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Sample Exam – Answers

Sample Exam set C

Version 1.1

ISTQB® Certified Tester Syllabus

Foundation Level
Compatible with Syllabus version 4.0

International Software Testing Qualifications Board

Version 1.1 Released November 6, 2023

© International Software Testing Qualifications Board
Certified Tester, Foundation Level
Sample Exam set C
Sample Exam – Answers

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Revision History

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Table of Contents
Copyright Notice ............................................................................................................................. 2
Document Responsibility................................................................................................................. 2
Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... 2
Revision History .............................................................................................................................. 3
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................ 4
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Purpose of this document ............................................................................................................ 5
Instructions .................................................................................................................................. 5
Answer Key..................................................................................................................................... 6
Answers .......................................................................................................................................... 7
1 ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
2 ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
3 ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
4 ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
5 ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
6 ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
7 ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
8 ............................................................................................................................................................... 14
9 ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
10 ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
11 ............................................................................................................................................................. 17
12 ............................................................................................................................................................. 18
13 ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
14 ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
15 ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
16 ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
17 ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
18 ............................................................................................................................................................. 24
19 ............................................................................................................................................................. 25
20 ............................................................................................................................................................. 26
21 ............................................................................................................................................................. 27
22 ............................................................................................................................................................. 27
23 ............................................................................................................................................................. 28
24 ............................................................................................................................................................. 28
25 ............................................................................................................................................................. 29
26 ............................................................................................................................................................. 30
27 ............................................................................................................................................................. 31
28 ............................................................................................................................................................. 32
29 ............................................................................................................................................................. 32
30 ............................................................................................................................................................. 33
31 ............................................................................................................................................................. 33
32 ............................................................................................................................................................. 34
33 ............................................................................................................................................................. 34
34 ............................................................................................................................................................. 35
35 ............................................................................................................................................................. 35
36 ............................................................................................................................................................. 36
37 ............................................................................................................................................................. 36
38 ............................................................................................................................................................. 37
39 ............................................................................................................................................................. 37
40 ............................................................................................................................................................. 38

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Purpose of this document

The example questions and answers and associated justifications in this sample exam have been
created by a team of subject matter experts and experienced question writers with the aim of:

 Assisting ISTQB® Member Boards and Exam Boards in their question writing activities
 Providing training providers and exam candidates with examples of exam questions

These questions cannot be used as-is in any official examination.

Note, that real exams may include a wide variety of questions, and this sample exam is not
intended to include examples of all possible question types, styles or lengths, also this sample
exam may both be more difficult or less difficult than any official exam.

In this document you may find:

 Answer Key table, including for each correct answer:

- K-level, Learning Objective, and Point value
 Answer sets, including for all questions:
- Correct answer
- Justification for each response (answer) option
- K-level, Learning Objective, and Point value
 Additional answer sets, including for all questions [does not apply to all sample exams]:
- Correct answer
- Justification for each response (answer) option
- K-level, Learning Objective, and Point value

 Questions are contained in a separate document

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Answer Key
Question Correct Answer LO K-Level Points Question Correct Answer LO K-Level Points
Number (#) Number (#)
1 b FL-1.1.1 K1 1 21 d FL-4.2.2 K3 1
2 c FL-1.1.2 K2 1 22 d FL-4.2.3 K3 1
3 b FL-1.3.1 K2 1 23 a FL-4.2.4 K3 1
4 b, e FL-1.4.1 K2 1 24 c FL-4.3.2 K2 1
5 a FL-1.4.3 K2 1 25 a FL-4.3.3 K2 1
6 c FL-1.4.5 K2 1 26 b FL-4.4.1 K2 1
7 b FL-1.5.2 K1 1 27 d FL-4.4.3 K2 1
8 a FL-1.5.3 K2 1 28 b FL-4.5.2 K2 1
9 d FL-2.1.2 K1 1 29 d FL-4.5.3 K3 1
10 d FL-2.1.3 K1 1 30 a FL-5.1.1 K2 1
11 b FL-2.1.5 K2 1 31 c FL-5.1.4 K3 1
12 c FL-2.1.6 K2 1 32 a FL-5.1.5 K3 1
13 d FL-2.2.1 K2 1 33 b FL-5.1.6 K1 1
14 b FL-2.2.3 K2 1 34 d FL-5.1.7 K2 1
15 d FL-3.1.3 K2 1 35 c FL-5.2.3 K2 1
16 a FL-3.2.1 K1 1 36 b FL-5.3.2 K2 1
17 b FL-3.2.4 K2 1 37 d FL-5.4.1 K2 1
18 b FL-3.2.5 K1 1 38 b FL-5.5.1 K3 1
19 c FL-4.1.1 K2 1 39 d FL-6.1.1 K2 1
20 c FL-4.2.1 K3 1 40 d FL-6.2.1 K1 1

