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High Performance Work Practices

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Service innovation in
the Nordic countries:
Key Factors for
Policy Design

High Performance Work Practices and Innovation in the

Manufacturing and Service Sectors

Morten Berg Jensen and Anker Lund Vinding

Department of Marketing and Statistics, Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University,

8210 Aarhus V, Denmark Tel (+45) 8948-6455;

Department of Business Studies, Aalborg University,

9220 Aalborg O, Denmark; Tel (+45) 9635-8245;
FAX (+45) 9815-3505; email:


The use of systems of human resource practices have within the last decade been argued to be
crucial for the competitive advantage of firms. In order to verify this claim empirically it is
necessary to identify the relevant systems. We apply latent class analysis on survey and register
data from more than 2000 firms in order to generate a typology of firms with respect to their
adoption of different human resource practices. The analysis is carried out separately for the
manufacturing and the service sector. For the manufacturing sector we identify three separate
types of firms with respect to adoption of different aspects of organisational, motivational, and
skill practices. For the service sector we identify two separate types of firms with respect to the
adoption. Our results show that the simultaneous adoption of all practices is positively related to
firm performance in services as well as manufacturing.

This paper is part of the ServINNo project, Service Innovation in the Nordic Countries: Key
Factors for Policy Design. Funding from the Nordic Innovation Centre is gratefully
1. Introduction

Factors such as globalization, deregulation of markets, changing demands and shorter product
life cycles, pose new challenges for most firms. In order to be competitive, firms must be able to
continually improve their performance by reducing costs and improving quality, productivity, and
speed to the market, and being innovative in terms of introducing new products and services.
Therefore, the ability to combine old and new knowledge in order to generate new
products/services is key to the prosperity of the modern firm. An important aspect in this context
is the human resources and the way they are managed. Thus, the identification of the most
successful work practices in terms of their ability to facilitate the innovation of products/services
is an important empirical challenge. In the following we refer to these practices as high
performance work practices (HPWPs).

Much of the literature on HPWPs has concentrated on the manufacturing sector (Applebaum,
2000; Cappelli, 2001) including specific industries (Dunlup, 1996; Ichniowski, Shaw, &
Prennushi, 1997; Paul, 2003; Youndt, 1996). However, the ever growing importance of the
service sector, combined with the relatively few studies focusing on this particular sector,
emphasizes the need for examining the service sector in more detail (Hunter, 2000).

The empirical analysis of innovation in the service sector is according to Coombs and Miles
(2000) dominated by one of two distinctive approaches. The “assimilation approach” argues that
innovation in services is fundamentally similar to innovation in manufacturing, and therefore the
same concepts and tools may be used for studying innovation activities in the two sectors.
However, innovation in services is more dependent on adopting externally developed
technologies where the aim is to promote new service provision and/or enhance service

The “demarcation approach” highlights the difference between processes of innovation in

manufacturing and services. Innovation in services is intangible and interactive in nature which
indicates that service innovation is more oriented towards continuous changes rather than
discrete step-wise changes which are central in manufacturing. The dynamics involve to a high
degree customers’ requirements and as such the creative use of human skills is important.

The possible differences between the innovation processes in manufacturing and service makes
it interesting to examine in what way HPWPs are used in the two sectors. Moreover, the lack of
consensus in the literature on the nature of HPWP (Paauwe, 2005) implies that the application
and effect of HPWPs may be different across the manufacturing and service sectors.

Several scholars have proposed and identified HPWPs. However, much of the research has
focused on one single practice, see e.g. Mahoney (1995) and Huselid (1995), and the link
between systems of practices or bundles of practices (MacDuffie, 1995), and different types of
firm performance have scarcely been examined empirically (Arora & Gambardella, 1990;
Ichniowski et al., 1997; Mendelson & Pillai, 1999; Michie & Sheehan, 2003).

According to Athey and Stern (1998), two types of approaches have been used in the literature.
The first relies on testing whether the practices are positively correlated, conditional on
observables, as for instance in Arora and Gambardella (1990). The second approach uses
various regression techniques in order to measure the effect of a set of variables and their
interaction terms on productivity. For instance, Ichniowski et al. (1997) find, by applying the
second method a number of systems by using recent literature and bivariate correlations and
argue by OLS estimation, that systems of practices determine productivity and quality, while
marginal changes in individual work practices have little effect.

This approach suffers from the obvious limitation that the researcher in advance has to specify
the exact combinations of practices to be included in the analysis. An alternative to this
procedure is to identify bundles of practices using factor and or cluster analysis (Boselie, 2005;
Laursen, 2002; Laursen & Foss, 2003; Lorenz et al., 2004). These methods involve a large
degree of subjectivity both with respect to the number of practices considered as well as the
particular combinations used. Traditional factor and cluster analysis is moreover best suited for
continuous data, which is rare in measuring the adoption of various work practices.

