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Personal Finance 11th Edition Garman Test Bank

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Personal Finance 11th Edition Garman Test Bank

Chapter 2—Career Planning


1. Effective career planning will help you identify an employment pathway that aligns your interests and
abilities with the tasks expected.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: p. 36

2. The time and effort you put into your career planning effort will affect how much income you earn and
how far you advance in your career.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: p. 36

3. A career goal can be a specific job or field of work.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: p. 37

4. A career plan provides guidance to help you attain your career goals.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: p. 36

5. Interest inventories are the qualities that allow you to perform job-related tasks.

interest inventories help people assess the activities that give them satisfaction.

PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: p. 37

6. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, adults with an advanced degree earn approximately $48,000
more per year than adults with only a high school diploma.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: p. 37

7. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, adults with an advanced degree earn approximately $48,000
more per year than adults with only a bachelor's degree.

those with advance degrees earn $26,000 more.

PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: p. 44

8. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, getting an advanced degree has a bigger impact on annual
income (as compared to a bachelor's degree) than getting a bachelor's degree (as compared to
graduating from high school).

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: p. 44

9. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, adults with a bachelor's degree earn approximately $22,000
more per year than adults with only a high school diploma.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: p. 44

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10. An internship may allow you to develop new skills as well as a chance to network.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: p. 39

11. Weighing the demands of particular jobs with your social and cultural preferences involves making
lifestyle trade-offs.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: p. 38

12. Dual-career couples normally have an easier time resolving quality-of-life issues.

quality of life issues are more complex when there are two workers.

PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: p. 39

13. Professional networking is the process of establishing and using contacts to obtain and exchange
career information.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: p. 40

14. High-demand occupations tend to pay low salaries.

high demand occupations pay higher salaries.

PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: p. 42

15. Most of the contacts you make through networking will be in a position to offer you a job.

most contacts will not be in a position to offer a job but still provide valuable leads.

PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: p. 40

16. As many as 75 percent of all job openings are listed in want ads.

fewer and fewer job openings are posted in want ads.

PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: p. 40

17. Approximately 7 percent of workers work at home online.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: p. 43

18. When comparing salary offers from employers in different cities, you should gather information
regarding the approximate cost of living in each city.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: p. 56

19. Comparing salary offers from employers located in different cities can be difficult without sufficient
information on the approximate cost of living in each community.
ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: p. 56

20. Nonsalary benefits are forms of compensation that result in the employee not having to pay
out-of-pocket money for certain expenses.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: p. 44

21. Job seekers should focus primarily on salary as employee benefits are not a major contributor to
overall compensation.

nonsalary benefits can be 25 percent or more above a worker's salary.

PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: p. 44

22. Salaried employees are paid overtime, and the majority of college graduates have salaried positions.

salaried employee generally are not paid overtime.

PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: p. 46

23. When you leave an employer, you have the right to continue your health insurance coverage for a
specified period of time by paying the premiums yourself.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: p. 47

24. Nearly 20 percent of workers cash out all of the money they have accrued in their employer-sponsored
retirement plan when changing jobs.

nearly half of workers make this financially costly decision.

PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: p. 45

25. A résumé is a summary record of your education, training, experience, and other qualifications.

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: easy REF: p. 47

26. A secondary function of a résumé is to provide a basis for screening applicants out of contention for a

this is the primary function of requiring a résumé.

PTS: 1 DIF: moderate REF: p. 47

27. A résumé in a chronological format would position the first of your previous three jobs at the
beginning of the document.

in this format jobs are listed placing the most recent first
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just because she wanted to save him pain and to give him pleasure. And he
had spoken coldly of kindness! She could scarcely bear it. Yet her pride was
too much touched at the moment to allow of tears to come. For the first time
she was sitting in judgment on her husband. Her idol had fallen from his
throne. Had he been what she had fancied him to be he would never have
allowed her to know all that his disappointment meant to him; and she could
have borne it; but now the lack of gratitude on his part for her efforts, mistaken
though they had been, struck her as astonishingly unlike the Luke of her
dreams. It made her feel almost indignant. She felt sure his mother's influence
was at the back of it. All her own tender feelings had disappeared. A cold
pride had taken their place, and unconscious of any emotion she made her
way upstairs to get ready for Church. She did not hurry, and when Luke called
out that they ought to be starting as it was getting late, she told him not to wait
for her. It was the first time they had not walked to evening service together.

Rachel had promised the girls that she would sit with them in the choir and
lead the singing. She was astonished to find herself walking calmly up the
aisle and taking her place in the Choir benches.

The singing went exceedingly well. The girls had good strong voices, and
Rachel's voice, of which the congregation had been in ignorance, filled the
Church. Now and then Luke found himself wondering to whom the sweet and
full voice belonged, and it was only toward the end of the service that he
discovered that it belonged to his wife.


He made no allusion to the absence of the men in his sermon; but when the
service was over and most of the congregation had gone, he thanked the girls
for their help. But Rachel was not there. She did not wait to walk home with

Luke was surprised not to find Rachel waiting for him after Church, but as he
made his way down the aisle, he caught sight of Mrs. Stone.

"I was hoping to see your wife," she said. "Is she not with you?"

"No, she must have gone home."

"I expect she was tired after all her efforts this afternoon; I hope she has not
caught cold." They were making their way out of the Church.

"Caught cold," said Luke alarmed.

"It will be a wonder if she hasn't. It simply poured with rain all the time. I knew
it was useless to try and stop her as she was bent on getting up this choir.
What a charming girl you have given us in your wife."

"I only trust she has not done herself any harm," said Luke anxiously. He
hardly heard the praise of Rachel.

