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The Journal of Finance - March 1994 - PETERSEN - The Benefits of Lending Relationships Evidence From Small Business Data

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1 * MARCH 1994

The Benefits of Lending

Relationships: Evidence from Small
Business Data


This paper empirically examines how ties between a firm and its creditors affect the
availability and cost of funds to the firm. We analyze data collected in a survey of
small firms by the Small Business Administration. The primary benefit of building
close ties with an institutional creditor is that the availability of financing in-
creases. We find smaller effects on the price of credit. Attempts to widen the circle of
relationships by borrowing from multiple lenders increases the price and reduces
the availability of credit. In sum, relationships are valuable and appear to operate
more through quantities rather than prices.

IN A FRICTIONLESSCAPITALMARKET,funds will always be available to firms

with positive net present value investment opportunities. In practice, man-
agers of small firms often complain of not being able to borrow enough capital
at reasonable rates. Economic theorists (for example, see Stiglitz and Weiss
(1981)) suggest that market frictions such as information asymmetries and
agency costs may explain why capital does not always flow to firms with
profitable investment opportunities. Developing on this theme, other
economists (see Leland and Pyle (1977), Campbell and Kracaw (1980), Dia-
mond (1984), Fama (1985), Haubrich (1989), and Diamond (1991)) describe
how large institutional creditors can (partially) overcome these frictions by
producing information about the firm and using it in their credit decisions. If
scale economies exist in information production, and information is durable
and not easily transferred, these theories suggest that a firm with close ties
to financial institutions should have a lower cost of capital and greater

*GraduateSchool of Business, University of Chicago.Petersen thanks the Center for Research

on Securities Prices while Rajan thanks the Graduate School of Business at the University of
Chicago for funding. We thank Andrew Alford, Bob Aliber, Douglas Diamond, William Dunkel-
berg, Philip Dybvig, Anne Gr0n, Oliver Hart, Steven Kaplan, Anil Kashyap, Randy Kroszner,
Chris Lamoureaux, Mark Mitchell, David Rudis, and Rob Vishny for valuable comments. We
thank Rene Stulz, the editor, and an extremely thoughtful referee for many valuable suggestions.
We also benefitted from the comments of participants at the NBER Summer Workshop on
Corporate Finance, the Finance Workshops at the University of Chicago and Washington
University, St. Louis, the Financial Markets Group at the London School of Economics, and the
Western Finance Association Meetings.

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4 The Journal of Finance

availability of funds relative to a firm without such ties.1 We term these ties
In recent years, a number of empirical studies have investigated the
benefits of firm-creditor relationships. In a series of papers, Hoshi, Kashyap,
and Scharfstein (1990a, 1990b, 1991) find that firms in Japan with close ties
to their banks are less likely to be liquidity constrained in their investments
than firms that do not have such ties. Furthermore, firms with close ties are
more able to invest when they are financially distressed, suggesting again
that banking relationships help overcome frictions impeding the flow of
credit. For the United States, James (1987), Lummer and McConnell (1989),
and James and Wier (1990) find that the existence or renewal of a banking
relationship is a positive signal to the stock market. Shockley and Thakor
(1992) find a similar effect for loan commitments.
Our paper differs from the ones cited above in that we use more detailed
measures of the strength of firm-creditor relationships. Furthermore, we
estimate the effects of relationships on both the availability and the price of
credit. To the extent that we can do so accurately, we provide evidence on the
precise channel or channels through which relationships benefit the firm.2
The data we use are from the National Survey of Small Business Finance
collected by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The sample is
well suited for our purposes. Only firms with fewer than 500 employees were
included in the sample. The firms have a median size of book assets of
$130,000 and median sales of $300,000. Since these firms are small, they are
unlikely to be monitored by rating agencies or the financial press. As a result,
there may be large information asymmetries between these firms and poten-
tial public investors. Furthermore, most of these firms are relatively young,
with a median age of 10 years. In comparison, firms in the largest decile of
New York Stock Exchange stocks have been listed for a median of at least 33
years. Since the youngest firms in our sample do not have much of a track
record, a potential lender is uncertain about the competence and trustworthi-
ness of the management, as well as the kinds of investment opportunities
that could arise. If lenders remain at arm's length, management can indulge
in pet projects, shift risk toward the fixed claim creditors, or otherwise
misuse the borrowed funds. Some theorists have argued this is why small and
young firms can rarely borrow in the public capital markets, and why we
would expect firm-creditor relationships to be especially important in this
sample (Diamond (1991)).
Apart from being an ideal testing ground for the theory, small firms are an
important component of the national economy, producing 38 percent of gross

'Roosa (1951) appears to be the first to discuss the effect of bank:customer relationships in an
environment with credit rationing. The recent theoretical developments discussed above have
rekindled interest in the issue after a long hiatus. It should be noted that there are a few
theorists who do not agree that stronger bank-creditor relations will always increase a firm's
access to capital (for an example, see Blackwell and Santomero (1982)).
2Berger and Udell (1992), use the same data set as we do and find that a lender is less likely to
demand collateral if a firm has had a long relationship with it.
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The Benefits of Lending Relationships 5

national product (Dennis, Dunkelberg, and Van Hulle (1988)) and employing
half of the work force (Brown, Hamilton, and Medoff (1990)). Some of these
firms may be the industrial giants of the future. An important measure of the
efficiency of a financial system is the extent to which such firms are nurtured
and have access to the capital necessary for growth. This study is also a step
toward understanding that process.
In the next section we discuss how, in theory, relationships can reduce
frictions in the flow of capital from potential lenders to borrowers. This
provides the basis for defining our relationship variables. Section II describes
the borrowing patterns of small firms as they grow older and larger. Small
firm borrowing is heavily concentrated among a few lenders, with banks
being the predominant source. In Section III we examine the empirical
determinants of the interest rate on the firm's most recent loan, and in
Section IV the determinants of the availability of credit. This study provides
evidence that relationships increase the availability and reduce the price of
credit to firms. Furthermore, firms appear to reap the benefits of relation-
ships more from increases in the quantity of finance made available by
institutional lenders than through reductions in its price. Section V concludes
with policy implications.

I. Theories
In most markets, prices adjust to equate demand and supply. It has been
argued that the capital market is special in that the interest rate need not
always adjust to clear the market. Stiglitz and Weiss (1981) show that the
rate charged, to an ex ante observationally equivalent group of borrowers,
determines not only the demand for capital but also the riskiness of the
borrowers. A higher interest rate either draws riskier applicants (the adverse
selection effect) or influences borrowers to choose riskier investments (the
incentive or moral hazard effect). If an increase in the interest rate increases
the average riskiness of borrowers, lenders may optimally choose to ration
the quantity of loans they grant rather than raise the rate to clear the
As discussed earlier, adverse selection and moral hazard may have a
sizeable effect when firms are young or small, which may explain why they
find it hard to raise money in the public markets. However, through close and
continued interaction, a firm may provide a lender with sufficient informa-
tion about, and a voice in, the firm's affairs so as to lower the cost and
increase the availability of credit. We term this interaction a relationship. We
now examine its various dimensions.
An important dimension of a relationship is its duration. The longer a
borrower has been servicing its loans, the more likely the business is viable
and its owner trustworthy (Diamond (1991)). Conditional on its past experi-
ence with the borrower, the lender now expects loans to be less risky. This
should reduce its expected cost of lending and increase its willingness to
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6 The Journal of Finance

provide funds. It is possible that the lender could obtain sufficient informa-
tion on the firm's ability to service debt-like claims by observing its past
interactions with other fixed claim holders like employees or prior creditors.
If so, the age of the firm rather than the length of the financial relationship
should determine the lender's cost and the availability of funds. Alterna-
tively, the information generated within a financial relationship may not be
observable (or transferable) to outsiders. If so, the length of the relationship
should exert an independent influence.
In addition to interaction over time, relationships can be built through
interaction over multiple products. Borrowers may obtain more than just
loans from a lender, especially if the lender is a bank. Firms can purchase a
variety of financial services from their lender and also maintain checking and
savings accounts with it. These added dimensions of a relationship can affect
the firm's borrowing in two ways. First they increase the precision of the
lender's information about the borrower. For example, the lender can learn
about the firm's sales by monitoring the cash flowing through its checking
account or by factoring the firm's accounts receivables. Second, the lender can
spread any fixed costs of producing information about the firm over multiple
products. Both effects reduce the lender's costs of providing loans and ser-
vices, and the former effect increases the availability of funds to the firm.
We have argued above that relationships can reduce the lender's expected
cost of providing capital. Whether the cost savings are passed along in the
form of lower loan rates, however, depends on how competitive the capital
market for small firms is. The state of competition depends, of course, on the
number of potential lenders in the market and on how informed they are. If,
as discussed earlier, the information generated in prior relationships can be
verified by potential new lenders, they can compete on par with the current
lender. If the information cannot be verified by new lenders, the current
lender acquires an informational monopoly over the firm. Greenbaum,
Kanatas, and Venezia (1989), Sharpe (1990), and Rajan (1992) argue that
this allows the current lender to extract the rents attributable to knowing
that the borrower is less risky than average. Hence, if the information
generated in the relationship is private to the lender and not transferable by
the borrower to others, the relationship reduces the interest rate by less than
the true decline in cost. Even though these theories imply that the effect of
close firm-creditor ties on the cost of funds is ambiguous, in general, the
availability of funds should increase.3

II. Data
A. Sample Description
The data in this study are obtained from the National Survey of Small
Business Finances. The survey was conducted in 1988 and 1989 under the
guidance of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the
3If the (ex post) monopoly distorts the firm's investment incentives excessively, availability of
funds could decrease (see Rajan (1992)). If the bank can freely dispose of its monopoly power, for
example with loan commitments, availability will always increase.
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The Benefits of Lending Relationships 7

Table I
Distribution of Sample Firms by Industry
This table contains the distribution of firms in our sample by the one-digit SIC code.

