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Diagnosis of Hydronephrosis or
Ureteral Obstruction using Renal Sonography
among Patients with Cervical Cancer
Scott Riley K. Ong, MD,1 Adovich S. Rivera, MD2 and Jarold P. Pauig, MD1
Department of Radiology, Philippine General Hospital, University of the Philippines Manila
Institute for Public Health and Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University


Background. Cervical cancer is the second most common malignancy among Filipino women. The recent 2018 FIGO
guidelines recommend imaging in cases of grossly invasive disease to determine the presence of hydronephrosis,
which would immediately classify the disease as at least stage IIIB. CT and MRI are state-of-the-art modalities that
can provide such information; however, these are costly and may not be accessible in areas with limited resources.
Sonography is a safe and inexpensive alternative in this regard.

Objective. This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic performance of renal sonography in identifying the presence
of ureteral obstruction or hydronephrosis among patients with grossly invasive cervical cancer, with non-enhanced
CT as the reference standard.

Methods. A blinded, prospective study was conducted among patients diagnosed with grossly invasive cervical
cancer from the Philippine General Hospital. Participants underwent same-day evaluation with both renal sonography
and non-enhanced CT. The presence of either ureteral obstruction or hydronephrosis secondary to cervical cancer
was independently determined. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of
renal sonography were calculated, with non-enhanced CT as the reference standard.

Results. A total of 127 participants were enrolled. The mean age was 46 years, with a range of 24 to 65 years. The
majority had stage IIB (41.7%) and stage IIIB (52.0%) disease. On non-enhanced CT, 46 (36.2%) showed evidence of
ureteral obstruction or hydronephrosis, while 81 (63.8%) had negative results. On renal sonography, 46 (36.2%) had
positive results, and 81 (63.8%) had negative findings. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive
values of sonography were 91.3%, 95.1%, 91.3%, and 95.1%, respectively. Among patients with stage IIIB disease,
sonography was shown to have higher sensitivity and specificity of 92.1% and 96.4%, respectively. Meanwhile,
among patients with stage IB to IIB disease, its sensitivity and specificity were 87.5% and 94.3%, respectively.

Conclusion. Renal sonography has high sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of ureteral obstruction or
hydronephrosis in patients with grossly invasive cervical cancer. Its sensitivity is higher when used in patients with
stage IIIB disease, compared with those having lower-stage tumors.

Key Words: Cervical cancer, hydronephrosis, ureteral obstruction, ultrasonography

2nd Place, Oral Research Presentation at the 72nd Annual Conven- Cervical cancer is the fourth most common malignancy
tion of the Philippine College of Radiology on February 28, 2020
in SMX Mall of Asia, Manila, Philippines.
among females worldwide, following breast, colorectal,
and lung cancers.1 In low- and middle-income countries,
Corresponding author: Scott Riley K. Ong, MD including the Philippines, it is the second most commonly
Department of Radiology diagnosed malignancy and the third most common cause of
Philippine General Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
cancer-related mortality among women.1,2 In 2018, 7,190
Taft Ave., Ermita, Manila 1000 new cases of cervical cancer, with an incidence rate of 9.1
Email: per 100,000 women, were reported in the Philippines. There

