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Aeg BPE255632M User Manual en

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BPE255632B EN User Manual



1. SAFETY INFORMATION............................................................................................. 2
2. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS.............................................................................................4
3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION...........................................................................................7
4. BEFORE FIRST USE..................................................................................................... 8
5. DAILY USE.................................................................................................................... 8
6. CLOCK FUNCTIONS.................................................................................................11
7. USING THE ACCESSORIES...................................................................................... 13
8. ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS...................................................................................... 16
9. HINTS AND TIPS........................................................................................................17
10. CARE AND CLEANING.......................................................................................... 32
11. TROUBLESHOOTING............................................................................................. 35
12. INSTALLATION........................................................................................................37
13. ENERGY EFFICIENCY............................................................................................. 40


Thank you for choosing this AEG product. We have created it to give you
impeccable performance for many years, with innovative technologies that help
make life simpler features you might not find on ordinary appliances. Please
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Always use original spare parts.
When contacting our Authorised Service Centre, ensure that you have the
following data available: Model, PNC, Serial Number.
The information can be found on the rating plate.
Warning / Caution-Safety information
General information and tips
Environmental information

Subject to change without notice.

Before the installation and use of the appliance,
carefully read the supplied instructions. The

manufacturer is not responsible for any injuries or

damages that are the result of incorrect installation or
usage. Always keep the instructions in a safe and
accessible location for future reference.
1.1 Children and vulnerable people safety
• This appliance can be used by children aged from 8
years and above and persons with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience
and knowledge if they have been given supervision or
instruction concerning the use of the appliance in a
safe way and understand the hazards involved.
• Do not let children play with the appliance.
• Keep all packaging away from children and dispose of
it appropriately.
• Keep children and pets away from the appliance when
it operates or when it cools down. Accessible parts are
• If the appliance has a child safety device, this should
be activated.
• Children shall not carry out cleaning and user
maintenance of the appliance without supervision.
• Children aged 3 years and under must be kept away
from this appliance when it is in operation at all times.
1.2 General Safety
• Only a qualified person must install this appliance and
replace the cable.
• WARNING: The appliance and its accessible parts
become hot during use. Care should be taken to
avoid touching heating elements. Children less than 8
years of age shall be kept away unless continuously
• Always use oven gloves to remove or put in
accessories or ovenware.
• Before carrying out any maintenance, disconnect the
appliance from the power supply.

• Ensure that the appliance is switched off before

replacing the lamp to avoid the possibility of electric
• Do not use a steam cleaner to clean the appliance.
• Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners or sharp metal
scrapers to clean the glass door since they can scratch
the surface, which may result in shattering of the glass.
• If the mains power supply cable is damaged, it must
be replaced by the manufacturer, its Authorised
Service Centre or similarly qualified persons to avoid
an electrical hazard.
• Excessive spillage must be removed before the
pyrolytic cleaning. Remove all parts from the oven.
• To remove the shelf supports first pull the front of the
shelf support and then the rear end away from the
side walls. Install the shelf supports in the opposite
• Use only the food sensor (core temperature sensor)
recommended for this appliance.
2.1 Installation • The appliance is equipped with an
electric cooling system. It must be
WARNING! operated with the electric power
Only a qualified person must supply.
install this appliance.
2.2 Electrical connection
• Remove all the packaging.
• Do not install or use a damaged WARNING!
appliance. Risk of fire and electrical
• Follow the installation instruction shock.
supplied with the appliance.
• Always take care when moving the • All electrical connections should be
appliance as it is heavy. Always use made by a qualified electrician.
safety gloves and enclosed footwear. • The appliance must be earthed.
• Do not pull the appliance by the • Make sure that the parameters on the
handle. rating plate are compatible with the
• Keep the minimum distance from the electrical ratings of the mains power
other appliances and units. supply.
• Make sure that the appliance is • Always use a correctly installed
installed below and adjacent safe shockproof socket.
structures. • Do not use multi-plug adapters and
• The sides of the appliance must stay extension cables.
adjacent to appliances or to units with • Make sure not to cause damage to
the same height. the mains plug and to the mains
cable. Should the mains cable need

to be replaced, this must be carried • Do not use the appliance as a work

out by our Authorised Service Centre. surface or as a storage surface.
• Do not let mains cables touch or • Open the appliance door carefully.
come near the appliance door, The use of ingredients with alcohol
especially when the door is hot. can cause a mixture of alcohol and air.
• The shock protection of live and • Do not let sparks or open flames to
insulated parts must be fastened in come in contact with the appliance
such a way that it cannot be removed when you open the door.
without tools. • Do not put flammable products or
• Connect the mains plug to the mains items that are wet with flammable
socket only at the end of the products in, near or on the appliance.
installation. Make sure that there is
access to the mains plug after the
Risk of damage to the
• If the mains socket is loose, do not
connect the mains plug. • To prevent damage or discoloration
• Do not pull the mains cable to to the enamel:
disconnect the appliance. Always pull – do not put ovenware or other
the mains plug. objects in the appliance directly
• Use only correct isolation devices: line on the bottom.
protecting cut-outs, fuses (screw type – do not put aluminium foil directly
fuses removed from the holder), earth on the bottom of cavity of the
leakage trips and contactors. appliance.
• The electrical installation must have – do not put water directly into the
an isolation device which lets you hot appliance.
disconnect the appliance from the – do not keep moist dishes and
mains at all poles. The isolation food in the appliance after you
device must have a contact opening finish the cooking.
width of minimum 3 mm. – be careful when you remove or
• This appliance complies with the install the accessories.
E.E.C. Directives. • Discoloration of the enamel or
stainless steel has no effect on the
2.3 Use performance of the appliance.
• Use a deep pan for moist cakes. Fruit
WARNING! juices cause stains that can be
Risk of injury, burns and permanent.
electrical shock or explosion. • This appliance is for cooking
• This appliance is for household use purposes only. It must not be used for
only. other purposes, for example room
• Do not change the specification of heating.
this appliance. • Always cook with the oven door
• Make sure that the ventilation closed.
openings are not blocked. • If the appliance is installed behind a
• Do not let the appliance stay furniture panel (e.g. a door) make sure
unattended during operation. the door is never closed when the
• Deactivate the appliance after each appliance is in operation. Heat and
use. moisture can build up behind a
• Be careful when you open the closed furniture panel and cause
appliance door while the appliance is subsequent damage to the appliance,
in operation. Hot air can release. the housing unit or the floor. Do not
• Do not operate the appliance with close the furniture panel until the
wet hands or when it has contact with appliance has cooled down
water. completely after use.
• Do not apply pressure on the open

