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Perspectives in Fundamental Physics in Space: Orfeu Bertolami

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Perspectives in Fundamental Physics in Space

Orfeu Bertolami
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Departamento de Física, 1049-001 Lisbon,

Clovis Jacinto de Matos

arXiv:gr-qc/0405042v2 3 Jul 2006

ESA-HQ, EUI-AC, F-75015 Paris, e-mail:

Jean Christophe Grenouilleau

ESA-ESTEC, HME-EOI, NL-2201 Noordwijk, e-mail:

Olivier Minster
ESA-ESTEC, HME-GAP, NL-2201 Noordwijk, e-mail:

Sergio Volonte
ESA-HQ, SCI-CA, F-75015 Paris, e-mail:


We discuss the fundamental principles underlying the current physical theories and
the prospects of further improving their knowledge through experiments in space.

Key words:
Gravitational waves, gravitomagnetism, Equivalence Principle, Antimatter,
Pioneer Anomaly, Lorentz invariance.

1 Introduction

General Relativity (GR) and Quantum Mechanics (QM) are the most fun-
damental and encompassing physical theories of the XX th century. They are

Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science 7 February 2008

the cornerstones of all developments aiming to unify the four fundamental in-
teractions of Nature, strong nuclear, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and grav-
itational forces; and to harmonize gravity with the quantum picture of the
world. GR explains the behaviour of space-time and matter on cosmologically
large scales and of very dense compact astrophysical objects. It is the most
accurate theory so far of the gravitational interaction. QM on the other hand,
accounts for the behaviour of matter primarily at small scales (Å and below),
and ultimately leads, together with Special Relativity, to the so-called Stan-
dard Model of strong and electroweak interactions that accounts for all the
observable known forms of matter. QM also describes macroscopic quantum
phenomena like superconductivity, superfluidity and Bose-Einstein condensa-
tion. Despite the great success of these theories, finding ways to unify them into
a single framework is the only way to understand the high-energy behaviour of
gravity and to avoid that gravity is not consistent with fundamental principles
such as, for instance, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.

Attempts to unify in a single theory the four fundamental interactions of

nature, and to harmoniously merge GR and QM, have led to a rich lore of
new physical models such as Kaluza-Klein theories, Supergravity, and to the
most fecund String/M-theory [1] whose complex implications are still largely
untested. Moreover, the conceptual differences between GR and QM seem to
require deep changes in the underlying assumptions about the nature of the
Universe. String theory suggests for instance, that the basic building blocks of
the Universe are not point-like particles, but instead strings and membranes.
It also implies that space-time has a non-commutative character. Differences
between GR and QM can be better appreciated through still unresolved issues
such as:

• The spatial non-separability of physical systems due to the entanglement of

states in QM, versus the complete spatial separability of physical systems
in GR.
• The Equivalence Principle of GR, versus the Uncertainty Principle in QM
which may imply in violations of the Equivalence Principle, as for instance,
in some string theory models.
• The possible non-unitary evolution of pure states into mixed states due
to the existence of black holes solutions in GR. That is, the presence of
black-holes might blur the evolution of observable quantities that in QM is
performed by unitary operators.

We should also remember that to a great extent, the enormous technological

progress achieved since the beginning of last century in telecommunications,
electrical engineering, electronics, photonics, information technology, nuclear
technology, etc, stems from the deep understanding of the electromagnetic and
nuclear interactions at quantum level. Similarly, it is logical to expect that any
gravity-related technology must rely on a comparable level of understanding

of the gravitational interaction from the quantum mechanical point of view.

