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Strazzullo F. - Frameworkless Front-End Development - 2023

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Do You Control Your Dependencies
or are They Controlling You?

Second Edition

Francesco Strazzullo
Do You Control Your
Dependencies or are They
Controlling You?
Second Edition

Francesco Strazzullo
Frameworkless Front-End Development: Do You Control Your
Dependencies or are They Controlling You?
Francesco Strazzullo
TREVISO, Treviso, Italy

ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-4842-9350-8 ISBN-13 (electronic): 978-1-4842-9351-5

Copyright © 2023 by Francesco Strazzullo

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To Alessandro, my son.
Table of Contents
About the Author���������������������������������������������������������������������������������xi

About the Technical Reviewers���������������������������������������������������������xiii

The Frameworkless Movement����������������������������������������������������������xvii

Chapter 1: The Definition of Framework�����������������������������������������������1

Frameworks vs Libraries��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Comparing Frameworks to Libraries���������������������������������������������������������������3
Frameworks and Decisions�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
Angular’s Decisions�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6
The Framework’s Way�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
Frameworks as Technical Debt���������������������������������������������������������������������������15
Technical Investment�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17

Chapter 2: Brief History of Front-­end Frameworks����������������������������19

The First Age: jQuery�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20
The jQuery’s Way�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21
The Second Age: AngularJS, Backbone, and Ember��������������������������������������������21
The Third Age: React, Angular, and Vue���������������������������������������������������������������24

Table of Contents

Comparing Angular and React�����������������������������������������������������������������������27

Bonus Tracks�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27
Web Components������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27

Chapter 3: Rendering��������������������������������������������������������������������������33
The Document Object Model�������������������������������������������������������������������������������33
Monitoring Rendering Performance��������������������������������������������������������������������36
Chrome Developer Tools��������������������������������������������������������������������������������36
The stats.js Widget����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������38
Custom Performance Widget�������������������������������������������������������������������������39
Rendering Functions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������41
Rendering Pure Functions�����������������������������������������������������������������������������42
Rendering Dynamic Data������������������������������������������������������������������������������������57
The Virtual DOM���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������58

Chapter 4: Managing DOM Events������������������������������������������������������65

The YAGNI Principle���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������65
The DOM Events API��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������66
Attach Handlers with Properties��������������������������������������������������������������������67
Attach Handlers with addEventListener��������������������������������������������������������68
The Event Object�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������70
The DOM Event Lifecycle�������������������������������������������������������������������������������72
Using Custom Events�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������77

Table of Contents

Adding Events to TodoMVC����������������������������������������������������������������������������������78

Reviewing the Rendering Engine�������������������������������������������������������������������80
A Basic Event-Handling Architecture�������������������������������������������������������������85
Event Delegation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������91

Chapter 5: Web Components��������������������������������������������������������������95

The APIs��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������95
The Custom Elements API������������������������������������������������������������������������������96
Using Web Components for TodoMVC���������������������������������������������������������������111
Web Components vs Rendering Functions�������������������������������������������������������119
Code Style���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������120
Disappearing Frameworks��������������������������������������������������������������������������������121

Chapter 6: HTTP Requests����������������������������������������������������������������123

A Bit of History: The Birth of AJAX���������������������������������������������������������������������123
A To-Do List REST Server����������������������������������������������������������������������������������124
Representational State Transfer (REST)�������������������������������������������������������126
Code Examples�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������128
The Basic Structure�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������128
Reviewing the Architecture�������������������������������������������������������������������������143

Table of Contents

Chapter 7: Routing����������������������������������������������������������������������������147
Single Page Applications�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������147
Code Examples�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������150
Fragment Identifiers������������������������������������������������������������������������������������150
The History API��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������166
Choosing the Right Router��������������������������������������������������������������������������������174

Chapter 8: State Management����������������������������������������������������������177

Reviewing the TodoMVC Application�����������������������������������������������������������������178
Model View Controller���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������180
Observable Model����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������188
Reactive Programming�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������195
A Reactive Model�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������196
Native Proxies����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������201
Event Bus����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������205
A Frameworkless Implementation���������������������������������������������������������������208
Comparing State Management Strategies��������������������������������������������������������220
Model View Controller���������������������������������������������������������������������������������220
Reactive Programming��������������������������������������������������������������������������������221
Event Bus�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������222

Table of Contents

Chapter 9: Frameworkless Refactoring: StranglerFigApplication

Setting the Stage����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������226
The Solution������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������227
The Example�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������227
The Original Application�������������������������������������������������������������������������������228
Moving Services������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������232
Moving Components������������������������������������������������������������������������������������235
Other Conversion Strategies�����������������������������������������������������������������������������238

Chapter 10: Defending from Frameworks����������������������������������������241

Classify Framework Features���������������������������������������������������������������������������243
Rendering/Event Management��������������������������������������������������������������������244
HTTP Request����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������245
State Management��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������246
Visualizing Your Strategy�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������247

Chapter 11: The Right Tool for the Right Job������������������������������������251

JavaScript Fatigue��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������252
The “Right” Framework������������������������������������������������������������������������������������253
The Frameworkless Manifesto��������������������������������������������������������������������������255
The First Principle���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������255
The Second Principle�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������257

Table of Contents

The Third Principle���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������258

The Fourth Principle������������������������������������������������������������������������������������259
Matteo Vaccari’s Tool�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������261
Trade-off Sliders������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������262
Architecture Compass Chart������������������������������������������������������������������������264
Other Tools���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������267


About the Author
Francesco Strazzullo is an experienced
front-end engineer, JavaScript trainer,
developer, and chief operating officer at
Claranet Italy. He has presented at tech
conferences and meet-ups around Europe.
Francesco is a technical reviewer for multiple
tech publishers and writes technical articles
on his blog. He is always enthusiastic about
trying out new APIs, and he firmly believes that the best way to learn
something new is to explain and teach it to somebody else. With friends
and fellow developers, he founded the Frameworkless Movement, a group
interested in developing software without using frameworks and spreading
knowledge about making informed decisions about the choice and use of
frameworks in front-end software development.

About the Technical Reviewers
Giorgio Boa is a full stack developer; the
front-end ecosystem is his passion. He started
developing applications in 2006, and in 2012
he fell in love with JavaScript. He is also active
in the open-source ecosystem; he loves to learn
and study new things. He is very ambitious and
tries to improve himself every day.

Luca Del Puppo is a senior software engineer

who loves JavaScript and TypeScript. In his
free time, he enjoys studying new technologies,
improving himself, creating YouTube content,
and writing technical articles. He can’t live
without trail running and loves doing it in his
beloved Dolomites.

This book was born drinking coffee with my dear friend Lorenzo Massacci.
During a coffee break in the office, he asked, “What does it take to make an
application last forever?” We never answered that question, but we started
thinking about the lifespan of applications and their relationship with
frameworks, and we started talking about the frameworkless approach.
I also need to thank Avanscoperta,1 who helped me prepare my
“Frameworkless Front-end Development” workshop and gave me
feedback about the frameworkless approach from the attendees, giving
me the courage to write down my thoughts.
The last “thank you” goes to my wife Lucia. She does not know
anything about JavaScript or frameworks, so she couldn’t actually help
me write this book. But she does a more important thing. She makes
me happy.


The Frameworkless Movement
This book is about two main topics. The first is about working without
frameworks effectively; the second is about choosing the right framework
for the right project. My friends Antonio Dell’Ava, Lorenzo Massacci,
Alessandro Violini and I created the Frameworkless Movement1 to explore
these topics better.

This movement aims to create awareness around these topics,

gathering people together in a community. Our main concern is to help
people understand that working without a framework is a real possibility
nowadays. This book is part of our group’s activities to help people
understand the importance of technical decision-making. If you’re
interested and want to be involved, contact us on GitHub.2



The Definition
of Framework
You don't need a framework. You need a painting, not a frame.
—Klaus Kinski

If you are reading this book, you are probably interested in learning how to
develop complex applications without relying on—or without relying too
much on—front-end frameworks.
It would not be smart to start exploring frameworkless solutions
without first exploring the meaning of “framework.” Consider the first
definition of framework by the Cambridge Dictionary:1

A supporting structure around which something can be built.

This first and simple definition is consistent with the general idea of
a software framework. Think about Angular:2 it gives you, out-of-the-box,
a structure that “supports” your application and a series of elements,

© Francesco Strazzullo 2023 1
F. Strazzullo, Frameworkless Front-End Development,
Chapter 1 The Definition of Framework

like Services, Components and Pipe, that can be used to build your
applications. However, this simplistic definition is not the only possibility.
Let’s analyze the definition of framework from other points of view.

Frameworks vs Libraries
It may seem counterintuitive, but a way to easily define frameworks
is to highlight their differences from another important part of every
codebase: libraries. Without overthinking it, it is safe to say that Angular is
a Framework while lodash is a library. You can instantly tell the difference
between the two tools because of this other definition3 of framework:

A framework calls your code, your code calls a library.

A framework could internally use one or more libraries, but that fact
is usually hidden from the developer, who sees the framework as a single
unit, or a bunch of modules if you choose a modular framework. The
relationship among application code, frameworks, and libraries can be
condensed, as shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1. Relationship among frameworks, libraries, and

application code

I read this definition often in books or online, but I cannot pinpoint the original
source, if there is one.

Chapter 1 The Definition of Framework

Comparing Frameworks to Libraries

This section provides several code snippets that illustrate the difference
between frameworks and libraries. This comparison uses Angular and
Listings 1-1 and 1-2 are basic examples of Component and Service in

Listing 1-1. Angular Service Example

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'

import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'
import { Observable } from 'rxjs'
import { Order } from './model/order'

const URL = ''

    providedIn: 'root'
export class Orders {
    constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}

    list(): Observable<Order[]> {
        return this.http.get<Order[]>(URL)

Listing 1-2. Angular Component Example

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'

import { Orders } from '../orders'
import { Order } from '../model/order'


Chapter 1 The Definition of Framework

  selector: 'app-order-list',
  templateUrl: './order-list.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./order-list.component.css']
export class OrderListComponent implements OnInit {
  list: Order[] = []

  constructor(private orders: Orders) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {
      .subscribe(_orders => this.list = _orders)

Listing 1-3 is an example of using date-fns to format a date.

Listing 1-3. date-fns Example

import { format } from 'date-fns'


export const formatDate = date => {

      return format(date, DATE_FORMAT)

The previous definition of the difference between a framework and a

library is quite striking when you analyze Listings 1-1 to 1-3. Angular is a
framework, and Orders and OrderListComponent will stop working in a
codebase without Angular. Angular is calling the application code. If you
remove the @Injectable annotation, the service becomes invisible to the
Angular code, and the Orders class relies on the HttpClient utility to fulfil
its task.

Chapter 1 The Definition of Framework

On the other hand, date-fns is not opinionated on how to structure the

application’s code; you can just import it, and if you respect the public API,
you’re good to go. Table 1-1 shows a list of libraries grouped by their purpose.

Table 1-1. Some JavaScript Libraries

Purpose Libraries

Utilities lodash, Ramda

Date manipulation date-fns, Day.js
Data visualization D3.js, highcharts, chart.js
Animation tween.js, anime.js

Frameworks and Decisions

The Cambridge Dictionary provides another definition of framework that
is interesting to analyze:

A system of rules, ideas, or beliefs that is used to plan or decide


While a “system of rules” is easy to apply to a software framework—

every API is a system of rules—the interesting part of this definition is that
a system of rules (aka a framework) could be used to decide something.
Can software frameworks be used to decide something? The short answer
is yes, but let me elaborate on a longer answer. When teams choose to
work with a framework, they are deliberately “deciding not to decide” or, to
put it in other terms, to let the framework make some decisions for them.
Delegating some decisions to another team is not a problem per se, but it
may become a problem because these decisions are hidden in plain sight.
Mindful teams should analyze these hidden decisions they are delegating
and deeply understand their consequences.

Chapter 1 The Definition of Framework

Angular’s Decisions
To better explain how a framework can make decisions in place of a
development team, this section explains the decisions that a team using
Angular delegates to the framework.

Using Angular means, first of all, using TypeScript. In the past, you could
work with plain JavaScript5 in an Angular application, but that feature has
been removed. TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles
to plain JavaScript. Apart from type checking, it also lets you use some
features that are not present in the original language, like annotations.
TypeScript can be useful if you and your team are used to working with
strongly typed languages. But this also means that if you use Angular, all of
your code is written in a language that requires a transpiler.

Angular is heavily designed around RxJS, a library for reactive
programming using observables; in fact, in the previous example, to get
the data from PeopleListService, you would have to use the subscribe
method of the Observable object. This is a very different approach from
the rest of the front-end frameworks, where HTTP requests are designed
like promises. Promises provide a standard way to represent the eventual
completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation. RxJS lets you easily
transform an Observable into a promise6 and vice versa. But if you need to
integrate some promise-based library into your Angular project, you will

You can see the breaking change in this commit
“toPromise” is deprecated in favor of “lastValueFrom”

Chapter 1 The Definition of Framework

need to do some extra work. For the sake of completeness, this is a similar
example using fetch,7 a platform API used to make HTTP requests based on
promises. See Listings 1-4 and 1-5.

Listing 1-4. Angular Service without Observables8

const URL = ''

export class Orders {
    async list(): Promise<Order[]> {
        const response = await fetch(URL)
        const data = await response.json();
        return data;

Listing 1-5. Angular Component without Observables

export class OrderListComponent implements OnInit {

  list: Order[] = []

  constructor(private orders: Orders) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {
      .then(_orders => this.list = _orders)

Notice that both of these constraints are not bad by themselves;

TypeScript and RxJs are both fantastic tools. But the consequences of using
these tools (forced by Angular) should be clear to the whole team.

In Listings 1-4 and 1-5, I removed Angular’s decorators for the sake of brevity.

Chapter 1 The Definition of Framework

The Framework’s Way

In these few pages, I have not mentioned the elephant in the room, the
most famous tool in the front-end ecosystem: React. This section aims to
explain whether React is a framework or a library. The definition of React
from the official website9 is as follows:

A JavaScript library for building user interfaces

It seems easy enough then—React is a library. But the reality is much

more complex than that. The main constraint of React is the use of the
declarative paradigm. You don’t manipulate the DOM, but you modify
the state of a component, and then React modifies the DOM for you. This
way of programming is also present in most of the libraries of the React
ecosystem. The purpose of the snippet in Listing 1-6 is to hide/show a
square with an animation. Every time the user presses the Toggle button,
using framer-motion,10 it activates an animation library for React. The
result is visible in Figure 1-2.

Listing 1-6. framer-motion Animation Example

import { useCallback, useState } from 'react';

import { motion } from "framer-motion"

const MotionExample = () => {

    const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(false);
    const toggle = useCallback(() => setIsVisible(!isVisible),

    const opacity = isVisible ? 1 : 0;


Chapter 1 The Definition of Framework

    return (
                animate={{ opacity }}
                    ease: 'linear',
                    duration: 0.5
            <button >        </div>

export default MotionExample

Figure 1-2. Example of React animation with framed-motion

Chapter 1 The Definition of Framework

As you can see, you don’t directly animate the square. You just declare
how to map the state with the animation (changing the opacity), and then
you change the state. This is the core of the declarative pattern used in
React. Let’s analyze a different approach using a Web Animations API,11
a standard library used to programmatically create CSS animations. The
code shown in Listing 1-7 has the same output as the previous one.

Listing 1-7. Web Animations API Example

import { useCallback, useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'

const animationTiming = {
    duration: 500,
    ease: 'linear',
    fill: 'forwards'

const showKeyframes = [
    { opacity: 0 },
    { opacity: 1 }

const hideKeyframes = [

const show = (element) => {

    element.animate(showKeyframes, animationTiming)

const hide = (element) => {

    element.animate(hideKeyframes, animationTiming)


Chapter 1 The Definition of Framework

const WAExample = () => {

    //using ref to skip a re-render
    const didMountRef = useRef(false);
    const box = useRef(null)
    const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(false)

    const toggle = useCallback(() => {

    }, [isVisible])

    useEffect(() => {
        if(!didMountRef.current) {
            didMountRef.current = true;

        const {
        } = box

        } else{

    }, [box, isVisible])

    return (

Chapter 1 The Definition of Framework

            <button >        </div>

export default WAExample

The example in Listing 1-6 may seem out of place for a React
developer. This is because you’re moving the square with an imperative
pattern using the animate12 method of the DOM element. The second
example is less “Reacty” than the first one. In other words, when working
with React, developers need to consider also a set of unspoken rules
imposed not by the API itself but by how the community is using that
API. React community-created libraries and tools transform operations
that could be imperative in declarative components. In addition to the
animation example in Listing 1-6, there are other examples, such as React
Router13 and Apollo Client.14
These libraries contributed to creating React’s way of writing
applications. Every mainstream framework tends to create its framework’s
way. This aspect leads to the third definition of framework:

If there is a framework’s way, there is a framework.

So, following this definition, it becomes crystal clear that React is a

framework and not a library. You could use it as a library, but most of the
projects will embrace its unspoken rules, making it a framework de facto.
As for the Angular rules from the previous paragraph, React’s way
is not a bad thing per se. But when embracing its declarative way of
programming, a team needs to understand what they are gaining and


Chapter 1 The Definition of Framework

what they are losing. Let’s try to do that in Listings 1-6 and 1-7. Both
snippets have a similar complexity, but Listing 1-6 is more readable for a
React developer because react-motion is React-compatible. So, a team
that decides to work like in Listing 1-7 is losing readability. But what are
they gaining? To answer this question, analyze Listings 1-8 and 1-9; they
are slightly different versions of the Web Animations API example from
Listing 1-7.

Listing 1-8. Frameworkless Animation Library

const animationTiming = {
    duration: 500,
    ease: 'linear',
    fill: 'forwards'

const showKeyframes = [
    { opacity: 0 },
    { opacity: 1 }

const hideKeyframes = [

export const show = (element) => {

    element.animate(showKeyframes, animationTiming)

export const hide = (element) => {

    element.animate(hideKeyframes, animationTiming)

Chapter 1 The Definition of Framework

Listing 1-9. Web Animations API Example (Revised)

import { useCallback, useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'

import { show, hide } from './animations'

const WAExample = () => {

    //using ref to skip a re-render
    const didMountRef = useRef(false);
    const box = useRef(null)
    const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(false)

    const toggle = useCallback(() => {

    }, [isVisible])

    useEffect(() => {
        if(!didMountRef.current) {
            didMountRef.current = true;

        const {
        } = box

        } else{

    }, [box, isVisible])

    return (

Chapter 1 The Definition of Framework

            <button >        </div>

export default WAExample

It is easy to notice that the only difference with the previous Web
Animations API example is that I moved all the animation-related code
to a different file. But the code in Listing 1-8 now has an important
characteristic: It is completely unrelated to React. It is a simple library
without dependencies. This means that it can be used in any kind of
JavaScript project without a problem. In this scenario, the team is losing
readability but gaining portability.

Tip When ditching the framework’s way, be sure to know why

you are doing it. The loss of readability, in the long run, could be
problematic, so be sure that it is worth it.

Frameworks as Technical Debt

The last definition of framework that I want to share with you is surely
bold, even provocative:

Frameworks are technical debt.

Chapter 1 The Definition of Framework

Let me elaborate a bit on why I think that every framework is technical

debt. When you need to add a feature to a project, you always have
options. Some are quick and messy, while others are well-designed but
slower to put into production. To better understand the impact of this
kind of decision, Ward Cunningham15 created the metaphor of technical
debt. The metaphor itself is quite simple: Every time you choose a quick
solution, you incur a debt. A simple diagram of technical debt is shown in
Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3. Technical debt

In the medium term, using a no-design approach will lead to an

increase in the cost to add a feature or to change an existing one. This
“slowness” is the unpaid debt that a team accumulates over time.
When using frameworks, a team starts accumulating the same kind of
debt but usually, the slowness comes only in the long term, after some
years of active development. In my experience, when an application is


Chapter 1 The Definition of Framework

commercially successful, its lifespan exceeds the lifespan of frameworks

used to build that application. When this happens, the framework is
treated like “legacy code,” and developers start to struggle and start to slow
down development. Just like technical debt.

Technical Investment
Usually, when I tell developers that one of the definitions of framework
is technical debt, they think I am an extremist. But I have nothing against
frameworks, and—even though I wrote this book—I use frameworks for
a large part of my job. My point is that technical debt is not always a bad
thing. In the financial world, debt is not automatically a bad thing. For
example, to buy a house, you usually get a loan, which is debt. But people
tend to not consider the loan a bad thing, but an investment. On the other
hand, if a friend of yours without a stable job goes to the bank to get a loan
to buy a Ferrari, you might try to stop them.
The difference is not in the debt itself but in the reason behind that
debt. Software development has the same kind of mechanism; if you use
the no-design solution for a good reason, it is not technical debt, but a
technical investment. It’s always a kind of debt, but it is not reckless. By
the same token, frameworks, when chosen for a good reason, are not costs
but assets. If you use a framework as an investment, the cost should be
eventually paid.

In this first, introductory, chapter I analyzed four different definitions of
framework, and for each one, I tried to highlight what consequences they
bring to a developer’s daily life.
The next chapter covers a brief history of JavaScript front-end


Brief History of
Front-­end Frameworks
Misunderstanding of the present is the inevitable consequence
of ignorance of the past.
—Marc Bloch

This chapter is a very brief history of front-end frameworks. It’s not meant
to be comprehensive, but it’s an opinionated view of the most important
milestones in the front-end ecosystem. I divided this chapter into “ages”
that contain one or more frameworks. For each age, I explain the ideas
that the frameworks of that age introduced to the front-end ecosystem and
which ideas are still valid today. Figure 2-1 shows the timeline of the most
important frameworks in front-end history.