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Question Correct Explanation / Rationale Learning K-Level Number
Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
1 b a) Is not correct. Validating that documented requirements are met is FL-1.1.1 K1 1
incorrect as validation is concerned with meeting user requirements and
expectations, while verification is concerned with meeting specified
requirements, so this would be correct if we replaced ‘validating’ with
b) Is correct. Causing failures and identifying defects is probably the most
common objective of dynamic testing
c) Is not correct. Initiating errors and identifying root causes is incorrect
because testers do not initiate errors, they try to cause failures. Errors
are typically made by developers (and cannot really be initiated) and
result in defects, which testers attempt to identify either directly through
static testing or indirectly through failures with dynamic testing.
Identifying root causes is useful but is part of debugging, which is a
separate activity to testing
d) Is not correct. Verifying the test object meets user expectations is
incorrect as verification is concerned with checking specified
(documented) requirements are met, while validation is concerned with
meeting user requirements and expectations, so this would be correct if
we replaced ‘verifying’ with ‘validating’

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Question Correct Explanation / Rationale Learning K-Level Number

Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
2 c a) Is not correct. Dynamic testing does cause failures (from which defects FL-1.1.2 K2 1
can then be located and fixed). However, debugging is concerned with
locating defects and fixing these defects. Therefore, debugging does not
fix failures
b) Is not correct. Both testing and debugging contribute to improving the
quality of the test object, so should really both be considered positively.
Debugging is generally considered to be a positive activity as it is fixing
something. Dynamic testing does involve intentionally causing the test
object to fail, which is why some people consider it a negative activity,
but that is a very narrow view (and not one typically held by testers).
Both positive and negative test cases are possible. Positive test cases
check that the test object correctly performs what it is supposed to do,
while negative testing checks that the test object does not do what it is
not supposed to do
c) Is correct. Testing determines that defects exist either directly through
observation of the defect in reviews (or by a tool in static analysis), or
indirectly by causing a failure in dynamic testing. Debugging is a
separate activity from testing (normally performed by developers) and is
concerned with locating defects (only for dynamic testing) and fixing the
d) Is not correct. The causes of defects are typically human errors. Testing
finds defects either directly through static testing, or indirectly by
causing failures in dynamic testing, and debugging fixes defects. So,
testing does not find the cause of defects and debugging does not fix
the causes of defects

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Question Correct Explanation / Rationale Learning K-Level Number

Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
3 b The ‘absence-of-defects fallacy’ is concerned with the idea that ensuring FL-1.3.1 K2 1
correctness in accordance with the requirements (i.e., verifying the absence
of implementation defects) does not guarantee user satisfaction with the
system. To address this it is also necessary to validate that the system
meets users' needs and expectations, fulfills business objectives, and
outperforms competing systems.

a) Is not correct. The ‘testing shows the presence, not the absence of
defects’ principle explains that while testing can detect the existence of
defects in the test object, it is not possible to demonstrate that there are
no defects and, therefore, guarantee its correctness. Therefore,
explaining that it is not possible for testing to show the absence of
defects would partially address this principle, not the ‘absence-of-
defects’ fallacy
b) Is correct. By supporting the end user to perform acceptance testing it
should be possible to validate that the system meets users' needs and
c) Is not correct. It is not possible to ensure that no implementation defects
remain in the delivered system as the ‘testing shows the presence, not
the absence of defects’ principle explains that while testing can detect
the existence of defects in the test object, it is not possible to
demonstrate that there are no defects and, therefore, guarantee its
d) Is not correct. Modifying tests that cause no failures to ensure few
defects remain is one way to address the ‘tests wear out’ principle. This
principle is concerned with the idea that repeating identical tests on
unaltered code is unlikely to uncover novel defects and therefore,
modifying tests may be essential. This will not validate that the system
meets users' needs and expectations

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Question Correct Explanation / Rationale Learning K-Level Number

Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
4 b, e Given the following description of test analysis: FL-1.4.1 K2 1
To identify the features that require testing, the test basis is analyzed and
defined as test conditions, which are then prioritized along with related
risks. The systematic identification of test conditions as coverage items
often involves using test techniques both during test analysis and as part of
the test design activity.
From the above description, it can be seen that test techniques are often
used in the test analysis and test design activities. Boundary value analysis
and equivalence partitioning are test techniques.

a) Is not correct. Test implementation is not likely to involve the use of test
techniques as it is mostly concerned with assembling test cases into
test procedures, while test techniques create test cases
b) Is correct. Test design is likely to involve the use of test techniques to
create test cases from test conditions and coverage items
c) Is not correct. Test execution is not likely to involve the use of test
techniques as it is mostly concerned with executing test procedures
(and so test cases), while test techniques create test cases
d) Is not correct. Test monitoring is not likely to involve the use of test
techniques. Test monitoring is mostly concerned with ongoing checks to
ensure the plan is being followed, while test techniques create test
e) Is correct. Test analysis is likely to involve the use of test techniques to
identify test conditions

