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Stat Prof Ed Nov. 25 2023 MCT

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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

1. solve statistical operations on data collection, presentation, and
2. describe the data using the measures of central tendency and variability
2. calculate the area, percentage and the probability of a score occurring
within normal distribution then interpret the result.

Lesson 7.1. Measure Of Central Tendency

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

1. find the mean, median, and mode, for both grouped and ungrouped data;
2. describe the data using the measures of central tendency.

A measure of central tendency is the value around which the data tend to
be centered. This is to further describe a set of data when the observations are
arranged according to a natural order (like from lowest to the highest).

Though tabular and graphical summaries convey general impressions on the data,
measures of central tendency or location give information about a single value in
which the data set of observations tends to cluster to. The three primary measures
f central tendency are the mean, the median, and the mode.


A. Arithmetic mean
Arithmetic mean is the average value of the data; it is obtained by adding the
scores and dividing the sum by the number of scores. Most often, this particular
average is referred to simply the mean. To represent the mean of a sample, we use
x (read as “x bar”), and to represent the mean of a population, we use the Greek
letter mu, μ (read as “mew”)

∑ xi
Sample mean ( x )= i=1
where is the ith observation i = 1, 2, . . . . n

∑ xi
mean ( µ )= i =1
where is the ith observation i = 1, 2, . . . . N

1: Find the average of the scores: 80, 82, 76, 78, 82,

and 91


∑ X i = 80+82+76+ 78+82+91 =81.5
N 6
Answer: The average score is 81.5

B. Weighted mean
This value is obtained by summing up the product of each score by its
corresponding weight, divided by the sum of the weights.

x w=
∑ Xi W i where is the ith observation; is the weight of
the ith Observation and is the sum of the

product of each observed value and its

corresponding weights.

2. Renan has the following grades and the equivalent credit units
for each grade. Determine his GWA (grade weighted average)

Subject Units(wi) Grade(Xi)

Filipino 2 3 87 261
English 3 84 252
Math 7 3 85 255
P. E 1 95 95
Chem 1 (lec) 3 82 246
Chem 1 (lab) 1 82 82
Philo 1 3 85 255
17 1,446

Thus, the weighted mean is:

3. Find the mean

Solution: x w =
∑ Xi W i =
∑ Xi f i =
12 ( 2 ) +13 ( 13 ) +14 (27 ) +15 ( 4 )+ 16 ( 3 ) +17(1)
∑Wi ∑ fi 50
Answer: the average age of the students enrolled in statistics is 14.

C. Grand mean (overall mean) of combined data

This is obtained by summing up the mean of each group times the
number of scores in the group divided by the sum of the number of scores in each

∑ nk X k where X k −the meanof each group∨category

x G= k=1
∑ n−n 1+ n2+ .. . .+nk
n k =number of observations∈thekth group

Example 3: In a P. E. class, there are 25 freshmen, 30

sophomores, and 10 juniors. If the freshmen averaged 89 in a practical test, the
sophomores averaged 85, and the juniors averaged 82, find the mean grade of the
entire class.
25 ( 89 ) +30 ( 85 ) +10(82) 5.595
Solution x̅ G= = = 86.08
65 65
Answer: the entire class has a mean grade of 86

4. A researcher conducted a survey involving three groups of

respondents. The mean of the first group with 24 respondents was 4.32. The mean
of the group with 30 respondents was 4.05. The mean of the third group was 3.80
and had 18 respondents. What is the overall mean of the three groups combined?
n1 x̅ + n2 x̅ +n3 x̅ 24 ( 4.32 ) +30 ( 4.04 ) +18(3.80)
x̅ G = 1 2 3
= = 4.0775
n 1+n +¿ n ¿
2 3

Answer: the overall mean is 4.078.

D. Geometric Mean
The geometric mean of a set of n scores is the nth root of their product.

5. Find the geometric mean of 12 and 3.

Since there are two scores, n = 2, so the geometric mean uses an index of 2
(that is, square root). x̅ geometric=√ 12(3)=6

6. Find the geometric mean of 2, 3, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10

= √ 2 ( 3 )( 6 ) (7 ) (7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) ( 9 ) ( 9 ) (10 ) = 6.327
x̅ geometric

Note: Geometric mean is usually used with such data as rates of change, ratios,
economic index numbers, and population sizes over consecutive time periods.
When applied to rate of returns, geometric mean is the constant rate of
change (or rate of return) that yields the same wealth at the end of several time
periods as do actual returns (Bowerman and O’Connell 2007). The geometric mean
must be used when working with percentages (which are derived from values). The
main benefit to using the geometric mean is that the actual amounts invested do
not need to be known; the calculation focuses entirely on the return figures
Characteristics of the mean
1. The mean is affected by all the values in the distribution; thus, a change in any
of the scores will cause a change in the mean.
2. The mean is sensitive to extreme scores (known as outlier values). Suppose in
example 1 above, a score of 45 is added to the given 6 scores (whose average is
81.5), then the mean becomes 76.29 which is very far from 81.5. In this case,
45 is referred to as an outlier value.
3. The sum of the deviations about the mean is equal to zero:
Σ(x i−x̅ ) = 0. This is shown in table 4.1

Table 4.1

Illustration of Σ(x i−x̅ ) = 0 ______

_____ x i____________ Σ(x i−x̅ ) Mean
80 -1.5
82 0.5
76 -5.5 x̅ = =81.5
78 -3.5
82 0.5
_____ 91____________9.5________________________________
_____ 489____________0____________________________
4. The sum of the squared differences from the mean is a minimum; thus
means that it is less than the sum of squared differences from any other
point of reference. This is shown in table 4.2.