Clearly, as in any branch of physics, progress is achieved through the inter-

action between theory and experiments, and for what concerns GR and QM
in particular, further experimental testing of the theoretical predictions and
foundations of these theories may reveal the important insights necessary to
reach a higher level of conceptual knowledge. This paper, argues that space
missions may play an important role in the quest for a unification theory and
a quantum theory of gravity when ground experiments are not feasible. In
this respect, it is interesting to mention the example of cosmology. Driven by
important developments in theoretical thinking and a great amount of data
gathered by dedicated space observatories, observational cosmology has be-
come a blooming subject. Upgraded versions of the COBE mission [2], such as
WMAP [3] of NASA and in the future Planck mission [4] of ESA, have given or
will give origin to a burst of activity on the physics of the Cosmic Microwave
Background Radiation. Similarly the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory [5]
of NASA, together with the INTEGRAL (INTErnational Gamma Ray Astro-
physics Laboratory) mission from ESA [6] have prompted new developments
of gamma ray astronomy, as have the various X-ray telescopes XMM-Newton
[7], Einstein [8], ROSAT [9], Chandra [10], etc.) and above all, the Hubble
Space Telescope [11], which has dramatically widened up our view of the Uni-
verse. The next generation of space telescopes and observatories will not cease
to surprise us and will continue to be our major sources of data and inspi-
ration for new and revolutionary ideas. It is fairly reasonable to assume that
fundamental physics in space will follow the same pattern. Of course, devel-
opments of fundamental physics in space are intimately connected with the
areas of particle physics, and experimental gravity, in particular through the
search for deviations from Newton’s law on small scales (below 1 mm).

2 Testing Well Known Theoretical Predictions and Foundations

GR is based on the generalization of the Principle of Relativity, assuming that

the laws of Nature are independent of the state of motion (uniform or acceler-
ated) of the reference frame with respect to which they are formulated. This
principle provides the foundation of the universality of the laws of physics as
it ensures that these are independent of the state of motion, and of the space-
time location of observers. This endows a democratic status for all observers.
The set of experiments sustaining the generalized Principle of Relativity are
the following:

1. Physical laws are independent of the position and velocity of the frame of
reference thanks to the invariance of the world-line distance between events
in the spacetime continuum. This is ultimately related with the fact that the

speed of propagation of the electromagnetic and gravitational interactions is
constant and independent of the frame of reference. This speed is the speed
of light in the vacuum.

2. The acceleration of a test body falling under the single influence of the
gravitational interaction is independent of its mass. This can be understood
only if inertial and gravitational masses are exactly equal to each other.

The first set of experiments is associated with the invariance of the physical
systems under translations and rotations in spacetime usually referred to as:

• Local Lorentz Invariance (LLI) (independence of the frame of reference ve-

• Local Position Invariance (LPI) (independence of the position of the frame
of reference)

The second set of experiments concerns the so-called Weak Equivalence Prin-
ciple (WEP)or Strong Equivalence Principle (SEP) when gravitational self
interaction is important (see e.g. [12]).

The Principle of Special Relativity establishes only the equivalence between

inertial reference frames relying on a global version of the first set of experi-
ments above. Therefore, it does not encompass the gravitational interaction.
A generalization of the Principle of Special Relativity to include gravity allows
for a covariant formulation of this interaction.

The covariant formulation of gravity implies a set of dynamical equations for

the spacetime metric, the so-called Einstein field equations. These equations
express the geometric nature of the gravitational interaction, and describe how
matter/energy and spacetime geometry influence each other.

In the limit of weak gravitational fields and low velocities compared with the
speed of light, GR yields small corrections to Newtonian gravity through the
addition of terms proportional to GM/rc2 , where G is Newton’s gravitational
constant, M the mass and r the radius of the source of the gravitational
field under consideration. Thus, general relativistic corrections will become
important in the case of compact astronomical objects, such as neutron stars
(GM/rc2 = O(10−1)) and black holes (GM/rc2 = O(1)), and for the Universe
as a whole.

2.1 Detection of Gravitational Waves

Einstein’s field equations predict the existence of gravitational waves, which

correspond to quadrupole oscillations of the spacetime continuum itself. Those

have already been indirectly detected in binary pulsar systems [13] via tracking
of the Post-Keplerian Parameters of the system, and comparison with GR.

LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) [14] is a particularly eloquent

example of a space mission devoted to test fundamental physical principles,
through the detection of gravitational waves. LISA consists of a swarm of
three satellites forming an equilateral triangle with sides of 5 million km.
Each satellite located at a vertex of the triangle emits a laser beam to the
other two satellites, so as to form with the phase-locked returm beams an
interference pattern in the optical modules on-board each spacecraft. When a
gravitational wave crosses the triangle, the interference pattern is shifted by
an amount proportional to the intensity and the frequency and polarization
of the incoming gravitational wave. ESA’s LISA pathfinder mission (formerly
called SMART-2) will play a crucial role in developing and testing some of the
technological requirements of a mission as sophisticate as LISA.