"I daresay she is stronger than she looks. I wanted to congratulate her on the
success of her efforts. The choir really sang remarkably well. I was feeling
quite anxious about it as I knew how keen her disappointment would be if it
turned out a failure. I thought it so plucky of her to walk all that way to fetch
those girls."

"How far did she walk?" enquired Luke.

It struck Mrs. Stone that it was rather queer that she seemed able to give him
more information about his wife than he had already; but then perhaps Rachel
had not had time to tell him about her afternoon's work.
"The girls she found up lived all over the town. She must have run part of the
way; that is to say if she got home in time to give you your tea. But nothing
would daunt her. She was so bent on you having a choir to-night. I don't know
many wives who would have taken that trouble even if it had not been pouring
with rain. I thought it very plucky and very devoted of her. But I must leave you
here. Please ask her to run in to-morrow, that is to say if she has not caught
cold, and tell me all her experiences. I don't suppose she has had time to tell
them to you yet."

Luke hurried home full of remorse. So Rachel had been running risks for him
and he had never thanked her, nor asked a single question as to what she
had been doing. All the thanks she had had for her love and devotion had
been severe criticism and vexation on his part. He had felt that she had
needed a lesson so as to guard her against any mistakes she might be
inclined to make in the future; and he had given her the lesson in no tender
frame of mind.

She must be either tired or feeling ill as she had not waited for him; or worse
still, she might be too pained with his criticism of her conduct to meet him as if
nothing had happened between them.

Luke hurried home in no easy frame of mind. That he could ever have willingly
given her a moment's pain was a terrible thought to him.

The mistress had gone to bed with a headache, Polly informed him, but she
hoped that the master would not forget to eat a good supper.

Luke sprang upstairs two steps at a time and opened Rachel's bedroom door.
The blinds were up, and the moon, which had just emerged from a dark cloud,
lighted up the room and was shining full on her face. Luke stood and looked at
her, and as he looked he could not think how he could ever have felt vexed
with her and have spoken to her so coldly and severely.

At first he thought she was asleep; but then he noticed a tear slowly coursing
its way down her face. Kneeling down by the bed he took her in his arms. No
words were spoken, but the silence said more than any number of words
could have expressed. Both felt that explanations were unnecessary, for
Rachel knew that his action was meant to express both sorrow and remorse
for his want of appreciation of her efforts on his behalf, and her own pride was
conquered by love.

The subject of the girls' choir was never mentioned again between them.
The choir men turned up the following Sunday. They were really attached to
the Church and to their Vicar, and found the concert did not make up for
either; and Luke put the whole tiresome incident out of his mind, in fact it was
crowded out by the hundred and one things that he had to do and think about.

But Rachel did not forget quickly. She had been so shocked and astonished to
find how easily she had felt hard and cold towards Luke when he disappointed
her, that it had frightened her, knowing that in all probability it would be easier
still the second time. She determined that there should be no second time; but
she did not forget. It was borne in upon her that she had idealised Luke, and
had been blind to his imperfections, save in a few small matters, that though
they worried her were too insignificant to count. Faults, though apparently very
few compared to her own, were there; and in order to avoid the constant
sparring she often noticed going on between other husbands and wives, she
realised that she must be careful to give no occasion for it herself in future.
She was determined that what seemed to be an ideally happy marriage
should not become prosaic and loveless, which would inevitably be the case if
love were strained by constant friction. It should not be her fault if they ever
swelled the crowd of unsatisfactory and unhappy married couples.

When Rachel went the next morning to enquire after Mrs. Greville's cold, she
was agreeably surprised at the welcome she received.

"So you filled the empty choir benches last night," she said, after answering
Rachel's questions as to her health. "I have heard all about it from Mrs.

"I hope it won't prevent the men from returning," answered Rachel, flushing at
the remembrance of what it had cost her. "It may I fear offend them. I didn't
think of that possibility at the time. I am afraid I was rather rash."

"On the contrary. I was delighted to hear of it, and it will do the men good, I am
sure. I hope Luke was properly grateful," she added laughing.

"He was a little anxious about the consequences of my action," said Rachel. "I
do hope it won't have done any harm."

"Stuff and nonsense, of course it won't. It's the best lesson the choir could
have had. And I think it was very plucky of you, particularly as the rain came
down in torrents. You must have got drenched."

"I did; but it has done me no harm; and I was bent on getting the girls."
"After all," ruminated Mrs. Greville when Rachel had left, "there seems to be
the making of a good parish worker in that child. She will never neglect her
duty, anyhow, because of a shower of rain, which many do now-a-days. I
shouldn't wonder if one day Luke will find her really useful."

The next morning Rachel found a box of flowers awaiting her at breakfast.
She opened it quickly and plunged her face into a mass of violets and

"How lovely! How lovely!" she exclaimed. "Come Luke and smell them."

Luke did as he was bidden.

"Are you so fond of flowers?" he asked.

"Fond of flowers! Of course I am and so are you. Don't tell me you don't care
for them or I shall never love you again."

"I like them in the fields; but I can't truthfully say that they ever give me the joy
that they evidently give you; and they mean little to me in the house."

"I don't think I could live without them. The primroses in my garden and the
blue hyacinths are witness to that," she added laughing.

And Luke stood and watched her bury her face again in the flowers and
wondered for the hundredth time however she had made up her mind to leave
all such things.

"They are from Gwen," added Rachel, "and here is her letter." It happened to
be an answer to his unspoken question, if Rachel had allowed him to see it,
but at a glance she saw it was one of Gwen's nonsensical letters.

