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Foundation Degree in Business and Management (Year 2)

Developing Collaborative Relationships (BMS513)

School of Adult, Professional, Management & International

Semester: 2 (Tutor: Mervyn Sokun)
TITLE: Reflection

Student ID number:
Tutor name:
Academic year/group bubble:

Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................................. 3
Collaborative Process.................................................................................................3
Handling Styles to Promote Collaboration...................................................................3
Skills Require to Promote Working Relationships.......................................................4
Conclusion.................................................................................................................. 5

Collaboration in business entails the collective effort of individuals working in
unison to achieve a shared objective (Parsons, 2021). Collaboration among teams or
people may be seen in the context of accomplishing a single job; however,
establishing enduring ties is necessary for fostering substantial organisational
collaboration throughout the whole organisation. This study aims to demonstrate the
collaborative process and what handling styles management uses to handle the
collaborative process. Further, this study will also evaluate the skills necessary to
improve employee relationships.

Collaborative Process
I have analysed that establishing a clear and cohesive organisation requires
its members' active participation and cooperation. Workplace collaboration is the
unimpeded and inclusive sharing of information, expertise, and, in some
circumstances, even across different teams and customers. The concept under
consideration stands in stark contrast to a society characterised by "hoarding," when
personnel harbour apprehensions about the intentions of others. Individuals are
open about expressing their ideas, comments, or thoughts in a collaborative setting.
Due to the collective nature of sharing both wins and failures, the allocation of credit
or blame for achievements or mistakes becomes inconsequential (Larsson and
Larsson, 2020). Furthermore, workers benefit from collaborative team cultures,
including increased happiness and reduced anxiety levels.

Handling Styles to Promote Collaboration

I have researched that there are several styles managers can use to promote
collaboration in the workplace, which are discussed below.
Model the behaviour: The efficacy of fostering cooperation among workers
may be enhanced by using a demonstration-based approach rather than relying only
on didactic instruction (Linkov et al., 2016). Regular cooperation with colleagues is
essential for fostering the ideal behaviours within a team. Seek guidance from
individuals and comply with their recommendations. Arrange ideation sessions with
diverse groups of workers. Solicit input from a group of individuals on a report or
project in which the manager is currently engaged. If workers see their superiors

participating in these activities, it is likely to enhance their motivation to engage in

similar behaviours.
Set measurable goals: Providing each team with unambiguous and well-
defined goals is essential to ensure their comprehensive understanding of such
objectives and the criteria by which their achievements will be assessed. Ensuring
company goals are clearly defined, measurable, and free from subjective elements is
essential. Rather than assigning a marketing plan, requesting a team to formulate
three digital marketing campaigns and two media marketing techniques is possible
(Ainscow, 2016). It is advisable to include specific timeframes, in the form of
deadlines, for each individual job or phase within broader projects as part of
company goals. It is advisable to prepare a comprehensive project brief with all
relevant details that can be endorsed by the project team at its inception.
Define team member roles: To mitigate rivalry and provide a clear team
structure for substantial endeavours, it is advisable to provide a comprehensive
breakdown of the tasks assigned to each team member (Linkov et al., 2016). One
might also ascertain the tasks of the team and allocate them accordingly. Regardless
of the circumstances, every team member understands their respective obligations
and may be held liable by their designated role within the team.

Skills Require to Promote Working Relationships

Communication skills: An organisation with a proficient communication system
cultivates positive employee connections and facilitates interactions among staff
members. As an employee relations expert, it is incumbent upon a person to
effectively apply their communication abilities to facilitate the seamless transmission
of information from office staff to middle management and ultimately to the
organisation's senior executives (Binder, 2016). For example, it may be necessary to
use one's oral or written communication abilities to apprise higher-level executives
via telephone conversations or electronic correspondence when lower staff members
attempt to modify labour regulations inside the workplace. In order to achieve
success, it is essential to enhance one's communication abilities.
Negotiation skills: The establishment of employer-employee contracts is of
utmost importance for the sustainability of any corporate entity. When workers make
a formal request for an increase in their salary, the management of the firm may
choose to approve the request and provide a revised compensation agreement that

is more financially advantageous. If workers decline the offer due to its failure to
align with their individual requirements, employee relations specialists negotiate to
reach a mutually agreeable resolution (Aver et al., 2021). A potential course of action
is the establishment of a committee consisting of representatives from both political
parties, who would be tasked with facilitating a consensus-driven decision-making
process. Suppose a firm seeks to have its workers endorse performance contracts
but encounters employee resistance. In that case, the public relations professional
may initiate discussions with senior management to facilitate a negotiation process
to reach a mutually acceptable arrangement.
Time management: I have analysed that the individual will assume
accountability for various employee relations duties. The inability to adequately
manage one's time may result in ineffectiveness across all duties. Simultaneously
managing an employee's case and generating fresh proposals to strengthen the
system is deemed unattainable. Time management may be enhanced by prioritising
tasks based on their relative significance (Makarius and Srinivasan, 2017). One may
therefore distribute an adequate amount of time to each individual activity.
Individuals are faced with a finite amount of time on a daily basis. Hence it is
advisable to use this resource in the most effective manner possible.
Leadership: I investigated that establishing and maintaining relationships with
workers necessitates providing assistance while cultivating and improving one's
leadership abilities will ensure continued progress and success. Even in the absence
of formal management responsibilities, individuals may nevertheless have a good
influence on their colleagues, so enhancing their own prospects for success (Binder,
2016). Individuals with robust leadership attributes can establish a clear and
compelling vision and effectively encourage and inspire others, guiding them towards
achieving their goals. A leader's primary duty is to guarantee that all workers are
actively engaged in pursuing a shared goal while also fostering their optimal

In conclusion, when a corporation demonstrates a willingness to engage in
collaboration, it has been observed that the problem-solving abilities of its personnel,
both internal and external, tend to enhance. Practical cooperation is a catalyst for
achieving company success, fostering the development of creative ideas, optimising

operational efficiency, and facilitating improved internal and external communication.

Managers can use different handling styles to promote collaboration, including
modelling behaviour, setting measurable goals, and defining team member roles.
Further, several skills are required to promote working relationships, including
communication, negotiation, time management, and leadership.

Ainscow, M., 2016. Collaboration as a strategy for promoting equity in education:
possibilities and barriers. Journal of Professional capital and community, 1(2).
Aver, B., Fošner, A. and Alfirević, N., 2021. Higher education challenges: Developing
skills to address contemporary economic and sustainability
issues. Sustainability, 13(22), p.12567.
Binder, J., 2016. Global project management: communication, collaboration and
management across borders. Routledge.
Larsson, J. and Larsson, L., 2020. Integration, application and importance of
collaboration in sustainable project management. Sustainability, 12(2), p.585.
Linkov, I., Basu, S., Fisher, C., Jackson, N., Jones, A.C., Kuklja, M.M. and Trump,
B.D., 2016. Diplomacy for science: Strategies to promote international
collaboration. Environment Systems and Decisions, 36, pp.331-334.
Makarius, E.E. and Srinivasan, M., 2017. Addressing skills mismatch: Utilizing talent
supply chain management to enhance collaboration between companies and
talent suppliers. Business horizons, 60(4), pp.495-505.
Parsons, S., 2021. The importance of collaboration for knowledge co‐construction in
‘close‐to‐practice’research. British Educational Research Journal, 47(6),

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