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The Evolution of Arches As Lightweight Structures - Cottbus - 22.11.08

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Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Construction History, Cottbus, May 2009

The Evolution of Arches as Lightweight Structures - a history of

empiricism and science

Dr. N.K. Burford, Dr F.W.Smith

Dundee School of Architecture / Division of Civil Engineering, The University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, UK

Prof, Dr. Ing. C. Gengnagel

School of Architectre, University of the Arts, Berlin, Germany.

ABSTRACT: Arches have been an enduring structural form of traditional, Gothic and Renaissance architecture
since the Romans brought them to prominence some 2000 years ago. However, it wasn’t until the Industrial
Revolution and the advent of new, high strength, lightweight materials that a step-change was made to the
form, span and construction of arches with the introduction of the first lightweight, filigree arch structure at
Coalbrookdale in 1779. The advent of the tensile restrained arch occurred shortly thereafter due to the need
to provide significantly larger span structures, more efficiently and economically. Over the next 100 years,
spurred by the railway construction boom, there followed unprecedented innovation in materials and
construction techniques. By the 1930’s, the advent of new steel technologies and simpler methods of analysis
meant that the further development and applications for tensile restrained arches rapidly declined. More
recently, there has been a gradual re-emergence of the tensile restrained arch in a number of significant
architectural projects.


“ARCH (n). An architectural term: a material curve sustained by gravity as rapture by grief.” Ian Hamilton-
Finlay, Bridge at Little Sparta, 2001
The arch is one of the oldest structural elements of traditional architecture. Historically it appears in two typical
forms: the rigid masonry arch constructed from natural stones or bricks, or the flexible arch constructed from
wood, bamboo and reed bunches (bales) (Figure 1). The masonry arch became quite important in the
architecture of the antiquity and was first fully exploited by the Romans as the underlying structure for bridges,
aqueducts and drainage systems. The form of the traditional arch developed empirically over a long period of
time, the first common shapes being the circular arch, later replaced in the Norman period between (1066 –
1154) by the pointed arch, with the circular arch being re-used again during the Renaissance of antiquity.
Throughout this time, aesthetics required ever increasing spans most evident in the great cathedrals of Europe
such as at the 12th Century Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres. A consequence of this was an increase in
the slenderness of arches which resulted in more and more structures failing. The principal reasons were high
thrusts at the abutments and horizontal settlement which could not be accommodated in masonry arches
unable to carry bending and tension forces. The need for increased spans provided the impetus for Leonardo
da Vinci (1452-1519) to undertake the first scientific study of the structural behaviour of arches. Hooke (1635-
1703) and Gregory (1661-1708) developed the analogy between the catenary and the thrust line, which gave
Poleni (1681-1761) in combination with Newton’s parallelogram of forces, the basis for his famous study of the
cupola of the Saint Peter’s Dome at Florence circa (1419). Thereafter a simple graphical method to determine
the thrust line for the dead load was developed. Further research by de la Hire (1640-1718), Coulomb (1736-
1806), Navier (1785-1836), Bernoulli (1700 – 1782) and Poncelet (1788-1867) led to the underlying basis for
contemporary structural engineering and finally, in 1869, to a method of analysis for three-pin, two-pin and
fixed arches by Winkler (!835-1888).
Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Construction History, May 2009

Figure 1: Traditional arch constructions – Pont du Gard, Nimes, France and Mudhif reed construction of the
Marsh Arabs, Iraq


An arch is a continuous-curved, planar, structural element normally lying in a vertical plane designed to
support predominantly vertical loads (Plane Arch). A key feature of an arch is its ability to transfer external
loads through mainly, compressive forces to its supports. Because this produces horizontal and vertical support
reactions at both ends, the adequacy of the structure depends upon the ability of the supports to resist the
horizontal components of force without excessive movement. If one end of the arch is not restrained
horizontally the behaviour changes to that of a curved beam, carrying the loads dominantly in bending with
the added problem that the span will change depending on the loading. This structure, which is statically
determinate and simpler to analyse is often used in space enclosure applications in place of arches in
situations where the foundations are incapable of resisting the horizontal loads. Plane arches are usually
classified by their support conditions of which there are three principal types.