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Question Correct Explanation / Rationale Learning K-Level Number

Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
5 a Considering each of the listed test activities and their output testware: FL-1.4.3 K2 1
A. Test analysis - prioritized test conditions (4) (e.g., acceptance
criteria), and defect reports for defects identified in the test basis
B. Test design - prioritized test cases, test charters, coverage items
(1), test data requirements, and test environment requirements
C. Test implementation - test procedures, automated test scripts,
test suites, test data, test execution schedule (3), and test
environment elements such as stubs, drivers, simulators, and
service virtualizations
D. Test completion - test completion report, documented lessons
learned, action items for improvement, and change requests (2)
(as product backlog items)

a) Is correct. The correct match is: 1B, 2D, 3C, 4A
b) Is not correct
c) Is not correct
d) Is not correct

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Question Correct Explanation / Rationale Learning K-Level Number

Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
6 c a) Is not correct. Although it is correct to say that in Agile software FL-1.4.5 K2 1
development, some of the test management tasks may be handled by
the Agile team itself, the testing role is not primarily the responsibility of
a single individual from outside the team. Instead the testing is more
likely to be performed by various team members following the whole-
team approach
b) Is not correct. The test management role primarily involves activities
related to test planning, test monitoring and control, and test completion.
So, although this statement is partially correct, it is wrong to say that the
testing role is primarily responsible for test monitoring and control
c) Is correct. In Agile software development, some of the test management
tasks may be handled by the Agile team itself. However, for test
activities that span multiple teams within an organization, test managers
outside of the development team may perform these tasks
d) Is not correct. The test management role primarily involves activities
related to test planning, test monitoring and control, and test completion,
while the testing role is primarily responsible for the technical and
engineering aspects of testing, such as test analysis, test design, test
implementation, and test execution. Thus the test management role is
not normally responsible for test analysis and test design, although it is
correct to say that the testing role is primarily responsible for test
implementation and execution

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Question Correct Explanation / Rationale Learning K-Level Number

Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
7 b a) Is not correct. In the whole-team approach, testers play a vital role by FL-1.5.2 K1 1
sharing their testing expertise with the team and guiding product
development. They collaborate with other team members to achieve the
desired quality levels and work with business representatives to create
acceptance tests. Testers also partner with developers to determine the
optimal test strategy and automation approaches
b) Is correct. By leveraging the diverse skill sets of each team member
most effectively, the whole-team approach fosters superior team
dynamics, promotes robust communication and collaboration, and
generates a synergistic effect that benefits the entire project
c) Is not correct. The whole-team approach allows any team member with
the requisite skills and knowledge to undertake any task, thus specialist
team members are not an advantage of this approach
d) Is not correct. There is no specific guidance on the optimum size of
teams using the whole-team approach, and there is no suggestion that
larger teams are better

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8 a a) Is correct. The primary benefit of independence in testing is that testers FL-1.5.3 K2 1

are more likely to identify different types of failures and defects
compared to developers, due to their varied backgrounds, technical
viewpoints, and potential biases, including cognitive bias. However, the
main disadvantage of independence in testing is that testers may
become isolated from the development team, leading to communication
problems, a lack of collaboration, and potentially an adversarial
relationship, with testers being blamed for delays and bottlenecks in the
release process
b) Is not correct. A developer’s familiarity with the code does not mean that
they rarely find defects in it, instead this familiarity means they can
efficiently find many defects in their own code. And, rather than
developers and testers having a shared background, developers having
a different background to testers is normally cited as the reason that
testers and developers find different kinds of defects
c) Is not correct. Testing can be conducted at different levels of
independence, ranging from no independence for the author to very
high independence for testers from outside the organization. In most
projects, multiple levels of independence are utilized, with developers
performing component and component integration testing, the test team
performing system and system integration testing, and business
representatives performing acceptance testing. So, testers can be in the
developer’s team and do not need to come from outside the
organization. Knowledge of the application domain will change from
case-to-case and is not dependent on the level of independence
d) Is not correct. Testing can be conducted at different levels of
independence, ranging from no independence for the author to very
high independence for testers from outside the organization, with testers
from outside the developer’s team generally more independent than
testers from within the team. However, there is more reason to believe
that testers from outside the team are likely to be more isolated from the
developers and so are more likely to be blamed for delays in product
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Question Correct Explanation / Rationale Learning K-Level Number

Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
9 d a) Is not correct. Quality control applies to all development activities, FL-2.1.2 K1 1
meaning that every software development activity has a corresponding
test activity. However, here we are attempting to equate test levels with
development levels, and, although we know what is meant by ‘test
levels’, there is no common understanding of the term ‘ development
b) Is not correct. Every software development activity has a corresponding
test activity; however test objectives are quite different. For instance,
there might be a test objective of ensuring that a test object adheres to
a contractual requirement that a certain type of testing must be
performed before delivery. In this case there is no reason for there to be
a corresponding development objective
c) Is not correct. Quality control applies to all development activities,
meaning that every software development activity has a corresponding
test activity. However, the same symmetry does not apply to testing and
user activities. For instance, for some systems it is difficult to even
identify the end users. Also, some test activities are focused on
developers (e.g., testing for ease of maintainability), which has no user
aspect to it
d) Is correct. Quality control applies to all development activities, meaning
that every software development activity has a corresponding test

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Question Correct Explanation / Rationale Learning K-Level Number

Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
10 d a) Is not correct. Component Test-Driven Development is not a correct FL-2.1.3 K1 1
example of a test-first approach to development
b) Is not correct. Integration Test-Driven Development is not a correct
example of a test-first approach to development
c) Is not correct. System Test-Driven Development is not a correct
example of a test-first approach to development
d) Is correct. Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD) is a well-
known example of a test-first approach to development

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Question Correct Explanation / Rationale Learning K-Level Number

Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
11 b a) Is not correct. Practices involved in shift-left testing are aimed at FL-2.1.5 K2 1
implementing more testing activities in the early phases of the
development life cycle, portraying the SDLC as moving from left to right.
There is no such thing as the left-hand side of the test process
b) Is correct. Shift-left emphasizes the importance of starting testing earlier
in the software development lifecycle (SDLC). Implementing shift-left
testing necessitates additional training, and increased effort and costs
during the early stages of the SDLC, nevertheless, overall savings
should be higher
c) Is not correct. Although automated component tests and component
integration tests for regression testing are generally valuable, the
creation of these tests is normally the responsibility of the developers,
and if a continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) approach is
followed, then these tests will have been submitted with the code. In
some situations the tester may automate tests for regression testing,
and sometimes even for component tests and component integration
tests, however this is not part of a ‘shift-left’ approach which moves
testing earlier in the SDLC
d) Is not correct. Training testers to perform tasks early in the SDLC would
support a shift-left approach by emphasizing the importance of starting
testing earlier in the SDLC. However, automating more test activities to
be performed later in the SDLC is not part of a ‘shift-left’ approach

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Question Correct Explanation / Rationale Learning K-Level Number

Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
12 c a) Is not correct. One of the purposes of retrospectives is to identify FL-2.1.6 K2 1
potential process improvements, which, if put into practice, should result
in the quality of future outputs of the development process (test objects)
being higher. So, this is likely to occur as a result of a retrospective
b) Is not correct. A benefit of retrospectives for testing includes increased
test efficiency through process improvements. So, this is likely to occur
as a result of a retrospective
c) Is correct. Participants at retrospectives typically include testers,
developers, architects, product owners, and business analysts, but end
users are rarely invited or attend these meetings – and they are also
unlikely to receive any reports from these meetings. So, it is very
unlikely that they will learn and understand more about the development
and test processes through retrospectives
d) Is not correct. A benefit of retrospectives for testing includes improved
quality of testware (including automated test scripts) through joint
reviews with developers. So, this is likely to occur as a result of a

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Question Correct Explanation / Rationale Learning K-Level Number

Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
13 d a) Is not correct. Component testing (also called unit testing) involves FL-2.2.1 K2 1
testing individual components in isolation and is mostly verification
against a specification, rather than validation against user needs.
However, this testing is not normally performed by testers, as
developers usually carry out this testing in their development
b) Is not correct. Component integration testing involves testing the
interfaces and interactions between components and is mostly
verification against a specification, rather than validation against user
needs. However, this testing is not normally performed by testers, as
developers usually carry out this testing
c) Is not correct. System integration testing examines the interfaces with
other systems and external services and is mostly verification against a
specification, rather than validation against user needs. This type of
testing is also most often performed by testers
d) Is correct. Acceptance testing focuses on validating that the system
meets the user's business needs and is ready for deployment. Ideally,
this testing is carried out by the end users

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Question Correct Explanation / Rationale Learning K-Level Number

Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
14 b a) Is not correct. Confirmation testing to check that the updates have FL-2.2.3 K2 1
resulted in a correct implementation is necessary, however, it would
then be sensible to perform regression testing to ensure that no defects
have been introduced or uncovered in unchanged areas of the system
b) Is correct. Confirmation testing will check that the updates have resulted
in a correct implementation, and then regression testing will be used to
ensure that no defects have been introduced or uncovered in
unchanged areas of the system
c) Is not correct. Regression testing should be used to ensure that no
defects have been introduced or uncovered in unchanged areas of the
system when the update was made, however it is also necessary to
perform confirmation testing that will check that the updates have
resulted in a correct implementation
d) Is not correct. Confirmation testing will check that the updates have
resulted in a correct implementation, and regression testing will be used
to ensure that no defects have been introduced or uncovered in
unchanged areas of the system. However, when performed (i.e., when
an update needs to be tested), confirmation testing precedes regression

