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IPK2 SIP Trunk Connections (114 KB)

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SIP Trunk Connections

Some Basic Requirements

• CPU must have a minimum of four VoIP Clients (SIP) licenses to support SIP trunks.
License can be purchased in blocks of 1 (NEC part# 750896), 4 (NEC part number
750893), and 8 (NEC part number 750894).

• A PVA card with the minimum four channel license is required and must be loaded
with either the MG16 or Combo application to support SIP trunks. Combo firmware
requires the CPU be at 2.X release. PVA licenses can be purchased in blocks of 4
(NEC part# 750874) or 24 (NEC part# 750895)

CPU Configuration
1. 10-12-XX: assign the CPU IP Address,
Subnet and Gateway.
Note: A CPU reset is required after changing
any of these three assignments.

2. 10-40-01: Enable the ability for the

MG 16/Combo PVA to support SIP trunks.

3. 10-40-02: Assign the number of SIP trunks

required. These are assigned in groups of 4.
Note1: Number of trunks assigned must be
equal to or less that the number licensed
PVA channels.

Note2: 10-40-01/02 above should be done

through the phone. Once set the PVA card can
be reset and the database will assign the trunks.

4. 10-19-01: This allows you to assign DSP resources (channels on the PVA card) to
Trunks only, Stations only, or Both Trunks and Stations.
Note: Leave at default Common unless you have specific requirements to limit the number of
connections for one of the two types.

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SIP Connection Configuration

There are three connection types when using SIP trunks.
• Non-Registration Mode- This is where the trunk simply sends the digits dialed,
in an invite message (call setup message), to an IP-Address given to you by the
SIP trunk provider. This is also the method used for SIP Tie lines between two
phone systems.
• Registration Mode- This mode requires the SIP trunk to register with the SIP
provider’s Registration Server before being allowed to place calls over the
provider’s network. The system will register with the carrier when first
connected and then at programmable intervals. It is a simple registration
message notifying the SIP carrier of the IPKII’s location/contact information.
• Registration with Authentication Mode- Authentication is an additional step
to the registration mode. The IPKII will attempt to register to the SIP providers
Registration Server and the carrier will respond with a request for authentication
which is simply a password. The IPKII forwards on the password and the carrier
gives the ok allowing the IPKII access to start making calls on the trunks. As
with Registration Mode the Registration Mode with Authentication is also
performed upon initial service connection and at programmable intervals there

Non-Registration Mode
If you are doing Non-Registration Mode (to SIP carrier or SIP Tie lines) you must go
to CM 10-23 to set up the dialing options. Typically with this type of setup you need
to enter the providers IP Address for each leading digit that will be sent to the
network. Note: If you are connecting with Registration Mode via Domain Name or Registration
via IP Address, these assignments are not necessary.

digits of the

IP Address supplied by the carrier.

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Registration Mode

To make calls the SIP provider will give you the connection information to be assigned in
the IPKII. This will be either a domain name or an IP address. Similar to below….. (
Domain Name. This will be the Domain Name of
the SIP Trunk provider. If connection is via
Domain Name. Note: This may not be required if
connecting via IP Address in 10-28-05.

Host Name. This is the Host Name also provided

from the SIP Provider.

User ID. This is provided by the SIP Trunk provider

and usually is the main billing number. Also used
Do Not Change
for outgoing Caller ID if nothing is assigned in the
stations and trunks in 21-17/21-19. See page 6.
This field MUST be assigned for calls to complete.

Domain Assignment. This is the connection

to the SIP provider and will be either via a Domain
Name (most common) or an IP address. Note: If
you are using SIP Tie lines to another Key
system or PBX this MUST be set to IP Address.

Trunk Port Binding. With this enabled the trunks will act like regular ring down trunks where
the incoming number will be binded to the trunk it came in on. As a result a second call to that
number would provide a busy back to the caller unless trunk hunting is set up with 14-12-02. If
left at default the incoming calls will route just like regular DID calls (multiple calls per DID).

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Registration Settings
Must be set

The Proxy address is the IP address the IPKII will send the calls to.
Sometimes this address will be different from the IP address the IPKII
will register to. If registration is via IP Address this must be checked.

IP Address supplied by Sip Trunk provider. When set to Registration

via IP Address this is the address the calls will be sent to. If the Proxy
and Register addresses are the same both must be entered.

Port 5060 is the popular standard

for SIP Trunking and should not be
Must be set to “Manual” when changed unless instructed to by the
using Registration Mode. Sip Trunk Provider.

IP Address supplied by Sip Trunk provider. When set to Registration

via IP Address this is the address the IPKII will register to. If Register
and Proxy addresses are the same both must be entered.

Must be checked DNS: Domain Name Service is a system of

when registration is servers located throughout the Internet that
via Domain Name. translate domain names into IP Addresses.
The SIP Trunk provider may supply this server
address for you otherwise any internet DNS
will comply.

Port 53 is the
standard for DNS.
Do not change
unless instructed
to by the Sip
Trunk provider.

If registering via Domian Name enter here. If

the Register and Proxy domain are the same
name, entry is only required in the “Register
Carrier B Set to Carrier B Domain Name” field.

This is he interval between registrations sent from the IPKII

to the SIP Trunk provider. The re-registration occurs at half
of the value set in this CM. Eg. 3600 = a re-register
message sent to the provider every 1800 seconds (30min).

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Registration With Authentication Mode

Registration with Authentication requires the registration steps in the previous pages with the
addition of CM 10-30

The Authentication User Name and password will be

supplied by the SIP Trunk Provider if this feature is to be

The amount of times the CPU will attempt to register

to the SIP Trunk provider. E.g. If an attempt is made
to register with the carrier and a “401 Unorthorized”
message is received the CPU will re-attempt to
register for the amount of times set in 10-30-04

PVA Configuration
1. 84-05-XX assign the PVA IP Address, Subnet, and Gateway. Note: PVA must be in the
same subnet (network) as the CPU.