Fixed Arch
Fixed arches are the most efficient form of arch due to their stiffness, but rely on solid abutments to provide the
necessary vertical, horizontal and rotational reactions. Since there are three reactions at each support making
a total of six unknowns, only three equilibrium equations can be formed making the arch indeterminate to the
third degree. A relative settlement or rotation of the supports can introduce additional significant stresses. The
fixed arched system is typically used in insitu concrete arch structures due to the nature of the construction
methods but is seldom used as solutions in lightweight applications especially mobile or transformable

Two-Pin Arch
Two-pin arches are a common form of structure as the pinned supports allow the rotation of the arch at the
ends under load, temperature changes and horizontal support settlements, making them relatively flexible and
less prone to developing high bending stresses. With four reaction forces and three equilibrium equations these
structures are indeterminate to the first degree.

Three-Pin Arch
Three–Pin arches contain an additional pin usually located at the crown of the structure. The additional pin
allows the supports to move independently without developing bending stresses in the two halves of the arch.
This structure is statically determinate. For this reason they are not sensitive to vertical and horizontal settlement
or temperature changes. This feature and their relatively simple analysis were behind the widespread use of
these systems from the end of the 19th Century until the Mid-20th Century. The use of a tie between the arch
supports turns the structure of two pin and three pin arches into closed systems. This feature is useful where the
supports are incapable of providing the required horizontal reactions, such as the situation of a station canopy
supported on slender masonry walls. The arch in this case behaves as an independent unit, since the tie carries
the horizontal component of thrust between the ends, leaving the supports to carry only vertical reactions. This
type of arch is a self stable system that does not require horizontal support forces and is comparatively
unaffected by vertical settlements of the supports. These forms of arch are common solutions for mobile and
lightweight structures and can be used in conjunction with two-pin and three-pin arch configurations.
Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Construction History, May 2009

The geometry of an arch is often a compromise between structural and material efficiency and architectural
considerations, such as a specific profile of enclosure, a determinate form of the building, traditional
aesthetics or manufacturing and erection constraints. Commonly used shapes are (Figure 2.):
- parabolic arch
- circular segment arch (Roman)
- two-centred arch (Norman, Gothic, Arabic and transitional)
- three-centred arch (Basket Arch)
- transitionally curved arch (semi-ellipse, spline etc)

Figure 2: Typical arch shapes defined by physical and ergonomic constraints


Although an arch carries its loading primarily in compression it may also be subject to bending depending on
its form and loading (provided the material is capable of carrying bending). If an arch is made in the form of
the mirror image of a hanging chain suspended under a certain set of loads, only compressive forces will
develop in the arch in this case. For any other loading condition, the chain will adapt its shape to the new
load. The thrust line of the forces in the arch will mirror the adapted shape of the chain when inverted and the
eccentricity between the new thrust line and the centre line of the arch will produce bending moments in the
rigid arch. While each load case produces a unique thrust line there are a number of dominant thrust lines that
are often used for the design of arches.
- a parabola for uniform vertical load;
- a catenary for uniform load along the length of the arch;
- a circular arch for uniform radial force (such as hydrostatic pressure).


With the absence of a dominant load case, such as the dead weight of heavy masonry arches, the design of
arches for lightweight structures is determined by the intelligent handling of the bending caused by the
deviation between the thrust lines and the main geometry of the arch. Slender arches are also susceptible to
out-of-plane buckling but in the following this action is not considered and it is assumed that the arch is
constrained against that action. A number of methods can be used either separately or in conjunction with
one another to improve the performance of lightweight arches.

Shape Optimisation
Bending moments occurring under different load conditions can be reduced by optimising the curvature of
the arch to suit the envelope of the thrust lines associated with the main load cases. However, this is not always
possible in space enclosures where the enclosure section is more often determined by the ergonomics of the
space, buildability and aesthetic considerations.

Cross Section Optimisation

For any element subject to bending, placing the material of the cross section away from the centre of the
section (while providing adequate shear connection between the flanges) will make it more efficient. In an
Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Construction History, May 2009

arch, this produces additional savings in materials and weight because the deviation between the thrust line
and the centre of the section is less in an arch than in a beam for the same span.

Reduction of Support Thrusts

Arches are more efficient structures than beams due to their ability to carry load primarily as axial
compression, but at the expense of requiring larger foundation abutments to provide the necessary horizontal
reactions. The horizontal reaction at the supports is proportional to the total load and to the span, and
inversely proportional to the rise of the arch. By making the arch as light as possible with a rise as high as
economically feasible, it is possible to minimise the thrust for a given span.

