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Quantitative Research

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Quantitative Research: Quantitative examination means to measure the amount or sum and contrasts it

and past records and tries to extend for future period. The destination of quantitative research is to
formulate and utilize numerical models, speculations or theory relating to phenomena. The procedure of
estimation is fundamental to quantitative exploration on the grounds that it gives crucial association
between observational perception and numerical articulation of quantitative connections. Facts are the
most broadly utilized extension of science as a part of quantitative examination. Measurable techniques
are utilized widely with as a part of fields, for example, matters in profit making and trade. Quantitative
exploration including the utilization of organized inquiries, where the reaction alternatives have been
Pre-decided and huge number of respondents is involved.

Qualitative Research: Qualitative examination displays non-qualitative sort of dissection. Qualitative

exploration is gathering, investigating and translating information by watching what individuals do and
say. Qualitative exploration alludes to the implications, definitions, attributes, images, analogies, and
portrayal of things. Qualitative exploration is a great deal more subjective and uses altogether different
routines for gathering information, mainly individual, in depth talks with and center gatherings. The way
of this sort of exploration is exploratory and open finished. Little number of individuals are questioned in
profundity as well as a generally little number of center gatherings are led. Qualitative exploration could
be further arranged in the accompanying sort. I. Phenomenology:-a manifestation of exploration in
which the specialist endeavors to see how one or more people encounter a marvel. Such as, we may
question 20 casualties of Bhopal disaster. II. Ethnography: this sort of exploration concentrates on
depicting the society of a gathering of individuals. A society is the imparted qualities, values, standards,
practices, dialect, and material things of a gathering of individuals. We can have the example like; the
specialist may choose to run and live with the tribal in Andaman Island and study the society and the
instructive practices. III. Careful investigation:-is a type of qualitative research that is centered on giving
a point by point record of one or more cases.

Applied Research: Applied exploration is intended to tackle functional issue of the cutting edge world,
instead of to get learning for knowledge purpose. The objective of connected examination is to enhance
the human condition. It concentrates on investigation and tackling social and genuine issues. This
exploration is by and large led on huge scale premise, it is unmanageable. As being what is indicated, it
regularly directed with the backing of some financing org like government, open partnership, World
Bank, UNICEF etc. As indicated by chase, “connected exploration is an examination for methods for
utilizing exploratory information to take care of handy issues” for instance, enhance farming yield
generation, treat or cure a particular sickness, boost the strength efficiency homes, work places, by what
means can correspondence among laborers in expansive organizations be moved forward? Connected
examination could be further delegated issue arranged and critical thinking exploration. Issue situated
exploration: examination is carried out by industry summit body for sorting out issues confronted by all
the organizations. Such as, WTO does issue turned examination for creating nations, in India farming and
prepared sustenance trade improvement power (APEDA) conduct general exploration for the profit of
agric-industry. Critical thinking:-this sort of examination is carried out by an individual organization for
the issue confronted by it. Promoting research and statistical surveying are the connected examination.
Research methodology is the 'how and why' of a research paper.
Having a well-designed research methodology from the outset can
ensure that your research is valid, your results are reliable and your study has
accomplished its objectives. Your methodology explains how you plan to put
your research into practice and explains why you think this is the best
approach. It's a plan you intend to follow to complete your research
and come to a conclusion.

Once your study is complete, the methodology section of your paper

serves to tell your reader how you designed your study, who you
collected data from, how you collected the data and how you analysed
the data to come to a conclusion.

A research methodology is an outline of how a given piece of research is

carried out. It defines the techniques or procedures that are used to
identify and analyse information regarding a specific research topic. The
research methodology, therefore, has to do with how a researcher
designs their study in a way that allows them to obtain valid and reliable
results and meet their research objectives.

Any type of research has been based on objectives. Objectives, clarify the subjects of
study directly or indirectly. On which group the results of research can be applied or for which
group the findings can be generalised is clarified by the objectives of study. Such group is
known as population in research. However, some researchers use the word ‘universe’ in place
of ‘population’, but there is a minute difference between these two. It can be clarified by
referring the definitions and meaning of both.

A part of population that represents it completely is known as sample. It means, the units,
selected from the population as a sample, must represent all kind of characteristics of different
types of units of population.
Due to various reasons, data are collected from units of sample instead of all units of
population in majority of researches and their findings are generalised in the context of entire
population. This can be done precisely only if the efforts are made to select the sample by
keeping in mind the characteristics of an ideal sample.
Importance, need or utility of sample in research can be described as discussed here.

 Research process becomes faster and less expensive

 Research process can be completed precisely, as number of subjects in sample has been

less than that in population.

 Data can be collected easily for research.

 Statistical Measurements can be taken easily and precisely because number of subjects

in sample has been comparatively less.

 Data collection and research process remain under the control of the researcher, as he has

to collect data from, and deal with, less number of subjects.

 Data analysis and interpretation can be done precisely.

