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A Review On Desulfurization Techniques of Liquid Fuels: Gulam Gaush Zeelani, Dr. Sundar Lal Pal

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

A Review on Desulfurization Techniques of Liquid

Gulam Gaush Zeelani1, Dr. Sundar Lal Pal2
PG Student, Department of Chemical Engineering, MANIT Bhopal, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, MANIT, Bhopal, India

Abstract: Strategies for liquid fuel desulfurization were estimated by reviewing desulfurization literature and critically evaluating the
viability of the several methods for liquid fuels. This review paper dealt with various desulfurization technology for liquid fuels such as
extractive desulfurization, oxidative desulfurization, biodesulfurization and adsorptive desulfurization to form ultra-clean liquid fuels.
This work, therefore, reviews the different approaches and effect of desulfurization on liquid fuels investigating carried out on
desulfurization under different process conditions.

Keywords: Oxidative desulfurization (ODS), Hydrodesulfurization(HDS), Extractive desulfurization(EDS), Biodesulfurization (BDS),

Adsorptive Desulfurization, Sulfur.

1. Introduction substituted benzothiophenic compounds in distillate. Recent

studies on desulfurization show that sulfur content in the
Sulfur in liquid fuels is highly undesirable and the sulfur environment is increasing and could gesture series health
content of many products is strictly regulated. Sulfur reduces consequences like the respiratory disease such as emphysema
the quality of the oil needed to produce final products and by [4].
extension the commercial value of the liquid fuel. There are
three major types of transportation fuels such as jet fuel, 2. Desulfurization Techniques
diesel oil, and gasoline which are different in composition
and properties. Diesel fuel contains the most refractory sulfur 2.1. Hydrodesulfurization (HDS)
compounds such as Benzothiophene, Dibenzothiophene,
and4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene to the present of sulfur Hydrodesulfurization process is most the widely used method
content in these transportation fuels culprit’s environmental in the petroleum industry to reduce sulfur content in crude
pollution [1]. The combustion of refractory sulfur-containing oil. Usually, HDS process is operated by co-feeding of crude
compounds present in liquid fuels proceeds to the formation oil and hydrogen in a fixed bed reactor stuffed with relevant
of sulfur oxide. The oxides of sulfur (SOX) account to acid Hydrodesulfurization catalyst. At the time of conventional
rain and atmospheric pollution, which decreases combustion Hydrodesulfurization, the organic sulfur compounds
efficiency fuel and enhance emission of other particles. primarily converted to H2S with the reactor temperature
Therefore, several countries keep stringent legislation to ranges 300°C to 350°C and pressure ranges 15 to 90 bar by
extent sulfur content in liquid fuel, such as in European used of Hydrodesulfurization catalyst (NiMo/Al2O3,
countries sulfur(S) content <10ppm and in USA <15ppm [2]. CoMo/Al2O3, etc.) and additional recycling of H2S by clause
Presently, Hydrodesulfurization(HDS) process employed to process to achieve elemental sulfur [6].
reduce sulfur content from liquid fuels but it requires high
operating condition (Temperature, Pressure) and high HDS process is most convenient method to remove aliphatic
hydrogen consumption for sulfur removal [3]. HDS process sulfur compounds such as mercaptans(RSH), sulfides(RSR),
is very effective to remove aromatic sulfur compounds such and disulfides(RSSR) but this is not appropriate process to
as thiols, sulfides, and disulfides but it is not efficient to remove more refractory sulfur containing compounds such as
remove more refractory sulfur compounds are Thiophenes thiophene, benzothiophene(DBT), 4,6-dimethyldibenzo-
(Ts), benzothiophenes (BTs), dibenzothiophene (DBTs), 4,6- thiophene(4,6-DMDBT) from fuel oil [7]. In HDS process
dimethyldibenzothiophenes (4,6-DMDBTs) and their alkyl aliphatic sulfur is more reactive and removed completely
derivatives. So researchers developed alternative technology from liquid fuel according to following mechanisms [4]:
to reduce the sulfur content in liquid fuel to ultra-low as
adsorptive desulfurization (ADS), oxidative desulfurization
(ODS), hydrodesulfurization(HDS), biodesulfurization
(BDS), extractive desulfurization(EDS), etc. The sulfur
containing compounds are encountered in many areas in oil
refinery and common type of refractory sulfur compounds in
liquid fuels. The concentration of refractory sulfur [8] In general the reaction mechanism of DBT through HDS
compounds varies due to boiling point changes. The process was suggested via two main routes Fig 1: one is
refractory sulfur compound becomes more refractory with direct desulfurization route, where sulfur removal occurs
increasing of boiling point, the dominant sulfur compounds without affecting the aromatic rings and another is
such as thiols, thiophene, and sulfides in naphtha to
Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
Paper ID: NOV164036 2413
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
desulfurization occurs via hydrogenation route, in which peroxide(H2O2) mostly used one, because of its low cost,
refractory sulfur compounds (DBT) are preferentially environmentally benign and active oxygen content. ODS
hydrogenated in the form of 4H or 6H-DBT and these process preferentially operated in two stages shown in the Fig
intermediates are subsequently desulfurized. Thus, sulfur 2 (i) oxidation of refractory sulfur compounds into sulfones
removal rate of refractory sulfur compounds achieved highest and (ii) separation by using of extraction and adsorption
degree in hydrogenation route. method into a polar solvent [12].