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15 d Considering each of the listed example defects: FL-3.1.3 K2 1

i. Two different parts of the design specification disagree due to the
complexity of the design – this is an example of a specification
defect, which includes inconsistencies, ambiguities,
contradictions, omissions, inaccuracies, and duplications, which
can most easily be found by static testing
ii. A response time is too long and so makes users lose patience –
this is an example of a response time defect, which can only be
detected in practice by executing the program and measuring the
response time, which can most easily be found by dynamic
iii. A path in the code cannot be reached during execution - this is an
example of a coding defect, which includes variables with
undefined values, undeclared variables, duplicated or
unreachable code, and excessive code complexity, which can
most easily be found by static testing
iv. A variable is declared but never subsequently used in the
program - this is an example of a coding defect, which includes
variables with undefined values, undeclared variables, duplicated
or unreachable code, and excessive code complexity, which can
most easily be found by static testing
v. The amount of memory needed by the program to generate a
report is too high – this is an example of a performance defect,
which can only be detected in practice by executing the program
and measuring the memory used, which can most easily be found
by dynamic testing
a) Is not correct
b) Is not correct
c) Is not correct
d) Is correct. The correct match for static testing is i, iii, and iv

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Question Correct Explanation / Rationale Learning K-Level Number

Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
16 a a) Is correct. Obtaining feedback from stakeholders early and often in the FL-3.2.1 K1 1
software development process can be highly beneficial. It facilitates
early communication of potential quality issues, can prevent
misunderstandings about requirements, and ensures that any changes
in stakeholder requirements are understood and implemented sooner
b) Is not correct. The feedback is from stakeholders, and them providing
feedback is unlikely to improve their understanding of their own user
c) Is not correct. Obtaining feedback from stakeholders early and often in
the software development process can be highly beneficial. It facilitates
early communication of potential quality issues, can prevent
misunderstandings about requirements, and ensures that any changes
in stakeholder requirements are understood and implemented sooner.
However, because changes in requirements can be understood and
implemented sooner, it does not mean that unlimited changes to
requirements are encouraged
d) Is not correct. The feedback is from stakeholders and does not cover
communication to them. Communications to end users could include
them being told about which requirements will not be implemented prior
to release, but ideally this should not happen at all

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17 b Considering each of the listed review types: FL-3.2.4 K2 1

1. Technical review - This type of review is performed by technically
qualified reviewers and led by a moderator. The objectives are to
gain consensus and make decisions on technical problems while
also evaluating quality and building confidence in the work
product, generating new ideas, motivating and enabling authors to
improve, and detecting anomalies
2. Informal review - The main objective is to detect anomalies. The
process is not defined and does not require formal documented
3. Inspection - This is the most formal review type, and it follows the
complete generic review process. The primary objective is to find
the most anomalies, and other objectives include evaluating
quality and building confidence in the work product, motivating
and enabling authors to improve, and collecting metrics that can
be used to enhance the software development life cycle (SDLC),
including the inspection process. The author cannot act as the
review leader or scribe
4. Walkthrough - Led by the author, this type of review serves
various objectives such as evaluating quality and building
confidence in the work product, educating reviewers, gaining
consensus, generating new ideas, motivating and enabling
authors to improve, and detecting anomalies. Reviewers might
perform an individual review before the walkthrough, but this is
not mandatory

A. Includes objectives such as gaining consensus, generating new

ideas, and motivating authors to improve (A)
B. The main objective is detecting potential defects and it generates
no formal documented output (D)
C. The main objective is detecting potential defects and it requires
metrics collection to support process improvement (C)

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D. Includes objectives such as educating reviewers, gaining
consensus, generating new ideas and detecting potential defects

a) Is not correct
b) Is correct. The correct match is: 1A, 2D, 3C, 4B
c) Is not correct
d) Is not correct
18 b a) Is not correct. To ensure successful reviews, it's important to secure FL-3.2.5 K1 1
management's support for the review process, however that does not
mean that they should participate as reviewers
b) Is correct. To ensure successful reviews, it's important to break the work
product into parts that are small enough to be reviewed in a reasonable
timescale to prevent reviewers from losing focus during individual
review or review meetings
c) Is not correct. To ensure successful reviews, it's important to clearly
define objectives and measurable exit criteria, without evaluating
d) Is not correct. To ensure successful reviews, it's important to break
down the review into smaller chunks to prevent reviewers from losing
focus during individual review or review meetings. So you should not
plan to cover one document per review

