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Dictionary of Dreams and Vision

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God is the creator of the universe he created man in his own

image to oversees the activities of the earth and work for a time
after a period of hours and rest in other to regain strength and
energy. Rest or sleep most time comes with a dream (vision of the
night). Dream comes as a thief that visited a place without the
noticed of the household. It happens when you are at sleep,
Most times in respond of your thought. Dreams are God revelation,
human imagination or an act of satanic manipulation. Dreams or
vision of the night comes when men are slumbering upon the bed
or resting, not everybody that can hear, recognized or understand
voices of God. God uses dreams to communicate with millions of
people and his prophets. It is a mandate by God for someone to
dream but if a person does not dream at all, it means your spiritual
life is in danger or seriously attacked. This showed a picture of a
car that is rolling without breaks or direction, also a man who move
without a destination. It signifies one being alive but spiritually
Dream is a total rest that comes through spiritual taking away
of the mind, soul and spirit. Dream is like a person that leave his
house to travelled, dream occurred without preparation of the mind,
it came like death that happened to someone without information.
Vision in this context, is an act of mind focus of the things of
life through God expectation. Though all good things comes from
God, as well as all good vision come from God but when your mind
focuses on a particular thing before you go to the bed, for example
you imagine of a play you had with a friend. It is possible that you
can dream similar thing.
Dream that is not in lines with the word of God is satanic, it
can lead to destruction. This book “Dictionary of dreams and
visions” will guide you to know uncover revelation. It can awake
you from slumbering and for you to think of tomorrow. The future of
every human is on his pans. Anyone who works ahead of his time
will be a celebrity of success.
When you dream keep it within yourself, you’re the one to handle
issue that has to do with dreams. Make sure you don’t reveal your
dreams immediately you’re awake. Except otherwise instructed by
your spiritual mentor. Anyone who wishes himself good needs a
spiritual mentor that can guide, direct and update you of the things
of the spirit. The spirit control the physical, life is beyond the way
we see it. To dream and be telling people without an advice is not
good, sometimes if the dream is of good you may experience the
opposite as the result due to the enemies roaring around. The devil
get their information from the air, they hear very fast than you thing,
your expectation can be manipulated especially the period your
faces challenges at that period such revelation can be turn down by
the devil or enemy within your camp(success) of your destiny. They
will rise up to fight for such dream not to come to past. Note that
the wall has ears, as the breeds blow the agents of the darkness
takes the message to their kingdom to against the message; the
most dangerous enemy of a man is in his household. If the
foundation of a man is defines success is his second name. The
wise men say the house rat know the corner and the time they will
fetched food, then to invite the one outside that there is food in their
home. Any challenge a man faces it has a link or root in his
foundation. Success can easily be achieved when you overcome
the forces around your household, the challenges outside your
house can easily be tackled. They are popular said One who
knows you kissed you. Guide your mouth the battle field to fight
spiritual war is in the mind. In life, you are permitted to see much
but learn how to talk less. A man who talks too much is prone to
review secret, act proactively in your life situation and be spiritually
alert in your daily decisions.

To dream of act of abortion foretell loosing of goodness program by
the enemy your present endeavour that will change your life for
good is under attacked.

To dream of accident and you’re being involved in the act, foretell
spirit of death roaming around you. To dream of people with
accident foretell sudden death of a close relative or someone you

To dream of ill-health or weakness of the body foretell failure in the
edge of breakthrough either of a job, business, or an expectation.
Your present endeavour is program for manipulation.

To dream of exchange of ring, foretell spiritual union of marine
relationship. Most time it signifies someone is intending to engage
you for a relationship or marriage. Note any dream that goes with
wedding ring foretell different interpretation depend on how it
occurred. In case you dream such you need a counselor to tell you
the direction of the dream.

To dream of air-condition, foretell comfort and success in your
present endeavor. This can only happen due to you hard work.

To dream of air-port or an airplane, foretell quick intervention of a
divine favour of a mega financial freedom. You will soon live a
comfortable life to affect generation positively i.e. you will be in
position to help people.

To dream of akara in any act foretell evil assignment program
against you progress. This is commonly an act of witchcraft/ wizard

 Angels on white garment: To dream of angel(s) on white
garment foretell divine visitation of God. God has intervene
into your matter
 Angels on black garment: To dream of angel(s) on black
garment, foretell spirit of death, evil altar or ancestral spirit is
against your progress.

 Wild Animals: To dream of wild animal(s) foretell spirit of
witches/ wizard against your life. Witches and wizard have
program against your progress
 Animal on rope: To dream of animal(s) on rope foretell God
have put a boundary against your enemies not to encroach
into your success.
 Animal’s changes colour: To dream of animal(s) changing
colour like chameleon foretell herbalist or witchcraft native
doctor is against your existence on earth. The devil is at work
to eliminate your life; he does not wish you good. You need to
be awake something terrible is about to happen to your life.
 Goat animals: To dream of goat animal(s) foretell evil
monitoring, enemies are monitoring your progress
 Cow animals: To dream of a fat cow animal(s) foretell
witchcraft activities around you. To dream of a thin cow
foretells famine and hardship coming to your life.
 Sheep animals: To dream of sheep animal(s) foretell God
calling, Pastoral call, a call to lead people either in religious
way or to be a public figure.
 Animals licking oil: To dream of animal(s) licking oil foretell
spiritual attack program to take your life. Oil in this case
foretells blood
 Animals biting you: To dream of animal(s) biting you foretell
attack on your finance or expectation.
 Animals fighting: To dream of animals fighting between
themselves foretell witches and wizard are annoyed, unhappy
with you. They were wondering why you are still existing
without given up with the struggle, this omen comes when
your faces a battle in achieving a vision. It may be a job, a
contract, an appointment or favour there are against the
development of working towards the struggle of not given up.

To dream of feeling annoyed foretell they will be rival in a place of
your work or success, a place where you are receiving favour or
expecting helped, negativity will come up.

Anointing oil
To dream of anointing oil foretell pastoral calling. You will manifest
grace in your vineyard. To dream of this revelation as a minister of
God foretells auction of grace, spiritual empowerment has come
upon you. But if you’re not a minister of God and such revelation
comes it foretells that you need to go closely to God you have a
talent to make unusual things to happened in the God vineyard.

 Soldier ants: To dream of soldier ants crossing your way or
moved in mass foretell betrayer, either you’re about to
betrayer someone you know or someone whom you trust is
about to betrayer you.
 Ants climbing on you: To dream of ants climbing your body
foretell terrible sickness, marital failure or loss of glory.
 Ants into a pit: To dream of ants entering into a pit foretell
success, goodness you will surely over come life challenges.
To dream of ants running helter scatter signify an attack
against your present endeavour. This revelation happens
when you’re faces obstacles.

To dream of ape in any form foretell Misunderstanding is about to
set in. This is the work of evil manipulation, ape is a bad omen.

To dream of a ripe apple(s) foretell riches and wealth. To dream of
receiving apple(s) from someone foretell divine ordained helper will
locate you, you’re a candidate of divine favour, promotion. Plucked
an apple(s) foretells marital favour from someone you but to dream
of unripe apple(s) foretells that before success will comes to your
way enemies will contest against it, enemies are exchanges your
goodness to make you valueless in the society
To dream of people arrested you foretell hindrance and captivity in
your present endeavour. To dream of an arrest suddenly being
freed from the attackers foretells deliverance from the spirit of
bondage; your spirit is active and alert. To dream of an arrest of
people foretell there is a strong person in your household
monitoring and fighting the progress of family people.
To dream of ashes on you foretell lost of glory, reproach has being
program against you present expectation.
 Attack by people: To dream of an attack foretell
backwardness, evil arrow against your finance.
 Midst of attackers: To dream of being in the midst of
attackers and suddenly unusual power lifted you up or being
freed from the attackers foretells that you have spiritual back
up which they can’t harm you. You cannot be easily brought
down by the power of the darkness.
To dream of property being auction foretell program to destroy your
goodness. These are the work of the devil to make you loss what
you have or dreaming
 Received a baby: To dream of receiving a baby foretell you
would soon conceive, to dream such a dream and suddenly
the child is taken away from you foretell that, they is an
obstacle standing against your child bearing. The devil is
manipulating your child bearing
 Babies: To dream of babies foretell two different things; it
can be positive or negative. Positive if you’re already
conceived foretell you will deliver the child without much
labour, and if you are not foretells that your time to conceive
has come. Negative to dream of such a dream foretell
ascentral spirit, marine altar. Note, to dream of babies
depends how the revelation comes. You need to consult the
author of the book for more clarification
 Baby toy: - To dream of baby toy foretell evil altar is against
your progress.
 Baby clothes: To dream of baby clothes foretell that you will
express subtle lifestyle. You will outgrow your old habit of
 Baby shower: To dream of a baby showering foretell a new
start, a beginning of a good moment of success.
To dream of a bachelor always foretell you are seeking freedom of
the lover.
To dream of your back side foretell unnecessary stressed and
pressure coming to your way by someone around you, you work
without result

 Lady bag: To dream of lady bag foretell good luck, success,
happiness and promotion in your present endeavour.
 Money in a bag: To dream of money inside a bag foretell,
you are destined as a candidate of prosperity. You will make
money in life
 Bags: To dream of holding a bag or in charge of bags of
goods foretell wealth, it is a sign that your present endeavour
will bring a good achievement.
To dream of banquet foretell success and promotion as a result of
your hard work.
To dream of a team of March past foretell that you have attitude to
work in a group to achieve a common goal. There is awaiting
opportunity coming that will decorate you as a gallant officer.
Harvest banana: To dream of harvesting banana foretell riches
and wealth around you. An opportunity that will advance you to the
next level is on the way.
Ripe banana: To dream of ripe banana, eating ripe banana, or
holding ripe banana foretell marital favour of good news.
Unripe banana: To dream of unripe banana foretell success that
the devil is contesting with you. Success will surely come to you if
only if you advance in prayers without given up because the
enemies are in the camp.
 Banking: To dream of transaction in the bank foretell that
you will make a lot of money in life. You goodness will be
seen by both friends and enemies.
 Bank premises: To dream of being in the bank premises
foretell you will likely going to work in the financial institution
or work where your will be in control of money.
 Bank book: To dream of passbook or cheque foretell an
opportunity for success and promotion has come.
To dream of harvesting barley foretell fruitfulness and flourished in
your present endeavour due to your hard work.
 Basket of egg(s): To dream create of eggs foretell plans and
ambition of good achievement you’re about to obtain,
success and promotion in your present endeavour. To dream
of incomplete create of egg foretells enemies are in the camp
of your success to reduce you to nothing. To dream of
receiving an egg foretell success and favour.
 Basket of ripe fruits: To dream of basket of ripe fruit foretell
divine blessing of wealth.
 Empty basket: To dream of empty basket foretell financial
leakages, holes of spiritual growth, lost of glory in the edge of
freedom. There is a strong man/woman manipulating your

To dream of bat foretell betrayer and dreaming of killing a bat
foretells that you shall overcome every betrayer around you. Live a
life of prayers.

 Bathing: To dream of bathing foretell spiritual purification
and cleansing.
 Bath with opposite sex: To dream of bathing with opposite
sex foretell someone is in love with you. This can still foretells
that you have a spiritual partner.
 Interrupted bathing: To dream of someone interrupted you
in the processed of taking bath foretell monitoring spirit in the
camp of your progress.
To dream of eating beans foretell incurable sickness is program
against you, it is the hand work of witches/ wizard.
 Lay on the bed: To dream of lying on the bed foretell rest in
all you ways. To dream of lying with someone on the bed
foretell that you have a spiritual partner.
 Broken bed: To dream of a broken bed if you’re married
foretell marital turbulent but if you are not yet married foretells
broken relationship or your marriage may not have a
successful mood due to the manipulation of the spirit of
marine power around you.
To dream of begging foretell wretchedness and hardship, this is the
hand work of the devil to keep you in a particular place without
moving forward
To dream of sitting on a bench foretell promotion in your present
endeavour. Refer on chair.
To dream of studying or to receiving a bible foretell the called of
God, you are spiritual empowered to manifest his grace, an auction
of grace. To dream of someone stolen bible in your present
foretells enemies are working against your spiritual growth.