Figure 1: Direct desulfurization and Hydrogenation route for Figure 2: Oxidative Desulfurization process of sulfur
Hydrodesulfurization of DBT. Compound dibenzothiophene (DBT)to sulfone

Even though HDS process is still the main technology Jianghua Qiu et al. [13] prepared H3PMo12O40/SiO2 catalyst
applied in the petroleum refining industry some advantages for catalytic oxidative desulfurization of fuel oil. The
appear as it described below [9] HPMo/SiO2 catalysts were very efficient for the oxidation of
a) Severe reactor conditions such as high temperature and DBT and BT in the model fuel oil by using of H2O2 as the
pressure required to process more refractory sulfur oxidant. Under the condition of catalyst dosage 0.05 g, H2O2
compounds. dosage 0.05 mL and reaction temperature 70°C, the
b) Use of expensive catalyst; due to the high organometallic conversion rate of DBT reached 100% only in 60 min and
content of heavy hydrocarbon the catalyst life shortens as that of BT conversion achieved to 99.2% in 150 min. The
the metal (Nickel, Vanadium) sulfides causes deposit kinetic studies indicate that the oxidative desulfurization of
formation on the catalysts. DBT and BT was the pseudo-first-order reaction. They also
c) Fouling and coking, which causes catalyst deactivation. studied the activation energies of BT and DBT was 40.5
kJ/mol and 33.0 kJ/mol, respectively.
Wang et al. [7] studied the reactivity of refractory sulfur
compounds which varies with their structure and sulfur atom N. Jose et al. [14] studied catalytic oxidative desulfurization
environment. Low boiling sulfur containing compounds such of the refractory sulfur compound present in the liquid fuel.
as aliphatic refractory sulfur compounds (mercaptans, The investigators used a titanium silicate (TS-1) catalyst for
sulfides, and disulfides). The aliphatic sulfur compounds are ODS process and sulfur removal achieved to 22% in 240 min
very active in Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) process and these by addition of 1.05wt% copper in titanium silicate. They also
compounds can be easily removed from liquid fuel. The have done experiments by using the box-behnken method to
refractory sulfur compounds activities in HDS process are as estimate processes operating condition such as reaction
follows: order (from least reactive to more reactive) 4,6- temperature, the catalyst used, and ratio of hydrogen
DMDBT> DBT>BT>thiophene. peroxide and thiophene and their values are 70°C, 0.45g, and
19.9 mole respectively to the sulfur reduction achieved to
2.2. Oxidative Desulfurization (ODS) 93%. Yuhua et al. [11] applied catalytic oxidative
desulfurization (ODS) for desulfurization of refractory sulfur
The deep desulfurization of liquid fuel has drawn much compounds BT, DBT, 4,6-DMDBT. They also studied that
attention for new regulations requiring (< 10 ppm sulfur) and refractory sulfur compound can be oxidized into sulfones by
it is difficult and very costly to use Hydrodesulfurization using of hydrogen peroxide oxidant (H2O2) over 14wt%
process for reduction of sulfur content from liquid fuel. In MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst under mild operating conditions,
order to find the new regulation, various alternative sulfur concentration achieved to 100% in 2h. Uttam et al.
desulfurization technologies approach such as extractive [16] investigated the oxidation of sulfur compounds in model
desulfurization, oxidative desulfurization, desulfurization, oil (DBT dissolved in n-octane) by using of hydrogen
adsorption desulfurization and biodesulfurization etc. [10]. peroxide (H2O2) as an oxidizing agent in the presence of
Among these desulfurization technologies, oxidative nanocrystal line Ti-beta catalyst. Under mild operating
desulfurization (ODS) is the most suitable technique to condition such as temperature 100°C, atmospheric pressure,
achieve ultra low sulfur containing compound fuel oils. The and mole ratio of H2O2 to S of 10:1 more than 93.5% of
main advantage of this process is that it operates at mild Dibenzothiophene could have oxidized in the model oil.
operating condition (temperature, Pressure), no need of Authors studied the catalytic activity of Ti-beta catalyst, there
hydrogen and low operating cost. ODS process has been is significant reduction after the first cycle in DBT
most attractive method among researchers for removal of conversion.
refractory sulfur compounds BT, DBT, 4,6-DMDBT etc.
[11]. 2.3. Extractive desulfurization (EDS)