"I know what you will do when you open the box." she wrote, "you will bury
your face in the flowers and try and imagine yourself in the woods, and when
you raise your eyes they will be full of tears. But apparently Luke makes up for
it all, so I am not going to worry about your tears. He makes up for mother and
me, and Sybil! Not to mention the bluebells in the wood and the scent of the
violets and primroses and everything lovely here. It's all quite amazing to me,
but you would tell me that that is just because I do not know what love is. I
hope I shall never know as I don't want to lose all the things which I now
adore. Don't give my love to Luke, for I don't like him. He's just an ordinary
man, and I thought you would have chosen one out of the common. I owe him
a grudge for taking you away. I do hope he knows what a treasure he has and
is taking care of you, but I don't for a moment suppose that he is. All men are
selfish and certainly Luke is."

Rachel laughed, and as Luke tried to catch hold of the letter to read it,
knowing that it would amuse him, Rachel tore it quickly into pieces and threw
it into the fire, saying triumphantly, "You were just too late. Besides the first
part would have made you so conceited that there would be no holding you,
and the last part so depressed that it would have unfitted you for your work."

That Spring was a crisis in Rachel's life. She felt to have travelled far along
the road of experience since that moonlight night last summer, when she had
thought that she had just married a man who would fulfil all her expectations
and hopes.

She had, as it were, been exploring since her marriage, a new piece of
country, and though she had often rejoiced to find herself on the mountain top,
she had at times to walk in the shade of the valley. It was not quite what she
had anticipated. There were rough places, and disappointing views, and she
had had to confess that the landscape was not all as perfect as she had
thought she would find it.

She took a long time before acknowledging to herself that Luke had
somewhat disappointed her; and when she could hide the fact from herself no
longer, she recognised at the same time that the disappointment was partly
her own fault. She had expected too much from a human being; she had
steadily refused to see any fault in him. But finding he had weaknesses, did
not diminish her love for him in the least; it really enhanced it; and added
something of a tender mother-love to that of a wife. And a time came when
she could thank God that her eyes had been opened, and indeed opened so
slowly that she was able to bear it. For she learnt the truth of those words:

"From the best bliss that earth imparts,

We turn unfilled to Thee again."

In her disappointment she turned to the ONE Who never disappoints, and
Who is "the same yesterday, and to-day and for ever."

Till now she had lived for her husband, and her one absorbing aim had been
to please him; her wish to do God's work in the parish was just to help Luke;
he was the centre of all her thoughts; and she was conscious that her spiritual
life had been hampered and dwarfed by the one consuming wish to be all in
all to him.
The discovery that he could after all never satisfy the hunger of her heart, sent
her back to Christ. Indeed it had changed her view about many things. She
was no longer worried because her husband did not seem to want her help or
think her capable of parish work. If, as it seemed, God's Will was for her to do
simply the duties of her quiet home life, she would do them, not only for the
sake of her husband but for her God, the God Who notices if only a cup of
cold water is given in the name of a disciple for His sake.

The discovery changed also her views as to her mother-in-law. Her

antagonism to her was chiefly due to the fact that she had prevented her from
working in the parish and so becoming a still greater necessity to Luke. But if it
was not the Will of God that she should do that kind of work, why worry and
fret about it? She would just wait till she was shown distinctly what her duty
was in the matter and meanwhile could she be training for the greatest work of

So it is, that our disappointments, if we do not allow them to embitter us, drive
us back to the ONE Who alone can satisfy our restless hungry hearts.

As Spring passed away and the early summer took its place Rachel began to
pant for the sea or country. She felt it difficult to wait patiently till August, which
was the month in which Luke generally took his holiday. She was feeling limp
herself and he was looking tired and worn out and much needed a change.

Although Rachel opened every window in the house, no air seemed to

penetrate the narrow road in which it stood, and it was so small that it was
difficult to get away from the sun. In the morning it filled the dining-room, and
in the afternoon the drawing-room.

At the beginning of June she approached the subject of their holiday. They
were sitting at breakfast and Rachel was feeling the heat almost unbearable.

"Shan't you be thankful when August comes?" she sighed. "Where shall we go

Luke looked up at her across the table, saying quickly, "I'm afraid we can't
very well manage a holiday this year."

"What! Not have a holiday!" Consternation was in the tone of voice.

"You see," said Luke, "our balance at the bank is rather lower than usual. I
can't see how we can afford it."
Rachel dropped her knife and looked at her husband.

"Can you account for it?" she asked faintly.

"I am afraid I can. Since the war every article of food has risen in price."

"Then it's in the housekeeping?"

"Yes, it's in the housekeeping."

"Are we spending more than when you lived with your mother?" Luke's eyes
were on his plate.

"My dear I don't think we gain much by probing into matters," he said

"But I want to know the truth," said Rachel persistently. "Is my housekeeping
more extravagant than your mother's?"

"Well as you ask me, I am afraid it is," he said uncomfortably. "But I know you
can't possibly help it."

Rachel was silent. Then she said, pushing her plate away from her, as she felt
she could not eat another mouthful, "I can't think how we could live more

Luke said nothing. A large electric light bill had come by post that morning. He
did not remember ever having had such a big bill to pay.

"Talk it over with my mother," he said, as he rose from the table.

"No, I don't want to talk it over with her or with anyone, but you," said Rachel.
"We must see ourselves what can be done. Is it in the food? But then Luke,
you know, you must have nourishing things. Your mother has always
impressed that upon me."

"It is not only the food. Look at this," He spread the bill before her.

"Well that is one thing in which we can economise," said Rachel. She would
not let him know how much the largeness of the bill appalled her. "I have
sometimes left the hall light on when you have been out late, in fact ever since
that curious beggar man came one day; you remember about him. It has felt
more cheerful to have the light after Polly has gone to bed. But that can easily
be altered. Then I daresay the coal bill is rather large. Perhaps another winter
we had better only have the kitchen fire in the mornings; but I don't like to
think of you going out to work cold."