Use of Tensile Restraint Systems

In a plane arch, large differences between the thrust lines and the main geometry of the arch will produce
large bending moments. One method to significantly reduce the development of bending is to tie together or
restrain points along the arch chord. This restraining system introduces a new set of forces that has the effect of
reducing overall bending. At the same time, it effectively reduces the buckling length of the arch chord, and
hence improves its efficiency under compression. With restraining systems, a greater degree of design
freedom can be achieved, allowing the arch chord shape to be more easily manipulated for different
ergonomic and aesthetic constraints. The mixture of an arch chord carrying principally axial compression and
a restraining system carrying tension produces an efficient structural solution with reduced weight, increased
stiffness and potentially lower cost. Such structures that minimise compression elements and maximise tension
elements or tension fields, potentially provide the lowest weight, cost / volume enclosed (kg£/m3) with their
essentially minimum and minimal use of materials. A large number of alternative solutions of tensile restrained
arch enclosure systems are possible using this basic concept but with different structural, spatial and aesthetic


The first lightweight arches were designed by Philibert de l´Orme (1510-1570), constructed from a number of
wooden elements (Figure 3). In contrast to the traditional ‘heavy’ masonry arch, his structures were made from
short thick boards and achieved their stiffness using coupled circular and pointed arches in a single system.
This basic construct was further developed by later designers providing the basis for a huge number of
wooden trussed arch structures used in wide span structures at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the
19th century. During this period the design of arches would be revolutionised by the introduction of the new
high strength materials: cast and wrought iron. The first arch bridge, constructed from high strength cast iron
was built in 1779 in Coalbrookdale, illustrating the opportunities afforded by these new materials to build
structures composed of discrete, thin, straight and curved, compression elements.

Figure 3: Wooden arch structure by Philibert de l´Orme, according Nouvelles Inventions,156 and Iron Bridge,
Coalbrookdale, England

It was with the development of wrought iron with its higher tensile strength that made it possible for designers
to develop the first truly lightweight filigree restrained structures, like the roof structure of the Theatre Francais in
Paris, (1786). This example clearly shows the attempts to control the stability of the new slender structure by
tying intermediate points around the arch circumference using a multiplicity of tensile members. With better
understanding of stability problems and the need for bigger spans to cover larger railway termini, arch
structures became more and more lightweight and transparent. While the roof structure of the Station Gare de
l´Est in Paris, (1847-52) comprises an addition of a comparatively simple tensile restraining system, the basic
idea to support the arch at the quarter points shows a clear understanding of the stability problem and led to
a very light structure. Following on from this project, some of most impressive examples of restrained roof
structures were to arise with the arches of Victoria Station, London (1862), Lime Street Station, Liverpool (1892)
or the Münchner Hauptbahnhof (1847-1849). In the latter two examples the efficiency of the restraining systems
was improved by the introduction of tensile diagonals. The twin roof structures of the Schlesischer Bahnhof in
Berlin, (1879-82) show the changes in arch design that appeared with the new method of analysis by Winkler
Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Construction History, May 2009