In ODS process various oxidizing agent was used such as Desulfurization via extraction depends on the solubility of
ozone, molecular oxygen, hydrogen peroxide(H2O2), organic the refractory sulfur compound in certain solvents. Babich et
peracides etc. among these oxidizing agent hydrogen al. [17] studies describe general process flow of the
Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
Paper ID: NOV164036 2414
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
desulfurization via extraction method as shown in the figure regeneration with the efficiency of 47.3%. Datsevich et al.
[3]. In the mixing tank feedstock is mixed with the solvent [22] have studied the profound desulfurization of diesel oil
and the refractory sulfur compounds are extracted into by extraction desulfurization process through ionic liquids. In
solvent because of their higher solubility in the solvent. Then this study ionic liquid(chloroaluminate) was used and the
in the separator section, hydrocarbon is separated from the result showed that by using of five stage extraction process
solvent. After the separation, the treated hydrocarbon is for removal of the sulfur compound from diesel oil achieved
blended to the final product or transferred to distillation for to 80% at the temperature of 600C.
further transformation or treatments. During distillation
refractory, sulfur compounds are separated from the solvent 2.4 Adsorptive desulfurization (ADS)
and the recovered solvent is recycled to mixing tanks. The
most attractive characteristic of extractive desulfurization Desulfurization via adsorption is based on the capability of
process, it operates at mild operating conditions and no need sorbent material to particular adsorb refractory sulfur
of hydrogen. The process does not change the chemical compounds. Adsorptive desulfurization considered as most
structure of fuel components. The efficiency of the extractive economical technology among different desulfurization
desulfurization process is limited by the solubility of the techniques due to simple operating condition and
refractory sulfur compounds in the solvent. So a choice of regenrability of adsorbents such as metal oxides, alumina,
solvent is very important to increase the efficiency of metal sulfides, zeolite, silica and activated carbon [23-24].
extraction desulfurization process such as solvent should The adsorptive desulfurization can be approached in two
have the different boiling point than sulfur compounds and ways: adsorptive desulfurization and reactive adsorption
solvent should be cost effective in order to make feasible for desulfurization. (i)Adsorptive desulfurization occurs through
industrial applications. Various solvent has been tried such as physical adsorption of refractory sulfur compounds on the
acetone, ethanol, and polyethylene glycols, which resulted in solid adsorbent surface. Regeneration usually did by
50-90% desulfurization depending on the number of cycles thermally spent sorbent with desorbent (ii) reactive
of the process [18]. adsorption desulfurization based on the interaction of organic
sulfur compounds and the adsorbent. Sulfur chemically
bounded to the sorbent going in the form of sulfides, as
newly formed hydrocarbon compound released into the
purified fuel stream. Regeneration of the spent adsorbents
results in sulfur elimination in the form of H2S, S, etc. The
Efficiency of adsorptive desulfurization mainly determined
by the sorbent material, selectively to refractory sulfur
Figure 3: General process for extractive desulfurization [4] compounds with relative to hydrocarbons, durability and
regenerability [17]. The adsorption process is a non-invasive
Various studies have been investigated on the desulfurization approach which removes sulfur from liquid fuels under mild
via extraction for the removal of the sulfur compound from operating conditions and it in principle has potential for
liquid fuels. Light oils were mixed with different organic industrial desulfurization. Various research has been
solvents such as DMSO, acetonitrile and conducted to develop materials with high desulfurization
tetramethylenesulfone at ambient conditions in order to capacity or efficiency however even highest efficiency,
examine he sulfur compounds and aromatic extractability achieved thus far, is still insufficient for industrial
[19]. Topalova et al. studied the two stage desulfurization via applications. To increase the efficiency of adsorptive
extraction with dimethylformamide as a solvent. The result desulfurization method the adsorption capacity and sorbent
shows that the sulfur content in diesel oil was reduced from regeneration should be further improved [25].
2wt% to 0.33wt% [20]. Xiaochun Chen et al. [21] studied
desulfurization of liquid fuels by extraction with Lewis acidic M.S. Patil et al. [26] reported the desulfurization of
ILs 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride hydrocarbons liquid fuels via adsorption. Authors also have
(ZnCl2([Bmim]Cl/ZnCl2). The author also tested the activity done the experiment in a batch reactor for soaking of
of ionic liquid for different desulfurization. The investigators compounds with sulfur content onto activated carbon, which
also reported that liquid fuel could be obtained after six stage was furnished with black liquor and phosphoric acid and
extraction are obtained at 25°C, ionic liquid/oil ratio of 1, nitrogen reactor used as the intercalating agent. They also
with the yield of thiophene(TS), Dibenzothiophene(DBT) studied, intra particle diffusion resistance has been overcome
liquid fuels reaches to 93.8% and 95.9% in 30 min. They also because of stirring and experimental data obtained by
investigated the reusability of ionic liquid in desulfurization Langmuir adsorption isotherm model. Yoshie shimizu et al.
process. [27] studied desulfurization of fuel oils such as kerosene and
diesel oil be adsorption. Authors used rice husks which were
Swapnil A. Dharaskar et al. [3] reported the extractive carbonized in N2 at 400°C for 60min and then were activated
desulfurization process of liquid fuels by using of lewis- in CO2 at 850°C at 60min. the investigators also studied the
based ionic liquid ([Bmim]Cl/FeCl3). They also reported that capacity of rice husk activated carbons to adsorb organic
desulfurization via extraction for removal of sulfur sulfur compounds of Dibenzothiophene were determine by
