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2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Relation Networks for Object Detection

Han Hu1∗ Jiayuan Gu2∗† Zheng Zhang1∗ Jifeng Dai1 Yichen Wei1
Microsoft Research Asia
Department of Machine Intelligence, School of EECS, Peking University

Abstract separately.
One reason is that object-object relation is hard to model.
Although it is well believed for years that modeling rela- The objects are at arbitrary image locations, of different
tions between objects would help object recognition, there scales, within different categories, and their number may
has not been evidence that the idea is working in the deep vary across different images. The modern CNN based meth-
learning era. All state-of-the-art object detection systems ods mostly have a simple regular network structure [25, 23].
still rely on recognizing object instances individually, with- It is unclear how to accommodate above irregularities in ex-
out exploiting their relations during learning. isting methods.
This work proposes an object relation module. It pro- Our approach is motivated by the success of attention
cesses a set of objects simultaneously through interaction modules in natural language processing field [5, 49]. An
between their appearance feature and geometry, thus al- attention module can effect an individual element (e.g., a
lowing modeling of their relations. It is lightweight and word in the target sentence in machine translation) by ag-
in-place. It does not require additional supervision and is gregating information (or features) from a set of elements
easy to embed in existing networks. It is shown effective on (e.g., all words in the source sentence). The aggregation
improving object recognition and duplicate removal steps weights are automatically learnt, driven by the task goal.
in the modern object detection pipeline. It verifies the effi- An attention module can model dependency between the
cacy of modeling object relations in CNN based detection. elements, without making excessive assumptions on their
It gives rise to the first fully end-to-end object detector. locations and feature distributions. Recently, attention mod-
ules have been successfully applied in vision problems such
1. Introduction
as image captioning [50].
Recent years have witnessed significant progress in ob- In this work, for the first time we propose an adapted at-
ject detection using deep convolutional neutral networks tention module for object detection. It is built upon a basic
(CNNs) [27]. The state-of-the-art object detection meth- attention module. An apparent distinction is that the primi-
ods [24, 18, 38, 9, 32, 10, 23] mostly follow the region tive elements are objects instead of words. The objects have
based paradigm since it is established in the seminal work 2D spatial arrangement and variations in scale/aspect ratio.
R-CNN [19]. Given a sparse set of region proposals, object Their locations, or geometric features in a general sense,
classification and bounding box regression are performed play a more complex and important role than the word loca-
on each proposal individually. A heuristic and hand crafted tion in an 1D sentence. Accordingly, the proposed module
post-processing step, non-maximum suppression (NMS), is extends the original attention weight into two components:
then applied to remove duplicate detections. the original weight and a new geometric weight. The latter
It has been well recognized in the vision community for models the spatial relationships between objects and only
years that contextual information, or relation between ob- considers the relative geometry between them, making the
jects, helps object recognition [12, 17, 46, 47, 39, 36, 17, module translation invariant, a desirable property for object
16, 6]. Most such works are before the prevalence of deep recognition. The new geometric weight proves important in
learning. During the deep learning era, there is no signifi- our experiments.
cant progress about exploiting object relation for detection The module is called object relation module. It shares
learning. Most methods still focus on recognizing objects the same advantages of an attention module. It takes vari-
∗ Equal contribution. †This work is done when Jiayuan Gu is an intern able number of inputs, runs in parallel (as opposed to se-
at Microsoft Research Asia. quential relation modeling [29, 44, 6]), is fully differen-

2575-7075/18 $31.00 © 2018 IEEE 3588

DOI 10.1109/CVPR.2018.00378
Algorithm 1 Object relation module. Input is N objects
{(fAn , fG )}n=1 . Dimension of appearance feature fA is df .
n N

After each algorithm line is the computation complexity.

1: hyper param: number of relations Nr



2: hyper param dk : key feature dimension
3: hyper param dg : geometric feature embedding dimension
4: learnt weights: {WK r r
, WQ , WVr , WGr }N r
Image Feature
Region Feature
5: for every (n, r) do  O(N Nr )
mn,r N
6: compute {ωG }m=1 using Eq. (5)  O(N dg )
mn,r N
Figure 1. Current state-of-the-art object detectors are based on a 7: compute {ωA }m=1 using Eq. (4)  O(dk (2df + N ))
four-step pipeline. Our object relation module (illustrated as red 8: compute {ω mn,r }N m=1 using Eq. (3)  O(N )
dashed boxes) can be conveniently adopted to improve both in- 9: compute fR (n) using Eq. (2)  O(d2f /Nr + N df /Nr )
stance recognition and duplicate removal steps, resulting in an 10: end for
n N
end-to-end object detector. 11: output new feature {fA }n=1 using Eq. (6)