Number Asset Size (in 1,000s of Dollars) Firm Age (in Years)
Industry of Firms Min. Mean Median Max. Mean Median

Mining 26 30 3,129 464 32,317 12.5 7.0

Construction 447 1 708 103 12,000 14.2 12.0
Manufacturing 408 1 2,839 452 154,087 16.4 12.0
Utilities and 117 7 1,778 275 62,983 13.3 10.0
Wholesale trade 344 1 1,671 302 35,945 15.1 12.0
Retail trade 930 1 589 114 22,820 12.2 9.0
Insurance and 194 1 692 153 10,671 15.7 12.0
real estate
Services 938 1 591 82 69,073 13.8 10.0

SBA. It targeted nonfinancial, nonfarm small businesses which were in

operation as of December, 1987.4 Financial data were collected only for the
last fiscal year. The sample was stratified by census region (Northeast, North
Central, South, and West), urban or rural location (whether the firm was
located in a metropolitan statistical area (MSA)), and by employment size
(less than 50 employees, 50 to 100 employees, more than 100 employees and
less than 500 employees (the maximum size in the sample)). The stratifica-
tion was done to insure that large and rural firms are represented in the
sample. The response rate was 70 to 80 percent, depending upon the section
of the questionnaire considered.
There are 3,404 firms in the sample, of which 1,875 are corporations
(including S corporations) and 1,529 are partnerships or sole proprietorships.
Nearly 90 percent of these firms are managed by the owner or owners.
Twelve percent are owned by women and 7 percent by minorities. Small firms
are concentrated in businesses that require less capital assets. Nearly 28
percent of the firms in our sample are in the service industry. These firms are
the smallest when measured on the basis of the book value of assets (see
Table I). Another 27 percent of the firms are in the retail trade industry. The
largest firms on the basis of book assets are manufacturing firms, which
comprise 12 percent of our sample.

B. Firm Borrowing Patterns

Before turning to the impact of relationships on the financing of small
firms, we describe the pattern and sources of borrowing for firms in our
sample. The corporations are significantly larger than the proprietorships or
partnerships. The mean book value of assets for corporations is $1.7 million

4Firms involved in the agriculture, forestry, and fishing industries, finance and insurance
underwriting, or real estate investment trusts were excluded from the survey.
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8 The Journal of Finance

compared to $0.25 million for sole proprietorships and partnerships. Control-

ling for firm size, the corporations and noncorporations appear equally lev-
ered. The institutional debt-to-asset ratio (institutional debt excludes debt
from the owners or their families) is almost identical 27 percent for corpora-
tions versus 24 percent for sole proprietorships and partnerships. These
ratios conceal the large difference in the fraction of firms that have no debt.
Twenty-eight percent of the corporations and 45 percent of noncorporations
(sole proprietorships and partnerships) have no institutional borrowing.5
Although more corporations have external debt financing, conditional on
having institutional debt they have less leverage. The institutional debt-to-
asset ratio, conditional on having institutional debt, is 43 percent for noncor-
porations versus 37 percent for corporations.
For firms with debt, Table II, Panel A shows the average borrowing from
different sources when firms are grouped by size (book value of assets). The
smallest 10 percent of firms in our sample borrow about 50 percent of their
debt from banks.6 Another 27 percent comes from the firm's owners and their
families. The table shows that the fraction from personal (owner and family)
sources declines to 10 percent for the largest 10 percent of firms in our
sample. The fraction from banks increases to 62 percent for this group. There
is no clear variation of borrowing with firm size for the other sources.
With the growing deregulation in the eighties, the distinction between
banks and other financial institutions is perhaps not as clear as it once was.
Therefore, we classify institutions as close if the firm obtains at least one
financial service from it. Financial services include depository services like
providing checking and savings accounts and services that provide the
lender information about the firm's business like cash management ser-
vices, bankers acceptances, credit card processing, pension fund manage-
ment, factoring, or sales financing. This classification attempts to capture
how close the working relationship between the financial institution and the
firm is. Approximately half of the institutional borrowing comes from close
lenders. The fraction of institutional loans from close institutions increases
from 0.45 to 0.62 as firm size increases.
Table II, Panel B describes the variation of corporate borrowing with firm
age where age is defined as the number of years under current ownership.7
The youngest firms (age less than or equal to 2 years) rely most heavily on
loans from the owner and his or her family. These firms also use bank loans.
In their initial years, their largest incremental source of funds is from banks,
while they secularly reduce their dependence on personal funds. Eventually

5Firms may have unused credit lines-these would not show up in our loan volume data.
6We classify commercial banks, savings and loans associations, savings banks, and credit
unions as Banks. Finance companies, insurance companies, brokerage or mutual fund compa-
nies, leasing companies and mortgage banks are classified as Nonbank Financial Institutions.
We also have loans made by nonfinancial firms. The remaining loans consist of venture capitalist
loans, loans from government agencies, and otherwise unclassified loans.
7We also measure age as the number of years since the firm was founded and obtained similar
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The Benefits of Lending Relationships 9

Less Less of from The
Over Book column the
5-10 first
p-value30 19-30
10-19 than p-value 15-46
F-statistic 488-2,293
2,293 Assets the
2 15 Value entire
25-500-10 50-75
75-90 10-25
25-500-10 Assets with sources
90-100 90-100 is (N on
Percentile at =
of fraction
with least
of is 3,404).
0.59 0.77
0.71 0.77
0.79 0.91
0.91 0.71
0.82 0.55
0.34 one described
Debt creditdebt
not Amount
Percentage forThe
card and
912695410334395648 2933
43810736 17 9 Mean whichfirms
Panel Panel included.
B: Debt A: that percent
($1,000) firms
The debt of
12896 54 53 61 40 30080 28 12 6
1585 processing,
service. have
is Sources
Median firms
Sources Sources obtain of
of These debt.
0.00 0.63
0.58 0.49of 0.06
0.54 2.100.62 0.58
0.60 0.51Bank
0.56 pension F-statistic
(book Table
from calculated
fund tests These
0. include forassets
0.31 0.11
0.12 0.12 0.85
40 0.14 0.11
0.12 0.11
0.10 Borrowing: the of
Institution firmsBorrowing:
By By less
Fraction lenders.with By
Age Size management, percentages
2.240.10 0.10
0.10 0.14
0.10 1.590.07
0.16 0.11
0.10 0.09 0.13
0.11 equalitythan
Owner and do
of debt Size
0.00 0.05
0.04 0.11
0.09 0.17 6.070.03
0.00 0.05 0.11
0.09 0.09 Borrowed only.
Family factoring,
savings sum and
or lenders
from to The
means The
arein Age
0.44 0.03
0.04 0.03
0.04 0.05 0.210.04
0.96 0.03 0.03
0.04 0.03
0.04 Firms
Other Each sales 100
accounts, fraction
from of
Source cash percent
financing. total
1.240.50 0.57
0.55 0.57 0.52
0.60 0.02
0.61 0.55
0.54 0.45CloseFraction
0.52 since percentiles
Institutional are
of which
Lenders also
management borrowing,
last"not based
15406261, 1994, 1, Downloaded from by Nes, Edinburgh Central Office, Wiley Online Library on [10/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
10 The Journal of Finance

firms reduce their dependence on banks too. The fraction of borrowing from
banks declines from 63 percent for firms aged 10 to 19 years to 52 percent for
the oldest firms in our sample (see Table II, Panel B). This seems to suggest
that firms follow a "pecking order" of borrowing over time, starting with the
closest sources (family) and then progressing to more arm's length sources.8
The fraction of institutional loans from close institutions is also consistent
with this observation. Except for the first group, which contains firms which
are larger than average, loans from close institutions decrease as the firm
gets older, from 0.60 to 0.50.9

C. Concentration of Borrowing
Another measure of the closeness of a borrower to its lenders is the
concentration of the firm's borrowing across lenders. Table III, Panel A
describes the average fraction of total firm borrowing that comes from the
largest single lender when firms are grouped by size. The smallest 10 percent
of firms who have a bank as their largest single lender secure, on average, 95
percent of their loans (by value) from it. By contrast, the largest 10 percent of
firms obtain 76 percent of their loans from the bank. Thus, firms tend to
concentrate their borrowing from one source, though this concentration de-
creases as firm size increases. As the table shows, such concentrated borrow-
ing is not restricted to firms that have a bank as their largest lender. The
same pattern appears no matter what the identity of the largest lender.
Another way of measuring concentration is the number of sources from which
a firm borrows. On average, the smallest firms tend to have just over one
lender while the largest firms have about three lenders (numbers not in
Table III, Panel B describes the average fraction of total firm borrowing
that comes from the largest single lender when firms are grouped by age. The
high concentration of borrowing is still apparent in this table, but there is
little variation with age. When the largest single lender is a bank, there is a
slight decrease in dependency as firms age. In summary, the data show that
small firm borrowing is highly concentrated. Firms diversify their sources as
they become larger. It is less clear that age has any effect on diversification.
Concentration of borrowing could be one measure of how close a firm is to its
main lender. We will shortly describe other measures of closeness and their
effect on the cost and availability of capital.

8The youngest 10 percent of firms in our sample borrowan amount equal to 0.32 of their book
assets, while the oldest 10 percent of firms in our sample borrow only 0.15. The smallest 10
percent of firms in our sample borrow 0.22 of their book assets while the largest 10 percent of
firms in our sample borrow 0.30 of their book assets. Thus, leverage decreases with age, but
increases with size. A natural explanation for this is that young firms are externally financed
while old firms finance via retained earnings. Larger firms may also be firms that have grown
faster and have thus borrowedmore.
9Aregression shows that the fraction borrowedfrom close institutions is positively related to
size and negatively related to the age of the firm. Both coefficients are statistically significant at
the 5 percent level.
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The Benefits of Lending Relationships 11

Table III
Concentration of Borrowing: By Size and Age
The results are reported by firm size, firm age, and primary source of debt. The asset percentiles
are based on the entire sample and are the same as the ones used in Table II, Panel A. The first
row contains information on the smallest 10 percent of the firms. The fraction of total borrowing
from the largest single lender is reported by type of largest lender. The number of firms in each
cell are reported in parentheses. The F-statistic tests the hypothesis that the percentage of
borrowing from the largest lender is constant across the different size categories.

