Eyelet V-Neck Pattern
Eyelet V-Neck Pattern
Eyelet V-Neck Pattern
Materials: Tahki Cotton Classic, 100% Mercerized Cotton, 5 balls Approx. 74 yds / 68 m
per hank
1 pair size 6 needles
1 pair size 5 circular needles, 16” long
1 crochet hook
Stitch holder or waste yarn
approx 1 yd of satin ribbon, ¼” wide, color of your choice
Finished Measurements: 33” (to fit size 34” bust, size small)
This pattern is © Amanda Blackford 2006. Please do not reproduce or publish. For personal and non-for-profit use only.
(RS): k1 k2tog k20 * yo k2tog k15; rep from * to last 6 sts, k3 ssk k1 (78 sts)
Work as established in eyelet pattern until work is 9” from beginning, so RS rows are
worked as follows: k22 * yo k2tog k15; rep from * to end (will end with k17).
(RS): Knit
(WS): Knit
Next row (RS): k1 *yo k2tog; rep from * to last st, k1
(WS): Purl
(RS): Purl
(WS): Purl
Incr Row (RS): k2 m1 k12 [yo k2tog k6] yo k2tog k12 m1 k2; where [ ] is worked 6 times
(80 sts).
Work 3 rows where RS rows are as follows: k15 [yo k2tog k6] yo k2tog k15
Next row (RS): k2 m1 k13 * [yo k2tog k6], yo k2tog, k13 m1 k2 (82 sts).
Cont as established, incr 1 st ea end every 4th row, keeping eyelet pattern until there are
90 sts and RS rows are worked as: k20 [yo k2tog k6], yo k2tog k20
Cont until piece measures 13.5” from beginning, ending with WSR.
Work 6 more rows as established.
Next row (RS): BO 6 sts, k to end in eyelet pattern
(WS): BO 6 sts, p to end
(RS): k1 k2tog k to last 3 sts in eyelet, ssk k1
(WS): Purl
Repeat these 2 rows 4 times more (68 sts).
Cont without shaping until work is 5” from beginning of armhole, keeping eyelet pattern
and ending with a WSR.
Next row (RS): k14, BO center 40 sts, k to end.
(WS): Purl
Work each side separately, decr 1 st at inside edge every other row until there are 11 sts
Cont until work is 7.25” above arm. Transfer 11 sts to holder or waste yarn. Break yarn
and rejoin right back, working to match left back. Break yarn and transfer to holder.
(RS): k 45 in eyelet pattern, turn, placing other sts on holder.
(WS): Purl
(RS): k in eyelet pattern to last 3 sts, ssk k1
(WS): Purl
Repeat these 2 rows 2 times more, keeping eyelet pattern.
Armhole (RS): BO 6 sts, k in eyelet pattern to last 3 sts, ssk k1
(WS): Purl
(RS): k1 k2tog, k in eyelet pattern to last 3 sts, ssk k1
(WS): Purl
Repeat these 2 rows 4 times more, keeping eyelet pattern.
This pattern is © Amanda Blackford 2006. Please do not reproduce or publish. For personal and non-for-profit use only.
(RS): k in eyelet pattern to last 3 sts, ssk k1
(WS): Purl
Repeat these 2 rows, keeping eyelet pattern until there are 11 sts. Cont working 11 sts
until matches back shoulder length.
Reattach 45 sts. from right front and reverse shapings, ending with 11 sts.
Place the back and front together with RS facing each other. Use 3 needle bind off
method to join shoulder seams. (11 sts ea side).
With RS facing and using circular needles, pick up and knit 114 sts (or multiple of 6)
around front v-neck and back using needles in smaller size.
Row 1 (WS): Knit
Row 2: k2 * yo k2tog k4; rep from * to last 4 sts, yo k2tog k2
Rows 3, 4: Knit
Bind off loosely. Work 1 row sc around arm holes. Weave in loose ends.
Sew satin ribbon through front trim eyelet holes, tying into a bow at v-neck bottom.
This pattern is © Amanda Blackford 2006. Please do not reproduce or publish. For personal and non-for-profit use only.