2. The SIP Trunk UDP source port (NOT

destination port). Should not be changed
unless instructed to by the SIP Trunk provider.

The timer the UA (User Agent which in this case

is the IPKII) uses to determine the length the call
session is active. If set to 0 the “Session” field is not
sent in the initial invite message and 84-14-08 has no
effect. During an active call, at intervals equal to half
the value set in this CM, the IPKII will send a re-invite
message to confirm the call session is still active. This
is necessary in some cases as the BYE message (sent
at the end of a call by the IPKII or the SIP Trunk
provider) can sometimes get lost due to network issues
causing the SIP trunk to stay off hook.
This field is only valid if a value is The re-invites ensure that active calls stay active and
entered in 84-14-07. completed calls are terminated. On an outbound call
If a received incoming SIP call has a the IPKII will send the timer value in the initial invite
Session field in the invite message (setup) message. If the SIP Trunk provider supports
containing a value less than half of the this feature they will reply with a 200 OK message
value in this CM, the IPKII will reject containing a timer field. If no timer field is present in the
the call. E.g. Incoming Invite message 200 OK message the feature is not supported and the
has a session field set to 720 seconds IPKII will not send the re-invites.
and 84-14-08 is set to 1800 the call will
fail. Setting of 1800 is actually only 900
seconds. There are 2 fields in the invite message that can
contain the called party information (DID info).
In most cases the Request URI field will be used
This is the format of the invite message from for this information to route the call. The other filed
the SIP Trunk provider. This should only be is the “TO Header” which is contained in every SIP
changed if directed to by the provider. message. Leave at URI unless instructed to
change by Sip Trunk provider.

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Caller ID Configuration
In the SIP Invite message there are two parts in the “From” header that contain information
that can be used for the Caller-ID. The following is an example of the “From” field contained
in the incoming and outgoing SIP Trunk invite message…..

From: “2142622000”<

Display Field URI Field

Receiving Caller ID
When a call is received with the above format the Display Field shows in the left side
of the display while the URI Field shows in the right side of the display.
20-09-02 should be enabled for the COS of the station to allow the received caller ID
info to the display of the phone.

Sending Caller ID
When a call is sent the receiving party will typically look to the URI Field for the caller
ID. Not all SIP devices have the ability to show the information in both the URI and
Display Field’s, if received. Make sure the IPKII is at minimum 1.6BE or 2.1BE.

1. 10-28-04 This is the default location for outgoing caller ID. The entry in this CM will
populate the Display and URI field if no other Caller ID programming is assigned.
This CM MUST be completed to allow SIP Trunks to function.

2. 20-08-13 The ability to send caller ID must be enabled in the COS for the station.

3. Assign the outgoing Calling Number on a trunk basis in 21-17. Enter 10 digits only
for each trunk.

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4. Assign outgoing Calling Number on a station basis in 21-19. If this is assigned

along with 21-17 (trunk basis) 21-19 will take priority and be sent on the outgoing

2142626101 2142626109

2142626102 2142626110

Codec Configuration
This is the size of the G7.11 audio packet.
Options are 2 or 3 for 20 or 30 milliseconds

VAD will have the PVA card cease sending VOIP packets
after silence in the conversation is detected for a period set
in 84-13-18.

Do Not Change
With G7.11 and 84-13-17 set to Adaptive this is the
minimum size the jitter buffer will go down to.

With G7.11 and 84-13-17 set to adaptive this is the

average size the jitter buffer will set at. If 84-13-17 is at
static this will be the static size of the jitter Buffer.

With G7.11 and 84-13-17 set to adaptive this is

the maximum size the Jitter Buffer will go up to.

These settings are the same as above but for

the G7.29 protocol.

Jitter Buffer Mode allows 3 options.

1. Adaptive Immediately will adjust the buffer
during conversation if necessary.
2. Adaptive During Silence will only adjust during
periods of silence and not mid conversation.
3. Static is the buffer set to a fixed value and does
not change.

The threshold the system uses to determine

silence for the VAD Mode (84-13-01 and 08).

Adjustment for transmit gain.

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Adjustment for Receive gain.

The Voice codec used. G711 or G729

The DTMF payload is part of the initial setup for a call.

Do not change this or you will not be able to pass DTMF.

DTMF Relay Mode is another way of passing DTMF to the

carrier. Do not enable unless instructed to by the carrier.

NAT Configuration
First the customer’s router, configured for NAT, must have UDP port 5060 forwarded to the
LAN IP address of the CPU (10-12-01) for the SIP call signaling packets.
UDP ports 10020 and higher must be forwarded to the LAN IP address of the PVA card (84-
05-01) for the SIP voice packets. The number of ports to forward is dependant on the
number of SIP trunks assigned. Each SIP trunk requires two ports. E.g. Eight SIP trunks
would require UDP ports 10020 ~10035 forwarded to the LAN address of the PVA card.

Check to enable

Assign the Public (internet) IP address of the router

performing the NAT translation. This address will be added
to the SDP portion of the SIP signaling and voice packets
instead of the default private LAN IP addresses from
10-12-01 and 84-05-01.


QOS/TOS setup for SIP trunks must be applied to

Protocol Type 05 RTP/RTCP for the SIP voice
packets and 06 for the SIP control packets.

Set the ToS Mode to either

IP Presedence or Diffserve

If IP Presedence
was selected choose
the priority 1~7
Not used.

If Diffserve was selected choose

the priority 0~63.
Note: Expedited Forwarding =46

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