Panel A: Concentration of Borrowing by Size

Fraction of Borrowing from Largest Lender
Book value of Asset Asset Financial Other
($1,000) Percentiles Bank Institution Owner Family Firms
Less than 15 0-10 0.95 (51) 0.93 (10) 0.97 (12) 0.93 (14) 0.79 (5)
15-46 10-25 0.93 (153) 0.88 (31) 0.92 (32) 0.90 (26) 0.88 (9)
46-130 25-50 0.88 (359) 0.81 (62) 0.87 (52) 0.84 (65) 0.87 (17)
130-488 50-75 0.84 (390) 0.79 (72) 0.74 (81) 0.81 (65) 0.85 (26)
488-2,293 75-90 0.79 (296) 0.74 (49) 0.73 (38) 0.81 (23) 0.73 (15)
Over 2,293 90-100 0.76 (211) 0.72 (43) 0.75 (18) 0.74 (7) 0.71 (9)
F-statistic 19.98 2.61 6.16 1.79 1.44
p-value 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.12 0.22
Panel B: Concentration of Borrowing by Age
Less than 2 0-10 0.86 (150) 0.80 (25) 0.85 (25) 0.89 (51) 0.76 (16)
2-5 10-25 0.85 (219) 0.77 (43) 0.82 (52) 0.83 (44) 0.86 (10)
5-10 25-50 0.85 (347) 0.76 (58) 0.81 (53) 0.83 (54) 0.84 (24)
10-19 50-75 0.85 (426) 0.80 (71) 0.80 (50) 0.78 (30) 0.88 (15)
19-30 75-90 0.82 (216) 0.84 (42) 0.73 (34) 0.77 (12) 0.70 (10)
Over 30 90-100 0.80 (106) 0.78 (28) 0.83 (19) 0.97 (9) 0.83 (6)
F-statistic 1.51 0.62 0.96 2.10 1.25
p-value 0.18 0.68 0.44 0.07 0.29

III. The Cost of Capital

A. Description of Loan Rates
In this section we examine the effect of relations on the firm's cost of debt.
The data set includes the interest rate on the firm's most recent loan for
1,389 firms. The source of the loan is from institutions-a bank, a nonbank
financial firm, or a nonfinancial firm-so that loans from the owner or her
family are not included in this subsample. Banks are the dominant source of
external capital, accounting for 82 percent of the loans in this sample. The
interest rates average 11.3 percent with a standard deviation of 2.2 percent.
This is 4.1 percent above the rate on a government bond of similar maturity,
2.4 percent above the prime rate at the time the loans were made, and 13
basis points below the yield on BAA corporate bonds (a basis point is one
hundredth of a percentage point).
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12 The Journal of Finance

B. Determinants of the Loan Rate

Before we turn to the role of relationships, it is important that we control
for the underlying cost of capital as well as loan- and firm-specific character-
istics that influence the rate. In the regression results below, we use the
prime rate to control for changes in the underlying cost of capital. The prime
rate includes the risk-free rate and a default premium for the bank's best
customers. If these small businesses are not the bank's best customers, they
will pay an additional default premium. We control for aggregate variations
in this premium by including the difference between the yield on corporate

Table IV
Borrowing Costs and the Role of Relationships
The dependent variable is the interest rate quoted on the firm's most recent loan. Standard
errors are reported in parentheses. In addition to the variables reported, each regression also
includes seven industry dummies based on the one-digit SIC codes, three regional dummies, six
dummy variables for the type of assets with which the loan is collateralized, and an intercept.

Variable (1) (2) (3) (4)

Interest rate variables
Prime rate 0.278* 0.282* 0.312* 0.278*
(0.030) (0.030) (0.035) (0.030)
Term structure spread -0.019 -0.017 0.000 -0.027
(0.083) (0.083) (0.100) (0.083)
Default spread 0.333** 0.340** 0.183 0.325**
(0.149) (0.149) (0.175) (0.149)
Firm characteristics
Log(book value of assets) - 0.254* - 0.264* - 0.255* - 0.259*
(0.045) (0.044) (0.056) (0.045)
Debt book assets 0.005 - 0.015 - 0.051 0.001
(0.143) (0.143) (0.159) (0.143)
Borrower is a corporation (0, 1) - 0.238*** - 0.229*** -0.257 - 0.243***
(0.139) (0.139) (0.169) (0.140)
Sales growth (1986-87)a - 0.585*
Profits/interesta - 0.010*
Mean 1987 gross profits/assets ratio 1.391**
in two-digit SIC industry (0.700)
Mean o-(gross profits/assets) between 1983-87 - 0.771
in two-digit SIC industry (0.681)
Loan characteristics
Floating rate loan (0,1) - 0.463** - 0.448** - 0.469** - 0.473*
(0.181) (0.181) (0.222) (0.182)
Bank loan (0, 1) 0.238 0.216 0.341 0.248
.(0.225) (0.225) (0.270) (0.225)
Nonfinancial firm loan firm (0, 1) - 1.125* - 1.178* -0.513 - 1.138*
(0.360) (0.361) (0.430) (0.360)
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The Benefits of Lending Relationships 13

Table IV-Continued

Variable (1) (2) (3) (4)

Relationship Characteristics
Length of relationship (in years)b 0.002 0.081 0.003 0.002
(0.006) (0.059) (0.007) (0.006)
Firm age (in years)b -0.014** -0.227* -0.011*** -0.014**
(0.006) (0.078) (0.007) (0.006)
Information financial service (0, 1) -0.089 -0.087 0.057 -0.087
(0.159) (0.158) (0.185) (0.159)
Noninformation financial service (0, 1) - 0.097 - 0.101 - 0.134 - 0.104
(0.153) (0.153) (0.181) (0.153)
Deposit accounts with current lender (0, 1) 0.064 0.008 -0.041 0.061
(0.182) (0.186) (0.225) (0.182)
Number of banks from which firm borrows 0.306* 0.321* 0.303* 0.302*
(0.085) (0.085) (0.096) (0.085)
Herfindahl index for financial institutions 0.042 0.033 - 0.024 0.033
(1, 2, or 3) (0.077) (0.077) (0.091) (0.077)

Number of observations 1,389 1,389 978 1,389

Adjusted R2 0.145 0.146 0.158 0.146
Root mean squared error 2.18 2.18 2.16 2.18

aWhen profits are negative, "Profits/interest" was coded as zero. Both "Profits/interest" and
"Sales growth" are truncated at their 95th percentiles (76.0 and 1.0) to limit the influence of
bWe replace length of relationship and firm age by the natural log of one plus the length of
relationship and firm age in column 2. Thus the coefficient measures the change in the interest
rate due to a one percent increase in the independent variable.
* Significant at the 1 percent level.
** Significant at the 5 percent level.
* Significant at the 10 percent level.

bonds rated BAA and the yield on ten-year government bonds.10 We also
include a term premium, defined as the yield on a government bond of the
same maturity as the loan minus the Treasury bill yield, to account for
interest rate differences across different loan maturities. For floating rate
loans this variable is set to zero. We estimate an ordinary least squares
regression of the form:
Interest rate on most recent loan
= 3 + 3,l Economy wide interest rate variables

+ 132 Firm characteristics + 133 Loan and lender characteristics

+ 134Region and industry dummies
+ 135 Relationship characterestics + 8. (1)
The regression that explains the variation in the rate quoted on the most
recent loan is reported in Table IV, column 1. A significant fraction of the rate
We obtain the yields on government bonds from the CRSP Fama-Bliss Bond Files. We obtain
the yield on BAA corporate bonds from the Citibase database.
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14 The Journal of Finance

variation is explained by economy-wide factors. The change in the loan rate

due to a change in the market rate is, however, significantly less than one. A
one percent increase in the prime rate raises the loan rate by 28 basis points.
The relative insensitivity of the loan rate is consistent with evidence from
markets for consumer borrowing (see Ausubel (1992)). Increases in the de-
fault premium also raise the firm's borrowing rate. Each percentage increase
in the spread between the BAA corporate rate and the long-term government
bond rate raises the average loan rate by 33 basis points.
To control for variation in the loan rate due to the characteristics of the
firm we include the firm's size (book value of assets), leverage, dummies for
the firm's industry (coefficients not reported), and whether the firm is incor-
porated. The coefficient estimates for the firm characteristics are consistent
with these variables being proxies for risk. Larger firms pay lower interest
rates. A firm with assets of $740,000 (the 75th percentile) can expect to pay
0.59 percentage points less than a firm with assets of only $72,000 (the 25th
percentile). Being incorporated lowers the interest rate by an additional 24
basis points.
To control for variation in the loan rate due to the characteristics of the
loan we include dummies for whether it is a floating rate loan, for the kind of
collateral offered (coefficients not reported), and for the type of lender making
the loan. We also include regional dummies, industry dummies (coefficients
not reported), and a measure of the Herfindahl index of the concentration of
depository institutions in the area where the firm is headquartered.

C. The Role of Relationships

Based on the discussion in Section II, we expect relationships to lower the
lender's cost of lending to small firms. We estimate the effect of relationships
on the interest rate charged. Implicit, therefore, in our analysis is the
assumption that reductions in the lender's cost are passed on to the borrower
in a lower rate. The first dimension of a relationship that we include is the
length of the relationship between the borrower and its current lender. This
should be a proxy for the private information the institution has about the
firm. Firms who have been doing business with their lender for a short time
should pay a higher rate. Of course, we must distinguish this effect from the
fact that younger firms pay higher rates on their loans (Dennis, Dunkelberg,
and Van Hulle (1988)). The length of the relationship and the age of the firm
are correlated but not as highly as expected ( p = 0.41). When both variables
are included in the regression, we find little independent importance for the
length of the relationship (see Table IV, column 1). The coefficient is positive,
but its magnitude is statistically zero (l3 = 0.002, t = 0.3). Older firms,
however, are charged statistically smaller interest rates; an additional year
lowers the interest rate by 1.4 basis points or 0.014 percentage points
(t = -2.3).
The firm's reputation may not increase linearly with the age of the firm.
The effect of an additional year of existence should decline with the age of the
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The Benefits of Lending Relationships 15

firm. To test for a possible nonlinear relation, we first estimate a separate

slope for the firm age variable when firm age is less than 10 years (the
median age). The coefficient is slightly larger, but the larger standard error
means the coefficient is not statistically different from zero. We next replace
the firm age and the relationship age by the log of one plus the age. This
allows the marginal impact of age to decline. The estimates are reported in
Table IV, column 2. The coefficient on the length of the relationship is again
not significantly different from zero, while the coefficient on firm age indi-
cates a declining impact of age. An additional year reduces the interest rate
by 16 basis points if the firm has just been founded or acquired (age = 0), but
only 2 basis points if the firm is 10 years old. To see the economic importance
of this coefficient, a one standard deviation increase in the log of one plus the
age of the firm reduces the interest rate it is charged by 0.19 percentage
points. Later, we will compare the economic impact of relationship proxies on
the interest rate with their impact on the availability of credit. An admittedly
crude comparison is to calibrate these effects against a common standard, i.e.,
the effect of an increase in firm size. A one standard deviation increase in the
size of the firm reduces the interest rate by 0.47 percentage points. Thus the
effect of firm age on the interest rate is only 40 percent as large as the effect
of firm size on the interest rate.1"
The R2 in columns 1 and 2 is almost identical, meaning that the data do
not distinguish between a linear specification and a log linear specification.
We also use the alternative definition of firm age as the number of years
since the firm was founded rather than the number of years under current
ownership. The coefficient on firm age drops by two thirds. The owner's
reputation is apparently more important than that of the business.
The second measure we examine is the nonborrowing side of the firm's
relationship with its current lender. In addition to borrowing, the firm may
have checking or savings deposits with its current lender. Sixty-four percent
of our sample does. The firm may also purchase financial services from the
firm. As discussed earlier, these nonloan services can be used by the lender to
monitor the firm. If these sources of information reduce monitoring costs or
improve the accuracy of the lender's information, they should reduce the
expected cost of such loans. We have already listed the financial services that
might provide information to the lender (see Section II.B for a list of these
services). In addition, the lender may perform services that arguably do not
give it information-for example, providing change and night depository
services. We code dummy variables for whether the firm had checking or
savings deposits with the current lender, whether it purchased other infor-
mationally intensive financial services from it, and whether it purchased
noninformational services.