tiable and is in-place (no dimension change between input

and output). As a result, it serves as a basic building block
form sequential reasoning (LSTM [29, 44] and spatial mem-
that is usable in any architecture flexibly.
ory network (SMN) [6]) to model object relations. During
Specifically, it is applied to several state-of-the-art ob-
detection, objects detected earlier are used to help finding
ject detection architectures [38, 10, 32] and show consis-
objects next. Training in such methods is usually sophis-
tent improvement. As illustrated in Figure 1, it is applied
ticated. More importantly, they do not show evidence of
to improve the instance recognition step and learn the du-
improving the state-of-the-art object detection approaches,
plicate removal step (see Section 4.1 for details). For in-
which are simple feed-forward networks.
stance recognition, the relation module enables joint rea-
In contrast, our approach is parallel for multiple objects.
soning of all objects and improves recognition accuracy
It naturally fits into and improves modern object detectors.
(Section 4.2). For duplicate removal, the traditional NMS
method is replaced and improved by a lightweight relation Human centered scenarios Quite a few works focus on
network (Section 4.3), resulting in the first end-to-end ob- human-object relation [51, 22, 20, 21]. They usually require
ject detector (Section 4.4), to our best knowledge. additional annotations of relation, such as human action. In
In principle, our approach is fundamentally different contrast, our approach is general for object-object relation
from and would complement most (if not all) CNN based and does not need additional supervision.
object detection methods. It exploits a new dimension: a Duplicate removal In spite of the significant progress
set of objects are processed, reasoned and affect each other of object detection using deep learning, the most effective
simultaneously, instead of recognized individually. method for this task is still the greedy and hand-crafted non-
The object relation module is general and not limited to maximum suppression (NMS) and its soft version [4]. This
object detection. We do not see any reason preventing it task naturally needs relation modeling. For example, NMS
from finding broader applications in vision tasks, such as uses simple relations between bounding boxes and scores.
instance segmentation [30], action recognition [41], object Recently, GossipNet [26] attempts to learn duplicate re-
relationship detection [28], caption [50], VQA [1], etc. moval by processing a set of objects as a whole, there-
fore sharing the similar spirit of ours. However, its net-
2. Related Works work is specifically designed for the task and very complex
Object relation in post-processing Most early works (depth>80). Its accuracy is comparable to NMS but com-
use object relations as a post-processing step [12, 17, 46, putation cost is demanding. Although it allows end-to-end
47, 36, 17]. The detected objects are re-scored by con- learning in principle, no experimental evidence is shown.
sidering object relationships. For example, co-occurrence, In contrast, our relation module is simple, general and
which indicates how likely two object classes can exist in applied to duplicate removal as an application. Our network
a same image, is used by DPM [15] to refine object scores. for duplicate removal is much simpler, has small compu-
The subsequent approaches [7, 36] try more complex rela- tation overhead and surpasses SoftNMS [4]. More impor-
tion models, by taking additional position and size [3] into tantly, we show that an end-to-end object detection learning
account. We refer readers to [16] for a more detailed sur- is feasible and effective, for the first time.
vey. These methods achieve moderate success in pre-deep
learning era but do not prove effective in deep ConvNets. A 3. Object Relation Module
possible reason is that deep ConvNets have implicitly incor- We first review a basic attention module, called “Scaled
porated contextual information by the large receptive field. Dot-Product Attention” [49]. The input consists of queries
Sequential relation modeling Several recent works per- and keys of dimension dk , and values of dimension dv . Dot

