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Doi 10.1016 J.jvoice.2005.12.006

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A Novel Treatment for Hypophonic Voice:

Twang Therapy

*†Lori E. Lombard and ‡Kimberly M. Steinhauer

*Indiana and †‡Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Summary: A hypophonic voice, characterized perceptually as weak and

breathy, is associated with voice disorders such as vocal fold atrophy and uni-
lateral vocal fold paralysis. Although voice therapy programs for hypophonia
typically address the vocal folds or the sound source, twang voice quality was
examined in this study as an alternative technique for increasing vocal power
by altering the epilarynx or the sound filter. Objective: This study investigated
the effect of twang production on physiologic, acoustic, and perceived voice
handicap measures in speakers with hypophonia. Design/Methods: This pro-
spective pilot study compared the vocal outcomes of six participants with hy-
pophonia at pre- and posttreatment time points. Outcome measures included
mean airflow rate, intensity in dB sound pressure level (SPL), maximum pho-
nation time, and self-report of voice handicap. Results: All subjects improved
in at least three of the four vocal outcome measures. Wilcoxon signed-rank
test of paired differences revealed significant differences between pre- and
posttherapy group means for airflow rate, SPL, and Voice Handicap Index
scores. Conclusion: The twang voice quality as a manipulation of the sound
filter offers a clinical complement to traditional voice therapies that primarily
address the sound source.
Key Words: Twang—Hypophonia—Voice therapy—Epilarynx.

INTRODUCTION most prevalent voice disorders among older

Hypophonic voice secondary to unilateral vocal adults.1,2 UVFP is caused typically by peripheral
fold paralysis (UVFP) or atrophy is one of the involvement of the recurrent laryngeal nerve,
whereas vocal fold atrophy is associated with de-
generative neurologic disease or aging. Perceptual
Accepted for publication December 20, 2005. characteristics of hypophonic voice include low
Presented at the Voice Foundation 29th Annual Symposium: intensity, breathiness, and diplophonia.
Care of the Professional Voice, June 2000, Philadelphia, PA. Although the quantity of systematic assessments
From the *Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Pennsylvania; †University of Pittsburgh Voice Center, Pitts- of these disorders far outnumbers the quantity of
burgh, Pennsylvania; and the ‡VA Pittsburgh Healthcare Sys- systematic treatment programs, current interven-
tem, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Communication tions for hypophonia include both surgical and be-
Science and Disorders, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Lori Lom-
havioral approaches. Surgical options include vocal
bard, 203 Davis Hall, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, fold augmentation for mild glottal incompetence
Indiana, PA 15705. E-mail: and medialization for more significant glottal
Journal of Voice, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 294–299 gaps.3–5 Concurrent voice therapy often is advo-
Ó 2007 The Voice Foundation cated to enhance postsurgical outcomes; yet, over
doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2005.12.006 50% of patients are reluctant to select surgical