11The figure of 40 percent is obtained by dividing the magnitude of the effect of a one standard
deviation change in the log of one plus firm age on the interest rate (0.19 percent) by the effect of
a one standard deviation change in firm size on the interest rate (0.47 percent).
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16 The Journal of Finance

That a firm obtains financial services from the current lender has no
significant effect on the interest rate in our sample (see Table IV, column 1).
Lenders who provide their customers with informationally intensive services
charge a lower rate on their loans; however, the magnitude of this reduction
is tiny (9 basis points). In addition, all three coefficients are statistically
indistinguishable from zero.
Our third measure of the strength of the relationship is how concentrated
the firm's borrowing is. From the results in Section II, it is clear that the
firms in our sample borrow a significant fraction of their debt from a single
institution. Even the largest firms in our sample borrow three quarters of
their debt from a single institution (see Table III, Panel A). Firms may
concentrate their borrowing with a lender to reduce overall monitoring costs,
improve the lender's control, and cement their relationship. In these cases,
concentrated borrowing should be associated with lower cost credit. Alterna-
tively, firms may borrow from a single lender because it is their on!y source of
credit. If so, then concentrated borrowing should be associated with more
expensive credit.
We use the number of banks from which the firm borrows as a measure of
borrowing concentration."2 The firms in our sample borrow from no more
than six banks, and the median firm borrows from only one bank. Eighteen
percent of the firms borrow from more than one bank. We find that the rate
paid by a firm increases by a significant 31 basis points when a firm
increases the number of banks from which it borrows by one (Table IV,
column 1). If we use the calibration method discussed earlier, the effect of the
number of banks on the interest rate is about 53 percent of the effect of size.
As an alternative measure of concentration, we include the number of
nonbank institutions from which the firm borrows. Increasing the number of
nonbank institutions from which the firm borrows has no effect on the firm's
borrowing rate. It is perhaps more plausible to think that ties between a firm
and a bank are more indicative of a close relationship than ties between a
firm and a nonbank. If so, this evidence suggests that the rate increases with
a multiplicity of relationships rather than a multiplicity of creditors. In
summary, a single banking relationship lowers borrowing costs, while multi-
ple banking relationships are costly.
An alternative interpretation of the above result is that the number of
banks is really a proxy for the firm's quality. Lower quality firms, unable to
borrow additional money from their first bank, must approach other banks
for additional capital. If so, the unwillingness of the original bank to extend
the firm additional credit may be a signal of the firm's riskiness or quality,
and the firm can obtain credit at a second bank only at a higher rate. In
discussions with small business bankers, we were told there are several
reasons besides quality why a firm may have multiple banks. Some banks
specialize in the type of loans they make. Thus, a firm whose management
wants to borrow with a line of credit against its accounts receivable may have

We also consider the fraction of the firm's debt that is borrowedfrom its current lender. The
results are qualitatively identical.
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The Benefits of Lending Relationships 17

to approach a different bank than the one that made it a mortgage loan. Some
firms borrow from multiple banks, so they can play the banks off against each
other. Finally, some owners like the prestige of multiple banking relation-
ships. To test the quality hypothesis, we divide the sample into those firms
that have one bank and those that have more than one bank. We then search
for differences between the two samples.
The firms with multiple banks are over twice as large as those with only
one bank. As firms grow, they expand the number of banks from which they
borrow. But these are not necessarily firms which are in the process of
expanding (over) aggressively. The firms with multiple banks have lower
sales growth (16 percent versus 35 percent).'3 They also have lower interest
coverage (median profits/interest of 2.2 versus 4.3). These numbers suggest
that the number of banks may be a proxy for lower quality firms. To test this
hypothesis we include interest coverage and sales growth as additional
explanatory variables in the interest rate regression (see Table IV, column 3).
Both variables help predict the interest rate, and both are marginally statis-
tically significant.'4 But the coefficient for the number of banks is only
marginally lower than that in column 1. This suggests that the number of
banks is not strictly a proxy for quality.
Finally, it is possible that since the data come from a survey of small
businesses, many of which may not be audited, the profit figure is uninforma-
tive. While we do not have access to the names of the firms and cannot obtain
more data on them, we know the two-digit Standard Industrial Classification
(SIC) industry code for each firm. From COMPUSTAT, we extract the aver-
age gross-profits-to-asset ratio in 1987 for each firm's industry. We also
calculate the standard deviation of the gross-profits-to-assets ratio between
1983 and 1987 for each COMPUSTAT-listed firm and obtain the average for
the two-digit industry.'5 The first is a measure of profitability, and credit
quality should increase with it. The second is a measure of risk, and credit
quality should decrease with this variable. We report the results in column 4
of Table IV. The coefficients have the opposite sign to that expected. The
interest rate is increasing in the average profitability and declining in the
variability of profitability. Only the first coefficient is significantly different
from zero.16

13 For most variables the survey includes financial data only for 1987. It does, however, include

sales figures for both 1986 and 1987. We use these numbers to calculate the firm's sales growth.
Interest rate coverage will depend in part on the interest rate of the current loan. This
endogeneity will bias the coefficient downward. Thus our estimated coefficient is probably more
negative than the true coefficient.
15We only consider COMPUSTAT firms with book value of assets in 1987 below $150 million.
We consider lead and lagged average profits, but these do not enter significantly.
16 We examine this further by dropping loans where the interest rate was below the govern-

ment bond rate. Presumably, these loans are made as part of a broader set of transactions and
may not represent the true (relationship-adjusted) cost. The coefficients on average industry
profits and standard deviation of industry profits reverse and have the expected sign, suggesting
that loans to some poor quality firms-with low industry profits and high industry standard
deviation of profits-are made at rates below the risk-free rate. Petersen and Rajan (1993)
explore this issue in greater detail.
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18 The Journal of Finance

Not all of our proxies for the strength of firm-lender relationships are
correlated with cheaper credit. That these variables do not all have a signifi-
cant effect on the observed intere&t rate is consistent with three different
theoretical explanations and an econometric one. The simplest one is that
relationships do not matter much because all information is public or, at
least, easily verifiable. If any potential lender can evaluate a loan's risk as
accurately (and at the same cost) as the relationship lender there is no value
to a specific relationship. A second possibility is that relationships do indeed
have value, but rationed firms prefer greater availability of funds to a
reduction in price. A third possibility is that the lender is not compelled by
market forces to pass on the benefits via a lower interest rate. If the
relationship confers a monopoly on the lender, this is what we would expect.
The econometric explanation is that our measures may not capture the
existence or strength of relationships.

IV. The Availability of Credit

A. How to Measure the Availability of Credit
We now estimate the effect of relationships on the availability of credit. If
our proxies for relationships predict the availability of credit, then the
econometric problem discussed above does not explain our interest rate
regression. Furthermore, we may be able to distinguish among the theoretical
explanations. Unfortunately, it is difficult to measure credit availability
directly. The firm's debt ratio will underestimate the credit available to the
firm-firms may have low debt ratios because the firm is liquidity con-
strained (a supply constraint) or because they have little need for external
capital (a demand constraint).
The firm's debt ratio is simultaneously determined by the firm's demand
for credit and the supply of credit from institutions. Thus regressions that use
the firm's debt ratio as the dependent variable will suffer from a simultane-
ous equations bias. Changes in the debt ratio can be due to changes in
demand for credit (the supply curve is observed) or by changes in supply of
credit (the demand curve is observed). This statistical problem is apparent
when we regress a firm's debt-to-asset ratio on characteristics of the firm.
The results are reported in Table V. The dependent variable is total debt
divided by assets. Credit availability should be greater for higher quality
firms. Consistent with this intuition, large firms and firms in industries with
high average earnings and low earnings volatility tend to have a high
debt-to-assets ratio. However older firms and more profitable firms-which
should be higher quality-have lower, not higher, debt ratios. The problem is
we cannot tell whether older firms are rationed by creditors (a supply effect)
or whether they have a lower demand for external credit. Since the coefficient
estimates from this regression are not unbiased, we propose an alternative
measure of the credit available to the firm.
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The Benefits of Lending Relationships 19

Table V
Determinants of the Firm's Debt Ratio
The dependent variable is total debt divided by the book value of assets. It has been multiplied
by 100. Since the debt ratio is censored at zero we estimate the coefficients using a one-sided
tobit model. Asymptotic standard errors are reported in parentheses. The regression also
includes seven industry dummies based on the one-digit SIC codes.


Log(book value of assets) 4.40*

Profits/assets (%) 0.99*
Borrower is a corporation (0, 1) 9.32*
Firm age (in years) - 0.80
Length of longest relationship - 0.19**
(in years) (0.08)
Herfindahl index for bank deposits 3.57*
Mean 1987 gross profits/assets ratio 19.34**
in two-digit SIC industry (8.92)
Mean o(Gross profits/assets) between 1983-87 - 11.94
in two-digit SIC industry (9.48)
Number of observations 3,233
X2 347.1
(p-value) (0.000)
Significant at the 1 percent level.
* Significant at the 5 percent level.