product is performed between the query and all keys to ob- 

tain their similarity. A softmax function is applied to ob-  mat multiply relation
tain the weights on the values. Given a query q, all keys
(packed into matrices K) and values (packed into V ), the weight eq. (3)
output value is weighted average over input values, concat
qK t
v out = sof tmax( √ )V. (1) relation relation … relation scaled dot 
We now describe object relation computation. Let an
object consists of its geometric feature fG and appearance   
feature fA . In this work, fG is simply a 4-dimensional object
bounding box and fA is up to the task (Section 4.2 and 4.3). Figure 2. Left: object relation module as Eq. (6); Right: relation
Given input set of N objects {(fAn , fG )}n=1 , the relation
n N feature computation as Eq. (2).
feature fR (n) of the whole object set with respect to the nth
Second, the embedded feature is transformed by WG into
object, is computed as
a scalar weight and trimmed at 0, acting as a ReLU non-
 linearity. The zero trimming operation restricts relations
fR (n) = ω mn · (WV · fAm ). (2)
only between objects of certain geometric relationships.
The usage of geometric weight Eq. (5) in the attention
The output is a weighted sum of appearance features weight Eq. (3) makes our approach distinct from the basic
from other objects, linearly transformed by WV (corre- attention Eq. (1). To validate the effectiveness of Eq. (5),
sponding to values V in Eq. (1)). The relation weight ω mn we also experimented with two other simpler variants. The
indicates the impact from other objects. It is computed as first is called none. It does not use geometric weight Eq. (5).
ω mn · exp(ωA
) ωG is a constant 1.0 in Eq. (3). The second is called unary.
ω mn =  G kn . (3) It follows the recent approaches [13, 49]. Specifically, fG is
k ωG · exp(ωA )
embedded into a high-dimension (same as fA ) space in the
Appearance weight ωA mn
is computed as dot product, same way [49] and added onto fA to form the new appear-
similarly as in Eq. (1), ance feature. The attention weight is then computed as none
method. The effectiveness of our geometry weight is vali-
dot(WK fAm , WQ fAn )
ωA = √ . (4) dated in Table 1(a) and Section 5.2.
dk An object relation module aggregates in total Nr relation
Both WK and WQ are matrices and play a similar role features and augments the input object’s appearance feature
as K and Q in Eq. (1). They project the original features via addition,
fAm and fAn into subspaces to measure how well they match.
The feature dimension after projection is dk .
fAn = fAn + Concat[fR1 (n), ..., fRNr (n)], for all n. (6)
Geometry weight is computed as
Concat(·) is used to aggregate multiple relation features2 .
ωG = max{0, WG · EG (fG , fG )}.
m n
(5) To match the channel dimension, the output channel of each
WVr is set as N1r of the dimension of input feature fAm .
There are two steps. First, the geometry features of
The object relation module Eq. (6) is summarized in Al-
the two objects are embedded to a high-dimensional
gorithm 1. It is easy to implement using basic operators, as
representation, denoted as EG . To make it invari-
illustrated in Figure 2.
ant to translation and scale transformations, a 4-
Each relation function in Eq. (2) is parameterized by four
dimensional relative geometry feature is used, as
 T matrices (WK , WQ , WG , WV ), in total 4Nr . Let df be the
log( |xmw−x
), log( |ym −yn |
h m
), log( wn
w m
), log( hn
h m
) 1
. dimension of input feature fA . The number of parameters is
This 4-d feature is embedded to a high-dimensional
representation by method in [49], which computes cosine O(Space) = Nr (2df dk + dg ) + d2f . (7)
and sine functions of different wavelengths. The feature Following Algorithm 1, the computation complexity is
dimension after embedding is dg .
O(Comp.) = N df (2Nr dk +df )+N 2 Nr (dg +dk +df /Nr +1).
1 It is a modified version of the widely used bounding box regression (8)
target [19]. The first two elements are transformed using log(·) to count
more on close-by objects. The intuition behind this modification is that we 2 An alternative is Addition(·). However, its computation cost would
need to model distant objects while original bounding box regression only be much higher because we have to match the channel dimensions of two
considers close-by objects. terms in Eq. (6). Only Concat(·) is experimented in this work.

Typical parameter value is Nr = 16, dk = 64, dg = 64. boosts the accuracy and gives rise to the first end-to-end
In general, N and df are usually at the scale of hundreds. general object detection system.
The overall computation overhead is low when applied to Our implementation of different architectures To val-
modern object detectors. idate the effectiveness and generality of our approach, we
The relation module has the same input and output di- experimented with different combination of state-of-the-
mension, and hence can be regarded as a basic building art backbone networks (ResNet [25]), and best-performing
block to be used in-place within any network architecture. detection architectures including faster RCNN [38], fea-
It is fully differentiable, and thus can be easily optimized ture pyramid networks (FPN) [32], and deformable con-
with back-propagation. Below it is applied in modern ob- volutional network (DCN) [10]. Region proposal network
ject detection systems. (RPN) [38] is used to generate proposals.

