1EVS Syllabus
1EVS Syllabus
1EVS Syllabus
Unit 2: Ecosystems
Land Resources and land use change; Land degradation, soil erosion and
Deforestation: Causes and impacts due to mining, dam building on environment,
forests, biodiversity and tribal populations.
Water: Use and over-exploitation of surface and ground water, floods, droughts,
conflicts over water (international & inter-state).
Heating of earth and circulation of air; air mass formation and precipitation.
Energy resources: Renewable and non-renewable energy sources, use of alternate
energy sources, growing energy needs, case studies.
(8 Lectures)
Environmental pollution : types, causes, effects and controls; Air, water, soil,
chemical and noise pollution
Nuclear hazards and human health risks
Solid waste management: Control measures of urban and industrial waste..
Pollution case studies.
(8 Lectures)
Climate change, global warming, ozone layer depletion, acid rain and impacts on
human communities and agriculture.
Environment Laws : Environment Protection Act; Air (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Act; Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act; Wildlife
Protection Act; Forest Conservation Act; International agreements; Montreal and
Kyoto protocols and conservation on Biological Diversity (CBD). The Chemical
Weapons Convention (CWC).
Nature reserves, tribal population and rights, and human, wildlife conflicts in
Indian context
(7 Lectures)
Suggested Readings: