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Helping our children grow in their Catholic faith.

December 2023
St. Francis Xavier and St. Wendel Religious Education Program

Add peace to Advent this year

There is no denying that it may be what really matters.
more challenging to find peace and joy Select shepherds. Although the
during Advent this year, given all people watching the sheep in the
St. Edmund Campion that’s happening fields that night weren’t the
around the world. most successful nor the
St. Edmund Campion had a
Still, we know most popular in town,
coveted position as
that the world God chose them to
lecturer at Oxford,
isn’t where we greet His newborn
and the admiration
find our joy. Son. Children
of his peers and
Instead, try benefit from
Queen Elizabeth I.
modeling healthy, loving
He renounced
your family company. Accept
everything to
celebration and extend only
become a Jesuit
after the first those holiday
missionary. He
Christmas to invitations that
traveled England secretly to
find more peace will provide
administer the Sacraments to
and joy this year. precious, loving time
persecuted Catholics. He was
Sweep the inn. together.
betrayed by an informer
Jesus chose lowly Ponder in your heart. When
pretending to be Catholic, and was
circumstances for His birth to her remarkable Son was born,
taken to the Tower of London. He
encourage detachment from worldly “Mary kept all these things, pondering
was martyred for refusing to deny
goods. Together, choose clothing, gifts, them in her heart” (Luke 2:19) so she
his faith.
and toys in good condition that you could savor the joy of each moment.
Our Lady of Guadalupe don’t truly need and donate them to Don’t forget to savor time with your
At a time of great upheaval in people who do. Then limit the number own remarkable family so that you
Mexico (1531), Jesus’ Mother and value of gifts you give. This will can ponder every wonderful
appeared to St. Juan Diego with free up attention and affection for moment in your own heart.
messages of hope, and
conversions began occurring at an
astounding rate. By 1539, almost
nine million had converted. Mary
is Jesus’ first and best disciple to
Why do Catholics call
bring the message of hope and Jesus “Emmanuel”?
“’... And his name shall be Jesus is invisibly but powerfully
"Let light shine out of
called Emman‘u-el’ (which present with us now in the
darkness," who has
means, God with us)” Church, the Scriptures, the
shone in our hearts to
(Matthew 1:23). Jesus is souls of the faithful, the
give the light of the
God and He came, not just priest celebrating the
knowledge of the glory
to save us, but also to be Sacraments, prayer, and,
of God in the face of
with us. In fact, He most especially, in the
promised, “I am with you Eucharist.
(2 Corinthians 4:6).
always” (Matthew 28:20). God is truly with us.

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December 2023 Page 2

Make Christmas last ...

Christmas ends for some people when the stores are empty Host an Epiphany party. The Feast of Epiphany celebrates
and the presents are unwrapped. For Catholics, the Christmas the visit of the Magi and their gifts to the Christ Child. Host
Season starts Christmas Day and ends January 8, The a party featuring candlelight, wonderful food, Christmas
Baptism of the Lord. Let your Christmas joy last through carols and hymns, and people who are a blessing to your
the entire Season. family.
Stay decorated. Rejoice in the great mystery of the Make a visit. On that first Christmas, Jesus came to
Incarnation. Displaying your manger scene until us and remains in the Eucharist. If you have days
the end of the Season reminds your family of off from work and school, consider attending
the deeper meaning of Christmas. Keep your daily Mass or Adoration. Keeping
Christmas lights up as a reminder that Jesus company with the Christ Child is the gift
brought light to the darkness. that He desires from us.

Luke 2:22-40, God

fulfills His promises
Mary and Joseph were faithful Jews Simeon was not alone in
who did what their faith required to recognizing the Lord’s presence in I lost my job during the pandemic
celebrate and thank God for the the temple. Anna was also filled and fortunately got another one, but
birth of their son. They with the Holy Spirit and gave at a much lower pay rate. I am
couldn’t afford the customary thanks to God. Her faith in grateful that my
offering of a lamb, instead God’s promises gave her new job allows us
presenting two doves or hope. The hope God to pay the
pigeons. To the places in our hearts gives important bills
uninformed observer, us a desire for the and even save
Jesus’ birth was kingdom of heaven. some, but it
unremarkable and His What can a parent do? doesn’t
family quite ordinary. Teach children to look for allow for
Yet, Simeon immediately Jesus in the world and to extras. As
recognized Jesus as the Messiah. pray to Him often. Tell them Christmas
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, he the Holy Spirit will reveal the approached last year, we explained to
prophesied that Jesus would be “a light presence of the Lord to those who the children that there were going to
for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for want to know Him, receive Him, and be fewer gifts under the tree and why,
your people Israel” (Luke 2:32). to be with Him forever. and asked them to pare down their
Christmas lists.
The girls spent a lot of time going
December 17 - St. Olympias over their requests, but they didn’t
(408). Born to a wealthy family in seem to be upset. One night at dinner,
Constantinople, this holy widow they handed their lists to me and each
devoted her large fortune to caring for one had just three gift requests. Chris
December 3 - First Sunday in the poor and supporting her friend, explained that if three gifts were good
Advent. We anticipate Christ’s birth and St. John Chrysostom, in his work. enough for Jesus, three gifts were good
His second coming on the last day. December 31 – The Holy Family enough for us. What they really
Catholics everywhere light candles in an (1st century). We celebrate the wanted was family time. We agreed.
Advent wreath to signal the coming of family life of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph And Christmas turned out to be a
the light of Christ. – three people who lived joyful, blessed celebration of Love.
December 9 – St. Juan Diego (1548). for God. By their love
St. Juan Diego was visited by Our Lady and support of one
at Tepeyac Hill, Mexico. She requested a another the Holy
chapel be built and sent him with roses Family is a To help parents raise faithful Catholic children
Success Publishing & Media, LLC
to the bishop as a sign. When St. Juan model Publishers of Growing in Faith™ and Partners in Faith™
emptied the roses before the bishop, his for all (540)662-7844 (540)662-7847 fax
cloak (tilma) retained the miraculous Christian
(Unless noted Bible quotes and references are from
image of the Blessed Mother. families. the Revised Standard Version and the New American Bible.)

© Copyright 2023 Success Publishing & Media, LLC

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