LISA will lead to a fundamentally new window for observing the Universe
through observation of sources of gravitational waves. Astronomy has so far
mostly observed the sources of electromagnetic radiation in the Universe.
Gravitational astronomy will allow scientists to achieve a deeper understand-
ing of the dynamics of the cosmos since gravitational waves couple very weakly
with matter and therefore suffer little scattering and absorption on the way
from the source to the observer.

2.2 Detection of Gravitomagnetism

GR also predicts, in the weak field limit and at first order beyond Newtonian
gravity, that for certain mass configurations (a current like one), the metric
can be decomposed into two vector fields. The first one, usually referred to
as gravitoelectric field, corresponds to Newton’s gravitational field. The sec-
ond corresponds to a ”new” field, the so-called gravitomagnetic field. These
designations arise from the fact that in this approximation, Einstein’s field
equations can be formulated in a way that resembles Maxwell’s equations for
the electromagnetic field. Clearly, direct experimental detection of gravita-
tional waves and the gravitomagnetic field produced by Earth’s rotation, are
important tests of GR.

ESA Hyper (Hyper precision cold atom interferometry in space) concept [15]
and the NASA Gravity Probe-B mission [16], a Stanford University mission
which has been launched last 20th April 2004, are dedicated to the detection
of Earth’s gravitomagnetic field. The Gravity Probe B satellite circles the
Earth in a polar orbit at an altitude of 650 km. Data taking was concluded in
August 2005 and results are expected in 2007. The mission concept consists

in using four spinning gyroscopes and a telescope. The telescope has been
pointed to a guiding star, IM Pegasi, and the gyroscopes were electrically
induced to align parallel to the telescope axis. Over a year of operation about
5000 orbits are expected. The gyroscopes are left undisturbed as the telescope
is kept pointing toward the guiding star through attitude control thrusters of
the spacecraft. According to GR, the drift angle between the gyroscopes and
the telescope is about 6.6′′ , due to the Earth’s geodetic effect, while a smaller
angle of 0.041′′ should open up in the direction of the Earth’s rotation, due to
the Lens-Thirring effect.

Hyper on its hand, aims to perform the measurement of the gravitomagnetic

field through the phase shift it causes in an interferometry experiment involv-
ing cold atoms rather than through the motion of macroscopic bodies. It is
relevant to mention that Hyper is just a mission concept and that most likely
it will be made concrete through a mission such as “Fundamental Physics
Explorer” described at ESA’s Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 [17], that will provide
the drag-free platform on board of which experiments of interference of atomic
beams and with Bose-Einstein condensates will be performed.

Another interesting mission concept to detect gravitomagnetism involves the

so-called gravitomagnetic clock effect. This effect is based on the time differ-
ence caused by the gravitomagnetic field between two high precision clocks
orbiting the Earth in clockwise and anti-clockwise directions [18].

2.3 Testing of Basic Assumptions of General Relativity

Testing the basic conceptual assumptions of GR, represents an important

challenge for space fundamental physics. This involves experimentally testing
the WEP, LLI and LPI.

The WEP establishes a composition-independent limit on the free fall of bod-

ies. This means that in a gravitational field the gravitational mass, cancels out
with the inertial mass given their equality. This equality is established with
great accuracy and has been tested since Galileo in 1590, Newton in 1686,
Bessel in 1832 and so on until the current most stringent limit [19]:
mi − mg
| | < 5 × 10−13 (1)

Ground based experiments designed to verify the WEP are limited by the
unavoidable micro seismic activity of Earth. Space experiments offer the pos-
sibility of improving the precision of current tests by a factor of 102 to 105 .

MICROSCOPE (MICROSatellite à trainé Compensée pour l’Observation du

Principe d’Equivalence) [20] is a collaborative CNES - ESA mission to be
launched in 2009, designed to evaluate the WEP through the monitoring of
the free fall of two pairs of masses orbiting the Earth located in a drag free
environment at room temperature. The measured signal is the force required
to keep the test masses in a pair centered on each other. Microscope will
evaluate the WEP with a precision expected to reach 1 part in 1015 .