Figure 2-1. Timeline of front-end frameworks

© Francesco Strazzullo 2023 19

F. Strazzullo, Frameworkless Front-End Development,
Chapter 2 Brief History of Front-­end Frameworks

The First Age: jQuery

Created by John Resig in 2006, jQuery (see Figure 2-2) the mother of all
JavaScript frameworks. It’s by far most commonly used1 in production,
with an outstanding 77 percent of the ten million most popular websites.

Figure 2-2. The jQuery logo

The most seminal feature of jQuery2 is the selector syntax, which lets
developers select dom nodes with a CSS selector (var element = $('.my-­
class')). The same selector syntax became part of the browsers’ platform3
in 2013.
It may seem strange that this feature became so groundbreaking back
then, but you have to consider that at that time, browsers were not aligned
as they are today. This is the real value that jQuery brought to the front-end
world. jQuery created a lingua franca between the browsers. It helped the
community grow around common ground. Apart from the selector syntax,
during that time a lot of features had been added to the core project, like
AJAX requests, animations, and other utilities. It rapidly became the Swiss
Army knife of front-end development. Today, developers tend to joke
about jQuery and its “ugliness,” but it is the cornerstone of modern web


Chapter 2 Brief History of Front-­end Frameworks

The jQuery’s Way

In the previous chapter, I described the idea of the framework’s way. I
covered how React is more similar to a framework than a library. From
this point of view, jQuery is very similar to React: A library so opinionated
and used to become a framework. JQuery’s way became evident in 2007
with the advent of jQueryUI,4 an official UIKit for jQuery applications. This
toolkit was easily pluggable, giving developers ready-to-use components
for every need. Thanks to the addition of the UI part, jQuery transformed
from a utility library to a full-fledged framework. This resonated to other
frameworks like AngularJS based on jqlite.

T he Second Age: AngularJS, Backbone,

and Ember
jQuery gave developers a lot of freedom. Remember that—even if it has its
“framework’s way”—jQuery is a library that manipulates DOM elements.
In the late 2000s, web development frameworks emerged with the Single
Page Applications (SPAs) concept. The prominent examples of this era
of JavaScript development are AngularJS, Backcone.js, and Ember. All
these frameworks implemented the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern
or one of its variations. For the sake of brevity, I cover only AngularJS
because—in my opinion—it is the one that most influenced the front-end
community (see Figure 2-3).


Chapter 2 Brief History of Front-­end Frameworks

Figure 2-3. The AngularJS logo

If jQuery can be seen as the invention of writing, AngularJS5 is probably the
equivalent of Gutenberg’s printing press. AngularJS was developed in 2009
by Miško Hevery6 as a side project; later, he became a Google employee.
Version 1.0 went live on October 20, 2010. It reached its end-of-life7 on
December 31, 2021. AngularJS had huge success and helped make SPAs
a mainstream pattern. The main—and most infamous—characteristic of
AngularJS is its two-way data binding. Every update in the model updates
the view, and every update in the view updates the model. A simple
schema of two-way data binding is shown in Figure 2-4.


Chapter 2 Brief History of Front-­end Frameworks

Figure 2-4. Two-way data binding

To better understand how this mechanism works, Listing 2-1 shows an

example of ngModel, the most commonly used AngularJS construct. The
example is adapted from the official AngularJS documentation.8

Listing 2-1. AngularJS Two-Way Data Binding Example

angular.module('inputExample', [])
.controller('ExampleController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
    $scope.val = '1';
<form ng-controller="ExampleController">
  <input ng-model="val" />


Chapter 2 Brief History of Front-­end Frameworks

The value in the input element is bound to the value in $scope.val,

so the initial value is ‘1’. When the user changes the value in the input,
the value of $scope.val changes accordingly. When this approach was
presented, it generated quite a “wow effect” and quickly became the
reason that people chose to work with AngularJS. Nevertheless, this
approach started to feel “stale” after some time. Binding the model and the
view in this way is not a good option for large codebases, where complex
data transformation is needed because overusing this technique slows
down the application. AngularJS introduced components and one-way
data bindings in later releases, but its popularity decreased, and it has
been replaced by modern frameworks.

The Third Age: React, Angular, and Vue

Enter the modern age of front-end development. While I'm writing this
chapter—in 2023—the front-end ecosystem is dominated by three players:
Angular, React, and Vue. In this case, I do not discuss the consequences
because these frameworks are still widely used today. In this section, I analyze
just the first two because I think that they represent two different ways of
thinking—in fact they are poles apart—about front-end development.

Angular9 was previously known as Angular2 because the project was
intended to be the new version of AngularJS. The team behind the project
took semantic versioning very seriously, thus Angular2 was a completely
different framework, as you saw in the previous pages. Such a different
approach between the two versions caused a wave of panic around the
project. After the first release of Angular2 in September 2016, the team
decided to rename the project Angular (see Figure 2-5).


Chapter 2 Brief History of Front-­end Frameworks

Figure 2-5. The Angular logo

Thanks to a collaboration between Google and Microsoft, its

development seemed quite troubled initially. At first, Angular’s team
announced that the framework used AtScript,10 a dedicated language
created specifically for Angular. Later, the team switched to TypeScript, a
new language developed by Microsoft. Angular was built with corporate
companies in mind. With the advent of AngularJS, many companies
created SPAs thanks to the framework. But AngularJS was not ready
for huge codebases. The use of TypeScript, ideas borrowed from other
ecosystems—such as annotations for dependency injection—and stable
release planning are probably the main reasons behind the success of

The name “AtScript” comes from the @ (“at”) symbol used for annotations in

many languages and frameworks, like Java Spring.

Chapter 2 Brief History of Front-­end Frameworks

React11 (see Figure 2-6) was created internally at Facebook in 2011 and
released publicly in 2013. React made the concept of the “component”
mainstream in the front-end ecosystem, probably thanks to the adoption
of JSX, which lets developers use HTML tags in JavaScript files.

Figure 2-6. The React logo

Another React characteristic that changed the way people work with
data in front-end applications was one-way data binding, also thanks to
external libraries like Redux. This approach was revolutionary at the time
compared to AngularJS’ standard two-way data binding. Thanks to React
and its community concept, data immutability became widely used in the
front-end ecosystem.


Chapter 2 Brief History of Front-­end Frameworks

Comparing Angular and React

At the beginning of this section, I said that Angular and React are poles
apart. Nevertheless, they are constantly compared in talks, blog posts, and so
on. I usually find these comparisons quite unuseful because they don’t give
readers a complete picture. I do not compare them in this paragraph, but
I do highlight the most important difference between the two frameworks.
Angular is built “in a laboratory” with the purpose of becoming a popular
framework, while React is created and maintained mostly by Facebook to
solve its problems. This “political” aspect is reflected in the structure of
the two frameworks. On one hand, Angular may feel “too big” and almost
bloated for some scenarios, but it has a stable API and a defined roadmap.
On the other hand, React is smaller and leaner and thus easier to
integrate with custom or existent code. But React’s API is less stable
between versions compared to Angular. The advent of hooks12 completely
changed the way React applications are built; this aspect instills fear in
some companies that require stability in the tools that they use.

Bonus Tracks
In this last section of this chapter, I briefly cover some other technologies
that did not (yet) have the same impact on the front-end ecosystem, but
that I find interesting, nevertheless.

Web Components
Not a framework, but a significant step in front-end history, web
components are a set of native APIs that let developers build custom
HTML components without any dependencies. They were introduced


Chapter 2 Brief History of Front-­end Frameworks

to the public by Alex Russell at the Frontiers Conference in 2011.13 In the

last period, libraries like Lit or Stencil are becoming more common in
front-end ecosystems because they improve and make it easier to build
WebComponent. Chapter 4 covers them deeply, explaining how to leverage
them to create UI components.

The “disappearing frameworks” way has become a recent phenomenon
in the front-end ecosystem. In this category, frameworks are reactive by
design. During the compilation process, the framework translates syntax
in vanilla JavaScript to be lightweight and fully reactive at runtime,
so the library payload effectively “disappears” apart from some core
functions. The most famous framework in this category is Svelte (see
Figure 2-7).14


Chapter 2 Brief History of Front-­end Frameworks

Figure 2-7. The Svelte logo

Apart from the fact that you don’t serve the whole library payload,
a vanilla JavaScript approach is a great way to inject Svelte into existing
applications. As you will see in Chapter 4, the main advantage of web
components is that they act exactly as standard HTML elements, making
this kind of integration frictionless.

From a high-level point of view, single page applications (SPAs) are
just empty pages until the JS Framework kicks in and starts rendering
content. This approach is unsuitable for SEO because spiders can’t

Chapter 2 Brief History of Front-­end Frameworks

grasp the content of JS-generated elements. React enabled server-side

rendering (SSR), but doing SSR with pure React on a node server is quite
cumbersome. Next.JS15 solves this problem with an all-in-one solution
that builds an SSR-ready application and the possibility to build a set of
REST APIs within the same project of the React application. Thanks to the
acquisition by Vercel,16 it is possible to deploy a working React application
(with SSR) in minutes. See Figure 2-8.
Another important concept built in to Next.JS is ISR17 (incremental
static render). This approach allows building and keeping one or more
pages in the cache for a specific time. The system rebuilds the page with
the new data at expiration, and the cycle continues until the server runs.
This approach permits you to reduce the cost of the page’s creation and the
cost of the computation on the server. It’s also possible to re-create pages
on demand if you need them before the cache expires.

Figure 2-8. Next.JS logo


Chapter 2 Brief History of Front-­end Frameworks

This chapter summarized a very brief history of front-end development,
highlighting the tools that I find are the most important and “seminal” in
the recent past. I also pointed out some frameworks that I think are worth
watching and analyzing for their growth.
The next chapter covers the frameworkless way to build a
rendering engine.


One of the most important features of any web application is the ability to
display data. On a more “close to the metal” level, displaying data means
rendering elements to the screen or another output device. The World Wide
Web Consortium defines rendering elements programmatically with the
Document Object Model, also known as the DOM. This chapter aims to
teach you how to effectively manipulate DOM without frameworks.

The Document Object Model

The Document Object Model (DOM) is how the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) defines how to interact with HTML documents.
Basically, the DOM is an API that lets you manipulate the elements that
compose a web application.1
To understand the DOM, return to the basics: What is an HTML page?
From a technical standpoint, every HTML page (or fragment of one) is
a tree. If you have an HTML table like the one in Listing 3-1, its DOM
representation will be the one shown in Figure 3-1.

You can read more about it on the official W3C specification page at
© Francesco Strazzullo 2023 33
F. Strazzullo, Frameworkless Front-End Development,
Chapter 3 Rendering

Listing 3-1. Simple HTML Table

      <th>GitHub Stars</th>

Chapter 3 Rendering

Figure 3-1. DOM representation of a table

With this example, it becomes clear that the DOM is a way to manage
the tree defined by your HTML elements. So if you want to change the
background color of a React cell, you can write something like Listing 3-2.

Listing 3-2. Changing the Color of a React cell

const SELECTOR = 'tr:nth-child(3) > td'

const cell =  document.querySelector(SELECTOR) = 'red'

Chapter 3 Rendering

The code is quite straightforward. You select the right cell with the
querySelector method using a standard CSS selector, and change the
style property of the cell node. The querySelector method is just one
of the methods of Node, the basic interface that represents a node in your
HTML tree.2

Monitoring Rendering Performance

When designing a rendering engine for the web, you should keep in mind
readability and maintainability. Rendering is such an important task of
any web application that, if you decide to write it from scratch, it should be
very easy to understand and change.
Another important factor for a rendering engine is performance. This
section explains tools you can use to monitor the performance of your
rendering engine.

Chrome Developer Tools

The first tool that you are going to use is the browser, more specifically
Chrome and its well-known developer tools. One of the features that
you can use to monitor rendering performances is a handy frame
per second (FPS) meter. To make it appear, press Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+P
while the Developer tools are open to show the Command menu, as
shown in Figure 3-2. There, choose the Show Frame Per Seconds (FPS)
Meter option.

You can read all its methods and properties on the Mozilla Developer Network
page about it at

Chapter 3 Rendering

Figure 3-2. The Chrome Command menu

The FPS meter will appear in the upper-right corner of the screen. It
will also display the amount of memory used by the GPU, as you can see in
Figure 3-3.

Chapter 3 Rendering

Figure 3-3. Chrome FPS meter

The stats.js Widget

Another way to monitor the FPS of your application is to use stats.js,3 a
library that is easy to embed into any web application. Apart from FPS, this
tool can also display the milliseconds needed to render a frame or MBytes
of allocated memory. In the Readme file in the GitHub repository, you may
also find a simple bookmarklet to attach the widget to any website, like the
one shown in Figure 3-4.


Chapter 3 Rendering

Figure 3-4. The stats.js widget showing ms needed to render a frame

Custom Performance Widget

Creating a widget that shows the FPS of your application is quite easy. The
main concept is to use the requestAnimationFrame callback to track the
time between one render cycle and the next one and to keep track of how
many times the callback is invoked in a second. You can see an example in
Listing 3-3.

Listing 3-3. Custom Performance Monitor Widget

let panel
let start
let frames = 0

const create = () => {

  const div = document.createElement('div') = 'fixed'

Chapter 3 Rendering = '0px' = '0px' = '50px' = '50px' = 'black' = 'white'

  return div

const tick = () => {

  const now =
  if (now >= start + 1000) {
    panel.innerText = frames
    frames = 0
    start = now

const init = (parent = document.body) => {

  panel = create()

  window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
    start =

export default {

Chapter 3 Rendering

After calculating the FPS, you can display the number on a widget, as
in this case, or use the console to print the data.

Rendering Functions
This section analyzes various ways to render elements to the DOM with
pure functions. Rendering elements with pure functions means that the
DOM elements depend exclusively on the application's state. To grasp this
concept from a formal point of view, consider Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5. A mathematical representation of pure functions


You will learn about the “state” of your application and how to manage
it in Chapter 8, which covers state management.
There are a lot of advantages to using pure functions, like testability
and composability. Still, as you will see later in this chapter, some
challenges need to be discussed.

The example in this chapter uses a TodoMVC template as a base.
TodoMVC4 is a project that collects many implementations of the same
to-do list written with different frameworks.5 Figure 3-6 shows a standard
TodoMVC application.

You can see a live demo of a TodoMVC implementation at

Chapter 3 Rendering

Figure 3-6. TodoMVC example

For now, you will concentrate on rendering: You will render the items
and the toolbar. In the later chapters, you will add other elements like
HTTP requests, event handling, and so on, until you can create a complete

Rendering Pure Functions

In this first example, you will use strings to render elements. You can see
the skeleton of a TodoMVC application in the next snippet.6 Listing 3-4
shows the contents of the index.html file.

You can read the complete code of this example at

Chapter 3 Rendering

Listing 3-4. Basic TodoMVC App Structure

  <section class="todoapp">
    <header class="header">
        placeholder="What needs to be done?”>
    <section class="main">
       <label for="toggle-all">
          Mark all as complete
       <ul class="todo-list"></ul>
    <footer class="footer">
      <span class="todo-count"></span>
      <ul class="filters">
          <a href="#/">All</a>
          <a href="#/active">Active</a>

Chapter 3 Rendering

          <a href="#/completed">Completed</a>
      <button class="clear-completed">
        Clear completed
  <footer class="info">
    <p>Double-click to edit a todo</p>

To make this application dynamic, you need to grab the to-do list data
and update it:

• The ul with the list of filtered to-dos

• The span with the number of not completed to-dos

• The links with filter types, adding the selected class to

the right one

Listing 3-5 is the first attempt at functional rendering.

Listing 3-5. The First Version of a TodoMVC Rendering Function

const getTodoElement = todo => {

  const {
  } = todo

Chapter 3 Rendering

  return `
  <li ${completed ? 'class="completed"' : ''}>
    <div class="view">
        ${completed ? 'checked' : ''}
      <button class="destroy"></button>
    <input class="edit" value="${text}">

const getTodoCount = todos => {

  const notCompleted = todos
    .filter(todo => !todo.completed)

  const { length } = notCompleted

  if (length === 1) {
    return '1 Item left'

  return `${length} Items left`


export default (targetElement, state) => {

  const {
  } = state

Chapter 3 Rendering

  const element = targetElement.cloneNode(true)

  const list = element.querySelector('.todo-list')

  const counter = element.querySelector('.todo-count')
  const filters = element.querySelector('.filters')

  list.innerHTML ='')
  counter.textContent = getTodoCount(todos)

    .from(filters.querySelectorAll('li a'))
    .forEach(a => {
      if (a.textContent === currentFilter) {
      } else {
  return element

This view function takes a target DOM element as a base. It then

clones the original node and updates it using the state parameter. It then
returns the new node. Notice that these DOM modifications are virtual;
you are working with a detached element. To create a detached element,
you clone an existing node with the cloneNode method. This newly created
DOM element is an exact clone of a real DOM element but is completely
unrelated to the document's body.
So, in Listing 3-5, no real modifications to the DOM are committed.
Keep in mind that modifying a detached DOM element is quite
performant. To connect this view function to the real DOM, you can use a
simple controller like the one in Listing 3-6.

Chapter 3 Rendering

Listing 3-6. Basic Controller

import getTodos from './getTodos.js'

import view from './view.js'

const state = {
  todos: getTodos(),
  currentFilter: 'All'

const main = document.querySelector('.todoapp')

window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
  const newMain = view(main, state)

This simple “rendering engine” is based on requestAnimationFrame.7

Every DOM manipulation or animation should be based on this DOM
API. Making DOM operations inside this callback makes everything more
efficient; they don’t block the main thread and they are executed right
before the next repaint is scheduled in the event loop.8
This data model is a random array generated with Faker.js,9 a small
library useful for generating random data. In Figure 3-7, you can see the
schema of the first rendering example.

To better understand how the event loop works, I suggest watching this talk by
Jake Archibald (

Chapter 3 Rendering

Figure 3-7. Static rendering schema

Reviewing the Code

This rendering approach is performant enough using
requestAnimationFrame and virtual node manipulation. But this view
function is not very readable. That code10 has two major problems:

• It’s just a single huge function: You have a single

function to manipulate different DOM elements. The
situation can easily become messy.

• There are different approaches to doing the same

thing: You create list items via strings. You just add the
text to an existing element for the todo count element.
For the filters, you manage the classList.

In the next example, you see how to divide the view into smaller
functions and try to address the consistency problem.
Listing 3-7 shows the refactored version of this application, while
Listings 3-8, 3-9, and 3-10 show the new functions for the counter, the
filters, and the list, respectively.

You can find the complete code of this second version at


Chapter 3 Rendering

Listing 3-7. App View Function with Smaller View Functions

import todosView from './todos.js'

import counterView from './counter.js'
import filtersView from './filters.js'

export default (targetElement, state) => {

  const element = targetElement.cloneNode(true)

  const list = element

  const counter = element
  const filters = element

  list.replaceWith(todosView(list, state))
  counter.replaceWith(counterView(counter, state))
  filters.replaceWith(filtersView(filters, state))

  return element

Listing 3-8. View Function to Show the Count of Todos

const getTodoCount = todos => {

  const notCompleted = todos
    .filter(todo => !todo.completed)

  const { length } = notCompleted

  if (length === 1) {
    return '1 Item left'

  return `${length} Items left`


Chapter 3 Rendering

export default (targetElement, { todos }) => {

  const newCounter = targetElement.cloneNode(true)
  newCounter.textContent = getTodoCount(todos)
  return newCounter

Listing 3-9. The View Function to Render the TodoMVC Filters

export default (targetElement, { currentFilter }) => {

  const newCounter = targetElement.cloneNode(true)
    .from(newCounter.querySelectorAll('li a'))
    .forEach(a => {
      if (a.textContent === currentFilter) {
      } else {
  return newCounter

Listing 3-10. The View Function to Render the List

const getTodoElement = todo => {

  const {
  } = todo

  return `
      <li ${completed ? 'class="completed"' : ''}>
        <div class="view">

Chapter 3 Rendering

            ${completed ? 'checked' : ''}

          <button class="destroy"></button>
        <input class="edit" value="${text}">

export default (targetElement, { todos }) => {

  const newTodoList = targetElement.cloneNode(true)
  const todosElements = todos
  newTodoList.innerHTML = todosElements
  return newTodoList

The code is much better now; you have three separate functions with
the same signature. These functions are the first draft of a component

Component Functions
If you check the code of the app view (see Listing 3-7), you need to
manually invoke the right function. If you want to create a component-
based application, you should use a declarative way of interaction between
components. The system should automatically wire all the pieces.

Chapter 3 Rendering

The next application11 is an example of a rendering engine with a

component registry. To achieve this goal, the first thing that you should do
is define how to declare what component should be used in a particular
use case. In this particular scenario, you have three components: todos, a
counter, and filters. Listing 3-11 defines which component should be used
by using data-attributes.12

Listing 3-11. App Using Data Attributes to Determine

Component Use

<section class="todoapp">
    <header class="header">
            placeholder="What needs to be done?"
    <section class="main">
        <label for="toggle-all">
            Mark all as complete


Chapter 3 Rendering

        <ul class="todo-list" data-component="todos">

    <footer class="footer">
                1 Item Left
        <ul class="filters" data-component="filters">
                <a href="#/">All</a>
                <a href="#/active">Active</a>
                <a href="#/completed">Completed</a>
        <button class="clear-completed">
            Clear completed

In the previous snippet, the “name” of the component is in the data-

component attribute. This attribute will replace the imperative invocation
of view functions. Another prerequisite needed to create a component
library is a registry: An index of all the components available in the
application. The simplest registry that you can implement is a plain
JavaScript object like the one shown in Listing 3-12.

Chapter 3 Rendering

Listing 3-12. Simple Component Registry

const registry = {
  'todos': todosView,
  'counter': counterView,
  'filters': filtersView

The keys of this registry tally with the value of the data-component
attribute. This is the key mechanism of the component-based rendering
engine. This mechanism should be applied not only to the root container
(the application view function) but also to every component that you
will create. In this way, every component can be used inside other
components. This kind of reusability is required for every component-
based application. In order to accomplish this task, every component
should “inherit” from a base component that reads the values of the data-
component attribute and automatically invoke the right function. Given
that these are pure functions, you can’t really inherit from a base object.
So you need to create a high-order function that wraps these components.
You can see an example of this kind of high-order function in Listing 3-13.