82 VOL. 56 NO. 5 2022

Diagnosing Hydronephrosis in Cervical Cancer

were 4,088 reported deaths, with a mortality rate of 9.8 or CT as reference standards.9 However, this previous study
per 100,000.3 was conducted with small sample size, and the reference
The burden of cervical cancer in low-resource countries, standard used was not uniform for all patients. This study
such as the Philippines, is moderately high, where costs of thus aimed to evaluate the performance of renal ultrasound
both screening programs and treatment procedures impose in diagnosing ureteral obstruction or hydronephrosis among
significant limitations in the prevention and management patients with grossly invasive cervical cancer, with non-
of the disease. Approximately 85% of newly diagnosed enhanced CT as the reference standard, using more robust
cases and 90% of mortalities were reported to come from sample size and study design.
the economically disadvantaged bracket of the society.1
The importance of developing cost-effective screening MATERIALS AND METHODS
and treatment protocols cannot be undermined in these
settings, as the success of cancer control depends on making A blinded, prospective study was conducted among
these measures available and accessible to the public. In patients with newly diagnosed cervical cancer from the
the Philippines, a high mortality rate from cervical cancer Cancer Institute of the Philippine General Hospital (PGH).
has been attributed to late diagnosis of the disease in 75% Patients must be biopsy-proven to have cervical cancer and
of patients, coupled with the observation that treatment is must have grossly invasive disease, defined as FIGO stage
frequently unavailable, inaccessible or non-affordable.2 IB to IVA, as clinically assessed by a gynecologic oncologist.
Disease staging is an important prognostic factor and They must be 18 to 65 years of age and must participate in
is used to guide treatment planning. The International this study voluntarily. Patients who have undergone any form
Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) staging of cancer-related therapy or who are pregnant were excluded.
system has been widely used for this purpose and is chiefly Using the sample size formula for testing sensitivity
based on clinical examination to describe the extent of of a single diagnostic test,10 a minimum target size of 126
local or regional pelvic disease. However, in its recent 2018 participants was computed. This sample size would be able
update, the importance of radiologic imaging in accurate to detect a difference of 10% from the presumed sensitivity
disease staging has been recognized. In cases of grossly of 76.5% for renal US,9 with α of 0.05 and β of 0.20. All
invasive tumor, it is recommended that radiologic imaging eligible patients referred to the Department of Radiology
should be done, when resources permit, to determine the of PGH were enrolled until the target sample size was
presence of hydronephrosis.1 The presence of hydronephrosis reached. Patients underwent same-day evaluation with both
or ureteral obstruction due to tumor immediately assigns a sonography and non-enhanced CT, performed by trained
case as stage IIIB. This has been recognized as a significant and qualified radiologists, working independently from
prognostic factor that relates to poorer performance status each other.
and survival outcome, mainly due to the impairment of The renal US was performed using an Aplio 500
renal function resulting from ureteral obstruction.4,5 In ultrasound system (Toshiba Medical Systems), equipped
such circumstances, therapeutic management must include with a 3.5-MHz curvilinear transducer. The examination was
prompt measures to alleviate the uropathy and prevent a comprehensive evaluation of the kidneys, ureters, urinary
its complications. bladder and cervical region, with the employment of various
Ureteroscopy or open surgery is considered the gold maneuvers to visualize these structures. Non-enhanced CT
standard for diagnosing ureteral obstruction; however, these was done using a Somatom Emotion CT scanner (Siemens
are invasive methods and may not be appropriate in the Healthcare). Contiguous 2-mm slices of the abdominopelvic
pre-therapeutic stage. Non-invasive diagnostic modalities region, from the upper renal poles to the bladder floor, were
include intravenous pyelography (IVP), renal ultrasound obtained. The examination was performed at 130 kV under
(US), computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance automatic exposure control, with a table pitch of 1.5 and
imaging (MRI). CT and MRI are state-of-the-art modalities a rotation time of 0.6 seconds. Images were viewed using
that can give accurate information not only on ureteral Philips Intellispace Portal 4.0.
involvement but also on tumor volume, pelvic extent, and Assessment using US and CT was done independently
lymph node status.6,7,8 However, in areas where resources of each other. The sonologist and CT assessor were blinded
are limited, these modalities may not be practical and to the clinical stage of the patients. For each patient on
readily accessible. Sonography is an increasingly important both US and CT, the presence of either ureteral obstruction
modality in this aspect and has been widely used as the initial or hydronephrosis, whether unilateral or bilateral, was
modality of choice in our institution. scored as a positive result. Their absence was regarded as a
Renal sonography is relatively inexpensive and does negative result. Evidence of ureteral obstruction on either
not require the use of contrast material or extensive patient modality included encasement or extrinsic compression
preparation. It was reported to have a sensitivity of 76.5%, of the ureter by a tumor and dilatation of the ureter and
specificity of 100%, positive predictive value of 100%, and pelvocalyceal system.
negative predictive value of 85% when compared with IVP