In the present paper we introduce latent class analysis as an alternative to the above mentioned
methods. Using latent class analysis we are able to generate a typology of firms with respect to
their adoption of HPWPs according to organisation, motivational and skill practices. This has the
advantage that instead of considering all possible combinations of practices we focus attention
on the practices actually adopted. The method has a number of advantages: First, it takes a
systematic approach to the generation of the particular combination of practices. Second, the
method recognizes the often categorical nature of the measurements of practices. Finally, the
method offers a statistical test of the validity of the model.

The purpose of this paper is, on an empirically sound basis, to identify the clusters of practices
and document the effect of HPWPs on the innovativeness of firms in the manufacturing and
service sectors respectively. This is implemented by analysing data from a Danish survey on
organisation, employee skills and development of new products conducted in 2001, covering
2006 firms in the private manufacturing and service sector. The data refer to the period 1998-
2000. The survey data is combined with register information from each employee who has been
related to the firms during the analysed period.

The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 discusses the importance of bundles of HPWPs
while section 3 presents the data. Section 4 presents the results from the latent class analysis.
Finally, section 5 concludes.

2. The Importance of Systems of HPWPs

According to the resource-based view of the firm (Barney & Link, 1991; Penrose, 1959),
competitive advantage can be developed and sustained by creating value in a way that is rare
and difficult for competitors to imitate. The resource-based view of the firm argues that traditional
sources of competitive advantage like natural resources, technology and economies of scale,
are sources that are increasingly easy to imitate, especially in comparison to complex social
structures like the employment system within the organisation. In this case human resource
strategies may be an important source of sustained competitive advantage (Lado & Wilson,
1994; Pfeffer, 1994), because they may be valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable
(Wright, McMahan and McWilliams, 1994). According to Barney & Link (1991) causal ambiguity
and path dependency are two of the key factors making human resource practices difficult to
imitate. First, it may be difficult to understand the precise mechanisms behind human resource
practices. Second, the functioning of human resource practices is often complex because the
value is determined by the interplay between human resource practices and firm policies.
Understanding these systems of practices is an organisational capability that is spread across
departments and people in the firm. These systems are moreover path dependent since they
often have been developed over time and cannot be purchased in the market by competitors.
Even if single employees can be hired from the competitors, the management of competing firms
may have difficulties in replicating socially complex elements like culture and interpersonal
relationships. Others argue that it is the human resource itself which generates the competitive
advantage of the firm.

The literature on HPWP’s complementarities has grown during the last decade. Osterman
(2000) finds that over the course of the 1990’s firms at least in the US have adopted a rising
number of practices. The reason for firms adopting a multiple number of practices is the
emergence of complementarity among practices. Two or more practices are complements when
“using one more intensely increases the marginal benefits of using the others more intensively”
(Holmstrom & Milgrom, 1994:973). For instance firms that have implemented incentive pay plans
for the employees may have difficulties in measuring the individual output. Instead evaluating
group output is easier. However, group-based incentive pay may be undermined by free-riders.
Kandel and Lazear (1992) argue that a number of practices may solve the problem. Practices
such as screening new applicants which favour teamwork and subsequently introducing team-
oriented practices in order to create team spirits may be beneficial. Milgrom and Roberts (1990;
1995) found, by looking at Japanese firms, that employees ideas for continuous productivity
improvement (Kaisen), are a valuable form of employee participation. To achieve a high number
of employee ideas, employees need training, information sharing and more careful screening of
new applicants. However, improving productivity may on the other hand lead to fear of loosing
jobs and the management may therefore offer some sort of employment security to avoid this
(Aoki, 1988). Once the employment security is introduced, a broader set of complementary
practices may be needed, including training in multiple job functions, greater labour-
management communication, and more careful employee selection. Finally, due to a rising

number of multitasking jobs, firms may need multiple practices to ensure that employees make
the right decisions regarding how to allocate their effort and time across different tasks.

In general, Bailey (1993) and Applebaum et al. (2000) identify three components of HPWPs.
Bailey points out that such practices may have an influence on employee skills, motivation and
through organisational structures. HPWPs influence employee skills through the acquisition and
development of a firm's human capital. Recruiting procedures and selection regimes will
influence the quality and type of skills new employees possess. HPWP activities providing
informal or formal training as well as recruitment and selection have also shown to have an
impact on productivity and market value (Delery, 1996; Huselid, 1995). However, the
effectiveness of HPWPs will be limited if the employees lack motivation. Motivated employees
may work harder and smarter. Practices with performance appraisals that assess individual or
work group performance, such as performance related pay, may positively influence the
motivation (Dowling & Richardson, 1997) or productivity (Lazear, 1996) of the employees.