"I don't feel the cold," said Luke. "We certainly must make a difference
somehow. Discuss it with mother and see if she can't help. She knows we are
rather in low water."

"I don't see how we can give away so much as you do Luke," said Rachel.
"We really could not afford that £5 that you gave for the heating of the Church
for instance."

Luke looked worried.

"I have always somehow managed to do my part in that way," he said. "I can't
bear not setting an example in giving."

"No, it's horrid," said Rachel. And yet she felt strongly, that if by giving away
money he was deprived of his much needed yearly holiday the work itself
would suffer.

After he had gone, the subject that had caused their talk and had brought to
light their poverty forced itself again upon her.

No holiday! All the summer in this tiny stuffy little house away from the flowers
and the breezy wind. How could she bear it herself, and still more how could
Luke go on working all day and the greater part of the evening in the terrible
heat, which was making her feel giddy and faint already.

She hurried into the drawing-room which was without sun and threw the
window open. Then she looked for her weekly bill books and sat down to
examine them. She saw they were higher than she supposed they ought to
be, but she did not see how she could economise with a man in the house. If it
were only herself and Polly they could do on less; but Luke, though he might
not notice that he was having less would soon reap the consequence and feel

Rachel leant her arms on the bureau and her chin on the palms of her hands
and gazed out Of the window. How could they manage to get away for a week
if no longer?

Unfortunately Heatherland was impossible.

Her mother found herself so impoverished that she was selling her house and
was on the point of going into a much smaller one in the village. Rachel had
felt very sad when Sybil had written to tell her the news. That her mother, at
her age, should have to uproot again would be a real trial; evidently her family
were in financial difficulties too.

Rachel began to think over her belongings and wondered if she could not sell
some of her wedding presents. There was the pearl necklace that an uncle
who was dead had given her. It was of little use to her now, and in her present
mood she felt that a breath of sea air would compensate for the loss of any
number of pearls.

Yes, she would certainly sell her pearls. She wondered if the day would come
when she would be reduced to selling many of her possessions. It looked like
it. It was a terrible shame that livings should be so small that the very
necessities of life should have to be done without. Well anyhow she would sell
her pearls and not tell Luke till it was done. She would get a cousin of hers to
do the transaction for her. She knew she might be cheated and it would be no
good for Luke to try and sell them. He was no business man and would
without doubt be contented with half their value. No, she would write to her
cousin. They simply must go away somewhere this summer.

She wrote the letter to her cousin and got Polly to run round to the post with it.
Then she began to wonder if she ought not to do what Luke had suggested;
ask the advice of Mrs. Greville. But she was saved the trouble, for late in the
morning her mother-in-law came round to see her.

"Luke tells me you are rather worried about the expenses," she said, "and I
am wondering if I can help you. Shall I look through your books and see what
you could do without?" and as she saw Rachel flush she added, "It is not at all
surprising my dear. Of course you have never been used to economise. I
hope you don't me an interfering old woman," she added kindly, as she saw
signs of distress on Rachel's face.

"It's very good of you," said Rachel; but she bit her lip feeling humiliated in the

Mrs. Greville was not long in discovering things which would have to be done
without. For instance, she explained to Rachel she could make quite nice
puddings without eggs. Considering the expense of eggs, 4d each, it was
ruinous to follow the cookery books which prescribed more than one in quite
simple puddings. A great deal of money had been thrown away on
unnecessary eggs and they mounted up at once. Then it was much better in
these days to have margarine rather than butter. She never used anything but
margarine herself, and really you would not know the difference.

Rachel sat by her side smiling. Not being a housekeeper all these economies
seemed so paltry to her, and yet she knew they were necessary. She had of
her own will married a poor clergyman, and must bear the consequences. And
Mrs. Greville was being very kind; and giving as little pain as possible. Her
feelings towards Rachel had somewhat changed since that Sunday on which
she had gathered the girls' choir together. It had struck her mother-in-law as a
sporting action on her part and had pleased her. And now, for the sake of her
son, she was very anxious not to hurt his wife's sensitive spirit more than
necessary, but she had no idea how galling the whole thing was to her pride.

And Rachel was bent on her not guessing it. So she sat by her side smiling,
and watching her mother-in-law making notes for her as to the things that
were really necessary to have and those which were mere luxuries.

"I fear you must give up all luxuries, I hope Luke told you how poor he is,
when he asked you to share his poverty with him?" she said laughing. Rachel
joined in the laugh.

"We had much more interesting things to talk about," she answered. "Luke's
mind does not run on such matters as eggs and margarine."

"That's true," said Mrs. Greville. "The fact is, that some of the poorest people
are the clergy. It ought not to be so. They should not have to worry about eggs
and margarine as you say, they have so much more important things to think
of and they should be spared that. Besides they are expected to help in every
bit of work that goes on in the parish. Unless they have property of their own
the worry of pounds, shillings, and pence, weighs them down. Happily, as you
say, Luke does not worry himself about those kind of things, but then he has a
wife and mother to worry for him. If he had not he would have less time and
strength to think of his people. I don't suppose many realise how the clergy
suffer from poverty, for they suffer in silence."

"Well I hope Luke won't ever be reduced to wearing a coat green from age, as
a poor man in our part of the world at home has to do. Not that I suppose
Luke would notice if his coat were all colours of the rainbow."

Mrs. Greville laughed, and said goodbye while at the door she turned back to
"Remember, not so many eggs, and margarine instead of butter. You'll find
that makes a difference very soon."


Rachel took out her pearls from the jewel box and looked at them. They were
certainly very beautiful. She had not worn them since her wedding day; and
she did not see any chance of wearing them again.

In case the parting with them should grow a little hard she packed them up
quickly and went to the post to register them.