Listing 3-13. Rendering a High-Order Function

const renderWrapper = component => {
  return (targetElement, state) => {
    const element = component(targetElement, state)

    const childComponents = element


      .forEach(target => {
        const name = target

Chapter 3 Rendering


        const child = registry[name]

        if (!child) {

        target.replaceWith(child(target, state))

    return element

This wrapper function takes the original component and returns a new
component with the same signature. To the system, the two functions are
identical. For every DOM element with the data-component attribute, the
wrapper looks for it in the registry. If it finds something, it will invoke the
child component. But also this child component is wrapped with the same
function. In this way, you can easily navigate all the way down to the last
component, just like a recursive function does.
So, to add a component to the registry, you need a simple function
that wraps a component with the previous function, like the one shown in
Listing 3-14.

Listing 3-14. Registry Accessor Method

const add = (name, component) => {

  registry[name] = renderWrapper(component)

You should also provide a method to render the root of the application
to start rendering from an initial DOM element. In this application, this
method is called renderRoot, and you can see its code in Listing 3-15.

Chapter 3 Rendering

Listing 3-15. Boot Function of a Component-Based Application

const renderRoot = (root, state) => {

  const cloneComponent = root => {
    return root.cloneNode(true)

  return renderWrapper(cloneComponent)(root, state)


The add and renderRoot methods are the public interfaces of the
component registry. The last thing to do is mix all the elements in the
controller, as shown in Listing 3-16.

Listing 3-16. A Controller That Uses a Component Registry

import getTodos from './getTodos.js'

import todosView from './view/todos.js'
import counterView from './view/counter.js'
import filtersView from './view/filters.js'

import registry from './registry.js'

registry.add('todos', todosView)
registry.add('counter', counterView)
registry.add('filters', filtersView)

const state = {
  todos: getTodos(),
  currentFilter: 'All'

Chapter 3 Rendering

window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
  const main = document.querySelector('.todoapp')
  const newMain = registry.renderRoot(main, state)

That’s it! You just created your first frameworkless component-based

application. You can consider it a walking skeleton13 of a real component-
based application. You can see a basic schema of this application in
Figure 3-8.

Figure 3-8. Component registry schema

Rendering Dynamic Data

In the previous examples, you used static data. But in a real-world
application, data will change over time because of an event from the user
or the system. You will learn about event listeners in the next chapter, so
for now, you can just change the state randomly every five seconds, as you
can see in Listing 3-17.


Chapter 3 Rendering

Listing 3-17. Rendering Random Data Every Five Seconds

const render = () => {

  window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
    const main = document.querySelector('.todoapp')
    const newMain = registry.renderRoot(main, state)

window.setInterval(() => {
  state.todos = getTodos()
}, 5000)


Every time you have new data, you just create another virtual root
element and then replace the real one with the newly created one. This
could be performant enough for a small application like this one, but in a
non-trivial project, this approach would be a performance killer.

The Virtual DOM

The virtual DOM approach, made famous by React, is a way to make a
declarative rendering engine, like the one that you created, performant.
The main idea is that the representation of the UI is kept in memory and
synced with the “real” DOM doing the minimum number of operations
possible. This process is called reconciliation. As an example, if your “old”
real DOM element is this simple list.

  <li>First Item</li>

Chapter 3 Rendering

You want to replace it with a new list with a new element like this one:

  <li>First Item</li>
  <li>Second Item</li>

With the previous algorithm, you replace the entire ul. With the virtual
DOM method, the system should dynamically understand that the only
operation that is needed on the real DOM is the addition of the last li.
The core of the virtual DOM is a diff algorithm that easily understands
the fastest way to turn the real DOM into an exact copy of the new DOM
element that is detached (in other words, virtual) from the document. A
visual explanation of this mechanism is shown in Figure 3-9.

Figure 3-9. Virtual DOM

A Simple Virtual DOM Implementation

You can create a very simple diff algorithm to use instead of replaceWith
in the main controller, as shown in Listing 3-18.

Chapter 3 Rendering

Listing 3-18. The Main Controller Built with a diff Algorithm

const render = () => {

  window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
    const main = document.querySelector('.todoapp')
    const newMain = registry.renderRoot(main, state)
    applyDiff(document.body, main, newMain)

The applyDiff function parameters are the parent of the current real
DOM node, the real DOM node, and the new virtual DOM node. Let’s
analyze what this function should do.
You first need to remove the real node if the new node is not defined.

if (realNode && !virtualNode) {


On the other hand, if the real node is not defined but a virtual one
exists, you should add it to the parent node.

if (!realNode && virtualNode) {


If both nodes are defined, you need to determine there are differences
between them.

if (isNodeChanged(virtualNode, realNode)) {

Chapter 3 Rendering

You are going to analyze the code of the isNodeChanged function

in a moment. You first need to apply the same diff algorithm to every
child node.

const realChildren = Array.from(realNode.children)

const virtualChildren = Array.from(virtualNode.children)

const max = Math.max(

for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) {

The complete code of the applyDiff function is shown in Listing 3-19,

while Listing 3-20 shows the code of the isNodeChanged function.

Listing 3-19. The applyDiff Function

const applyDiff = (
  virtualNode) => {
  if (realNode && !virtualNode) {

Chapter 3 Rendering

  if (!realNode && virtualNode) {


  if (isNodeChanged(virtualNode, realNode)) {


  const realChildren = Array.from(realNode.children)

  const virtualChildren = Array.from(virtualNode.children)

  const max = Math.max(

  for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) {

Listing 3-20. The isNodeChanged Function

const isNodeChanged = (node1, node2) => {

  const n1Attributes = node1.attributes
  const n2Attributes = node2.attributes
  if (n1Attributes.length !== n2Attributes.length) {
    return true

Chapter 3 Rendering

  const differentAttribute = Array

    .find(attribute => {
      const { name } = attribute
      const attribute1 = node1
      const attribute2 = node2
      return attribute1 !== attribute2

  if (differentAttribute) {
    return true

  if (node1.children.length === 0 &&

    node2.children.length === 0 &&
    node1.textContent !== node2.textContent) {
    return true

  return false

In this implementation of a diff algorithm, you perform these checks

to decide if a node has changed compared to another one:

• The number of attributes is different

• There is at least one attribute that has changed

• The nodes have no children and their textContent is


Chapter 3 Rendering

You can create more refined checks in order to increase performance,

but I suggest keeping the rendering engine as simple as possible. Keep an
eye on performance using one of the tools at the beginning of the chapter
and when a problem arises, try to adapt your algorithm to your use case.
Quoting Donald Knuth:14
Premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most
of it) in programming.

In this chapter, you learned how to create a rendering engine for a
frameworkless application. You also explored how to build a simple
component registry and how to make your engine perform well by using a
virtual DOM algorithm.
In the next chapter, you learn how to manage events from the user and
how to integrate these events into the rendering engine.



Managing DOM
In the last chapter, you learned about rendering or, more generally, how
to draw DOM elements that match your data. But a web application is
not a painting; its contents change over time. The cause of these changes
is events.
Events, even though they are created by the user or the system, are
a crucial aspect of the DOM API. This chapter aims to explain how to
manage these events in a frameworkless application.
The first part of the chapter is an introduction to the DOM Events
API. You will learn what an event handler is and how to attach it to
DOM elements properly. In the second part, you will add interactivity to
managing events in your TodoMVC application.

The YAGNI Principle

In this chapter, you will modify the rendering engine from the previous
chapter to add the DOM events management. So, why did I show you an
incomplete engine, completely ignoring the events? Some of the reasons
are readability and simplicity. But I would use the same approach for a
real-world project. I would start focusing on the most important feature
and then iterate, evolving my architecture around new needs. This is one

© Francesco Strazzullo 2023 65

F. Strazzullo, Frameworkless Front-End Development,
Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

of the principles of Extreme Programming (XP) called YAGNI (You aren't

Gonna Need It). To better explain the YAGNI principle, I often use this
quote from Ron Jeffries,1 one of the founders of XP.

Always implement things when you actually need them, never

when you just foresee that you will need them.

This principle is good for any use case, but it is crucial for a
frameworkless project. When I talk about the frameworkless approach,
one of the criticisms that I hear often is, “You will just write another
framework that no one will maintain.” This is a risk if you overengineer
your architecture. When you’re creating your own architecture, you should
apply YAGNI very strictly, solving only the problems that you have at that
moment, and not trying to foresee the future.
Look at how I wrote the code in the last chapter as a reference for the
YAGNI principle. I (tried to) write the best code possible for rendering, and
only later I added the events to the mix.

The DOM Events API

Events are actions in a web application that the browser tells you about so that
you can react to them in some way. There is a wide variety of event types, and
you can consult the Mozilla Developer Network for a comprehensive list.2
You can react to events triggered by the use, such as mouse events
(click, double-click, etc.), keyboard events (keydown, keyup, etc.), view
events (resize, scroll, etc.), and so on. Furthermore, the system itself can
emit events. For example, it can react to changes in your network status or
when the DOM content is loaded, as shown in Figure 4-1.


Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

Figure 4-1. Basic click event lifecycle

To react to an event, you need to attach a special callback, called an

event handler, to the DOM element that triggered the event.

Tip For view or system events, attach the event handler to the
window object.

Attach Handlers with Properties

A quick and dirty way to attach an event handler to a DOM element
is using the on* properties. Every event type has a corresponding
property on the DOM elements. A button has the onclick property, but
also ondblclick, onmouseover, onblur, onfocus, and so on. It’s quite
straightforward to attach a handler to a click event using properties, as
shown in Listing 4-1. The result of this listing is visible in Figure 4-2.

Listing 4-1. Click Handler with onclick Property

const button = document.querySelector('button')

button. => {
  console.log('Click managed using onclick property')

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

Figure 4-2. Example of an onclick property handler

I just stated that this is a quick and dirty solution. It’s easy to grasp why
it’s quick, but why is it also dirty? Even if it works, this kind of solution is
usually considered bad practice. The main reason is that you can attach
just one handler at a time with properties. So if a piece of code overwrites
your onclick handler, your original handler is lost forever. In the next
section, you see another, better, approach: the addEventListener method.

Attach Handlers with addEventListener

Every DOM node that can handle events implements the
EventTarget interface. The most important method of this interface is
addEventListener, which is useful for adding event handlers to a DOM
node. Listing 4-2 shows how to add a simple event handler to a button
click using this technique.

Listing 4-2. Click Handler with addEventListener

const button = document.querySelector('button')

button.addEventListener('click', () => {
  console.log('Clicked using addEventListener')

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

The first parameter is the event type. In the last example, you manage
the click, but you can add listeners to handle any supported event type.
The second parameter is the callback that's invoked when the event is
In contrast to the property method, with addEventListener, you can
attach all the handlers you need, as shown in Listing 4-3.

Listing 4-3. Multiple Click Event Handlers

const button = document.querySelector('button')

button.addEventListener('click', () => {
  console.log('First handler')
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
  console.log('Second handler')

Keep in mind that when an element is not present anymore in the

DOM, you should remove its event listeners as well in order to prevent
memory leaks. To do that, you can use the removeEventListener method,
as shown in Listing 4-4.

Listing 4-4. Removing Event Handlers

const button = document.querySelector('button')

const firstHandler = () => {
  console.log('First handler')

const secondHandler = () => {

  console.log('Second handler')

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

button.addEventListener('click', firstHandler)
button.addEventListener('click', secondHandler)

window.setTimeout(() => {
  button.removeEventListener('click', firstHandler)
  button.removeEventListener('click', secondHandler)
  console.log('Removed Event Handlers')
}, 1000)

The most important thing to notice in the previous snippet is that, in

order to remove an event handler, you should keep a reference to it to pass
it as a parameter in the removeEventListener method.

The Event Object

In all the code that you have analyzed so far, event handlers were created
without parameters. But the signature of an event handler can contain
a parameter that represents the event emitted by the DOM node or the
system. Listing 4-5 simply prints this event in the console.
As you can see in Figure 4-3, the event contains a lot of useful
information, like the coordinates of the pointer, the type of event, the
element that triggered the event, and so on.

Listing 4-5. Printing the Event Object to the Console

const button = document.querySelector('button')

button.addEventListener('click', e => {
  console.log('event', e)

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

Figure 4-3. Printing the event object to the console

Any event dispatched in a web application implements the Event

interface. Based on its type, the Event object can implement a more
specific interface that extends Event. A click event (but also dblclick,
mouseup, and mousedown) implements the MouseEvent interface. This
interface contains information about the coordinates or the movement
of the pointer during the event and other useful data. The MouseEvent
interface hierarchy is shown in Figure 4-4.

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

Figure 4-4. MouseEvent interface hierarchy

For a complete reference of Event and the other interfaces, you can
read the MDN guide.3

The DOM Event Lifecycle

When you read some code that uses the addEventListener method to add
a handler, you usually see something like this:

button.addEventListener('click', handler, false)

The third parameter is called useCapture, and its default value is

false. This parameter has not always been optional. You should include
it for the widest possible browser compatibility. But what does it mean


Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

to capture an event? And what happens if you set the useCapture to

true? I'll explain it with an example. Consider the HTML structure in
Listing 4-6.

Listing 4-6. A Simple Nested HTML Structure

        This is a container
        <button>Click Here</button>

In Listing 4-7, event handlers are attached to both DOM elements—the

div and the button.

Listing 4-7. Showing the Bubble Phase Mechanism

const button = document.querySelector('button')

const div = document.querySelector('div')

div.addEventListener('click', () => {
  console.log('Div Clicked')
}, false)

button.addEventListener('click', () => {
  console.log('Button Clicked')
}, false)

What happens if you click the button? Given that the button is inside
the div, both handlers will be invoked, starting with the button one. So
the event object starts from the DOM node that triggered it (in this case,
button) and goes up to all its ancestors. This mechanism is called the
“bubble phase” or event bubbling. You can stop the bubble chain with
the stopPropagation method from the Event interface. In Listing 4-8, this
method is used in the button handler to stop the div handler.
Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

Listing 4-8. Stopping the Bubble Chain

const button = document.querySelector('button')

const div = document.querySelector('div')

div.addEventListener('click', () => {
  console.log('Div Clicked')
}, false)

button.addEventListener('click', e => {
  console.log('Button Clicked')
}, false)

In this case, the div handler is not invoked. This technique could be
useful when you have a complex layout, but if you rely often on the order
of the handlers, your code could become very hard to maintain. In these
cases, the event delegation pattern could be useful. I talk more about event
delegation at the end of this chapter.
You can use the useCapture parameter to reverse the order of
execution of the handlers. In Listing 4-9, the div handler is invoked before
the button one, as shown in Figure 4-5.

Listing 4-9. Using useCapture to Reverse the Order of the Event


const button = document.querySelector('button')

const div = document.querySelector('div')

div.addEventListener('click', e => {
  console.log('Div Clicked')
}, true)

button.addEventListener('click', e => {
  console.log('Button Clicked')
}, true)

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

Figure 4-5. Using the capture phase

In other words, using true for the useCapture parameter during the
invocation of addEventListener means that you want to add the event
handler to the capture phase instead of the bubble phase. While in the
bubble phase, the handlers use a bottom-up process; in the capture phase,
it’s the opposite. The system starts managing handlers from the <html>
tag and goes deeper until the event's trigger element is managed. It’s
important to remember that browsers run the capture phase (top-down)
and then the bubble phase (bottom-up) for every DOM event that is
generated. The third phase, called the target phase, occurs when the event
reaches the target element, in this case, the button. To summarize, this is
the lifecycle of most of the DOM events:

1. Capture phase: From html to the target element.

2. Target phase: The event reaches the target element.

3. Bubble phase: From the target element to html.

A more detailed version of this lifecycle is visible in Figure 4-6.

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

Figure 4-6. Event lifecycle

These phases exist for historical reasons. In the dark days, some
browsers just managed the capture phase, and others managed only the
bubble phase. Generally, using just bubble phase handlers is okay, but
knowing about the capture phase is important for handling some complex

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

Using Custom Events

The only event that you have handled so far is a button click. Similarly, you
can handle many different kinds of events, like the one discussed at the
beginning of the chapter. But the DOM Events API is far more powerful.
You can define custom event types and handle them like any other event.
This is an essential part of the DOM Events API, because you can
create DOM events bound to the domain based on what happened in the
system. You can create an event handler for login or logout or something
that happened to the dataset, such as creating a new record in a list.
As you can see in Listing 4-10, to create a custom event, you have to use
the constructor function called CustomEvent.

Listing 4-10. Firing Custom Events

const EVENT_NAME = 'FiveCharInputValue'

const input = document.querySelector('input')

input.addEventListener('input', () => {
  const { length } = input.value
  console.log('input length', length)
  if (length === 5) {
    const time = (new Date()).getTime()
    const event = new CustomEvent(EVENT_NAME, {
      detail: {


Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

input.addEventListener(EVENT_NAME, e => {
  console.log('handling custom event...', e.detail)

While managing the input event, you check for the length of
the value itself. If the length is exactly five, you fire a special event
called FiveCharInputValue. A standard event listener with the usual
addEventListener method handles the custom event. Notice how you
can use the same API for a standard event (input) and for a custom one.
You can also pass additional data to the handlers with the detail object
that you used in the constructor (in this case, a timestamp). The result of
Listing 4-10 is visible in Figure 4-7.

Figure 4-7. Using custom events

In the next chapter about web components, I show you how to use
custom events to let components communicate with each other.

Adding Events to TodoMVC

Now that you have learned the basic concepts of the DOM Events API, you
can add event handling to the TodoMVC application. Take another look at
a complete TodoMVC application (see Figure 4-8) in order to understand
which events need to be handled.

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

Figure 4-8. The complete TodoMVC application

The events that you need to manage are as follows:

• Delete an item: Click the cross to the right of every row.

• Toggle a thing as complete or not: Click the circle to

the left of every row.

• Change the filter: Click the filter name at the bottom.

• Create a new item: Input a value in the top input box

and press Enter on the keyboard.

• Remove all completed items: Click the Clear

Completed label.

• Toggle all items as completed or not: Click the

chevron in the top-left corner.

• Edit an item: Double-click the row, then change the

value and press Enter on the keyboard.

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

Reviewing the Rendering Engine

Before adding event handlers to the TodoMVC application, you must
change some parts of the rendering engine. The problem with the last
implementation that you developed in the last chapter is that some parts
work with strings instead of DOM elements. In Listing 4-11, you can see
the todos component from the previous chapter.4

Listing 4-11. Todos Component

const getTodoElement = todo => {

  const {
  } = todo

  return `
      <li ${completed ? 'class="completed"' : ''}>
        <div class="view">
            ${completed ? 'checked' : ''}
          <button class="destroy"></button>
        <input class="edit" value="${text}">

You can find the complete code of this example on GitHub at https://github.

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

export default (targetElement, { todos }) => {

  const newTodoList = targetElement.cloneNode(true)
  const todosElements = todos
  newTodoList.innerHTML = todosElements
  return newTodoList

Every todo element in the list is created with a string, then joined
together and then added to the parent list with innerHTML. But you
cannot add event handlers to strings; you need DOM nodes to invoke

The Template Element

There are a bunch of different techniques to create DOM nodes
programmatically. One of them is to use document.createElement, an
API that lets developers create new empty DOM nodes. You can see an
example in Listing 4-12.

Listing 4-12. document.createElement Examples

const newDiv = document.createElement('div')


const newSpan = document.createElement('span')

newSpan.textContent = 'Hello World!'


Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

You could use this API to create an empty li, and then add the various
div, input, and so on. But such code will be tough to read and maintain.
Another (better) option is to keep the markup of the todo element inside
a template tag in the index.html file. A template tag is just what its name
suggests: An invisible tag you can use as a “stamp” for your rendering
engine. Listing 4-13 shows a template example of the todo item.

Listing 4-13. todo-item template Element

<template id="todo-item">
    <div class="view">
      <input class="toggle" type="checkbox">
      <button class="destroy"></button>
    <input class="edit">

In Listing 4-14, this template is used in the todos component as a

“stamp” to create a new li DOM node.

Listing 4-14. Using the Template to Generate todo Items

let template

const createNewTodoNode = () => {

  if (!template) {
    template = document.getElementById('todo-item')

  return template

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events


const getTodoElement = todo => {

  const {
  } = todo

  const element = createNewTodoNode()

  element.querySelector('input.edit').value = text
  element.querySelector('label').textContent = text

  if (completed) {

      .checked = true

  return element

export default (targetElement, { todos }) => {

  const newTodoList = targetElement.cloneNode(true)

  newTodoList.innerHTML = ''

    .forEach(element => {

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events


  return newTodoList

You can then extend the template technique to all the applications,
thus creating an app component. The first step is to wrap all the markup of
the todo list in a template element, as shown in Listing 4-15.

Listing 4-15. Using the Template for the Entire App

    <template id="todo-item">
        <!-- Put here todo item content-->
    <template id="todo-app">
        <section class="todoapp">
            <!-- Put here app content-->
    <div id="root">
        <div data-component="app"></div>

In Listing 4-16, a new component called app is created. This component

utilizes the newly created template to generate its content. This is the last
part of the template portion of the TodoMVC application. This new version
of the application5 will be the base of the event handlers architecture.

The complete code of the application is hosted on GitHub at https://github.

