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8 Gulf Times

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Indonesia judicial delegation
QU College of Law visits Supreme Judiciary Council

receives academic
research grant
team of researchers at Qa- legal aid. This includes engaging
tar University’s (QU) Col- the new generation of students
lege of Law has received an in providing legal aid through law
academic research grant from Qa- clinics. The proposal aims to iden-
tar National Research Fund, on a tify the different issues that are HE the President of the Supreme as the two sides affirmed their by many mutual visits between
proposal for a national strategy to relevant for the implementation Judiciary Council and President keenness and common desire to Qatari judges and their Indone-
provide legal aid to the vulnerable of a comprehensive law on legal of the Court of Cassation Dr Has- strengthen judicial relations and sian counterparts.
populations in Qatari society. aid, focusing on social legislation, san bin Lahdan al-Mohannadi push towards more positive and The Indonesian delegation’s visit
The research is led by the lead which the proposal defines as the met in Doha yesterday with promising co-operation. programme features high-level
principal investigator Prof Mo- laws designed to achieve social the visiting chief justice of the The visit is part of the bilateral meetings and presentations on
hamed Yehia Mattar and principal justice for members of the society, Supreme Court of Indonesia, judicial co-operation between the best Qatari judicial experi-
investigators Prof Abdullah Abdul especially the vulnerable. Mohamed Syarifuddin, and the the two countries, which was ences, in addition to visiting a
Karem Abdullah, Dhoha AlMalki, A view of the QU campus. The research will target a accompanying delegation. launched in 2012, followed by number of specialised courts,
Saber Gdiri, Abdelsalam Lachaal number of vulnerable populations The meeting reviewed op- the signing of a memorandum and learning about the electron-
and supported by attorney at law parative models and best practices in Qatar society including migrant portunities for co-operation of understanding between the ic justice programme and recent
and international arbitrator, Dr that rely on international stand- workers, victims of human traf- and exchanging experiences, two parties, and was followed legislative amendments. (QNA)
Thani al-Thani. ards, particularly the United Na- ficking, persons with disabilities,
The research proposal aims for a tions Principles and Guidelines women, children and the elderly.
new approach to legal aid, through on Access to Legal Aid in Criminal It is designed to enhance the legal
a comprehensive law, which does
not currently exist.
Qatar also does not have a na-
Justice Systems, and the United
Nations Model Law on Access
to Legal Aid, which Prof Mattar
aid in these six categories, which
need the State intervention to
support their effective and impor-
GA director appointed
tional independent authority for was privileged to draft and write tant role in the Qatari society.
the provision of legal aid. The pro-
posal makes a recommendation to
establish, for the first time, an au-
various provisions of the law with
commentaries explaining the dif-
ferent models of legal aid around
QU’s College of Law dean Dr
Talal Abdulla al-Emadi stated:
“The proposal follows compara-
to Unesco body
thority that is entrusted with pro- the globe. tive models of other countries that Generation Amazing Foundation
viding legal aid to the vulnerable. It presents several elements established independent agencies (GA), has announced the
The main objectives of the that Qatar may like to consider in to provide legal aid to the vulner- appointment of its executive
proposal are motivated by com- adopting a national strategy on able populations.” director, Nasser al-Khori, as a
member of the first and only
Advisory Committee of the
Unesco Chair on Governance
and Social Responsibility in

WCM-Q webinar series discusses Sport.

The Unesco Chair was officially
launched on June 12, 2023, at an

neurodegenerative diseases event held at Education City’s

Minaretein Building, solidifying
Hamad Bin Khalifa University’s co-
leadership with UCLan Cyprus.

eill Cornell Medicine- tive diseases keep failing. The partnership emphasises a Nasser al-Khori with Dr Christos Anagnostopoulos.
Qatar (WCM-Q) de- Another topic in the series was shared commitment to elevate
livered an innovative Alzheimer’s Disease, one of the the governance practices and chairholders representing HBKU five interconnected pillars,
educational series to explain the most common forms of dementia social responsibility activities (Dr Christos Anagnostopoulos) including the newly introduced
mechanism of protein misfold- — a syndrome that leads to the de- within the global sports and UCLan Cyprus (Dr Efstathios ‘Policy and Impact’ that
ing and amyloid formation behind terioration of cognitive function community. Christodoulidis), the committee encompasses e-sports as well,
some of the most common neu- and behaviour. Al-Khori has been invited includes twelve members underscores its commitment to
rodegenerative diseases, and to With November marked as to play a pivotal role in from around the world, each research, education, outreach,
highlight recent advancements in Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness the Advisory Committee, contributing to the Chair’s stakeholder engagement, and
treatment modalities. Month, two webinars were partic- specifically co-coordinating overarching objectives. tangible policy outcomes in the
Titled “Protein Misfolding Dis- ularly relevant in helping health- the ‘Policy and Impact’ pillar. “It brings me immense pride and realm of sport governance and
eases and Neurodegeneration: care professionals stay up to date This esteemed committee excitement to be considered social responsibility.
From Experimental Approach to Dr Ali Chaari. with the latest research and state comprises internationally for such an esteemed position, Founder, director, and co-
Clinical Therapy,” the year-long of biomarkers in the early detec- renowned professors, especially with Hamad Bin Khalifa chairholder of the Unesco Chair
series was attended by a number developments in diagnosis and tion of the disease. researchers, consultants, University and UCLan Cyprus on Governance and Social
of health professionals. treatment; the importance of ar- Dr Chaari said: “There are ma- and practitioners dedicated co-leading this commendable Responsibility in Sport, Dr
Co-ordinated by the Division of tificial intelligence in disease di- jor developments taking place to advancing research, initiative. I extend my heartfelt Anagnostopoulos, added: “We
Continuing Professional Develop- agnosis; and the associations be- in the diagnosis and therapy of education, and training in the gratitude to Dr Christos and the believe that Nasser al-Khori’s
ment at WCM-Q, the course was tween physical activity, sleep, and protein misfolding diseases and field of governance and social Advisory Committee members participation will undoubtedly
directed by Dr Ali Chaari, assist- cognitive function in older adults. neurodegeneration. It is therefore responsibility in sports. for this invitation. Together, I am contribute valuable insights
ant professor of biology at WCM- The sessions covered the mo- imperative that healthcare profes- Al-Khori’s appointment further confident that we can advise, and perspectives, reinforcing
Q. lecular basis of neurodegenera- sionals are provided with a plat- strengthens the committee’s influence, and bring about the Chair’s global impact.
The series was designed to help tive diseases; Parkinson’s Dis- form that offers them an opportu- diverse composition, bringing significant positive changes in the His dedication and social
participants identify the risk fac- ease; Genetic Synucleinopathies; nity to hear from leading experts in expertise and perspectives realms of governance and social legacy focused work through
tors and patterns of neurodegen- Intrinsically Disordered Proteins in the field and stay informed on he gained through GA’s various responsibility in sports,” al- Khori, Generation Amazing fits
erative diseases; the mechanisms in human diseases; the impact the latest research developments, programmes and initiatives. said. perfectly with what this Unesco
for developing common neuro- of lifestyle on the brain; and why thereby ensuring effective patient Alongside the two co- The Unesco Chair’s focus on Chair has been established for.”
degenerative diseases; the latest clinical trials for neurodegenera- treatment and care.”

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