2.4 Care and cleaning • Keep children away from the

appliance while the Pyrolytic cleaning
WARNING! is in operation.
Risk of injury, fire, or damage The appliance becomes very hot and
to the appliance. hot air is released from the front
cooling vents.
• Before maintenance, deactivate the • Pyrolytic cleaning is a high
appliance and disconnect the mains temperature operation that can
plug from the mains socket. release fumes from cooking residues
• Make sure the appliance is cold. and construction materials, as such
There is the risk that the glass panels consumers are strongly advised to:
can break. – provide good ventilation during
• Replace immediately the door glass and after each Pyrolytic cleaning.
panels when they are damaged. – provide good ventilation during
Contact the Authorised Service and after the first use at maximum
Centre. temperature operation.
• Be careful when you remove the door • Unlike all humans, some birds and
from the appliance. The door is reptiles can be extremely sensitive to
heavy! potential fumes emitted during the
• Clean regularly the appliance to cleaning process of all Pyrolytic
prevent the deterioration of the Ovens.
surface material. – Remove any pets (especially birds)
• Clean the appliance with a moist soft from the vicinity of the appliance
cloth. Only use neutral detergents. Do location during and after the
not use any abrasive products, Pyrolytic cleaning and first use
abrasive cleaning pads, solvents or maximum temperature operation
metal objects. to a well ventilated area.
• If you use an oven spray, follow the • Small pets can also be highly sensitive
safety instruction on it's packaging. to the localized temperature changes
• Do not clean the catalytic enamel (if in the vicinity of all Pyrolytic Ovens
applicable) with any kind of when the Pyrolytic self cleaning
detergent. program is in operation.
• Non-stick surfaces on pots, pans,
2.5 Pyrolytic cleaning trays, utensils etc., can be damaged
by the high temperature Pyrolytic
WARNING! cleaning operation of all Pyrolytic
Risk of Injury / Fires / Ovens and can be also a source for
Chemical Emissions (Fumes) low level harmful fumes.
in Pyrolytic Mode. • Fumes released from all Pyrolytic
Do not start the Pyrolysis if Ovens / Cooking Residues as
the Plus Steam button is described are not harmful to humans,
pressed in. including infants or persons with
medical conditions.
• Before carrying out a Pyrolitic self-
cleaning function or the First Use
please remove from the oven cavity: 2.6 Internal light
– any excess food residues, oil or WARNING!
grease spills / deposits. Risk of electrical shock.
– any removable objects (including
shelves, side rails etc., provided • The type of light bulb or halogen
with the product) particularly any lamp used for this appliance is only
non-stick pots, pans, trays, for household appliances. Do not use
utensils etc. it for house lighting.
• Read carefully all the instructions for • Before replacing the lamp, disconnect
Pyrolytic cleaning. the appliance from the power supply.

• Only use lamps with the same • Remove the door catch to prevent
specifications. children or pets from becoming
trapped in the appliance.
2.7 Disposal
2.8 Service
Risk of injury or suffocation. • To repair the appliance contact an
Authorised Service Centre.
• Disconnect the appliance from the • Use original spare parts only.
mains supply.
• Cut off the mains electrical cable
close to the appliance and dispose of

3.1 General overview
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Control panel
2 Knob for the oven functions
8 3 Power lamp / symbol
9 4 Electronic programmer
10 5 Knob for the temperature
14 3 6 Temperature indicator / symbol
2 7 Plus Steam button
1 12
8 Socket for the core temperature
13 sensor
9 Heating element
10 Lamp
11 Fan
12 Shelf support, removable
13 Cavity embossment
14 Shelf positions

3.2 Accessories Baking tray

Wire shelf

For cakes and biscuits.

For cookware, cake tins, roasts.

Grill- / Roasting pan To measure the temperature inside the


Telescopic runners

To bake and roast or as a pan to collect


Food Sensor For shelves and trays.


WARNING! Refer to "Care and
Refer to Safety chapters. cleaning" chapter.

To set the Time of day refer Clean the oven and the accessories
to "Clock functions" before first use.
chapter. Put the accessories and the removable
shelf supports back to their initial
4.1 Initial Cleaning
Remove all accessories and removable
shelf supports from the oven.

1. Turn the knob for the oven functions
to select an oven function.
Refer to Safety chapters.
2. Turn the knob for the temperature to
select a temperature.
5.1 Retractable knobs 3. To turn off the oven, turn the knobs
for the oven functions and
To use the appliance, press the control
temperature to the off position.
knob. The control knob comes out.
The lamp turns on when the oven
5.2 Turning the oven on and

5.3 Oven functions

Oven function Application

Off position The appliance is off.

Fast Heat Up To decrease the heat-up time.

True Fan Cook- To bake on up to three shelf positions at the same time
ing and to dry food. Set the temperature 20 - 40 °C lower
than for Top / Bottom Heat.

True Fan Cook- To add humidity during the cooking. To get the right
ing PLUS colour and crispy crust during baking. To give more
juiciness during reheating.

Pizza Setting To bake food on one shelf position for a more intensive
browning and a crispy bottom. Set the temperature 20
- 40 °C lower than for Top / Bottom Heat.

Conventional To bake and roast food on one shelf position.

Cooking (Top /
Bottom Heat)

Bottom Heat To bake cakes with crispy bottom and to preserve food.

Defrost This function can be used for defrosting frozen foods,

such as vegetables and fruits. The defrosting time de-
pends on the amount and size of the frozen food.

Moist Fan Baking To bake breads, cakes and cookies. To save energy
during cooking. This function must be used in accord-
ance with the Moist Fan Baking table in order to ach-
ieve the desired cooking result. To get more informa-
tion about the recommended settings, refer to the
Hints and Tips chapter, Moist Fan Baking table. This
function was used to define the energy efficiency class
acc. to EN 60350-1.

Grilling To grill flat food and to toast bread.

Turbo Grilling To roast larger meat joints or poultry with bones on

one shelf position. Also to make gratins and to brown.

Pyrolysis To activate the automatic pyrolytic cleaning of the

oven. This function burns off residual dirt in the oven.

6. Turn the knob for the temperature to

The lamp may automatically
select a temperature.
deactivate at a temperature
below 60 °C during some CAUTION!
oven functions. Do not refill the cavity
embossment with water
5.4 Activating the True Fan during cooking or when
the oven is hot.
Cooking PLUS function
7. To deactivate the appliance, press
This function allows to have an the Plus Steam button , turn the
improvement of humidity during the knobs for the oven functions and
cooking. temperature to the off position.
WARNING! The indicator of the Plus Steam button
Risk of burns and damage to turns off.
the appliance. 8. Remove water from the cavity
Released humidity can cause burns:
• Do not open the appliance door Make sure that the
when the function True Fan Cooking appliance is cool before
PLUS operates, with the exception of you remove the
preheating. remaining water from
• Open the appliance door with care the cavity embossment.
after the True Fan Cooking PLUS
function stops. 5.5 Fast heat up function
Refer to “Hints and tips” The fast heat up function decreases the
chapter. heat up time.
1. Open the oven door. Do not put food in the oven
2. Fill the cavity embossment with tap when the Fast heat up
water. function operates.
The maximum capacity of the cavity
embossment is 250 ml. 1. Set the fast heat up function. Refer to
Fill the cavity embossment with water the Oven functions table.
only when the oven is cold. 2. Turn the knob for the temperature to
3. Put food in the appliance and close set the temperature.
the oven door. An acoustic signal sounds when the
4. Set the True Fan Cooking PLUS appliance is at the set temperature.
function: . The fast heat up function
5. Press the Plus Steam button . does not deactivate after the
The Plus Steam button works only acoustic signal. You must
with the True Fan Cooking PLUS deactivate the function
function. manually.
The indicator turns on. 3. Set an oven function.