Finally, Bailey notes that the contribution of even a highly skilled and motivated workforce will be
limited if job content is are structured, or programmed, in such a way that employees, who
presumably know their work better than anyone else, do not have the opportunity to use their
skills and abilities to design new and better ways of performing their tasks. Thus, HPWPs which
promote organisational structures that encourage participation among employees and allow
them to improve the performance of their jobs may improve the organisational performance.
Employee involvement in terms of delegation of responsibility and systems of collecting
proposals from employees may have a positive impact on productivity (Arthur, 1994; Wallace,
1995). Other practices, like cross-functional teams, job rotation, quality circles, and integration of
functions, may all contribute positively to labour productivity (Banker, Potter & Srinivasan, 1996).

Applebaum et al. (2000) identify three basic components of HPWPs: (i) organisational practices
which provide opportunities for employee participation such as team work and quality circles; (ii)
training practices that provide the necessary skills to participate in problem solving; and finally
(iii) pay and promotion policies (e.g. profit sharing which aims at providing the appropriate
incentives to participate).

In addition, Doeringer et al. (2003) find that commitment incentives such as job security may
serve to increase the time horizons of the employees and thus encourage them to invest in firm-
specific skills.

An important aspect for the efficiency of HPWPs is the application of new information and
communication technology. Bresnahan, Brynjolfsson, and Hitt (2002) discuss the importance of
the complementary of workplace practices combined with application of information and
communication technology. They argue that the decline in prices of information and
communication technology leads to increased use of information and communication technology
which again leads to implementation of new workplace practices. The existence of mutual
dependence in terms of the use of different workplace practices, as well as the use of workplace

practices and information and communication technology indicates complexity which needs to
be taken into account. Investments in ICT and workplace practices will change the relative
demand of skilled labour, and Bresnahan et al. (2002) argue that upgrading the number of
skilled employees will increase the benefits obtained by using ICT and workplace practices in

The importance of complementarity among human resource practices supports the idea of
constructing ideal combinations of practices on a priori grounds. However, Truss (2001) argues,
by looking at which HPWPs financially successful firms use to achieve this level of performance,
that it is difficult to determine the best HPWPs. Boselie et al. (2005) show the enormous variety
of different practices being used in 104 analyzed articles. They conclude that there is no fixed list
of generally applicable HPWPs or systems of practices that define and construct the best human
resource management practice. The success of HPWPs depends of their internal organisational
context e.g. the nature of production which might create restrictions with respect to the
successful design of some practices (e.g. teamwork or performance related pay), but also the
external context matters – e.g. the legislation and trade union influence. In this respect sectoral
affiliation matters and for that reason this paper examines the difference between firms
belonging to manufacturing and service sector respectively. Moreover, instead of testing
preconceived forms of HPWP, we apply an explorative method which is in accordance with
Wood (1999), Laursen and Foss (2003) and Lorenz et al. (2004).

3. Measurement of HPWP

The analysis is carried out on data from a survey on organisation, employee skills and
development of new products (1998-2000). Data collection took place during spring 2001 by a
postal questionnaire followed up by telephone interviews with non-responding firms. The
respondents are primarily high-level executives. For the period 1998-2000 the survey covers
issues such as: major organisational changes, work organisation principles, training and
education, market innovations, and the introduction of new ICT. The survey was addressed to
firms in the private business sector - traditional manufacturing, construction, and the service
sector. The data set contains data from 2006 firms. The sample consisted of 6975 firm with 20
employees or more. The sample covered the total population of firms with more than 25
employees, whereas firms with 20-25 employees were selected randomly based on two-digit
NACE industry classification. The overall response rate was 28.7%. In the manufacturing and
service sectors the response rates were 29% and 28% respectively. The subsequent analysis of
the response rates indicted no unacceptable variation within size and industry. However, in order
to make the results as representative as possible weights according to size and two digits
industry classification are constructed and utilized in the analysis.

As a supplement to the above mentioned survey we have recently had access to a survey
completed in the second half of 2006. That survey allows us to compare the adoption of different

organizational practices across time. The response rate for the latter survey was 42.9 % and no
systematic variation was indicated within size and industry. Due to the complex sampling
scheme associated with the latter survey no weights have been computed for that survey.

In addition to the survey data we had access to register data for the firms participating in the
survey. From the registers it is possible to retreive information about job turnover as well as the
average level of education of employees in each individual firm.

