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PG Thesis - Research Title Submission Form

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አዳማ ሣይንስና ቴክኖሎጂ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ADAMA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY

የሲቭል እና አርክቴክቸር ምህንድስና ት/ቤት
School of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Thesis Research Title Submission Form (Use one form for one Title Only):
Student Details:


TITLE:- “Guidelines for Developing Standard Manuals for Labor and Equipment Utilization Factor
and Productivity Norms in Building Construction Works in Ethiopia”

1. Background of the Research :-

Regarding the Ethiopian construction industry, it has seen ups and downs since the late 1950s. The Pre
1968 period was dominated by foreign companies, while small-scale domestic construction companies
emerged in the late 1968 up to 1990. During this period, there was an encouragement for private sector
development in major sectors of the economy such as construction, which resulted in the establishment of
small to medium scale domestic construction companies throughout the country. The 1992-1987 period was
known as parastatal company domination period since the government took over private construction
companies that were established earlier and those state-owned construction firms undertook almost all
construction activities. The growing construction sector took on a new dimension during the period between
1987 and 1991. During this period, design services and construction phases were introduced as separate
phases to Ethiopian construction industry. In 1991, privatization in the construction sector improved and
continued improving until the year 2001. The year 1991 also brought another change in government with
completely different policies that re-emerged private sector development. As a result of this, a number of
private construction companies were established in the country and started taking part in many construction
2. Statement of the Problem :-
The construction industry in the sub Saharan region shares many of the problems and challenges the
industry is facing in other developing countries, perhaps with greater severity. Given the critical role, the
construction industry plays in Ethiopia and other developing countries, and the poor level of performance of
the industry in those countries, improving the performance of the industry ought to be a priority. As
contractors are one of the key players in the industry and the makers of the final product, any development
and improvement initiatives in the industry has to consider ways of improving the capacity and capability of
the contractors. However, material waste is a major problem in the Ethiopian construction industry that has
important implications both for the efficiency of the industry and for the environmental impact of
construction projects due to lack of effective management and planning. One of the most important aspects to
consider to enhance the project management performance and the overall performance of construction
projects is studying and understanding the critical success factors for construction projects including
stakeholders undertaking those projects. Critical success factors can be defined as those limited events or
activities in which promising results are vital for a particular manager to reach the company’s objectives.
Success of a construction project is subjected to a combination of several factors such as: external
environment and internal project related factors, human related factors and project management related
3. Research Objective:
The major objectives of this study are :- 
To prepare standard manual for labour and equipment productivity norms of construction work in Ethiopia. 
To prepare standard manual for labour and equipment Utilization Factor of construction work in Ethiopia. 
To study the major factors affecting labour productivity 
To study the major factors affecting Equipment productivity 
To prepare internationally and locally accepted standard manual for labor and equipment productivity norms and UF
of construction work which will be the main input for price setting formula in Ethiopia. 
To formulate software this makes flexible formula to gate different output with location parameter.

4. Rational/Significance of the research:

it provide a framework for developing standard demands and help improve the quality of building
construction working with you by providing a guidelines for developing standard that can be used to
improve labor and Equipment pleasure factor in productivity really construction work this research can
save you from material waste and equipment and labor mangemnet.
5. Methodology: (Clearly state the research method and/ approach that you will follow)
This research investigates important factors affecting labor and equipment productivity norms in Ethiopian
construction industry. Understanding these factors is helpful for construction professionals who work on
all project phases, especially on the initial phase of construction planning, in order to efficiently deliver
project plans. The main goal of the research is to provide essential information about utilization factor,
factors affecting labor and equipment productivity in the construction system. The research study aims to
provide a guiding manual in relation with knowledge of construction project-related factors that affect
utilization factor, labor and equipment productivity norm. The data collection instruments used in the
research are a questionnaire survey, followed by interviews with construction practitioners in different
regional state of Ethiopia. Here within is the chart flow of the study

“Background of Study and Reviewing Literature Reviewing current manuals, Issue Identifications (Factors) in relation with
Utilization Factor, Labor and Equipment Productivity Norms Design of questionnaire Survey and Data Collection Data
Analysis using RII Utilization Factor for labour and Equipment labour and Equipment Productivity Norms Conclusion and
Recommendation Prepare user manual based on the analysis result Develop an application Software based on the result data
Deliver Training for the end user”

Advisor Details:
Name: Signature; Date;

Department office Tel፡ 0222110133 P.O.Box: 1888 Adama, Ethiopia

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