intervention when offered voice therapy as a less aryepiglottic sphincter and forming an inertive vo-
invasive alternative.4 However, there are little data cal tract, the speaker can improve vocal fold oscil-
on the effectiveness of voice therapy alone.6 lation, increase amplitude of the speaker’s/singer’s
Thus far, behavioral treatment of hypophonic formant, and capitalize on the vocal ring necessary
voice has addressed the pathophysiology of the vo- for resonant voice projection. In addition, the glot-
cal folds, or sound source, through approaches such tal/epilaryngeal ratio for twang quality is predicted
as forceful adduction exercises and the Vocal Func- to approximate 1 due to the small glottis paired
tion Exercise program (VFE).6,7 The therapy tech- with the small epilarynx; for this reason, theories
nique presented in this article is novel because it of impedance matching also predict that twang
approaches the hypophonic voice via constriction should be an acoustically powerful voice quality.14
of the epilarynx, or filter, using production of If optimizing resonance via twang is possible by
a ‘‘twang’’ voice quality. The authors postulated speakers with a healthy larynx, then epilaryngeal
that the same twang quality used to boost vocal constriction by speakers with atrophy or UVFP
power of the expert speaker or singer8 might pro- may increase power in otherwise breathy, weak
vide a much-needed boost in vocal power to pa- voices. For this reason, Twang was explored as
tients with a weak, breathy voice. a method to improve the voice quality of six pa-
Twang is the bright, brassy, ringing voice quality tients exhibiting hypophonic voice. The primary
commonly heard in country-western singing, witch aim was to determine the effect of twang therapy
cackling, a child’s ‘‘nya, nya’’ taunt, and is equated on aerodynamic, acoustic, and perceptual voice
often with duck quacking. Physiologically, twang is outcomes in speakers with hypophonic voice as
produced by narrowing the epilarynx via constric- measured at pre- and posttherapy. The authors
tion of the aryepiglottic sphincter.8,9 The acoustic hypothesized that the twang speaking technique
outcome of narrowing this laryngeal vestibule is produced by adults with atrophy or UVFP will sig-
a clustering of the third, fourth, and fifth formants nificantly decrease average airflow, increase mean
resulting in a higher amplitude of all vowel spectra sound pressure level (SPL), increase maximum
in the vicinity of 3.0 kHz.10 Perceptually, the voice phonation time (MPT), and decrease patient report
is amplified with piercing intensity because this on the Voice Handicap Index (VHI).15
increase in energy between 2.8 and 4.3 kHz
corresponds with the resonant frequency of the ex-
ternal auditory meatus; as a result, fundamental fre- METHOD
quencies below 1.0 kHz receive a boost of 15–20 Subjects
dB in sound transmitted to the middle ear without Six women between 52 and 73 years of age seek-
an increase in vocal effort by the speaker.8 This pro- ing treatment for hypophonic voice at The Univer-
duction has been exploited by expert speakers and sity of Pittsburgh Voice Center participated in this
singers to boost vocal resonance or ‘‘squillo’’ and study. Consent was obtained before initiation of
is referred to as the speaker’s ring or singer’s for- the study. Four participants were identified with vo-
mant.8,10–12 cal fold atrophy and two with UVFP. Participants
A nonlinear theory of voice production9,13 attri- were selected after diagnosis of atrophy or UVFP
butes this brilliant increase in acoustic power cou- via endoscopic examination by a board-certified
pled with a relative ease in physical production to otolaryngologist. Exclusion criteria included dys-
the properties of a vocal tract that is narrowed at phagia. None of the participants had prior exposure
the epilarynx and free above—a configuration that to the experimental voice task; yet, two subjects
avoids interference with articulators involved in previously sought voice therapy at another clinic.
vowel production (ie, tongue, lips, velum). Accord-
ing to this theory, the inertive vocal tract enhances Apparatus
vocal fold vibration because the supraglottal pres- Data collection for pre- and posttherapy evalua-
sure driving the airflow is synchronous with the tions included an evaluation by an otolaryngologist
velocity of the vocal folds. By constricting the using flexible endoscopy and/or rigid endoscopy