 White bird: To dream of white bird foretell angel’s visitation.
 Black bird: To dream of black bird foretell an attacked. To
dream of killing a bird foretells you have destroyed the power
of witches and wizard in the camp of your success.
 Jay bird: To dream of a blue jay bird foretell that you are too
confident and arrogant with people.
 Bat bird: To dream of bat foretell destroyer, demons are
around your path way.
 Vulture bird: To dream of vulture foretell spirit of death.
 Hold a bird: To dream of holding a bird foretell that you will
surely get your target. Your immediate expectation will bring
good result.
 Bird net(s): To dream of bird net with bird foretell promotion
in your present endeavour. To dream of net(s) without bird
foretells disappointment of struggling or pursuit of vision.
To dream of riding on a bicycle foretell hardship. But to dream of
riding on a bicycle and suddenly you pack the bicycle before you
awake foretell success divine helper will soon come to your needs.

 Blindness: To dream of being blind foretell attack against
you goodness. The devil have put a close door on your entire
endeavour, you’re in bondage.
 Blind person: To dream of taking or given a gift to a blind
foretell anti-favour, rejection of any good things coming to
your way.

To dream of blood foretell danger, a terrible accident, if you’re a
woman it can still signify miscarriage. Blood is a bad omen.
To dream of blue object/colour foretell safety and the present of
God beside you
 Reading book(s): To dream of reading or to receive a
book(s) foretell gift of knowledge. God has bestowed you to
shine with the help of your talent and ideas.
 Holding book(s): To dream of holding, carrying or seeing
books always foretell that you are a gifted child, you will be a
writer of book(s), a journalist or a public speaker.
 Newspaper: To dream of reading a newspaper foretell a
change will soon talk place in your life. You will soon be
promoter to the next level. Always seek information that will
advance your life, work smartly and have an attitude of a
Winner note that reading books, holding books and reading a
newspaper are similar messages
To dream of borehole with clear water or fetching water foretell
riches and wealth. To dream of borehole without water foretell
stolen of opportunity which will have advance you, but to see you’re
unable to fetch water foretells an attacked in the edge of your
To dream of borrowing foretell hardship and reproach program by
the witches and wizard

To dream of a bottle of cook or fanta foretell sacrifice of evil altar
(water sacrifice) against you. To drink cook or fanta is a bad omen
To dream of eating bread foretell divine favour and promotion.
Bread signifies success and goodness.
To dream of breast or someone breast a baby foretells primal
nourishment. I.e. you need to be careful of people around you;
such a dream is not common it comes to those who have helpers
or from a royal home.
 Building a bridge: To dream of building a bridge foretells
that God has remembered of his promises upon you. People
who are destining to bless you have remembered in their
mind to do so. You have being notice to be blessed.
 Cross a bridge: To dream of crossing a bridge foretell
success and promotion in your endeavour.
 Struggle to cross a bridge: To dream of struggling in
crossing a bridge foretell battle of life, there are enemies in
the camp of your progress.
 Unable to cross a bridge: To dream of unable to cross a
bridge foretell setback and limitation in your present
endeavour. To dream of broken bridge as the processed of
crossing foretell same.

To dream of holing or walking with a briefcase foretell a good
opportunity that will advance you life is on the way. This signifies a
sign of wealth.
 Sweeping: To dream of sweeping the floor foretell cleaning
of evil from your ways, goodness will surely locate you.
 Tied broom: To dream of a tied broom foretell that you have
wisdom to bring people together to make peace. You have
the talent of coordinating people or to coordinate your family
in your family.
 Scattered broom: To dream of scattered broom foretell
disunity among members of your family or work place.
 Beat by broom: To dream of beaten with broom by someone
foretell attack on your progress and expectation. This is the
hand work of the household enemies.
 New building: To dream of new building or modern houses
foretell new vision, new job or new opportunity coming to you,
the blessing of God is about to reach you.
 Building on the rock: To dream of building on the rock
foretell solid plans towards achieving your target. It signifies
 Building a house: To dream of building a house or to
covered zinc on a building foretells the promises of God
upon you has come, people who gave you promises of help
have remember to act according to their words
 Storey building: To dream of storey building foretell
promotion to the next level, freedom in your present
endeavour. To dream of climbing a storey building
successfully to the top foretell breakthrough you will soon
hear a good news message. To dream of unable to climb the
storey building foretell attack in your present expectation
enemies are in the camp of your success.
 Uncompleted building: To dream of uncompleted building
foretell evil programs against your vision. The devil have
entered the camp of your success (you’re expectation is as
stake).this is signifies uncompleted vision and planned
 Collapse building: To dream of a collapse building foretell
lost of glory or lost of a good opportunity in your present
 Thatch building: To dream of a thatch building foretell
setback and limitation i.e. the manipulation of the witches and

 Burning bushed: To dream of burning bushed foretell
disappointment, lost of expectation in your present
 Bushy road: To dream of walking in a bushy road foretell
confusion, and disturbance by the enemies. This will result to
physical turbulent. To dream of walking out from the bush
foretell deliverance. You will surely achieve success.
 Bushes: To dream of bushes and grasses foretell hindrance
or turbulent.
To dream of bull foretell the program of witches and wizard against
your progress.
To dream of buried foretell death of a close relation, a prominent
person around your is about to die. To dream of someone death
and the person in question rise up foretell power of God has raise
to take away you’re sorrow. To dream of seeing yourself dead
foretell the spirit of death is roaming around you. Also to dream of
people matching for buried foretells the spirit of death is roaming
around your home or neighborhood.
 Buses: To dream of buses or car full of people foretell
promotion in your present endeavour. That is, your promotion
will come with others who have similar vision of yours
example it can be a job or contract apply with others etc. To
dream of a vehicle broken down on the road foretell enemies
are in the camp of your success, your expectation is as stake.
 Bus stop: To dream of being in the bus stop without a
vehicle until you wake up foretell setback in your present

To dream of buying and selling in any form foretell manipulation of
evil activities, this is the handwork of unfriendly friend, is a sign of
emptiness. Note buying and selling is not of God.
To dream of butterfly flying foretell success, goodness and
promotion in your present endeavour.
To dream of cage foretell setback program against your present
endeavour (Captivity)
To dream of someone call you by name as if you’re not foretell a
call of God to serve him, it can be an Apostolic call or a call to
serve in a sensitive public office, soon you will hear a call that will
elevate and change your status completely in life. To hear such a
call in an abnormal way foretells evil conspiracy on assignment
against your progress. Be careful with your household members
To dream of casket foretell sudden death roaming around you. The
spirit of death is roaming around you home.
To dream of cassava seed foretell blessing and goodness. Peeling
cassava seed foretell success and advancement of a long time
expectation. To dream of harvesting a cassava seed successfully
without break foretell promotion and advancement in your present
endeavour, but when harvesting the cassava and suddenly it
breaks foretell a strong man in your household is monitoring your
progress. Your present expectation will not result a good report
To dream of calabash foretell evil assignment. To dream of digging
or someone dig out calabash foretell deliverance from bondage

 Ride a car: To dream of riding a car/motorcycle or someone
ride you on a car/motorcycle foretell promotion and
advancement. To receive a car or a car key foretell financial
freedom success is on the way.
 Broken down car: To dream of being in a vehicle suddenly
the vehicle broke down foretell backwardness an attack on
your finance
 Lorry (car 911): To dream of a lorry with goods foretell mega
breakthrough, an emergency blessing due to your hard work.
Note, to dream of a car always signifies good expectation
To dream of a lightened candle foretell set time of blessing has
come, promotion to the next level. To dream of a candle without
light foretell enemies are in the camp of your success, your
blessing may delay due to the program of the evil ones.
To dream of flogging people with cane foretell you’re more powerful
than your arrival. To dream of a cane foretells discipline, you need
to discipline yourself for unusual lifestyle or you need to discipline
people under you or around you. But to dream of someone flogged
you with a cane foretell an attack on your finance
To dream of canopied foretell an act of celebration. Jubilation of joy
is on the way.

 Cap on your head: To dream of cap on your head foretell
honour , you will always be on top to lead others. You will
achieve your vision if only if you don’t quit. It shows that in
time to come you will be a Public figure.
 Recovered lost cap: To dream of recovered a lost cap
foretell that your lost glory that has been upheld will be

Struggle for a cap: To dream of struggling for a cap foretell battle

for glory. Household enemy is against your progress.

To dream of cattle(s) foretell you need to proceed or do things with
To dream of cat foretell witches and wizard attack on your finance
and progress.
To dream of celebration foretell an act of rejoicing, your joy and
happiness is on the way.
To dream of commentary foretell spirit of death is roaming around
Cereal seed
To dream of harvesting cereal seed foretell riches and wealth.
You’re a candidate of prosperity.

 Sit on a chair: To dream of sitting on the chair foretell
honour, goodness has come to perfect God ordained destiny
upon you. But if you dream of someone sitting on a chair
foretell household enemy is in the camp of your success.
Your enemy is in control of your progress.
 Broken chair: To dream of sitting on a broken chair, bad
chair or sitting on a chair suddenly the chair get break foretell
forces are against your destiny.
 Chair: To dream of chairs and nobody sit on them foretell
greatness will be achieve if only if you put more effort towards
you vision due to the enemies in the camp.
To dream of a chain or rope close you and suddenly it cut off from
your body foretell deliverance from the spirit of captivity. Note, to
dream of a prison yard foretell spirit of bondage against your
To dream of vomiting charm or to dig charm from the ground
foretells deliverance from the hand of household enemy. But to
dream of someone buried something on the ground foretells an evil
Child/ children:
To dream of a child or children it foretells different omen referred
baby to know more about them.

To dream of receiving a cheque foretell financial freedom,
promotion and assurance of breakthrough.
 In church: To dream of being in the church foretell God
protection, the glory of God is upon you. God is in support of
your present endeavour. You have God calling; you have to
be closer to God. This dream can only comes when such
person is faces a battle in pursuing a vision.
 Church premises: To dream of running round the church
premises foretell God interest on your present endeavour,
you’re an apple of God eye.
Cinema hall
To dream of cinema hall foretell reproach and lack of good plan in
your present endeavour.
 New clothes: To dream of wearing a new clothes foretell a
change for better, your present endeavour have given a new
shape of good.
 Black clothes: To dream of wearing a black clothes or
someone wears a black clothes foretell spirit of death
roaming around you.
 White clothes: To dream of wearing a white clothes or
seeing a white clothes foretell holiness before God, you will
surely achieve your right.
 Green clothes: To dream of wearing green clothes, dream of
seeing green clothes or leaves foretell safety, whatever is
happening to you God will protect you from the danger.
 Cover clothes: To dream of unusual clothes, clothes
covering a surface of a place foretell evil manipulation on
assignment to block your success.
 Rag clothes: To dream of wearing a rag clothes foretell
setback and reproach in your present endeavour.
 Red clothes: To dream of red clothes foretell danger on your
way of success. But dreaming of wearing a red clothes
foretell that you are spiritual gallant, your spiritual life is

 Shown time: To dream of wearing a wrist watch or a wall
clothes foretell a set time of blessing has come, favour and
freedom from captivity is a good news message.
 Covered clock: To dream of wrist watch or a wall clock
being covered foretell you need mercy to enable you receive
your blessing which is at the corridor of the door because the
devil is in the camp of your success.
 Setting time: To dream of setting a clock (time) foretell
emergency blessing coming to you. This can only happened
when you are on a serious prayer for the success of your
To dream of open cloud foretell open doors of financial freedom of
riches, wealth and prosperity. It is a mega breakthrough but
dreaming of a cloud and you observed that the cloud is darken or
not clear as if the weather is bad foretell evil are in the camp of
your door of success. Such an attack likely comes from household.
 Harvested corn: To dream of corn farm or harvesting corn
foretell riches and wealth.
 Eat corn: To dream of eating corn foretell hardship and
 Roasting corn: To dream of roasting corn or corn on the fire
foretell someone is likely going to deceive you in a place of
your blessing.
 Buying of selling of corn: To dream in an act of buying or
selling of corn foretell evil manipulation. Buying and selling is
not of God.
To dream of coconut foretell blessing. Dreaming of breaking a
coconut and the inside is good foretells two good opportunities are
coming to your way to choose one from it. It can be a job, an
admission etc
To dream of cocoa foretell blessing same as coconut.