compounds from liquid fuels in single extraction at mass correlating with their textural properties and chemical
ratio of model liquid fuels to ionic liquid 5:1 at 30°C in the characteristics. The rice husk activated carbon of 0.5g was
water bath for 30 min and sulfur reduction achieved to soaked in commercial kerosene of 15g at 10°C for 100 h. Jae
75.6%. They also found that ionic liquid reused without Hyung Kim et al. [28] have studied adsorptive
Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
Paper ID: NOV164036 2415
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
desulfurization and denitrogenation of diesel oil (containing and their enzyme involved in removal of sulfur compounds
refractory sulfur compounds) over three adsorbents such as from fuel. The life of microorganism in BDS process used to
activated carbon, activated alumina and nickel based be short (1-2 days), but this has been extended to 8-16 days.
adsorbent in fixed bed reactor. The investigator also studied However, current design allows the production and
adsorptive capacity and selectivity for different compounds regeneration of the biocatalyst within the BDS process which
on the basis of break through curves. The author also provides 200-400 h biocatalyst life. [17]. The bio-
reported that activated carbon has high adsorptive capacity desulfurization process carried out in two phase system,
and selectivity for both organic sulfur and nitrogen whether whole cell used as biocatalyst in the aqueous phase
compounds, especially for the organic sulfur compounds with interacts with oil phase [4,33]. Long ago only gram positive
the methyl groups such as 4,6-dimethydibenzothiophene(4,6- bacteria utilized for biodesulfurization of sulfur compounds.
Gunam et al. [34] applied gram bacteria (Sphingomonas
Souman Das Gupta et al. [29] reported adsorptive subarctica T7b) for degradation of sulfur compounds (DBT,
desulfurization of diesel by used of nickel-based adsorbent. 4,6-dibutyl DBT and 4,6-Dipentyl BDT) from liquid fuels.
The investigators reported that under optimized conditions They also studied the ability of Sphingomonas subarctica
(pressure 4 bar and temperature 350°C) nickel based T7b by using of resting and immobilized cells with DBT,
adsorbent(NiMCM-41) could reduce the sulfur concentration alkyl DBT and commercial light gas oil as the substrate. The
from 450ppm to 50ppm. The adsorbent capacity and resting cells of Sphingomonas subarctica T7b degraded the
regenerability were examined by investigators, adsorbent DBT from 250 to 239.2 mg/l within 24 h at 27°C, while
regenerable under controlled oxidation with air at 450°C 127.5 mg of 2-hydroxybiphenyl (2-HBP) was formed in the
without loss of the sulfur removal capacity. A.B. Salem et al. result 55% DBT conversion achieved [30]. The investigators
[30] studied adsorption desulfurization of naphtha in a batch also investigate that cells immobilized by entrapment with
reactor by using of different solid sorbents such as activated polyvinyl chloride exhibit high desulfurization activity of
carbon and zeolite 13X. Authors also reported that activated DBT and it could be used more than 8 cycles. The stability of
carbon showed high capacity but a low sulfur removal. immobilized cells was better than that of resting cells at
Zeolite 13X was superior for sulfur removal from low sulfur different pHs, temperature, and DBT desulfurization. The
streams at room temperature. The investigators used two bed desulfurization process carried out in two pathways: aerobic
combination for the industrial application. The first bed pathways (kodama pathways) and 4S pathways (sulfur
contains activated carbons and capacity to remove sulfur up specific pathways) but most attention given to 4S route for
to 65% at 80°C and the second bed carrying zeolite 13X removal of refractory sulfur compounds from fuels. The
which is able to remove sulfur content up to 100% at room pathway of 4S include four consecutive reactions as shown in
temperature if the sorbent/feed ratio is bout 800g/l. the Fig: 4 [32]. In beginning DBT is oxidized by two
monooxygenases, DBT monooxygenase(Dszc), DBT sulfone
Isam A.H. et al. [31] have studied adsorption desulfurization monooxygenase (Dsza) and at the end converted to 2-
of diesel oil by using of seven different solid sorbents such as hydroxybiphenyl by the desulfinase(DszB).
Bentonite, Acid activated bentonite, date palm kernel
powder, acid activated date palm kernel powder, saw dust Aribike et al. [35] reported the biodesulfurization(BDS) of
powder, commercial powder and granules activated carbon. diesel fuel by desulfobacterium anilini. The investigators also
The experimental study conducted in batch reactor and studied the used of desulfobacterium aniline isolated from
amount of sorbent used in the range 0-5% by mass at room petroleum products- polluted soil and the removal of sulfur
temperature with contact time 2 h. Authors reported that containing hydrocarbons from diesel oil. Authors carried out
commercial powder activated carbon got the highest sulfur experiments at 300°C and atmospheric pressure and
removal capacity and sulfur content reduced from 410.9µg/g concluded that the peaks of benzothiophene(BT),
to 245.9µg/g by using of 5% mass commercial powder dibenzothiophene(DBT) in diesel oil decreases after applied
activated carbon and 278 µg/g using acid activated bentonite. of BDS process. Author reported that at the end of 72 h yield
of diesel oil reached to 82%. A newly identified bacterial
2.5 Biodesulfurization (BDS) strain Rhodococcus sp.(JUBT1) isolated from diesel oil,
which has been utilized for different refractory sulfur
Biodesulfurization (BDS) has been studied an alternative to compounds such as, DBT, alkylated DBT etc. and which
HDS, BDS is the most efficient process because of it takes basically not changed during hyodrodesulfurization of diesel
place at low temperature and pressure in the presence of oil. the desulfurization via microorganism of refractory sulfur
microorganism. In the BDS process bacteria used as a compounds achieve to 1000-100 mg/dm3 in 24h [36].
catalyst to remove the refractory sulfur compounds from
liquid fuels. Caro et al. [32] studied that BDS requires
approximately two times less capital cost and 15% less
operating cost in comparison with Hydro-desulfurization
(HDS) process.