If institutions limit the credit extended to a firm, the firm will borrow from
more expensive sources, so long as the returns from its investments exceed
the cost of funds from those sources. Firms with unlimited access to institu-
tional credit will never turn to the more expensive source. Therefore, with
certain caveats discussed below, the amount borrowed from more expensive
sources should measure the degree to which firms are supply constrained by
institutions. More specifically, let the firm's rate of return on the marginal
dollar invested be given by curve JKE in Figure 1. The firm should invest
until the rate of return from the marginal dollar of investment equals the
opportunity cost of capital. The firm has three sources of capital: internally
generated cash flow (OB), borrowing from institutions (BC), and borrowing
from an alternative source (CD).
The firm will exhaust its cheapest source, internal cash, before approach-
ing the financial institutions. If institutions do not ration credit, the firm will
invest to the point where the (increasing) marginal cost of borrowing from
institutions (represented by curve GN) intersects the curve JKE. The firm
will invest OM. If, however, institutions ration the amount of credit they offer
the firm, say to amount BC, the firm only invests OD. Holding all else equal,
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20 The Journal of Finance

MARGINAL InvestmentOpportunities


Cash Lending SourceA
0 B c D M E
Figure 1. Sources and uses of funds. The solid curve JKE represents the Internal Rate of
Return (IRR) on the marginal investment. GP is the marginal cost of institutional credit offered,
while HK is the marginal cost of borrowingfrom Source A. OB is the amount of cash the firm
has, BC is the amount borrowed from institutional lenders, and CD is the amount borrowed
from Source A. OD is the total amount invested.

the amount CD that the firm borrows from the alternative source is then an
inverse measure of the quantity of credit available from institutions. For CD
to be an appropriate measure of institutional credit rationing, the marginal
cost of borrowing from the alternative source must exceed the marginal cost
of available institutional credit. If this is not true, the amount CD will be a
function of the price financial institutions charge, as opposed to the volume of
credit they are willing to offer. Also, the cost of borrowing from the alterna-
tive source should be relatively similar for firms within an identifiable class.
Otherwise the amount CD will be a function of the specific firm's cost of
borrowing from the alternative source.
What could the expensive source of credit be? Most of the firms in our
sample are offered trade credit-short-term financing, which some suppliers
provide with their goods and services.17 We have data on the percentage of a
firm's purchases that are made on credit, the percentage of this credit that is
accompanied by discounts for early payment, the percentage of the discounts
that are taken, and the percentage of trade credit that is paid late. In
general, discounts for early payment and the penalties for late payment are
substantial. They are meant to encourage the firm to pay on time. For

17Clearly, the trade creditor realizes a margin on the goods sold which is why she may be
prepared to offer credit tied to the purchase of the goods even when others ration credit. Mian
and Smith (1992) offer a variety of other reasons why trade creditors may do this. The
manufacturer may find the collateral (merchandise) more valuable and easier to sell after
repossession. Also, she may have a cost advantage in credit evaluation. Trade credit may be a
method of price discrimination. Finally, there may be tax advantages if the financing qualifies as
an installment loan. None of this suggests that trade credit is a cheap source of finance.
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The Benefits of Lending Relationships 21

example, some firms in the retail business face the terms 10-2-30 (Smith
(1987)). This is a discount of 2 percent if paid within 10 days (the "discount"
date) and the full amount if paid in 30 days (the "due" date). Foregoing the 2
percent discount is equivalent to borrowing at an annual rate of 44.6 percent.18
Clearly, the annualized rate is not that high if firms are allowed to stretch
repayments beyond the due date. Since the stated terms in an industry may
differ from actual industry practice, we use our data to construct empirical
measures of the actual stretch that firms face. Based on each firm's stock of
accounts payable, we construct the days payable outstanding (DPO) for each
firm, which is defined as 365 times the firm's accounts payable over its cost of
goods sold. We report the DPO by industry in Table VI.19 To estimate the
potential stretch available to trade credit borrowers, we calculate the differ-
ence in the DPO between firms that regularly take the early payment
discounts and those that do not. For each industry, we determine the median
DPO for firms that take less than 10 percent of the discounts they are offered
and the median DPO for firms that take more than 90 percent of the
discounts offered. The difference between these two numbers is reported as
the "Discount Stretch" in Table VI, and it is an estimate of how long firms
that do not take discounts stretch their credit. For the retail industry it is 8.9
days.20 Based on the standard terms, firms that do not take the discount are
paying an additional 2 percent for 8.9 days of credit, which translates to an
annualized interest rate of 129 percent.
A second way in which the firm can extend its trade credit financing is by
paying late, i.e., after the due date. Clearly, the firm will incur both reputa-
tional and pecuniary penalties for paying late. For example, among gasoline
wholesalers margins are so thin that a firm paying late may be forced to pay
cash for future purchases and may be cut off from future supplies.21 For each
industry, we estimate the "Late Payment Stretch" as the difference between
the median DPO for firms that repay more than 50 percent of their trade
credit late and the median DPO for firms that repay less than 10 percent of
their trade credit late. We find it to be 16.9 for the retail industry. Thus if the
firm does not take the discount by paying on the tenth day and stretches the

18By taking the early payment discount, the firm is borrowing at 2/98 or 2.04 percent per
20-day period. Since there are 365/20 or 18.25 such periods in a year, this is equivalent to an
annual rate of 44.6 percent ([1 + 2/98](365/20) - 1).
19We used two classifications for industry-the two-digit SIC code and the one-digit SIC code.
We report only the broader classification in Table VI but use the two-digit SIC code in the
estimates reported in Tables VII, VIII, and IX.
20 Vhy is this number so low compared to the 20 days that should be the case if the discount
terms are 2-10-30? A possible reason is that the discount date is not strictly enforced while the
due date is, so that firms get discounts even if they pay after the tenth day (see Dun and
Bradstreet (1970)). Another possible reason is that firms stretch entirely on the portion offered
with discounts and not on any of the trade credit offered with net terms. If this is true (and we
have no reason to believe that the firm should not stretch trade credit offered on net terms also),
the stretch goes up to 8.9/0.3 = 30 days. This is an implicit interest rate of 27.9 percent, which is
still higher than the highest interest rate on institutional loans in our sample (24.5 percent).
21Authors discussions with Mr. Chuck Patton, Credit Department, Amoco Oil Company.
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22 The Journal of Finance

pay the
Retail Days
to within
Services UtilitiesMining
Industry less one-digit
Wholesale themedian
tradeand Construction
and than SIC Payable
tradeManufacturing calculate
10 DPO
the industry
estate percent
transportation firmsOutstanding
of between
Discount between
of thethat
60 69 8252965 35635520 Stretch take *
Firms trade
or median
thecredit Firm's
than 9.427.3
19.7 30.6
15.9 Days Late
Median 90
to payable
16.5 25.2
207.2 18.5
37.2 43.8 43.7 Mean
37.5 Paymentpercent
the of

Std outstanding
Stretch. their
26.3 60.9
1580 20.6
84.6 83.3 50.8
96.6 Outstandig Payable/Costs
Dev for
early of
between Outstanding
number Table
of firms VI
Early firms
Taking that
57.6 42.3
60.4 62.5
21.4 2 that Sold.
of take
90% pay
of Firms in discounts.
more "Discount
the than
(in "Late
than 10
1.28.919.9 14.9
16.5 22.7
62.0 50
Days)Discount utilities Stretch"
is Industry
and Paymentpercent
2 percentof
50% defined
Credit Stretch"
12.0 19.8
15.0 0.024.6 23.1 of Fraction trade
22.5 is as
Late Paying
of early
Trade transportation
lateas payment
(in Late andthe difference
13.6 18.4 60.4
21.0 we
Days) arefirmsdiscounts
15406261, 1994, 1, Downloaded from by Nes, Edinburgh Central Office, Wiley Online Library on [10/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
The Benefits of Lending Relationships 23

payment out for 36.9 days (20 days plus the late payment stretch of 16.9), the
implicit annual interest rate is 22.1 percent.22 This is an underestimate of
the true borrowing rate because it overstates the actual discount stretch that
we estimate for the retail industry (8.9 days). It also underestimates the true
borrowing cost because it ignores the reputational and pecuniary costs that
missing the due date will impose on the firm. Despite these omissions, this
interest rate is higher than 99.8 percent of the loans in our sample.
As a final way to document the true costs of financing a firm through
delayed payment of its trade credit obligations, we calculate the percent of
firms in an industry that take most of the early payment discounts (more
than 90 percent) and the percent of firms that pay a significant fraction of
their trade credits late (more than 50 percent). These numbers are reported
in Table VI. That 58 percent of firms in the retail industry avail themselves
of 90 percent or more of the discounts they are offered suggests that discounts
are sizeable, and that firms that forego them are not getting cheap financing.
Similarly, only 13 percent of firms pay more than 50 percent of their trade
credits late, suggesting that the penalties for late payment are substantial.
Furthermore, our conversations and previous work (Dun and Bradstreet
(1970), Elliehausen and Wolken (1992)) indicate that discount terms are not
specific to a firm, but are common practice throughout an industry. As these
discounts and penalties are substantial and are industry specific and not firm
specific, the fraction of trade discounts not taken or the fraction of trade
credit paid late are good proxies for the amount CD.

B. Trade Credit Data

In Table VII we present summary statistics for the data on trade credit.
Larger (Table VII, Panel A) and older (Table VII, Panel B) firms make more
of their purchases on credit, suggesting that the decision to offer credit seems
to be firm specific. The percentage of credit offered with discounts for prompt
payment, however, is invariant to firm characteristics like size and age. We
test whether this percentage varies across age or size categories in Table VII.
We cannot reject the hypothesis of a constant mean in either case (p = 0.93
for size and 0.63 for age). We also regress the percentage of discounts offered
on several firm characteristics and 12 industry dummies. Only the industry
dummies are statistically significant. It appears that once the decision to
offer credit is made, discounts for early payment automatically follow if it is
the supplier's policy. This evidence also seems to indicate that the size of the