To dream of cobweb foretell blockage and hindrance i.e. the hand
work of witches and wizard.
To dream of hand shake congratulation or people greet you in a
good mood foretell promotion, a positive change is about to take
place in your life. To dream of handshake in an unhappy mood
foretell remorse of evil plan against you by unfriendly friend.
Refer to school to get more facts
To dream of cooking or someone in an act of cooking foretells evil
program around you. To dream of cooking utensils foretell
hardship. But spoon foretell success and promotion.
To dream of communicating or making conversation with a friend
foretell good news message. To dream of making communication
with a dead person foretell spirit of death roaming around you, To
dream of talking with a death person telling you some secret thing
about yourself or someone else foretell a message from God to
your aid or the person in question. Don’t review such a dream
except the person on question, this is important information.
To dream of coffin foretell spirit of death.

To dream of wearing a good clothes to the court room foretell you
will surely overcome the challenges of life. Wearing a rag clothes to
court foretell limitation in your present endeavour.
T o dream of having courtship with someone without exchange of a
ring foretell you are due for marriage your life partner will soon
locate you. But if that involve exchange of ring foretell marine spirit
relationship. Dreamed that has to do with rings have a deeper
meaning due to the message.
To dream of corpse foretell spirit of death.
To dream of making a covenant with important personality in the
society foretell good relationship that will advance your life is on the
way. But to dream of having a covenant with unknown faces foretell
marine relationship.
To dream of a fat cow foretell witches/ wizard attack. To dream of
fat cow grazing foretell abundant harvest. To dream of carry a fat
cow on your head foretell jubilation, you will surely overcome the
battle what people think it will not work in your life will surely come
to pass and celebrate with happiness. To dream of a thin cow
foretell famine and hardship.
To dream of golden colour foretell riches and refinement around
To dream of a wrapped condom foretell you having sexual feelings;
you need an opposite sex around you.
Cotton wool
To dream of cotton wool on your nose or someone nose foretells
spirit of death roaming around you.
To dream of addressing a crowd foretells leadership. You’re born to
rule, you will always be on top to speak for people.
To dream of receiving a crown foretell honour you will surely
overcome life challenges and become what you are destined to be.
To dream of crab foretell blockage. It is the practice of witches and
To dream of cracking nut foretell good expectation is on your way.
Good health.
To dream of being crying foretell hardship but very soon happiness
will come, your joy is about to take place. To dream of crying with
your hands on your head foretell terrible news is about to happen.
To dream of crises people running helter shelter foretell agent of
destruction in your family has rise to destroy progress.

To dream of being cripple or saw cripple contesting with you foretell
destiny killer has program to cripple you vision and dreams.
Dreaming of your friend cripple foretell destiny killer program to sop
your immediate expectation.
To dream of Calvary cross foretell a call of God to serve as his
To dream of holding cutlass foretell spiritual strength, you are
spiritual gallant. To dream of blunt cutlass as if you are working
foretell profitless effort of your present endeavour, but to dream of
working in the farm foretells riches and wealth will not bring good

 Dance with people: To dream of dancing with people in an

occasion or party foretell act of celebration. To dream of
dancing with people in a traditional style foretell ascentral
spirit is working against you.
 Dance by the road: To dream of dancing by the road foretell
spirit of madness was program against you.
 Dance with images: To dream of dancing with images
foretell familiar spirit fighting against your success.


To dream of receiving a diary foretell a good news message; an

opportunity that will advance you has come.

To dream of a dark environment foretell hardship and difficulty
situation. To dream of a dark environment and suddenly light
appears foretell God have approved your plan to flourish. God is in
support of your present endeavour. To dream of light and suddenly
the light disappeared foretell attack against your progress. Enemies
are in the camp of your success
To dream of a man of God doing deliverance foretells transfer of
grace for spiritual growth.
To dream of defeated someone foretell you have overcome
enemies around the door of your progress but someone to defeat
you foretell lack of strength to protect your success. This will affect
your physical endeavour. Note that success has principle, it needs
to be protected.
To dream of owning a debt or someone ask you of a debt foretell
you owned an altar a sacrifice, your ascentral altar need to be oil,
they is something you have to correct in your spiritual life. You
have issues to settle.


 Death relative: To dream of a death relative appear before

you foretells destiny killer fighting against your progress.
 Death person: To dream of a dead person suddenly rise up
from the death foretell God has remember his promises upon
you. You pass glory will surely come to reality, your
expectation is about to manifest. To dream of talking with a
dead person foretell untimely death program against you. But
talking with a death person telling you some secret things or
message you to someone you know foretell a hiding secret
God want to review, what men cannot do God is about to
show himself, this can be a solution of a problem etc

Devilish horn
To dream of devilish horn foretell open curses or evil altar attack.
Your life is connected to evil altar i.e. ascentral spirit.


To dream of decorating home or saw people decorating home for

an occasion foretell that blessing is awaiting you, success is on the

To dream of dew foretell shadow of glory.

 Dig a hole: To dream of digging a hole or someone digging a
hole foretell spirit of death roaming around you.
 Dig out water: To dream of digging out water from the
ground foretell riches and wealth
To dream of ditch foretell obstacle and hindrances.

To dream of an open door or you open a door foretell promotion
and goodness. To dream of a enclose door foretell setback in your
present endeavour.
To dream of a dove foretell peace, divine recognition of marital


 Dog(s): To dream of dog foretell witches and wizard, an

attack on your finance and progress.
 Dog fighting: To dream of dogs fighting themselves foretell
household enemies are angry with your progress.
 Beat by a dog: To dream of dog beat foretell an attack on
your finance i.e. enemies are in the camp of your success.
 Kill a dog: To kill a dog foretell victory, you have overcome
the evil plan program against you. To dream of dogs sleeping
foretell the same.
 Dog chases: To dream of dog chasing a child foretell spirit of
convulsion roaming around your home, unusual sickness has
being program in your home.
 Dog bark at you: To dream of dog bark at you foretell
serious misunderstanding is about to happen between you
and someone.

To dream of draught or ludo foretell hardship. But to dream of
draught always when you’re a daughter foretells imagination due to
your mind toward the game.

To dream of taking drug when you are sick foretell healing and
deliverance. To dream of someone give you drug to take when you
are not sick foretell evil program of incurable sickness against you.
This is the handwork of the witches and wizard.

To dream as if you are dreaming foretell revelation of God upon
your life in you. You always dreamed of greatness and your life
remained the same foretells powers or household enemy is against
your progress

To dream of dressed refer clothes the facts in details.

 Drink water: To dream of drinking water foretell long life, joy
and peace.
 Drink malt: To dream of drinking malt foretell riches and
 Drink coke/fanta: To dream of coke or fanta foretell act of
water sacrifice against your progress, altar has risen up.
Note, coke and fanta is a bad omen.
 Drink alcohol: To dream of taking an alcohol drinks foretell
confusion so make your mind trouble
Dust bin
To dream of dust bin foretell hindrance

To dream of dugout foretell enemy of progress is around your


To dream of an eagle foretell symbol of glory, God visitation.

 Eat fruit: To dream of eating fruit foretell fruitfulness and
flourish. To dream of someone chewing and use the hand to
touch you foretell spirit of madness program against you.
 Eat with death: To dream of eating with a dead person
foretell spirit of death roaming around you.
 Eat meat: To dream of eating meat foretell setback by the
witches and wizard. Sometime the person in question is
posses with witches or wizard.
 Eat beans, rice, yam, or maize: To eat any of those food
items foretell sickness that may lead to paralyses or incurable
sickness. This is the program of the witches and wizard.
 Eat of meal: To dream of animal eating meal foretell
inhuman treatment, oppress or a diabolic means program to
hinder your progress. Animal eating also foretell lost of

To dream of eggs foretell success and good vision. To dream of
fresh broken eggs foretell destruction program by the enemies.
This can cause lost of job, miscarriage or broken relationship.

To dream of sitting on the elephant foretell mega financial freedom.
What people think is impossible to happened in your life will surely
going to come to past

To dream of receiving an envelope foretell assurance of a financial
freedom. Good news message is on the way.

To dream of clean and nice environment foretells new opportunity
that will bring happiness is about to come. To dream of dirty
environment foretell stagnation, failure in your present endeavour.

To dream of running an errand foretell slavery program by the
enemies, spirit of hardship. To dream of sending someone for an
errand foretells a sit of authority is awaiting you

 In examination: To dream of writing an examination,
supervise or seeing people writing examination foretell trial in
the present endeavour.
 Pass examination: To dream of being jubilate or people
jubilated for passing an examination foretells victory and
success in your endeavour.
 Fail examination: To dream of fail or someone you coach
fail foretell lost of glory. To dream of unable to perform well in
an examination foretell frustration in some area of your

To dream of passes an excreta foretell deliverance from the spirit
of setback. To dream of unable to pass excreta foretell household
enemy are seriously fighting you progress, to dream of match on
an excreta or seeing an excreta foretell success and goodness.

To dream of operating engine or someone operate engine foretell
breakthrough with little effort or struggle.

To dream of having one eye or someone had one eye foretell
you’re too one-sided in your way of thinking. You need to accept
another view point that may bring good ideas towards your
endeavour. To dream of having a brown eye or someone had a
brown eye foretell disbelief, doubt of your ability to do things.

To dream of a fan turning foretell blessing and comfort in all rounds

To dream of a farm or farming foretell mega financial freedom.
Work smartly this can only be achieve through prayer, it is a
wonderful blessing.

To dream of falcon foretell good vision, you will surely achieve your
aims in your endeavour.

 Fence surrounded you: To dream of fence surrounded you
foretell divine protection and security.
 Enclose fence: To dream of enclose fence foretell spiritual
imprisonment, hindrance. This dream comes mostly when
someone is faces challenges.
 Broken fence: To dream of broken fence foretell lack of
protection, danger on your way of success, the attackers are
powerful than you.
 Jump over a fence: To dream of jumped over f ence foretell
victory from captivity.
 Sit on the fence: To dream of sitting on the fence foretell
lack of focus in your pursuit.

To dream of having a followership with your Christian brethren
foretell you are spiritual alert with things around you, you have a
spiritual gift to manifest grace.

 Flame of fire: To dream of flames of fire foretell purification.
 Fire outbreak: To dream of fire outbreak foretell lost of glory,
disappointment on your immediate expectation.
 Sleep beside fire: To dream of sleeping beside the fire
foretell terrible sickness program against you.
 Broken fire wood: To dream of either someone or your
breaking fire wood foretell hardship.
 Carry fire wood: To dream of either someone carry fire
woods foretell evil assignment. But to gather fire wood foretell
good omen.

To dream of carrying an office file foretell happiness of a new
opportunity for a job, a business, or a vision.