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Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
19 c a) Is not correct. In most cases both black-box test techniques and FL-4.1.1 K2 1
experience-based test techniques can be used for the same test objects
b) Is not correct. Both black-box test techniques and experience-based
test techniques can be used at all test levels
c) Is correct. Black-box test techniques (also known as specification-based
techniques) are based on an analysis of the specified behavior of the
test object without reference to its internal structure. So, the test basis is
usually a specification. Experience-based test techniques effectively use
the knowledge and experience of testers for the design and
implementation of test cases. This means that the tester, when
designing tests, may not use the specification at all
d) Is not correct. Experience-based test techniques can detect defects that
may be missed using black-box (and white-box) test techniques. Hence,
experience-based test techniques are complementary to black-box test
techniques and white-box test techniques and both black-box test
techniques and experience-based test techniques can be used in all

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(#) (LO) Points
20 c a) Is not correct. These three values achieve full coverage of the FL-4.2.1 K3 1
equivalence partitions, but full coverage can be achieved with two
b) Is not correct. These three values achieve full coverage of the
equivalence partitions, but full coverage can be achieved with two
c) Is correct. Value “1” covers “length incorrect” and “number of different
digits incorrect”. Value “1234” covers “length correct” and “number of
different digits correct”. These two values cover all four identified
equivalence partitions
d) Is not correct. This set does not cover the “number of different digits
incorrect” equivalence partition

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21 d The equivalence partitions are: {…, 99, 100}, {101, 102, …, 198, 199}, {200, FL-4.2.2 K3 1
201, …}.
Thus, there are 4 boundary values, which are: 100, 101, 199 and 200.
In 2-value BVA, for each boundary value there are two coverage items (the
boundary value and its closest neighbor belonging to the adjacent partition).
As the closest neighbors are also boundary values in the adjacent partition,
then there are just four coverage items.

a) Is not correct. Only 100 and 200 are valid coverage items for 2-value
BVA, so we achieve 50% coverage
b) Is not correct. Only 100 and 200 are valid coverage items for 2-value
BVA, so we achieve 50% coverage
c) Is not correct. Only 100 and 101 are valid coverage items for 2-value
BVA, so we achieve 50% coverage
d) Is correct. 101, 199 and 200 are valid coverage items for 2-value BVA,
so we achieve 75% coverage
22 d a) Is not correct. The combination (T, T, F) does not match any rule. This FL-4.2.3 K3 1
is an example of omission, not a contradiction
b) Is not correct. The combination (T, F, T) matches only one column, R2,
so there is no contradiction
c) Is not correct. Both combinations (T, T, T) and (F, T, T) match only one
column, R1, so there is no contradiction
d) Is correct. The combination (F, F, F) matches both R2 and R3, but R2
and R3 have different actions, so this shows a contradiction between R2
and R3.

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Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
23 a The following three transitions: FL-4.2.4 K3 1
cannot appear in the same test case, which suggests that at least three test
cases are required. All the other transitions can appear in combination with
one or more of these three transitions, so we need a minimum of three test
cases. In fact, only three sequences are possible:
TC1: START (Room request)  REQUESTING (Available) 
TC2: START (Room request)  REQUESTING (Not available) 
TC3: START (Room request)  REQUESTING (Not available) 
a) Is correct
b) Is not correct
c) Is not correct
d) Is not correct
24 c In branch testing the coverage items are branches, which are represented FL-4.3.2 K2 1
by the edges of a control flow graph. There are 8 edges in the control flow

a) Is not correct
b) Is not correct
c) Is correct
d) Is not correct

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Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
25 a a) Is correct. Performing only black-box testing does not provide a FL-4.3.3 K2 1
measure of actual code coverage. White-box coverage measures
provide an objective measurement of coverage and provide the
necessary information to allow additional tests to be generated to
increase this coverage, and subsequently increase confidence in the
b) Is not correct. This statement is false, and also it does not answer the
question (it has nothing to do with black-box testing)
c) Is not correct. In general there are no subsumes relationships between
white-box and black-box techniques
d) Is not correct. White-box techniques are used to design tests based on
the test object itself, while black-box techniques are used to design tests
based on the specification. Therefore, there is no relation between
coverage items derived from these two types of techniques

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(#) (LO) Points
26 b a) Is not correct. Exploratory testing uses test charters, not a list of FL-4.4.1 K2 1
possible defects/failures. Although exploratory testing can incorporate
the use of other test techniques, in this case fault attack is the most
likely option
b) Is correct. This is a list of possible failures. Fault attacks are a
methodical approach to the implementation of error guessing and
require the tester to create or acquire a list of possible errors, defects
and failures, and to design tests that will identify defects associated with
the errors, expose the defects, or cause the failures
c) Is not correct. The tester is using a checklist of items to support their
testing. Both error guessing and checklist-based testing use such lists,
however, the list here is of possible failures, not test conditions, and so
the MOST PROBABLE test technique is fault attack, which focuses on
errors, defects and failures
d) Is not correct. BVA is based on an analysis of boundary values of
equivalence partitions. The above list does not mention equivalence
partitions or their boundaries

