from a point on top of a building, 60 m high, are 30° and 60°
the ground is 60°. After a flight of 30 respectively. Find the difference between
seconds, it is observed that the angle of the heights of the building and the tower
elevation changes to 30°. The height of the and the distance between them
plane remains constantly as 3000√2 m. 91) As observed from the top of a 100 m high
(A) Draw a neat labelled figure to show lighthouse from the sea-level, the angles of
the above situation diagrammatically. 1 depression of two ships are 30° and 45°. If
(B) What is the distance travelled by the one ship is exactly behind the other on the
plane in 30 seconds? same side of the lighthouse, find the
C) What is speed of plane. distance between the two ships.

Rah Classes 7007955803 , 7905052756

Chandmari ,Near Pulia Run and managed by Engineers
City Tower Jaunpur
Rah Classes
Mathematics – Height and distances

92) A bird is sitting on the top of a 80 m high 60° and the angle of depression of its foot is
tree. From a point on the ground, the angle 45°. Find the height of the tower.
of elevation of the bird is 45°. The bird flies 102) A moving boat is observed from the top of
away horizontally in such a way that it a 150 m high cliff moving away from the
remained at a constant height from the cliff. The angle of depression of the boat
ground. After 2 seconds, the angle of changes from 60° to 45° in 2 minutes. Find
elevation of the bird from the same point is the speed of the boat in m/h.
30°. Find the speed of flying of the bird. 103) A tree breaks due to a storm and the
93) At the foot of a mountain the elevation of broken part bends so that the top of the
its summit is 45°, after ascending 1000 m tree touches the ground making an angle of
towards the mountain up a slope of 30° 30° with it. The distance between the foot
inclination, the elevation is found to be 60°. of the tree to the point where the top
Find the height of the mountain. touches the ground is 8 m. Find the height
94) A steel wire is tied to the top of an electric of the tree.
pole and the ground making an angle of 60° 104) Two poles of equal heights are standing
with the ground. If the height of electric opposite each other on either side of the
pole is 12 m, then length of steel wire is road, which is 80 m wide. From a point
95) Height of a tower is 10 m. If the sun’s between them on the road, the angles of
altitude is 45°, then length of the shadow is. elevation of the top of the poles are 60° and
96) If the shadow of a tower standing on a level 30°, respectively. Find the height of the
plane is found to be 50 m longer when sun’s poles and the distances of the point from
elevation is 30° than when it is 60°, then the the poles.
height of the tower is 105) An observer 1.5 metre tall is 20.5 metres
97) From the top of a tower h metre high, the away from a tower 22 metres high.
angle of depression of two objects, which Determine the angle of elevation of the top
lie on either side of it are a and p. The of the tower from the eye of the observer.
distance between the two objects is 106) The angle of elevation of the top of a
98) A ladder, leaning against a wall, makes an tower from two points distant s and t from
angle of 60° with the horizontal. If the foot its foot are complementary. Prove that the
of the ladder is 2.5 m away from the wall, height of the tower is √st.
find the length of the ladder. 107) The angle of elevation of the top of a
99) From the top of a 25 m high cliff, the angle tower from a certain point is 30°. If the
of elevation of a tower is found to be equal observer moves 20 metres towards the
to the angle of depression of the foot of the tower, the angle of elevation of the top
tower. Find height of the tower. increases by 15°. Find the height of the
100) An observer 1.5 m tall is 28.5 m away from tower.
a tower of height 30 m. Find the angle of
elevation of the top of tower from his eye.
101) From the top of a 7 m high building, the
angle of elevation of the top of a tower is
Rah Classes 7007955803 , 7905052756
Chandmari ,Near Pulia Run and managed by Engineers
City Tower Jaunpur

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