Table 4.2
Illustration of different sums of squared deviations
______________________from the mean__________
xi Σ(x i−x̅ ) Σ( x i−x ) 2 Σ(x i−75) 2 Σ(x i−90) 2

80 -1.5 2.25 25 100

82 0.5 0.25 49 64
76 -5.5 30.25 1 196
78 -3.5 12.25 9 144
82 0.5 0.25 49 64
____91 9.5 90.25 256 1__
____489______ 0 135.5 389 569

As shown in Table 4.2 the lowest sum is that of the square of the differences from
the mean (81.5) columns 4 and 5 show squared differences from 75 and from 90,

Median (M d )
The median is a positional average. When the scores are ranked, the median
is the point where half is greater and half is lesser. The median of a set of scores is
the middle value when the scores are arranged in order of increasing magnitude.
After arranging the original scores in increasing (or decreasing) order, the median
will be either of the following:
a. If the numbers of scores is odd, the median is the centermost score.
b. If the numbers of scores is even, the median is found by computing the
average of the two middle numbers.
8: Find the median of the scores 7, 2, 3, 7, 6, 9, 10, 8, 9, 9, 10.
Solution: arrange the scores in increasing magnitude or ascending order
2, 3, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10

With these eleven scores, the number 8 is located in the exact middle, so 8 is
the median.
9: Find the median of the scores 7, 2, 3, 7, 6, 9, 10, 8, 9, 9
Solution: Again, arrange the scores
2, 3, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10

The two centermost scores are 7 and 8. So, we find the mean of these two
=7.5 Thus, 7.5 is the median of the given scores.

Formula : Md= ( N +1 ) th item

Characteristics of the Median

1. The median is not sensitive to extreme values (outliers).
Illustrations: __Scores Mean Median
5, 7, 8, 11, 15 9.2 8
5, 7, 8, 11, 150 36.2 8
5, 7, 8, 11, 2000 406.2 8
It is observed that even if there are extreme values of 150 and 2,000 the
median still remains to be 8.
2. The median varies from sample to sample; it is more subject to sampling
variability than the mean. Variation will be discussed in the next section.
You will note later that the mean is much more useful in statistical inference
than the median.

The Mode, M °

The most frequently occurring value in the set of scores in a set of data is
referred to as the mode; it is a normal average.

11. Find the mode

a. The scores 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 7, 9, 2 have a mode of 2.
b. The scores 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 have no mode since no score is repeated
c. The scores 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 5, 6, 6, 7, 9, 6 have the modes 2 and 6 since
they both occur with the same highest frequency (we refer to such data as
d. The scores 3, 4, 5, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10 have the modes 3, and 4, and 5.

Another measure of central tendency, but not often used is the midrange.
The midrange is that average obtained by adding the highest score to the lowest
score and the n dividing the sum by 2.

12: Find the midrange of 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9

2+ 9
Solution: midrange= =¿ 5.5

13. The mean salary for a small company that pays monthly
salaries to its employees as shown in the frequency distribution
Salaries frequency xf
7,000 8 56,000 mean salary is 9, 488
8,000 11 88,000
9250 14 129,000
10,500 9 94,500
17,000 2 34,000
25,000 1 25,000
TOTAL 45 427,000

14. The yearly salaries of workers in a small business

Salaries worker
10,500 Mr. A Mean = 75,000 (not advisable)
20,000 Mr. B
22,500 Mr. C Median=27,000(more appropriate)
24,000 Mr. D
26,000 Mr. E Mode = none
28,000 Mr. F
36,000 Mr. G
43,000 Mr. H
65,000 Mr. I
475,000 (owner) Mr. J


1. When the distribution is symmetrical, and unimodal, then the mean =
median = mode
2. Positively skewed, Mean ˃ Median ˃ Mean
3. negatively skewed, Mean ˂ Median ˂ Mode
Skewness = 3 (mean – median)
1. Find the mean, median, and mode for the following scores:
46 100 77 54 93
85 67 77 62 54
50 77 80 45 82
a) Mean:
b) Median:
c) Mode:
What do you think is the most appropriate measure of central tendency for
number 1? Why?

2. Given the frequency distribution table below, compute for the measures of
central tendency.

Scores of 40 Students in a 60-point Quiz

C.I Cf
53 – 58 3
47 – 52 4
41 – 46 1
35 – 40 2
29 – 34 10
23 – 28 11
17 – 22 4
11 – 16 3
5 – 10 2______
N = 40
3. A study was conducted to determine the level of awareness of the residents of
a certain municipality on the causes of hypertension. The accompanying table
shows the result with respect to the gender of the respondents.

Male Female Weighted

(n=32) (n = 48) Mean
Indicator x̅ 1 x̅ 2 x̅ w
1.Intake of food high in salt 2.8 2.8
2.Intake of food high in saturated fats 2.4 3.0
3.Not getting enough potassium in your diet 2.6 2.3
4.Caffeine consumed in more than 4 cups of
Coffee a day 2.5 2.4
5.Drinking too much alcohol 2.9 3.0
6.Smoking 3.2 3.2
7.Intake of drugs or medications that may
Increase blood pressure 2.8 2.8
8.Lack of physical exercise 3.0 3.1
9.Stress 2.8 3.0
10. Family history of hypertension 2.6 2.7
11. Present medical conditions like kidney
Disorder, diabetes mellitus and others 2.5 2.5
12. Taking birth control pills 2.0 3.4
13. Taking hormones to reduce signs or symptoms
of menopause 1.6 2.2
a) Find the average for the male and for the female.
b) Find the weighted mean, x̅ w , for each indicator letting the n as the weight.
c) What is the level of awareness of each group using this statistical limits
4 3.26 – 4:00 Extremely Aware
3 2.51 – 3.25 Moderately Aware
2 1.76 – 2.5 Slightly Aware
1 1.00- 1.75 Not Aware

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