for indeterminate systems and is one of the first examples of the application of rolled steel as a substitute for
the more expensive wrought iron. Later, restrained arch systems were gradually replaced by two-pin and
three-pin trussed arches. The opulence of form and the lightness afforded by the use of restraining systems was
discarded for the easily calculable, determinate and (arguably) economical solutions provided by trussed
arches, although their supports had to provide the necessary horizontal reaction to maintain their stability.
Independent from these developments, Vladimir G. Suchov (1853-1939) designed a number of highly efficient
restrained arch structures. As well as designing some extremely innovative lightweight structures he invented a
fundamentally new method to restrain arches by using diagonal tension members connected between the
arch supports to points on the opposite side of the arch. Under asymmetrical loads the un-prestressed tensile
elements restrained the outward deflection of the arch sides, thereby reducing the global deformation and
the associated bending moments. This simple system not only provided a highly efficient means of restraining
the arch using less material, but made the analysis easier by transforming the indeterminate two-pin arch into
a determinate system for a load case where the diagonal tensile elements are slackening on one side only.
The restrained arch developed for the glass roof of the exhibition hall at Novgorod (1895) was the first wide
span structure designed in this manner and is a great example of creative engineering based on scientific
analysis and knowledge. Freyssinet adopted Suchov’s system for the falsework of his great concrete airship
hangars (1921-23) with a span of 88 m. Apart from the wooden roof structure for the railway station at Malmö,
(1923), these elegant, economically restrained arch structures simply stopped being developed for a long
period before being reinvented at the end of the 20th century with the structures of Jörg Schlaich and Peter
Rice et al. The main reasons for the decline of braced arch during this time may be due to two principal
factors: the comparative simplicity by which two-pin, three-pin and fixed arches could be analysed meant
engineers were reluctant to develop different and more complex systems, designing systems that were easily
calculated; and the introduction of relatively inexpensive high strength standard rolled steel sections, allowed
the realization of very large span arch structures which behaved as rigid truss beam systems, like the famous
Galerie des Machines at Paris 1889. In 1989 Jörg Schlaich adopted the idea of a bicycle wheel for his
restraining system for the grid shell of a glass roof at Hamburg. Following this, Peter Rice designed a series of
braced arch systems, some of them based on the ideas of Suchov. The basis for the development of this latest
generation of arch restraining systems lies in the intelligent use of prestress which increases the efficiency of the
basic restraining system by reducing initial deflections and therefore the bending of the structural system
resulting in very light and elegant constructions. Other than the creativity of engineers like Rice and Schlaich,
the primary reason for this renaissance of new restraining systems has been the ability to more easily analyse
complex indeterminate structural systems made possible by modern computers and the use of the new FE
Analysis Methods. Additionally, a new focus on sustainable construction coupled with new directions in
architectural aesthetics, forms and technology means that a greater emphasis has been placed on creative
and experimental design and on structures employing lower material content and containing lower
embodied energy.


From the examples it is possible to derive a number of principle types of restrained arch (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Types of tensile restrained arch

Hub Systems
The restraining elements are disposed between points on the arch chord and one or more ‘fixed or free-hubs’
located within the area subscribed by the arch chord. Typically these solutions are used in roof enclosures
where the arch is propped on walls or columns and the internal volume contained by the arch does not have
a functional use e.g. atria and rail shed enclosures.

Radial Systems
The restraining elements are disposed between the arch supports and one or more points on the arch chord.
These solutions are used in similar applications to the above but potentially provide higher levels of structural
and material efficiency because the ties directly restrain the arch chord from a fixed support.
Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Construction History, May 2009

Chord Systems
The restraining elements are disposed between pairs of points along the arch chord. In these systems there is a
fine balance between the degree of discretisation of the chord and the degree of trussing action provided by
the ties. This form of restraining system tends to be quite efficient in terms of material use and ergonomics but
less efficient structurally.

Truss Systems
These are the most widespread solution and the most diverse in terms of the arrangement of the elements. In
all cases, the restraining elements closely follow the path of the arch chord providing improved ergonomics to
that of radial and hub systems and better structural efficiency to that of chord systems. Another beneficial
feature of truss systems is the flexibility in the position of the restraining system in relation to the arch, such that it
may be positioned inside, outside or both sides of the chord depending on the ergonomic and structural

Mixed Systems
These systems combine one or more of the above systems in a single structure and are normally used in
situations where there are a number of dominant load cases.