Unfortunately, the more ambitious ESA/NASA STEP (Satellite Test of the

Equivalence Principle) [21] mission is currently being studied by NASA only.
The drag-free STEP spacecraft was to carry four pairs of test masses accom-
modated in a superfluid He-dewar at 2K. Differential displacements between
the test masses of a pair would be measured by SQUID sensors, and the ex-
pected precision with which the WEP would be tested was 1 part in 1018 .
Such a level of precision would allow checking constraints introduced by ex-
isting string theories [22].

Another promising possibility for testing the WEP uses cold atom interferom-
etry. Ground based High-precision gravimetric measurements have been made
using the interferometry of free-falling Cesium atoms, and allowed to reach
a precision of 7 parts in 109 [23]. Ultimate precision of this method can only
be achieved in space. As an example, the resolution provided by the atom
interferometers to be used in ESA’s Hyper concept mission which could be
sufficient to perform a test of the WEP with an improved precision by a fac-
tor of 106 . Hyper would carry two cold-atom Sagnac interferometers (based on
the negative Michelson-Morley experiment for detection of the ether drift). By
comparing the rate of fall of Cesium and Rubidium atoms in two independent
interferometers a precision of the order of 1 part in 1015 could be achieved, and
this would represent an independent confirmation of, or perhaps a disagree-
ment with, the results of MICROSCOPE. As already mentioned, a concrete
mission to fulfil Hyper concept will be the “Fundamental Physics Explorer”
described at ESA’s Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 [17].

Invariance under Lorentz transformations (LLI), which states that the laws of
physics are independent of the frame velocity, is one of the most fundamental
symmetries of physics and a basic ingredient of all known physical theories.
However, recently some evidence has been found, in the context of String/M-
Theory, that this symmetry can be spontaneously broken. Naturally, this poses
the challenge of verifying this possibility experimentally. The most accurate
laboratory tests of LLI are performed via the so-called Hughes-Drever exper-
iment [24] [25]. In this type of experiment, one searches whether there exists
any anisotropy of inertia through the study of resonant absorption of pho-
tons by a Li7 nucleus in a strong magnetic field. The ground state has spin
3/2 and splits into 4 equally spaced energy levels, given that nuclear physics
laws are rotationally invariant. Therefore, if inertia is not isotropic, then the
four states will not remain exactly equally spaced over the 12 hours period

of Earth’s rotation in which the magnetic field is carried to two different lo-
cations with respect to the galactic center. This technique allows achieving
impressive limits, the most stringent being [26].

mI c2
δ ≡| P − 1 |< 3 × 10−22 , (2)

where EA are the relevant binding energies. From astrophysical observations,

limits on the violation of momentum conservation and the existence of a pre-
ferred reference frame can be set from bounds on the post-Newtonian param-
eter, α3 which vanishes identically in GR. It can be determined from the pulse
period of millisecond pulsars [27], [28]. The most recent limit, α3 < 2.2 ×10−20
[29], indicates that Lorentz symmetry holds up to this level. We should men-
tion that, in broad terms, in the Parametrized Post-Newtonian Formalism the
metric is expanded in powers of the Newtonian potential, velocity of matter
and velocity with respect to a preferred frame. Clearly, the presence of the
latter implies in the breaking of translation and/or rotational invariance and
hence, yielding that momentum conservation is violated.

It is known that the propagation of the ultra-high-energy protons is limited

by inelastic collisions with photons of the Cosmic Microwave Background ra-
diation making it impossible to protons with energies above 5 × 1019 eV to
reach Earth from distances farther than 50 − 100 Mpc. This is the so-called
Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) cutoff [30]. However, events where the esti-
mated energy of the cosmic primaries is beyond the GZK cutoff have been
observed by different collaborations [31] [32] [33] [34]. The issue is controver-
sial. For instance, for the AGASA collaboration [35] this is only a 2.2σ effect.
The confirmation of these observations by the most recent HiRes collabora-
tion is still under debate [36]. Despite that, it has been suggested [37] that
slight violations of Lorentz invariance would cause energy-dependent effects
which would suppress otherwise dynamically inevitable processes, e.g. the res-
onant scattering reaction, p + γ2.73K −→ ∆1232 , where ∆1232 is the 1232 MeV
hadronic resonance. The study of the kinematics of this process allows to
set quite stringent bounds on the degree to which Lorentz invariance holds,
δLorentz < 1.7 × 10−25 [37] [38] [39].