22Neither measure of stretch is completely accurate. The discount stretch has the problems
discussed in footnote 20, while the late payment stretch overestimates the stretch from the due
date because it does not take into account the possibility that early payers may take substan-
tially more of their discounts. Yet another measure of the stretch could be the difference in
medians between those taking 90 percent of their discounts and those paying more than 50
percent late. In the retail industry, this is 19.4 days, which translates to a 46.2 percent annual
15406261, 1994, 1, Downloaded from by Nes, Edinburgh Central Office, Wiley Online Library on [10/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
24 The Journal of Finance

for the
thebFor aFor Less Book Firms
DPO Less Over
Over 2-5 Firms are
firm foreach p-value30 19-30
each 10-19
5-10 15-46 Assets
F-statistic than(Years)
Age 2293
p-value 488-2293 Value
to 2 15
the of that
obtain two-digit by
theSIC SIC mean
75-90 0-10 Age
50-7510-25 50-75
75-90 10-25
25-500-10 Asset
90-100 25-50 90-100 in
obtain Percentile Percentiles
as industry, Panel
the the is
82.7 74.3
80.6 75.4 84.8
90.2 81.2 73.3
74.0 71.8 and
stretch 6.47 0.00 Made
0.00 25.65 Credit
as by
medianmedian (377)
(244) (689) (414)
(623) (299) (298)
(639) (203) on Purchases
(366) Percentage
of constant
DPO DPO in Trade
theis measured Panel Panelacross
due from B: Credit A: theB. Credit
34.1 33.3
33.4 32.2
30.4 33.6 34.1
31.5 32.7
32.8 33.2
obtained 0.63
0.69 0.93
0.27 Percentage
date. the Trade with
of Trade The
for for (240)
(682) (400)
(615) (295) (289) (686)
(433) (632)
(364) Payment
last different
Trade Credit of
firms Credit sizenumber
for of
and VII
Usage Usage
availing 74.5
82.4 61.5
68.9 57.1
58.9 of 68.3
70.5 64.9
63.8 74.2
64.4 Taken of agefirms
less of 0.00 14.89 2.17
0.05 by in
discounts. (193)
(224) (278) (539)
(375) (245)
(457) Offered
(122) Discounts Firms:
than more Firms: each
Firm of
By By categories.
than cellSize
90 Age Size are
15.8 18.4 23.7
22.1 25.1 21.0 21.7
21.4 21.2
19.8 18.0 and
percent Credit
4.09 0.73
of in Trade
percent (92)
(392) (243)
(357) (155) (172) (379)
(260) (344) (100)Percent
(194) Paid Age
of in
late. their - -
Last for
0.11 0.00
2.89 -0.02
-2.20 6.59
5.27 -2.60
1.44 13.03
7.32 Median
This Day(Measured
is Firms parentheses.
discounts. (170)
(470) (282)
(400) (208) (214) (473)
(305) (108)Discounts)a
(445) for
from Stretch
subtracted - - - -
Due for
from 1.22
-0.72 -2.71
-5.86 2.85 -0.81
3.75 10.71
-5.86 17.91 Median F-statistic
the subtracted Firms
(163) (473)
(200) (210) (464)
(308) (102)Date)b
(439) tests
from Stretch
DPO from the
15406261, 1994, 1, Downloaded from by Nes, Edinburgh Central Office, Wiley Online Library on [10/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
The Benefits of Lending Relationships 25

discounts offered for early payment are unlikely to be tailored to the specific
The two variables of interest are the percentage of trade credit that is paid
after the due date (which we call late payments) and the percentage of
discounts for early payment that are taken (which we call discounts taken).
Both variables are taken from the survey. Each is a proxy for the amount
borrowed from the alternative source. A firm that makes more late payments
or takes fewer cash discounts uses a greater amount of trade credit as a
source of financing. As seen in Table VII, these two variables do not seem to
depend strongly on firm size, but do depend on age. Late payments decrease
from 25.1 percent for the youngest firms to 15.8 percent for the oldest firms.
Discounts taken increase from 58.9 percent for the lowest age category to 82.4
percent for the oldest firms.

C. Test of the Effect of Relationships on Credit Availability

To determine if relationships increase the availability of credit, we regress
late payments and discounts taken against measures of the firm's investment
opportunities, its cash flow, its debt, and various measures of relationships.
The regression is of the form:

Trade credits paid late

- 130 + 31 Measures of investment opportunities
+ /32 Industry dummies + 133 Measures of cash flow
? 134 Measures of relationships + e. (2)

We include three measures of the firm's investment opportunities. Younger

firms may have different investment opportunities than older firms. This
may account for the pattern in Table VII, Panel B. Thus, firm age is one
measure of investment opportunities. As discussed earlier, it is also a mea-
sure of the publicly available component of information. Investment opportu-
nities could also depend on the firm's size (the book value of its assets).
Finally, investment opportunities depend on the industry the firm is in, and
thus industry dummies are included as explanatory variables. This will also
control for differences in the price of trade credit financing across industries.
The firm's internal cash flow (normalized by book assets) is accounted for
by including income after interest. While we do not have figures for deprecia-
tion, it ought to be a function of the firm's book assets which is already in the
regression. We also include the ratio of outstanding institutional debt (i.e.,
total loans less family and owner loans) to book assets. This is a measure of
the debt capacity the firm has already exhausted.23 Finally we include a
dummy for whether the firm is a corporation or not, because credit rationing

23An argument could be made for leaving debt out since if we perfectly control for investment
opportunities, the level of trade credit used is an exact measure of the level of debt available.
Leaving debt out of the regressions has no qualitative impact on the results.
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26 The Journal of Finance

should be greater for firms with limited liability. An owner-managed firm has
a greater incentive to take on risky projects if it has limited liability.
We come now to the relationship variables. The first is the length of the
longest relationship the firm has had with a financial institution. Second, we
include a measure of how informed the firm's lenders are this variable is
the fraction of borrowing that comes from institutions that provide at least
one significant financial service to the firm.24 Third, we include a measure of
how concentrated the firm's borrowing is the number of institutions that
account for more than 10 percent of the firm's borrowing. Finally, we include
the Herfindahl index for financial institutions in the immediate area of the
firm.25 We cannot estimate our model with ordinary least squares since both
dependent variables are expressed as percentages and are consequently
censored at 0 or 100. The coefficients in a least squares estimate would be
biased toward zero. We therefore estimate a tobit regression with two-sided

D. Findings
The regressions explaining late payments are reported in Table VIII. The
investment and cash flow variables have the predicted sign. Older and larger
firms do not make as many late payments. More profitable firms do not make
as many late payments, though this effect is not statistically significant.26
Firms that have taken on more debt are more likely to pay late. Finally,
corporations make more late payments. We now examine the relationship
The length of the longest relationship with a financial institution is both
economically and statistically significant regardless of whether we use a
linear specification for firm age and relationship length (Table VIII, column
1) or a log specification (Table VIII, column 3). It is instructive to compare the
economic magnitudes of the age and relationship coefficients estimated here
with those estimated in the rate regression. A one standard deviation in-
crease in the log of one plus the firm age reduces the percentage of trade
credits paid late by 1.35. A one standard deviation increase in the log of one
plus the length of the relationship reduces the percentage of trade credits
paid late by 2.05. A one standard deviation increase in size reduces the
percentage of trade credits paid late by 1.48. Following our crude method of
calibration (see Section III.C), firm age has about 90 percent of the impact
that firm size has on the availability of credit while it has only 40 percent of
the impact that firm size has on the price of credit. More interesting,

These are either deposit accounts or the informational financial services defined above.
25The survey does not report the actual Herfindahl index. We know whether the Herfindahl
index is less than 0.10, between 0.10 and-0.18, or greater than 0.18. Our variable is therefore
coded as 1, 2, or 3.
26 Profits could proxy for a firm's cash flow which should reduce the amount paid late, but it
could also proxy for the profitability of a firm's investment opportunities which would increase
the amount paid late. The predicted effect is thus ambiguous.
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The Benefits of Lending Relationships 27

Table VIII
Credit Availability and the Role of Relationships
Dependent Variable: Trade Credits Repaid Late (%)
The dependent variable is the percentage of trade credits that were paid after the due date (paid
late). The coefficient estimates are from a tobit regression with two-sided censoring. The
dependent variable is censored at 0.0 and 1.0. Asymptotic standard errors are in parentheses.
Each regression also includes seven industry dummies based on the one-digit SIC codes.

Independent Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Log(book value of assets) - 0.662 - 0.542 - 0.753 - 0.678 - 0.533 - 1.580*

(0.490) (0.495) (0.486) (0.513) (0.489) (0.566)
Profits/book assets - 0.679 - 0.785 - 0.663 - 0.643 - 0.744 0.372
(0.753) (0.754) (0.753) (0.782) (0.750) (0.916)
Debt from institutions/ 4.853** 4.902** 4.888** 4.463** 5.775* 5.932*
book assets (2.040) (2.038) (2.045) (2.108) (2.045) (2.310)
Firm is a corporation (0, 1) 2.819*** 2.857*** 2.827*** 3.248*** 2.597 5.267*
(1.635) (1.633) (1.638) (1.726) (1.632) (1.936)
Firm age (in years)a - 0.142*** - 0.150** - 1.531 -0.181** -0.140*** -0.164***
(0.081) (0.081) (1.080) (0.084) (0.081) (0.093)
Length of longest relationship - 0.155** - 0.152** - 2.299** - 0.165** - 0.150** - 0.177**
(in years)a (0.069) (0.069) (1.089) (0.070) (0.068) (0.078)
Debt from financial service - 5.576* - 5.385* - 5.555* - 5.713* - 6.976*
provider (%) (1.672) (1.678) (1.748) (1.663) (1.907)
Debt from financial service - 7.630*
provider (only one service) (%) (2.085)
Debt from financial service - 3.895**
provider (multiple services) (%) (1.958)
Number of institutions from 1.926** 1.872** 1.991** 2.286** 1.840** 1.546
which firm borrows (0.900) (0.900) (0.901) (0.946) (0.897) (1.043)
Herfindahl index for financial - 2.253* - 2.300* - 2.274* - 2.065** - 1.901** - 2.659*
institutions (1, 2, or 3) (0.866) (0.865) (0.866) (0.902) (0.866) (0.996)
Sales growth (1986-1987) - 1.445
Mean 1987 gross profits/assets ratio - 28.245*
in two-digit SIC industry (8.643)
Mean o-(gross profits/assets) between 22.677*
1983-87 in two-digit SIC industry (7.851)
Late payment stretch 0.012
(in days)b (0.019)
Fraction of firms paying 2 50% of trade 84.997*
credit late (5.758)
Number of observations 1,119 1,119 1,119 1,019 1,119 857
X2 83.5 86.2 80.7 86.3 96.6 127.1
(p-value) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)

aWe replace length of relationship and firm age by the natural log of one plus the length of
relationship and firm age in column 3. Thus the coefficient measures the change in the interest
rate due to a one percent increase in the firm's age or the length of its longest relationship.
bFor each two-digit SIC industry, the median DPO is obtained for firms paying less than 10
percent of credit late. This is subtracted from the DPO for firms paying more than 50 percent of
credit late to obtain the late payment stretch.
* Significant at the 1 percent level.
** Significant at the 5 percent level.
***Significant at the 10 percent level.
15406261, 1994, 1, Downloaded from by Nes, Edinburgh Central Office, Wiley Online Library on [10/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
28 The Journal of Finance