4. Relation Networks For Object Detection • Faster RCNN [38]. It is directly built on backbone net-
works such as ResNet [25]. Following [38], RPN is
4.1. Review of Object Detection Pipeline
applied on the conv4 feature maps. Following [10],
This work conforms to the region based object detection the instance recognition head network is applied on a
paradigm. The paradigm is established in the seminal work new 256-d 1 × 1 convolution layer added after conv5,
R-CNN [19] and includes majority of modern object detec- for dimension reduction. Note that the stride in conv5
tors [24, 18, 38, 9, 32, 10, 23]3 . A four step pipeline is used is changed from 2 to 1, as common practice [25].
in all previous works, as summarized here.
First step generates full image features. From the input • FPN [32]. Compared to Faster RCNN, it modifies the
image, a deep convolutional backbone network extracts full backbone network by adding top-down and lateral con-
resolution convolutional features (usually 16× smaller than nections to build a feature pyramid that facilitates end-
input image resolution). The backbone network [42, 45, 43, to-end learning across different scales. RPN and head
25, 8, 53] is pre-trained on ImageNet classification task [11] networks are applied on features of all scales in the
and fine-tuned during detection training. pyramid. We follow the training details in [32].
Second step generates regional features. From the
• DCN [10]. Compared to Faster RCNN, it modifies the
convolutional features and a sparse set of region propos-
backbone network by replacing the last few convolu-
als [48, 52, 38], a RoI pooling layer [24, 18, 23] extracts
tion layers in conv5 by deformable convolution layers.
fixed resolution regional features (e.g., 7 × 7) for each pro-
It also replace the standard RoI pooling by deformable
RoI pooling. We follow the training details in [10].
Third step performs instance recognition. From each
proposal’s regional features, a head network predicts the
Despite the differences, a commonality in above archi-
probabilities of the proposal belonging to certain object cat-
tectures is that they all adopt the same head network struc-
egories, and refine the proposal bounding box via regres-
ture, that is, the RoI pooled regional features undergo two
sion. This network is usually shallow, randomly initialized,
fully connected layers (2fc) to generate the final features for
and jointly trained together with backbone network during
proposal classification and bounding box regression.
detection training.
Below, we show that relation modules can enhance the
Last step performs duplicate removal. As each object
instance recognition step using the 2fc head.
should be detected only once, duplicated detections on
the same object should be removed. This is usually im- 4.2. Relation for Instance Recognition
plemented as a heuristic post-processing step called non-
maximum suppression (NMS). Although NMS works well Given the RoI pooled features for nth proposal, two fc
in practice, it is manually designed and sub-optimal. It pro- layers with dimension 1024 are applied. The instance clas-
hibits the end-to-end learning for object detection. sification and bounding box regression are then performed
In this work, the proposed object relation module is used via linear layers. This process is summarized as
in the last two steps. We show that it enhances the instance
recognition (Section 4.2) and learns duplicate removal (Sec- RoI F eatn −−→ 1024
tion 4.3). Both steps can be easily trained, either indepen- FC
−−→ 1024 (9)
dently or jointly (Section 4.4). The joint training further LIN EAR
−−−−−−→ (scoren , bboxn )
3 Another object detection paradigm is based on dense sliding win-
The object relation module (Section 3, Algorithm 1)
dows [35, 37, 33]. In this paradigm, the object number N is much larger.
Directly applying relation module as in this work is computationally costly. can transform the 1024-d features of all proposals without
How to effectively model relations between dense objects is yet unclear. changing the feature dimension. Therefore, it can be used

  (output from instance recognition, Eq. (9) or (10)). Each

object has its final 1024-d feature, the classification score
sigmoid s0 , and bounding box. The network outputs a binary classi-
fication probability s1 ∈ [0, 1] (1 for correct and 0 for dupli-

back propagation

FC cate) for each object. The multiplication of two scores s0 s1
is the final classification score. Therefore, a good detection
should have both scores large.
  The network has three steps. First, the 1024-d feature