As argued in Section 1, measurement of HPWPs requires that several dimensions of managerial

practices are taken into account. Selecting employees and developing their skills through
training is one dimension. The motivation of the employees created through pay and promotion
practices is another. Finally, the use of various organisational practices constitutes a third
dimension. Variables measuring these dimensions have in isolation or in combination been
shown to have an impact on organisational performance.

The combination of the survey and register data makes it possible to investigate variables
reflecting the three overall dimensions characterizing HPWPs.

For the skill dimension we have chosen the following indicators: First, for each employee within
each firm we have register-based information about the highest completed education. These
records are available for the years 1998 and 1999. This information is translated into the length,
measured in years, of a particular education. Then, for each firm we calculate the average
number of years of the highest completed education across the employees associated with the
firm for each year. Finally, we split the firms according to their position above or below the mean
increase in level of education for all firms within manufacturing and service respectively. Second,
survey, data about the percentage of the workforce which had participated in supplementary
training. The firms are divided into categories according to whether they are above or below the
mean percentage calculated across all firms within manufacturing and service respectively. This
information is available for three groups of employees: higher educated, vocationally trained,
and other.

The motivational dimension is measured using two indicators. The first indicator utilizes survey
data about the firms use of “performance related pay”. Three answer categories were available:
“yes”, “no”, “do not know”. We have chosen to collapse the latter two categories and in addition
we have assigned firms that did not answer this question to the “no/do not know” category. The
second indicator is derived from register data. For the year 1998 we have for each employee
within each firm information about their relation to their current work place in the following year.
Thus for each firm we are able to calculate the share of employees in 1998 which has left their
work place between 1998 and 1999. Our firms are then split according to their position above or
below the average turnover rate, calculated for all firms within manufacturing and service

TABLE 1a, Descriptive statistics – manufacturing and service (weighted) – 2001

Manufacturing Service
Pct. N Pct. N
Interdiscipl. Workgroups Yes 39.32 277 54.37 116
No 60.68 427 45.63 97
Quality circles Yes 32.66 230 36.10 77
No 67.34 474 63.90 136
Proposals collection Yes 42.98 303 36.10 77
No 57.02 401 63.90 136
Delegation of responsibility Yes 84.52 595 86.76 185
No 15.48 109 13.24 28
Integration of functions Yes 34.90 246 44.51 95
No 65.10 458 55.49 118
Job turnover Below mean 57.88 408 65.73 141
Above mean 42.12 296 34.27 73
Performance related pay Yes 30.64 216 40.75 87
No 69.36 488 59.25 126
Educational level Above mean 47.90 337 37.56 80
Below mean 52.10 367 62.44 133
Higher educated Above mean 30.10 212 46.76 100
Below mean 69.90 492 53.24 113
Vocational training Above mean 37.63 265 41.08 88
Below mean 62.37 439 58.92 125
Other Above mean 28.35 200 33.71 72
Below mean 71.65 504 66.29 141
Introduction of new tech. Yes
63.47 447 68.73 146

No 36.53 257 31.27 67

The dimension which addresses the organisational practices adopted by the firms, is measured
using five indicators. All indicators build on survey information. The respondents have answered
whether their firm made use of “interdisciplinary workgroups”, “quality circles”, “systems for
collecting proposals from employees”, “delegation of responsibility”, and “integration of
functions”. Three answer categories were available for each question: “yes”, “no”, “do not know”.
We have again chosen to collapse the latter two categories and in addition we have assigned
firms that did not answer the question to the “no/do not know” category. Finally, we have

information from the survey about whether the firms had “introduced new information and
communication technology”. The answer categories were: “yes”, “no”, and “do not know”. As
above we have collapsed the second and third category and assigned missing answers to this

Table 1a shows the distribution of variables for the manufacturing and service sector for the
2001 survey. The variables representing organisational practices are, as mentioned above:
interdisciplinary workgroups, quality circles, proposals collection, delegation of responsibility,
and integration of functions. The distribution shows that the percentage varies from 33%
regarding use of quality circles to 85% with respect to delegation of responsibility for
manufacturing. For the service sector the percentages of use of practices are slightly higher than
for manufacturing in most instances.

Table 1b shows the distribution of variables for the manufacturing and service sector for the
2006 survey. The most distinctive feature concerning the 2006 survey relates to the marked
increase in the adoption of the different organizational practices. For instance, more than 95% of
all firms both within manufacturing as well as service make use delegation of responsibilities.
Also more than 70% of the firms within manufacturing make use of interdisciplinary workgroups.
For the service sector the number is more than 88%.