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Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
27 d a) Is not correct. Although it is true that the tester can implement and FL-4.4.3 K2 1
execute detailed test cases based on the checklist, it does not explain
how this would result in increased coverage
b) Is not correct. Checklist items should not be automated. But even if they
are, the automated test scripts always execute the tests in the same
way, which usually does not result in increased coverage
c) Is not correct. It is true that each checklist item should be tested
separately and independently. But this impacts the test execution order
and does not impact the achieved coverage, and so does not result in
increased coverage
d) Is correct. If the checklists are high-level, some variability in the actual
testing is likely to occur, resulting in potentially greater coverage but
less repeatability. If two testers follow a checklist of high-level items,
each of them may use different test data, test steps, etc. This way, one
tester will probably cover some areas not covered by the other tester
and this will result in increased coverage

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Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
28 b a) Is not correct. This acceptance criterion describes what rules or FL-4.5.2 K2 1
regulations the system must adhere to (in this case, the right to be
forgotten). This is an example of a rule-oriented acceptance criterion
b) Is correct. This acceptance criterion describes an example scenario that
must be realizable by the system. This is an example of a scenario-
oriented acceptance criterion
c) Is not correct. This sentence looks more like a line of code that
implements some business rule. Acceptance criteria should be written in
collaboration with business representatives, and therefore should be
written in language they understand. This sentence will most likely be
unintelligible to these stakeholders
d) Is not correct. This acceptance criterion describes what rules or
regulations the system must adhere to and how compliance will be
ensured. Therefore, this is an example of a rule-oriented acceptance
criterion, not a scenario-based acceptance criterion
29 d a) Is not correct. We want to check that Special users have the rights of FL-4.5.3 K3 1
Regular users, so we need to test access rights for a Special user, not
for a Regular user
b) Is not correct. We want to check that Special users have the rights of
Regular users, so we need to test access rights for a Special user, not
for a Regular user
c) Is not correct. There is no floor 5 described in the acceptance criteria.
The test cases should not extend the scope of the user story. But even
if we would like to perform negative testing, this test is not directly
related to AC3
d) Is correct. This way we can check if a Special user can access floors
which are accessible to a Regular user

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(#) (LO) Points
30 a a) Is correct. The test plan may include test data requirements (as part of FL-5.1.1 K2 1
the test approach), but not the detailed test data for test cases. Test
data is part of the test cases, not the test plan. Also, it is usually
impossible to define such data when the test plan is created, because it
is not exactly known what the components will look like
b) Is not correct. One of the purposes of a test plan is to help ensure that
the performed test activities will meet the established criteria, by
including entry criteria and exit criteria. The code coverage criteria are
an example of such criteria for the component test level
c) Is not correct. Documentation templates are typical content of a test
plan. This helps to facilitate communication between the stakeholders
by defining a standard way of communicating or reporting
d) Is not correct. One of the purposes of a test plan is to demonstrate that
testing will adhere to the existing test policy and test strategy, or to
explain why the testing will deviate from them. This is an example of
explaining the deviation, regarding the test levels that will be (or will not
be) followed
31 c From the graph we have: FL-5.1.4 K3 1
A(4)=6 and A(3)=8 (the last two gray boxes).
From the formula we obtain:
E(5) = (3*A(4) + A(3)) / 4 = (3*6+8) / 4 = 26 / 4 = 6.5 person-days.

a) Is not correct
b) Is not correct
c) Is correct
d) Is not correct

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Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
32 a We want to run test cases according to their priorities, but we also need to FL-5.1.5 K3 1
consider the dependencies.
If we only consider priorities, we want to first run TC 5 and TC 7 (highest
priority), then TC 1, TC 3, and TC 4, and finally TC 2 and TC 6 (lowest
However, in order to run TC 7, we need to first run TC 4.
In order to run TC 5, we need to run TC 4 and TC 2, but TC 2 is blocked by
TC 1, which should be run prior to TC 2.
So, in order to run priority 1 test cases as early as possible, the first five test
cases should be: TC 4 - TC 7 - TC 1 - TC 2 - TC 5.
Next, we need to run TC 3, because it has higher priority than TC 6.
Thus the full schedule will be TC 4 – TC 7 – TC 1 – TC 2 – TC 5 – TC 3 –
TC 6.
So, the sixth test case will be TC 3.

a) Is correct
b) Is not correct
c) Is not correct
d) Is not correct
33 b a) Is not correct. The test pyramid model does not provide information FL-5.1.6 K1 1
about test priorities
b) Is correct. The test pyramid model shows that different tests have
different levels of granularity
c) Is not correct. The test pyramid model is independent of coverage
d) Is not correct. Test pyramid model does not show any relations between
different tests