 Fresh fish: To dream of fresh fish foretell success in your
endeavour. You will surely achieve success
 Dry fish: To dream of a dry fish or someone drying fish
foretell failure program against your progress
 Fishing: To dream of fishing and you caught a fish foretell
your pursuit will result to good achievement.
 King fish: To dream of king fish foretell dignity and
 Knot fish: To dream of knot fish foretell you need to put
aside your pride and ego. Note don’t let it go beyond
relationship or friendship.
 Selling/buying: To dream of buying or selling of fish foretell
evil manipulation. Buying and selling is not of God.

To dream of a suspended finger on air or someone on white
pointed finger on you foretell God calling, a pastoral call or a call to
lead people as a public figure. To dream of a finger pointed at you
and you knew the person in question foretell that you need to be
very careful of your planed. This happened when your present
situation is under attack and you think indifference, God can send a
message through someone to caution you

To dream of national flay foretell greatness and honour in the sit of

 Flying: To dream of flying whenever you face battle foretell
spiritual empowerment, spiritual alert and victory. To dream
of unusual regular flying as a result of wind during a
particular period of time foretells witches and wizard activities
over y your life to stop your progress
 Fly between attackers: To dream of flying in between
attackers foretell enemies are trying to stop your progress,
but the grace in you has overcome them.
 Change into bird and fly: To dream of either you or
someone changes into bird and fly foretell you are posses by
the spirit of witches and wizard

To dream of flood foretell spiritual hindrance cause by marine spirit
to spoil good things in your life.

To dream of flowers foretell marriage proposal, someone is eyeing
you for marriage.

To dream of fighting with people and you won the fight foretells
victory in your present endeavour but to dream of being defeated
foretell lost of gory. To dream of two fighting or misunderstanding
between people foretell that you will be a solution helper. You are
born to solve people problems.

 Eat food: To dream of eating food foretell sickness, to be
weak in spirit
 Best food: To dream of eating you’re best food foretell evil
 Eat fruits: To dream of eating any type of fruits foretell
goodness and riches.
 Eat: To dream of eating with people foretells witches and
wizard manipulation but sit in a round table to eat with people
foretell riches and wealth also signifies ruler ship.

To dream of late father or forefather/ mothers pouring drinks on the
ground or hold unusual thing (item) for prayer foretells ancestral
spirit is working against your progress.

 Healthy fowl: To dream of fowl with Good health/ chicken
foretell flourish, happiness an act of rejoicing of your
endeavour. To dream of wounded fowl/chicken foretells
enemy is spoiling your goodness your present expectation is
as stake.
 Duck fowl: To dream of duck fowl foretells spiritual freedom.
 Hen fowl: To dream of hen/fowl fighting foretell gossiping.
People around you are talking negative things against you.
 Kill fowl: To dream of someone killing fowl foretell enemies
are working against your progress, enemies are in charge of
your goodness.

 Ripe fruits: To dream of eating fruit or seeing a ripe fruits
foretells success and favour. To dream of any watering fruit
foretells same
 Unripe fruits: To dream of unripe fruit foretell that before you
experience any success in life, you will pass through terrible
challenges due to monitoring spirit in the camp of your
progress with prayers/effort surely you will overcome the
forces. Stand strong and achieve all your lost glory
 Receive fruit: To dream of receiving/holding fruit foretell
divine order and promotion of success.

 Friend: To dream of seeing your friend foretells unexpected
favour, good new message.
 Friend beaten: To dream of a friend being beaten foretells or
he is crippling foretell enemy is monitoring your success and
he has hinder you from gaining your freedom, your present
expectation is at stake.

 Watching football: To dream of watching football match
foretell moment of happiness, an excitement in your present
 Played football: To dream of playing football with people
foretell competition between you and your enemies in case
you’re in a winner side foretell victory over your enemy in
your endeavour but if you lose it foretell lost of goodness.
 Footballer: To dream of international footballers foretell you
are an international figure; you will meet with great poplars.
 Football: To dream of a football or tossing a football by
yourself foretells you’re a star; you will excel due to your

To dream of being frantic foretell a peaceful rest after a period of
work. This dream comes to people who put their time to work for a
period of time while seeking for their freedom (e.g. pensioners).

Funeral service:
To dream of a funeral service foretell spirit of death is roaming
around you mostly people you know

To dream of a full gallon of either kerosene, oil or water foretells
you have gotten the power, the ideas to create wealth; you will
overcome life challenges, success and promotion in your present
endeavour. To dream of such and the gallon boost out foretell
enemies are seriously against your progress i. e lost of glory.

To dream of playing games such as draught, coupon or ludo
foretell profitless effort in your pursuit, unable to get the ideas to
match your challenges, but sometimes if you are a lover of such
games and you are dreaming of such dreams regularly foretells
imagination because your mind is toward the game.

 Garri mixed with gravel/ sand: To dream of garri mixed with
gravel/sand foretells your success will come through
difficulties, it need hard work to achieve success.
 Garri: To dream of someone gave you garri to swallow or
you are swallowing garri foretell program of terrible sickness
by witches/ wizard

Garden egg
To dream of garden egg farm foretell riches and wealth. To dream
of eating garden egg foretell goodness and success coming to your

To dream of garage with people inside the bus or buses foretell
good expectation that will come with others, this dream likely
comes when someone is pursuing of secure a job, a contract or
promotion in a place of work.

 Receive Gift: To dream of receiving a gift foretell favour of
financial freedom. In case the gift comes in a black nylon
foretell anti-favour that is, the hand work of the witches/
 Gift: To dream of monies with you and you gave some of the
money out to people foretell you will have a lot of money in
time to come.
 Give money to thieves: To dream of giving out money to
thieve that came to attack you foretell leakages programmed
by unfriendly friend.
 Give money to beggar/mad person: To dream of giving
money to beggars, someone collected money or trying to
collect from you foretell evil program to withhold you success
and progress. This show that enemies are monitoring you
 Exchange of gift: To dream of exchange of gift with
someone foretell a good relationship is on the way, unusual
favour is coming to your way. But to dream of exchange that
make you look sad foretells manipulation of the pit of
darkness, be careful of your family

To dream of a giant before you foretell enemy is contesting with
your goodness. Enemies are in the camp of your success.

To dream of a goat foretell evil assignment at work. The enemy is
monitoring your progress. To dream of a goat tied on the rope
foretell spiritual bondage, your life is in captivity. To dream of a
baby goat foretells that you spend much time for thinking of things
that will not bring good result.

To dream of a governor foretell you will have a good relationship
with great poplars.
To dream of grasses around you foretell hindrance enemy is
around the camp of your success. To dream of clearing grasses
foretell clearing evils out of your ways; if you dream of someone
clearing the grasses foretell the angels are with you in action.

To dream of grasshopper foretell disappointment in your present
endeavour. To dream of grasshopper eating leave foretell same.

To dream of groundnut in any act foretell the spirit of hardship
around you.

To dream of a grave yard in any act foretell the spirit of death is
roaming around you.

To dream of goose foretell you need motherly cares about your
present condition, someone will meet you to render favour to your

To dream of holding a gun foretell spiritual staminate/spiritual
strength to withstand enemies. But hearing a sound of gunshot
foretell a programmed of disappointment and failure in your
immediate expectation.

To dream of gulch foretell hindrance in your blessing.

To dream of a slipping ground foretell danger failure is about to
happen due to the enemies around the camp of your success.To
dream of sitting on the ground foretell reproach and shame.


 Grey hairs: To dream of grey hairs foretell you will live long
and advance in age. You will grow old before you die.
 Beard hairs: To dream of beard foretell honour and respect.
To dream of cutting unusual beard from your jaw foretell
deliverance from the spirit of hardship.
 Barbing: To dream of someone barbing your head foretell
curses renewal against you, Manipulation of evil altars.
 Plaiting hairs: To dream of plaiting of hairs foretell altar of
marine roaming around you. To dream that as a hair dresser
can still foretells that having tendency to imagine of your

 Hand before you: To dream of hand from the sky coming
before you or someone with a white garment foretell divine
helper is for your aids to deliverance you
 Cut off hand: To dream of your hand or someone being cut
off foretell spirit of death is roaming around you.
 Dirty hand: To dream of someone using dirty hand to touch
you or trying to touch you foretell spirit of madness roaming
around you.
 Holes on your hand: To dream of holes on your hand
foretell financial leakages.
 Broken hand: To dream of a broken hand foretell frustration
has being program in your present endeavour.

To dream of having a celebrated handshake foretell act of rejoicing
of a good expectation. To dream of having a handshake with
stretch faces in a casual mood foretells remorse of evil by
unfriendly friend.

To dream of a hammer foretell power/ spiritual gallant.

 Head tie: To dream of wearing head tie foretells you’re a
leader, you are born to lead
 Beheaded: To dream of beheaded foretell untimely death is
roaming around you.
 Bald head: To dream of someone bald head foretell riches
and wealth
 Head of state: To dream of head of state or a respective
personality in a society foretell you with affects life positively,
you will dials with great poplars.
 Forehead: To dream of forehead foretell fair and good
judgments and intellectual capacity.


To dream of healing foretell transfer of anointing and divine

restoration, in case you’re sick at the time you saw the revelation
foretell deliverances. To dream of healing arena and you observed
sun shining foretell awaited blessing is by your side

To dream of helicopter on air foretell promotion beyond
imagination, quick and divine speed.


To dream of kneeling before herbalist foretells they is a strongman

consulting evil against you.

To dream of hiding foretell divine protection/security.

To dream of climbing a hill to the top foretell freedom from life
struggle, you will surely enjoy the fruit of your labour.
To dream of tilling with a hoe or someone tilling foretell the spirit of
death roaming around the family, someone in the family is about to

To dream of hospital when you are sick foretells deliverance. To
dream of hospital when you are not sick foretells sickness has
being program against you.

 Riding on horse: To dream of riding on horse foretells
promotion to financial freedom. Carrying horse on your head
foretells mega breakthrough

 Horse sleeping beside you: To dream of a horse sleeping

beside you foretells misunderstanding is about to set in
against your immediate glory, Horse is a sign of mega
financial freedom. To lose a horse foretells lost of glory.

To dream of licking/received honey or seen a bottle of honey
foretells brighter future, fruitfulness, favour and success in your
present endeavour.

To dream of homeless foretells poverty, hardship and reproach.

To dream of devilish images foretells anti-promotion spirit, open
curses, ancestral spirit working against you.

 Modern house: To dream of a modern house, new house
foretells up liftmen, promotion to the next level
 Open door: To dream of open door foretells blessing,
success all over. To dream of open door and you did not see
a change in your life foretells that enemies are sitting on your
success. The devils are holding your progress
 Close door: To dream of enclose door foretells limitation,
setback in your endeavours.
 House on sky: To dream of a house on the sky foretells that
you are a candidate to make heaven; you are in line of God
purpose to inherit his kingdom.
 House on the river: To dream of house on the river foretells
that your spirit has been sold out to the water kingdom for
ancestral spirit to be in charge of your life
 People in your house: To dream of people gathering in your
house foretells household enemies are planning your down
 Fence house: To dream of been inside a fenced house
foretells divine protection. You are protected by the divine
planned of God.
 Storey building: To dream of a storey building foretells up
liftmen. Goodness to the next level.

To dream of holes in your pans foretells captivity. The enemies
program to lock your source of finance


To dream of eating ice cream foretells blessing, divine favour to

To dream of idols foretells evil messages. To dream of destroying
idols foretells that God has set unquenchable fire of blessing on
you to deliver souls or to overcome challenges but to dream of idol
worshippers doing incantation foretells evil attack against your

Influential personality
To dream of influential personality in the society foretells greatness
you are a public figure.

To dream of images foretell evil altar, ancestral spirit is against
your present endeavour.

To dream of someone injecting you foretell enemies have
programmed terrible sickness against you. Don’t play with this type
of dream, you need to sit up to pray against them if not it will

To dream of attended an interview same as examination.

Invitation card
To dream of invitation card foretells good news message is coming
to you soon.