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

Listing 4-16. App Component with Template

let template

const createAppElement = () => {

  if (!template) {
    template = document.getElementById('todo-app')

  return template

export default (targetElement) => {

  const newApp = targetElement.cloneNode(true)
  newApp.innerHTML = ''
  return newApp

A Basic Event-Handling Architecture

Now that you have a new rendering engine that works with DOM elements
instead of strings, you can attach event handlers to the application. Let’s
start with a high-level overview and then with a working example. The
rendering engine is based on pure functions that get a state and generate a
DOM tree.
You also know that for every new state, you can generate a new
DOM tree and apply a virtual DOM algorithm. In this scenario, you can
easily inject the event handlers in this “loop.” After every event, you will
manipulate the state and invoke the main render function again with this
new state. Figure 4-9 shows a schema of this state-render-event loop.

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

Figure 4-9. High-level architecture of event handling

You can test the state-render-event loop by just enumerating the steps
of a simple use case for your application. Imagine a user who adds and
deletes an item from the list:

• Initial state: Empty todo list

• Render: Show the user an empty list

• Event: The user creates a new item named

“dummy item”

• New state: The todo list with one item

• Render: Show the user a list with one item

• Event: The user deletes the item

• New State: Empty todo list

• Render: Show the user an empty list

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

Now that you defined the high-level architecture, it’s time to

implement it. The code in Listing 4-17 illustrates these events and the
related state modification in the controller.

Listing 4-17. A Controller with Events

const state = {
  todos: [],
  currentFilter: 'All'

const events = {
  deleteItem: (index) => {
    state.todos.splice(index, 1)
  addItem: text => {
      completed: false

const render = () => {

  window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
    const main = document.querySelector('#root')

    const newMain = registry.renderRoot(


Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

    applyDiff(document.body, main, newMain)



The entry point of the rendering engine, the renderRoot function,

now takes a third parameter that contains the events. You will see in a
moment that this new parameter is accessible to all your components. The
events are straightforward functions that modify the state and manually
invoke a new render. In a real-world application, I suggest creating some
kind of “event registry” that helps developers quickly add handlers and
automatically invoke a new render cycle. For now, this implementation is
good enough.
In Listing 4-18, the addItem handler is used by the app component to
add a new item to the list

Listing 4-18. App Component with addItem Event

let template

const getTemplate = () => {

  if (!template) {
    template = document.getElementById('todo-app')

  return template.content.firstElementChild.cloneNode(true)

const addEvents = (targetElement, events) => {

    .addEventListener('keypress', e => {
      if (e.key === 'Enter') {

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events = ''

export default (targetElement, state, events) => {

  const newApp = targetElement.cloneNode(true)

  newApp.innerHTML = ''

  addEvents(newApp, events)

  return newApp

For every render cycle, you generate a new DOM element and attach
an event handler to the input used to insert the value of the new item.
If the user presses Enter, the addItem function is fired, and the input is
cleared. However, in the previous snippet, there is something that may
seem out of place. You clear the value of the input inside the event itself.
Why is the input’s value not part of the state like the list of todos or the
current filter? I address this topic in Chapter 8 about state management, so
for now, just ignore this problem.
The other action that the user can do in this first example is delete an
item. So, the component that needs access to events to achieve this goal is
todos, as you can see in Listing 4-19.

Listing 4-19. The todos Component with Events

const getTodoElement = (todo, index, events) => {
  const {
  } = todo

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

  const element = createNewTodoNode()

  element.querySelector('input.edit').value = text
  element.querySelector('label').textContent = text

  if (completed) {
      .checked = true

  const handler = e => events.deleteItem(index)

    .addEventListener('click', handler)

  return element

export default (targetElement, { todos }, events) => {

  const newTodoList = targetElement.cloneNode(true)

  newTodoList.innerHTML = ''

    .map((todo, index) => getTodoElement(todo, index, events))
    .forEach(element => {

  return newTodoList

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

This second example is very similar to the previous one, but this time I
created a different handler for every todo item.6

Event Delegation
One of the features provided with most front-end frameworks, and one that
is usually well hidden under the hood, is event delegation. To understand
what event delegation is, let’s continue with an example. Listing 4-20
contains a revised version of Listing 4-19 based on event delegation.

Listing 4-20. The todos Component with Event Delegation

const getTodoElement = (todo, index) => {

  const {
  } = todo

  const element = createNewTodoNode()

  element.querySelector('input.edit').value = text
  element.querySelector('label').textContent = text

  if (completed) {
      .checked = true

You can read the code of the complete application with all the events on
GitHub (

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

    .index = index

  return element

export default (targetElement, state, events) => {

  const { todos } = state
  const { deleteItem } = events
  const newTodoList = targetElement.cloneNode(true)

  newTodoList.innerHTML = ''

    .map((todo, index) => getTodoElement(todo, index))
    .forEach(element => {

  newTodoList.addEventListener('click', e => {
    if ('button.destroy')) {

  return newTodoList

The difference with the previous component is that you have just one
event handler attached to the list itself and not a separate event handler for
every row. This approach can improve performance and memory usage
when you have a very long list.

Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

Notice the usage of the matches API7 to check if an element is the “real”
event target. Using this approach on a larger scale, you can also achieve
just one event handler on the body of the web page. Building an event
delegation library is out of the scope of this book, but there are a bunch of
libraries you can use in your projects. One of these libraries is gator.js,8
and it’s easy to use. Listing 4-21 shows a simple example of a handler
attached using this library.

Listing 4-21. The gator.js Example

Gator(document).on('click', 'button.destroy', e => {


I want to give you the advice I used to close the last chapter. Don’t add
any optimization like event delegation until you need it. Remember the
YAGNI principle and consider that adding an event delegation library like
gator.js to an existing project can be done iteratively just for the most
critical parts.

This chapter covered some basic concepts of the DOM Events API. You
learned how to attach and remove event handlers, the difference between
bubble and capture phases, and how to create custom events. Then, you
updated the TodoMVC application, adding the events to add and remove
an item.


Chapter 4 Managing DOM Events

Finally, you learned about the concept of event delegation, an

important pattern to keep your frameworkless applications performant
enough for non-trivial contexts.
In the next chapter, you learn how to work effectively with web
components, which are a standard way to create components in web


Web Components
All the major front-end frameworks that developers use today have
something in common. They all use components as basic blocks for
building the UI. Chapter 3 showed you how to create a component registry
based on pure functions. On (almost) all modern browsers, it’s possible to
create components for your web applications with a set of native APIs. This
suite of APIs is called Web Components.

The APIs
Web Components consist of three main technologies that let developers
build and publish reusable UI components:

• HTML templates: The <template> tag is useful if you

want to keep content that is not rendered but that
can be used by JavaScript code as a “stamp” to create
dynamic content.

• Custom elements: This API lets developers create their

own fully-featured DOM elements.

© Francesco Strazzullo 2023 95

F. Strazzullo, Frameworkless Front-End Development,
Chapter 5 Web Components

• Shadow DOM:1 This technique is useful if the Web

Components should not be affected by the DOM
outside the component itself. It’s handy if you’re
creating a component library or a widget that you want
to share with the world.

The Custom Elements API

The Custom Elements API is the core factor of the Web Components suite.
In a nutshell, it permits you to create custom HTML tags like this one:


It is no coincidence that I used the name app-calendar. When you

create a custom tag with the Custom Elements API, you have to use at least
two words separated by a dash. Every one-word tag is for the sole use of
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Listing 5-1 shows a Hello World!
label, the simplest custom element possible.

Note A custom element is just a JavaScript class that extends


Listing 5-1. HelloWorld Custom Element

export default class HelloWorld extends HTMLElement {

  connectedCallback () {
    window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {

Shadow DOM and Virtual DOM solve two completely different problems.
Shadow DOM is about encapsulation, while Virtual DOM is about performances.
For more information, I suggest reading this post:

Chapter 5 Web Components

      this.innerHTML = '<div>Hello World!</div>'


connectedCallback is one of the lifecycle methods of a custom

element. This method is invoked when the component is attached to the
DOM. It’s very similar to the componentDidMount method from React. It’s a
good place to render the content of the component, such as to start timers
or to fetch data from the network. Similarly, the disconnectedCallback is
invoked when the component is removed from the DOM. This is a useful
method for any cleanup operation.
To actually use this newly created component, you need to add it to
the browser component registry. To achieve this goal, you need to use
the define method of the window.customElements property, as shown in
Listing 5-2.

Listing 5-2. Adding HelloWorld to Custom Elements Registry

import HelloWorld from './components/HelloWorld.js'

  .define('hello-world', HelloWorld)

To add a component to the browser component registry means to

connect a tag name—'hello-world' in this case—to a custom element
class. After that, you can simply use the component using the custom tag
that you created:


Chapter 5 Web Components

Managing Attributes
The most important feature of Web Components is that developers can
make new components that are compatible with any framework out there.
Not just with React or Angular, but with any web application out there,
like some legacy application built with Java Server Pages or some other
old tool. But, in order to achieve this goal, your components need to have
the same public API of any other standard HTML element. So if you want
to add an attribute to a custom element, you need to be sure that you
can manage this attribute the same as any other attribute. For a standard
element, like a <input>, you can set an attribute in three ways.
The first, and most intuitive, way is to add the attribute directly on the
HTML markup.

<input type="text" value="Frameworkless">

On the JavaScript side, you can manipulate the value attribute with
a setter.

input.value = 'Frameworkless'

Alternatively, it’s possible to use the setAttribute method.

input.setAttribute('value', 'Frameworkless')

All these methods accomplish the same result: They change the value
attribute of the input element. They are also synchronized. If you put the
value via the markup, you will read the same value with the getter or the
getAttribute method. In the same way, if you change the value with the
setter or the setAttribute method, the markup will synchronize with the
new attribute.
If you want to create an attribute for a custom element, you need
to keep in mind this characteristic of HTML elements. Listing 5-3 adds
a color attribute to the HelloWorld component, which you can use to
change the color of the label.

Chapter 5 Web Components

Listing 5-3. HelloWorld with an Attribute

const DEFAULT_COLOR = 'black'

export default class HelloWorld extends HTMLElement {

  get color () {
    return this.getAttribute('color') || DEFAULT_COLOR

  set color (value) {

    this.setAttribute('color', value)

  connectedCallback () {
    window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
      const div = document.createElement('div')
      div.textContent = 'Hello World!' = this.color


As you can see, the color getter/setter is just a wrapper around

getAttribute/setAttribute. So, the three ways to set an attribute are
automatically synchronized. To set the color of the component, you can
use the setter (or setAttribute), or you can just set the color via markup.
You can see an example of the color attribute in Listing 5-4, and the
related result is shown in Figure 5-1.

Chapter 5 Web Components

Listing 5-4. Using the Color Attribute for the HelloWorld


<hello-world color="red"></hello-world>
<hello-world color="green"></hello-world>

Figure 5-1. The HelloWorld component

When you use this approach when designing attributes for a Web
Component, the component itself is very easy to release to other
developers. You just need to release the code of the component in
some kind of CDN, and then everyone can use it, without any specific
instructions. You just defined an attribute in the same way the W3C did for
standard components.
Nevertheless, this approach comes with a drawback: HTML attributes
are strings. When you're in need of an attribute that is not a string, you
need to convert the attribute before using it.

In Listing 5-4, you read the value of the color attribute in the
connectedCallback method and apply that value to the DOM. But what
happens if you change the attribute after the initial render with a simple
click event handler, as shown in Listing 5-5?

Chapter 5 Web Components

Listing 5-5. Changing the Color of HelloWorld Component

const changeColorTo = color => {

    .forEach(helloWorld => {
      helloWorld.color = color

  .addEventListener('click', () => {

When the button is clicked, the handler changes the color attribute of
every HelloWorld component to blue. But on the screen, nothing happens.
A quick and dirty way to solve this problem is to add some kind of DOM
manipulation in the setter:

set color (value) {

  this.setAttribute('color', value)
  //Update DOM with the new color

But this approach is very fragile because if you use the setAttribute
method instead of the color setter, the DOM will not be updated either.
The right way to manage attributes that can change during the lifecycle of a
component is to use the attributeChangedCallback method. This method
(like its name suggests) is invoked every time some attributes change. You
can modify the code of the HelloWorld component, like in Listing 5-6, to
update the DOM every time a new color attribute is provided.

Chapter 5 Web Components

Listing 5-6. Updating the Color of the Label

const DEFAULT_COLOR = 'black'

export default class HelloWorld extends HTMLElement {

  static get observedAttributes () {
    return ['color']

  get color () {
    return this.getAttribute('color') || DEFAULT_COLOR

  set color (value) {

    this.setAttribute('color', value)

  attributeChangedCallback (name, oldValue, newValue) {

    if (!this.div) {

    if (name === 'color') { = newValue

  connectedCallback () {
    window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
      this.div = document.createElement('div')
      this.div.textContent = 'Hello World!' = this.color
Chapter 5 Web Components

The attributeChangedCallback method accepts three parameters—

the name of the attribute that is changed, the old value of the attribute, and
the new value.

Note Not every attribute will trigger attributeChangedCallback,

only the attributes listed in the observedAttributes array.

Virtual DOM Integration

The Virtual DOM algorithm from Chapter 2 is completely pluggable into
any custom element. Listing 5-7 shows a new version of the HelloWorld
component that, every time that the color changes, invokes the Virtual
DOM algorithm to modify the color of the label.2

Listing 5-7. Using Virtual DOM in a Custom Element

import applyDiff from './applyDiff.js'

const DEFAULT_COLOR = 'black'

const createDomElement = color => {

  const div = document.createElement('div')
  div.textContent = 'Hello World!' = color
  return div

export default class HelloWorld extends HTMLElement {

  static get observedAttributes () {
    return ['color']

The complete code of this example is visible at

Chapter 5 Web Components

  get color () {
    return this.getAttribute('color') || DEFAULT_COLOR

  set color (value) {

    this.setAttribute('color', value)

  attributeChangedCallback (name, oldValue, newValue) {

    if (!this.hasChildNodes()) {


  connectedCallback () {
    window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {

For this scenario, using a Virtual DOM is clearly over-engineering. But

it can be useful when your component has a lot of attributes. In that case,
the code would be much more readable.

Chapter 5 Web Components

Custom Events
For this next example, you will analyze a more complex component, called
GitHubAvatar. The purpose of this component is to show the avatar of a
GitHub user given their username. To use this component, you just need to
set the user attribute.

<github-avatar user="francesco-strazzullo"></github-avatar>

When the component is connected to the DOM, it shows a “loading”

placeholder. Then it uses the GitHub Rest APIs to fetch the avatar image
URL. If the request succeeds, the avatar is shown; otherwise, an error
placeholder is shown. Figure 5-2 explains how this component works.

Figure 5-2. Flowchart of the GitHubAvatar component

Chapter 5 Web Components

You can look at the code of the GitHubAvatar component in

Listing 5-8. For the sake of simplicity, I didn’t manage changes in the user
attribute with the attributeChangedCallback.

Listing 5-8. The GitHubAvatar Component

const ERROR_IMAGE = ''

const LOADING_IMAGE = ''

const getGitHubAvatarUrl = async user => {

  if (!user) {

  const url = `${user}`

  const response = await fetch(url)

  if (!response.ok) {
    throw new Error(response.statusText)
  const data = await response.json()
  return data.avatar_url

export default class GitHubAvatar extends HTMLElement {

  constructor () {
    this.url = LOADING_IMAGE

  get user () {
    return this.getAttribute('user')

Chapter 5 Web Components

  set user (value) {

    this.setAttribute('user', value)

  render () {
    window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
      this.innerHTML = ''
      const img = document.createElement('img')
      img.src = this.url

  async loadNewAvatar () {
    const { user } = this
    if (!user) {
    try {
      this.url = await getGitHubAvatarUrl(user)
    } catch (e) {
      this.url = ERROR_IMAGE


  connectedCallback () {

Chapter 5 Web Components

If you follow the previous flowchart, the code should be easy to read.
To fetch the data from the GitHub API, the code uses fetch, a native way
in modern browsers to make asynchronous HTTP requests. (You will learn
more about this topic in the next chapter.) Figure 5-3 shows the result of
various instances of the component.

Figure 5-3. The GitHubAvatar Example

What if you want to react to the result of the HTTP request from the
outside of the component itself? Remember that, when it’s possible, a
custom element should behave exactly like a standard DOM element.
In the previous examples, you used attributes to pass information to a
component, just like any other element. Following the same reasoning to
get information from a component, you should use DOM events. Chapter 3
talked about the Custom Events API, which makes it possible to create
DOM events that are bound to the domain and not to user interaction
with the browser. Listing 5-9 shows a new version of the GitHubAvatar
component that can emit two events—the first one when the avatar is
loaded and the other one when an error occurs.

Listing 5-9. GitHubAvatar with Custom Events



export const EVENTS = {


Chapter 5 Web Components

export default class GitHubAvatar extends HTMLElement {

  onLoadAvatarComplete () {
    const event = new CustomEvent(AVATAR_LOAD_COMPLETE, {
      detail: {
        avatar: this.url


  onLoadAvatarError (error) {
   const event = new CustomEvent(AVATAR_LOAD_ERROR, {
     detail: {


  async loadNewAvatar () {
    const { user } = this
    if (!user) {
    try {
      this.url = await getGitHubAvatarUrl(user)
    } catch (e) {
      this.url = ERROR_IMAGE

Chapter 5 Web Components


Listing 5-10 attaches event handlers for the two kinds of events. In
Figure 5-4, you can see that the right handlers are invoked.

Listing 5-10. Attaching Event Handlers to GitHubAvatar Events

import { EVENTS } from './components/GitHubAvatar.js'

  .forEach(avatar => {
        e => {
            'Avatar Loaded',

        e => {
            'Avatar Loading error',
Chapter 5 Web Components

Figure 5-4. GitHubAvatar with events

Using Web Components for TodoMVC

It’s time to build the usual TodoMVC application. This time you are going
to use Web Components. Most of the code will be quite similar to the
previous versions based on functions. I decided to split the application
into three components—todomvc-app, todomvc-list, and todomvc-­
footer—as shown in Figure 5-5.

Figure 5-5. TodoMVC components

The first thing to analyze is the HTML part of the application. As

you can see in Listing 5-11, this example uses the <template> element

Chapter 5 Web Components

Listing 5-11. HTML for TodoMVC Application with Web


    <template id="footer">
        <footer class="footer">
            <span class="todo-count">
            <ul class="filters">
                    <a href="#/">All</a>
                    <a href="#/active">Active</a>
                    <a href="#/completed">
            <button class="clear-completed">
                Clear completed
    <template id="todo-item">
            <div class="view">

Chapter 5 Web Components

                  class="toggle" type="checkbox">
                <button class="destroy"></button>
            <input class="edit">
    <template id="todo-app">
        <section class="todoapp">
            <header class="header">
                <input class="new-todo"
            <section class="main">
                <label for="toggle-all">
                    Mark all as complete

Chapter 5 Web Components

To keep the code simple, it only implements two of the many events
that are present in the complete TodoMVC: adding an item and deleting it.
This way, you can skip the code of the todomvc-footer and concentrate on
todomvc-app and todomvc-list. (If you’re interested, it’s possible to check
the complete code on GitHub.3) Let’s start with the list in Listing 5-12.

Listing 5-12. TodoMVC List Web Component

const TEMPLATE = '<ul class="todo-list"></ul>'

export const EVENTS = {


export default class List extends HTMLElement {

  static get observedAttributes () {
    return [

  get todos () {
    if (!this.hasAttribute('todos')) {
      return []

    return JSON.parse(this.getAttribute('todos'))

  set todos (value) {

    this.setAttribute('todos', JSON.stringify(value))


Chapter 5 Web Components

  onDeleteClick (index) {
    const event = new CustomEvent(
        detail: {


createNewTodoNode () {
    return this.itemTemplate

getTodoElement (todo, index) {

  const {
  } = todo

  const element = this.createNewTodoNode()

  element.querySelector('input.edit').value = text
  element.querySelector('label').textContent = text

  if (completed) {

Chapter 5 Web Components

      .checked = true

    .index = index

  return element

updateList () {
  this.list.innerHTML = ''

    .forEach(element => {

  connectedCallback () {
    this.innerHTML = TEMPLATE
    this.itemTemplate = document

    this.list = this.querySelector('ul')

    this.list.addEventListener('click', e => {
      if ('button.destroy')) {

Chapter 5 Web Components


  attributeChangedCallback () {

Most of this code is similar to the code in the previous chapter. One of
the differences is that you use a custom event to tell the outer world what
is happening when the user clicks the Destroy button. The only attribute
that this component accepts as input is the list of todo items. Every time
that attribute changes, the list is rendered again. As you saw earlier in this
chapter, it’s quite easy to attach a Virtual DOM mechanism here.
Let’s continue with the code of the todomvc-app component in
Listing 5-13.

Listing 5-13. TodoMVC Application Components

import { EVENTS } from './List.js'

export default class App extends HTMLElement {

  constructor () {
    this.state = {
      todos: [],
      filter: 'All'

    this.template = document

Chapter 5 Web Components

  deleteItem (index) {
    this.state.todos.splice(index, 1)

  addItem (text) {
      completed: false

  syncAttributes () {
    this.list.todos = this.state.todos
    this.footer.todos = this.state.todos
    this.footer.filter = this.state.filter

  connectedCallback () {
    window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
      const content = this.template


        .addEventListener('keypress', e => {
          if (e.key === 'Enter') {

Chapter 5 Web Components

   = ''

      this.footer = this

      this.list = this.querySelector('todomvc-list')
        e => {


This component has no attributes. It has an internal state instead.

Events from the DOM (standard or custom) change this state, and then
the component syncs its state with the attributes of its children in the
syncAttributes method. You will learn more about which components
should have an internal state in Chapter 8.

Web Components vs Rendering Functions

Now that you have seen Web Components in action, you can compare
them with the rendering functions approach that was analyzed in
Chapters 2 and 3. First consider some pros and cons of these two ways to
render DOM elements.