A very large number of alternative solutions of tensile restrained arch enclosure systems are possible by
applying the basic restraining system types using different structural, spatial and aesthetic criteria. Historically,
restraining systems were used in many different forms depending on the loading, ergonomic, aesthetic,
economic and buildability requirements of the enclosure (Figure 5). The first examples were developed during
the period 1889 – 1923 to provide efficient, widespan enclosures principally for train sheds during the railway
construction boom. The construction of so many different solutions was made possible due to the availability
of new materials (cast and wrought iron) having higher tensile strengths than timber and the ability to form
these into discrete, thin, linear and curved members that were also easier to connect together. The detail
design of early restrained arch systems adapted timber jointing technology and applied this to the element
connection design without fully realising the potential of the new materials. However, known concerns with
attaining consistent material properties (particularly tensile strength) and the unfamiliar nature of the materials
meant that many of these early examples were over-structured with additional elements being used to help
reduce material stresses. This is particularly evident in arch chord cross-section designs which rely on complex
fabricated truss sections comprised of short members to reduce bending stresses in the chord section. Similarly
the tensile restraining elements are comparatively short probably due in part to the difficulties inherent in
fabricating long elements of consistent mechanical properties in wrought iron. As a result these early tensile
restrained arches failed to fully capitalise on their true structural and aesthetic potential which in some cases
produced inelegant and visually confusing solutions. One of the principle differences between the early
restrained arches and the later 20th Century examples has been in the development of high strength constant
section steel profiles and high strength steel cables and their connections. These new materials and more
sophisticated fabrication processes permitted the development of improved member section shapes to take
account of the higher tensile strengths of the material. Modern, numerically based, cold forming and
cambering processes now permit standard structural sections of various dimensions to be curved to single or
multi-centred curves on the major (y-y) axis producing smooth accurate bends whilst maintaining the section
geometry, essential for architectural steelwork. In parallel, modern welding technologies have significantly
contributed to improved mechanical and aesthetic design allowing the fabrication of continuous chord
sections without needing bulky and unsightly splice plates. These developments allow the arch chord to be
easily and economically curved to a desired enclosure cross-section, while maintaining a high level of
bending stiffness and consistent jointing between chord sections without the jointing becoming a dominant
feature in the member profile. High strength and stiffness steel rope technologies currently used in the majority
of contemporary restraining systems are made in a wide range of cross-section diameters and are low weight,
visually light and provide consistent properties. These materials coupled with a range of standard end-fitting
systems, make it easier and more economical to form connections between elements permitting much higher
levels of prestressing. These reasons account in part for the recent rise in the large number of more complex
truss type restraining systems. Truss systems combining thin arch chords carrying principally axial compression
and complex triangulated restraining systems carrying principally tension produces efficient structural solutions
with reduced weight, increased stiffness and potentially lower costs. They have the added advantage that
they provide a greater degree of design freedom as the main geometry of the arch chord can be more easily
manipulated for different ergonomic and aesthetic constraints while being able to control the stiffness of the
structure through the use of an appropriate tensile restraining system that does not impede significantly on the
internal space of the enclosure. With the very recent unprecedented development in new organic polymeric
fibre technologies and other high strength materials, particularly composites and metal alloy technologies it is
arguable that another step-change in the design of lightweight filigree tension restrained structures is possible.
However, to date these materials have largely been used as substitutes for existing materials without fully
capitalizing on their intrinsic properties or potentials.
Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Construction History, May 2009

Burford, N.K: 2004, The Use of a Lightweight, Transformable, Fabric Web Restrained Arch in Rapidly Deployed
Mobile Shelters, PhD Dissertation, University of Dundee.
Burford N.K.; Gengnagel C.; Smith F.W, 2006, Restrained Arches, Stahlbau (Structural Steelwork), Ernst + Sohn,
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH + Co, Berlin, 75. Jahrgang, Heft 8, ISSN 0038-9145).
Gengnagel, C. 2005, Mobile Membrankonstruktionen, Dissertation, Schriftenreihe des Lehrstuhls für Tragwerks-
planung Band 12, Technische Universität München, ISBN 3-938660-07-4.
Graefe, R.(Hrsg), 1989. Zur Geschichte des Konstruierens, DVA, Stuttgart.
Graefe R.; M. Gappoev, O.; Pertschi.; 1990, Vladimir G. Suchov 1853-1939, Die Kunst der sparsamen Konstrukti-
on DVA, Stuttgart.
Hooke, R., 1676, Description of Helioscopes, and some other Instruments, London.
Mislin, M., 1988, Geschichte der Baukonstruktionen und der Bautechnik – Von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit- Eine
Einführung, Düsseldorf : Werner Verlag.
Rice, P.: 1994, An engineer imagines / Peter Rice, Artemis, London Zürich München.
Schlaich J., 2000, Bahnsteighallen leicht, weit, hell – Lehrter Bahnhof in Berlin, (In: Verkehrsbauten, published in
the series Geschichte des Bauingenieurwesens, Lehrstuhl für Baukonstruktion , Technische Universität Mün-
Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Construction History, May 2009

Figure 5: Historical developments in lightweight, tensile restrained arches

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