In what concerns LPI, experiments on the universality of the gravitational

red-shift set the measure to which this symmetry holds. Hence, violations of
the LPI would imply that the rate of a free falling clock would be different
when compared with a standard one, for instance on the Earth’s surface.
Thus, one of the most accurate determinations of the LPI has been achieved
from the comparison of hydrogen-maser frequencies on Earth and on a rocket
at 10000 km altitude [40]. The most recent band is about 2 × 10−5 of the
Newtonian potential divided by the velocity of light square.

On very large scales, the Hot Big-Bang Model describes the Universe through
GR and the assumption that matter and radiation are homogeneously and
isotropically distributed. Compatibility with data suggests that we are living
in an accelerating, low matter-density Universe. The origin of this acceleration
can be due to either to a cosmological constant [42], or a slow-varying vacuum
energy of some scalar field, usually referred to as Quintessence [43], or due to an
exotic new equation of state, the generalized Chaplygin equation of state [44].
This dark energy amounts for a substantial part of the energy density of the
Universe, ΩΛ ≃ 0.73, with the contribution from matter, dark 1 and baryonic,
ΩDM ≃ 0.23, ΩBaryons ≃ 0.04, so that i Ωi = 1 but with no contribution
from the spatial curvature [46] [47] [45] [48] as predicted from Inflation (see
for instance, [49]).

Thus, at late times the rate of expansion of the Universe is controlled by the
dark energy component, which has negative pressure. It should be mentioned
that the understanding of the quantum properties of vacuum and how it relates
with the observed value of energy density are amongst the greatest challenges
for XXI st century physics.

2.4 Testing quantum Mechanics in Space

Space platforms, such as the ”Fundamental Physics Explorer” that is part of

ESA’s long-term scientific objectives, a ”cosmic vision” [17], also offer a unique
drag-free environment to investigate the predictions of quantum physics. A
test of quantum entanglement over astronomical distances would indeed be of
great scientific value. The evaluation of the influence of gravity on quantum
entanglement, and therefore the possible use of quantum entanglement to
investigate the quantum features of gravity at low energies [50] are issues that
deserve more investigation. Space experiments involving entangled systems
over large distances and different gravitational environments, are particularly
well suited to convey this type of research.

On the other hand, experiments such as EUSO [51] and LOBSTER onboard
the ISS for the space observation of cosmic rays with energies greater than
the ones achievable in particle accelerators, will also help to push even further
our understanding of high-energy physics. Notice that the EUSO experiment
has been postponed until ground-based cosmic-ray observatories like AUGER
[52] yield results.

Testing QM in space is also very important for the future use of novel tech-
1 Most likely candidates for dark matter include a linear combination of neutral
supersymmetric particles, the neutralinos (see eg. [53]), axions [54] and a self-
interacting scalar particle [55].

nologies that will rely entirely on the unusual features of the quantum world.
Emerging fields like spintronics, nanotechnology, quantum computing and
quantum communication [56] will certainly represent new technological oppor-
tunities to expand the possibilities of spaceflight. Nevertheless, these technolo-
gies that are still under development on ground, will need proper qualification
for possible use in space. Therefore, quantum physics experiments in space
will not only provide deeper insights; through fundamental physics missions
we will also acquire experience needed to fulfill these qualification steps in the

3 Investigating Phenomena not Clearly Encompassed by Theory

Controversy sparked by theoretical thinking and consensus reached through

experimentation is the engine of science. A scientific revolution is most often
initiated when a new experimental result does not properly fit within the ac-
cepted physical theories. According to the science philosopher Thomas Kuhn,
the emergence of a new paradigm occurs due to the resistance of the scientific
community in accepting at first a new physical picture to explain unexpected
experimental results. What are the experimental anomalies and/or theoreti-
cal issues in GR and QM that might lead to new insights towards the goal of
unifying in a single theoretical frame, the fundamental interactions of Nature
and finding a suitable quantizing scheme for gravity? In what follows we shall
discuss two issues that we regard as being of particular relevance.