Motivation/pay and promotion practices are represented by job turnover and performance
related pay. The former is based on calculation on register data and covers all employees who
have been related to the firm during the period of 1998-1999. Within manufacturing 58% of the
firms have had a turnover below average and 31% of the firms make use of performance related
pay. The corresponding figures for services are 66% and 41%.

Skills/training practices are represented by four variables taken from the survey and register
data.. Almost 48% of the firms within manufacturing have upgraded the formal education of the
employees, whereas the number for service firms is 38%. The other three variables are survey
based and are concentrated around employees who have participated in supplementary training.
The distinction concerns higher educated, vocational trained and others. 30% and 47% of the
employees with a higher education have participated in courses within manufacturing and
services respectively. For the other two groups the percentages are 38% and 28% respectively
for manufacturing. For services the figures are 41% and 34% respectively.

Finally, 63% of the firms within manufacturing have introduced new ICT, whereas for services
the percentage is 69%.

TABLE 1b, Descriptive statistics – manufacturing and service – 2006

Manufacturing Service

Pct. of the firms employees covered by Pct. N Pct. N

Interdiscipl. Workgroups None 23.97 134 11.23 31

Below 25% 26.83 150 21.01 58

25-50% 25.40 142 23.55 65

Above 50% 20.39 114 43.84 121
Don’t know 3.40 19 0.36 1

Quality circles None 29.60 164 36.53 100

Below 25% 23.47 130 19.05 52
25-50% 21.12 117 15.02 41

Above 50% 23.83 132 23.44 64

Don’t know 1.99 11 5.86 16
Proposals collection None 27.99 157 30.66 84

Below 25% 22.99 129 21.17 58

25-50% 16.22 91 14.96 41
Above 50% 29.77 167 23.37 75

Don’t know 3.03 17 5.84 16

Delegation of responsibility None 3.64 21 1.42 4
Below 25% 15.25 88 9.96 28

25-50% 30.50 176 14.59 41

Above 50% 49.74 287 74.02 208
Don’t know 0.87 5 0.00 0

Integration of functions None 25.54 142 21.11 57

Below 25% 28.60 159 22.96 62
25-50% 21.40 119 15.19 41

Above 50% 17.99 100 34.07 92

Don’t know 6.47 36 6.67 18

4. Results

Exploratory analysis using latent class analysis usually proceeds by estimating the latent class
model with one class. Evaluation of the Goodness-of-Fit tests then determines whether it is
necessary to use a two class model. If so, the procedure is repeated with a two class model.


L2 BIC (L2) AIC (L2) (BIC+AIC)/2 p-value likelihood
2 Cluster 1361.89 -2893.46 63.89 -1414.79 0.10 -4799.09
3 Cluster 1337.57 -2917.78 39.57 -1439.10 0.26 -4786.93
4 Cluster 1347.37 -2894.87 53.37 -1420.75 0.33 -4791.83
5 Cluster 1323.19 -2833.81 55.19 -1389.31 0.30 -4779.74
6 Cluster 1306.08 -2785.35 58.08 -1363.64 0.23 -4771.19

Table 2 shows the results from the analysis of the Danish data concerning manufacturing with
12 manifest variables and one through six latent classes. As we see, the latent class model is
rejected with one class. However, a latent class model with two to six latent classes cannot be
rejected on the basis of the p-value. In addition, using the two information criteria, AIC and BIC,
we see that AIC suggests a three class model, whereas BIC suggests a six class model. All
taken together we decided on a latent class model with three classes. The resulting latent class
probabilities as well as the conditional probabilities are shown in Table 4.


L2 BIC (L2) AIC (L2) (BIC+AIC)/2 p-value likelihood
2 Cluster 698.73 -185.88 368.73 91.43 0.05 -1421.07
3 Cluster 701.95 -145.14 385.95 120.41 0.03 -1422.67
4 Cluster 670.11 -118.00 376.11 129.05 0.03 -1406.75
5 Cluster 673.53 -71.69 395.53 161.92 0.02 -1408.46
6 Cluster 667.85 -45.21 401.85 178.32 0.02 -1405.62

Table 3 shows the corresponding results for service firms. Here the preferred solution is a latent
class model with two classes. Table 5 reports the latent class probabilities as well as well as the
conditional probabilities.

Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 All firms N
40.61 38.64 20.75 704
Job turnover Below mean 61.84 51.76 61.53 57.88 408
Above mean 38.16 48.24 38.47 42.12 296
Educational level Above mean 54.91 40.66 47.64 47.90 337
Below mean 45.09 59.34 52.36 52.10 367
Interdiscipl. Workgroups Yes 65.09 1.18 59.89 39.32 277
No 34.91 98.82 40.11 60.68 427
Quality circles Yes 52.64 5.44 44.22 32.66 230
No 47.36 94.56 55.78 67.34 474
Proposals collection Yes 60.69 13.71 62.83 42.98 303
No 39.31 86.29 37.17 57.02 401
Delegation of responsibility Yes 95.77 69.04 91.31 84.52 595
No 4.23 30.96 8.69 15.48 109
Integration of functions Yes 56.63 6.36 45.52 34.90 246
No 43.37 93.64 54.48 65.10 458
Performance related pay Yes 37.81 18.71 38.81 30.64 216
No 62.19 81.29 61.19 69.36 488
Introduction of new tech. Yes 71.70 46.03 79.81 63.47 447
No 28.30 53.97 20.19 36.53 257
Higher educated Above mean 23.08 5.40 89.80 30.10 212
Below mean 76.92 94.60 10.20 69.90 492
Vocational training Above mean 28.68 16.14 95.14 37.63 265
Below mean 71.32 83.86 4.86 62.37 439
Other Above mean 9.37 9.82 100.00 28.35 200
Below mean 90.63 90.18 0.00 71.65 504

For manufacturing we interpret the three different clusters as follows. Cluster 1 firms which
account for 40% of the total number of manufacturing firms are most likely to adopt the various
organisational practices. All the conditional probabilities are well above 50 % and in excess of
the share of adoptions for all firms taken together. With respect to the motivation factors cluster
1 firms are below the average firm, and the proportion of firms having introduced performance
related pay is above the general average. The increase in the educational level is also above the
average. However, cluster 1 firms are much less inclined to use supplementary training.

Cluster 2 firms generally tend not to use any of the HPWP practices. The use of organisational
practices is well below average and the same goes for the use of motivation and promotion

practices. Also the use of training practices is well below the average. This group constitutes
around 40 % of the firms.

Cluster 3 firms are very similar to the cluster 1 firms. However, the use of supplementary training
is much more utilized among the cluster 3 firms. This group make up 20 % of the firms.
According to Milgrom and Holmstrom (1995) these firms may have the greatest incentives to
increase the competitive advantage i.e. in terms of productivity (Ichniowski et al., 1997) or
innovation (Laursen et al., 2003; Lorenz et al., 2004; Michie & Sheehan, 1999).

The results are in line with Bresnahan et al. (2002). They find that increasing the use of ICT in
the firm will increase the demand for more skilled people, and in combination with organisational
practices, also the propensity to innovate.


Cluster 1 Cluster 2 All firms N
66.01 33.99 203
Job turnover Below mean 72.12 53.31 65.73 141
Above mean 27.88 46.69 34.27 73
Educational level Above mean 32.93 46.55 37.56 80
Below mean 67.07 53.45 62.44 133
Interdiscipl. Workgroups Yes 81.79 1.10 54.37 116
No 18.21 98.90 45.63 97
Quality circles Yes 48.36 12.29 36.10 77
No 51.64 87.71 63.90 136
Proposals collection Yes 43.53 21.69 36.10 77
No 56.47 78.31 63.90 136
Delegation of responsibility Yes 100.00 61.05 86.76 185
No 0.00 38.95 13.24 28
Integration of functions Yes 66.79 1.24 44.51 95
No 33.21 98.76 55.49 118
Performance related pay Yes 41.82 38.67 40.75 87
No 58.18 61.33 59.25 126
Introduction of new tech. Yes 74.40 57.73
68.73 146

No 25.60 42.27 31.27 67

Higher educated Above mean 58.18 24.59 46.76 100
Below mean 41.82 75.41 53.24 113
Vocational training Above mean 53.70 16.57 41.08 88
Below mean 46.30 83.43 58.92 125
Other Above mean 42.32 16.99 33.71 72
Below mean 57.68 83.01 66.29 141

For the service firms table 5 shows that Cluster 1 firms have a high probability of using the
various organisational practices. The job turnover is below average and the use of performance
related pay is above average. Typically, these firms use supplementary training. However, the
increase in the formal level of education is below average. This group accounts for 66 % of the
service firms.

Cluster 2 firms, on the other hand, rarely use the organisational practices. They are much more
reluctant to use supplementary training. They have, however, increased the formal level of
education above the level of the average firm. This group accounts for 33 % of the service firms.

The literature has only recently started to focus on the relation between organisational practices
and the innovative performance of the firm. A positive relationship is found between a firm’s
ability to innovate and the application of bundles of HRM practices in a number of studies
(Laursen, 2002; Laursen et al., 2003; Lorenz et al., 2004; Michie et al., 1999, 2003).