To dream of an idiot foretells that the challenges of life you are
battling will be more bad due to your present plans, you need to
change your thinking and re- plan

To dream of your loved one in jail foretells deceitful and
untrustworthy of a close relation. But dreaming of either you or
someone else in jail foretells captivity.

To dream of jet foretells same as aero plane, helicopter.

To dream of a shadow of Jesus Christ foretells divine visitation,
your heart desire will be realized.
To dream for a journey foretell discovery, progress and a change to
the next level. To dream of a successful journey foretells success,
fruitfulness, divine support on your expectation but unable to arrive
to the destination of the journey foretells frustration and limitation.
Journey is a sign of freedom or a progress.

To dream of looking for a job foretell frustration in your present

To dream of you or someone telling jokes/ stories foretell that you
are feeling frustrated but soon you will experience a change.

To dream of a judge/lawyer foretells that you have been wrong or
treated unfairly on some issues your faces

To dream of either you or someone jumped out of a pit foretell
deliverance from the spirit of setback.

 Holding a key: To dream of holding or receiving a key
foretells open door, goodness and promotion
 Key to open a door: To dream of opening a door with a key
foretells open doors in all side home and abroad- mega
financial freedom, riches and wealth.
 Lost a key: To dream of lose, denial, stolen or a key is
collected from you foretells lost of glory, lost of opportunity.
To dream of such foretells that you’re facing a lot of battle;
there are enemies in the camp of your success.
 Key chain: To dream of key chain foretells that you have the
ability to adapt to any situation or condition of life. Also
foretell financial freedom
 key maker: To dream of key maker foretells that there is
something you need help to unlock or uncover your success

To dream of a gallon or a bottle of kerosene foretells that you have
gotten the powers and ideas to create wealth

To dream of kettle foretell lack of joy and happiness of earthly
things in the world rather than a heavenly or spiritual one.

 Computer keyboard: To dream of computer keyboard
foretells that there is a message that need to get out or an
idea that you need to share with people which will help you to
advance in life.
 Musical keyboard: To dream of either you hearing the
sound of musical keyboard foretell harmony and good

 Killing: To dream of a crisis, war or someone killing people
or people running helter shelter foretells destiny killer is
against the success of people in the entire family.
 Killed bat: To dream of killing a bat foretells you shall
overcome every betrayer working against you in the camp of
your success.
 Killed tortoise: To dream of killing a tortoise foretells
deliverance from spirit and power of delay and rejection.
 Killed dog: To dream of killing a dog foretells that you have
overcome the power of witchcraft/wizard in the camp of your
success. Killing of lizard foretells same as dog or rat.
 Killed goat: To dream of killing a goat foretells your closest
enemies has been defeated, the enemies monitoring your
success have been defeated. Don’t relent your effort in your
prayers, you need to be hot all the time
 Killed locust: To dream of killing a locust foretells
deliverance from rejection and captivity


 You`re kidnapped: To dream of being in the midst of

kidnappers foretells that you are holding onto something that
you need to let it go to avoid problem or trouble. Also foretells
attack of unfriendly friend
 Kidnapped. To dream of being people foretells the spirit of
death is roaming around you

To dream of flying in a kite foretells that though you have high
ambition and goals, you will still remain well grounded but know it
that persistence will pay off in the end no matter how difficult your
current task may be.

To dream of a king foretells prestige is within your reach. You will
rise above your problems and adversities.

To dream of kneel down in the mood of prayer or squatting foretells
humbleness will create way for your success. To dream of kneeling
before a native doctor foretells destiny killers is consulting evil
against you

To dream of injuries or someone wounded by a knife foretells
masculine or animalistic aggression.

To dream of Komodo dragon foretells that you need to be simpler
in your decision making.


 Climbing ladder: To dream of climbing or receiving a ladder

foretells up liftmen to the next level. To dream of people
climbing ladder to the top foretells up liftmen and promotion in
your endeavor. To dream of seeing a ladder foretells divine
help or a helper will locate you soon
 Unable to climb: To dream of unable to climb a ladder,
climbing a ladder and it breaks or people deny you of
climbing a ladder foretell limitation; enemies are in the camp
of your success.

To dream of working bed fitted on a land foretells you’re in line with
the purpose of God, no matter the hindrances you will surely

To dream of launching foretells an act of rejoicing, celebration and
happiness will soon take place and joy is on the way

To dream of a lawyer foretells trial by the enemies over your joy. To
dream of good clothes to the court foretells victory over your
enemies. To dream of rag clothes to the court foretells failure in all
endeavour. The enemies are more powerful than in the battle for
you to you to succeed

To dream of lying on the bed foretells rest and victory in all your
ways. But laying and you observed somebody lying by your side
foretells marine spirit you have something in common with marine

To dream of leading people or stand before people and addressed
a crowd of people foretell leadership. You are born to rule to excel
above your counterpart. This will work if only if you’re prayer warrior

To dream of leaves from a tree fall by your side foretell
advancement always seek for opportunity and favour to move
forward anywhere you found yourself, you will surely succeed

To dream of leg cut off either you or someone else foretells spirit of
death is roaming around you


 Received/ hold a letter: To dream of receiving or holding a

letter foretells opportunity to advance is at your door. You will
surely receive a good news message from someone that will
elevate your life
 Folded letter: To dream of folded letter or papar either on
your hands or on the table foretells enemies have program to
take your belongings
 Letter head: To dream of letter head or invitation card
foretells speedy favour to financial freedom
 Letter on the ground: To dream of picking a letter on the
ground foretells goodness, you will surely have a good result
from the battle your facing

To dream of light appear before you or saw light suddenly around
you foretells greatness God have approved your planned also
foretells good result in your endeavour

To dream of lizard in any form foretells attacked of witches/wizard.
To dream of killing a lizard foretell you have overcome the forces of
witches and wizard, don’t relent your effort in prayer keep yourself
hot to enable you overcome them any time or any day

 Vehicle with Load: To dream of vehicle carry goods foretell
mega financial freedom in your endeavour
 Load lifted down: To dream of load lifted down from your
head foretells freedom from bondage/captivity
 Load thrown out: To dream of either your load or someone
load thrown out from the house/shop foretells
misunderstanding/trouble is coming in your matrimonial or
work place. But carry load from your head foretells headship
due to spiritual imprisonment

Lock up
To dream of personal belongings in a house and you Daniel of
having access to it foretells enemies have program to burial your
progress totally

To dream of locust in any act foretells powers of unknown are
destroying your blessing; your success is questionable by your
household enemies. Your blessing are polluted

Lost item
To dream of collected back your lost item foretells promotion/

To dream of someone sitting on a sit /chair foretells your progress
is program to be monitoring by the devil. You’re in a caged


Madness person

To dream of a mad person or a mad person chase you foretell spirit

of witches/ wizard against you

To dream of someone working with machine or engine foretell
success that will cost you a little effort or no labour


 Ripe mango: To dream of eating , plucking, holding, pick

mango or any watering fruit foretells pregnancy, marital
 Unripe mango: To dream of unripe mango foretells success
manipulated by the devil before you achieve progress or
success you need to work hard, the enemies are contesting
with your success

To dream of masquerade in any form foretells demonic attacked
contesting your success and progress

To dream of either you or someone laid on the mat foretells terrible
sickness is program against you

To dream of mansion or you’re on a mansion foretells success and
greatness, it is a sign of riches

To dream of being a manager or the head in your work place
foretells greatness you need to be more organized because bigger
task is ahead of you

To dream of a map foretells you current life style will lead to
fulfillment of your need and realization of your goals? You will be
popularly known in the society

To dream of holding a matched foretells signed of spiritual strength,
your spiritual alert

 Given medicine: To dream of taken medicine when you are
sick foretells deliverance, divine healings. But to dream of
such and you’re not sick foretells terrible sickness has being
program against you. To dream of buying or selling drugs is
the same, buying and selling is not of God
 Medicine on your head: To dream of late parent put
medicine on your head foretells household enemies don’t
want you to go far in life

To dream of always attending meetings or in a gathering where
people are killing animal or eat meat foretells that you’re possessed
by witches/ wizard activities. To dream of being in the midst of
people that your life is in the hands of witches/wizard

Melodious song
To dream of hearing a sound of keyboard, worship or praise song
foretells promotion and good news message

To dream of receiving a text message on your phone foretells up
liftmen, a change for better. To dream of sending someone for an
errand foretells leadership but someone to sent you errand is a
signed of hardship program by witches/ wizard

To dream of milk foretell brighter future and fruitfulness

To dream of a pastor or a man of God performing miracle foretells
divine anointing to perform wonders, it is a sign of spiritual

To dream of mirror or someone flash you with mirror foretell
enemies monitoring your success. To dream of mirror is a bad

 Received money: To dream of receiving money foretells
favour and up liftmen
 Money in your pocket: To dream of money in your
pocket/bag or to dream of having plenty money and you
shared some foretells that your will make a lot of money in
life. You’re a candidate of favour and wealth. Note if you
dream that of the sharing of money and you gave all the
money foretells linkages
 Change Money: To dream of looking for change (pieces) or
buying something and you collected change foretells linkages
and withholding of money. This is commonly the work of the
witches/wizard to make you amount to nothing
 Save money: To dream of saving money in the bank foretells
you are destined to work in a place where you will control
 Stealing money: To dream of someone steal money from
you foretells financial withholding program against you
 Dirty money: To dream of dirty money foretells attacked in
your present endeavour
 Lost money: To dream as you lose money foretells lost of
glory, lost of a good expectation
 Spending money: To dream of spending money lavishly
foretell withholding/linkages
 Sit on top of money: To dream of sitting on top of money
foretell abundant riches and wealth

To dream of monkey foretells trouble coming to your way due to
the past mistakes. To dream of monkey being chain foretell a bad
omen monkey in any form foretells trouble, problem and

To dream of eating moi-moi foretell disappointment and failure in
your endeavour

To dream of mortuary foretells spirit of death against you

To dream of maggot foretells anxieties about death

To dream of shinning moon foretells divine doors, greatness. You
will excel in life beyond expectation. To dream of money
surrounded by darkness foretells battle in the camp of your
success. To dream of moon fall down before you foretells great
destinies beyond imagination.