1. Celestial mechanics has been for centuries the main source of discoveries
in gravitational physics, from Kepler’s laws to the subtle anomalies of Mer-
cury’s orbit. Recently discovered anomalous trajectories of the Pioneer 10
and 11, Ulysses and Galileo probes seem to indicate that some anomalous
gravitational-type force with range beyond several 20 AU or so might exist

2. Analysis of the free fall of physical systems is, as already discussed, a priv-
ileged experimental tool to test GR. It is remarkable in this respect, that the
free fall of electrically charged particles and of antimatter has been so far
poorly investigated. It is extremely relevant that a novel round of free fall
experiments is carried out for charged particles and antimatter.

Given the importance of these two issues we discuss them in more detail next.

Of course, other anomalies related with the experimental determination of an

unexplained excess of mass of Cooper pairs in superconductors[58] could be
pointed out, however we feel that their implications are not so clearly related
with our goal of discussing main fundamental physics questions that can be

studied in space.

3.1 Testing the Weak Equivalence Principle for Antimatter

The testing of the WEP for antiparticles remains still a largely open problem,
despite recent developments in producing an appreciable number of antihydo-
gen atoms by the ATHENA and ATRAP collaborations at CERN [59] [60]. It
is somewhat urgent that free fall experiments for antimatter are conducted so
as to evaluate to which extent gravity complies with CPT symmetry. This is
a fundamental symmetry of quantum field theory and corresponds to invari-
ance of three conjugate operations, where C stands for charge conjugation,
P for parity, and T for time reversal. In case gravity respects this symmetry,
antimatter will fall exactly like matter in a gravitational field. From the ex-
perimental point of view, it should be mentioned that special Penning trap
devices, magnetic containers, were developed for the purpose of storing sub-
stantial amounts of antimatter over a long time. In this respect, experimental
proposals like WEAX (Weak Equivalence Antimatter experiment) [62] to be
conducted at a cryogenic vacuum facility onboard the ISS and which aim to
measure the free fall of antiprotons while orbiting the Earth are particularly
appealing. The main idea behind this type of experiments is that antiprotons
can be confined for a few weeks in a Penning trap with a geometrical configu-
ration in which the effect of gravity would manifest itself as a perturbation on
their motion. The expected precision of the experiment is 1 part in 106 , three
orders of magnitude better than for a ground experiment. Naturally, testing
the gravitational properties of antihydrogen as well as its spectroscopy, will
allow a deeper understanding of this symmetry. It is worth mentioning that
in some String-Field-Theory models, CPT symmetry can be spontaneously
broken, meaning that although it is a symmetry of the theory, it is not shared
by its ground state.

It is important to point out that these experiments have a high scientific value
as they can provide relevant insights on extensions of the Standard Model. In
this context, it is interesting to remark, that free-fall experiments with charged
particles are also particularly relevant given the fact that they are very poorly
tested experimentally. In the case of ground-based experiments, they involve,
at least for the electron and the positron, the Schiff-Barnhill effect [61] (see in
Ref. [72], [64]).

3.2 A Novel Intermediate Range Fundamental Interaction of Nature?

The investigation of the existence of new intermediate range interactions of Na-

ture at scales beyond 20 AU, is another open question that awaits a dedicated

mission. An alternative to a dedicated mission, would involve a somewhat
more limited experiment mounted as piggy-bag onboard deep space missions
like, for instance the Pluto-express mission or the NASA Interstellar Probe
mission [65].

A putative new fundamental interaction was first considered by Anderson and

collaborators [57] in order to explain the anomalies in the trajectories of the
probes Pioneer 10 and 11, Ulysses and Galileo, that imply the presence of an
acceleration of the order of 8 × 10−10 m/s2 directed towards the Sun, and that
starts manifesting itself at distances beyond 20 AU from the Sun, after the
influence of solar radiation becomes negligible. This is the so-called Pioneer
anomaly. This additional interaction would manifest itself as being a different
kind of gravity with a coupling constant a fraction of Newton’s gravitational
constant and a finite range. Its finite range suggests the vector boson of this
new interaction has a non-vanishing mass that leads to a Yukawa-type term to
be added to the Newtonian gravitational potential. Thus, this subtle deviation
from Newtonian gravity could be attributed to the existence of a new force
of Nature. This force would in turn lead to violations of the WEP through
deviations of the universality of free fall.