relationship length has about 138 percent of the impact that firm size has on
the availability of credit while it has no impact on the price of credit.
Firms are less likely to pay late when their lenders are more informed. The
coefficient on the fraction of debt from institutions that provide financial
services is - 5.6 (t = 3.3). If the provision of services is a good measure of the
closeness of the lending relationship, then lenders who provide more services
are closer and should increase availability even more. This is indeed the case
(Table VIII, column 2). A firm can reduce late payments by increasing the
fraction it borrows from an institution providing a single service (f3 = - 3.9),
but increasing the fraction borrowed from an institution providing two or
more services has almost twice the effect (,3 = - 7.6). Providing more infor-
mation to lenders has little effect on the price of credit (see Section III), but it
significantly increases its availability.
In Section III we found that concentrated borrowing is correlated with
cheaper credit. It is also correlated with greater availability of credit. An
increase of one in the number of institutions from which the firm borrows
increases late payments by almost two percentage points (Table VIII, column
1). When banks and nonbanks are considered separately, the effect of an
increase in the number of banks is statistically and economically more
important than an increase in the number of nonbank institutions. The
coefficients are 2.5 versus 1.8, although we do not report this regression in
the table. Finally, following our calibration, the number of banks has 142
percent of the impact on the availability of credit that size has. Recall that in
Section III, we found the number of banks to have only 53 percent of the
impact that size has on the price of credit.
Interestingly, credit availability for firms in more geographically concen-
trated banking markets is significantly higher. A firm in the most concen-
trated area reduces late payments by 4.6 percentage points when compared to
a firm in the most competitive area. By comparison, concentration of the local
financial market has only a small and statistically insignificant effect on the
price of credit (see Table IV). Petersen and Rajan (1993) explore this issue in
greater detail. They argue that a possible reason banks help out small firms
is because of the possibility that such firms generate significant future
business when they grow. In return for a stake in the firm's future, the bank
lends even when no one else will. Unfortunately, the firm cannot explicitly
commit to giving the bank a stake, because banks in the United States are
statutorily prohibited from holding equity in firms. This implies that the
bank has to rely on an implicit promise that it will receive the firm's future
business. In a concentrated market, such a promise is more credible because
the firm has few options (until it grows large enough to approach arm's
length markets). They find evidence consistent with such an explanation.
According to our hypothesis, firms could finance themselves with greater
amounts of expensive trade credit, not just when institutions restrict their
access to credit but also when they have better investment opportunities. A
potential problem with our results is that we may not be measuring invest-
ment opportunities correctly. If firms with good investment opportunities are
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The Benefits of Lending Relationships 29

relatively young, have short relationships, and use multiple lenders to fund
their investments, we would find that all three variables are correlated with
our measures of usage of trade credit. Under the assumption that high-growth
firms have above average investment opportunities, sales growth is a proxy
for investment opportunities. If our relationship variables are better proxies
for investment opportunities than for relationships, the inclusion of sales
growth in the regression should reduce the magnitude of the coefficients
dramatically. We report the coefficients in the fourth column of Table VIII.
Two of the three relationship coefficients increase in magnitude. The coeffi-
cient on the fraction of debt from institutions that provide financial services
decreases slightly. We find similar results when we use book assets to sales
as a proxy for investment opportunities, suggesting that our relationship
variables are not proxies for investment opportunities. We also include the
industry mean profits and mean standard deviation of profits as defined in
Section III. These coefficients have the correct sign and are statistically
significant, but they do not change our estimates of the coefficients on the
relationship variables (see Table VIII, column 5).
As a further check, we include in the regression proxies for standard
industry practice in regard to paying late. If most firms pay late, paying late
must not be very costly. Therefore the fraction of firms in the two-digit SIC
industry paying more than 50 percent late is an inverse measure of the
penalty for paying late. The Late Payment Stretch in the two-digit SIC
industry is a second measure of the net benefit of paying late. Though we lose
a number of observations when we include these two variables, the relation-
ship coefficients are not significantly altered by these additions. Two of the
relationship coefficients are higher and one is lower.27 Thus the regression is
robust to proxies for the costs and benefits of paying late.
The extent to which a firm takes cash discounts for early payment is an
(inverse) measure of credit availability and should be driven by the same
factors that make a firm avoid penalties for late payments. Thus, the regres-
sion with "discounts taken" as the dependent variable should be viewed as a
test of the robustness of our results. We expect the coefficients on the
relationship variables to have the opposite sign in comparison to the previous
regression. The results are reported in Table IX and confirm our earlier
results. Stronger relationships are correlated with greater credit availability.
The only additional point to note in these regressions is that in column 6 of
Table IX, we include the implicit interest rate calculated from standard terms

27Welose observations because we only include firms in industries with at least 10 firms. This
restriction ensures our estimates of medians are reasonable. Ideally, we should define the Late
Payment Stretch as the difference in DPO between firms paying 100 percent of their credits late
and those paying 0 percent late. We use the definition in Section MV.Aso as to get sufficient
observations to estimate medians precisely in each group.
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30 The Journal of Finance

the areThe
Sales Debt Debt Debt (in (= Firm Debt
Length is1 book
Number from
Log(book standard
from from from
provider of ageif a from a
Herfindahl (in one-digit
growth firm years)a yes) assets Profits/book
institutions (%) value errorsdependent
(1,index (only longest of SIC tobit
2, for financial years)a
financial assets are
(multiple corporation variablein
or borrows
institutions variable
assets) codes. is
(1986-1987) service
from service) regression
financialservices) relationship the
(%) - with Dependent
- (%) - parenthesis.Credit
(3.033) 8.889* 5.655
(5.667) 0.904* (5.697)
0.900* (2.399)
14.178* (1.679)
7.485*6.795* percentage
14.996* *
9.913*** Exceptof
for Variable:
- early
(2) Availability
(3.035) 1.539 10.159 (0.219)
(6.731) 0.901*0.911*
(0.246) (2.419)
(5.696) (1.691)
-14.326* 6.554* column
8.790** * censoring.
9.844*** 6, Offered
- The
each Table
(3.050) 9.754* 4.415 (3.474)
(5.705) 17.154* (2.428)
(5.732) (1.670)
14.608* 14.825** discounts
6.612*** Role
- - regression
that of
(4) also are
1.254 (3.331) 5.875
(5.969) (6.085)
0.878*0.972* (1.778)
(2.624) 6.747*
(7.437) variable
(3.744)(3.189) 9.486*
15.658* 12.751** 6.493**
16.020** is taken
- by by
(5) thethe
(5.660) (0.246)
(0.218) 0.899*-8.831
(5.713) 7.593*6.541*
(2.373) seven
(3.038) 8.789*
14.170* 0.884* -15.736** Relationships
at firm.
- -
(6) and
(5.140) 10.517
(9.670) (0.392)
(0.320) 1.085* (13.736)
29.610* (2.718)
(5.601) 8.549*
11.192** 14.022**
0.598*** 1.0.
- coefficient
5.650 0.841*
(0.254) -8.643
(5.968) (1.751)
8.144*6.750* based
14.449* (0.224)
(5.817) 1.003* 14.326**
7.505** estimates
on Asymptotic
15406261, 1994, 1, Downloaded from by Nes, Edinburgh Central Office, Wiley Online Library on [10/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
The Benefits of Lending Relationships 31

* the in
** **
This (in MeanMean
is bFor column terms
(p-value) Fraction
length of payments
of in 1983-871987
each days)b rate Independent
of in c(gross
Significant replace
Significantits Thus firmsstretch gross
at SIC
at subtracted the two-digit
at implied variable
the two-digit length discounts
the5 1 from longest of taking SIC
observations by two-digit
10 SIC > SIC industry
percent coefficient 90% industry
percent industry, of credit
level. relationship
level. therelationship. between
level. measures
and early
median 194.1 (1)
taking age 1500
DPO change (0.000)
lessis in Table
than the 195.3 (2)
10 obtained (0.000)
for interest
percent rate of 185.7 (3) IX-Continued
of firms (0.000)
takinga plus 183.1 (4)
discounts the (0.000) 1362
than length
to 90 percent
of 202.8 (5)
1500 (33.676)
(0.000) 69.090**
theof in relationship
76.7545 (6)
the -0.017
and (0.000)
216.5 (7)
ageage 1328 146.60*
(0.000) (29.188)
or in
15406261, 1994, 1, Downloaded from by Nes, Edinburgh Central Office, Wiley Online Library on [10/12/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
32 The Journal of Finance

of trade credit for the two-digit industry to which the firm belongs.28 We lose
two thirds of our observations, so these results must be interpreted with
caution. We find that higher implicit rates have almost no effect on the
percent of discounts taken. The coefficient is actually negative, but its magni-
tude is tiny. That the implicit interest rate has so little effect may imply that
we are measuring it very inaccurately or that trade credit costs so much more
than other sources that managers do not use it unless they have no other
source of capital, an assumption implicit in our analysis.29
Clearly, our evidence that trade creditors lend when institutional lenders
do not suggests that they have collateral, incentives related to the product
they are selling, sources of leverage over the firm, or information that the
institutions do not possess. Is it then possible that our relationship variables
identify firms whose strong supplier relationship-and hence cheap trade
credit-substitute for bank relationships and bank credit? For instance,
suppliers may allow younger firms greater leeway in stretching out their
trade credit repayments. If so, the negative correlation between age (or length
of relationship) and the extent of late payments simply reflects the fact that
the implicit cost of trade credit is lower for young firms. The data in Table
VII, Panel B, however, do not support this explanation. The median stretch
(as measured from the due date) for the youngest 10 percent of the firms is
-5.86 days compared to a median stretch of -0.72 days for the oldest ten
percent of the firms. Similarly, the median stretch for the smallest 10 percent
of the firm is - 17.91 days compared to a median stretch of 2.85 days for the
largest 10 percent of the firms (see Table VII, Panel A). If, as suggested in
Section IV.B, trade credit terms are uniform in an industry, it would imply
that firms borrowing the most against trade credit are allowed considerably