To dream of being in a good mode foretells joy and happiness. To
dream of being in a bad mode is a sign of disappointment in your

To dream of being in a married ceremony foretells you’re of age to
get marriage, to dream of getting married to your ex-lover foretells
you real partner in life will be your life dream

To dream of manner foretells your attitude in life will bring success
and joy, you will dial with great men

To dream of mosquito foretells someone is blocking your progress

 On top of mountain: To dream of being on top of mountain
foretells promotion and up liftmen in your endeavour
 Climbed a mountain: To dream of climbing a mountain
successfully foretells freedom and progress in your
endeavour. To dream of unable to climbed a mountain
foretells limitation due to circumstances which you’re unable
to overcome
 Surrounded by a mountain: To dream of being by the
bottom of a mountain foretells hardship and suffering

To dream of riding or someone take you on a motorcycle foretells
freedom around you. To dream of riding on a motorcycle while you
have a car foretells if you’re not careful you will soon be demoted
or sack from the place of your work

To dream of mud foretell danger is you place of your endeavour

To dream of mushroom foretells wealth; you will achieve greatness

Mustard seed
To dream of mustard seed as a pastor/Man of God foretells that
God have increase your anointing, more power to perform extra-
ordinary work. To dream of a mustard seed as a believer foretell a
call to serve God more or to occupy a sensitive position in a public
office. To dream of a mustard seed as an unbeliever foretells total
deliverance from challenges; you need to go close to God. It also
foretells a call for you to repent from your evil ways

To dream of being naked or someone is naked foretells reproach.
Nakedness foretells limitation of a good expectation. To dream as
your late parent(s) being naked foretell family curses is working
against your progress

 Bending nail: To dream of strengthen a bending nails
foretells new vision, new plan that will move you forward is on
the way
 Holding nail: To dream of holding a nail foretells promotion
to the next level
 Pick nail: To dream of picking nail from the ground foretells
up liftmen
 Remove nail: To dream of remove nail from your body
foretells freedom from obstacle

To dream of navy officer foretells that you need to discipline
yourself and prepare your mind for greater task. You will likely work
with uniform agency

To dream of napkin foretells cleanliness and neatness in your
present lifestyle i.e. a sign of successful planned

Native chalk
To dream of native chalk foretells sacrifice has being down against
you, someone have renew a curse against you

Native doctor
 Kneeling before native Doctor: To dream of kneeling
before a native Doctor foretells that a strong man/woman is
consulting evil against you
 Someone holding fowl: To dream of someone holding fowl
appear before you in traditional style foretells someone in
your family is seriously against your progress

To dream of wearing necklace foretells unsatisfied desire, your
intellect and desire to have more influence over others

New Year
To dream of observed a New Year day foretells new beginning,
hope and opportunity to make a fresh start/ new vision


 Neighbourhood: To dream of neighborhood foretells you

need to have new friends. Stay away from some of your
 Unknown neighbour: To dream of unknown neighbour
foretells you have enter a place that you need to reason well

To dream of someone in needs foretells you need to be
compassionate and sympathetic to people, learn to appreciate the
gift of God in you. To dream as your in needs foretells enemies
program great loose. The original planned of God is not for his
children to lack any thing on earth


 Casting of net: To dream of either you or someone is

casting net for fishes foretells divine call be prepare for a
great task ahead. But when you dream of someone or people
cast net to caught you foretells witches/wizard attacked to
caged you
 Casting of demon: To dream of either someone or minister
of God casting demon foretells deliverance, you’re spiritual
alert to the things of God

To dream of newspaper or reading newspaper foretell a change will
soon take place in your life. Always seek for information that will
advance you in life, smartly and have a mind of a winning

To dream of hearing small noises foretell promotion good news will
soon take place in your life. To dream of unusual noises that shock
you or you’re afraid foretells lost of gory your present endeavour
will not bring a good result

To dream of a strange object foretells attacked. Confusion in the
place of your success

To dream of obituary foretells sudden death

 Sit on a chair: To dream of sitting on a chair foretells
leadership and honour
 Office door: To dream of office door/gate bound against you
foretell a sack letter will soon come to you, lost of glory
 Stand in an office: To dream of standing in an office why
you suppose to sit down foretells you are due for retirement.
You’re not effective or needed in the office
 Chair take away in office: To dream of a chair being take
away from you foretells someone is fighting against your
crown or star

To dream of someone offend you foretells that you sensitivities to
situation has not been properly expressed by people around you.
You need to let go

 Bottle of oil: To dream of a bottle of oil foretells happiness,
good health and good expectation
 Oil on the ground: To dream of oil on the ground foretells
danger, blood waste or sudden accident. To dream of oil
stain on your clothes foretells the same.
 Anointing oil: To dream of anointing oil foretells elevation
and auction of grace
 Lick oil: To dream of licking oil foretells joy and happiness in
your present endeavour

To dream of onion making you share tears foretells that you’re not
genuine, you full of lie and deceitful. It also foretells that some of
your recent dealings will make you lament or run into lost

To dream of owl foretells evil occurrence and terrible event is about
to happen

Pad lock
To dream of door pad lock against you foretells limitation, the
unfriendly friend concluded their program to end your success in

To dream of palace foretells that you are born as a leader. You are
born with talent to do uncommon things

Palm tree
To dream of a palm tree foretells flourish you’re destined to leave
long life on earth

To dream of a joyous party foretells an act of rejoicing, good news
message is awaiting you. But to dream such and suddenly you
experience images or unusual things foretells evil program to
destabilized the arrangement or planned which will amount you to
the next level in life

To dream of a pack parcel foretells assurance of financial freedom,
seek for information that will advance you. You’re in line with God
To dream of received package of gift foretells good news message
is waiting for you

To dream of peacock foretells you are too pride, you have eco

To dream of holding, picking, plucking or receiving pears foretells
divine favour. Refer fruit to get more facts

To dream of someone peeping you, someone stand on the window,
window being open foretells monitoring spirit. This is the hand work
of witches and wizard

 Pen with an ink: To dream of writing with a good pen
foretells promotion. You will surely succeed in life or
overcome the battle
 Pen without an ink: To dream of writing with a pen without
an ink or writing with bad handwriting foretells profitless effort,
laboring in vain toward the present vision
 Received a pen: To dream of receiving a pen, a book or
always writing foretells that you’re a gifted child
To dream of holding, receiving or selling pepper either you or
someone foretells affliction has being released against you. You
have a terrible battle

To dream of perceiving a good smile foretells seduction, you will be
admire by people (attractive) people will like you appearance and
your presence

 People attacked you: To dream of people attacked you
foretell an attacked on you progress and source of your
 Midst of attackers: To dream of being in the midst of the
attacker and extra-ordinary power take you before them
foretells total freedom, you’re spiritually alert, the enemies
cannot harm you due to spiritual stamina. You will continue to
overcome them if only if you don’t relent in prayers. This a
serious battle

To dream of an occult people or people of the same uniform such
as red/black clothes gathering foretells attacked of unfriendly friend
on your endeavour
To dream of making or receiving calls foretells good news message
is on the way. To dream of someone making phone calls foretells
evil communication against your progress or a call to stop your
immediate expectation. To dream of making or receiving phone call
and you observed that the call hang foretells a problem will occur in
the source of expectation. To dream as you lost a phone or
someone struggling to collect phone from you foretells lost of glory

To dream of a picture hang normal in any form foretells your set
time of blessing has come; your blessing is at your door. To dream
of picture hang upside down foretells lost of glory, broken
relationship if you’re in a courtship, if married be careful it can lead
to misunderstanding that may lead to devour, if not married
foretells bad partner around you. To dream of standing with people
to snap picture foretell divine favour. To dream of unusual snapping
foretell evil mark of disfavor

To dream of pillar, things holding pillar or nepa pole with wires
foretells up liftmen, God have program to blessed you, your heart
desire will be achieve

To dream of ripe pineapples in any way foretells success. To
dream of any watering fruit foretells goodness
 Pit hole: To dream of pit hole foretells powers of darkness
program to lock your success
 Fall into a pit: To dream of fall into a pit either you or
someone foretells lost of glory in your endeavour
 Jumped out of the pit: To dream of jumped out of a pit
either you or someone foretells deliverance from the hands of
evil spirit
 Dig pit: To dream of digging a pit either you or someone
foretells spirit of death roaming around you

To dream of picking pears or watering fruits from the ground foretell
divine favour of riches and wealth. To dream of picking things along
the road foretell object poverty or hardship program against you.

To dream of holding white pigeon foretells that you are neat and
sinless before God.

To dream of plain foretells you are living a sinful life.

To dream of people or someone plaiting hairs foretell marine spirit
disturbance. Someone is seriously gossiping your success and
progress. Note to dream of plaiting of hairs is a bad omen. But if
you’re a hair dresser they is a tendency for you to dream such a
dream i.e your mind is towards the work (imagination)

To dream of plantain same as banana refer banana to get the facts

To dream of step on poison or step on dirty things foretell enemies
are hindering your progress and blessings. To eat unusual
substance foretells incurable sickness released by the enemies

Poor life
To dream of living a poor life foretell slow progress, hardship
manipulated by the devil

To dream of money in your pocket or money suddenly into your
pocket foretells you will make a lot of money in life. To dream of
your pocket/bag leaking and things were falling foretells profitless
effort, laboring in vain. That is the handwork of the monitoring spirit
to stop your progress

To dream of polishing your shoes foretells act of rejoicing, up
liftmen and celebration will soon take place in your life.

To dream of a big pot on fire foretells evil occurrence. To dream of
cooking on stove or cooked where the pot is being open foretells
hardship and suffering
Pour liquid substance
To dream of someone poured liquid substance on you foretell
hindrance, the enemies are seriously working against your
progress to render you useless. To dream of someone pour sand
on you foretells shame and reproach. An enemy has program total
failure to your endeavours.

To dream of praying with people foretells the presence of Holy
Spirit in your life. Sometimes if bad thing is on your way God can
make you to be in the mood of prayers to avoid danger on your
way of success.

Preach gospel
To dream of preaching before people foretells you have a calling to
serve God. You will be a soul winner. To dream of a
Pastor/Minister of God preaching in a crowd foretells a call either
Pastoral or a call to be leader as a public figure

 Pregnant Woman: To dream of a pregnant woman foretells
soon you will have a pregnancy, to dream of that as a man
foretells lost of glory. To dream of a woman in labour and
unable to give birth foretells power hook, they will be a
problem on your immediate endeavour due to the power
against your progress. To dream of a woman delivered
successful with a baby foretells new day a good news
message is on the way.
 Man pregnant: To dream of a man with pregnancy foretells
family curses pronounce against you

To dream of a president, head of state or a important personality in
the society foretells you will affect life’s positively within and
internationally, you will be a solution solver

To dream of someone preventing you from your right foretells
limitation and setback program by witches/wizard in your family

To dream of being in a house and you have no access to come out
or to dream someone in a close iron foretells spiritual captivity

To dream of a prophet same as a pastor

To dream of property being auctioned foretells an attacked against
your progress to render you valueless

To dream of your purse being foretells lost of glory

To dream of someone or hearing a sound of small noises at your
back foretells good news message is on the way. To dream that
and your afraid or sad foretells attacked on your immediate

To dream of purple colour in any form foretells same as royal

Palm tree
 Palm tree: To dream of palm tree foretells fruitfulness, long
life you will grow old if only if your hands are not stained
 Palm Wine: To dream of tapping palm wine or fetching palm
wine foretell greatness, you’re a candidate of wealth
 Fall down palm tree: To dream of falling down a palm tree
or a palm tree fell down before you foretell untimely death; an
important personality is about to die
 Uprooted palm tree: To dream of uprooted a palm tree or
someone uproots a palm tree foretells someone is polluting
your blessing, lost of glory

To dream of people quarreled or fighting foretells you will be a
solution solver; you are destined to affect life positively. To dream
of quarrelling foretells misunderstanding is about to happened
around you

To dream of a queen or having hand shake with a queen foretells
divine recognition. You will be connected with great poplars

To dream of being in a queue with people foretells delay of
progress by the devil; the household enemies are monitoring your

To dream of listening or hearing a sound of radio foretells
promotion good news message

 Shower rain: To dream of shower rain foretell blessings and
goodness. To dream of rain fall and the ground is being wet
foretells peace and a change in your present condition
 Heavy rain: To dream of a heavy rain foretells battle
enemies are contesting with your glory

To dream of rainbow foretells God promises upon you will be fulfill.
The promises of God will surely comes to past if you don’t relents
your effort in prayers

To dream of someone force you for sex foretell spiritual defilement.
You have spiritual relationship with marine spirit.

To dream of rat foretell attacked of witches/ wizard, spirit of
rejection but to killed rat foretells the program of rejection against
you by the household enemies is defected. This will happen when
you engaged on serious prayers. Don’t relents your effort in other
to overcome them all the time
To dream of reading newspaper/books foretells promotion, you’re a
gifted child. Seek for knowledge and information you have a
brighter future. To dream of reading label foretells that you have
exposed certain private matter as a result of lack of self control

To dream of grain/rice foretells success, fertility and progress. To
dream of eating rice foretells evil program of terrible sickness
against you.