 If the subjects are to be demolished for collecting data,

So, why do we place so much value on the research question? Well, because the
research question will state the specific issue or problem that you want to focus your
assignment on. It also helps you to break down your project into more manageable
tasks that would need to be completed. In this way, the research question defines your
topic and your approach towards investigating it.

Focusing your individual investigation with a question that you are interested in
answering gives you a goal to strive towards, a way to keep yourself in check to stay on
track, and a means to define what your steps will be.

A good research question will:

 keep you interested

 keep you focused on a specific topic
 define what sorts of smaller questions you’ll need to ask
 guide what sorts of reading you might need to do or data you need to gather
 guide you to whom to speak to for advice.
The research question, if correctly completed, will help you to set out what it is that you
want to answer. This can help you make a plan for your research, but might also help
you to foresee any potential challenges or problems. This will save you time, energy,
and effort.

Having a good research question means that you have something against which you
can continually ask, “am I addressing the question?”, “am I tackling it head on?”, and
finally, once it’s finished, “has my research question been answered and am I happy
with that answer?”.

Quantitative research Qualitative Research

Focuses on testing theories and hypotheses Focuses on exploring ideas and formulating a theory or

Analyzed through math and statistical analysis Analyzed by summarizing, categorizing and interpreting

Mainly expressed in numbers, graphs and tablesMainly expressed in words

Requires many respondents Requires few respondents

Closed (multiple choice) questions Open-ended questions

Key terms: testing, measurement, objectivity, replicability Key terms: understanding, context,
complexity, subjectivity

Data analysis is the process of analyzing data in various formats. Even though data
is abundant nowadays, it’s available in different forms and scattered over various sources. Data
analysis helps to clean and transform all this data into a consistent form so it can be effectively

Data analysis is important in research because it makes studying data a lot

simpler and more accurate. It helps the researchers straightforwardly interpret
the data so that researchers don’t leave anything out that could help them derive
insights from it.

Data analysis is a way to study and analyze huge amounts of data. Research often
includes going through heaps of data, which is getting more and more for the
researchers to handle with every passing minute.

Hence, data analysis knowledge is a huge edge for researchers in the current era,
making them very efficient and productive.

An abstract is one of the most important parts of any academic or professional paper (Atanassova et al.,
2016). This concise text functions as a synopsis of a paper’s content. It is designed to very briefly
summarize the key details contained in a paper without providing too much detail (Hartley, 2008).

An abstract is a self-contained, short, and definitive summary that describes the full contribution or
content of an academic publication. Generally considered as the first section of a scholarly article, an
abstract is considered as “a standalone genre” (Gillaerts & Van de Velde, 2010 cited in Ngai et al. 2018).

While there are many different types of abstracts in terms of an author’s field, discipline, or purpose, all
of them typically serve these primary objectives:

An abstract helps readers decide if they should read the whole article. Readers first read abstracts to
know if an article interests them or is related to a subject important to them. Instead of checking
numerous written materials, readers depend on abstracts to quickly determine if an article is relevant to
them or not.

It presents the nature or level of technicality of an article. Readers use abstracts to help them measure
the complexity or sophistication of a report or article. If the abstract is too simple or too technical,
readers will readily know whether to read the entire article or not.

An abstract enables supervisors to evaluate theses or dissertations without being too overwhelmed by
intricate details. While many research supervisors and thesis advisers prefer reading simple executive
summaries, some of them still need to be updated on technical developments. Due to their busy
schedules, many of them rely mainly on abstracts to know the work status of their thesis advisees or
research subordinates.

1. Atanassova, I., Bertin, M., & Larivière, V. (2016). On the composition of scientific
abstracts. Journal of Documentation, 72 (4), 636–647.

What are Research Methods

Research methods are concerned with the various research processes, procedures, and tools –
techniques of gathering information, various ways of analyzing them. Research problems can be
categorized into two basic sections: qualitative research and quantitative research. Researchers may use
one or both of these methods (mixed method) in their research studies. The type of research method
you choose would depend on your research questions or problem and research design.

What is a Research Design

Research design is the overall plan or structure of the research project. It indicates what type of study is
planned and what kind of results are expected from this project. It specifically focuses on the final
results of the research. It is almost impossible to proceed with a research project without a proper
research design. The main function of a research design is to make sure that the information gathered
throughout the research answers the initial question unambiguously. In other words, the final outcomes
and conclusions of the research must correspond with the research problems chosen at the beginning of
the research.

A research design can be,


Research Methods: Research methods are the procedures that will be used to collect and analyze data.

Research Design: Research design is the overall structure of the research.


Research Methods: Research methods focus on what type of methods are more suitable to collect and
analyze the evidence we need.

Research Design: Research design focuses on what type of study is planned and what kind of results are
expected from the research.


Research Methods: Research methods depend on the research design.

Research Design: Research design is based on the research question or problem.

De Vaus, D. A. 2001. Research design in social research. London: SAGE.

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