Journal of Voice, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2007


and an evaluation by a certified speech-language verbalize their production strategy. Once a strategy
pathologist. The baseline voice analysis data were was established, task five of extended phrase length
collected in a sound-treated room. Subjects were was introduced to facilitate the subject’s ability to
seated, and the mask from the Kay Elemetrics implement the technique during speech phrases
Aerophone (Kay Elemetrics Corporation, Lincoln that were more complex. After consistency and per-
Park, NJ) with pressure-flow sensors and a micro- ceptual voice quality naturalness was achieved,
phone was pressed securely over their mouth and subjects were asked to rate their vocal effort and/
nose. Subjects produced the stimulus /pI/ five times or fatigue. If self-perceptions included a sense of
in succession. The middle three syllable produc- physical strain, task two was repeated to establish
tions were analyzed to obtain the measures of the target without effort. With task five completed,
mean airflow rate and sound pressure level. Patients participants were asked to implement the technique
were then asked to take as deep of a breath as pos- in conversational speech for a week. If participants
sible and sustain /a/ as long as possible. Repeated reported success without perceptions of physical ef-
measures in seconds were obtained with a standard fort or strain, they were discharged from therapy.
stopwatch. The VHI, a patient self-report instru- Total number of therapy sessions per subject ranged
ment that quantifies perceptions of disability sec- from 2 to 8. All subjects were scheduled for a re-
ondary to voice use, was completed by each evaluation for data collection 1 month after the
subject before and after treatment.15 end of therapy. Due to scheduling conflicts, data
collection after therapy ranged from 3 weeks to 9
General procedures weeks.
Voice tasks for twang therapy
After initial evaluation, subjects received 30- Measurements
minute, individual, weekly voice therapy sessions Three types of measurements were taken from
with a certified speech-language pathologist. A se- each participant: physiologic, acoustic, and quality
ries of tasks was facilitated by the clinician to elicit of life. The physiologic measures were mean air-
the target behavior of twang resonance. The first flow rate (MFR) and MPT. These measurements
task was imitation without instruction. The clini- represented coordination between laryngeal and re-
cian produced rote speech (eg, days of the week) spiratory systems. MFR was collected while sub-
using twang resonance. The subject was asked to jects produced CV string /pI/ five times using the
imitate the same voice quality and was provided Aerophone apparatus described above. Data were
no behavioral instructions. The second task was analyzed on the middle three productions. MPT
imitation of the clinician using the twang with the was collected by having the subjects sustain /a/ as
most facilitative sounds and words (eg, /ae/, long as possible.16 The acoustic measurement was
‘‘maybe,’’ ‘‘back’’). To prevent excess vocal effort mean SPL as an indication of power. Mean SPL
and increase naturalness, task three included more was collected while subjects produced CV string /
imitation of the same targets as task two except pI/ five times using the Aerophone apparatus de-
with the instruction to minimize articulatory effort. scribed above. The VHI,17 the perceptual measure,
Subjects were frequently probed to evaluate and re- was used as a quality-of-life tool that represents
duce vocal and articulatory effort. Once consistency patient self-assessment of the emotional, physical,
of the twang targets was established, task four, neg- and functional aspects of their voice. The 30-item
ative practice, was introduced to establish a propri- VHI asks the patient to answer each voice-related
oceptive understanding. Subjects were asked to question on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from
repeat the twang target (ie, the sound or word ‘‘0,’’ ‘‘never’’ felt this way about the voice prob-
with which they had the most accuracy and consis- lem, to ‘‘4,’’ ‘‘always’’ felt this to be an issue.
tency). Then they were asked to alternate the target
with counting to three using their baseline voice Statistical analysis
quality, which was typically breathy and weak. Af- Due to the exploratory nature of the study and
ter the task, subjects were asked to identify and small sample size, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test

Journal of Voice, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2007


of paired differences was used to analyze differ- TABLE 2. Means and Standard Deviations () for
ences between the pre- and postscores for each Pre- and Posttwang Therapy Time Points
dependent measure. Actual data (Table 1) and de- Outcome Measure Pre Post
scriptive statistics (Table 2) for each subject will
be reported. MFR (mL/sc)* 579.5 (195) 278.3 (130.3)
MPT (sc) 12.8 (4.3) 15.5 (2.1)
Intensity (SPL)* 71.2 (3.3) 75.3 (2.1)
RESULTS VHI* 51.8 (13.1) 33.0 (12.2)
Results are presented according to type of depen- *P ! 0.05.
dent measure and data for each subject are offered
in Table 1.
between the combined pre–post-therapy group
Physiologic measures means (Table 2).
From pre to posttherapy time points, MFR de- Perceptual measure
creased substantially for every subject indicating VHI
improvement in glottal-respiratory efficiency for From pre- to posttherapy time points, VHI total
these hypophonic subjects. The Wilcoxon signed- score decreased for all subjects indicating a per-
rank test of paired differences revealed a significant ceived decrease in the negative impact of their
difference between the combined pre–post-therapy voice disorder on daily living. Paired Wilcoxon
group means (Table 2). signed-rank tests revealed a significant difference
between the combined pre- to posttherapy group
MPT means (Table 2).
From pre- to posttherapy time points, MPT in-
creased for four subjects, decreased for one subject,
and remained unchanged for one subject. Although
the results are encouraging, paired Wilcoxon Results from this pilot study revealed that the use
signed-rank tests revealed no significant pre–post- of twang quality as an intervention for hypophonia
therapy differences. was a successful alternative for rehabilitation of the
weak voice. All subjects improved on one or more
Acoustic measure of the voice outcome measures indicating that
SPL manipulations of the epilarynx, or filter, can influ-
From pre- to posttherapy time points, SPL in- ence vocal output power even when vocal fold
creased for five subjects and decreased minimally oscillation, or sound source, is compromised. An
for one subject indicating an increase in vocal out- audibly stronger voice was verified by improvements
put power due to twang quality. Paired Wilcoxon in acoustic, physiologic, and voice-related self-
signed-rank tests revealed a significant difference assessment measures, ie, decreased MFR, increased
SPL, increased MPT, and decreased VHI score.
TABLE 1. Data for Subjects at Pre- and Posttwang The dominating theory underlying traditional hy-
Therapy Time Points pophonic voice therapy is a linear model that views
MFR MPT SPL VHI the vocal folds as the source, the vocal tract above
the vocal folds as the filter, and the respiratory sys-
Subject No. Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post tem as driving power force.18 Therefore, popular
1 641 305 21 19 68.6 78.9 55 43 interventions exploit breath support and phonatory
2 655 322 14 14 68.2 75.9 67 28 exercises such as sustained phonation, pitch glides,
3 306 215 9 16 68.8 72.6 64 47 and forceful adduction in a bottom-up fashion to in-
4 550 499 11 16 72.4 75.2 37 21 crease vocal output power.
5 721 122 13 13 77.1 74.4 29 18
A recent, contrasting theory of vocal out-
6 466 207 11 15 72.2 74.7 76 41
put power9 presents source-filter interactions as