back propagation
rank embed
and classification score is fused to generate the appearance
feature. Second, a relation module transforms such appear-
RoI pool
     ance features of all objects. Last, the transformed features
(a) enhanced 2fc head (b) duplicate removal network of each object pass a linear classifier (Ws in Figure 3 (b))
and sigmoid to output the probability ∈ [0, 1].
Figure 3. Illustration of enhanced 2fc head (a) and duplicate clas- The relation module is at the core of the network. It en-
sification network (b) by object relation modules. ables effective end-to-end learning using information from
multiple sources (the bounding boxes, original appearance
after either fc layer in Eq. (9) for arbitrary number of times4 . features and classification scores). In addition, the usage of
Such enhanced 2fc+RM (RM for relation module) head is the classification scores also turns out important.
illustrated in Figure 3 (a) and summarized as Rank feature We found that it is most effective to trans-
form the score into a rank, instead of using its value. Specif-
FC {RM }r1 ically, the input N objects are sorted in descending order of
{RoI F eatn }N
n=1 −−→ 1024 · N −−−−−→ 1024 · N their scores. Each object is given a rank ∈ [1, N ] accord-
FC {RM }r2
−−→ 1024 · N −−−−−→ 1024 · N ingly. The scalar rank is then embedded into a higher di-
−−−−−−→ {(scoren , bboxn )}N mensional 128-d feature, using the same method [49] as for
(10) geometry feature embedding in Section 3.
In Eq. (10), r1 and r2 indicate how many times a rela- Both the rank feature and original 1024-d appearance
tion module is repeated. Note that a relation module also feature are transformed to 128-d (via WfR and Wf in Fig-
needs all proposals’ bounding boxes as input. This notation ure 3 (b), respectively), and added as the input to the relation
is neglected here for clarify. module.
Adding relation modules can effectively enhance the in- Which object is correct? Given a number of detected
stance recognition accuracy. This is verified via compre- objects, it is not immediately clear which one should be
hensive ablation studies in experiments (Section 5.1). matched to a ground truth object as correct. The most ob-
vious choice would be following the evaluation criterion of
4.3. Relation for Duplicate Removal Pascal VOC [14] or COCO datasets [34]. That is, given a
The task of duplicate removal naturally requires ex- predefined threshold η for the IoU between detection box
ploiting the relation between objects. The heuristic NMS and ground truth box, all detection boxes with IoU ≥ η are
method is a simple example: the object with the highest firstly matched to the same ground truth. The detection box
score will erase its nearby objects (geometric relation) with with highest score is correct and others are duplicate.
inferior scores (score relation). Consequently, such selection criteria work best when
In spite of its simplicity, the greedy nature and manu- learning and evaluation use the same threshold η . For ex-
ally chosen parameters in NMS makes it a clear sub-optimal ample, using η = 0.5 in learning produces best mAP@0.5
choice. Below we show that the proposed relation module metric but not mAP @0.75. This is verified in Table 4.
can learn to remove duplicate in a manner that is simple as This observation suggests a unique benefit of our ap-
well but more effective. proach that is missing in NMS: the duplicate removal step
Duplicate removal is a two class classification prob- can be adaptively learnt according to needs, instead of us-
lem. For each ground truth object, only one detected object ing preset parameters. For example, a large η should be
matched to it is classified as correct. Others matched to it used when a high localization accuracy is desired.
are classified as duplicate. Motivated by the COCO evaluation criteria (mAP@0.5−
This classification is performed via a network, as illus- 0.95), our best practice is to use multiple thresholds simul-
trated in Figure 3 (b). The input is a set of detected objects taneously, i.e., η ∈ {0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9}. Specifically,
4 The relation module can also be used directly on the regional features.
the classifier Ws in Figure. 3 (b) is changed to output mul-
The high dimension (256×72 = 12544 in our implementation), however,
tiple probabilities corresponding to different IoU thresholds
introduces large computational overhead. We did not do this experiment. and correct detections, resulting in multiple binary classi-