It seemed to her as if she was parting with another link of the old life. But after
all what did that matter! She had Luke; and it was true what Gwen had said,
that Luke compensated for the loss of all else. Besides which, she knew that
they both needed a change and rest, and certainly sea breezes were of more
value just then than pearls locked up in her jewel case could be. Nevertheless
it cost her something to part with their beauty. It was not so much their value
that she had thought of as their beauty; and more than once she had taken
them out simply to have the pleasure of seeing something very lovely. There
was so little beauty surrounding her that she revelled in the sight of her pearls.

It was some time before the cousin, to whom she had sent them, wrote and
told her that he believed they would fetch a very good price; and one morning
at breakfast she opened a letter that was lying on the table beside her, and a
cheque, much larger than she had hoped for, fell out.

Her exclamation of surprise and pleasure caused Luke to look up from the
paper he was reading.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Something delightful," she answered. "We can now go for our holiday."

"What do you mean? Have you come in for a fortune?"

"I feel as if I had in our present strait," said Rachel still looking down at the
cheque in her hand. "Would you like to see what I have?" She held it out to

Money meant little to Luke, except that it enabled him to carry out plans on
which he had set his heart. And there was a plan of his that sprang at once
into his mind as he looked at the cheque. His face glowed.

"Where did it come from?" he asked, astonished and delighted.

"I sold my pearls."

The smile on his face faded for a moment.

"I did not know you had any, I have never seen them."

"I have never shown them to you as I know that that kind of thing is not in your
line, you don't care for jewels; but I wore them on my wedding day. I hope you
saw them then."

"No, I only saw you. But why didn't you tell me what you were doing?"

"Because I was afraid you would not let me part with them. Uncle Joe gave
them to me, and I was fond of him."

"I shouldn't have prevented you from parting with them. What is the good of

"The good! Why their beauty is their good. They are gifts from God just as
everything else is that is lovely, and of good report. Don't despise them.
Besides," she said, feeling a little sore, "Uncle Joe gave them to me, and I
loved him." Then she added, determined not to give way to any feeling of
disappointment, "and now we can think about our holiday. Where shall we

She was folding the cheque up and putting it again in the envelope of her
letter. But on noticing that Luke did not answer her question, she glanced up
and found him looking out of the window with a dreamy happy smile on his
face. He was evidently thinking of the holiday. Perhaps his thoughts had flown
to Southwold and the moon's silver pathway on the sea. The happiness
displayed in his expression of face made her feel that the small self-denial that
she had exercised was well worth while.
"I do believe," he said, still looking out of the window, "that at last my dream
will be fulfilled."

"What is your dream?" asked Rachel. She had been right. He was evidently
dreaming of Southwold.

"Why, to put electric light in St. Marks. Think how attractive and bright it would
make the place. I never thought I should be able to do it. How much do you
think it would cost?"

Rachel was silent from astonishment and disappointment.

Then she said slowly:

"You don't suppose, do you Luke, that I have sold my pearls to be able to do
for the Church what the people are far better able to afford to do than we are?
You seem to forget that we are really poor, much poorer than many of the
congregation. No, the first thing we must do," she said decidedly, "is to pay
our bills and to start afresh, and then to go for a holiday."

Rachel's tone of voice was so decided that he turned and looked at her in

"But," he said, "it is God's work that you are refusing."

"No," she answered, "I don't think it is. To provide the luxury of electric light in
a place where the gas is quite good and sufficient, seems to me to be not so
much doing the Will of God as paying our debts, and going for a holiday,
which will give you strength to do His work better."

Luke was silent.

"Besides," she added in a lower voice and smiling, "you forget next January."

Luke looked mystified. Then noticing the expression of his wife's eyes, he

"I forgot for the moment," he said. "You are quite right."

At the thought of January Rachel's face had lost all the surprise and
disappointment as she looked down again at the envelope containing the
cheque. Then she suddenly drew it out with a gay laugh and flourished it in his
"Happily it's mine," she said, "and you can't get at it."


"I know you won't give way," said Rachel, as she helped her husband into his

Luke did not answer at once.

"If you remain firm this time you will find it easier the next."

"I don't intend to give way," said Luke gravely. "It would be fatal."

"Yes, and you would never forgive yourself." Luke buttoned up his coat and
looked at his wife.

"We should hear the same excuse that that old woman gave for not attending
her Parish Church," he said smiling.

"What was that?"

"That she had been too ill for the last half year to come to the services but she
was proud to say she had not missed a single Whist Drive."

"Oh you mustn't give way," repeated Rachel earnestly. Then she added, laying
a hand on his arm, "You know what I shall be doing."

When Luke smiled his face was transfigured.

He smiled now.

"You will be doing the part of Moses," he said. "I am not sure that I should not
fail if it were not for that." Then he opened the door and was gone.

Rachel stood where he had left her looking absently at the door which he had
shut after him.

That the Church Councils were not always happy meetings she knew. Luke
said the right people were not on it. There were some really in earnest, but
these often seemed afraid of speaking. Those who spoke the most often and
the loudest were those who wanted to make their Church the most popular in
the town by way of parish dances, whist drives, etc. Luke, Rachel knew, had
always stood out against such methods of work, but people were growing
persistent, and the subject was to come up again this evening. His last words
had surprised her and made her anxious, for they showed her that his
resistance was growing weaker and that he felt himself in real danger of giving

She knew what giving way would mean to him. It would lie on his heart like
lead. He would not look for blessing so expectantly and hopefully in his parish
if once his church began to cater for the amusement of his people instead of
putting its full strength into the spiritual work. By this time Rachel knew her
husband so well, that she felt sure that he would grow melancholy and
depressed, and his work would be robbed of zeal and happiness in

It was not as if he had any doubts as to the wrongfulness of such methods for
Church work. He absolutely disapproved of them and had made his opinions
known. If he gave way or countenanced such proceedings, in the least,
people would cease to believe in him.