5.6 Display
A B C A. Timer
B. Heat-up and residual heat indicator
C. Water drawer (selected models only)
D. Core temperature sensor (selected
models only)
E. Door lock (selected models only)
F. Hours / minutes
H G F E D G. Demo mode (selected models only)

H. Clock functions

5.7 Buttons

Sensor field / Button Function Description

MINUTE MIND- To set the MINUTE MINDER. Hold it for

ER more than 3 seconds to turn on or turn off
the oven lamp.

CLOCK To set a clock function.

TEMPERATURE To check the oven temperature or the

temperature of the core temperature sen-
sor (if applicable). Use only while a heat-
ing function operates.

PLUS STEAM To turn on the True Fan Cooking PLUS


5.8 Heat-up indicator one. The bars show that the oven
temperature increases or decreases.
When you activate an oven function, the
bars in the display come on one by

6.1 Clock functions table

Clock function Application

TIME OF DAY To show or change the time of day. You can change the
time of day only when the oven is off.

DURATION To set how long the oven operates. Use only when an
oven function is set.

END To set when the oven turns off. Use only when an oven
function is set.

TIME DELAY Combination of DURATION and END function.

MINUTE MINDER Use to set a countdown time. This function has no ef-
fect on the operation of the oven. You can set the MI-
NUTE MINDER at any time, also if the appliance is off.

6.2 Setting and changing the 1. Turn the knob for the temperature
right or left to set the hours.
2. Press to confirm and switch to set
After the first connection to the mains, the minutes.
wait until the display shows and The display shows and the set
"12:00". "12" flashes. hour. "00" flashes.

3. Press to confirm or the set time of 2. Press again and again until
day will be saved automatically after starts to flash.
5 seconds. 3. Turn the knob for the temperature
The display shows the new time. right or left to set the minutes for
To change the time of day press DURATION time and press to
again and again until the indicator for the confirm. Turn the knob for the
time of day flashes in the display. temperature right or left to set the
hours for DURATION time and press
6.3 Setting the DURATION to confirm.
1. Set an oven function. The display shows flashing .
4. Turn the knob for the temperature
2. Press again and again until right or left to set the hours for END
starts to flash.
3. Turn the knob for the temperature time and press to confirm. Turn
right or left to set the minutes and the knob for the temperature right or
left to set the minutes for END time
press to confirm. Turn the knob
for the temperature right or left to and press to confirm.
Oven turns on automatically later on,
set the hours and press to works for the set DURATION time and
confirm. stops at the set END time.
When the set Duration time ends the At the set END time the signal sounds
signal sounds for 2 minutes. and time for 2 minutes. and time setting flash
setting flash in the display. The oven in the display. The oven turns off.
turns off automatically. 5. Press any button or open the oven
4. Press any button or open the oven door to stop the signal.
door to stop the signal. 6. Turn the knob for the oven functions
5. Turn the knob for the oven functions to the off position.
to the off position.
6.6 Setting the MINUTE
6.4 Setting the END MINDER
1. Set an oven function.
Minute minder can be both set when the
2. Press again and again until oven is turned on and off.
starts to flash.
3. Turn the knob for the temperature
right or left to set the hours and 1. Press .
press to confirm. Turn the knob and "00" flash in the display.
for the temperature right or left to 2. Turn the knob for the temperature
set the minutes and press to right or left to set the seconds and
confirm. than the minutes.
At the set End time the signal sounds for When the time you set is longer than
2 minutes. and time setting flash in 60 minutes, flash in the display.
the display. The oven turns off 3. Set the hours.
automatically. 4. The MINUTE MINDER starts
4. Press any button or open the oven automatically after 5 seconds.
door to stop the signal. After 90% of the set time the signal
5. Turn the knob for the oven functions sounds.
to the off position. 5. When the set time ends the signal
sounds for 2 minutes. "00:00" and
6.5 Setting the TIME DELAY flash in the display. Press any
function button to stop the signal.

1. Set an oven function.



temperature sensor is inside of the
Refer to Safety chapters.
3. Put the plug of the core temperature
sensor into the socket located in the
7.1 Core temperature sensor front frame of the appliance.
The core temperature sensor measures
temperature inside the food. When the
food is at the set temperature, the oven
turns off.
There are two temperatures to be set:
• the oven temperature (minimum 120
• the food core temperature.
Use only the core
temperature sensor supplied
and the original replacement

Directions for the best results:

• Ingredients should be at room
• Core temperature sensor cannot be
used for liquid dishes.
• During cooking the core temperature
sensor must remain in the dish and
the plug in the socket.
• Use recommended food core
temperature settings. Refer to "Hints
The display shows the core temperature
and tips" chapter.
sensor symbol.
Every time you put the core When you use the core temperature
temperature sensor in the sensor for the first time, the default core
socket, you need to set the temperature is 60 °C.
core temperature time While flashes, you can use the knob
again. You cannot select the for the temperature to change the
duration and end time. default core temperature. The display
shows the symbol of the core
The aoven calculates the temperature sensor and the default core
approximate cooking time, it temperature.
may change.
4. Press to save the new core
temperature, or wait 10 seconds for
Food categories: meat, poultry the setting to be saved automatically.
and fish The new default core temperature is
displayed during the next use of the core
1. Set the oven function and temperature sensor.
temperature. When the food is at the set core
2. Insert the tip of the core temperature temperature, the default core
sensor into the centre of meat or fish,
in the thickest part if possible. Make temperature and flashes. An acoustic
sure that at least 3/4 of the core signal sounds for 2 minutes.

5. Press any button or open the oven

door to stop the acoustic signal.
6. Remove the core temperature sensor
plug from the socket and remove the
dish from the appliance.
There is a risk of burns as the
core temperature sensor
becomes hot. Be careful
when you unplug it and
remove it from the dish.

Food category: casserole

The display shows the core temperature
1. Set the oven function and sensor symbol.
2. Place half of the ingredients in a 6. Press to save the new core
baking dish. temperature, or wait 10 seconds for
3. Insert the tip of the core temperature the setting to be saved automatically.
sensor exactly in the centre of the The new default core temperature is
casserole.The core temperature displayed during the next use of the core
sensor should be stabilized in one temperature sensor.
place during baking. Use a solid When the food is at the set core
ingredient to achieve that. Use the temperature, the default core
rim of the baking dish to support the temperature and flashes. An acoustic
silicone handle of the core signal sounds for 2 minutes.
temperature sensor. The tip of the 7. Press any button or open the oven
core temperature sensor should not door to stop the acoustic signal.
touch the bottom of a baking dish. 8. Remove the core temperature sensor
plug from the socket and remove the
dish from the appliance.
There is a risk of burns as the
core temperature sensor
becomes hot. Be careful
when you unplug it and
remove it from the dish.

Changing the temperature

during the cooking
You can change the temperature at any
time during the cooking:
4. Cover the core temperature sensor 1. Press :
with the remaining ingredients. • one time - the display shows the
5. Put the plug of the core temperature set core temperature which
sensor into the socket located in the changes every 10 seconds to the
front frame of the appliance. current core temperature.
• two times - the display shows the
current oven temperature which
changes every 10 seconds to the
set oven temperature.
• three times - the display shows
the set oven temperature.