VOL. 56 NO. 5 2022 83

Diagnosing Hydronephrosis in Cervical Cancer

Statistical Analysis Table 1. Demographic data of the sample population

The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value Parameter Frequency (n) Percentage (%)
(PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of US in Age (years)
diagnosing ureteral obstruction or hydronephrosis were 24-29 2 1.6
calculated, with CT as the reference standard. The obtained 30-39 37 29.1
values were compared with published rates using the test of 40-49 45 35.4
50-59 29 22.8
two proportions. 60-65 14 11.0
Clinical stage
Ethical Considerations IB 3 2.4
The protocol of this study was reviewed and approved IIA 5 3.9
by the University of the Philippines Manila Research Ethics IIB 53 41.7
Board (UPMREB) and was conducted in compliance IIIB 66 52.0
with the Data Privacy Act of 2012. All participants were Histologic subtype
Squamous cell carcinoma 90 70.9
informed regarding the nature of the study, its benefits and Adenocarcinoma 25 19.7
risks, and were required to sign an informed consent form Poorly differentiated carcinoma 5 3.9
before the conduct of study procedures. Their identities and Adenosquamous carcinoma 4 3.1
the right to privacy were respected. Each patient was given Others 3 2.4
an alphanumeric identity code, which was used during Total 127
data recording. Data were only used in the analysis of
this study and were accessible only to the study investigators. Table 2. Data outcomes of renal sonography and non-
The conduct of US and CT on the study participants enhanced CT in the detection of ureteral obstruction
was done free-of-charge. There were no monetary incentives or hydronephrosis in the study patients
from the study. The use of CT involved exposure of each Computed Tomography
patient to a small dose of radiation (~10 mGy); however, this Sonography Total
Positive Negative
remained well within the acceptable limits for diagnostic
Positive 42 4 46 (36.2%)
radiologic examinations. No other additional risks were
Negative 4 77 81 (63.8%)
incurred by the participants.
Total 46 (36.2%) 81 (63.8%) 127

Table 3. Number and percentage of patients with positive
Patient Demographics findings for ureteral obstruction or hydronephrosis
A total of 127 participants was recruited for this study according to clinical stage
from January 2017 to June 2018 (Table 1). Their ages ranged Number and percentage (%) of patients
from 24 to 65 years, with a mean of 46 (± 9.6) years. Based Clinical Stage with positive result
on the clinical assessment of the referring gynecologic Sonography Computed Tomography
oncologist, 3 (2.4%) had stage IB disease, 5 (3.9%) had stage IB 0 0
IIA, 53 (41.7%) had stage IIB, and 66 (52.0%) had stage IIA 1 (20.0) 0
IIB 9 (17.0) 8 (15.1)
IIIB disease. Based on the histologic subtype, 90 (70.9%) IIIB 36 (54.5) 38 (57.6)
had squamous cell carcinoma, 25 (19.7%) had adeno-
Total 46 (36.2) 46 (36.2)
carcinoma, 5 (3.9%) had poorly differentiated carcinoma,
4 (3.1%) had adenosquamous carcinoma, and 3 (2.4%) had
other rarer types. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative
predictive values of renal US in the diagnosis of ureteral
Data and Outcomes obstruction or hydronephrosis were calculated to be 91.3%
Table 2 shows the outcomes of renal US and non- (95% CI: 79.2%, 97.6%), 95.1% (95% CI: 87.8%, 98.6%),
enhanced CT of the sample population. Among the 127 91.3% (95% CI: 79.2%, 97.6%), and 95.1% (95% CI: 87.8%,
patients, 46 (36.2%) showed evidence of ureteral obstruction 98.6%), respectively. Additionally, its positive and negative
or hydronephrosis on non-enhanced CT, while 81 (63.8%) likelihood ratios were 18.5 (95% CI: 7.1, 48.3) and 0.09 (95%
had negative results. On renal US, 46 (36.2%) had positive CI: 0.04, 0.23), respectively.
results, and 81 (63.8%) had negative results. Of the 46 Table 3 shows the distribution of positive US and CT
patients with positive results on renal US, 42 were true examinations according to clinical stage. One patient with
positives, and 4 were false positives. Of the 81 patients with stage IIA disease had a false-positive result in renal US.
negative results on renal US, 77 were true negatives, and 4 Among the 53 patients with stage IIB disease, nine (17.0%)
were false negatives. had positive results in renal US, and eight (15.1%) had
positive results in CT. Of these, two patients turned out to

84 VOL. 56 NO. 5 2022

Diagnosing Hydronephrosis in Cervical Cancer

Table 4. Prevalence of ureteral obstruction or hydronephrosis, and sensitivity and specificity of renal
sonography, according to patients’ clinical stage
Clinical Stage Number of Patients Prevalence (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)
IB to IIB 61 13.1 (5.8, 24.2) 87.5 (47.3, 99.7) 94.3 (84.3, 98.8)
IIIB 66 57.6 (44.8, 69.7) 92.1 (78.6, 98.3) 96.4 (81.7, 99.9)

