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Virtuoso CO2 COOKERY Q2

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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga Sibugay
Concepcion, Kabasalan, Zamboanga Sibugay


SECOND Classroom Observation
SY: 2023-2024


Learning Area/Section: COOKERY 11 (JACINTO)
Date and Time: December 4, 2023 (7:45-9:45 A.M.)
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding preparing and cooking vegetable dishes.
Performance Standard: The learners independently prepare and cook vegetable dishes
Competency: Present vegetable dishes
Code: TLE_HECK9-12VD-IId-11

I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
a. Identify the steps in preparing buttered snow peas with corn kernels
b. Prepare a buttered snow peas with corn kernels following the procedures correctly.
c. Show the importance of preparing buttered snow peas with corn kernels independently.


“Buttered Snow Peas with Corn Kernels”

Reference: ADM Cookery 10 Module 2 and 3

Materials: Visual Aide
Multimedia: Power point and Video presentation
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Setting of House Rules/Checking of the Learning Teacher will emphasize the rules inside the classroom..
Environment - Note: Homeroom guidance integration

- Please arrange your armchairs and pick up pieces of Check the cleanliness of the room, ventilation,
papers below. If you want to answer questions along our arrangement of chairs, littering, and etc.
discussion, just raise your hands for you to be recognized.

3. Checking of Attendance
- Ok, class beadle, may I know who is absent in your Make the near-sighted and slightly-deaf students sit in
class this afternoon? front and far-sighted at the back, timed/unusually quite
learner to be given extra attention.

-Class beadle notifies the teacher who is absent in the

class. Thru submitting the attendance sheet.

4. Collecting of Assignments -Yes sir (Students submit their assignment)

- I gave you an assignment right? To define what is Note that absent student will be given learning activity
MVPA. Please submit now your assignment now. sheet to catch up with the lesson.

5. Drill -Students are now doing the Drill

“The Boat is Sinking” (Indicator 3: Applied a range of teaching strategies
Mathematical Operation Edition to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as
other higher-order thinking skills.)

(Indicator 1: Applied knowledge of content within

6. Review
and across curriculum teaching areas.)
What are the five different ways of cooking vegetables?
What way of cooking vegetables uses heat of the oven,
rather than range top?
Why do we need to learn the different ways of cooking

7. Motivation
The teacher shows a short video clip and let students (Indicator 3: Applied a range of teaching strategies
say something about it to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as
1. What have you observed in the video? other higher-order thinking skills.)
2. Have you ever tasted and used these ingredients before?
3. How does it taste like?
4. Can you create a certain recipe out of these ingredients?

B. Presentation OBJECTIVES: (Students read objectives in chorus)

Today we are going to learn on how to prepare a buttered a. Identify the steps in preparing buttered snow
snow peas with corn kernels peas with corn kernels
b. Prepare a buttered snow peas with corn kernels
following the procedures correctly.
c. Show the importance of preparing buttered
snow peas with corn kernels independently.
- Any question and clarifications regarding our objectives -None sir
for today?

Unlocking Trade Terms TRADE TERMS

- Now, before we proceed with our new topic, let’s Mise en Place - a French term which means “set in
try to unlock the difficult words we will encounter place”, "putting in place" or "everything in its place".
in our lesson. Kindly read the following trade terms. Saute’ - fried quickly in a little hot fat.
Pinch - a very small amount of an ingredient that you can
hold between your thumb and forefinger
Season - To add flavoring to a food to enhance its taste.
Do you have any question with regards to our trade terms? None Sir.
- Note: SIKAP integration (Oral Reading)
C. Lesson Proper

1. Activity
“Arrange Me”
Group students into 2. Let them arrange steps in preparing (Through use of a table the students will be able to use
buttered snow peas with corn cornels correctly. Let their analogy and numeracy skills by identifying the
students present their output in a creative way. (Singing, correct sequence of preparing buttered snow peas with
Poem or Speech Choir) corn cornels.

-Students does the activity

Indicator6 (Use differentiated activities)
-Students are doing the activity
2. Analysis (Indicator 3: Applied a range of teaching strategies
1. How was the activity? to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as
2. How did you come up with your answers? other higher-order thinking skills.)
3. If a certain ingredient isn’t available in your locality
will there be other ingredients you possibly think that -Students answer may vary
could be a good replacement? (-Localization)

3. Abstraction

Sautéing and Pan – Frying fried quickly in a little hot fat. (Indicator 1: Applied knowledge of content within
Essential Factors of Food Presentation and across curriculum teaching areas.)
1. Good preparation and cooking techniques - Proper
cutting and cooking of vegetables.
2. Professional Skills-Ability to perform according to
required standards.
3. Visual Sense -Effective food presentation depends on
the understanding of techniques involving balance,
arrangement, and garniture. The utensils/materials needed are:
Now class, we are going to prepare our buttered snow -Pan
peas with corn kernels. But before that, let us know first -Ladle
the tools, utensils, and ingredients needed. Kindly read.
-tasting spoon

1 tbsp. butter
2 grams snow peas
2 grams corn kernels
1 pinch Salt
1 pinch ground black pepper