 Receive a ring: To dream of receiving a ring foretells
marriage, you will soon marry, someone will soon propose to
you. To dream of ring can still signifies an agreement from
the pit of darkness or marine kingdom i.e. you have spiritual
 Lost a ring: To dream of lost a ring as a marry man/woman
foretells serious misunderstanding is program to happen that
may lead to devour. To dream of lost of ring as a
bachelor/splinter foretells misunderstanding in your
relationship with your lover

Note: Any dream that involved ring is a serious revelation it need

attention due to the complexity of its nature
 Flowing river: To dream of Small river or stream flowing
foretells success, promotion; you will experience good
success in your life i.e. the mercy of God
 Cross a river: To dream of crossing a river/stream either by
legs, boat or any foretells up liftmen of financial freedom. To
dream as people crossing river and your unable to cross
foretells enemies are against your progress. To dream of
crossing a river, bridge or stream foretells goodness
 Swim in the river: To dream of swimming in a river foretells
turbulent, battle in your present expectation
 River: To dream of rivers always or when walking on the road
suddenly you observed water / river from your way foretells
battle as a result of marine spirit. It can still foretells marine
ascentral altar against you

Ride a car: To dream of riding a car foretell promotion and success
in your endeavour

Ride on horse: To dream of either you or someone ride on horse

foretells mega breakthrough is about to take place

Ride every time: To dream of riding all the time i.e. an unusual
ride, ride on the rope, riding on an object foretells the manipulation
of witches and wizard on your progress
 Smooth road: To dream of smooth or tare road foretells new
vision, opportunity of advancement. To dream of modern
houses foretell same
 Road side: To dream of waiting by the road side and unable
to get a vehicle before your awake foretells limitation on your
present endeavour
 Miss road: To dream of missing a road until you’re awake
foretells frustration
 Narrow road: To dream of coming out from a narrow road
foretells deliverance from spiritual captivity

To dream of rope hanged up either on a tree, building or electric
pole foretells divine favour is about to take place, but to dream of
such and suddenly the rope cut off foretells setback manipulated in
the pit of the hall

To dream of being romance foretells same as sex; refer to know
more in detail

Round able
To dream of standing and waiting in the round about foretells
frustration and confusion
To dream of running out from an attacked or escaped from the
people fighting you foretells victory from the hands of the enemies.
But to dream of people running helter shelter foretell destiny killer
program to lock the success of a family, the destiny killer have

To dream of licking or holding salt foretell purification, good health
and long life

To dream of someone pulled sand on you foretells terrible sickness
have being release in the kingdom of darkness. To dream of
cleaning sand from your body foretells deliverance from the spirit of
evil coverage

To dream of being in a classroom and a teacher is teaching
foretells spiritual instructor, you have a spiritual back up in your
pursuit, to dream of a teacher teaching suddenly the person turn
back and beat you with a Cain foretells evil attacked trying to
appeared in a shadow of good to achieve his aim. To dream of
being in your formal school when you’re already graduated foretells
that you will experience issues with your certificate when you’re
about to receive favour with it or to get a job but to dream of a
school well furnish better than your school foretells you will still go
back to school to further your education. To dream of Schooling
and you saw yourself in a lower class foretells setback you will
have issues in the school that will course you a lot

To dream of a scorpion foretells blockage against your progress.
This is the commonly the hand work of witches and wizard
To dream of given order to people to do a particular task foretells
greatness and brighter future. To dream as you’re serving
somebody or taking instruction from him foretells reproach to
render you valueless in the society

To dream of planting or harvesting seed foretells new vision, new
beginning is about to take place

 Sex: To dream of having sex foretell limitation or spirit of
 Sex with unknown person: To dream of having sex with
unknown person foretells spirit of marine
 Sex with known person: To dream of having sex with
known person foretells witches/wizard are after you, your
lover is possess
 Sex with late father/mother: To dream of having sex or an
attempt to have sex with your late father/mother foretells
demonic attacked, this can cause marital disorder, infertility
or barrenness

Shine light
To dream of a shining light foretells open doors, divine doors of
blessing; your set time of blessing has come
To dream of under a shade foretells divine protection and security

To dream of sheep or sheep grazing foretells an apostolic calling,
divine call to serve the public

To dream of shopping foretells victory over evil torment (battle) you
will soon receive a good news message

To dream of someone shaving your hairs foretells open curses
against your progress. To dream of shaving bears that have not
being shaved for a long time foretells liberation and freedom from
the spirit of captivity

 Wear new shoes: To dream of wearing a new shoes foretells
solid protection and spiritual stamina
 Loose shoes: To dream of loosing shoes on your feet if you
have already marry foretells misunderstanding is about to
occur in your home, if you’re not marry foretells marital
turbulent in relationship
 Walked bend felted: To dream of walking with bend felted
foretells setback in your endeavour
 Wear over size shoes: To dream of wearing over size shoes
foretells mockery and failure program by our household
 Shoes shiner: To dream of shoes shiner foretells goodness
and an act of rejoicing. To dream of your superior or an
important personality in the society shining shoes foretells
unusual fever and sickness against you

 March shit: To dream of either you or someone rob or march
shit foretells goodness and promotion
 Fall into shit: To dream of fall into shit or pit foretells setback
 Excreta: To dream of sending out excreta from your anus
foretells happiness and joy

To dream of either you or someone carry shovel foretells spirit of
death. Program of someone death

To dream of a skeleton foretells demonic oppression
To dream of sleeping or doses foretells yoke God want to review/

To dream of either you or someone signing a document or paper
foretells financial freedom
Sign board
To dream of sign board foretells the time of your blessing has
come, a great opportunity to make you great have come

To dream of singing praises or hear a sound of praises/ melodious
worship foretells victory and happiness

 Sit on a chair: To dream of sitting on a chair foretells
success in your immediate endeavour. But to dream of
someone sitting on a chair while you’re standing foretells
enemies are in charge of your goodness. This is common
when your faces a family challenges, it is the hand work of
witches and wizard
 Sit on a high table: To dream of sitting on a high table
foretells honour, success all round you’re destined to rule and
affect life positively
 Empty chair: To dream of empty chair foretells enemies are
contesting with your goodness to render your effort to be
valueless in the society

 Smoke in the house: To dream of flame of fire/smoke in the
house/room foretells evil program to scatter your marriage,
relationship or carrier. The spiritual control the physical
 Smoke on the stove: To dream of flames of smoke/fire on
the stove or any cooking equipment foretells that you will
experience hardship, famine and hunger for a moment. To
dream of such and your able to quash the fire foretells that
emergency favour to end your hardship has come

To dream of perceiving unpleasant smell foretells bad news is
about to happen, lost of expectation

To dream of snuff in any way foretells evil program of sickness
against you

To dream of snail foretells stagnation and slow progress

To dream of walking on a red soil (ground) foretells danger. To
dream of walking on a sandy soil foretells barrenness and lack of

To dream of soldier protecting you foretells divine protection. Note
any uniform outside army or navy they are all agent of darkness on
an assignment

To dream of snake foretells agent of darkness on assignment. To
dream of either you or someone killed snake foretells victory note
that you don’t need to relent your effort the devil is always at work,
you need to invest in prayer to keep you up over come any time
they arise

To dream of spider foretells blockage of witches/wizard on your

To dream of sports or exercises the body fitness foretells sign of
earthly competition to defeat your oppressor. Refer football to know

To dream of someone spit on you foretells arrow of sickness, spirit
of rejection have being program against you

 Spoon: To dream of seeing or holding a spoon foretells
opportunity that will advance your life has come. Good news
message is on the way
 Eat with spoon: To dream as you ate with spoon if the food
is in a liquid substance such as tea or pep foretells divine
favour to do impossible. To dream of eating with a spoon if
the food is solid such as rice, beans or any foretell witches/
wizard feeding you with sickness, make your spiritual life
wicked or stagnant
 Two head of spoon: To dream of two head of spoons foretell
that two opportunities will come to your way at the same time
for you to choose from the option. You are a destiny child
 Washed a spoon: To dream of washing a spoon foretells
deliverance from setback, you lost glory will be restore

Storey building
To dream of being on the storey building foretells greatness, your
born for a purpose to change lives positively. Victory on your
present endeavour you will surely over come your enemies

Stair case
To dream of climbing a stair case foretells promotion in your
present endeavour

To dream of hand staff foretells God have ordained you as a leader
to rule, seek to know your area of your assignment of service. You
are already a king if only if you work smartly toward it. To dream of
lost of hand staff or stolen of hand staff from you foretells lost of
glory your destiny is manicured by household enemies.

To dream of a big stone block your way to perform a task foretells
obstacle someone is against your progress. To dream of standing
on top of a stone foretells spiritual strength or divine protection
To dream of stars foretells greatness, open doors you will shine
more than imagination

To dream of someone stab you with cutlass or sharp object
foretells sudden death has being program against you. To dream of
overcome the battle foretells your spiritual strength has overcome
your opponent

To dream of storm foretells affliction obstacle against your progress

To dream of sun shining on you foretells blessing is awaiting you.
Your glory and promotion will be seen by both friends and enemies

To dream of seduction is the same as sex refer sex to get more

To dream of swimming in the river foretell you have being initiated
by the spirit water, battle in your present endeavour. To dream of
swimming and you’re able to swim and come out of the river
foretells you will surely overcome the battle of life you’re faces

To dream of holding sword foretells spiritual stamina/ strength
To dream of sweeping foretells spiritual revival, driving evil from
you way. To dream of someone sweeping in your house foretells
thieves are planning to visit you. To dream as your sweeping the
road foretells spirit of poverty

To dream of sitting on the high table foretells honour, you’re
destined to lead people. You will always be as a leader to people

 Talked: To dream of talking with people and gives directives
foretells your destined to lead, to always in position to give
 Talked with friend: To dream of talking with friend foretells
goodness news message is on the way
 Talked with dead people: To dream of having a talked with
dead person foretells spirit of dead roaming around you
 Talked with mad person: To dream of talking with a mad
person foretells witches/ wizard program to render you
useless, valueless and to look disorder in the society
 Unable to talked: To dream of being unable to talked when
you suppose to talked foretells captivity your under bondage
of witches/ wizard

To dream of water running from the tap foretells marital favour,
mega financial freedom you will make exploit beyond imagination.
To dream of fetching palm wine or water from the well foretell
unique progress. You’re destined for greatness and influential in
the society
To dream of teaching people in a classroom foretells you are a
gifted child, to dream of teaching people and you give any who
misbehave a punishment due to his act foretell that the people
working under your watch need to be discipline, to be careful with
them. This dream can only happened if the dreamer is a teacher/
instructor or he/ she is in position to give order to people. To dream
of someone teaching you foretells spiritual instructor but if the
person is teaching and discipline/ punish you the processed
foretells destined killer, evil destroyer appeal as a messiah to
achieved his aim

To dream of watching, listening or holding television foretells good
news message is on the way. To dream of watching television and
you observed some devilish images unusual act foretells evil
program against your progress

To dream of someone double cross you or someone trying to
disturbed your peace foretells evil manipulation in your progress

To dream of someone serving you with a cup of tea on the table
foretells divine favour your destined to be a public figure, you need
to find out to know the area of your greatness. To dream of serving
a cup of tea and you observed sand or unusual substance in the
tea foretells household enemy is against your progress. To dream
as you’re serving someone or people foretells slavery has being
program from the pit of darkness to render you valueless in the

To dream of thorns on your way foretells secret plan of enemies
against your progress. This is mostly happened when you’re in the
edge of your breakthrough

Thinking mode
To dream of being in thinking mode foretells frustration in your
present endeavour

To dream of hearing a sound of thunder foretells lost of glory.
Thunder signifies an act of taking someone glory

To dream of being tired or restricted in an area foretells confusion
and frustration of life

To dream of being honour with tittles foretells recognition has being
ordained to you by God. To dream of ordaining people with tittles in
an occasion foretells you will exalt to a position that men of the
earth will marvel and shock. You’re a candidate of success

To dream of toad foretells powers of witches/ wizards in the camp
of your progress
To dream of passes excreta or waste product through anus
foretells deliverance from the spirit of set back

To dream of tortoise foretells limitation in your progress

To dream of toy(s) in any act foretells evil communication against
your destiny. Toy(s) signifies ancestral spirit

Torch light
To dream of torch light or someone flash you with a torch light
foretell divine success, new vision and promotion in your

To dream of goes slow in traffic point foretells attacked in your
progress, confusion have being set in to prevent your goodness. To
dream of traffic jam foretells hindrance and powers clash. This
occur mostly as a result of contest between the devil and your
prayer life i.e. prayer Jam Mountain

To dream of train moving foretells mega breakthrough. But to sit
under the tyre of a train or a vehicle foretells hindrance

 Setting a trap: To dream of setting a trap foretells up liftmen,
your planned will elevate your life
 Trap cough animal: To dream of trap cough an animal
foretells that you will succeed big in life, if only if you don’t
release the effort of your pursuit. Your enemy has being

 Tree: To dream of a tree with fresh leaves foretells flourish
and promotion in your endeavour. To dream of a tree without
a leave foretells profitless effort in your present vision
 Climbed a tree: To dream of climbing a tree foretells
promotion and progress
 Fall of a tree: To dream of the fall of a tree or someone fall a
tree foretell sudden death of a close person
 Fruit fall from a tree: To dream of a fruit fall from a tree
foretell divine favour. Plucking or picking of fruit from the
ground foretells same
 Fig tree: To dream of a fig tree foretells pregnancy or
unexpected favour

To dream of doing transactions of buying and selling of goods
such as books, recharge card or stationeries foretells you have a
good talent for business, your gifted in the line of business. To
dream of doing transaction of goods such as rice, beans or food
stuff foretells evil manipulation, buying and selling is not of God
To dream of travelling foretells God have make way for you to
succeed quickly, to dream of traveled and your unable to reach the
destination foretells serious battle against your progress

To dream of hearing a sound of a trumpet foretells mega financial
freedom; you will succeed with speed to excel above your

To dream of umbrella or holding umbrella foretell divine protection

To dream of uniform personnel such as Army or navy foretells
divine protection, any uniform personnel outside Army or navy
foretells agent of the devil

To dream of urinating on your clothes foretells hindrance or
backslide. To dream of urinating, if you’re a prayers warrior foretells
deliverance from the hands of enemies. You need to always be in
prayers in other to overcome them at any time they arise, the devil
is monitoring your progress

To dream of you or someone fall into a valley foretells lost of glory,
powers of the darkness have program to lock up your progress. To
dream of coming out of a valley foretells deliverance from the spirit
of setback

To dream of vegetable leaves foretell goodness; your plan this
season will bring good result

 You’re in the village: To dream of village while you’re in the
village foretells retrogression
 You’re not in the village: To dream of village while you’re in
a city foretells financial limitation and backwardness in your
 Village shrine: To dream of village shrine or someone poring
libration foretells idolatry

To dream of visa, writing note or a cheque foretells unmerited
favour coming to you

To dream of hearing voices foretell soon you will receive good
news message. To dream someone call you by name foretells the

 Vomit watering substance: To dream of vomited watering
substance foretells deliverance from evil deposit transfer into
your life from your parent i.e. family cures
 Vomit kola nut: To dream of vomited kola nut foretells
deliverance and victory over sudden death that has program
against you
 Vomit blood: To dream of either you or someone vomited
blood foretell evil program to poison you
 Vomit snail: To dream of vomited snail foretells deliverance
from the spirit and powers of captivity and blockage
 Vomit ring worm: To dream of vomited ring worm foretells
deliverance from satanic deposit against your progress

To dream of vulture foretells spirit of death is roaming around you

To dream of a wall felt down foretells sudden death of an important
personality in the society. To dream of a wall felt and people gather
start working to rebuild it again foretells God have remember his
promises upon you, you will surely achieve God purpose upon you

To dream of walking without shoes foretells reproach and setback.
To dream of someone give you a walking stick foretells evil
program to render with terrible sickness to become useless in life.
To dream of receiving a chieftaincy walking stick foretells honour,
you’re born to lead and to rule. To dream of walking in a smooth
road foretells new vision or opportunity to advance your life, but to
dream of walking in a smooth road and you observed distraction
foretells destiny killer is in the camp of your success

To dream of someone warned you not to encroach foretell enemies
of progress set a limit against your progress, i.e. not to progress
but to dream of warning someone foretells joy will surely reach your
hands, Your in charge

To dream of war or crises foretells destiny killer program evil
against person to person within the family. Agent of the darkness
have program to destroyed the family
To dream of washing clothes, plates or any foretells an act of
clearing evil activities out from you way. To dream of someone
waste clothes or any and leave the dirty water in your house
foretells shame, reproach and set back in your present endeavour

 Drink of water: To dream of drinking of a cup of water or a
cup of glass foretells peace, joy and goodness in your
 Spring water: To dream of spring water coming out from the
rock or ground foretells abundance blessing, flourish, wealth
is coming to your way
 Draw water: To dream of drawing clean water from the well
foretells greatness of riches and wealth. To dream of drawing
dirty water from the well foretells enemies have polluted your
 Bath with water: To dream of bathing with clean water
foretells spiritual purification, dreaming of bathing and you
observed distraction foretells monitoring spirit is at work to
change good thing from you i.e. exchange of success to
reproach. To dream of bathing in the river foretells stagnation
 Pour water: To dream of someone poured watering
substance on you foretells reproach and limitation. Monitoring
sprit is at work
To dream of a well with clean water foretells riches. To dream of
digging a well and suddenly water comes out from the well foretells
great wealth. To dream of a well without water foretells lost of glory
enemies have taken away your glory

 Wear enchantment: To dream of wearing or seeing an
enchantment foretells ancestral spirit speaking against you
 Wear clothes: To dream of wearing good clothes foretells up
liftmen and promotion
 Wear rag. To dream of wearing rag clothes foretells
limitation/ setback in your endeavour.
 Wear someone clothes. To dream of wearing someone
clothes foretells evil transfers from parental background?
 Wear opposite sex clothes: To dream of wearing opposite
sex clothes foretells deception you need to be careful with
your movement and plan in your present pursuit. If not careful
it will result to profitless effort

To dream of being wealthy foretells you’re destined to be wealthy
with riches. But if you’re dreaming of wealth and it doesn’t manifest
or reflect in the physical world check yourself there is something
wrong with your spiritual life. To dream of being in the midst of
wealthy people foretells brighter future.
To dream of wedding celebration foretells you are mature for
married; you have reached the age of marriage. To dream of
looses a wedding ring and you’re a marry person foretells
misunderstanding is about to happen in your home, you would
experience marital turbulent.

Note: Dreaming of wedding has a lot of explanation due to how the

revelation comes. Most of the revelation of wedding sometimes is a
program of satanic manipulation from marine kingdom.

Wheel chair
To dream of you or someone with wheel chair foretells
accident/terrible sickness is program against you.

Wheel barrow
To dream of wheel barrow you or someone foretells poverty,

To dream of harvesting wheat foretells fruit fullness.

White men
To dream of white men foretells greatness; you will be connected
home and abroad. You’re a public figure

To dream of open windows foretells open doors of promotion but to
dream of someone peeping you through the window foretell destiny
killer is monitoring your progress.

To dream of worm foretell poverty and hardship.

To dream of collecting womb foretells poverty and hardship.

To dream of singing worships songs foretells happiness, your
condition and situation will change for better. Sometimes if there is
evil attack on your way God can cause you to worshipp him to
avoid dangers. To dream of worship/ praises is a sign of up liftmen

To dream of writing foretells financial freedom, to dream of writing
always foretells brighter future, and you will progress beyond
imagination. To dream of writing a manuscript foretells hope and
desire, you may be harboring some fears that you are not able to
accomplish your goals, fear not you will surely arrive to your
destination and achieve your aims, the only thing is to be focus and
create more time for prayers. The spirit control the physical

To dream of wrestling and you won the opponent foretells victory
over your enemies. To dream of being defeated by the opponent
foretells set back in your endeavour

To dream of you or someone who is sick is on x-ray/hospital bed,
on drip foretells deliverance is coming upon the person, he will
respond to treatment. This revelation is a genuine message of God
for his people. To dream of such and you’re not sick foretell spirit of
death is roaming around you


 Gather yams: To dream of yams heaps or harvested yam
without breaking up liftmen and promotion. But dreaming of
harvesting yams and the yam being break foretells limitation
 Roasted yam: To dream of roasted yam or you’re roasting
yam foretells evil planned is program to distract you from the
place of your blessing or to deceived you to leave the present
place of work that will have amount you to greatness
 Peel yam: To dream of peeling yam foretells clearing evil out
from your way
 Eat yam: To dream of eating yam foretells terrible sickness is
program against you
 Yams take out of the house. To dream of someone take
yams out from your house foretell lost of glory, lost of glory.
Yam foretell success


To dream of people covering roof on a building foretells up liftmen

To dream of zoo foretells captivity. To dream of escaped from a
zoo foretells victory from the spirit of caging and captivity, this is
commonly the hand work of the witchcraft.


These signs/ symbols represent or stand for different spiritual
interpretation due to how the interpreter explains the message.
Every dream on earth comes with a message for the living for the
good of his people on earth. The following are some of the signs/
symbols and their earthly meaning


1  unity
2 union
3 completeness
4 creation
5  grace
6  weakness
7 ðperfection
8 ð bondage
9 ð deliverance
10 ðdouble grace
11 ðjudgment
12 ð celebration

21 ðsicknesses

23 ðdeaths

39 ð diseases

40 ð trials

60 ð confusions
66 ð idols worship

666 ð Anti- Christ

1000 ð divine completeness


Green ð safety

Blue ðthe presence of the Holy Spirit

Red ðdanger

White ð holiness royal

Black ð spirit of death

Yellow ð success

Red and black ð evil activities

Colours ð covenant/agreement


Banquet ðact of rejoicing

Bed signifies rest and peace

Blood ðdangers
Cheque  financial freedom

Crown ð leadership

Cry ð moment of happiness

Flame of fire ð purification

Heavy rain ð battle

Ladder ð divine helper

Letter ðfinancial freedom

Light signifies success/ promotion

Masquerade ð evil assignment

Milk/honey ð divine favour

Money ð financial freedom

Parcel signifies Assurance of breakthrough

Perfume ð attractive/ seduction

Picture ð moment of blessing

Reading ð moment of change

Shower rain ð blessing

Sign board ð set time of blessing

Star ð divine doors

Thunder ð crises
Umbrella ð divine security/ protection

Wet ground signifies blessing

Wheel barrow signifies hardship/ poverty

Writing ð success/promotion


Bible signifies God is concerned on your issue

Books signifies Academic gift

Canopy signifies Act of rejoicing/ celebration

Chairs signifies rest

Coffin signifies spirit of death

Commentary signifies spirit of death

Egg signifies success

Fruit signifies goodness/ success

Key signifies breakthrough

Napkin signifies cleanliness/ neatness

New clothes signifies change for better

Party signifies Act of rejoicing/ celebration

Rag clothes signifies set back

Tree signifies flourishing

Torn clothes signifies trouble/ problem


Butterfly signifies success

Chicken signifies flourish/ blessing

Crab signifies blockage

Dew signifies blessing/glory

Dogs signifies witches/ wizard

Fat cow signifies witches/ wizard

Fowl signifies success/ promotion

Goat signifies evil assignment

Hen signifies gossip

Lizard signifies witches/ wizard

Owl signifies witches/ wizard

Pig signifies sin/ dirty act

Policeman signifies agent of the devil

Rat signifies witches/ wizard

Scorpion signifies blockage

Sheep signifies God`s calling

Snake signifies devil

Spider signifies blockage

Thin cow signifies famine

Vulture signifies spirit of death

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