Chapter 5 Web Components

Code Style
To create a Web Component means to extend an HTMLElement, so it
requires working with classes. If you’re a functional programming
enthusiast, you may feel some kind of itch working this way. On the other
hand, if you’re familiar with languages based on classes like Java or C# you
may feel more confident with Web Components instead of functions.
There is no real winner here; it’s really up to what you like most. As
you saw in the last TodoMVC implementation you can take your rendering
functions and wrap them with Web Components over time, so you can
adapt your design to your scenario. For example, you can start with simple
rendering functions and then wrap them in a Web Component if you need
to release them in some kind of library.

This is an easy win for the rendering functions. To easily test rendering
functions or custom elements, you just need a test runner like Jest4
integrated into JSDom. In any case, rendering functions are easier to
test because they have less overhead: They are just plain old JavaScript

Web Components exist to be portable. The fact that they act exactly as
any other DOM element is a killer feature if you need to use the same
component in more applications. Later in the book, you learn how
portability is a key factor when refactoring legacy projects.


Chapter 5 Web Components

Component classes are a standard way to create DOM UI elements in most
frameworks out there. This is a very useful thing to keep in mind if you
have a large team or a team that needs to grow quickly. The more similar
your code is to what people usually see, the more your code is readable.

Disappearing Frameworks
A very interesting side effect of the emergence of Web Component is
the birth of a bunch of tools that are called disappearing (or invisible)
frameworks. The basic idea is to write code with any other UI framework
like React. Later, when you create the production bundle, the output will
be just standard Web Components. In other words, during “compile time,”
the framework will just dissolve. The two most famous disappearing
frameworks are Svelte5 and Stencil.js.6
Stencil.js is based on TypeScript and JSX, and at first, it seems
a strange mix between Angular and React. I consider Stencil.js
particularly interesting because it’s the tool that the team behind Ionic7
built to create a new version of the famous mobile UI Kit entirely based on
Web Components. Listing 5-14 shows how to build a simple Stencil.js

Listing 5-14. A Simple Stencil.js Component

import { Component, Prop } from '@stencil/core'

  tag: 'hello-world'


Chapter 5 Web Components

export class HelloWorld {

  @Prop() name: string

  render() {
    return (
        Hello {}!

Once this code is compiled, you can use this component like any other
custom element.

<hello-world name="Francesco"></hello-world>

In this chapter, you learned about the main APIs behind the Web
Component standard. You explored the main API of the suite, the Custom
Elements API. You then built a new version of the TodoMVC application
based on Web Components and evaluated the differences between
this approach and rendering functions. At last, you learned what a
“disappearing framework” is and how to create a very simple component
with Stencil.js.
The next chapter focuses on building a frameworkless HTTP client to
make asynchronous requests.


HTTP Requests
In the previous chapters, you learned to render DOM elements and to
react to events from systems or users, but a front-end application feeds on
asynchronous data from a server. This chapter aims to show you how to
build an HTTP client in a frameworkless way.

A Bit of History: The Birth of AJAX

Before the late 1990s, a complete page reload was required for every
user action that needed any kind of data from the server. For people
approaching web development (or web in general), today we use what
we call server-side rendering. Starting in 1999, a group of applications—
including Outlook, Gmail, and Google Maps—began to use a new
technique: Loading data from the server after the initial page load without
completely reloading the page. In 2005, Jesse James Garrett's famous
blog post1 named this technique AJAX, an acronym for “Asynchronous
JavaScript and XML.”
The central part of any AJAX application is the XMLHttpRequest object.
As you will see later in this chapter, with this object, you can fetch data
from the server with an HTTP request. The World Wide Web Consortium
made the first specification draft for this object in 2006.

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Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

As you just read, the “X” in AJAX stands for XML. When AJAX came out,
web applications received data in XML from the server. Today, however,
the more friendly (for JavaScript applications) JSON format is used. See
Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1. Ajax vs non-Ajax architecture

A To-Do List REST Server

To test the clients you will develop, you need a server from which you can
fetch data. Listing 6-1 shows a straightforward REST server for Node.js with
express,2 a simple library3 that quickly creates REST servers. This dummy
server uses a temporary array to store the data related to the to-do list
instead of a real database. To generate fake IDs, the program uses a small
npm package called uuid4 that lets developers generate UUIDs.

There are a lot of alternatives to express, like fastify (
or — if you prefer to build lambda functions — Claudia.js (https://claudiajs.
com/) or serverless frameworks (

Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

Listing 6-1. A Dummy REST Server for Node.js

const app = express()

let todos = []


app.get('/api/todos', (req, res) => {

})'/api/todos', (req, res) => {

  const newTodo = {
    completed: false,
    id: uuidv4()



app.patch('/api/todos/:id', (req, res) => {

  const indexToUpdate = todos.findIndex(
    t => ===
  const oldTodo = todos[indexToUpdate]

  const newTodo = {

Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

  todos[indexToUpdate] = newTodo


app.put('/api/todos/:id', (req, res) => {

  const indexToUpdate = todos.findIndex(
    t => ===

  todos[indexToUpdate] = req.body


app.delete('/api/todos/:id', (req, res) => {

  todos = todos.filter(
    t => !==



Representational State Transfer (REST)

This section explains the meaning of REST, the architecture behind the
dummy server you just saw. If you already know the meaning of REST, you
can skip this section.
REST is an acronym for Representational State Transfer, and it’s a way
to design and develop web services. The main abstraction of any REST
API are the resources. You need to split your domain into resources; every

Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

resource should be read or manipulated, accessing specific URIs (Uniform

Resource Identifiers). For example, to read the list of the users of your
domain, you use the URI. To read
the data of a specific user, the URI should have this form—https://api.—where id1 is the ID of the user you want to read.
To manipulate (add, remove, or update) users, the same URIs are used,
but with different HTTP verbs. Table 6-1 contains some examples of REST
APIs for manipulating a list of users.

Table 6-1. REST API Cheat Sheet

Action URI HTTP Verb

Read all users GET

Read the data of the user with ID 1 GET
Create a new user POST
Replace the data of the user with ID 1 PUT
Update the data of the user with ID 1 PATCH
Delete the user with ID 1 DELETE

The actions listed in this table are quite straightforward. The only
topic that may need an explanation is the difference between “update the
data” (with PATCH) and “replace the data” (with PUT). When you use the
verb PUT, you must pass in the body of the HTTP requests to the new user,
complete in all its parts. On the other hand, when PATCH is used, the body

Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

should contain only the differences from the previous state. Note that, in
the server in the previous paragraph, the newTodo object is merging the old
to-do with the request body.5

Code Examples
In this section, you see how to create two different HTTP clients based on
two different browser APIs—XMLHttpRequest and Fetch.

The Basic Structure

To show how HTTP clients work, I always use the same simple application
shown in Figure 6-2. To keep the focus on the HTTP client, I do not use the
TodoMVC application, but a simpler application with some buttons that
execute the HTTP requests and print the results on-screen.6

Figure 6-2. The application used to test the HTTP clients

In Listing 6-2, you can see the index.html file of this application, while
Listing 6-3 shows the main controller.

To deepen the REST API topic, I suggest reading RESTful Web APIs: Services for a
Changing World by Leonard Richardson and Mike Amundsen (
The code of this application (and of the other implementations) is available at

Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

Listing 6-2. HTML for the HTTP Client Application


    <button data-list>Read Todos list</button>
    <button data-add>Add Todo</button>
    <button data-update>Update todo</button>
    <button data-delete>Delete Todo</button>


Listing 6-3. Main Controller for the HTTP Client Application

import todos from './todos.js'

const NEW_TODO_TEXT = 'A simple todo Element'

const printResult = (action, result) => {

  const time = (new Date()).toTimeString()
  const node = document.createElement('p')
  node.textContent = '${action.toUpperCase()}: ${JSON.
stringify(result)} (${time})'


const () => {

  const result = await todos.list()
  printResult('list todos', result)

Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

const () => {

  const result = await todos.create(NEW_TODO_TEXT)
  printResult('add todo', result)

const () => {

  const list = await todos.list()

  const { id } = list[0]
  const newTodo = {
    completed: true

  const result = await todos.update(newTodo)

  printResult('update todo', result)

const () => {

  const list = await todos.list()
  const { id } = list[0]

  const result = await todos.delete(id)

  printResult('delete todo', result)

  .addEventListener('click', onListClick)

  .addEventListener('click', onAddClick)

Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

  .addEventListener('click', onUpdateClick)

  .addEventListener('click', onDeleteClick)

This controller does not use the HTTP client directly. Instead, the
HTTP request is wrapped in a todos API object. This kind of encapsulation
is useful for many reasons. One of these reasons is testability: Replacing
the todos object with a mock object that returns a static set of data (also
called a fixture) is possible. This way, you can test your controller in
isolation. Another reason is readability: Using model objects makes your
code more explicit.

Tip Never use bare HTTP clients in controllers. Try to encapsulate

these functions in API objects.

Listing 6-4 shows the todos model object.

Listing 6-4. The todos Model Object

import http from './http.js'

const HEADERS = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

const BASE_URL = '/api/todos'

const list = () => http.get(BASE_URL)

Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

const create = text => {

  const todo = {
    completed: false


const update = newTodo => {

  const url = '${BASE_URL}/${}'
  return http.patch(

const deleteTodo = id => {

  const url = '${BASE_URL}/${id}'
  return http.delete(

Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

export default {
  delete: deleteTodo

The signature of the HTTP client is http[verb](url, config) for

verbs that don’t need a body, like GET or DELETE. For the other verbs, you
can add the request body as a parameter with this signature: http[verb]
(url, body, config).
Another way to build this kind of REST client is to use http as a
function and not as an object, adding the verb as a parameter: http(url,
verb, body, config). Whatever you decide, try to keep it consistent.
Now that you understand the public contract of an HTTP client, it’s
time to look at the implementations.

The implementation in Listing 6-5 is based on XMLHttpRequest,7 W3C's first
attempt at creating a standard way to make asynchronous HTTP requests.

Listing 6-5. An HTTP client with XMLHttpRequest

const setHeaders = (xhr, headers) => {

  Object.entries(headers).forEach(entry => {
    const [
    ] = entry


Chapter 6 HTTP Requests


const parseResponse = xhr => {

  const {
  } = xhr

  let data
  if (status !== 204) {
    data = JSON.parse(responseText)

  return {

const request = params => {

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()

    const {
      method = 'GET',
      headers = {},
    } = params

Chapter 6 HTTP Requests, url)

    setHeaders(xhr, headers)


    xhr. => {
      reject(new Error('HTTP Error'))

    xhr. => {
      reject(new Error('Timeout Error'))

    xhr. => resolve(parseResponse(xhr))


const get = async (url, headers) => {

  const response = await request({
    method: 'GET'


const post = async (url, body, headers) => {

  const response = await request({
    method: 'POST',

Chapter 6 HTTP Requests


const put = async (url, body, headers) => {

  const response = await request({
    method: 'PUT',

const patch = async (url, body, headers) => {

  const response = await request({
    method: 'PATCH',

const deleteRequest = async (url, headers) => {

  const response = await request({
    method: 'DELETE'

Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

export default {
  delete: deleteRequest

The core part of the HTTP client is the request method.

XMLHttpRequest is an API defined in 2006, so it’s based on callbacks. You
have the onload callback for a completed request, the onerror callback
for any HTTP that ends with an error, and the ontimeout callback if the
request times out. There is no timeout by default, but you can create one
by modifying the timeout property of the xhr object.
The public API of the HTTP client is based on promises.8 So the
request method encloses the standard XMLHttpRequest request with
a new promise. The public methods get, post, put, patch, and delete
are just wrappers around the request method (passing the appropriate
parameters) to make the code more readable.
This is the flow of an HTTP request with XMLHttpRequest, also visible
in Figure 6-3:

1. Create a new XMLHttpRequest object (new


2. Initialize the request to a specific URL (xhr.

open(method, url)).

3. Configure the request (setting headers, timeout,

and so on).


Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

4. Send the request (xhr.send(JSON.


5. Wait for the end of the request:

a. If the request ends successfully, invoke the

onload callback.

b. If the request ends with an error, invoke the

onerror callback.

c. If the request times out, invoke the ontimeout


Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

Figure 6-3. The flow of an HTTP request with XMLHttpRequest

Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

Fetch is an API created for accessing remote resources. Its purpose is to
provide a standard definition of many network objects, like Request or
In this way, these objects are interoperable with other APIs like
ServiceWorker9 and Cache.10 In order to create a request, you need to use
the window.fetch method, as you can see in the implementation of the
HTTP client made with the Fetch API shown in Listing 6-6.

Listing 6-6. HTTP Client Based on the Fetch API

const parseResponse = async response => {

  const { status } = response
  let data
  if (status !== 204) {
    data = await response.json()

  return {

const request = async params => {

  const {
    method = 'GET',
    headers = {},


Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

  } = params

  const config = {
    headers: new window.Headers(headers)

  if (body) {
    config.body = JSON.stringify(body)

  const response = await window.fetch(url, config)

  return parseResponse(response)

const get = async (url, headers) => {

  const response = await request({
    method: 'GET'


const post = async (url, body, headers) => {

  const response = await request({
    method: 'POST',
Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

const put = async (url, body, headers) => {

  const response = await request({
    method: 'PUT',

const patch = async (url, body, headers) => {

  const response = await request({
    method: 'PATCH',

const deleteRequest = async (url, headers) => {

  const response = await request({
    method: 'DELETE'

export default {

Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

  delete: deleteRequest

This HTTP client has the same public API as the one built with
XMLHttpRequest: A request function is wrapped in a method for each
HTTP verb that you want to use. The code of this second client is much
more readable because window.fetch returns a promise, so you don’t need
a lot of boilerplate code to transform the classic callback-based approach
of XMLHttpRequest into a more modern promise-based one.
The promise returned by window.fetch resolves a Response object.
You can use this object to extract the body of the response sent by
the server. Depending on the format of the data received, there are
different methods available—for example, text(), blob(), and json().
In this scenario, you always have JSON data, so it’s safe to use json().
Nevertheless, in a real-world application, you should use the right method
according to the Content-Type header. You can read the complete
reference of all the objects of the Fetch API on the Mozilla Developer
Network (

Reviewing the Architecture

Before continuing, let’s review the architecture. The three different clients
have the same public API. This characteristic of the architecture lets you
change the library used for the HTTP requests (XMLHttpRequest or Fetch)
with minimal effort. JavaScript is a dynamically-typed language, but you
can think that all clients implement the HTTPClient interface. Figure 6-4
shows a UML diagram representing the relationship between the three

Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

Figure 6-4. UML diagram of the HTTP client

To build a REST client, you must apply one of the most important
principles of software design:

Program to an interface, not an implementation.

—Gang of Four

This principle, found in the book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable

Object-Oriented Software by the Gang of Four,11 is very important when
working with libraries.
Imagine having an extensive application with dozens of model objects
needing network resources. If, in these objects, you use XMLHttpRequest
directly, without using an HTTP client, changing the implementation
to the Fetch API would be a costly (and tedious) task to accomplish.
Using XMLHttpRequest in your model objects means programming to an
implementation (the library) and not an interface (the HTTPClient).­Oriented-Addison-


Chapter 6 HTTP Requests

Caution When using a library, always create an interface around it.

Changing the library to a new one will be easier if you need to.

In this chapter, you learned about the rise of AJAX and how it changed web
development. Then you looked at two distinct ways to implement an HTTP
client—based on XMLHttpRequest and based on the Fetch API.
The next chapter explains how to create a frameworkless routing
system, an essential element of every SPA.


The last chapter discussed AJAX and how it changed web development
forever. Another essential technique that drastically changed how users
interact with web applications are Single Page Applications (SPAs).
In this chapter, you will learn what an SPA is and how to build one of
the core features of SPAs: a client-side routing system.

Single Page Applications

A single page application (SPA), as its name implies, is a web application
that runs inside a single HTML page. When the user navigates from one
view to another, the application dynamically repaints the view, giving the
illusion of standard web navigation. This approach removes the delay that
users can experience when navigating between pages in a standard multi-­
page application, thereby providing a better user experience.
This kind of application relies on AJAX to interact with the server.
Nevertheless, not every AJAX application has to be an SPA. You can see the
difference between a standard web application, a simple AJAX application,
and a single page application in Figure 7-1.

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Chapter 7 Routing

Figure 7-1. A comparison of the web application architectures

Chapter 7 Routing

As explained in Chapter 2, frameworks like AngularJS and Ember

contributed to making SPAs a mainstream approach when building web
applications. These frameworks have an out-of-the-box system that
defines routes via a routing system. From an architectural point of view
(see Figure 7-2), every routing system has at least two core elements. The
first one is a registry that collects the list of the routes of the application.
In its simplest form, a route is an object that maps an URL to a DOM
component. The other important part is having listeners on the current
URL. When the URL changes, the router swaps the content of the body (or
the main container) with the component bound to the route that matches
the current URL.

Figure 7-2. High-level architecture of a routing system

Chapter 7 Routing

Code Examples
As in the last chapter, you will create three different versions of a routing
system. You will begin with two frameworkless approaches, the first one
based on fragment identifiers and the other one based on the History
API. In the final one, you will use an open-source library called Navigo.1

Fragment Identifiers
Every URL can contain an optional part introduced by a hash, called a
fragment identifier. Its purpose is to identify a specific section of a web
page. For example, in the URL, the
fragment identifier is bar and it identifies the HTML element with id="bar".
When navigating an URL that contains a fragment identifier, browsers
will scroll the page until the element identified by the fragment is at the top
of the viewport. You will use fragment identifiers to implement your first
router object. This exercise starts with a simple example and makes it more
complete in an iterative way.

A First Example
In this first example, you will build a very simple SPA with some links and
a main container. In Listing 7-1, you can see the HTML template of this

Listing 7-1. The Basic SPA Template

        <a href="#/">Go To Index</a>

All the code examples are available at

Chapter 7 Routing

        <a href="#/list">Go To List</a>

        <a href="#/dummy">Dummy Page</a>

Using the anchors in the header, this URL will change to http://
localhost:8080/ to http://localhost:8080/#list and so on. When the
URL changes, the code will inject the current component inside the main
container. In this simple use case, the components are just plain functions
that update the contents of a DOM element, as you can see in Listing 7-2.

Listing 7-2. Basic SPA Components

export default container => {

  const home = () => {
      .textContent = 'This is Home page'

  const list = () => {

      .textContent = 'This is List Page'

  return {

Chapter 7 Routing

When you’re defining routes, it’s a good practice to define a “not

found” component to show when the URL doesn’t match any component.
This component (shown in Listing 7-3) should have the same structure as
every other component.

Listing 7-3. The “Not Found” Component

const notFound = () => {

    .textContent = 'Page Not Found!'

To make the router work, you need to configure it, linking the
component to the right fragment. You can see how to configure the router
in Listing 7-4.

Listing 7-4. Configuring a Basic Router

import createRouter from './router.js'

import createPages from './pages.js'

const container = document.querySelector('main')

const pages = createPages(container)

const router = createRouter()

  .addRoute('#/', pages.home)
  .addRoute('#/list', pages.list)

The router has three public methods. The first one is addRoute,
which defines a new route, a configuration object formed by the
fragment, and the component. With the setNotFound method, you

Chapter 7 Routing

can set a generic component for any fragment that is not present in the
registry. Finally, the start method initializes the router, starting to listen
for URL changes.
Now that you analyzed the public interface of the router, it’s time to
take a look at the implementation in Listing 7-5.

Listing 7-5. Basic Router Implementation

export default () => {

  const routes = []
  let notFound = () => {}

  const router = {}

  const checkRoutes = () => {

    const currentRoute = routes.find(route => {
      return route.fragment === window.location.hash

    if (!currentRoute) {


  router.addRoute = (fragment, component) => {


    return router

Chapter 7 Routing

  router.setNotFound = cb => {
    notFound = cb
    return router

  router.start = () => {
      .addEventListener('hashchange', checkRoutes)

    if (!window.location.hash) {
      window.location.hash = '#/'


  return router

As you can see, the current fragment identifier is stored in the hash
property of the location object. There’s also a very handy hashchange
event that you can use to be notified every time the current fragment
The core method of the router is checkRoutes. It looks for the route
that matches the current fragment. If a route is found, its corresponding
component function replaces the content that is present in the main
container. Otherwise, the generic notFound function is invoked. This
method is called when the router starts and every time the hashchange
event is fired. Figure 7-3 shows a diagram of the router’s flow.

Chapter 7 Routing

Figure 7-3. Router flow

Navigating Programmatically
In the previous example, the navigation is activated by clicking an anchor.
Sometimes, you need to change the view programmatically. Think, for
example, of redirecting the user to their personal page after a successful
login. To do that, let’s change the application a bit, as shown in Listing 7-6,
swapping the links in the header with buttons.

Chapter 7 Routing

Listing 7-6. Using Buttons to Navigate

        <button data-navigate="/">
          Go To Index
        <button data-navigate="/list">
          Go To List
        <button data-navigate="/dummy">
        Dummy Page

Now you have to add an event handler for the buttons in the controller,
as shown in Listing 7-7.

Listing 7-7. Adding Navigation to Buttons

const NAV_BTN_SELECTOR = 'button[data-navigate]'

  .addEventListener('click', e => {
    const { target } = e
    if (target.matches(NAV_BTN_SELECTOR)) {
      const { navigate } = target.dataset

Chapter 7 Routing

To navigate to another view programmatically, I created a new public

method for the router. This method gets the new fragment and replaces it
in the location object. You can see the code of the navigate method in
Listing 7-8.

Listing 7-8. Navigating Programmatically

router.navigate = fragment => {

  window.location.hash = fragment

It’s quite important to wrap this line in a function to keep a standard

interface when changing the internals of the router.

Route Parameters
The last feature that you will add to this router is reading route parameters.
A route parameter is a part of the URL that is relative to some domain
variable. For example, from the URL http://localhost:8080#/order/1,
you can get the ID of an “order” domain model from it. In this case, 1 is a
route parameter called id.
When creating a route with a parameter, to indicate that the
URL will contain a parameter, this form is normally used: http://
localhost:8080#/user/:id. I will stick to this de facto standard in this
The first thing that you need to do is slightly modify the component, as
shown in Listing 7-9, in order to let it accept an argument. This argument
will be filled with route parameters.