Class, before going to the kitchen area, we should always PPE/Personal Protective Equipment
be reminded of the importance of wearing PPEs such as - Apron
the hairnet which is very important to prevent hair falling - Hairnet
to the food. - Towels
Next, is the apron, this is a protective garment worn by - Gloves
chef or cooks and also the towels and pot holders to
protect themselves from mess and heat while cooking, Observes personal safety protocol to hazards and risk
And we all know that you too are future chefs in the (Indicator 1: Applied knowledge of content within
making, so we must make it a habit since this is the and across curriculum teaching areas.)
standard requirements in order to prevent any hazard
while working in the kitchen.
-In preparing and making buttered snow peas with corn - Wear PPE
kernels there are some reminders to be followed. Please - Be sure to remove your accessories for sanitary
read everyone. purposes.
- Make sure all equipment is perfectly clean.
- Wash hands frequently.

This time I will be showing to you on how to make make STEPS

buttered snow peas with corn kernels. I want you to 1. Mise-en-place all the ingredients.
observe and please watch properly. 2. Put a tablespoon of butter over the pan in a low medium
-Am I clear? heat.
3. When butter is already melted, add now the snow peas.
(The teacher demonstrates on how to do (Tuna on Fita 4. When the snow peas has turned bright green, add now
Canapé) the corn kernels.
5. Stir occasionally, mix well all the ingredients until it
turns into golden crisp-tender.
6. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to season.
7. Serve immediately after transferring to the plate.
4. Application
Now it's your turn, let’s have a group activity. I will give (Indicator 4: Managed classroom structure to engage
you 10 minutes to perform the procedures in making learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful
buttered snow peas with corn kernels. Please be reminded exploration, discovery and hands-on activities within a
of the safety precautions while working, I included there range of physical learning environments.)
in your task sheets all the reminders and as well as the
scoring rubrics for to be aware of what to do. Always have (Indicator 5: Managed learner behavior constructively by
presence of mind while working and avoid any arguments applying positive and non-violent discipline to endure
with your group mates to prevent any accidents. learning-focused environments.)
Afterwards, I will rate your work based on the Scoring
Rubric. (The teacher roams around while the students are
doing their activity to ensure their safety while doing the

- What have you learned on our lesson today?
- What is the first step in making buttered snow peas with
corn kernels? (Students answer may vary)
- How will you relate this topic to other subject areas?
- How can you apply this in your real life situation?
- What are the important values that you've gained during
our session?
- How can this be useful in our daily lives?

DIRECTION: Read the following questions and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What French term which means set in place, putting in place or everything in its place?
a. Mise-en-place
b. Sauté
c. Cuire
d. Chauffer
2. What step refers to add flavoring to a food to enhance its taste?
a. Season
b. Saute
c. Pinch
d. None of the above
3. Which of the following is NOT an example of a good step in preparing buttered snow peas with corn kernels?
a. Washing of hands frequently c. Unable to remove accessories while creating the recipe
b. Wearing apron during the task d. None of the above
4. What is the fifth step in preparing buttered snow peas with corn kernels?
a. Mise-en-place all the ingredients.
b. When butter is already melted, add now the snow peas.
c. Stir occasionally, mix well all the ingredients until it turns into golden crisp-tender.
d. None of the above
5. Why do we need to immediately serve the buttered snow peas with corn kernels after cooking?
a. We need to follow the cardinal rule in presenting the hot foods, hot.
b. We need to always maintain the freshness and the good taste of the food while it’s still hot
c. We need to always ensure that the food we serve does not get contaminated with bacteria.
d. All of the above

Answer Key: 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. D

Checking of MPS: The teacher will check the ratio between the number of correctly answered items and the total number
of items to determine if the students really reach the MPS.
Direction: What are sea foods? What are the different classifications of sea foods? Encode your answers in a MS Word
Software and Send it in @

Prepared By: Checked by: Noted by:



Excellent (4 Very Satisfactory (2 pts.) Needs Improvement (1 No Points
pts.) Satisfactory (3 pt.) Attempt Earned
pts.) (0 pt.)
1. Use of tools Uses tools and Uses tools and Uses tools and Uses tools and No
and equipment equipment equipment correctly and equipment incorrectly attempt
equipment correctly and correctly and but less confidently and less confidently
confidently at confidently sometimes most of the time
all times most of the
2. Application Manifests very Manifests clear Manifests understanding Manifests less No
of procedures clear understanding of the step-by-step understanding of the attempt
understanding of the step- by- procedure but step- by-step procedure
of the step- by- step procedure sometimes seeks seeking clarification
step procedure clarification most of the time
Works Works Works independently Works independently No
independently independently with ease and but with assistance from attempt
with ease and with ease and confidence sometimes others most of the time
confidence at confidence
all times most of the
3. Safety work Observes safety Observes safety Observes safety Most of the time not No
habits precautions at precautions precautions sometimes observing safety attempt
all times most of the precautions
4.Product Product is very Product is Product is less attractive Product is not attractive No
attractive and attractive and and less enticing to and not enticing to attempt
very enticing to enticing to appetite appetite
5. Time Work Work Work completed Work completed No
management completed completed ___(mins./hours/days) ___(mins./hours/days) attempt
ahead of time within allotted beyond beyond

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