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AICT (Theory)

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Academic Program: BS Hons

Course Title: Application of ICT

Course Code: GE ICT-1101
Credit Hours: 2
Semester: I/II

Course Description:

Application of ICT is a course to teach the essential ideas of computers to an audience with no
prior computer experience. This course is to discuss the daily life problems in class bringing the
ideas to automation, but without bogging down too much in programming idiosyncrasies. It is
recommended to bring a laptop or tablet to lecture each day to follow along with the work.

Course Objectives

1. Demonstrate understanding of the basic operations of a computer system.

2. Explain the principles of operations for computer systems used in a particular application,
specifically in terms of the systems' hardware and software components.
3. Use computer terminology correctly in the context of a particular application.
4. Discuss and comment on the social impact of the widespread use of computer

Course Outline
Week Content/Activities Learning Essential readings
Week 1 Introduction & Basic Understand basic Pradeep K. Sinha &
Computer Organization, parts of computers Priti Sinha, Computer
Characteristics of and their Fundamentals
Computers, Input Unit, functions.
Output Unit, Storage Understand the Discovering
unit, Central Processing organization of Computers 2012
unit, System concepts computers. Complete by Shelly
Understand the Vermaat Shelly
working of CPU Cashman Series
Week 2 Introduction & Basic Understand ways Pradeep K. Sinha &
Computer Organization, of interaction with Priti Sinha, Computer
Characteristics of computers. How Fundamentals
Computers, Input Unit, the results are
Output Unit, Storage shown on output Discovering
unit, Central Processing devices Computers 2012
unit, System concepts Complete by Shelly
Vermaat Shelly
Cashman Series
Week 3 System development Understand the Pradeep K. Sinha &
steps (SDLC) procedure of Priti Sinha, Computer
Input-Output Devices, development of Fundamentals
Input Types (Keywords, software. Also
Command, Program, understand Discovering
User Response involvement of Computers 2012
user in this Complete by Shelly
process Vermaat Shelly
Cashman Series
Week 4 Input Devices Understand how Pradeep K. Sinha &
(Keyboard, Pointing users can interact Priti Sinha, Computer
devices, Data Scanning with computers. \ Fundamentals
devices, Electronic card what are the
reader, Digitizer, devices used to Discovering
Speech recognition interact with Computers 2012
devices, Vision-input computer Complete by Shelly
system Vermaat Shelly
Cashman Series
Week 5 Output Types (Text, Understand the Pradeep K. Sinha &
Graphics, Audio, interaction of Priti Sinha, Computer
Video), Output Devices computers in the Fundamentals
(CRT Monitors, Flat context of results.
panel display screens Different output Discovering
LCD/LED/Gas Plasma devices used for Computers 2012
result Complete by Shelly
Vermaat Shelly
Cashman Series
Week 6 Printers (Impact & Non- Understand Pradeep K. Sinha &
Impact), Projectors, printers, different Priti Sinha, Computer
Voice Response types of printers Fundamentals
Systems and their different
parts. Discovering
Computers 2012
Complete by Shelly
Vermaat Shelly
Cashman Series
Week 7 Secondary Storage Understand the Pradeep K. Sinha &
Devices, Data Access importance of Priti Sinha, Computer
techniques (Random storage devices Fundamentals
Access, Direct/Semi- and later on
Random, Sequential methods of Discovering
Access retrieval of data. Computers 2012
Complete by Shelly
Vermaat Shelly
Cashman Series
Week 8 Sequential & Direct Understand Pradeep K. Sinha &
Access Devices different memory Priti Sinha, Computer
(Magnetic Tape, devices and their Fundamentals
Magnetic Disk, Optical working
Disk, Memory storage Discovering
devices Computers 2012
(USB/SD/MMC) Complete by Shelly
Vermaat Shelly
Cashman Series
Week Processor & Memory, Understand usage Pradeep K. Sinha &
10 Central Processing Unit of memory within Priti Sinha, Computer
(CU/ALU), Instruction CPU and Fundamentals
set, Registers importance of
memory in solving Discovering
different problems Computers 2012
in CPU Complete by Shelly
Vermaat Shelly
Cashman Series
Week , Primary Storage/Main Understand Pradeep K. Sinha &
11 Memory (RAM, primary and Priti Sinha, Computer
DRAM, SDRAM, secondary storage, Fundamentals
RDRAM, ROM, why we need
PROM, EPROM, secondary storage Discovering
EEPROM), Cache Computers 2012
Memory Complete by Shelly
Vermaat Shelly
Cashman Series
Week Data Communication & Understand the Pradeep K. Sinha &
12 Computer Networks, importance of data Priti Sinha, Computer
Basic elements of sharing and how Fundamentals
Communication system this task is
achieved. Discovering
Computers 2012
Complete by Shelly
Vermaat Shelly
Cashman Series
Week Data Transmission Understand Pradeep K. Sinha &
13 Modes, Data different modes of Priti Sinha, Computer
Transmission Media transmission. What Fundamentals
(Wired & Wireless), are different
Network topologies constraints in Discovering
(Bus, Star, Ring, Mesh, communication Computers 2012
Tree, Hybrid), Complete by Shelly
Vermaat Shelly
Cashman Series
Week Network Types (LAN, Understand Pradeep K. Sinha &
14 WAN, MAN), Network different types of Priti Sinha, Computer
Models (Peer-to-Peer, networks and their Fundamentals
Client-Server), usage and
limitations. Discovering
Computers 2012
Complete by Shelly
Vermaat Shelly
Cashman Series
Week ), Internet (brief Understand the Pradeep K. Sinha &
15 History) history of internet Priti Sinha, Computer
Operating System, Main and importance of Fundamentals
functions of an internet now a days
Operating System and functions of Discovering
(Process Management, operating system Computers 2012
Memory management Complete by Shelly
Vermaat Shelly
Cashman Series
Week File management, Understand file Pradeep K. Sinha &
16 Security), MS Windows management and Priti Sinha, Computer
vs Linux security provided Fundamentals
by the operating
system. Difference Discovering
between windows Computers 2012
and linux Complete by Shelly
Vermaat Shelly
Cashman Series

The course is designed to educate the students about the tremendous potential of Computers as
an instrument for research work in a variety of disciplines.
Course Material
The Slides/PDF files of the recommended Books will be provided by the teacher.
Teaching Methodology
A Teacher-Centered approach will be followed. Multimedia Presentation and Handouts will be
used for the demonstration of the contents.

Time Allocation:
Two Lectures of 60 minutes duration each will be delivered weekly.
Semester Work (Quizzes/Assignment/Project/Term Paper): 30 Marks
Midterm Paper: 20 Marks
Final Term Paper: 50 Marks
Assessment Rubrics / Performance Descriptors
Content/ Unsatisfact Novice/ Proficient Advanced Exemplary
Criteria ory/No Unable to 3-5 Marks 6-8 Marks 9-10 Marks
Response Finish
0 Mark 1-2 Marks
Question No Attempt Vague Shows a Answer is correct. Answer is correct.
understanding Little Shows a good Shows an excellent
of the idea understandin understanding of understanding of
and improper g of the problem. But with problem. No errors
demonstrate problem. The few errors in in formatting.
how to solve proposed formatting. Do not show the work
the problem, solution is show the work related or
solution is not meeting related or supported to the
Incomplete the supported to the answer and easy to
requirements answer, Or not follow
or Answer is easy to follow
not correct.

Resource Books/Materials:

1. Peter Norton (2006), Introduction to Computers, (6th Ed), McGraw-Hill.

2. Brian K. Williams, Stacey C. Sawyer (2015), Using Information Technology: A Practical
Introduction to Computer & Communications, (11th Ed), McGraw-Hill.
3. Pradeep K. Sinha & Priti Sinha, Computer Fundamentals (8th edition)
4. COMPUTERS T.O.D.A.Y by Donald H. Sanders ISBN:0070546827
5. Discovering Computers 2012 Complete by Shelly Vermaat Shelly Cashman Serie ISBN-
13: 978-1-4239-1198-2

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