2. Use the knob for the temperature to

Small indentation at the top
change the temperature.
increase safety. The
indentations are also anti-tip
7.2 Inserting the accessories devices. The high rim
Wire shelf: around the shelf prevents
cookware from slipping of
Push the shelf between the guide bars of the shelf.
the shelf support and make sure that the
feet point down.
7.3 Telescopic runners -
inserting the accessories
With the telescopic runners you can put
in and remove the shelves more easily.
Do not clean the telescopic
runners in the dishwasher.
Do not lubricate the
telescopic runners.

Make sure you push back
Baking tray / Deep pan: the telescopic runners fully
Push the baking tray / deep pan between in the oven before you close
the guide bars of the shelf support. the oven door.

Wire shelf:
Put the wire shelf on the telescopic
runners so that the feet point
The high rim around the wire
shelf is a special device to
prevent the cookware from

Wire shelf and baking tray / deep pan

Push the baking tray / deep pan between
the guide bars of the shelf support and
the wire shelf on the guide bars above.

Deep pan:
Put the deep pan on the telescopic

Wire shelf and deep pan together:

Place the wire shelf and the deep pan
together on the telescopic runner.

8.1 Using the Child Lock When you turn the knob for the oven
functions, the oven stops.
When the Child Lock is on the oven
cannot be turned on accidentally. When you turn off the oven while the
Function Lock is on, the Function Lock
1. Ensure the knob for the oven switches automatically to the Child Lock.
functions is in the off position. Refer to "Using the Child Lock".
2. Press and hold and at the
If the Pyrolysis function
same time for 2 seconds.
operates, the door is locked
The signal sounds. SAFE and appear
and appears on the
on the display.
The symbols appear on the
display also when Pyrolysis To turn off the Function Lock, repeat
function operates. step 2.
To turn off the Child Lock, repeat step 2.
8.3 Residual heat indicator
8.2 Using the Function Lock When you turn off the oven, the display
You can turn on the Function Lock shows the residual heat indicator if
function only when the oven operates. the temperature in the oven is more than
40 °C.Turn the knob for the temperature
When the Function lock is on the
left or right to check the oven
temperature and time settings of a
running oven function cannot be
changed accidentally.
8.4 Automatic Switch-off
1. Select an oven function and set it
according your preferences. For safety reasons the appliance
deactivates automatically after some
2. Press and hold and at the time if an oven function operates and
same time for 2 seconds. you do not change any settings.
The signal sounds. Loc appears on the
display for 5 seconds.
Temperature (°C) Switch-off time (h)
Loc appears on the display
when you turn the knob for 30 - 115 12.5
the temperature or press any
120 - 195 8.5
button when the Function
lock is on. 200 - 245 5.5

8.5 Cooling fan

Temperature (°C) Switch-off time (h)
When the oven operates, the cooling fan
250 - maximum 1.5 turns on automatically to keep the
surfaces of the oven cool. If you turn off
After an automatic switch-off, press any the oven, the cooling fan can continue to
button to operate the appliance again. operate until the oven cools down.

The Automatic switch-off

does not work with the
functions: core temperature
sensor, Light, Duration, End.


• the numbers of the shelf positions.
• information about the oven functions,
Refer to Safety chapters.
recommended shelf positions and
temperatures for typical dishes.
The temperature and baking
times in the tables are
guidelines only. They
9.2 True Fan Cooking PLUS
depend on the recipes and Before preheating, when the oven is
the quality and quantity of cold, fill the cavity embossment with
the ingredients used. water.
Refer to "Daily use" chapter, Activating
9.1 Inner side of the door the True Fan Cooking PLUS function.
In some models, on the inner side of
the door you can find:

Bakery products
Preheat the empty oven for 5 minutes.
Use baking tray.
Use the second shelf position.
Fill the cavity embossment with 150 ml of water.

Food Temperature (°C) Time (min)

Bread 180 35 - 40

Bread rolls 200 20 - 25

Pizza 230 10 - 20

Focaccia 200 - 210 10 - 20

Cookies, scones, croissants 150 - 180 10 - 20

Plum cake, apple pie, cinna- 160 - 180 30 - 60

mon rolls baked in a cake

Frozen ready meals

Preheat the empty oven for 10 minutes.
Use the second shelf position.

Fill the cavity embossment with 200 ml of water.

Food Temperature (°C) Time (min)

Pizza 200 - 210 10 - 20

Lasagna 180 - 200 35 - 50

Croissants 170 - 180 15 - 25

Food regeneration
Use the second shelf position.

Food Water in the cavity Temperature (°C) Time (min)

embossment (ml)

Bread 100 110 15 - 25

Bread rolls 100 110 10 - 20

Pizza 100 110 15 - 25

Focaccia 100 110 15 - 25

Vegetables 100 110 15 - 25

Rice 100 110 15 - 25

Pasta 100 110 15 - 25

Meat 100 110 15 - 25

Use glass baking dish.
Use the second shelf position.
Fill the cavity embossment with 200 ml of water.

Food Temperature (°C) Time (min)

Roast beef 200 50 - 60

Chicken 210 60 - 80

9.3 Baking There is no need to change the

temperature setting if an unequal
• Use the lower temperature the first browning occurs. The differences
time. equalize during baking.
• You can extend baking times by 10 – • Trays in the oven can twist during
15 minutes if you bake cakes on more baking. When the trays become cold
than one shelf position. again, the distortions disappear.
• Cakes and pastries at different
heights do not always brown equally.

9.4 Tips on baking

Baking results Possible cause Remedy

The bottom of the cake is The shelf position is incor- Put the cake on a lower
not browned sufficiently. rect. shelf.

The cake sinks and becomes The oven temperature is too The next time you bake, set
soggy, lumpy or streaky. high. a slightly lower oven temper-

The cake sinks and becomes The baking time is too short. Set a longer baking time.
soggy, lumpy or streaky. You cannot decrease bak-
ing times by setting higher

The cake sinks and becomes There is too much liquid in Use less liquid. Be careful
soggy, lumpy or streaky. the mixture. with mixing times, especially
if you use a mixing machine.

The cake is too dry. The oven temperature is too The next time you bake, set
low. a higher oven temperature.

The cake is too dry. The baking time is too long. The next time you bake, set
a shorter baking time.

The cake browns unevenly. The oven temperature is too Set a lower oven tempera-
high and the baking time is ture and a longer baking
too short. time.

The cake browns unevenly. The mixture is unevenly dis- Spread the mixture evenly
tributed. on the baking tray.

The cake is not ready in the The oven temperature is too The next time you bake, set
baking time given. low. a slightly higher oven tem-

9.5 Baking on one level:

Baking in tins
Food Function Temperature Time (min) Shelf position

Ring cake / Brio- True Fan Cook- 150 - 160 50 - 70 1

che ing

Madeira cake / True Fan Cook- 140 - 160 70 - 90 1

Fruit cakes ing

Flan base - short True Fan Cook- 170 - 1801) 10 - 25 2

pastry ing

Flan base - True Fan Cook- 150 - 170 20 - 25 2

sponge mixture ing

Food Function Temperature Time (min) Shelf position


Cheesecake Top / Bottom 170 - 190 60 - 90 1

1) Preheat the oven.