Journal of Voice, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2007


a nonlinear dynamic model in which the shape of acquiring the twang technique. Remarkably, five
the filter, in this case, epilaryngeal space right of the six subjects acquired the twang quality
above the vocal folds, can optimize the oscillatory within two sessions.
pattern of the vocal folds below (the source). In ad- The encouraging results from this pilot study
dition, Titze14 used computer simulations to exam- provide a starting point for future research explor-
ine the effect of glottal-to-epilaryngeal cross- ing the mechanisms and effectiveness of twang
sectional area ratios on radiated oral vocal output quality as an intervention for hypophonic voice. Al-
power. Predictions were based on the Maximum though caution must be taken when interpreting the
Power Transfer Theorem for simple electrical cir- results of studies with a small sample size, the clin-
cuits that states output power should be maximized ical evidence for twang as an impetus for increasing
as the ratio of source and load impedance ap- vocal power from these six subjects is powerful as
proaches 1.0. The results of the simulation sup- observed in the selected measures. Future studies
ported the hypotheses and revealed that voice should compare the relationship between twang
output power was maximized as the ratio of glottal technique and additional voice outcomes, such as
source impedance and vocal tract (epilarynx) load intensity between 2.0- and 3.5-kHz bandwidth.
impedance approached 1.0. Increases of acoustic energy in this region were
According to Titze’s theory, two voice qualities observed in this pilot study but not quantified. In
were predicted to meet the optimal impedance addition, effectiveness of the twang technique
matching configurations: yawn sigh, with a large should be tested using a larger sample size within
glottis and large epilarynx, and twang quality, a prospective, randomized, controlled design.
with a small glottis and small epilarynx. For this
reason, the authors hypothesized that the epilaryng-
eal narrowing in twang quality first facilitated vocal CONCLUSION
fold oscillation, thus leading to a longer closed
The authors explored twang technique as a strat-
phase. In turn, this small glottis balanced with
egy for treating the weak, breathy, hypophonic
a small epilarynx may have generated an efficient
voice. Preliminary results showed that speakers
source/filter ratio that shifted closer to one. An ad-
with hypophonia who produced twang quality de-
vantage of this new glottal/epilaryngeal relationship
creased MFR, increased MPT, increased intensity,
was a boost in vocal power paired with an ease of
and decreased self-perception of voice handicap.
vocal production, as confirmed by lower VHI
These results support a nonlinear theory of vocal
scores and patient testimony.
output power that exploits glottal epilaryngeal rela-
All subjects commented on how pleased they
tionships as the fundamental premise.
were to finally achieve loudness without the high
This new voice therapy technique promises ex-
degree of fatigue and effort they previously experi-
citing clinical potential. The strategy is both easy
enced. They also were relieved that twang added
for clinicians to teach and for patients to learn.
loudness in their voices, yet sounded more natural
For this reason, twang may be used as a complement
than the piercing twang modeled by the clinician.
to traditional therapies.
Perhaps, this phenomenon occurred because of
the dynamic interaction between a functioning epi-
larynx and a compromised glottal source, thus
dampening the ‘‘annoying’’ piercing quality inher- REFERENCES
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Journal of Voice, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2007

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