Table 5. Data outcomes of renal sonography and non- in terms of the number of individual kidneys assessed
enhanced CT in the detection of ureteral obstruction (Table 5). Among the 254 kidneys visualized in the study,
or hydronephrosis when expressed per number of 69 (27.2%) exhibited hydronephrosis in CT, and 185 (72.8%)
individual kidneys assessed had negative results. On renal US, 74 (29.1%) were positive
Computed Tomography for ureteral obstruction or hydronephrosis, and 180 (70.9%)
Sonography Total
Positive Negative were negative. Of the 74 kidneys with positive results
Positive 64 10 74 (29.1%) on US, 64 were true positives, and 10 were false positives.
Negative 5 175 180 (70.9%) Of the 180 kidneys with negative US findings, 175 were
Total 69 (27.2%) 185 (72.8%) 254
true negatives, and 5 were false negatives.
When results were expressed per number of kidneys
assessed, the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative
Table 6. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative pre- predictive values of renal US were calculated to be 92.8%
dictive values of renal sonography in the detection of
(95% CI: 83.9%, 97.6%), 94.6% (95% CI: 90.3%, 97.4%),
ureteral obstruction or hydronephrosis, in terms of per
individual patients and per individual kidneys assessed
86.5% (95% CI: 76.5%, 93.3%), and 97.2% (95% CI: 93.6%,
99.1%), respectively. Its positive and negative likelihood
Per individual Per individual
Parameter (%) patients kidneys
ratios were 17.2 (95% CI: 9.4, 31.5) and 0.08 (95% CI: 0.03,
(n = 127) (n = 254) 0.18), respectively.
Sensitivity 91.3 (79.2, 97.6) 92.8 (83.9, 97.6) Table 6 shows a comparison of the sensitivity, specificity,
Specificity 95.1 (87.8, 98.6) 94.6 (90.3, 97.4)
and positive and negative predictive values of renal US
when data were analyzed based on the number of individual
Positive predictive value 91.3 (79.2, 97.6) 86.5 (76.5, 93.3)
patients and the number of individual kidneys assessed.
Negative predictive value 95.1 (87.8, 98.6) 97.2 (93.6, 99.1)

be false positives in renal US. On the other hand, one stage
IIB patient with negative US findings had a positive result Renal US is an inexpensive, readily accessible imaging
in CT. Among the 66 patients with stage IIIB disease, 36 tool in the evaluation of hydronephrosis among patients
(54.5%) had positive US findings, and 38 (57.6%) had with cervical cancer. In this study, it was shown to have a
positive CT findings. Of these, only one registered to be high sensitivity of 91.3%, with non-enhanced CT as the
a false positive in US. However, three patients with stage reference standard. This supports its use as an acceptable
IIIB disease and negative US findings turned out to be imaging modality to screen patients for hydronephrosis, as
false negatives. false-negative results are few. When assessed in terms of
Table 4 shows a subgroup analysis of the sensitivity and per kidney visualized, sensitivity remained high at 92.8%,
specificity of renal US in diagnosing ureteral obstruction or lending to the robustness of our findings. The high negative
hydronephrosis according to the clinical stage. predictive value in this study indicates the reliability of
In two of the four patients with false-positive US renal US to exclude hydronephrosis when patients present
findings, the discrepancy between US and CT occurred only with negative findings.
for their right kidneys. Their left kidneys were negative for Similarly, the specificity of renal US in diagnosing
hydronephrosis in both US and CT. Likewise, in three of hydronephrosis was high at 95.1% when assessed per patient
the four patients with false-negative US findings, the discre- examined, and 94.6% when assessed in terms of per kidney
pancy between US and CT occurred in their right kidneys, visualized. This suggests that it is also accurate in confirming
while their left kidneys were negative for hydronephrosis patients with hydronephrosis, as false positives are few. A
in both US and CT. In four patients with positive results high positive predictive value also supports its reliability
in both US and CT, a unilateral discrepancy was noted in diagnosing hydronephrosis when patients present with
wherein US showed a positive result for one kidney but CT positive results.
gave a negative result. In a study on 40 patients with cervical cancer by
Accounting for scenarios in which patients showed Vanderpuye, the sensitivity and specificity of renal US
unilateral hydronephrosis or unilateral discrepancy between in diagnosing ureteral obstruction were reported to be
US and CT, the results of the study were also expressed 76.5% and 100%, respectively, when compared with either