fication loss terms. The training is well balanced between The end-to-end training is clearly feasible, but does it
different cases. During inference, the multiple probabilities work? At a first glance, there are two issues.
are simply averaged as a single output. First, the goals of instance recognition step and duplicate
Training The binary cross entropy loss is used on the removal step seem contradictory. The former expects all ob-
final score (multiplication of two scores, see Figure 3 (b)). jects matched to the same ground truth object to have high
The loss is averaged over all detection boxes on all object scores. The latter expects only one of them does. In our ex-
categories. A single network is trained for all object cate- periment, we found the end-to-end training works well and
gories. converges equally fast for both networks, compared to when
Note that the duplicate classification problem is ex- they are trained individually as in Section 4.2 and 4.3. We
tremely imbalanced. Most detections are duplicate. The believe this seemingly conflict is reconciled, again, via the
ratio of correct detections is usually < 0.01. Nevertheless, multiplicative behavior in the final score s0 s1 , which makes
we found the simple cross entropy loss works well. This the two goals complementary other than conflicting. The in-
is attributed to the multiplicative behavior in the final score stance recognition step only needs to produce high score s0
s0 s1 . Because most detections have very small s0 (mostly for good detections (no matter duplicate or not). The du-
< 0.01) and thus small s0 s1 . The magnitude of their loss plicate removal step only needs to produce low score s1 for
values L = − log(1 − s0 s1 ) (for non-correct object) and duplicates. The majority non-object or duplicate detection
back-propagated gradients ∂L/∂s1 = s0 /(1 − s0 s1 ) is also is correct as long as one of the two scores is correct.
very small and does not affect the optimization much. Intu- Second, the binary classification ground truth label in the
itively, training is focused on a few real duplicate detections duplicate removal step depends on the output from the in-
with large s0 . This shares the similar spirit to the recent fo- stance recognition step, and changes during the course of
cal loss work [31], where majority insignificant loss terms end-to-end training. However, in experiments we did not
are down weighted and play minor roles during optimiza- observe adverse effects caused by this instability. While
tion. there is no theoretical evidence yet, our guess is that the du-
Inference The same duplicate removal network is ap- plicate removal network is relatively easy to train and the
plied for all object categories independently. At a first instable label may serve as a means of regularization.
glance, the runtime complexity could be high, when the As verified in experiments (Section 5.3), the end-to-end
number of object classes (80 for COCO dataset [34]) and training improves the recognition accuracy.
detections (N = 300) is high. Nevertheless, in practice
most detections’ original score s0 is nearly 0 in most object 5. Experiments
classes. For example, in the experiments in Table 4, only
All experiments are performed on COCO detection
12.0% classes have detection scores > 0.01 and in these
datasets with 80 object categories [34]. A union of 80k
classes only 6.8% detections have scores > 0.01.
train images and a 35k subset of val images are used for
After removing these insignificant classes and detec-
training [2, 32]. Most ablation experiments report detection
tions, the final recognition accuracy is not affected. Run-
accuracies on a subset of 5k unused val images (denoted as
ning the duplicate removal network on remaining detections
minival) as common practice [2, 32]. Table 5 also reports
is practical, taking about 2 ms on a Titan X GPU. Note
accuracies on test-dev for system-level comparison.
that NMS and SoftNMS [4] methods are sequential and take
For backbone networks, we use ResNet-50 and ResNet-
about 5 ms on a CPU [4]. Also note that the recent learn-
101 [25]. Unless otherwise noted, ResNet-50 is used.
ing NMS work [26] uses a very deep and complex network
(depth up to 80), which is much less efficient than ours. For Faster RCNN [38] and DCN [10], our training
mostly follow [10]. For FPN [32], our training mostly fol-
4.4. End-to-End Object Detection low [32].
The duplicate removal network is trained alone in Sec-
tion 4.3. Nevertheless, there is nothing preventing the train- 5.1. Relation for Instance Recognition
ing to be end-to-end. As indicated by the red arrows in In this section, NMS with IoU threshold of 0.6 is used
Figure 3 (b), the back propagated gradients can pass into for duplicate removal for all experiments.
the original 1024-d features and classification scores, which Relation module improves instance recognition Ta-
can further propagate back into the head and backbone net- ble 1 compares the baseline 2f c head in Eq. (9) with the
works. proposed 2f c + RM head in Eq. (10), under various pa-
Our end-to-end training simply combines the region pro- rameters.
posal loss, the instance recognition loss in Section 4.2 We firstly note that our baseline implementation achieves
and duplicate classification loss in Section 4.3, with equal reasonable accuracy (29.6 mAP) when compared with the
weights. For instance recognition, either the original head literature (e.g., [32] reports 28.0 using ResNet-50 and [10]
Eq. (9) or enhanced head Eq. (10) can be used. reports 29.4 using ResNet-101).

2fc baseline (a): usage of geometric feature (b): number of relations Nr (c): number of relation modules {r1 , r2 }
none unary ours* 1 2 4 8 16* 32 {1, 0} {0, 1} {1, 1}* {2, 2} {4, 4}
29.6 30.3 31.1 31.9 30.5 30.6 31.3 31.7 31.9 31.7 31.7 31.4 31.9 32.5 32.8
Table 1. Ablation study of relation module structure and parameters (* for default). mAP@all is reported.