Well there was one thing she could do to help him to be strong; she would go
and do it. And while Luke was wrestling with his Church Council, Rachel was
wrestling in prayer.

Then she went down stairs to listen for his footstep.

When she heard it, it did not inspire her with hope. Luke came in quietly and
made his way slowly into the drawing-room where he knew he would find her.

"Well?" she said.

He took a seat on the sofa near her.

"I have gained my point."

Rachel's eyes shone.

"What good news," she said greatly relieved. "Why do you look so

"Because though I have gained my point I have lost four of the most regular
members of the congregation. They walked out of the room."

"Oh well, that is not half so bad as if they had gained the victory," said Rachel
cheerfully. Then Luke looked lovingly down at his wife.

"I doubt if I should have taken such a strong attitude if it had not been for you.
I knew you were praying."

"Yes, I was praying."

"The knowledge of that helped me enormously. The four who resigned have
been my most loyal supporters and I can tell you it was hard to stand out
against them. They have been so exceedingly kind to me ever since I have
had the church. It was this fact that made it so difficult. Besides I love peace."

"Peace with honour, but not without."

"That's just it. I felt that my Master's honour was at stake."

"I can't tell you how thankful I am," said Rachel. And under his wife's influence
Luke regained something of his usual spirits. But Rachel had only heard
Luke's side of the question. The next day she was inundated with callers.

"I suppose you know," said Mrs. Moscombe, the wife of the owner of the
principal shop in the parish, "that the Vicar got his way by one vote only. I own
when I heard all the arguments in favour of opening the Hall for such
purposes I began to wonder if we ought not to do what the neighbouring
churches have done to attract the young people."

"I don't think that kind of thing attracts people to Church," said Rachel.

"But as my husband says," continued Mrs. Moscombe, "it saves the boys and
girls from going to worse places. Surely that is the work of the Church."
"It may save them for two or three days, possibly; but it really leads them to go
to unwise places of amusement in the long run, and I know my husband feels
very strongly that the Church loses its spiritual power if it goes in for catering
for amusements."

"But then, dear Mrs. Greville, your husband, forgive me for saying so, is rather
peculiar in his views. He scarcely moves with the times and isn't up to date as
they say."

Rachel flushed.

"The times are not so particularly good that one should wish to move with
them," she said. "I am very thankful that my husband does what he considers
right without swerving or moving with the times."

Rachel was glad to see the last of her visitor, but had hardly said goodbye
when the door opened to admit Mrs. Stone.

"Of course," she said as she took a seat, "your husband has told you all about
last night. I admired him immensely. He didn't give way an inch though the
majority were really against him."

"But anyhow he had a majority of one."

Mrs. Stone laughed.

"And he would not have had that if it had not been for me. I didn't agree with
him in the least! I must tell you, but I voted for his views as I always feel he is
such a good man that he probably knows what is for the good of his people
better than I do. If it had not been for my vote, he would himself have had to
give the casting vote."

"I am very disappointed that you don't agree with us," said Rachel.

"Well I do believe in people keeping up with the times, and girls and boys are
crazy now for dancing and cards. You can't get them if you don't give way.
Things have changed so much since our fathers' times."

Rachel was silent. She felt depressed. She quite expected people like Mrs.
Moscombe and others who had called to see her, and who did not profess to
be religious, to misunderstand Luke's action, but it was a blow to find that her
friend Mrs. Stone also disagreed with him.

But the last caller was the most trying of all.

Rachel heard her mother-in-law open the front door and walk heavily across
the little hall.

"What has Luke been doing?" she exclaimed almost before she was in the
room. "I hear he has quite estranged the four best supporters of the Church."
She looked at Rachel as if she were to blame.

"It was about the amusement question," said Rachel. "He put down his foot at
the proposal to introduce them into the work of the parish."

"Well I call it remarkably silly of him. It is a matter of very little importance and
certainly not worth wrangling over. I am quite thankful I am not a member of
the Council. I could not have voted against my son, but I should have felt very
vexed at being a party to such a loss to the Church."

"You mean?"

"I mean losing his four best financial supporters, and those who give the most
to the Easter offerings. Who is he to look to now, I should like to know? And if
he only waited to consider the state of his own finances and the expense of
food, (eggs are still fourpence a piece), he would not have made such a fatal

Rachel was silent, but she disagreed with every word her mother-in-law had
spoken. Then after a pause during which Mrs. Greville tied and untied her
bonnet strings in her agitation, she said:

"I don't suppose any consideration respecting finance would weigh with Luke
against doing what he thinks right."

"My dear, young men often make a fatal mistake in going their own way,
thinking that youth must know better than age. Think of those four gray haired
men who know more of the world than Luke, being set at nought like that. I
have never known Luke to make such a mistake. If he had only consulted me
before he had acted."

Then Rachel spoke.

"But don't you see how noble it was of him to keep to what he felt right even
though he must have known what the result would be. I own am proud of him,
and should have been bitterly disappointed if he had given way. I am sure he
did the right thing."
Mrs. Greville looked at her son's wife and could not but admire the way she
stood up for her son's folly, (as she considered it). There was an expression
on her face that any mother-in-law would have been pleased to see on the
face of her son's wife. But for all that she felt it incumbent on her to give her a

"I daresay," she said, "that you admire him. So would most young girls who
only look for actions without weighing their cost. We all admire a man who is
not afraid to speak out. But when it comes to flouting those who have been
kind and considerate, and who never hesitate to give money for the work, it is
a different matter. Luke has done a bad thing for the parish by his action of
last night."