Listing 7-9. Components with Parameters

const detail = (params) => {

  const { id } = params

Chapter 7 Routing

    .textContent = '
       This is Detail Page with Id ${id}

const anotherDetail = (params) => {

  const { id, anotherId } = params
    .textContent = '
      This is another Detail Page with Id ${id}
      and AnotherId ${anotherId}

Listing 7-10 shows how to bind these two new components with the
relative URLs.

Listing 7-10. Defining Routes with Parameters

  .addRoute('#/', pages.home)
  .addRoute('#/list', pages.list)
  .addRoute('#/list/:id', pages.detail)
  .addRoute('#/list/:id/:anotherId', pages.anotherDetail)

Now it’s time to modify the router implementation in order to manage

the route parameters. This implementation will be strongly based on
regular expressions (RegEx). If you feel uncomfortable with regular
expressions (like I do), I suggest using regex101,2 a beneficial tool to grasp
what a specific regular expression does.


Chapter 7 Routing

The first thing to do is extract the parameter names from the URL that
is used as the first argument of the addRoute method. For example, from #/
list/:id/:anotherId, you have to extract an array with id and anotherId.
You can see how to do that in Listing 7-11.

Listing 7-11. Extracting Parameter Names from Fragments

const ROUTE_PARAMETER_REGEXP = /:(\w+)/g

const URL_FRAGMENT_REGEXP = '([^\\/]+)'

router.addRoute = (fragment, component) => {

  const params = []

  const parsedFragment = fragment

      (match, paramName) => {
        return URL_FRAGMENT_REGEXP
    .replace(/\//g, '\\/')

    testRegExp: new RegExp('^${parsedFragment}$'),

  return router

To extract parameter names from the fragment, use the /:(\w+)/g

RegEx, which matches :id and :anotherId. You can use this schema to
understand the purpose of this RegEx better.


Chapter 7 Routing

• : matches the exact character :

• () indicates the start of a capturing group

• \w is a shortcut for [a-zA-Z0-9_] and matches any

standard character

• + indicates that you accept at least one occurrence of a

standard character

This RegEx is used with the replace function of the String object.
For every match of the RegEx with the target String (in this case, the
fragment), the callback is called. The second argument of this callback
is the name of the parameter that you add to the params array. Then the
match is replaced with another RegEx snippet: ([^\\/]+). At last, you
wrap your new fragment between a ^ and a $.
So, passing the fragment #/list/:id/:anotherId as an argument
to the addRoute method will result in a testRegExp with the value ^#\/
list\/([^\\/]+)\/([^\\/]+)$ that you will use when checking if this
route matches the current fragment in the location object. Here’s a
schema that explains in detail the meaning of this RegEx.


• ^ indicates the beginning of the string

• #\/list\/ matches the exact string '#/list/'

• () indicates the start of the first capturing group

• [^\\/] matches any character apart from / and \

• + indicates that you accept at least one occurrence

of the previous match

Chapter 7 Routing

• () indicates the start of the second capturing group

• [^\\/] matches any character apart from / and \

• + indicates that you accept at least one occurrence

of the previous match

• $ indicates the end of the string

In Listing 7-12, the generated regular expressions are used to select the
right route for the current fragment and extract the actual parameters.

Listing 7-12. Extracting the URL Params from the Current Fragment

const extractUrlParams = (route, windowHash) => {

  if (route.params.length === 0) {
    return {}

  const params = {}

  const matches = windowHash



  matches.forEach((paramValue, index) => {

    const paramName = route.params[index]
    params[paramName] = paramValue

  return params

const checkRoutes = () => {

  const { hash } = window.location

Chapter 7 Routing

  const currentRoute = routes.find(route => {

    const { testRegExp } = route
    return testRegExp.test(hash)

  if (!currentRoute) {

  const urlParams = extractUrlParams(



As you can see, testRegExp checks if the current fragment matches

one of the routes in the registry. It uses the same RegEx to extract the
parameters that will be used as arguments for the component functions.
Notice the use of the shift in extractUrlParams. The String.matches
method returns an array where the first element is the match itself, while
the other elements are the result of the capturing groups. With shift, you
remove the first element from that array.
This is a recap of what happens when managing a route with

• The fragment #/list/:id/:anotherId is passed to the

addRoute method.

• This method extracts the parameter names (id and

anotherId) and transforms the fragment in the RegEx

Chapter 7 Routing

• When the user navigates a matching fragment like #/

list/1/2, the checkRoutes method selects the right
route, thanks to the RegEx.

• The extractUrlParams method extracts the actual

parameters from the current fragment in this object
{id:'1', anotherId:'2'}.

• This object is passed to the component function that

will update the DOM.

Figure 7-4 shows what the user gets when navigating to #/list/1/2.

Figure 7-4. Example project with route parameters

Listing 7-13 shows the complete code of the router based on fragment

Listing 7-13. Router Based on Fragment Identifiers

const ROUTE_PARAMETER_REGEXP = /:(\w+)/g

const URL_FRAGMENT_REGEXP = '([^\\/]+)'

const extractUrlParams = (route, windowHash) => {

  const params = {}

  if (route.params.length === 0) {

    return params

  const matches = windowHash


Chapter 7 Routing


  matches.forEach((paramValue, index) => {

    const paramName = route.params[index]
    params[paramName] = paramValue

  return params

export default () => {

  const routes = []
  let notFound = () => {}

  const router = {}

  const checkRoutes = () => {

    const { hash } = window.location

    const currentRoute = routes.find(route => {

      const { testRegExp } = route
      return testRegExp.test(hash)

    if (!currentRoute) {

    const urlParams = extractUrlParams(



Chapter 7 Routing

  router.addRoute = (fragment, component) => {

    const params = []

    const parsedFragment = fragment

        (match, paramName) => {
          return URL_FRAGMENT_REGEXP
      .replace(/\//g, '\\/')


      testRegExp: new RegExp(`^${parsedFragment}$`),

    return router

  router.setNotFound = cb => {
    notFound = cb
    return router

  router.navigate = fragment => {

    window.location.hash = fragment

  router.start = () => {

Chapter 7 Routing


    if (!window.location.hash) {
      window.location.hash = '#/'


  return router

Note This public API of this first implementation is the basis of the

other implementations covered in this chapter.

The History API

History is an API that lets developers manipulate the browsing history of
the user. For this second implementation of the router, you are going to use
this API or, to be exact, one of its methods. Table 7-1 is a small cheat sheet
of the History API.3

For a complete reference, I suggest taking a look at the dedicated page on the
Mozilla Development Network (

Chapter 7 Routing

Table 7-1. History API Cheat Sheet

Signature Description

back() Go to the previous page in history.

forward() Go to the next page in history.
go(index) Go to a specific page in history.
pushState(state, Push the data in the history stack and navigate to the
title, URL) provided URL.
replaceState(state, Replace the most recent data in the history stack and
title, URL) navigate to the provided URL.

When using the History API for routing, you don’t need to base your
routes on fragment identifiers. You can instead utilize a real URL like
http://localhost:8080/list/1/2. Listing 7-14 shows a version based on
this API.

Listing 7-14. Router Built with the History API

const ROUTE_PARAMETER_REGEXP = /:(\w+)/g

const URL_FRAGMENT_REGEXP = '([^\\/]+)'
const TICKTIME = 250

const extractUrlParams = (route, pathname) => {

  const params = {}

  if (route.params.length === 0) {

    return params

  const matches = pathname



Chapter 7 Routing

  matches.forEach((paramValue, index) => {

    const paramName = route.params[index]
    params[paramName] = paramValue

  return params

export default () => {

  const routes = []
  let notFound = () => {}
  let lastPathname

  const router = {}

  const checkRoutes = () => {

    const { pathname } = window.location
    if (lastPathname === pathname) {

    lastPathname = pathname

    const currentRoute = routes.find(route => {

      const { testRegExp } = route
      return testRegExp.test(pathname)

    if (!currentRoute) {

    const urlParams = extractUrlParams(currentRoute, pathname)

Chapter 7 Routing

  router.addRoute = (path, callback) => {

    const params = []

    const parsedPath = path

        (match, paramName) => {
          return URL_FRAGMENT_REGEXP
      .replace(/\//g, '\\/')

      testRegExp: new RegExp('^${parsedPath}$'),

    return router

  router.setNotFound = cb => {
    notFound = cb
    return router

  router.navigate = path => {

      .pushState(null, null, path)

Chapter 7 Routing

  router.start = () => {
    window.setInterval(checkRoutes, TICKTIME)

  return router

Let’s look at the differences between this and the previous version
based on fragment identifiers. The only method that you need from the
History API is pushState to navigate to a new URL. The greatest difference
between the previous implementation is the absence of a DOM event that
you can employ to be notified when the URL changes. To achieve a similar
result, you can use a setInterval to regularly check if the pathname is
The public API is unchanged. The only thing that you need to change is
the routes, removing the hash at the beginning, as in Listing 7-15.

Listing 7-15. Defining Routes without Fragments

  .addRoute('/', pages.home)
  .addRoute('/list', pages.list)
  .addRoute('/list/:id', pages.detail)
  .addRoute('/list/:id/:anotherId', pages.anotherDetail)

Using Links
To switch completely to the History API, you need to update the links in
the template. Listing 7-16 is an updated version of the initial template of
the sample application. In this case, the links point to real URLs and not to
fragment identifiers on the same page.

Chapter 7 Routing

Listing 7-16. History API Link Navigation

  <a href="/">Go To Index</a>
  <a href="/list">Go To List</a>
  <a href="/list/1">Go To Detail With Id 1</a>
  <a href="/list/2">Go To Detail With Id 2</a>
  <a href="/list/1/2">Go To Another Detail</a>
  <a href="/dummy">Dummy Page</a>

Just changing the href attribute is not enough; these links will not
work as expected. For example, clicking the Go To List link will result
in navigating to the http://localhost:8080/list/index.html URL,
resulting in a 404 HTTP error.
In order to make these links work, you need to change their default
behavior. The first thing to do is mark all the links that are used for internal
navigation, as shown in Listing 7-17.

Listing 7-17. History API Link Navigation Marked Links

  <a data-navigation href="/">Go To Index</a>
  <a data-navigation href="/list">Go To List</a>
  <a data-navigation href="/list/1">Go To Detail With Id 1</a>
  <a data-navigation href="/list/2">Go To Detail With Id 2</a>
  <a data-navigation href="/list/1/2">Go To Another Detail</a>
  <a data-navigation href="/dummy">Dummy Page</a>

In Listing 7-18, you can easily recognize these links, disabling standard
navigation and using the router’s navigate method.

Chapter 7 Routing

Listing 7-18. Changing the Behavior of the Internal

Navigation Links

const NAV_A_SELECTOR = 'a[data-navigation]'

router.start = () => {
  window.setInterval(checkRoutes, TICKTIME)

    .addEventListener('click', e => {
      const { target } = e
      if (target.matches(NAV_A_SELECTOR)) {

  return router

The router intercept clicks every internal navigation anchor, using the
event delegation technique discussed in Chapter 3. It’s possible to disable
the standard handler of any DOM element with the preventDefault
method of the Event object.

The last implementation that you will learn about in this chapter is
based on Navigo,4 a very simple and small open-source library. As you
learned in the previous chapter, it’s very important to wrap libraries


Chapter 7 Routing

with your own public interface. The implementation in Listing 7-19

keeps the same API of the previous two; it just changes the internals of
the router.

Listing 7-19. Router Implementation with Navigo

export default () => {

  const navigoRouter = new window.Navigo()
  const router = {}

  router.addRoute = (path, callback) => {

    navigoRouter.on(path, callback)
    return router

  router.setNotFound = cb => {
    return router

  router.navigate = path => {


  router.start = () => {
    return router

  return router

Managing internal navigation links is very similar to the previous

implementation. You just need to change data-navigation in data-­
navigo, as you can see in Listing 7-20.

Chapter 7 Routing

Listing 7-20. Internal Navigation Links with Navigo

  <a data-navigo href="/">Go To Index</a>
  <a data-navigo href="/list">Go To List</a>
  <a data-navigo href="/list/1">Go To Detail With Id 1</a>
  <a data-navigo href="/list/2">Go To Detail With Id 2</a>
  <a data-navigo href="/list/1/2">Go To Another Detail</a>
  <a data-navigo href="/dummy">Dummy Page</a>

Choosing the Right Router

There’s no meaningful difference between the three implementations. My
suggestion is to start with a frameworkless implementation, and only if you
need something very complex, switch to a third-party library.
Routing is the nervous system of any SPA; it decides how to match
URLs with what users see on-screen. Keep this in mind when you’re
working with a framework. If you use React Router for a project, it
means that, probably, you will not be able to remove React from your
project, because it’s very hard to change the routing system of an
SPA. Nevertheless, if your routing system is independent, you can start
changing the framework one view at a time.

Tip When using a framework, try to keep a separate layer for


Chapter 7 Routing

In this chapter, you learned the meaning of a single page application
and how to create a client-side routing system. You built two different
frameworkless versions of a router, the first one based on fragment
identifiers and the other one based on the History API. You also created a
router based on Navigo, a very small JavaScript library.
The next chapter explains how to manage the state of your applications
with different state management techniques.


State Management
In the previous chapters, you learned how to display data, manage user
inputs, and make HTTP requests and routes. You can consider these skills
as basic building blocks. But before you can start writing frameworkless
code, you need to know how to manage the data (or the state) that links
all these elements together. In front-end applications or, more generally,
all kinds of client applications (web, desktop, and mobile), the problem of
effectively managing data is called state management.
State management doesn’t solve a new problem, and indeed Model
View Controller (the most famous state management pattern) was
introduced in the 1970s. However, when React became a mainstream
library, the term started appearing in blogs, conferences, and so on.
Right now, there are a bunch of dedicated libraries for front-end state
management. Some are tied to existing frameworks like pinia1 (for Vue.
js) and NgRx2 (for Angular), while other libraries are agnostic, like Valtio3
and Redux.
Choosing the right architecture for your state management code
is crucial to keeping the application healthy and maintainable. In this
chapter, you will build three state management strategies, compare them,
and analyze their pros and cons.


© Francesco Strazzullo 2023 177

F. Strazzullo, Frameworkless Front-End Development,
Chapter 8 State Management

Reviewing the TodoMVC Application

The examples in this chapter use the TodoMVC that you developed in
Chapter 3 with a functional rendering engine. In Listing 8-1, you can see
the controller's code with all the events that manipulate the todos and the

Listing 8-1. The TodoMVC Controller

import todosView from './view/todos.js'

import counterView from './view/counter.js'
import filtersView from './view/filters.js'
import appView from './view/app.js'
import applyDiff from './applyDiff.js'

import registry from './registry.js'

registry.add('app', appView)
registry.add('todos', todosView)
registry.add('counter', counterView)
registry.add('filters', filtersView)

const state = {
  todos: [],
  currentFilter: 'All'

const events = {
  addItem: text => {

The complete code of this application is available at

Chapter 8 State Management

      completed: false
  updateItem: (index, text) => {
    state.todos[index].text = text
  deleteItem: (index) => {
    state.todos.splice(index, 1)
  toggleItemCompleted: (index) => {
    const {
    } = state.todos[index]
    state.todos[index].completed = !completed
  completeAll: () => {
    state.todos.forEach(t => {
      t.completed = true
  clearCompleted: () => {
    state.todos = state.todos.filter(
      t => !t.completed

Chapter 8 State Management

  changeFilter: filter => {

    state.currentFilter = filter

const render = () => {

  window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
    const main = document.querySelector('#root')

    const newMain = registry.renderRoot(


    applyDiff(document.body, main, newMain)



The state management code is defined in the events object that you
pass to the View function to attach its methods to DOM handlers.

Model View Controller

Keeping your state in the controllers is not a good way to manage it. The
first step to enhance this design is to move all that code into a separate file.
Moving it to an external file has various advantages; the most important
one is testability. Having a separate model file lets developers work just
with the data of the model and not its presentation. In Listing 8-2, you
can see an updated version of the controller with an external model that
manages the state of the application.

Chapter 8 State Management

Listing 8-2. The Controller with a Separate Model

import modelFactory from './model/model.js'

const model = modelFactory()

const events = {
  addItem: text => {
  updateItem: (index, text) => {
    model.updateItem(index, text)
  deleteItem: (index) => {
  toggleItemCompleted: (index) => {
  completeAll: () => {
  clearCompleted: () => {
  changeFilter: filter => {

Chapter 8 State Management


const render = (state) => {

  window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
    const main = document.querySelector('#root')

    const newMain = registry.renderRoot(


    applyDiff(document.body, main, newMain)



Notice that the actual data used to render is returned from the
getState method of the model object. In Listing 8-3, you can see its code.
For simplicity, this listing just includes the addItem and the updateItem
methods5 (this is also true in other listings regarding the model in this

Listing 8-3. Simple Model Object for the TodoMVC Application

  todos: [],
  currentFilter: 'All'

To check the complete code you can visit the GitHub repository at https://

Chapter 8 State Management

export default (initalState = INITIAL_STATE) => {

  const state = structuredClone(initalState)

  const getState = () => {

    return Object.freeze(structuredClone(state))

  const addItem = text => {

    if (!text) {

      completed: false

  const updateItem = (index, text) => {

    if (!text) {

    if (index < 0) {


    if (!state.todos[index]) {

    state.todos[index].text = text

Chapter 8 State Management

  //Other methods...

  return {

Values from a model object should be immutable. This code generates

a clone every time that getState is invoked and freezes it with Object.
freeze.6 To clone the object, use structuredClone,7 which creates a deep
clone of a given object. Using an immutable state to transfer data forces
the consumers of this API to use public methods to manipulate the state
itself. In this way, the business logic is completely contained in the model
object and not scattered in various parts of the application. This approach
helps the state management code have high testability during the lifespan
of the codebase. In Listing 8-4, you can see part of the test suite of the
model object.


Chapter 8 State Management

Listing 8-4. Test Suite for the TodoMVC State Object

import stateFactory from './state.js'

describe('external state', () => {

  test('data should be immutable', () => {
    const state = stateFactory()

    expect(() => {
      state.get().currentFilter = 'WRONG'

  test('should add an item', () => {

    const state = stateFactory()


    const { todos } = state.get()

      text: 'dummy',
      completed: false

  test('should not add an item when a falsy text is

provided', () => {
    const state = stateFactory()


Chapter 8 State Management

    const { todos } = state.get()


  test('should update an item', () => {

    const state = stateFactory({
      todos: [{
        text: 'dummy',
        completed: false

    state.updateItem(0, 'new-dummy')

    const { todos } = state.get()


  test('should not update an item when an invalid index is

provided', () => {
    const state = stateFactory({
      todos: [{
        text: 'dummy',
        completed: false

    state.updateItem(1, 'new-dummy')

    const { todos } = state.get()


Chapter 8 State Management

This first version of a state management library for the TodoMVC

application is a classic Model View Controller (MVC) implementation.
Historically, MVC was probably one of the first patterns dedicated to
managing the state of a client application. You can see a schema of this
pattern in Figure 8-1.

Figure 8-1. MVC pattern schema

This model object will be the base for all the other implementations.
Before continuing, let’s review the workflow of the application and the
relationship between its parts.

• The controller gets the initial state from the model.

• The controller invokes the view to render the

initial state.
• The system is ready to receive user inputs.

Chapter 8 State Management

• The user does something (for example, they add

an item).

• The controller maps the user action with the correct

model method (model.addItem).

• The model updates the state.

• The controller gets the new state from the model.

• The controller invokes the view to render the new state.

• The system is ready to receive user inputs.

This workflow is quite generic for any front-end application, and it

is summarized in Figure 8-2. The loop between the render and the user
action is called the “render cycle.”

Figure 8-2. The render cycle

Observable Model
This first version of state management code based on MVC works quite
well for this use case. Nevertheless, the integration between the model
and the controller is quite clumsy: you need to manually invoke the
render method every time the user takes some kind of action. This is not
an optimal solution for two main reasons. The first one is that manually
invoking the render after every state change is a very error-prone
approach. The second one is that the render method is also invoked when

Chapter 8 State Management

the action does not modify the state. For example, when adding an empty
item to the list. Both these issues are resolved in the next version of the
model, which is based on the observer8 pattern.
In Listing 8-5, you can see the new version of the model. The
differences from the previous version are highlighted for better

Listing 8-5. The Observable TodoMVC Model

  todos: [],
  currentFilter: 'All'

export default (initalState = INITIAL_STATE) => {

  const state = structuredClone(initalState)
  let listeners = []

  const addChangeListener = listener => {



    return () => {
      listeners = listeners.filter(
        l => l !== listener

The complete code is available at­

Chapter 8 State Management

  const invokeListeners = () => {

    const data = freeze(state)
    listeners.forEach(l => l(data))

  const addItem = text => {

    if (!text) {

      completed: false


  const updateItem = (index, text) => {

    if (!text) {

    if (index < 0) {


    if (!state.todos[index]) {

    state.todos[index].text = text


Chapter 8 State Management

  //Other methods...

  return {

In order to easily understand the public API of this observable model

you can use Listing 8-6, which shows a simple test suite for the new model.

Listing 8-6. Unit Tests for the Observable Model

import modelFactory from './model.js'

let model

describe('observable model', () => {

  beforeEach(() => {
    model = modelFactory()

  test('listeners should be invoked immediately', () => {

    let counter = 0
    model.addChangeListener(data => {

Chapter 8 State Management

  test('listeners should be invoked when changing

data', () => {
    let counter = 0
    model.addChangeListener(data => {

  test('listeners should be removed when

unsubscribing', () => {
    let counter = 0
    const unsubscribe = model
.addChangeListener(data => {

  test('state should be immutable', () => {

    model.addChangeListener(data => {
      expect(() => {
        data.currentFilter = 'WRONG'

Chapter 8 State Management

Reading the tests, it’s clear that the only way to get the state from the
Model object is to add a listener callback. This callback will be invoked at
the moment of subscription and every time the internal state changes. This
approach will simplify the controller, as you can see in Listing 8-7.

