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Time: 1 hour 80 marks

NAME: _____________ CLASS ______


1. Answer all questions on the question paper.

2. The periodic table is included at the back of the question paper.

3. For calculation questions, you MUST show all formulas and


4. Give answers to numerical questions correct to 2 decimal places.

5. Insert answers to the multiple choice question in the answer grid.

6. Useful formula:

distance vf −vi
speed= acceleration=
time time

F=mxa g = 9,8 m/s2

V F gravitational =m x g
Multiple Choice Answer Grid


Select the single correct answer from the four options provided. Place a cross over the
appropriate answer on the ANSWER GRID.

1.1 A B C D
1.2 A B C D
1.3 A B C D
1.4 A B C D
1.5 A B C D
1.6 A B C D
1.7 A B C D
1.8 A B C D
1.9 A B C D
1.10 A B C D
1.11 A B C D
1.12 A B C D
1.13 A B C D
1.14 A B C D
1.15 A B C D
1.16 A B C D
1.17 A B C D
1.18 A B C D
1.19 A B C D
1.20 A B C D
1.1. An atom has 19 protons, 19 electrons and 20 neutrons. Calculate its mass number.
A 19
B 20
C 38
D 39

1.2. Which term refers to the number of protons in an atom and helps to place elements on
the Periodic Table?
A atomic number
B atomic mass
C mass number
D isotope

1.3. Nitrogen is located in Group V (5) of the Periodic Table. What is the valency of a
nitrogen ion?
A 5+
B 2-
C 7-
D 3-

1.4. Which is the correct name for SF6

A sulfur fluoride
B sulfur hexafluoride
C sulfur pentafluoride
D monosulfur fluoride

1.5. What is the correct chemical formula for boron sulfide?

D B2S3
1.6. A car is traveling at a constant speed and covers a distance of 750 meters in 25
seconds. What is the car’s speed?
A 30 m/s
B 20 m/s
C 5 m/s
D 1 m/s

1.7. Matter is pulled to the ground by

A gravitational acceleration
B gravitational force
C inertia
D mass

1.8. The weight of an object

A stays the same wherever the object is
B changes if the object is in motion
C stays the same as long as the object is in motion
D changes if the force of gravity changes

1.9. Adding or subtracting the forces on an object gives a combined force called the
A displacement
B acceleration
C frictional force
D net force

1.10. If a feather and brick are dropped at the same time, from the same height, the brick
hits the ground first. The reason the feather takes longer to fall is
A the weight of the rock
B the mass of the rock
C the air resistance on the feather
D feathers are designed for flight
1.11. This force causes objects to wear out, creates heat, opposes motion, and can be
reduced with the use of lubricants.
A gravitational force
B frictional force
C normal force
D tensional force

1.12. If this box is moving to the right at a constant velocity, which of the statements
below is true?




D None of the above

1.13. You are moving a desk that has a mass of 36 kg; its acceleration is 0.5 m/s 2 along
the floor. What is the net force acting on the desk?

A 72 N

B 35.5 N

C 1.8 N

D 18 N

1.14. Newton’s first law of motion states that:

A for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction
B an object will keep moving at a constant speed when all the forces are
C gravitational force is equal to the gravitational acceleration x mass
D an object will keep accelerating unless acted on by an unbalanced force
1.15. Four resistors and an ammeter are connected to a battery as shown in the
diagram below. The ammeter reads 2 A. At which point in the circuit (A, B, C
or D) is the current less than 2A?

1.16. Which component is a store of chemical energy?

A Light bulb

B Battery

C Resistor

D Ammeter

1.17. The diagram below shows a torch containing two 1,5 V cells, a switch and a

Which circuit diagram shows the correct connection for the torch?
1.18. The diagrams below show two ways in which three lamps may be

Which statement is correct?

A If lamp Y breaks in circuit 1, both the other lamps will go out.

B If lamp Y breaks in circuit 2, both the other lamps will go out.

C If lamp Y breaks in circuit 1, lamp Z will go out, but lamp X will remain on.

D If lamp Y breaks in circuit 2, lamp Z will go out, but lamp X will remain on.

1.19. Four light bulbs and four switches are connected to a battery as shown in
the circuit diagram below.

When all the switches are closed, all the light bulbs are lit.

When one of the switches is then opened, only one light bulb goes out.

Which switch is opened?

1.20. Two resistors of 6Ω and 12Ω are arranged in parallel. A potential difference is
connected across the terminals X and Y. The current through the 6Ω resistor
is 4A.

What is the current in the ammeter?

A 4A

B 6A

C 8A

D 12 A
[20 marks]

Use the Periodic table to answer the following questions. Write your answer in the table


2.1 What is the atomic symbol for silver?

2.2 What is the atomic mass of mercury?

2.3 Ni is the symbol for which element?

2.4 List the symbol for a transition metal with the

smallest atomic mass.