It is debatable whether the Pioneer anomaly is due to some un-modeled en-

gineering problem of the probes, or whether it signals new physics (see Refs.
[66] and [67,68,69] for a discussion on the theoretical side of the matter. An
engineering solution is discussed in Ref. [70]). The demonstration that the
gravitational field of Kuiper Belt is not the cause of the anomaly has been
recently reanalysed (see [71] and references therein). In any case, it is only
through a dedicated deep space tracking experiment that this phenomenon
will be more clearly characterised and the issue definitely settled.

A dedicated mission would in its simplest form consist in launching into deep
space a spherical probe whose behaviour (mechanical, thermal, electromag-
netic, etc.) is very well known [72] [63]. Accurate tracking of its orbit would
allow for precise evaluation of the Pioneer anomaly, as any deviation from the
predicted trajectory would be used to evaluate the un-modeled Pioneer ac-
celeration. Alternative mission concepts were discussed in Refs [73], [74]. The
use of laser ranging techniques and the flying formation concept to the test
the Pioneer anomaly were recently discussed [75].

4 Conclusion

For more than half a century, classical physics has provided the knowledge
required to propel and transport manned and unmanned missions throughout
the Solar System. Contemporary physics however, has not so far played a

similar role. Advances in quantum and relativistic mechanics were not yet
fully implemented so to lead to propulsion breakthroughs and to allow for a
more efficient exploration and utilization of space.

It is not inconceivable that the crisis of contemporary physics may be partly

responsible for this state of affairs since our pictures of the world on very large
and on very small scales do not quite fit together.

Suitable space platforms can provide the proper drag free environment for
carrying out research in many critical areas of modern physics. It is an exciting
prospect to think that fundamental physics missions in space may provide
important insights into the nature of the theory still to emerge that would
harmoniously encompass QM and GR. In turn, unification and a synthesis of
QM and GR may lead to technological breakthroughs that will further push
the boundaries of current space systems.

It is often said that quantum gravity is the most challenging synthesis to be

achieved in XXI st century physics. Even though, the technological spin-offs
of that theory are not clearly visible yet, it may most probably change our
society as former scientific revolutions did in the past. Securing the steps to
ensure such a paradigm shift, culturally and technologically, is in our view, an
inescapable issue.

5 Acknowledgement

The authors would like to thank J. Páramos and A. Rathke for useful sugges-
tions on the topics of this paper.


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A Nomenclature List

AGASA: Akeno Giant Air Shower Array (Japan)

ATHENA: AnTiHydrogEN Apparatus (CERN)
ATRAP: Antihydrogen Trap Collaboration (CERN)
Auger: Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory (Argentina)
AU: Astronomical Unit
CERN: Centre Europen de Recherches Nuclaires
CNES:Centre National D’études Spatiales (France)
COBE: COsmic Background Explorer (NASA)
CPT: Charge-Parity-Time Reversal
ESA: European Space Agency
EUSO: Extreme Universe Space Observatory (ESA)
HiRes: High Resolution Fly’s Eye Collaboration
HYPER: HYPER-precision cold atom interferometry in space (ESA)
INTEGRAL: INTErnational Gamma Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (ESA)
ISS: International Space Station
LISA: Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (ESA/NASA)
LLI: Local Lorentz Invariance
LOBSTER: All-Sky X-Ray monitor (ISS)
LPI: Local Position Invariance
MICROSCOPE: MICROSatellite à traîné Compensée pour l’Observation du
Principe d’Equivalence (CNES-ESA)
NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)
QM: Quantum Mechanics
ROSAT: Roentgen Satellitte (Germany, UK, USA)
STEP: Satellite Test of the Equivalence Principle (NASA)
SMART: Small Missions for Advanced Research in Technology (ESA)
GP-B: Gravity Probe-B (NASA)
GR: General Relativity
WEAX: Weak Equivalence Antimatter Experiment
WEP: Weak Equivalence Principle
WMAP: Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (NASA)
XMM: X-ray Multimirror Mission (ESA/NASA)


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