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Math1314 Rational Functions

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Rational Functions

A rational function is a function of the form

P ( x)
r ( x) =
Q ( x)

where P and Q are polynomials. We assume that P(x) and Q(x) have no factors in
common, and Q(x) is not the zero polynomial. The domain of the rational function r(x) is
the set of all real numbers such that the denominator Q(x) is not zero.

Rational Functions and Asymptotes:

Remember that a fraction is undefined if there is a zero in the denominator. Rational

functions are not defined for those values of x for which the denominator is zero. When
graphing a rational function, we must pay special attention to the behavior of the graph
near those x-values. The simplest rational function with a variable denominator is
r ( x) = .

Example 1: Sketch a graph of the rational function r ( x ) = .


Step 1: First we note that the function r is not defined for x = 0. The
number 0 cannot be used as a value of x, but for graphing it is
helpful to find the values of f (x) for some values of x close to 0.

We describe this behavior in words and in symbols as follows.

The first table shows that as x approaches 0 from the left, the
values of r (x) decrease without bound. In symbols,

By: Crystal Hull

Example 1 (Continued):

Step 1:

r (x) → – ∞ as x → 0–
“y approaches negative infinity as x approaches 0 from the left”

The second table shows that as x approaches 0 from the right, the
values of r (x) increase without bound. In symbols,

r (x) → ∞ as x → 0+
“y approaches infinity as x approaches 0 from the right”

Step 2: Next, we want to look at the end behavior of the graph of

r ( x) = .

These tables show that as |x| becomes large, the value of r (x)
gets closer and closer to zero.

By: Crystal Hull

Example 1 (Continued):

Step 3: Using the information in these tables and plotting a few

additional points, we obtain the graph shown below.

Unlike a polynomial function, a rational function is usually not continuous. In Example

1, the line x = 0 is called a vertical asymptote of the graph, and the line y = 0 is a
horizontal asymptote. Informally speaking, an asymptote of a function is a line that the
graph of a function gets closer and closer to as one travels along that line in either

Definition of Asymptotes:

1. The line x = a is a vertical asymptote of the function y = f (x) if

y → ∞ or y → – ∞ as x → a+ or x → a–

2. The line y = b is a horizontal asymptote of the function y = f (x) if

y→ b as x → ∞ or x → – ∞

Asymptotes are not part of the graph of a function, but are important aids in graphing the
function. Typically, they are drawn as dashed lines to distinguish them from the graph of
the function. The following is the procedure for finding asymptotes.

By: Crystal Hull

Asymptotes of Rational Functions:

Let r be the rational function

an x n + an −1 x n −1 + ... + a1 x + a0
r ( x) =
bm x m + bm −1 x m −1 + ... + b1 x + b0

1. The vertical asymptotes of r are the lines x = a, where a is a zero of the


2. (a) If n < m, then r has horizontal asymptote y = 0.

(b) If n = m, then r has horizontal asymptote y = n .
(c) If n > m, then r has no horizontal asymptote.

Example 2: Find all of the asymptotes of the following rational functions.

2x 1
(a) r ( x ) = (b) s ( x ) =
x+3 x +9

x4 x3 + 2 x
(c) t ( x ) = (d) r ( x ) =
( x − 4 )( x + 1) x2

Solution (a):

Step 1: We start by finding the vertical asymptotes. These are the lines
x = a, where a is a zero of the denominator of r ( x ) = .
Since x = –3 is the only zero of the denominator of r, we have
one vertical asymptote at x = –3.

Step 2: Next we will find the horizontal, if it exists. The degree of the
numerator of r ( x ) = is n = 1, and the degree of the
denominator is m = 1. Since n = m, r has a horizontal asymptote

an 2
y= = = 2.
bm 1

By: Crystal Hull

Example 2 (Continued):

Solution (b):

Step 1: Vertical Asymptotes: These are the lines x = a, where a is a zero

of the denominator of s ( x ) = 2 . The denominator x2 + 9
x +9
cannot be equal to zero, so there are no zeros for the denominator
and therefore no vertical asymptotes.

Step 2: Horizontal Asymptote: The degree of the numerator of

s ( x) = 2 is n = 0, and the degree of the denominator is
x +9
m = 2. Since n < m, s has a horizontal asymptote at y = 0.

Solution (c):

Step 1: Vertical Asymptotes: The zeros of the denominator of

t ( x) = are x = 4 and x = –1, therefore the vertical
( x − 4 )( x + 1)
asymptotes of t are x = 4 and x = –1.

Step 2: Horizontal Asymptotes: The degree of the numerator

of t ( x ) = is n = 4, and the degree of the
( x − 4 )( x + 1)
denominator is m = 2. Since n > m, t has no horizontal

Solution (d):

Step 1: Vertical Asymptotes: The zero of the denominator of

x3 + 2 x
r ( x) = is x = 0, therefore r has one vertical asymptote at
x = 0.

Step 2: Horizontal Asymptotes: The degree of the numerator

x3 + 2 x
of r ( x ) = is n = 3, and the degree of the denominator is
m = 2. Since n > m, r has no horizontal asymptote.

By: Crystal Hull

Graphs of Rational Functions:

In general, we use the following guidelines to graph rational functions.

Sketching Graphs of Rational Functions:

1. Factor. Factor the numerator and denominator.

2. Intercepts. Find the x-intercepts by determining the zeros of the

numerator, and the y-intercept from the value of the function at x = 0 .

3. Vertical Asymptotes. Find the vertical asymptotes by determining

the zeros of the denominator, and then see if y → ∞ or y → – ∞ on
each side of every vertical asymptote.

4. Horizontal Asymptotes. Find the horizontal asymptote, if it exists,

by looking at the degrees of the numerator and denominator, and
following the rules listed above about asymptotes.

5. Sketch the Graph. Graph the information provided by the first four
steps. Then plot as many additional points as needed to fill in the rest
of the graph of the function.

Note that while a graph may never cross a vertical asymptote, it can cross a horizontal
asymptote, as long as some part of the graph follows the asymptote

Example 3: Find the intercepts and asymptotes and sketch a graph of the function
s ( x) = 2 .
x − 16


Step 1: Factor: First we factor the numerator and denominator of s.

s ( x) =
x − 16

( x + 4 )( x − 4 )

Step 2: Intercepts: Next, we find the x-intercepts by determining the

zeros of the numerator, and the y-intercept from the value of the
function at x = 0. The numerator 3x equals zero at x = 0, so the
x-intercept of s is (0, 0). This point is also the y-intercept.

By: Crystal Hull

Example 3 (Continued):

Step 3: Vertical Asymptotes: The vertical asymptotes of s are x = –4,

and x = 4. To see if y → ∞ or y → – ∞ on each side of a
vertical asymptote, we find the values of s(x) for some values of
x close to the asymptote, as we did in Example 1. Thus,

s(x) → – ∞ as x → – 4– and s(x) → ∞ as x → – 4+

s(x) → – ∞ as x → 4– and s(x) → ∞ as x → 4+

Step 4: Horizontal Asymptote: Since the degree of the numerator of s,

n = 1, is less than the degree of the denominator, m = 2, s has a
horizontal asymptote at y = 0.

Step 5: Sketch the Graph: Graph the information provided by the first
four steps. Then plot as many additional points as needed to fill
in the rest of the graph of the function.

By: Crystal Hull

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