head mAP mAP50 mAP75 # params # FLOPS

method parameters mAP mAP50 mAP75
(a) 2fc (1024) 29.6 50.9 30.1 38.0M 80.2B NMS Nt = 0.3 29.0 51.4 29.4
(b) 2fc (1432) 29.7 50.3 30.2 44.1M 82.0B NMS Nt = 0.4 29.4 52.1 29.5
(c) 3fc (1024) 29.0 49.4 29.6 39.0M 80.5B NMS Nt = 0.5 29.6 51.9 29.7
(d) 2fc+res {r1 , r2 }={1, 1} 29.9 50.6 30.5 44.0M 82.1B NMS Nt = 0.6 29.6 50.9 30.1
(e) 2fc (1024) + global 29.6 50.3 30.8 38.2M 82.2B NMS Nt = 0.7 28.4 46.6 30.7
(f) 2fc+RM {r1 , r2 }={1, 1} 31.9 53.7 33.1 44.0M 82.6B SoftNMS σ = 0.2 30.0 52.3 30.5
(g) 2fc (1024) + 2× 30.4 51.7 31.4 50.2M 83.8B SoftNMS σ = 0.4 30.2 51.7 31.3
(h) 2fc+2×+RM {r1 , r2 }={1, 1} 32.5 54.3 34.1 56.2M 86.2B SoftNMS σ = 0.6 30.2 50.9 31.6
(i) 2fc+res {r1 , r2 }={2, 2} 29.8 50.5 30.5 50.0M 84.0B SoftNMS σ = 0.8 29.9 49.9 31.6
(j) 2fc+RM {r1 , r2 }={2, 2} 32.5 54.0 33.8 50.0M 84.9B SoftNMS σ = 1.0 29.7 49.7 31.6
ours η = 0.5 30.3 51.9 31.5
Table 2. Comparison of various heads with similar complexity. ours η = 0.75 30.1 49.0 32.7
ours η ∈ [0.5, 0.9] 30.5 50.2 32.4
NMS ours rank fR appearance f geometric bbox
{fR , f, bbox} none s0 none none unary ours (e2e) η ∈ [0.5, 0.9] 31.0 51.4 32.8
29.6 30.3 26.6 28.3 29.9 28.1 28.2 Table 4. Comparison of NMS methods and our approach (Sec-
Table 3. Ablation study of input features for duplicate removal net- tion 4.3). Last row uses end-to-end training (Section 4.4).
work (none indicates without such feature).
improves the accuracy (+2.3 mAP).
Ablation studies are performed on three key parameters. We also consider another baseline which concatenates
the original pooled features with the ones from a 2× larger
Usage of geometric feature. As analyzed in Section 3,
RoI (g), the performance is improved from 29.6 to 30.4
our usage of geometric feature in Eq. (5) is compared to
mAP, indicating a better way of utilizing context cues. In
two plain implementations. Results show that our approach
addition, we combine this new head with relation modules,
is the best, although all the three surpass the baseline.
that is, replacing the 2fc with {r1 , r2 }={1, 1} (h). We get
Number of relations Nr . Using more relations steadily
32.5 mAP, which is 0.6 better than setting (f) (31.9 mAP).
improves the accuracy. The improvement saturates at Nr =
This indicates that using a larger window context and rela-
16, where +2.3 mAP gain is achieved.
tion modules are mostly complementary.
Number of modules. Using more relation modules
When more residual blocks are used and the head net-
steadily improves accuracy, up to +3.2 mAP gain. As this
work becomes deeper (i), accuracy no longer increases.
also increases the parameter and computation complexity,
While, accuracy is continually improved when more rela-
by default r1 = 1, r2 = 1 is used.
tion modules are used (j).
Does the improvement come from more parameters
The comparison indicates that the relation module is ef-
or depths? Table 2 answers this question by enhancing the
fective and the effect is beyond increasing network capacity.
baseline 2f c head (a) in width or depth such that its com-
Complexity In each relation module, df = 1024, dk =
plexity is comparable to that of adding relation modules.
64, dg = 64. When Nr = 16, a module has about 3 million
A wider 2fc head (1432-d, b) only introduces small im-
parameters and 1.2 billion FLOPs, as from Eq. (7) and (8).
provement (+0.1 mAP). A deeper 3fc head (c) deteriorates
The computation overhead is relatively small, compared to
the accuracy (-0.6 mAP), probably due to the difficulty of
the complexity of whole detection networks as shown in Ta-
training. To make the training easier, residual blocks [25]
ble. 5 (less than 2% for faster RCNN [38] / DCN [10] and
are used5 (d), but only moderate improvement is observed
about 8% for FPN [32]).
(+0.3 mAP). When global context is used (e, 2048-d global
average pooled features are concatenated with the second 5.2. Relation for Duplicate Removal
1024-d instance feature before classification), no improve- All the experiments in this section use the detected ob-
ment is observed. By contrast, our approach (f) significantly jects of the Faster RCNN baseline 2f c head in Table 1 (top
5 Each residual branch in a block has three 1024-d fc layers to have row, 29.6 mAP after NMS) for training and inference of our
similar complexity as an object relation module. The residual blocks are approach in Section 4.3.
inserted at the same positions as our object relation modules. In our approach, the relation module parameters are set