Table 6 shows the innovative performance of the manufacturing firms in the different classes.
The introduction of major organisational changes is clearly related to the different clusters of
firms. 75% of cluster 3 firms have introduced an organisational change. For cluster 1 firms the
corresponding fraction is 61%,, whereas it is 38% for firms in cluster 2.


Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 All firms N
Yes 60.79 38.35 76.18 55.31 389
No / do not know 39.21 61.65 23.82 44.69 315
No new products/services 34.35 63.57 27.99 44.32 312
One new product/service 21.58 15.11 24.09 19.60 138
More than one new products/services 44.07 21.32 47.91 36.08 254
No new product/service 34.35 63.57 27.99 44.32 312
New to the firm only 37.95 22.94 48.87 34.42 242
New to either domestic and world 21.48 10.70 19.85 16.97 120
New to both domestic and world 6.23 2.79 3.29 4.29 30

Table 6 further shows the three latent classes in relation to the propensity to develop new
products and services. The first dimension has to do with the intensity of innovation, measured
as the number of new products/services introduced within a 2 year framework; whereas the
second dimension has to do with the novelty of the new products/services. The results show that
there is a relation between the application of HPWPs and innovation activity. 66% of the firms in
cluster 1 and 72% of the firms in cluster 3 have developed one or more new products within the
past 2 years. For cluster 2 only 36% of the firms have developed one or more new products.
With respect to novelty the same overall pattern emerges. Although cluster 3 firms have a higher
propensity to innovate compared to cluster 1 firms, the latter are more likely to develop new
products which are either new to the domestic world market.

For service firms the application of HPWPs and innovation shows the same pattern. Cluster 1
firms are more likely than cluster 2 firms to develop new services as well as develop services
which are new to the domestic or world market.


Cluster 1 Cluster 2 All firms N
Yes 72.83 38.40 61.13 130
No / do not know 27.17 61.60 38.87 83
No new products/services 37.55 63.95 46.53 99
One new product/service 16.00 19.06 17.04 36
More than one new 46.44 16.99 36.43 78
No new product/service 37.55 63.95 46.53 99
New to the firm only 44.10 26.80 38.22 81
New to either domestic and world 14.08 7.60 11.88 25
New to both domestic and world 4.27 1.66 3.38 7

For both manufacturing and service firms the descriptive results thus supports the literature that
bundles of HPWPs in the sense of complementarities between organisational, skills and
motivational practices are positively related to innovation (Laursen, 2002; Laursen et al., 2003;
Lorenz, 2004; Michie and Sheehan, 1999, 2003).

5. Conclusion

Globalization, deregulation of markets, changing demands and shorter product life cycles have
all increased the pressure of firms. An important asset in this context is the human resources
that a firm possesses, or more specifically the application of high performance work practices
(HPWPs) on the employees of a firm. This study focuses on organisational, motivational and skill
dimensions of such HPWPs. Although the importance of HPWPs has been documented in a
number of studies, these studies have to a large degree focused on the manufacturing sector.
The importance of service firms in the economy and the different approaches in the literature to
innovation in the manufacturing and service sector highlights the importance of research in this
field. In addition, the complexity of HPWP has required that several dimensions need to be taken
into account. The literature has shown a limited use of methods that apply a systematic,
categorical nature of measurements of HPWP as well as objective tests statistics. However, by
applying latent class analysis on a Danish survey covering 2006 firms in the manufacturing and
service sector, the present paper identifies different patterns of HPWPs. 40% of the
manufacturing firms have high probabilities of applying dimensions in HPWP which have to do
with organisational and motivational factors. 21% of the firms in the manufacturing sector are
likely to apply all three dimensions, i.e. organisational, motivational and skills, whereas 39% are
not likely to apply any HPWPs. For service firms latent class analysis identifies two clusters.
66% are likely to apply organisational, motivational and skills dimensions in HPWPs, and 34% of
the service firms has considerable lower probabilities of applying any of the practices.

The result shows that there is a dispersion among Danish firms in applying HPWP. This is true
for both manufacturing and service firms. Some are intensive users of HPWPs while others are
very reluctant. However, to argue that Danish firms are reluctant in implementing HPWP
practices is difficult. The reason may be found in the Danish industry structure, which is
classified as being traditional and low tech-oriented and for that reason the level of application of
HPWP in Denmark may not be underestimated. Nevertheless, traditional and low-tech oriented
firms may on the other hand benefit in terms of increased productivity or innovation by applying

For firms in both manufacturing and services which have large probabilities of applying HPWPs,
the same firms also have higher probabilities of developing new products/services as well as
higher probabilities of introducing products/services new to the market. However, manufacturing
firms which are less likely to apply the skill dimension of HPWPs tend to develop new products
with a higher degree of novelty than manufacturing firms which also take the skill dimension into

account. The former firms may already have a high level of employee skills and hence no need
to develop the skills further.