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34 d a) Is not correct. Testing quadrants group test levels and test types FL-5.1.7 K2 1
separately according to several criteria. They do not represent any
combinations of test levels and test types and they are not related to
any location within a software development lifecycle. Both test levels
and test types are treated separately in the testing quadrants model
b) Is not correct. Testing quadrants group test levels and test types
according to several criteria. They do not describe the degree of
granularity of individual test types performed at each test level. Such a
model, regarding the test levels, is called the test pyramid
c) Is not correct. The statement is wrong, because in general any test type
can be performed at any test level
d) Is correct. The testing quadrants group test levels, test types, activities,
test techniques and work products in Agile software development. In
this model, tests can be business facing or technology facing. Tests can
support the team (i.e., guide the development) or critique the product
(i.e., measure its behavior against expectations). The combination of
these two viewpoints determines the four quadrants
35 c a) Is not correct. Risk monitoring is part of risk control, not risk analysis FL-5.2.3 K2 1
b) Is not correct. Risk identification itself does not allow us to implement
risk mitigation activities. The mitigating actions are defined during the
risk control phase
c) Is correct. This is an example of how risk analysis influences the
thoroughness and scope of testing
d) Is not correct. Coverage items are derived using test techniques, not
through risk analysis

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Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
36 b a) Is not correct. Test progress reports are mostly used during test FL-5.3.2 K2 1
monitoring and control, and test completion, not during test design
b) Is correct. A test completion report is prepared during test completion,
when a project, test level, or test type is complete and when, ideally, its
exit criteria have been met. This report uses information from test
progress reports and other data
c) Is not correct. Test progress reports are mostly used during test
monitoring and control, and test completion, not during test analysis
d) Is not correct. Test progress reports are most used during test
monitoring and control, and test completion, not during test planning
37 d a) Is not correct. When a user reports a software failure, thanks to the FL-5.4.1 K2 1
unique identification of commits, it is possible to reassemble the files
from the software version which was used by the user (as well as the
corresponding versions of the test scripts) and thus reproduce the
failure and locate the defect faster
b) Is not correct. If a change to the test environment causes unexpected
issues during testing, configuration management allows testers to roll
back to a previous version of the environment. This ensures that testing
can continue without being affected by the change
c) Is not correct. Configuration management ensures that all identified
documentation (e.g., requirement specifications) and software items are
referenced unambiguously in test documentation (e.g., test plans)
d) Is correct. This is ensured by the defect management, not configuration
management process

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Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
38 b a) Is not correct. This is important, but not as important as test FL-5.5.1 K3 1
environment elements
b) Is correct. The important thing that is missing is the identification of the
browser and device used for the testing. The browser and device
information are important because such a defect can be browser- or
device-specific. For example, a login button may work fine on one
browser (or one version of a specific browser) but not on another.
Therefore, the browser and device information can help the developers
to reproduce the issue and find the root cause of the problem more
c) Is not correct. The test object is identified (WebShop v0.99)
d) Is not correct. The impact is included – this is severity (high)
39 d a) Is not correct. Test execution and coverage tools facilitate the FL-6.1.1 K2 1
automated execution of test cases and the measurement of the
coverage achieved by running those test cases. However, these tools
do not help with the organization of defects and configuration
b) Is not correct. Test design and implementation tools facilitate the
generation of test cases, test data and test procedures, but they do not
help with the organization of defects and configuration management
c) Is not correct. Defect management tools are used to manage defects
but are not testing tools and are not used to organize test cases or
configuration management
d) Is correct. Test management tools increase the test process efficiency
by facilitating the management of the software development lifecycle
(SDLC), requirements, tests, defects, and configuration management

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Question Correct Explanation / Rationale Learning K-Level Number

Number Answer Objective of
(#) (LO) Points
40 d a) Is not correct. ‘The capability of generating test cases without access to FL-6.2.1 K1 1
the test basis’ is not possible. The generation of test cases by either
testers or tools requires access to the test basis
b) Is not correct. ‘The achievement of increased coverage through more
objective assessment’ is not a direct benefit of test automation. Test
automation will provide more objective assessment of coverage,
however that objective assessment will not increase the coverage. Only
by using the results of the coverage to write further test cases can the
coverage possibly be increased
c) Is not correct. ‘The increase in test execution times available with higher
processing power’ is a contradictory statement as higher processing
power would normally reduce execution times, and increased execution
times are not a benefit as the testing would take longer
d) Is correct. The prevention of human errors through greater consistency
and repeatability is a benefit of test automation as test automation
cannot suffer from human errors. For instance, it means that tests are
consistently derived from requirements, test data is created in a
systematic manner, and tests are executed by a tool in the same order
with the same frequency

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