VOL. 56 NO. 5 2022 85

Diagnosing Hydronephrosis in Cervical Cancer

intravenous urography or contrast-enhanced CT as the adequate visualization of the entire course of the ureters on
reference standard.9 This sensitivity was significantly lower US.12 Additionally, US is less accurate than CT or MRI in the
than that in our study (Z = -2.5, p < 0.05), but there was no assessment of lymph node status and parametrial invasion,
significant difference between the specificities in her study which are other important prognostic factors that may
and our study (Z = 1.4, p > 0.05). In another study involving influence treatment planning and outcome.
an assessment of 420 individual kidneys by Frohlich et al., An important limitation of this study is the lack of
renal US was reported to have a sensitivity of 96.30% and objective measurement used to define a dilated ureter
specificity of 96.75%, with intravenous pyelography as the or pelvocalyces. Assessments were made through the
reference standard.11 This sensitivity was statistically higher radiologists’ interpretation, based on their professional
than that in our study (Z = 2.0, p < 0.05), but there was again experience and practice. Additionally, this study utilized
no significant difference between the specificities in their non-enhanced CT as the reference standard to avoid certain
study and our study (Z = 1.4, p > 0.05). confounding factors. Although contrast-enhanced CT is a
In all false-positive cases in our study, mild pelvocalyceal better tool to visualize the ureters and if present, their points
dilatation was reported in renal US, but the pelvocalyces were of obstruction, it is relatively contraindicated in patients with
found to be intact in CT. In one of these cases, an extrarenal impaired renal function. The choice of using non-enhanced
pelvis was instead noted. Similarly, in the study by Frohlich CT in this study served to avoid the risk of nephrotoxicity
et al., all false-positive results were reported as minimal among the study participants and to eliminate potential
dilatation or grade I hydronephrosis, and no false-positive bias if patients would not receive nephrology clearance to
results indicated moderate or severe hydronephrosis.11 undergo contrast-enhanced study.
Commonly cited causes of false-positive tests in renal US This study was limited to the evaluation of the role of
include non-obstructive pelvocalyceal dilatation, anatomical renal sonography in diagnosing the presence or absence of
variants such as the extrarenal pelvis or large major calyx, and hydronephrosis. In actual clinical settings, the presence of
misinterpretation of intrarenal vessels for the pelvocalyces.12 hydronephrosis, especially when mild, may not necessarily
In all false-negative cases on renal US in our study, translate to significant impairment of renal function, which
CT showed mild dilatation of the ureters and pelvocalyces. is better assessed using serum creatinine or other markers
Similarly, in the study by Vanderpuye, patients with false- of glomerular filtration rate. Further studies to document
negative US results showed only slight dilatation of the and analyze the cost-effectiveness of US over other imaging
ureters on intravenous urography.9 Other causes of false- modalities in actual clinical settings, taking into account
negative US results cited by Webb include dehydrated state, their impact on patient management, may be done.
presence of renal parenchymal disease that causes low urine
output, and blood- or pus-filled pelvocalyces.12 CONCLUSION
In the most recent FIGO guidelines, radiologic imaging
is encouraged, whenever resources permit, for accurate This study shows that renal US has high sensitivity
diagnosis of hydronephrosis or ureteral obstruction, the and specificity in the diagnosis of ureteral obstruction
presence of which would immediately assign the tumor as or hydronephrosis among patients with grossly invasive
at least stage IIIB. In the present study, 10 of 61 (16.4%) cervical cancer when compared with non-enhanced CT
patients with clinical stage less than IIIB were diagnosed with as the reference standard. Subgroup analysis according to
hydronephrosis on renal US. Of these, two were determined patients’ clinical stage showed that its sensitivity is higher
to be false positives with CT as the reference standard. The when used in patients with stage IIIB disease, compared
prevalence of ureteral obstruction or hydronephrosis in with those having lower-stage tumors.
patients with clinical stage less than IIIB was thus calculated
to be 13.1%, indicating the need to upstage the tumor in Statement of Authorship
this proportion of patients following radiologic evaluation. All authors participated in the conceptualization and
The sensitivity of renal US in this patient group was 87.5%, design of the study, data interpretation and analysis, and
which is slightly lower than its sensitivity among patients approved the final version submitted. Data collection was
with stage IIIB disease (92.1%). When assessed in terms of performed by Dr. Ong and Dr. Pauig.
per individual kidney visualized, the sensitivity of renal US
further decreased to 83.3% in patients with clinical stage Author Disclosure
less than IIIB, while its sensitivity among patients with All authors declared no conflicts of interest.
stage disease IIIB remained robust at 94.7%. This suggests
that renal US performs better as a diagnostic tool in patients Funding Source
with higher clinical stage. This paper was self-funded by the authors.
An important limitation of US is its inability to identify
the exact site of obstruction in many cases of hydronephrosis.
The presence of overlying bowel gas usually precludes

86 VOL. 56 NO. 5 2022

Diagnosing Hydronephrosis in Cervical Cancer

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