"People would never have believed in his convictions again if he had given
way," said Rachel.

"Well now, don't you go and encourage him in that kind of thing," said Mrs.
Greville. "I hope that you recognise the fact that Luke is not a paragon of
wisdom, neither can any one turn him from what he imagines his duty. But he
must remember that he now has a wife to support. He not only will stubbornly
stick to his point even when it means losing money for the work of the parish,
but will give away every penny he possesses without a thought of the
consequences. I daresay you have found that out."

Rachel laughed, thinking of the pearls.

"Well, am I not right?"

"Luke is the most generously minded man that I have ever come across," said

And then Mrs. Greville gave her a kiss. She could not resist it; though she
knew that her action would startle her daughter-in-law.

"My dear," she said, "I do believe that you love that boy of mine as much as I

Rachel was tempted to answer "a great deal more," but forbore, only returning
the kiss with warmth. She was getting almost fond of Mrs. Greville.

"Well, you see," she said with a smile, "he is my husband."

"But that does not always follow I am sorry to say. Wives are generally very
quick in seeing and resenting faults in their husbands. And much as I love my
dear boy I see a great many in him."

"But there are more virtues after all," was Rachel's answer, "and to return to
the subject of whist drives, it is perfectly true what Luke quoted to me from
some speech yesterday. 'The Church has so little power with the world
because the world has so much power over the Church.' Don't you agree?"

"Well perhaps it is so. But when a man's bread and butter is concerned and
when the Church funds are low, I own I feel it is not the time to be too

"I am afraid I don't agree with you a bit."

"I don't suppose you do; that is because Luke has imbued you with his ideas
of right and wrong."

"Luke has a very high ideal," said Rachel, "and I am trying to live up to it."

And Mrs. Greville went away thinking to herself, "I only hope that Luke
realises what a devoted wife he has. I don't believe he does."

The four members who had left the Church Council when the vote went
against Whist Drives for Church purposes, did not leave the Church. They
valued their Vicar too much to do so suddenly; but they were thoroughly vexed
at the decision arrived at.

It had been a blow to Luke to find that he only had a majority of one. He had
hoped that his congregation had felt with him in the matter, and finding how
strong the stream was towards such means of increasing the popularity of the
Church, depressed him not a little.

Moreover, he felt bound, greatly against his will, to preach against such
methods and to give his reasons for so doing; and though some respected
him for his courage, there were others who resented it. To Rachel, the Sunday
on which he mentioned the matter was a most painful day; though she was
glad that Luke had spoken out on what was much on his mind.

"I am beginning to think," he said, on sitting down to dinner after the service,
"that my time in the parish is about over. It seems to me my influence for good
is not strong enough. It wants a stronger man than I am here."

"You are tired," said Rachel. "That's what is making you downhearted. Last
week was such a very heavy one for you. In a day or two you will see things

Luke smiled unbelievingly.

"What I should like, and in fact what I have always longed for," he said, "is a
Church in London. Though I doubt if such an honour will ever come my way. I
am not a big enough man to be trusted with a London parish."

"London!" cried Rachel. "Oh Luke, I should hate it of all things. Besides you
must be a man strong in body as well as in soul to work a London parish
satisfactorily. I should be very sorry to see you undertake such a work."

"I'm quite strong enough," said Luke. "The only things that try me are the petty
quarrels and vexations of such a parish as this. I heard this morning that Went
and Ethers have fallen out, and on a ridiculously small matter. I fancy
everything would be larger and more important in London. It is just the petty
matters that worry me."

"Human nature is the same everywhere. I expect you would find small souls in
a London parish just as you do here."
"Would you very much object to London?" asked Luke. "Not that there is the
slightest chance of me being offered a Church there. But it is the dream of my
life. Fancy working in the very hub of the Universe. I should revel in it."

"The work would be enormous, unless you had several curates. And you know
how difficult they are to find now-a-days."

"I shouldn't mind the work. The more the better, so long as it is not spoilt by
bickerings and quarrellings. Should you very much dislike it?"

"Intensely. I don't feel in my present mood, as if I could endure it." Then seeing
a look of disappointment on her husband's face, she added, "But where thou
goest I will go, you know that."

"Yes, I have no doubt of that," he answered.

And his longing for London increased during the next few months. It was a
time of great disappointment for him. When he had first come to Trowsby, he
had had the warmest of welcomes, and the largest congregation in the place.
His preaching was arresting and people congratulated themselves on having
such a Vicar. He had come straight from France where he had been acting as
Chaplain, and had there shown great bravery under fire. Many came to hear
him just because of this. But when the rage for amusements began to show
itself, and it was found that the Vicar had no sympathy with it, and had no new
Gospel to preach, but preached the same Gospel as they had heard before
the war, untouched with modernism and the various other new religious
theories, the congregation that had increased out of curiosity gradually
dwindled, for they said, "He's not up to date." It was disheartening for Luke,
specially as he heard that a Church not very far off was crowded to
overflowing on account of all the social questions that were discussed during
the sermons, and well-known lecturers on the various religions came down
from London, Sunday after Sunday, to preach.

"Nevertheless," he said one day to his wife, "I shall continue to preach the
Gospel; and by-the-bye Rachel, I must somehow get three days of quiet at
least, for some of the men's Bible Class want to discuss those questions
which have been raised by the Modern Churchmen's Conference; and I must
prepare for the discussion. But I really don't see how I can manage it. I am
late as it is with the Parish Magazine."

Rachel was laying the table for dinner at the time and looked up quickly at her
"Pass that over to me," she said.

Luke looked at her a little doubtfully.

"Do you think you can manage it?" he asked.

Rachel laughed.