Cakes / pastries / breads on baking trays

Food Function Tempera- Time Shelf posi-
ture (°C) (min) tion

Plaited bread / Bread crown Top / Bottom Heat 170 - 190 30 - 40 3

Christmas stollen Top / Bottom Heat 160 - 1801) 50 - 70 2

Bread (rye bread): Top / Bottom Heat 1. 2301) 1. 20 1

1. First part of baking proce- 2. 160 - 180 2. 30 -
dure. 60
2. Second part of baking

Cream puffs / Eclairs Top / Bottom Heat 190 - 2101) 20 - 35 3

Swiss roll Top / Bottom Heat 180 - 2001) 10 - 20 3

Cake with crumble topping True Fan Cooking 150 - 160 20 - 40 3


Buttered almond cake / Sugar Top / Bottom Heat 190 - 2101) 20 - 30 3


Fruit flans (made with yeast True Fan Cooking 150 35 - 55 3

dough / sponge mixture)2)

Fruit flans (made with yeast Top / Bottom Heat 170 35 - 55 3

dough / sponge mixture)2)

Fruit flans made with short True Fan Cooking 160 - 170 40 - 80 3

Yeast cakes with delicate top- Top / Bottom Heat 160 - 1801) 40 - 80 3
pings (e.g. quark, cream, cus-
1) Preheat the oven.
2) Use a deep pan.

Food Function Temperature Time (min) Shelf position

Short pastry bis- True Fan Cook- 150 - 160 10 - 20 3

cuits ing

Food Function Temperature Time (min) Shelf position


Biscuits made True Fan Cook- 150 - 160 15 - 20 3

with sponge ing

Pastries made True Fan Cook- 80 - 100 120 - 150 3

with egg white / ing

Macaroons True Fan Cook- 100 - 120 30 - 50 3


Biscuits made True Fan Cook- 150 - 160 20 - 40 3

with yeast ing

Puff pastries True Fan Cook- 170 - 1801) 20 - 30 3


Rolls True Fan Cook- 1601) 10 - 25 3


Rolls Top / Bottom 190 - 2101) 10 - 25 3

1) Preheat the oven.

9.6 Bakes and gratins

Food Function Temperature Time (min) Shelf position


Pasta bake Top / Bottom 180 - 200 45 - 60 1


Lasagne Top / Bottom 180 - 200 25 - 40 1


Vegetables au Turbo Grilling 160 - 170 15 - 30 1


Baguettes top- True Fan Cook- 160 - 170 15 - 30 1

ped with melted ing

Sweet bakes Top / Bottom 180 - 200 40 - 60 1


Fish bakes Top / Bottom 180 - 200 30 - 60 1


Stuffed vegeta- True Fan Cook- 160 - 170 30 - 60 1

bles ing
1) Preheat the oven.

9.7 Moist Fan Baking

For best results follow the
baking times listed in the
table below.

Food Temperature Time (min) Shelf position


Pasta gratin 200 - 220 45 - 55 3

Potato gratin 180 - 200 70 - 85 3

Moussaka 170 - 190 70 - 95 3

Lasagne 180 - 200 75 - 90 3

Cannelloni 180 - 200 70 - 85 3

Bread pudding 190 - 200 55 - 70 3

Rice pudding 170 - 190 45 - 60 3

Apple cake, made with sponge mix- 160 - 170 70 - 80 3

ture (round cake tin)

White bread 190 - 200 55 - 70 3

9.8 Multilevel Baking

Use the function True Fan Cooking.

Cakes / pastries / breads on baking trays

Food Temperature Time (min) Shelf position
2 positions 3 positions

Cream puffs / 160 - 1801) 25 - 45 1/4 -


Dry streusel 150 - 160 30 - 45 1/4 -

1) Preheat the oven.

Biscuits / small cakes / small cakes / pastries / rolls

Food Temperature Time (min) Shelf position
2 positions 3 positions

Short pastry bis- 150 - 160 20 - 40 1/4 1/3/5


Biscuits made 160 - 170 25 - 40 1/4 -

with sponge

Food Temperature Time (min) Shelf position

2 positions 3 positions

Biscuits made 80 - 100 130 - 170 1/4 -

with egg white,

Macaroons 100 - 120 40 - 80 1/4 -

Biscuits made 160 - 170 30 - 60 1/4 -

with yeast

Puff pastries 170 - 1801) 30 - 50 1/4 -

Rolls 180 20 - 30 1/4 -

1) Preheat the oven.

9.9 True Fan + Bottom

Food Temperature (°C) Time (min) Shelf position

Pizza (thin crust) 200 - 2301)2) 15 - 20 2

Pizza (with a lot of 180 - 200 20 - 30 2


Tarts 180 - 200 40 - 55 1

Spinach flan 160 - 180 45 - 60 1

Quiche Lorraine 170 - 190 45 - 55 1

Swiss Flan 170 - 190 45 - 55 1

Cheesecake 140 - 160 60 - 90 1

Apple cake, covered 150 - 170 50 - 60 1

Vegetable pie 160 - 180 50 - 60 1

Unleavened bread 230 - 2501) 10 - 20 2

Puff pastry flan 160 - 1801) 45 - 55 2

Flammekuchen (Piz- 230 - 2501) 12 - 20 2

za-like dish from Al-

Piroggen (Russian 180 - 2001) 15 - 25 2

version of calzone)
1) Preheat the oven.
2) Use a deep pan.

9.10 Roasting To keep meat more succulent:

• roast lean meat in the roasting tin with
Use heat-resistant ovenware. the lid or use roasting bag.
Roast large roasting joints directly in the • roast meat and fish in large pieces (1
tray or on the wire shelf placed above kg or more).
the tray. • baste large roasts and poultry with
their juices several times during
Put some water in the tray to prevent the roasting.
meat juices or fat from burning.
Meat with crackling can be roasted in the
roasting tin without the lid.
Turn the roast after 1/2 - 2/3 of the
cooking time.

9.11 Roasting tables

Food Quantity Function Tempera- Time (min) Shelf posi-
ture (°C) tion

Pot roast 1 - 1.5 kg Top / Bot- 230 120 - 150 1

tom Heat

Roast beef or fil- per cm of Turbo Grill- 190 - 2001) 5-6 1

let: rare thickness ing

Roast beef or fil- per cm of Turbo Grill- 180 - 1901) 6-8 1

let: medium thickness ing

Roast beef or fil- per cm of Turbo Grill- 170 - 1801) 8 - 10 1

let: well done thickness ing
1) Preheat the oven.

Food Quantity Function Temperature Time (min) Shelf posi-
(kg) (°C) tion

Roast veal 1 Turbo Grill- 160 - 180 90 - 120 1


Knuckle of 1.5 - 2 Turbo Grill- 160 - 180 120 - 150 1

veal ing

Food Quantity Function Temperature Time (min) Shelf posi-
(kg) (°C) tion

Leg of lamb / 1 - 1.5 Turbo Grill- 150 - 170 100 - 120 1

Roast lamb ing

Saddle of 1 - 1.5 Turbo Grill- 160 - 180 40 - 60 1

lamb ing

Food Quantity Function Temperature Time (min) Shelf posi-
(kg) (°C) tion

Saddle / Leg up to 1 Top / Bottom 2301) 30 - 40 1

of hare Heat

Saddle of 1.5 - 2 Top / Bottom 210 - 220 35 - 40 1

venison Heat

Haunch of 1.5 - 2 Top / Bottom 180 - 200 60 - 90 1

venison Heat
1) Preheat the oven.