28The terms were obtained from Dunn and Bradstreet's Handbook of Credit and Collection
(1970). We obtained standard terms for 46 four-digit SIC industries which translated into 19
two-digit industries. We calculated the implicit interest rate assuming that the credit period
began on the last day the discount could be used and continued till the day the payment was due
(this assumption is consistent with our finding that the stretch in the retail and wholesale
industry is somewhat smaller than the 20 days implied by the 2-10-30 rule). Whenever we had
different terms for the same two-digit industry, we took a simple mean of the calculated implicit
interest rates. The largest implicit interest rate (without considering those with cash terms
where the due date and the discount date were the same) was 348 percent, and the lowest was 15
percent. The mean rate was 70 percent. The most common terms were 2-10-30, which were
offered in 23 of the 46 four-digit SIC industries.
29 Does the fact that firms borrowagainst trade credit even when the average implicit interest
rate on the credit is 70 percent imply that the rate of return on the firm's marginal projects is
higher than 70 percent?Clearly not. But as the following example shows, projectindivisibility or
nonconvexity is enough to rationalize the use of expensive trade credit. Consider a firm which
has a $100,000 investment in equipment which will be liquidated at a fire sale price of $90,000
(see Shleifer and Vishny (1992)) if creditors get control rights over the firm. Further, assume a
coupon payment of $5,000 is coming due. If the firm has no money to make this payment and no
institution will lend more, it may borrowthe $5,000 against trade credit to make the payment, in
order to avoid the potential loss of $10,000 if creditors gain control. Even though the potential
loss from project liquidation is only 10 percent of its value, the rate of return on the usage of
trade credit is enormous. A similar point can be made for project initiations.
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The Benefits of Lending Relationships 33

less stretch, and consequently pay considerably higher implicit interest rates
on their trade credit borrowing. By contrast, interest rates on institutional
loans are relatively less influenced by age and size (see Tables IV and X).
There is further evidence that trade credit is not meant to be a cheap
substitute for medium-term financing. It is the practice in some industries for
suppliers to finance buyers. The large volume of loans from nonfinancial
firms in those industries is evidence of this. If supplier financing is explicitly
intended to be medium term, we would not expect trade credit to be offered
with discounts for early payment. This is indeed the case. Firms which have
their largest source of loans from other nonfinancial firms were offered, on
average, discounts with only 22.7 percent of their trade credit. By contrast,
other firms are offered discounts on 32.9 percent of their trade credit. The
difference in means is significant at the 5 percent level (t = 2.4). While trade
credit may be the only source of finance when firms are young, the evidence
that firms borrowing most on trade credit pay relatively the highest rates for
it, and the evidence that suppliers who want to offer medium term credit
offer explicit loans rather than trade credit, suggests that firms use trade
credit out of necessity rather than choice.
A final possibility is that the relationship variables somehow proxy for
firms in distress. If small, highly leveraged, and floundering firms are cut off
by institutions (thus cutting short their relationship), and are forced to use
trade credit, we would find a spurious negative correlation between the
length of the relationship and the usage of trade credit. Are the firms using
lots of trade credit necessarily distressed? The median firm repays 10 percent
of its trade credits late. For firms paying more than the median late, the

Table X
Average Interest Rates on Most Recent Loan
The table contains the average interest rate on the firm's most recent loan categorized by the
firm's book value of assets, the percent of trade credits paid late, and the percentage of early
payments taken. The first row of the table contains the smallest firms, the firms that pay the
largest percent of their trade credits late, and the firms that take advantage of the fewest early
payment discounts.

Percentiles Based on the Percentiles Based on the

Percentiles Based on the Percent of Trade Credits Percent of Early
Book Value of Assets Paid Late Payment Discounts Taken

0-10% 12.0 11.4 11.2

10-25% 11.5 11.9 11.1
25-50% 11.5 11.4 11.1
50-75% 10.8 11.2 10.8a
75-90% 10.5 10.7 10.8
90-100% 10.1 10.4 10.8

aOver 25 percent of the firms take all of the early payment discounts that are offered. Thus the
groups 50-70 percent, 75-90 percent, and 90-100 percent are not distinct. Thus 10.8 percent is
the average interest rate for firms taking more than the median percent of the early discounts
which they are offered.
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34 The Journal of Finance

mean asset size is $1.17 million, the mean profitability (as a fraction of
assets) is 0.35, the mean sales growth is 0.25, and the mean debt-to-assets
ratio is 0.32. This compares to a mean asset size of $1.21 million, mean
profitability of 0.44, sales growth of 0.19, and indebtedness of 0.26 for firms
below the median. Only the debt levels are statistically different, though this
may not reflect distress but simply that firms paying late are investing more
(and hence are less profitable, either because projects have not come on line or
because they have greater depreciation tax shields) and using external
financing. We also examine the difference between the age of the firm and the
length of the longest relationship. If highly indebted firms are being cut off by
their banks, leading to the spurious correlation suggested above, we should
find the difference to be the highest in the case of the most indebted firms.
Instead, we find that the longest relationship for highly indebted firms-firms
with institutional debt above the median-is 1.3 years longer (relative to
their age) than for firms with institutional debt below the median. Finally,
Table X shows the average interest rate charged on the firm's most recent
institutional loan. Firms using the most trade credit do not pay substantially
more for their loans, suggesting indeed that we are measuring some form of
credit rationing and not some spurious correlation arising from distress.

V. Discussion and Conclusion

We began our empirical investigation by noting that borrowing by small
firms is highly concentrated. Moreover, small firms borrow a significant
fraction of their debt from lenders who provide them informationally inten-
sive financial services. Are there benefits to concentrating borrowing and
building relationships with a few lenders or is such concentrated borrowing
costly? Our analysis indicates the former.
We find a small effect of relationships on the price charged by lenders. The
length of an institution's relationship with the firm seems to have little
impact on the rate. Similarly, the rate charged is insignificantly lower when
the lender provides the firm financial services. We find that firms that borrow
from multiple banks are charged a significantly higher rate. There are a
number of potential explanations of this effect, other than that multiple
sourcing weakens relationships, but we do not find strong support for any of
It does not appear that the lack of explanatory power occurs because our
proxies for the strength of relationships are faulty. Using similar proxies, we

30Conversations with bankers provide some casual support for the "weakening of relation-
ships" explanation. One banker said that he invariably tries to be the sole lender. If the firm
asking for a loan has a prior relationship with another bank, he usually insists on "taking out"
the prior bank with part of the new loan. Being the sole lender improves his ability to control the
borrower'sactions. Another banker echoes these feelings, adding that firms tend to change banks
primarily when their existing bank reaches its legal lending limits. In such cases, a firm
occasionally insists on maintaining token ties with its old bank. He also feels that some small
business owners have "outsize egos," leading them to believe that their firms are big enough to
warrant multiple banking relationships, even though it is a costly practice.
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The Benefits of Lending Relationships 35

find stronger effects of relationships on the availability of financing. The

empirical results suggest that the availability of finance from institutions
increases as the firm spends more time in a relationship, as it increases ties
to a lender by expanding the number of financial services it buys from it, and
as it concentrates its borrowing with the lender.
The results from the previous section rule out the possibility that relation-
ships have no value. They also indicate that our proxies are indeed capturing
some aspects of relationships. There are at least two theoretical explanations
as to why the burden of adjustment to strong relationships falls on the
availability of credit more than it does on price. First, if Stiglitz-Weiss credit
rationing is indeed taking place, the firm's marginal returns from investment
may be much higher than the price of credit. Therefore, if offered a choice,
firms would prefer more, rather than cheaper, credit. Unfortunately, periph-
eral evidence on this hypothesis is decidedly mixed. When the SBA Survey
asked firms about the most important characteristic of financial institutions,
"interest rates and prices offered" was the most frequent response (27.3
percent) while "a willingness to extend financing" was in second place (23.8
percent). However, when asked about the least important characteristic of
financial institutions, "a willingness to extend financing" was the least
common response (5.6 percent) while "interest rates and prices offered" came
next (10.8 percent).
The other theoretical explanation is that while the relationship reduces the
lender's expected cost, it also increases its informational monopoly, so that
cost reductions are not passed on to the firm. We cannot distinguish between
these two possibilities.
The different effects on price and quantity may also stem from the organi-
zational structure of lending institutions. In order to maintain adequate
checks and balances in their business, financial institutions have fairly
specific guidelines for loan pricing. It would be difficult, and perhaps defeat
their purpose, for the institution to set these guidelines such that the loan
officer's "soft" information about the firm can be embedded in the price. Given
this structure, it may be much easier for the loan officer to use her knowledge
to influence the loan amount and whether the loan is made at all, rather than
the price.
Our study also throws additional light on another important public policy
issue. A bank may have economic value because it screens out poor credits.
But once the public credit market knows which firms are good (by observing
firms that have had a long relationship), there is no externality imposed on
the firms if the bank fails or is forced to contract its lending. On the other
hand, if a bank generates substantial durable and nontransferable private
information during the course of a relationship, there may be significant
externalities when it fails or reduces lending commitments, because others
cannot easily step into the breach (see Bernanke (1983)). Slovin, Sushka, and
Polonchek (1993) provide evidence that banks may, in fact, serve as reposito-
ries of private information. They find that the impending insolvency of
Continental Illinois Bank had negative effects and the FDIC rescue had
positive effects on client firm prices. Our study adds to theirs by detailing the
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36 The Journal of Finance

mechanisms through which the bank may acquire information about the
firm, and how it passes on the benefits of this more intense monitoring back
to the firm.31 The public policy implication is that regulators should factor in
the informational capital that will be destroyed when deciding whether to
save a bank from liquidation.
Perhaps the most interesting conclusion of our- study is that the apparent
concentration of borrowing and the purchasing of financial services does not
seem to make small firms worse off. Small firms may voluntarily choose to
concentrate their borrowing so as to improve the availability of financing.
Furthermore, we find that firms in areas where there are few bank-like
institutions are less likely to be rationed. This accords with the notion in
Mayer (1988) and Rajan (1992) that increased competition in financial mar-
kets reduces the value of relationships because it prevents a financial institu-
tion from reaping the rewards of helping the firm at an early stage. The
policy implication is that these firms may best be helped if lenders can make
their claims to the firm's future profits explicit; for instance, regulations
prohibiting banks from holding equity could be weakened so that banks have
an explicit long-term interest in the firms to which they lend.

31Onits own, our study cannot fully resolve whether the information generated in a relation-
ship is private or public. It is possible that the length of the relationship is a significant
determinant of the availability of credit, not because the creditor has accumulated private
information about the firm, but because creditors attempt to keep the business of their best
credits as long as possible. The length of the relationship may then be a publicly available proxy,
similar to the age of the firm, of a firm's creditworthiness. It is, however, harder to explain why
availability increases as creditors come closer-where "closeness"is measured by the number of
nonfinancial services they offer the firm-unless we accept that some private information is
generated via these services. None of these services are so specialized or sophisticated that only
"high-quality"managers would think of using them. Only a few of these services (banker's
acceptances and letters of credit) force the bank to take on credit risk, and these commitments
are usually short term and well secured so that the credit risk is minimal. It is hard to think of
how the provision of these services could be a public signal of quality. It is, however, possible that
the provision of these services helps tie the firm to its creditor in the long run, making the
creditor more willing to extend funds.

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