backbone test set mAP mAP50 mAP75 #. params FLOPS
minival 32.2→34.7→35.2 52.9→55.3→55.8 34.2→37.2→38.2
faster RCNN [38] 58.3M→64.3M→64.6M 122.2B→124.6B→124.9B
test-dev 32.7→35.2→35.4 53.6→56.2→56.1 34.7→37.8→38.5
minival 36.8→38.1→38.8 57.8→59.5→60.3 40.7→41.8→42.9
FPN [32] 56.4M→62.4M→62.8M 145.8B→157.8B→158.2B
test-dev 37.2→38.3→38.9 58.2→59.9→60.5 41.4→42.3→43.3
minival 37.5→38.1→38.5 57.3→57.8→57.8 41.0→41.3→42.0
DCN [10] 60.5M→66.5M→66.8M 125.0B→127.4B→127.7B
test-dev 38.1→38.8→39.0 58.1→58.7→58.6 41.6→42.4→42.9
Table 5. Improvement (2fc head+SoftNMS [4], 2fc+RM head+SoftNMS and 2fc+RM head+e2e from left to right connected by →) in
state-of-the-art systems on COCO minival and test-dev. Online hard example mining (OHEM) [40] is adopted. Also note that the strong
SoftNMS method (σ = 0.6) is used for duplicate removal in non-e2e approaches.

as df = 128, dk = 64, dg = 64, Nr = 16, N = 100. Using

larger values no longer increases accuracy. The duplicate
removal network has 0.33 million parameters and about 0.3
billion FLOPs. This overhead is small, about 1% in both
model size and computation compared to a faster RCNN
baseline network with ResNet-50.
Table 3 investigates the effects of different input features
to the relation module (Figure 3 (b)). Using η = 0.5, our
approach improves the mAP to 30.3. When the rank feature Figure 4. Representative examples with high relation weights in
is not used, mAP drops to 26.6. When the class score s0 Eq. (3). The reference object n is blue. The other objects con-
replaces the rank in a similar way (the score is embedded to tributing a high weight (shown on the top-left) are yellow.
128-d), mAP drops to 28.3. When 1024-d appearance fea-
ture is not used, mAP slightly drops to 29.9. These results backbone networks, i.e., ResNet-101 [25] and better detec-
suggest that rank feature is most crucial for final accuracy. tion architectures, i.e., FPN [32] and DCN [10] in Table 5.
When geometric feature is not used, mAP drops to 28.1. Using faster RCNN with ResNet-101, by replacing the 2fc
When it is used by unary method as mentioned in Section 3 head with 2fc+RM head in Table 1 (default parameters), our
and in Table 1 (a), mAP drops to 28.2. These results verify approach improves by 2.5 mAP on COCO minival. Further
the effectiveness of our usage of geometric weight Eq. (5). using duplicate removal network with end2end training, the
Comparison to NMS Table 4 compares our method with accuracy improves further by 0.5 mAP. The improvement
NMS method and its better variant SoftNMS [4], which is on COCO test-dev is similar. On stronger baselines, e.g.,
also the state-of-the-art method for duplicate removal. DCN [10] and FPN [32], we also have moderate improve-
Note that all three methods have a single parameter of ments on accuracy by both feature enhanced network and
similar role of controlling the localization accuracy: the IoU duplicate removal with end2end training. Also note that our
threshold Nt in NMS, the normalizing parameter σ in Soft- implementation of baseline networks has higher accuracy
NMS [4], and the ground truth label criteria parameter η in than that in original works (38.1 versus 33.1 [10], 37.2 ver-
ours. Varying these parameters changes accuracy under dif- sus 36.2 [32]).
ferent localization metrics. However, it is unclear how to set
the optimal parameters for NMS methods, other than trial- 6. Conclusions
and-error. Our approach is easy to interpret because the pa- The comprehensive ablation experiments suggest that
rameter η directly specify the requirement on localization the relation modules have learnt information between ob-
accuracy. It performs best for mAP50 when η = 0.5, for jects that is missing when learning is performed on individ-
mAP75 when η = 0.75, and for mAP when η ∈ [0.5, 0.9]. ual objects. Nevertheless, it is not clear what is learnt in the
Our final mAP accuracy is better than NMS and Soft- relation module, especially when multiple ones are stacked.
NMS, establishing the new state-of-the-art. In the following Towards understanding, we investigate the (only) rela-
end-to-end experiments, η ∈ [0.5, 0.9] is used. tion module in the {r1 , r2 } = {1, 0} head in Table 1(c).
Figure 4 show some representative examples with high rela-
5.3. End-to-End Object Detection tion weights. The left example suggests that several objects
The last row in Table 4 compares the end-to-end learning overlapping on the same ground truth (bicycle) contribute
with separate training of instance recognition and duplicate to the centering object. The right example suggests that the
removal. The end-to-end learning improves the accuracy by person contributes to the glove. While these examples are
+0.5 mAP. intuitive, our understanding of how relation module works
Finally, we investigate our approach on some stronger is preliminary and left as future work.

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