Food Quantity Function Temperature Time (min) Shelf posi-
(kg) (°C) tion

Poultry por- 0.2 - 0.25 Turbo Grill- 200 - 220 30 - 50 1

tions each ing

Half chicken 0.4 - 0.5 each Turbo Grill- 190 - 210 35 - 50 1


Chicken, 1 - 1.5 Turbo Grill- 190 - 210 50 - 70 1

poulard ing

Duck 1.5 - 2 Turbo Grill- 180 - 200 80 - 100 1


Goose 3.5 - 5 Turbo Grill- 160 - 180 120 - 180 1


Turkey 2.5 - 3.5 Turbo Grill- 160 - 180 120 - 150 1


Turkey 4-6 Turbo Grill- 140 - 160 150 - 240 1


Fish (steamed)
Food Quantity Function Temperature Time (min) Shelf posi-
(kg) (°C) tion

Whole fish 1 - 1.5 Top / Bottom 210 - 220 40 - 60 1


9.12 Grilling • Grill only flat pieces of meat or fish.

• Always preheat the empty oven with
• Always grill with the maximum the grill functions for 5 minutes.
temperature setting.
• Set the shelf into the shelf position as CAUTION!
recommended in the grilling table. Always grill with the oven
• Always set the pan to collect the fat door closed.
into the first shelf position.

Food Temperature Time (min) Shelf position
1st side 2nd side

Roast beef 210 - 230 30 - 40 30 - 40 2

Filet of beef 230 20 - 30 20 - 30 3

Back of veal 210 - 230 30 - 40 30 - 40 2

Back of lamb 210 - 230 25 - 35 20 - 25 3

Whole Fish, 500 210 - 230 15 - 30 15 - 30 3/4

- 1000 g

9.13 Bottom + Grill + Fan

Use the function True Fan Cooking.

Food Temperature (°C) Time (min) Shelf position

Pizza, frozen 200 - 220 15 - 25 2

Pizza American, fro- 190 - 210 20 - 25 2


Pizza, chilled 210 - 230 13 - 25 2

Pizza Snacks, frozen 180 - 200 15 - 30 2

French Fries, thin 200 - 220 20 - 30 3

French Fries, thick 200 - 220 25 - 35 3

Wedges / Cro- 220 - 230 20 - 35 3


Hash Browns 210 - 230 20 - 30 3

Lasagne / Cannello- 170 - 190 35 - 45 2

ni, fresh

Lasagne / Cannello- 160 - 180 40 - 60 2

ni, frozen

Oven baked cheese 170 - 190 20 - 30 3

Chicken Wings 190 - 210 20 - 30 2

9.14 Defrost • For large portions of food place an

upturned empty plate on the bottom
• Remove the food packaging and put of the oven cavity. Put the food in a
the food on a plate. deep plate or dish and set it on top of
• Use the first shelf position from the the plate inside the oven. Remove
bottom. shelf supports if necessary.
• Do not cover the food with a bowl or
a plate, as this can extend the defrost

Food Quantity Defrosting Further de- Comments

(kg) time (min) frosting time

Chicken 1 100 - 140 20 - 30 Put the chicken on an upturned

saucer in a big plate. Turn halfway

Meat 1 100 - 140 20 - 30 Turn halfway through.

Trout 0.15 25 - 35 10 - 15 -

Strawber- 0.3 30 - 40 10 - 20 -

Butter 0.25 30 - 40 10 - 15 -

Cream 2 x 0.2 80 - 100 10 - 15 Whip the cream when still slightly

frozen in places.

Gateau 1.4 60 60 -

9.15 Preserving - Bottom Heat • The jars cannot touch each other.
• Put approximately 1/2 litre of water
• Use only preserve jars of the same into the baking tray to give sufficient
dimensions available on the market. moisture in the oven.
• Do not use jars with twist-off and • When the liquid in the jars starts to
bayonet type lids or metal tins. simmer (after approximately 35 - 60
• Use the first shelf from the bottom for minutes with one-litre jars), stop the
this function. oven or decrease the temperature to
• Put no more than six one-litre 100 °C (see the table).
preserve jars on the baking tray.
• Fill the jars equally and close with a

Soft fruit
Food Temperature (°C) Cooking time until Continue to cook at
simmering (min) 100 °C (min)

Strawberries / Blue- 160 - 170 35 - 45 -

berries / Raspber-
ries / Ripe gooseber-

Stone fruit
Food Temperature (°C) Cooking time until Continue to cook at
simmering (min) 100 °C (min)

Pears / Quinces / 160 - 170 35 - 45 10 - 15


Food Temperature (°C) Cooking time until Continue to cook at
simmering (min) 100 °C (min)

Carrots1) 160 - 170 50 - 60 5 - 10

Cucumbers 160 - 170 50 - 60 -

Mixed pickles 160 - 170 50 - 60 5 - 10

Kohlrabi / Peas / As- 160 - 170 50 - 60 15 - 20

1) Leave standing in the oven after it is deactivated.

9.16 Drying - True Fan • For a better result, stop the oven
halfway through the drying time, open
Cooking the door and let it cool down for one
• Cover trays with grease proof paper night to complete the drying.
or baking parchment.

Food Temperature Time (h) Shelf position
1 position 2 positions

Beans 60 - 70 6-8 3 1/4

Peppers 60 - 70 5-6 3 1/4

Vegetables for 60 - 70 5-6 3 1/4


Mushrooms 50 - 60 6-8 3 1/4

Herbs 40 - 50 2-3 3 1/4

Food Temperature Time (h) Shelf position
1 position 2 positions

Plums 60 - 70 8 - 10 3 1/4

Apricots 60 - 70 8 - 10 3 1/4

Apple slices 60 - 70 6-8 3 1/4

Pears 60 - 70 6-9 3 1/4

9.17 Food Sensor table

Beef Food core temperature (°C)

Rare Medium Well done

Roast beef 45 60 70

Beef Food core temperature (°C)

Rare Medium Well done

Sirloin 45 60 70

Beef Food core temperature (°C)

Less Medium More

Meat loaf 80 83 86

Veal Food core temperature (°C)

Less Medium More

Roast veal 75 80 85

Knuckle of veal 85 88 90

Mutton / lamb Food core temperature (°C)

Less Medium More

Leg of mutton 80 85 88

Saddle of mutton 75 80 85

Leg of lamb,
65 70 75
Roast lamb

Game Food core temperature (°C)

Less Medium More

Saddle of hare,
65 70 75
Saddle of venison

Leg of hare,
Whole hare, 70 75 80
Leg of venison

Poultry Food core temperature (°C)

Less Medium More

Chicken (whole / half / breast) 80 83 86

Duck (whole / half),

75 80 85
Turkey (whole / breast)

Duck (breast) 60 65 70

Fish (salmon, trout, zander) Food core temperature (°C)

Less Medium More

Fish (whole / large / steamed),

60 64 68
Fish (whole / large / roasted)

Casseroles - Precooked vegeta- Food core temperature (°C)

Less Medium More

Zucchini Casserole,
Broccoli Casserole, 85 88 91
Fennel Casserole

Casseroles - Savoury Food core temperature (°C)

Less Medium More

Lasagne, 85 88 91
Pasta bake

Casseroles - Sweet Food core temperature (°C)

Less Medium More

White bread casserole with / with-

out fruits,
Rice porridge casserole with / 80 85 90
without fruits,
Sweet noodle casserole

9.18 Information for test

Tests according to EN 60350-1:2013 and
IEC 60350-1:2011.