Listing 8-7. Using an Observable Model in the Controller

import modelFactory from './model/model.js'

const model = modelFactory()

const {
} = model

const render = (state) => {

  window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
    const main = document.querySelector('#root')

    const newMain = registry.renderRoot(


    applyDiff(document.body, main, newMain)



The controller code is much simpler now. To bind the render method
to the model, it’s enough to use that method as a listener for the model.
Notice that the methods are extracted from the model (apart from
addEventListener) to use them as events that you pass to the view.

Chapter 8 State Management

Having an observable model is useful for adding new features to the

controller without modifying the public interface of the model. Listing 8-8
shows a new version of the controller that creates two new change
listeners. The first one is a simple logger on the console. The second one
saves the state to window.localStorage. In this way, the controller can
load the initial data from the storage when the application starts.

Listing 8-8. More Listeners Used with the Observable Model

import stateFactory from './model/state.js'

const loadState = () => {

  const serializedState = window

  if (!serializedState) {

  return JSON.parse(serializedState)

const state = stateFactory(loadState())

const {
} = state

const render = (state) => {

  // Render Code


Chapter 8 State Management

addChangeListener(state => {
  Promise.resolve().then(() => {
      .setItem('state', JSON.stringify(state))

addChangeListener(state => {
    'Current State (${(new Date()).getTime()})',

To implement the same features without the observable model would

have been really difficult and not maintainable. Remember this pattern
when your controller becomes too coupled with the model.
Before continuing, it’s important to state that in this section, I always
state “the model” as it was a single object. This is true for a simple
application like TodoMVC. In a real scenario, “the model” is a collection of
Model objects that manage all the different domains in your application.

Reactive Programming
Reactive programming has been a buzzword in the front-end community
for quite a while. It became trendy when the Angular team announced
that their framework would have to be heavily based on RxJS (an acronym

Chapter 8 State Management

for “React Extensions for JavaScript”), a library built to create applications

based on Reactive programming.10
In a nutshell, implementing the Reactive paradigm means working
in an application where everything is an observable that can emit events:
model changes, HTTP requests, user actions, navigation, and so on.

Tip If you’re using a lot of observables in your code, you’re working

with a Reactive paradigm.

Reactive programming is a fascinating and deep topic, and this chapter

just scratches the surface, creating a Reactive state management library in
a couple of different ways. If you’d like to study this topic in depth, I suggest
reading Front-End Reactive Architectures by Luca Mezzalira.11

A Reactive Model
The model created in Listing 8-5 is already an example of Reactive state
management because it’s an observable. But, in a non-trivial application,
there should be a lot of different model objects, and so you need an easy
way to create observables. In this way, you can focus on the domain logic,
leaving the architectural part in a separate library. In Listing 8-9, you can
see a new version of the model object based on an observable factory,
while Listing 8-10 shows the observable factory itself.

In my opinion, the best source to easily understand the meaning of
Reactive programming is this GitHub Gist (
staltz/868e7e9bc2a7b8c1f754) titled “The Introduction to Reactive
Programming You’ve Been Missing,” by André Staltz, one of the maintainers
of RxJS.

Chapter 8 State Management

Listing 8-9. An Observable TodoMVC Model Built with a Factory

import observableFactory from './observable.js'

  todos: [],
  currentFilter: 'All'

export default (initalState = INITIAL_STATE) => {

  const state = structuredClone(initalState)

  const addItem = text => {

    if (!text) {

      completed: false

  const updateItem = (index, text) => {

    if (!text) {

    if (index < 0) {


    if (!state.todos[index]) {

Chapter 8 State Management

    state.todos[index].text = text


  const model = {

  return observableFactory(model, () => state)


Listing 8-10. An Observable Factory

export default (model, stateGetter) => {

  let listeners = []

  const addChangeListener = cb => {

    return () => {
      listeners = listeners
        .filter(element => element !== cb)

Chapter 8 State Management

  const invokeListeners = () => {

    const data = freeze(stateGetter())
    listeners.forEach(l => l(data))

  const wrapAction = originalAction => {

    return (...args) => {
      const value = originalAction(...args)
      return value

  const baseProxy = {

  return Object
    .filter(key => {
      return typeof model[key] === 'function'
    .reduce((proxy, key) => {
      const action = model[key]
      return {
        [key]: wrapAction(action)
    }, baseProxy)

Chapter 8 State Management

The code of the observable factory may seem a little obscure, but its
functioning is quite simple. It creates a proxy of the model object that, for
every method of the original model, creates a new method with the same
name that wraps the original one and invokes all the listeners. To pass the
state to the proxy, a simple getter function is used to get the current state
after every modification made by the model.
From an external point of view, the observable model in Listing 8-5
and the one in Listing 8-9 have the same public interface. A good way
to design a reactive state management architecture is to create a simple
observable model, and only when you need more than one Model object
do you create the observable factory abstraction. Figure 8-3 shows the
relationship between the controller, the model, and the proxy.

Figure 8-3. Observable model with a proxy

Chapter 8 State Management

Native Proxies
JavaScript has a native way to create proxies, via the Proxy object.12 Using
this new AP is quite easy. You wrap the default behavior of any object with
some custom code. Listing 8-11 creates a simple proxy that logs a message
every time you get or set a property of the base object. Figure 8-4 shows the
result in the browser’s console.

Listing 8-11. Basic Proxy Object Usage

const base = {
  foo: 'bar'

const handler = {
  get: (target, name) => {
    console.log('Getting ${name}')
    return target[name]
  set: (target, name, value) => {
    console.log('Setting ${name} to ${value}')
    target[name] = value
    return true

const proxy = new Proxy(base, handler) = 'baz'
console.log('Logging ${}')


Chapter 8 State Management

Figure 8-4. Basic proxy result

In order to create a proxy that wraps a base object, you need to provide
a handler that consists of a set of traps. A trap is a method that wraps a
basic operation on the base object. This simple case overwrote all the
properties' setters and getters. Notice that the set handler should return a
Boolean value that represents the success of the operation. Listings 8-12
uses the Proxy object to create an observable factory.

Listing 8-12. Observable Factory with Proxy Object.freeze

export default (initialState) => {

  let listeners = []

  const proxy = new Proxy(structuredClone(initialState), {

    set: (target, name, value) => {
      target[name] = value
      listeners.forEach(l => l(freeze(proxy)))
      return true

  proxy.addChangeListener = cb => {
    return () => {
      listeners = listeners.filter(l => l !== cb)

Chapter 8 State Management


  return proxy

Even if the signature is similar, the usage is slightly different, as in

Listing 8-13. It shows the new version of the model created with this new
observable factory.

Listing 8-13. An Observable TodoMVC Model Built with a

Proxy Factory

export default (initialState = INITIAL_STATE) => {

  const state = observableFactory(initialState)

  const addItem = text => {

    if (!text) {

    state.todos = [...state.todos, {
      completed: false

  const updateItem = (index, text) => {

    if (!text) {

    if (index < 0) {


Chapter 8 State Management

    if (!state.todos[index]) {

    state.todos =, i) => {

      if (i === index) {
        todo.text = text
      return todo


  return {
    addChangeListener: state.addChangeListener,

There’s a significant difference between the two versions. In this

second one, based on Proxy, the todos array is overwritten every time.
In the first one, the todos array is modified in place, invoking the Array’s
push method or substituting an element. When using a Proxy object, it’s
mandatory to overwrite the properties in order to invoke the set trap.

Chapter 8 State Management

Caution When working with a Proxy object, always replace

properties instead of modifying them in place.

Event Bus
This section covers how to manage the state of an application using the
Event Bus pattern. Event Bus is one possible way to implement an Event-­
driven architecture (EDA). When working with EDAs, every state change
is represented by an event that is dispatched in the system.13 An event is
defined by a name that identifies what happened and a payload containing
meaningful information to process the event. In Listing 8-14, you can see
an example event that should be dispatched when creating a new item in
the TodoMVC domain.

Listing 8-14. Add Item Event

const event = {
  type: 'ITEM_ADDED',
  payload: 'Buy Milk'

The main idea behind the Event Bus pattern is that every event is
processed by a single object that connects all the “nodes” that compose
the application. The event is then processed, and the result is sent to all
the connected nodes. When using an Event Bus for state management, the
result of any event processing is an updated version of the application's
state. Figure 8-5 shows a diagram of the Event Bus pattern.

To learn more about the various kinds of EDA and their differences, I suggest
reading Building Evolutionary Architectures: Support Constant Change at www.
dp/1491986360 by Neal Ford, Rebecca Parsons and Patrick Kua.

Chapter 8 State Management

Figure 8-5. The Event Bus pattern

To better understand how an Event Bus works, you can analyze the
flow of an ITEM_ADDED event:

• The view renders the initial state.

• The user fills in the form and presses Enter.

• The DOM event is captured by the view.

• The view creates the ITEM_ADDED event and dispatches
it to the bus.

• The bus processes the event, generating a new state.

• The new state is sent to the controller.

• The controller invokes the view to render the new state.

• The system is ready to receive user inputs.

I just stated that the bus “processes the event, generating a new state.”
This is not correct because the Event Bus is an architectural element and
should not contain any kind of domain-related code. You need to add the

Chapter 8 State Management

model to the mix in order to implement the Event Bus pattern. In this
scenario, the model is a function that accepts the old state and an event
and returns a new version of the state, as shown in Figure 8-6.
It’s important to note that, in this pattern, the state that travels from
the model to the subscribers is a single object. This object contains all the
data useful for the application. This does not mean that the model should
be one single, big JavaScript function. You will see later how it's possible to
split this model into sub-models that together build the state object.

Figure 8-6. Model structure in an Event Bus application

Figure 8-7 shows an updated diagram of the Event Bus pattern, with
the addition of the model.

Figure 8-7. Event Bus pattern with model

Chapter 8 State Management

To complete this section, you will analyze two Event Bus

implementations. The first one is a frameworkless one, while the second
one is based on Redux. Redux is a state management library born in the
React ecosystem but usable in any kind of environment.

A Frameworkless Implementation
The first element you will analyze is the Event Bus itself. As with the
previous examples, not all of the code is shown here.14 You can see the
code of the Event Bus in Listing 8-15.

Listing 8-15. Frameworkless Event Bus

export default (model) => {

  let listeners = []
  let state = model()

  const subscribe = listener => {


    return () => {
      listeners = listeners
        .filter(l => l !== listener)

  const invokeSubscribers = () => {

    const data = freeze(state)
    listeners.forEach(l => l(data))

The complete code of this implementation is available at



Chapter 8 State Management

  const dispatch = event => {

    const newState = model(state, event)

    if (!newState) {
      throw new Error('model should always return a value')

    if (newState === state) {


    state = newState

  return {
    getState: () => freeze(state)

In this scenario, the model is a function that gets the previous state and
the event as inputs and returns a new state. There is another important
characteristic of the model; it’s a pure function. A pure function is a
function where the return value is only determined by its input values, just
like any standard mathematical function like Math.cos(x).
To design the model as a pure function provides a big boost to testability.
Because the new state cannot depend on the internal status of the model
itself. You can also use this aspect to optimize performance, because every
time the state is updated, it has to be a new object. So if the old state and
new state are equal, it means that you can skip the subscribers. In this
implementation, invoking the model without parameters will result in
obtaining the application's initial state.

Chapter 8 State Management

To better understand the inner workings of the Event Bus, Listing 8-16
shows the related test suite.

Listing 8-16. Test Suite for the Event Bus

import eventBusFactory from './eventBus'

let eventBus

const counterModel = (state, event) => {

  if (!event) {
    return {
      counter: 0

  if (event.type !== 'COUNTER') {

    return state

  return {
    counter: state.counter++

describe('eventBus', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {
    eventBus = eventBusFactory(counterModel)

  test('subscribers should be invoked when the model catch the

event', () => {
    let counter = 0

    eventBus.subscribe(() => counter++)

    eventBus.dispatch({ type: 'COUNTER' })

Chapter 8 State Management


  test('subscribers should not be invoked when the model does

not catch the event', () => {
    let counter = 0

    eventBus.subscribe(() => counter++)

    eventBus.dispatch({ type: 'NOT_COUNTER' })


  test('subscribers should receive an immutable state', () => {

    eventBus.dispatch({ type: 'COUNTER' })
    eventBus.subscribe((state) => {
      expect(() => {
        state.counter = 0

  test('should throw error if the model does not return a

state', () => {
    const eventBus = eventBusFactory(() => {
      return undefined

    expect(() => {
      eventBus.dispatch({ type: 'EVENT' })

Chapter 8 State Management

The counterModel object gives you a glimpse of how a model should

work in an Event Bus architecture. When an event of the COUNTER type is
dispatched, a new state is created with an incremented counter property.
For all the other events, nothing is changed, and the old state is returned.
Listing 8-17 shows part of the model of the TodoMVC application.

Listing 8-17. TodoMVC Model for Event Bus Architecture

  todos: [],
  currentFilter: 'All'

const addItem = (state, event) => {

  const text = event.payload
  if (!text) {
    return state

  return {
    todos: [...state.todos, {
      completed: false

const updateItem = (state, event) => {

  const { text, index } = event.payload
  if (!text) {
    return state

Chapter 8 State Management

  if (index < 0) {

    return state

  if (!state.todos[index]) {
    return state

  return {
    todos:, i) => {
      if (i === index) {
        todo.text = text
      return todo

const methods = {
  ITEM_ADDED: addItem,
  ITEM_UPDATED: updateItem

export default (initalState = INITIAL_STATE) => {

  return (prevState, event) => {
    if (!prevState) {
      return structuredClone(initalState)

    const currentMethod = methods[event.type]

    if (!currentMethod) {
      return prevState

Chapter 8 State Management

    return currentMethod(prevState, event)


In order to avoid a very long switch statement to choose the right

method based on the Event type, I used a simple object that maps the
Event type with a method. If no method is found, it means that the model
does not manage that event, and so the previous state is returned.
In the previous section, I stated that in a real application, the Model
function should be separated into smaller sub-modules.15 In that version
of the model, there are two sub-models. The first one manages the todos,
and the other one manages the filter. The main Model function merges the
results of the sub-models into a single state object.

Tip When working with an Event Bus, split the model into sub-­
models in order to achieve good code readability.

Listing 8-18 shows the controller of the TodoMVC application based on

the Event Bus.

Listing 8-18. Controller of an Event Bus-Based TodoMVC


import eventBusFactory from './model/eventBus.js'

import modelFactory from './model/model.js'

const model = modelFactory()

const eventBus = eventBusFactory(model)

You can see another version of the Model in Listing 8-17 on GitHub at https://

Chapter 8 State Management

const render = (state) => {

  window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
    const main = document.querySelector('#root')

    const newMain = registry.renderRoot(


    applyDiff(document.body, main, newMain)




As you can see, the major difference with previous versions is that it
doesn't provide the events to the render function, but just the dispatch
method of the Event Bus. In this way, the view is capable of dispatching
events in the system, as you can see in Listing 8-19, which shows part of
the code of the view.

Listing 8-19. View Function Using the Event Bus

import eventCreators from '../model/eventCreators.js'

let template

const getTemplate = () => {

  if (!template) {
    template = document.getElementById('todo-app')

Chapter 8 State Management

  return template

const addEvents = (targetElement, dispatch) => {

    .addEventListener('keypress', e => {
      if (e.key === 'Enter') {
        const event = eventCreators
        dispatch(event) = ''

export default (targetElement, state, dispatch) => {

  const newApp = targetElement.cloneNode(true)

  newApp.innerHTML = ''

  addEvents(newApp, dispatch)

  return newApp

Notice the use of eventCreators.addItem to create the Event object to

dispatch. The eventCreators object is a simple collection of factories used
to easily build consistent events. You can see its code in Listing 8-20.

Chapter 8 State Management

Listing 8-20. Event Creators

const EVENT_TYPES = Object.freeze({


export default {
  addItem: text => ({
    payload: text
  updateItem: (index, text) => ({
    payload: {

These functions are useful for ensuring that every event is in the
canonical form shown in Listing 8-14.

Redux is a state management library that was first announced at the
React-Europe conference in 2015 with a talk16 by Dan Abramov. After
that, it rapidly became a mainstream approach when working with React
applications. Redux is one (and surely the most successful) of the so-­
called Flux-like libraries, a group of tools that implemented Facebook’s


Chapter 8 State Management

architecture, Flux.17 Working with Redux is very similar to working with a

frameworkless Event Bus. Nevertheless, being born after the Flux pattern,
the words used to define the components of the architecture are different,
as you can see in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1. Comparing the Event Bus and Redux Elements

Event Bus Redux

Event Bus Store

Event Action
Model Reducer

To better understand the principles behind Redux, I strongly suggest

reading the “Three Principles” chapter of the Redux documentation
Apart from the naming, the elements are quite similar. In fact,
in Listing 8-21, you can see the code of the controller of a TodoMVC
application built with Redux.

Listing 8-21. Controller of a Redux-Based TodoMVC Application

import reducer from './model/reducer.js'

  todos: [],
  currentFilter: 'All'

const {
} = Redux

To learn more about Flux, you can consult the official website at

Chapter 8 State Management

const store = createStore(


const render = () => {

  window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
    const main = document.querySelector('#root')

    const newMain = registry.renderRoot(


    applyDiff(document.body, main, newMain)




Using the Redux’s store instead of the Event Bus build in the previous
section makes almost no difference to the controller. Furthermore, as you
can see in the complete application code,18 the reducer has exactly the
same code as the model from the frameworkless event bus.
One of the main advantages of using Redux instead of a frameworkless
event bus is the large number of tools and plugins available. One of the
most famous tools for Redux developers is Redux DevTools. Using it,
developers can easily log all the actions dispatched in the system and see
how they affected the state. Moreover, it is possible to import or export the
state in JSON format. Figure 8-8 shows the Redux DevTools in action.


Chapter 8 State Management

Figure 8-8. Redux DevTools

Comparing State Management Strategies

This last section points out the characteristics of the three kinds of state
management strategies analyzed in this chapter from three different points
of view: simplicity, consistency, and scalability.

Model View Controller

Model view controller is fairly simple to implement and gives developers a
lot of advantages. For example, a good grade of separation of concerns and
testability of your domain’s business logic.
The real problem of MVC is that it is not a strict pattern. The definition
of the elements and the relations between them can be unclear. If you ask
the question, “What exactly is the difference between the view and the
controller?” you can get a lot of different answers. This happens because
every MVC framework filled in the “gray areas” of the MVC pattern with

Chapter 8 State Management

their own ideas, so every framework implemented a slightly different

version of the MVC. To effectively work with a frameworkless MVC, the
first task to is to define your team’s MVC rules.
This is also a problem for scalability. When your application grows
bigger, the number of “gray areas” grow too, and if the consistency problem
is not addressed, your code may become unreadable.

Reactive Programming
The main idea behind Reactive programming is that everything in your
application is an observable. You saw how easy it is to build observable
models, but there are libraries (like RxJS) that transform every aspect of a
front-end application to an observable, from user inputs to timers to HTTP
requests. This approach guarantees good consistency because you work
with objects of the “same type.”
Nevertheless, wrapping everything in an observable is not simple. It
may become easy if you use a third-party library like RxJS, but that does
not mean it would be simple.

Caution Implementing an easy architecture is not the same thing

as building a simple one. Your goal should be to create the simplest
architecture that matches your requirements, not the easiest one
to build.

It may not be that simple because you’re working with a massive

abstraction: everything is an observable. Working with abstractions can
become a problem when your application becomes bigger, because

Chapter 8 State Management

they start to “leak”.19 Leakiness is not a specific problem of Reactive

programming; it's related to any pattern (or framework) based on a
central abstraction. This is extensively explained by the "Law of Leaky
Abstractions,” coined by Joel Spolsky, which states:

"All non-trivial abstractions, to some degree, are leaky.”

When your application grows, there will be some parts that are not
suited for that abstraction and this fact can become a big problem for

Event Bus
The Event Bus architecture (and in general event-driven architectures) is
based on a single, strict rule: “Every state change is generated by an event.”
This rule helps to keep the complexity of your application proportional
to its size, while in other architectures, the complexity is exponential to
the size of the application. That is one of the reasons that the code of an
extensive application is usually less readable than the code of a small one.
This happens because, with the increase in the number of elements
that compose your application, there are a lot of possibilities related to
how to let them communicate, as shown in Figure 8-9.


Chapter 8 State Management

Figure 8-9. Complexity in a big application

Strictly following the Event Bus pattern will remove this complexity
because the only way to communicate is through the bus itself (compare
Figure 8-9 with Figure 8-7). This feature makes Event Bus a very good
approach if your first concern is the scalability.
As you saw in the section about the frameworkless implementation of
the Event Bus, it's relatively easy to use and build. It’s also relatively simple
because the abstraction behind the pattern is not as strong as in Reactive
programming. The main problem with Event Bus is its verbosity.20 For
every state update, the team needs to create the event, dispatch it through
the bus, write the model that updated the state, and finally send the new
state to the listeners. Because of the verbosity of this pattern, not all of the
application's state is managed with it. In the long run, developers tend to
pair it with another state management strategy (such as MVC or Reactive)
to manage smaller or simpler domains, resulting in a loss of consistency.

For Redux, some specific libraries like are


born to solve the verbosity problem.

Chapter 8 State Management

Table 8-2 is a summary of the comparison made in this section.

Table 8-2. State Management Strategies Comparison

Simplicity Consistency Scalability

MVC ✓ ✗ ✗
Reactive ✗ ✓ -
Event Bus - ✗ ✓

As you might have noticed, none of these characteristics is really

measurable. They are just my personal thoughts based on my studies and
experiences. Using the different patterns covered in this chapter may lead
you to completely different considerations.