"Certainly I could. I am a little more intelligent than you give me credit for.
Have all the people sent in their accounts?"

"No, that's just it. Sargent has never sent in his description of the Temperance
Meeting, nor has Mrs. Lent of the Scripture Union Meeting. They are so often
late. It means a good long walk as there is no time to send them cards to
remind them of their duty. The manuscript ought to go in early to-morrow
morning to the printer or the magazine will not be out in time. I should be
thankful to have at least two quiet uninterrupted days; but then there are sick
people to visit. I don't see how I can."

"You can quite well if you will only trust me," said Rachel, smoothing the table
cloth. "You have never tried me."

"I wonder what my mother would say."

"What does it matter? I don't belong to your mother I belong to you. You must
take the responsibility of me," she added laughing.

And so it was settled and Luke had two whole days of quiet. He did not move
out of his study except for meals, and then he hurried over them and ate them
without speaking. Rachel, knowing what he was going through and in what
dead earnest he was, in his longing to rid his men of the terrible doubts that
had been sown in their hearts, kept silence. It might have been a quiet day
arranged by the Bishop!

Luke had given her a long list of people to visit, and had told her what
information was needed for the magazine, and Rachel set to work asking no
further questions. She dispensed money where she thought it was needed
(not always wisely alas!) and tended to the best of her knowledge the sick
people, singing to many of them; and though it was work just after her own
heart, being utterly unused to it having had no training whatever, it took a
great deal out of her, particularly as she was of a sympathetic nature. But she
felt it was well worth while when, after the two days were over, the strained
tired look on Luke's face had disappeared giving way to one full of peace and

He had felt it his duty to face over again, all the arguments and difficulties that
his people might come across; and he realised that he was at war with the
Devil. The words of St. Paul often ran in his mind; "For we wrestle not against
flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Not even Rachel was conscious of the spiritual warfare that was raging in her
husband's little study, nor how often he threw himself on his knees crying to
God for help in the conflict, nor had Rachel the faintest suspicion of the
victories that were gained within its walls.

She had often wished that her husband was not so preoccupied, and had
more thought for the small things of life which make all the difference to its
comfort. But though she felt that the things of which she complained in her
heart were so insignificant compared to the great matters about which Luke
was engaged, she had no idea that his preoccupation and absentness of mind
were often caused by the fact that he had either lost or won a spiritual battle.

He was thankful now that he had spent so much time in facing the doubts and
difficulties that he had met with in the course of his reading, so that the two
quiet days enabled him to prepare the subject in such a way as to make the
truth plain to his men.

On the night of the meeting Rachel found it rather hard to occupy her thoughts
with anything but the great strain which she knew Luke was passing through.
He was late home and to turn her mind from that which was making her
anxious she sat down to the piano and sang.

She was just finishing her song when she heard the front door open. She sat
still in her suspense, expecting Luke to come at once into the drawing-room.
But instead, she heard him going upstairs to his study, and walking heavily as
if he was tired.

For some moments she sat still where she was, then she followed him. But at
the study door she stopped.

Was that Luke groaning? Was he ill?

She very softly opened the door and looked in.

Luke was on his knees, his arms on the writing table and his face buried in
them. He was praying out loud.

Rachel closed the door and went downstairs again. Her heart was heavy, and
anxious. She knew that his habit was to pray out loud; but his prayer to-night
was mingled with groans and probably tears. What had happened? Rachel
moved restlessly about the room. Her impulse was to go to the piano, and
soothe her anxiety by playing. But she was afraid of disturbing Luke. Then she
took up her work and sat waiting.

It was late before she heard him coming down the stairs.

His face bore no trace of the anguish he had apparently been going through.
He came and sat down by Rachel's side without speaking.

"Well?" she said.

He was silent for a moment, then he said:

"I have never had such a fight with evil as to-night. I feel sure that the Devil is
working with all his might to destroy any good that may have been done."

"What happened?"

"We have been discussing for nearly three hours the articles of our faith. The
men had primed themselves with all the arguments they could lay hold of
against them. The Divinity of our Lord, the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection; and
the very men who I had hoped were on the eve of making the great decision
have been thrown back."

"But there were surely some who were helped by your words?"

"Yes, thank God. There is a small band of faithful Christians as firm in their
faith as I am. They know the Christ; and believing Him to be God take His
Word as truth. But the greatest number have been shaken by these views that
have been scattered broadcast since the Modern Churchmen's Conference at
Cambridge, and there are some who are weak in the faith and just tottering,
as it were." Luke rose up and began to walk about the room.

"I feel," he said, "that a stronger man than I am is wanted for this place. It
seems to me to be the stronghold of Satan."

"When I am weak, then am I strong," said Rachel.

Luke stood and looked at Rachel for a moment. Then his face broke into a

"Thank God for my wife," he said.


"Next year," said Rachel one day, as she and Luke were on their way to
Church, "next year we may not be able to afford a holiday. So I am resolved
that we shall have a good one this August. We will go to the Lakes."

Rachel wrote and secured rooms at Rydal and a month after the men's
meeting mentioned in the last chapter, they started off for the North.

What the sight of the beauty that now surrounded them was to Rachel can be
imagined. She told Luke that she had seen nothing that could be called
beautiful ever since coming to Trowsby, with the exception, she took pains to
add, of her primroses and hyacinths in the little garden of which she was
inordinately proud.

To sit by the Lake in the cool of the evening and watch the lights and shadows
on the mountains, was positive bliss to Rachel. She tried to make Luke revel
in it as much as she did, but alas, his thoughts were still engrossed with his
parish, not withstanding all Rachel's efforts to make him forget it.

"It will be so much better for the parish as well as for you if you will only put it
away from your mind," she said.

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