Baking on one level. Baking in tins

Food Function Temperature Time Shelf posi-
(°C) (min) tion

Fatless sponge cake True Fan Cooking 140 - 150 35 - 50 2

Fatless sponge cake Top / Bottom Heat 160 35 - 50 2

Apple pie (2 tins Ø20 True Fan Cooking 160 60 - 90 2

cm, diagonally off set)

Apple pie (2 tins Ø20 Top / Bottom Heat 180 70 - 90 1

cm, diagonally off set)

Baking on one level. Biscuits

Food Function Temperature Time Shelf posi-
(°C) (min) tion

Short bread / Pastry True Fan Cooking 140 25 - 40 3


Short bread / Pastry Top / Bottom Heat 1601) 20 - 30 3


Small cakes (20 per True Fan Cooking 1501) 20 - 35 3


Small cakes (20 per Top / Bottom Heat 1701) 20 - 30 3

1) Preheat the oven.

Multilevel Baking. Biscuits

Food Function Temperature Time Shelf position
(°C) (min)
2 po- 3 po-
sitions si-

Short bread / Pastry True Fan Cooking 140 25 - 45 1/4 1/3/

Stripes 5

Small cakes (20 per True Fan Cooking 1501) 23 - 40 1/4 -

1) Preheat the oven.

Preheat the empty oven for 5 minutes.

Food Function Temperature Time (min) Shelf position


Toast Grill max 1-3 5

Beef Steak Grill max 24 - 301) 4

1) Turn halfway through.

Fast Grilling
Preheat the empty oven for 3 minutes.
Grill with the maximum temperature setting.

Food Time (min) Shelf position

1st side 2nd side

Burgers 8 - 10 6-8 4

Toast 1-3 1-3 4



WARNING! 10.3 Removing the shelf
Refer to Safety chapters. supports
To clean the oven, remove the shelf
10.1 Notes on cleaning supports.
• Clean the front of the oven with a soft CAUTION!
cloth with warm water and a mild Be careful when you remove
cleaning agent. the shelf supports.
• To clean metal surfaces, use a
dedicated cleaning agent. 1. Pull the front of the shelf support
• Clean the oven interior after each use. away from the side wall.
Fat accumulation or other food
remains may result in a fire. The risk is
higher for the grill pan.
• Clean stubborn dirt with a special
oven cleaner.
• Clean all accessories after each use
and let them dry. Use a soft cloth with
warm water and a cleaning agent.
• If you have nonstick accessories, do 2. Pull the rear end of the shelf support
not clean them using aggressive away from the side wall and remove
agents, sharp-edged objects or a it.
dishwasher. It can cause damage to
the nonstick coating. 1

10.2 Cleaning the cavity 2

The cleaning procedure removes
limestone residue from the cavity
embossment after cooking with steam.
We recommend to do the Install the removed accessories in the
cleaning procedure at least opposite sequence.
every 5 - 10 True Fan The retaining pins on the
Cooking PLUS cycles. telescopic runners must
point to the front.
1. Put 250 ml of white vinegar into the
cavity embossment at the bottom of
the oven. 10.4 Pyrolysis
Use maximum 6% vinegar without
Do not start the Pyrolysis if
2. Let the vinegar dissolve the residual
the Plus Steam button is
limestone at the ambient
pressed in.
temperature for 30 minutes.
3. Clean the cavity with warm water and
a soft cloth.
Remove all accessories and
removable shelf supports.

7. When pyrolysis is completed, the

Do not start the Pyrolysis if
display shows the time of day. The
you did not fully close the
oven door stays locked.
oven door. In some models,
8. When the oven is cool again, a signal
the display shows "C3"
sounds and the door unlocks.
when this error occurs.

WARNING! 10.5 Cleaning reminder

The oven becomes very hot. To remind you that the pyrolysis is
There is a risk of burns. necessary, PYR flashes in the display for
10 seconds after each activation and
CAUTION! deactivation of the oven.
If there are other appliances
installed in the same The cleaning reminder
cabinet, do not use them goes out:
when the Pyrolysis function • after the end of the
operates. It can cause pyrolysis.
damage to the appliance.
• if you press and
1. Wipe out the cavity with a wet, soft at the same time while
cloth. PYR flashes in the display.
2. Clean the inner side of the door with
hot water, so that the residues do not
burn from the hot air. 10.6 Removing and installing
3. Set the Pyrolysis function. Refer to the door
"Daily use" chapter, "Oven
Functions". You can remove the door and the
internal glass panels to clean it. The
4. When flashes, turn the knob for number of glass panels is different for
the temperature to set the pyrolysis different models.
Option Description Be careful when you remove
the door from the appliance.
P1 Light clean- The door is heavy.
ing. Duration:
1 h 30 min. 1. Open the door fully.
2. Fully press the clamping levers (A) on
P2 Normal clean- the two door hinges.
ing. Duration:
3 h.

After 2 seconds the pyrolysis starts.

You can use the END function to delay
the start of the cleaning. A
During the pyrolysis the oven lamp is off.
5. To change the default length of the
pyrolysis (P1 or P2), press to set 3. Close the oven door to the first
, and then turn the knob for the opening position (approximately 70°
temperature. angle).
6. When the oven is at the set 4. Hold the door with one hand on each
temperature, the door locks. The side and pull it away from the
appliance at an upwards angle.
display shows and the bars of the 5. Put the door with the outer side
heat indicator until the door unlocks. down on a soft cloth on a stable
surface. This is to prevent scratches.

6. Hold the door trim (B) on the top

edge of the door at the two sides ABC
and push inwards to release the clip

7. Pull the door trim to the front to

remove it.
8. Hold the door glass panels on their
top edge one by one and pull them
up out of the guide.

10.7 Replacing the lamp

Put a cloth on the bottom of the interior
of the appliance. It prevents damage to
the lamp glass cover and the cavity.
Danger of electrocution!
9. Clean the glass panel with water and Disconnect the fuse before
soap. Dry the glass panel carefully. you replace the lamp.
When the cleaning is completed, do the The lamp and the lamp glass
above steps in the opposite sequence. cover can be hot.
Install the smaller panel first, then the 1. Deactivate the appliance.
larger and the door. 2. Remove the fuses from the fuse box
WARNING! or deactivate the circuit breaker.
Make sure that the glasses The top lamp
are inserted in the correct
position otherwise the 1. Turn the lamp glass cover
surface of the door may counterclockwise to remove it.

Make sure that you put the glass panels

(C, B and A) back in the correct
sequence. First, insert panel C, which has
a square printed on the left side and a
triangle on the right side. You will also
find those symbols embossed on the
door frame. The triangle symbol on the 2. Clean the glass cover.
glass must match the triangle on the 3. Replace the lamp with a suitable 300
door frame, and the square symbol must °C heat-resistant lamp.
match the square. After that insert the 4. Install the glass cover.
other two glass panels.