Even So BDS process applying microorganism biocatalyst

suitable for desulfurizing of organic sulfur compound such
alkylated DBT is good for this purpose and various studied
had done by researchers on BT, DBT desulfurizing bacteria
Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
Paper ID: NOV164036 2416
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
equal amount of 2-hydroxybiphenyl(HBP). Metabolizing
enzymes having the maximum specific activity in the range
0.36-0.47 µmol HBP min-1. Author also studied bacterial
growth by using of haladane type kinetics characterizing the
presence of substrate inhibition.

Gupta et al. [38] reported the biodesulfurization of sulfur

containing compounds such as DBT and its derivatives via
kodama pathways. In this route or pathways initial oxidative
C-C cleavage, which involves ring cleavage of one aromatic
ring in sulfur compounds as shown in the Fig: 5.

3. Conclusion
Different technologies were proposed for the desulfurization
of liquid fuel. These technologies include Hydro-
desulfurization, extractive desulfurization, oxidative
desulfurization and adsorptive desulfurization. Among these
desulfurization technologies few of the strategies are viable
for the deep desulfurization of liquid fuels. Because of
Figure 4: The 4S route for the biodesulfurization of DBT
properties of liquid fuels like, high boiling point, more
and its derivatives [17].
refractory sulfur content and the nature of refractory sulfur

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Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
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Author Profile
Dr. Sunder Lal is Assistant Professor in Chemical
Engineering Department, MANIT Bhopal, INDIA. He
obtained his PhD from IIT Kanpur, India. He has more
than ten years experienced of teaching and research.
He has published more than ten international and national journal
research papers.

Mr. Gulam Gaush Zeelani is pursuing M Tech in

Chemical Engineering Department from MANIT,
Bhopal, India.

Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
Paper ID: NOV164036 2419
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

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