2.5 Name one property of the element Na

2.6 Give the chemical name of two noble gases

2.7 Give the chemical name for Br

2.8 What is the symbol for element with atomic number 74?

2.9 What is the atomic mass of copper?

2.10 What is the chemical name of the last element in

period 4?

[10 marks]

Lithium reacts with oxygen to produce lithium oxide in the following experiment below. The
product of this reaction is dissolved in water.

3.1 Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of Lithium with Oxygen.


3.2 Name the type of bond found between atoms in Oxygen gas (O2).

_____________________________________________________________________ (2)

3.3 Name the type of bond found between lithium and oxygen atoms in lithium oxide.

_____________________________________________________________________ (1)

3.3 Use Lewis dot diagrams to show how the bond between oxygen and lithium atoms


3.5 Name the glass apparatus used in the experiment. (see missing label on diagram)

______________________________________________________________________ (1)
3.6 Is energy absorbed or released when the bonds between oxygen atoms break
(before oxygen combines with lithium)?

_____________________________________________________________________ (1)

3.7 Litmus paper is dropped into the water where the product of the reaction has
been dissolved. What colour will the litmus paper be?

______________________________________________________________________ (1)

3.8 A similar experiment (with the same apparatus) was performed but sulphur powder
was reacted with oxygen gas.

3.8.1 Name the product of this reaction.

________________________________________________________________ (1)

3.8.2 Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction.


3.8.3 Will the gas produced during this reaction cause a popping sound when
a glowing splint is brought close? Explain.


________________________________________________________________ (2)

[20 marks]

Max Verstappen, this year’s F1 Championship winner, speeds up from 20 m/s to 60m/s in 3
seconds on the straight section of the track.

4.1 Define: acceleration



4.2 Calculate the acceleration of Max’s car.


4.3 What causes Max’s car to accelerate?

______________________________________________________________________ (2)

4.4 Draw the free body diagram of all the forces acting on Max’s car when he is

4.5 Max cross’s the finishing line 100m from the first place position marker. Assume he
travels in a straight line. It takes him 30 seconds to come to a stop,

4.5.1 Define: speed


________________________________________________________________ (2)

4.5.2 Calculate Max’s average speed while coming to a stop.


4.5.3 Name the external force which causes Max’s car to slow down.

________________________________________________________________ (1)

4.5.4 Explain why without the force mentioned in 4.5.3 motion would not be
possible for the F1 car. Refer to Newton’s third law.




_______________________________________________________________ (2)
[20 marks]
Khano and Chichi decide to do an experiment on making their own electrical cell. They
change the concentration of copper sulfate and measure the voltage of the cell.

They use the following apparatus:

Their results are summarised in the table below:

Concentration of Zinc Sulfate Voltage of electrical cell

(mol/dm3) (V)
0,3 1,13
0,8 1,11
1 1,10
1,4 1,09
2 1,08
3 1,07
5.1 Plot a graph of voltage vs concentration of zinc sulfate. (6)

5.2 What happens to the voltage of the cell as the concentration of zinc sulphate


5.3 Which electrode (A or B) should be made out of zinc? _____________________ (1)

5.4. Name the apparatus X.______________________________________________ (1)

5.5. What energy conversion happens inside a cell?

_________________ energy to _______________________ energy (1)

[10 marks]
PHSC Memo G9 Final Exam 2022
1.1 D 1.11 B
1.2 A 1.12 C
1.3 D 1.13 D
1.4 B 1.14 B
1.5 D 1.15 C
1.6 A 1.16 B
1.7 B 1.17 A
1.8 D 1.18 B
1.9 D 1.19 C
1.10 C 1.20 B [20]
2.1 Ag
2.2 201
2.3 Nickel
2.4 Sc
2.5 good conductors/ malleable/ ductile
2.6 Helium, Neon, etc
2.7 Bromine
2.8 W
2.9 63,5
2.10 Krypton (10)

3.1 4Li + O2 à 2 Li2O (4)

3.2 Covalent bond (2)

3.3 ionic bond (1)


3.5 gas jar (1)

3.6 absorbed (1)

3.7 blue (1)

3.8.1 Sulphur dioxide (1)

3.8.2 S + O2 à SO2 (3)

3.8.3 No only hydrogen gives a popping sound when reacting with oxygen. (2)
4.1 rate of change of velocity (2)

4.2 a = v-u /t
= (60 – 20) /3
= 13,33 m/s2 (4)

4.3 unbalanced force (2)



4.5.1 rate of change of distance (2)

4..5.2 s=d/t
= 100 / 30
= 3,33 m/s (3)

4.5.3 friction (1)

4.5.4 friction prevents the tyres from slipping on a road or friction allows a reaction
force to push forward on the tyres as action force is the tyres on the road. (2)


5.1 Heading
Label x axis
Label yaxis
Correct scale on x axis
Points correct
Best for trend line

5.2 voltage decreases

5.3 A

5.4 salt bridge or U tube

5.5 chemical to electrical

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