Refer to Safety chapters.

11.1 What to do if...

Problem Possible cause Remedy

You cannot activate or oper- The oven is not connected Check if the oven is correctly
ate the oven. to an electrical supply or it is connected to the electrical
connected incorrectly. supply (refer to the connec-
tion diagram if available).

The oven does not heat up. The oven is deactivated. Activate the oven.

The oven does not heat up. The clock is not set. Set the clock.

The oven does not heat up. The necessary settings are Make sure that the settings
not set. are correct.

The oven does not heat up. The automatic switch-off is Refer to "Automatic switch-
activated. off".

The oven does not heat up. The Child Lock is on. Refer to "Using the Child

The oven does not heat up. The fuse is blown. Make sure that the fuse is
the cause of the malfunction.
If the fuse is blown again
and again, contact a quali-
fied electrician.

The lamp does not operate. The lamp is defective. Replace the lamp.

The core temperature sensor The plug of the core tem- Put the plug of the core tem-
does not operate. perature sensor is not cor- perature sensor as far as
rectly installed into the sock- possible into the socket.

It takes too long to cook the The temperature is too low Adjust the temperature if
dishes or they cook too or too high. necessary. Follow the advice
quickly. in the user manual.

Steam and condensation You left the dish in the oven Do not leave the dishes in
settle on the food and in the for too long. the oven for longer than 15 -
cavity of the oven. 20 minutes after the cooking
process ends.

The display shows "C2". You want to start the Pyroly- Remove the core tempera-
sis or Defrost function, but ture sensor plug from the
you did not remove the core socket.
temperature sensor plug
from the socket.

Problem Possible cause Remedy

The display shows "C3". The cleaning function does Fully close the door.
not operate. You did not
fully close the door, or the
door lock is defective.

The display shows "F102". • You did not fully close • Fully close the door.
the door. • Deactivate the oven with
• The door lock is defec- the house fuse or the
tive. safety switch in the fuse
box and activate it again.
• If the display shows
"F102" again, contact the
Customer Care Depart-

The display shows an error There is an electrical fault. • Deactivate the oven with
code that is not in this table. the house fuse or the
safety switch in the fuse
box and activate it again.
• If the display shows the
error code again, contact
the Customer Care De-

There is no good cooking You did not activate the Refer to "Activating the True
performance using the True True Fan Cooking PLUS Fan Cooking PLUS func-
Fan Cooking PLUS function. function. tion".

There is no good cooking You did not activate correct- Refer to "Activating the True
performance using the True ly the True Fan Cooking Fan Cooking PLUS func-
Fan Cooking PLUS function. PLUS function with the Plus tion".
Steam button.

There is no good cooking You did not fill the cavity Refer to "Activating the True
performance using the True embossment with water. Fan Cooking PLUS func-
Fan Cooking PLUS function. tion".

You want to activate the The True Fan Cooking PLUS Push the Plus Steam button
True Fan Cooking function, function operates. to stop the True Fan
but the indicator of the Plus Cooking PLUS function.
Steam button is on.

You want to activate the The Plus Steam button is Press the Plus Steam button
cleaning function, but the pressed in. again.
display shows "C4".

The water in the cavity em- The temperature is too low. Set the temperature at least
bossment does not boil. to 110 °C.
Refer to “Hints and tips”

Problem Possible cause Remedy

The water comes out of the There is too much water in Deactivate the oven and
cavity embossment. the cavity embossment. make sure that the appliance
is cold. Wipe the water with
a cloth or sponge. Add the
correct amount of water to
the cavity embossment. Re-
fer to the specific procedure.

The appliance is activated The demo mode is activa- 1. Deactivate the oven.
and does not heat up. The ted. 2. Press and hold at the
fan does not operate. The
display shows "Demo". same time
3. The first digit on the dis-
play and Demo indicator
start to blink.
4. Enter the code 2468 by
turning the knob for the
temperature right or left
to change the values
and press to confirm.
5. The next digit starts to
6. Demo mode deactivates
when you confirm the
last digit and the code is

11.2 Service data on the front frame of the appliance

cavity. Do not remove the rating plate
If you cannot find a solution to the from the appliance cavity.
problem yourself, contact your dealer or
an Authorised Service Centre.
The necessary data for the service centre
is on the rating plate. The rating plate is

We recommend that you write the data here:

Model (MOD.) .........................................

Product number (PNC) .........................................

Serial number (S.N.) .........................................

Refer to Safety chapters.

12.1 Building in
The built-in unit must meet
the stability requirements of
DIN 68930.

3 mm

50 mm


546 21
70 min. 550
60 520 20 560
18 114
33 590 4
100 min. 560 589
471 594


3 min. 1500


546 21
min. 550 560
80 114
600 20 18
60 520 4
33 min. 560 589
100 471 594


3 min. 1500


max. R1200 mm





13.1 Product Fiche and information according to EU 65-66/2014

Supplier's name AEG

Model identification BPE255632M

Energy Efficiency Index 81.2

Energy efficiency class A+

Energy consumption with a standard load, conven- 1.09 kWh/cycle

tional mode

Energy consumption with a standard load, fan-forced 0.69 kWh/cycle


Number of cavities 1

Heat source Electricity

Volume 71 l

Type of oven Built-In Oven

BPE255632B 38.0 kg

Mass BPE255632M 38.0 kg

BPE255632W 38.0 kg

EN 60350-1 - Household electric cooking 13.2 Energy saving

appliances - Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam
ovens and grills - Methods for measuring The oven contains features
performance. which help you save energy
during everyday cooking.

General hints cooking time is longer than 30 minutes,

Make sure that the oven door is closed the heating elements automatically
properly when the appliance operates. deactivate earlier in some oven
Do not open the door too often during functions.
cooking. Keep the door gasket clean and
The fan and lamp continue to operate.
make sure it is well fixed in its position.
Keep food warm
Use metal dishes to improve energy
Choose the lowest possible temperature
setting to use residual heat and keep a
When possible, do not preheat the oven meal warm. The residual heat indicator
before you put the food inside. or temperature appears on the display.
When the cooking duration is longer Moist Fan Baking
than 30 minutes, reduce the oven Function designed to save energy during
temperature to minimum 3 - 10 minutes cooking. It operates in such a way that
before the end of the cooking time, the temperature in the oven cavity may
depending on the duration of the differ from the temperature indicated
cooking. The residual heat inside the during a cooking cycle and cooking
oven will continue to cook. times may be different from the cooking
times in other programmes.
Use the residual heat to warm up other
dishes. When you use Moist Fan Baking, the
lamp automatically turns off after 30
Keep breaks between baking as short as
seconds. You may turn on the lamp again
possible when you prepare few dishes at
but this action will reduce the expected
one time.
energy savings.
Cooking with fan
When possible, use the cooking
functions with fan to save energy.
Residual heat
If a programme with the Duration or End
Time selection is activated and the


Recycle materials with the symbol . appliances marked with the symbol
Put the packaging in relevant containers with the household waste. Return the
to recycle it. Help protect the product to your local recycling facility or
environment and human health by contact your municipal office.
recycling waste of electrical and
electronic appliances. Do not dispose of



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