The difference between manufacturing and service firms seems to be small and a managerial
implication for both sectors is that the application of HPWP which take all three dimensions into
account may contribute to the innovativeness of the firms.

Further research is need in order to clarify if some HPWP are initiators for other HPWP and is it
possible to locate a best line of HPWP as argued by Pfeffer (1994) when the time dimension is
taken into account. The time dimension makes it possible to investigate the relation between
productivity and workplace practices. Another point is the job turnover of the employees with
respect to systems or bundles of HPWP.


Latent Class Analysis

HPWP is identified by latent class analysis which is a part of a larger set of methods, latent
structure analysis, introduced by sociologist Paul Lazarsfeld in the fifties, see e.g. (Lazarsfeld,
1950, 1968). It is a statistical method to find related cases from multivariate categorical data. As
such, the method is related to the familiar cluster analysis for continuous data. Specifically, the
data input to the method is a cross-classification table of a number of categorical variables. In
our case, the table is the produced by cross-classifying the variables mentioned in the previous

However, beside the ability to handle categorical data, latent class analysis builds on the
assumption that there are observed (manifest) variables and unobserved (latent) variables.
Therefore, the method is also often seen as an analogue, for categorical responses, to the factor
analysis model for multivariate normal responses, albeit with only one factor.

In relation to factor analysis the basic premise is identical. The apparent dependence in the
cross-classification table is spurious (similar to the spurious correlation matrix in factor analysis,
which vanishes when controlling for the latent variable/factors). Instead, the model assumes that
the observed cross-classification table is the outcome of a mixture of separate cross-
classification tables. Each of these tables has the independence property. Thus, each of these
tables can be modelled using a multinomial distribution, where the (joint) probabilities of each
cell can be calculated as a product of the relevant marginal probabilities. In the latent class
model the mixing distribution is also a multinomial.

We need to estimate the pertinent parts of the model, which are the probabilities of the mixing
distribution as well as the conditional marginal probabilities associated with each cross-
classification table. In the following we provide a brief review of the latent class model. The
method takes as point of departure a cross-classification of two or more categorical variables,
i.e. a contingency table. In the following we use the notation from (Goodman, 1974). Assume
that we have a cross-classification table of M=3 variables, A, B, and C. Variable A can take
values i=1,…,I. Variable B can take values j=1,…,J, whereas variable C can take values k=1,…
,K. Let π ijk denote the joint probability that an individual will be at level i with respect to variable
A, at level j with respect to variable B, and at level k with respect to variable C. Assume that
there is one latent variable X that can take values t=1,…,T. The different levels of the latent
variable X is referred to as latent classes. Let π ijkt denote the joint probability that an individual
will be at level i,j,k,t with respect to the joint variables A,B,C,X. We assume that:

π ijk = ∑ π ijkt (1)
t =1

That is, every individual belongs to one and only one of the latent classes, i.e. the latent classes
are exhausting and mutually exclusive. In addition we assume local independence:

π ijkt = π t ⋅ π it ⋅ π jt ⋅ π kt (2)

where π t is the probability that an individual will be at level t with respect to the latent variable X.
π it is the conditional probability, that an individual will be at level i with respect to variable A,
conditional on being at level t with respect to the latent variable X. The two other conditional
probabilities π jt and π kt are defined analogously. The latent class probabilities π t constitute
along with the conditional probabilities π it , π jt , and π kt the fundamental quantities of latent
class analysis.

Notice, that according to (2) the manifest variables are mutually independent within each of the
latent classes. The probabilities on the right hand side of (2) meet the usual conditions:


∑ π t = ∑ π it =∑ π jt =∑ π kt =1
t =1 i =1 j =1 k =1

Combining (1) and (2) allow us to interpret the latent class model as a parametric multinomial
model, since the probabilities related to observed quantities π ijk is specified as a function of the
fundamental quantities.

The model can be estimated using either maximum likelihood or the EM algorithm. For an
elaborate review see e.g. (Hagenaars, 2003). The result of the estimation is parameter
estimates πˆ t , πˆ it , πˆ jt , and πˆ kt of the fundamental parameters.

To assess the models ability to cope with the data we also compute the Akaike information
criteria (AIC) and the Baysian information criteria (BIC) both based on the likelihood function:

AIC = −2 ⋅ ln L + 2 ⋅ # estimated parameters (4)

BIC = −2 ⋅ ln L + ln n ⋅ # estimated parameters (4)

Where n is the number of observations. Both criteria seek to strike a balance between model fit
and parsimony.


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