In this chapter, you we learned the meaning of state management and
why it is important to create in client applications. You then analyzed and
implemented three different state management strategies: model view
controller, Reactive programming, and Event Bus.


Now that you have learned about the five main “blocks” that frameworks
provide to build front-end applications—rendering, events, HTTP
requests, routing, and state management—the next objective is to cover
how to apply these blocks to the existing codebase to replace an old
framework. While there are some outstanding books about refactoring and
managing legacy code, most of the material I read in my career is about
back-end code. The reason is simple: Looking at the big picture of software
development history, front-end development is relatively young. So, by
some accounts, it is natural that all the material about this topic covers
back-end problems.
This chapter explains how to apply one of the most famous refactoring
patterns—the StranglerFigApplication—to a front-end application.
More specifically, it’s about transforming an AngularJS application to a
frameworkless one.

© Francesco Strazzullo 2023 225

F. Strazzullo, Frameworkless Front-End Development,
Chapter 9 Frameworkless Refactoring: StranglerFigApplication Pattern

Setting the Stage

The story in this chapter is based on a real-life scenario I tackled with my
team some years ago. I need to give you some context about the client and
their product to understand why we chose to work the way we did. It was
2013, and we collaborated with a new client, helping them create an SPA
for their product. They were working on porting a desktop ERP to a web
version of the same software. The development of that software was, for
them, a market test: They needed to know if their historical client would be
interested in working with a web version or if the web version could attract
new clients.
So, to be quick in testing this new market, our team needed to be as
fast as possible to release a working version of this software. It was 2013,
and we used AngularJS: At the time, it was almost a de facto standard for
that application.
Fast forward to five years later, in 2018. The web version of the software
is a commercial success, the desktop version is only maintained for long-­
term support, but no new features are planned. Most of the company’s
efforts shifted to the web version because it became this client’s most
important source of revenue. At that time, AngularJS started to become a
problem; its EOF was arriving and finding people willing to work with it
was harder and harder. We decided to find a solution to remove AngularJS
from the application, replacing it with something else, but with which
framework? When creating the software, our top priority was the time-­
to-­market, but now it was durability. The company was making the bulk
of its money with this software, so it should (virtually) last as long as the
company itself. The only real durable solution in the 2018 JavaScript
ecosystem was a frameworkless approach.

Chapter 9 Frameworkless Refactoring: StranglerFigApplication Pattern

The Solution
We needed to understand how to solve the AngularJS problem and include a
frameworkless codebase. A significant rewrite was not an option; the software
was too big and the team too small, even if only considering that option. We
needed to refactor our codebase one piece at a time, and after some analyses
and POCs, we came up with the StranglerFigApplication1 pattern. The
main idea is to create a new version of a codebase that, over time, will
“strangle” the original application completely. (The name of the pattern came
from the Strangler figs plants that operate in a similar way to trees, the figs
suck up the nutrients from its victims, causing them to die eventually.)
In the same way, this frameworkless application would strangle the
AngularJS one, letting it “die” when all the code was ported from one
application to the other. As shown in Figure 9-1, the original application
was bundled with Grunt, while the new one was created using Webpack.

Figure 9-1. From AngularJS to frameworkless with


The Example
Now you will see a near real-world example. This chapter is divided
into steps that mimic the refactoring of an actual application. It starts
with an AngularJS application, and step by step, you will remove more
and more pieces of the original application, substituting them with the
frameworkless code.


Chapter 9 Frameworkless Refactoring: StranglerFigApplication Pattern

The Original Application

This application refactors a Twitter clone; the user can read a list of tweets
and post a new one. The data that the front-end application consumes is
generated by a simple web server2 based on faker.js.3 You can see the
main page of the app in Figure 9-2.

Figure 9-2. AngularJS application to refactor

The application is relatively straightforward, with two routes formed

by a template and a controller. Both controllers use a tweets service to
interact with the REST APIs. Listings 9-1 to 9-6 show the whole application

Listing 9-1. Application Routes Definition

  .module('myApp', ['ngRoute'])

You can see the code on GitHub at

Chapter 9 Frameworkless Refactoring: StranglerFigApplication Pattern

  .config(['$routeProvider', ($routeProvider) => {

      .when('/', {
        templateUrl: 'app/templates/list.tpl.html',
        controller: 'ListController'
      .when('/tweet', {
        templateUrl: 'app/templates/tweet.tpl.html',
        controller: 'TweetController'
      .otherwise({redirectTo: '/'})

Listing 9-2. Tweet List Page Template

<div class="container">
    <button class="confirm" data-ng-click="goToNewTweet()">
        New Tweet
    <div class="item hoverable" data-ng-repeat="item in list">
        <img class="avatar" ng-src="{{item.avatar}}" />
        <div class="item-content">
                <span class="name">{{}}</span>
                <small class="username">{{item.userName}}
            <div class="tweet">

Chapter 9 Frameworkless Refactoring: StranglerFigApplication Pattern

Listing 9-3. Tweet List Page Controller

  .controller('ListController', [
    '$location', function ($scope, tweets, $location) {
      $scope.list = []
      tweets.list().then((list) => {
        $scope.list = list

      $scope.goToNewTweet = () => {

Listing 9-4. Tweet Detail Page Template

<div class="container">
    <div class="item">
        <div class="tweet-form">
            <textarea data-ng-model="tweet" placeholder="write
your tweet here..." maxlength="140"></textarea>
            <progress value="{{tweet.length}}" max="140">
            <span class="char-count">Characters left:
{{140 - tweet.length}}</span>
    <button class="confirm" data-ng-disabled="!tweet"

Chapter 9 Frameworkless Refactoring: StranglerFigApplication Pattern


Listing 9-5. Tweet Detail Page Controller

  .controller('TweetController', [
    function (
    ) {
      $scope.loading = false
      $scope.tweet = ''

      $scope.sendTweet = () => {
        $scope.loading = true
          tweet: $scope.tweet
        }).then(() => {
          $scope.tweet = ''
          $scope.loading = false

Chapter 9 Frameworkless Refactoring: StranglerFigApplication Pattern

Listing 9-6. Tweet API Service

  .service('tweets', ['$http', function ($http) {
    const URL = 'http://localhost:3000/api/tweet'
    const list = () => {
      return $http
        .then((response) =>
    const send = (data) => {
      return $http
        .post(URL, data)
        .then((response) =>
    return {

The code shown in the previous listings is quite simple—almost

trivial—but I think it is an excellent example of a standard AngularJS
application that you can use as a model for a refactoring process.

Moving Services
The first and most important thing to do when modernizing a legacy
front-end application is to let new “business logic” be used by the old
application. In this example, the only real piece of business logic is the
tweets service in Listing 9-6. In Listing 9-7, the same service has been
“translated” to a frameworkless approach using fetch.

Chapter 9 Frameworkless Refactoring: StranglerFigApplication Pattern

Listing 9-7. Tweet API Service (Frameworkless Version)

const URL = 'http://localhost:3000/api/tweet'

const list = async () => {

  const response = await window.fetch(URL, {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  return response.json()

const send = async (data) => {

  const response = await fetch(URL, {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    body: JSON.stringify(data)
  return response.json()

const tweets = {

export const angularElement = [() => tweets]

export default tweets

Chapter 9 Frameworkless Refactoring: StranglerFigApplication Pattern

The code is relatively straightforward;. Here is only one feature that

may seem odd at first glance: The double export at the end of the listing,
the default and the named one. The default export is used by all the
“new code” based on ES modules, while the angularElement export is
used by the “old” AngularJS application (notice the array form typical of
AngularJS). But how do you make this service available to AngularJS? The
solution is relatively easy, as shown in Listing 9-8.

Listing 9-8. Booting the StranglerFigApplication

import {angularElement as tweets} from './services/tweets.mjs'

  .service('tweets', tweets)

const boot = () => {

    .ready(() => {
      angular.bootstrap(document, ['myApp'])


While the snippet in Listing 9-8 is small, it is essential to understand

how this process works. You import the service via the named import
and inject it into the AngularJS application. After you import all services,
you boot the application. Every service created in the new application is
available to both the old application via the named import/inject trick and
the new application via standard default export.

Chapter 9 Frameworkless Refactoring: StranglerFigApplication Pattern

Note It is not mandatory to use the default export for the new
application; you can use a named export also for the new application.
I suggest using the same named export for every module that
needs to be ported to the old application in the same way, like the
angularElement name used in the previous listings.

Moving Components
The strategy to move UI elements that I prefer when using the
StranglerFigApplication pattern is to convert one route (or page) at a
time using Web Components, porting all the smaller components that
compose the pattern library along the way. Listings 9-9 and 9-10 show the
Web Component version of the new tweet page.

Listing 9-9. Tweet Page as a Web Component (JavaScript)

import { loadDomElement } from '../utils/rendering.mjs'

import tweets from '../services/tweets.mjs'

class TweetPage extends HTMLElement {

  constructor () {
    this.tweet = ''

  connectedCallback () {
    window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this.render())

  onChange (value) {
    this.tweet = value
    const {length} = value

Chapter 9 Frameworkless Refactoring: StranglerFigApplication Pattern

value = length
    this.querySelector('my-app-progress-bar').value = length

  async send () {
    await tweets.send({
      tweet: this.tweet

    window.location.hash = '/'

  async render () {
    this.innerHTML = ''
    const child = await loadDomElement('./app/es6/components/

    const textarea = this.querySelector('textarea')

    textarea.value = this.tweet
    textarea.addEventListener('input', e => this.onChange

      .addEventListener('click', () => this.send())

export default TweetPage

Chapter 9 Frameworkless Refactoring: StranglerFigApplication Pattern

Listing 9-10. Tweet Page as a Web Component (Template)

<div class="container">
    <div class="item">
        <div class="tweet-form">
            <textarea placeholder="write your tweet here..."
    <button class="confirm" data-ng-disabled="!tweet"

The code in the previous listing is very similar to the code you analyzed
in earlier chapters, so there is no deep analysis of it. The only important
thing is that two other components were created while creating my-app-­
character-counter and my-app-progress-bar. To connect this page
to AngularJS, you need two steps—first, register the TweetPage as a Web
Component via the custom elements registry with this instruction:

window.customElements.define('my-app-tweet-page', TweetPage

Then change the AngularJS’s route definition to render the newly

created page:

.when('/tweet', {
        template: '<my-app-tweet-page></my-app-tweet-page>'

Chapter 9 Frameworkless Refactoring: StranglerFigApplication Pattern

This way, one page at a time, you can convert all the applications. This
scenario is similar to applying the StranglerFigApplication pattern in
a back-end application, using a proxy, and then converting one route at
a time. In this case, the proxy is the routing system of AngularJS, and the
REST API converts the pages of the application.

Other Conversion Strategies

Let’s recap how the process explained in this chapter works: You create a
second build system, based on ES modules, you connect the new system
to the old system, and then you convert one piece of the old application at
a time to the new one. You do this until the old application is completely
removed or is small enough not to be a problem anymore. Then you can
explore some other conversion strategies that can be used to achieve the

Instead of using modules and pages, your team can create a completely
separate application and inject that into the old application via iframes.
The two applications can communicate and exchange events or data in
different ways, such as by using post messaging.4

Another option is to keep the two applications completely separated,
hosted on two different servers, and put a proxy in front of them. While
your team converts the old application, they tell the proxy to switch from


Chapter 9 Frameworkless Refactoring: StranglerFigApplication Pattern

some routes from the old application to the new one. This approach is
particularly beneficial if your team does not need to modify the behavior
of the existing application but instead needs to create a new part of the
application that could be isolated very quickly.

This chapter covered how to refactor an application based on
an obsolete framework to a frameworkless application using the
StranglerFigApplication pattern. While the examples shown in this
chapter focus on frameworkless code, the same technique could be used
to move from one framework to another.


Defending from
The previous chapter explored the StranglerFigApplication pattern,
which is a way to rewrite a legacy application from the inside, substituting
new pieces along the usual new feature development flow. This chapter
covers how to build an application by mixing frameworkless code and
code based on frameworks, as well as how to create a stable codebase that
does not need considerable refactoring to remove a framework or parts of
it that are no longer required.
Before doing that, I need to explain the meaning of the title of this
chapter: defending from frameworks. To do that, I want to start with a
concept I covered in Chapter 1: technical debt. In a nutshell, technical
debt is the difference between the perfect application (from a technical
point of view) and your actual codebase. Every shortcut or decision that
can give a team a speed boost but sacrifices quality adds something to the
heap of technical debt, especially when the code is out of your control.
For this reason—not being in control—frameworks can also become a
part of technical debt. But, as I briefly explained in Chapter 1, sometimes
shortcuts (and frameworks are, in fact, “shortcuts”) are necessary to bring
a solution to the market in time. In this case, it becomes what I call a
“technical investment.”

© Francesco Strazzullo 2023 241

F. Strazzullo, Frameworkless Front-End Development,
Chapter 10 Defending from Frameworks

Figure 10-1. Technical debt

Now let’s try to analyze what “defending from frameworks” means.

Defending from what? From over-indebtedness. The phrase “defending
from frameworks” suggests that developers should avoid relying too much
on frameworks or, to explain my point better, they should avoid relying on
all the framework features.
In the next chapter, you learn about a tool that’s used to classify
frameworks based on whether they are “general purpose” tools. But, as
a rule of thumb, frameworks are huge and usually bloated compared to
what a development team needs. This chapter and its considerations are
critical because going fully frameworkless is—most of the time—not a
viable option due to constraints like time, budget, or the need to recruit
developers in the market. Working with frameworks should not be
considered a black-or-white approach—choosing a framework or going
frameworkless—but more as a scale of grays when the team is responsible
for defining its strategy, as shown in Figure 10-2.

Chapter 10 Defending from Frameworks

Figure 10-2. The “defending from framework” strategy

To conclude, defending from frameworks means carefully choosing

which features are useful for your scenario and which just add debt that
someone has to pay in the future. I call the “defending from framework”
strategy the actual list of features that a team chooses to use and the one
they will build from scratch.

Classify Framework Features

Throughout this book, I covered the essential features of front-end
frameworks and explained how to implement them with vanilla JavaScript,
and this is what I called the “frameworkless toolkit.” What I do in this
chapter is analyze each of them from two different points of view:

• The amount of debt generated

• The effort required to use a frameworkless solution

This analysis aims to help you define your “strategy” in defending from
a framework or, if you prefer, finding your position in Figure 10-2. The
analysis of the effort is based on my experiences and the skills of the teams
with which I have collaborated over the years. Different teams can incur

Chapter 10 Defending from Frameworks

completely different levels of action. Also, the features I choose to analyze

are arbitrary; every team should decide to split up the features based on
what they need or want to explore. Some teams may want to question if
creating a rendering engine is an option. Other teams that need to rely on
some particular protocol for server communication might want to analyze
that specific aspect.

Rendering/Event Management
The first analysis covers rendering and event management; while they are
two different topics, they need to be considered as one in this scenario.
It is challenging—and usually very inefficient—to build a frameworkless
event management system on top of an existing rendering framework or
vice versa.

Technical Debt: High

Rendering is the core of front-end applications; they live to display data
to the user and react to their inputs. This aspect of front-end applications
makes the rendering code of a framework the most difficult to “remove,”
precisely because of the importance of this aspect. Removing the
rendering part of a framework means removing the entire framework from
the codebase. As explained in Chapter 9, this is no easy task.

Effort: Highest
Rendering is hard. Efficient rendering is even harder. As a rule of thumb,
the effort to build a frameworkless rendering engine is high. To evaluate
the effort needed to develop your rendering engine, your team should
determine the functional requirements of their application. From a

Chapter 10 Defending from Frameworks

rendering point-of-view, building an ERP1 software with many tables/

detail pages is completely different from creating a real-time chat or a
streaming service.

HTTP Request
Technical Debt: Low
As I mentioned in the previous section, front-end applications are all
about showing data. Usually, this data comes from a web server via HTTP
request, most of the time using the REST architecture with JSON payload.
So, receiving and sending asynchronous data is crucial, just like rendering.
If the codebase is written using some clean code practice, the HTTP layer
should be covered by an anti-corruption layer, hiding the implementation
based on frameworks. Just this simple precaution can keep the technical
debt under control.

Effort: Lowest
Thanks to the fetch2 API, which is now available on all browsers, creating
a frameworkless HTTP requests layer is quite straightforward. Things can
become more complicated if you’re using GraphQL3 architecture or your
application relies heavily on socket communication.


Chapter 10 Defending from Frameworks

Technical Debt: Medium
Routing is the nervous system of an SPA. When changing the framework
in an existing application—or removing it, as in Chapter 9—a team usually
works “route by route,” changing the application one page at a time. But
the piece of a codebase that manages which page is shown at which
URL, the routing, is the last piece to be changed. I witnessed some huge
refactoring that removed old frameworks almost entirely; the only part
left was the routing system. This is usually the case when working on a
very large application with hundreds of routes. Changing all of them can
become quite challenging. But in any case, the cost of keeping a “zombie”
framework just for the routes is manageable.

Effort: Low
The interesting thing about building your routing system is that the
complexity of the code is constant; it does not depend on the size of
the application. The code shown in Chapter 7 can serve an extensive
application without any problem.

State Management
Technical Debt: Highest
State management is where the “magic” happens, where all the code
related to a software’s specific use cases—generally called the “business
logic”—resides. Binding that kind of code to a particular framework
skyrockets the technical debt. Suppose the application is big enough

Chapter 10 Defending from Frameworks

and not using techniques like hexagonal architecture.4 In that case, your
business logic will become a mess bundled with framework code, which is
incredibly difficult to untangle.

Effort: Low
As demonstrated in Chapter 8, creating a custom state management
strategy is quite simple. Actually, it can also be simpler. You can just create
simple vanilla JavaScript objects that represent your business logic and
link them to the existing framework before building a state management
layer for consistency. But a group of POJOs5 is all a team needs to work
with small to medium applications.

Visualizing Your Strategy

As explained, the features analyzed here and the level of effort needed are
not written in stone, and they greatly depend on the application to build
and on the skill level of the team. But in any case, using the “technical
debt” and the “effort” aspects, this section compares every feature and
puts them on a map called the framework strategy map, as shown in
Figure 10-3.

POJO stands for “Plain Old Java Object” but is also used for the JavaScript
ecosystem (

Chapter 10 Defending from Frameworks

Figure 10-3. Framework strategy map

Visualizing framework features on this kind of map makes it easy

to compare them and define a strategy at the beginning of developing
a new product. A simple—yet very effective—way to create a plan is
what I call “cut off and prioritize.” The mechanism is straightforward;
considering your team skills and constraints like deadline or budget, you
draw a horizontal line called the framework cut-off line. The framework
will provide everything that is over the line. All the items under the line
will be numbered from right to left—from the most high level of debt to
the lowest—thus creating a priority. When the team starts working on
the product, they will begin working on specific features using those
priorities. An example based on the data from Figure 10-3 is shown in
Figure 10-4.

Chapter 10 Defending from Frameworks

Figure 10-4. Framework strategy map (2)

Looking at Figure 10-4, it’s quite easy to explain the team’s strategy
derived from the map:

“The framework will provide routing and

rendering. During development, we will use a state
management architecture that we will build. If we
have enough time, we will also build the HTTP
Request layer, or we will use a dedicated library
separated from the original framework.”

The real power of these kinds of visual tools is that they can sum up
hours of conversation in a couple of seconds. They work much better than
pages of documentation when talking about architectural decisions.

This chapter explored the meaning of “defending from frameworks”
and used a simple exercise based on a visual map to define a framework
strategy shared by team members.


The Right Tool for

the Right Job
Programming is a social activity.
—Robert C. Martin

In the previous chapters, you learned about the frameworkless toolkit

pieces. You know how to render DOM elements, manage user input, make
HTTP requests, implement a client-side routing system, and manage
the state of your application. You’re now ready to create a complete
frameworkless front-end application from scratch.
This final chapter helps you answer the question, “Now that I can
work effectively without frameworks, when should I do that?” Or, more
generally, “Which framework, if any, should I use for this product?”
In a nutshell, this chapter discusses choosing the right tool for the right
job. It will do that by defining a list of principles that you should consider
when making a technical decision and a collection of practical tools based
on these principles.

© Francesco Strazzullo 2023 251

F. Strazzullo, Frameworkless Front-End Development,
Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

JavaScript Fatigue
If you are a front-end developer, you probably heard the expression
“JavaScript fatigue”. JavaScript fatigue was coined around 2016 to express
the frustration generated by the inability to keep up with the latest
JavaScript libraries or frameworks. For newcomers, JavaScript fatigue can
be very hard to manage; they may feel overwhelmed by all the possibilities.
There are several reasons behind the constant change in the JavaScript
ecosystem. The most important is that JavaScript now runs almost
everywhere. Besides the browser and its natural environment, JavaScript
runs on servers, thanks to Node, and in many other environments like
mobile applications, blockchain, IoT, and so on. Jeff Atwood stated in the
so-called Atwood’s law that:
Any application that can be written in JavaScript will eventu-
ally be written in JavaScript.
For now, the rule is still valid. Table 11-1 is a non-comprehensive list
of areas (excluded the front-end) where JavaScript could be used; for every
area, I also include an example tool with a link to the project’s home page.

Table 11-1. JavaScript Ecosystem Cheat Sheet

Tool Link

Back-end Node.JS

Ethereum blockchain Truffle Suite
Mobile applications React Native
IoT Johnny-Five
NES programming Nesly
Machine learning TensorFlow
Alexa Skill ASK (Alexa
Skill Kit) skills-kit-sdk-for-nodejs

Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

Limiting the reasoning about the “fatigue” only to the front-end,

there are a lot of options out there. In addition to the three mainstream
frameworks—Angular, React, and Vue—many small libraries solve specific
problems. In previous chapters, you learned about some of them, like
Redux for state management and Navigo for routing, but they are just the
tip of the iceberg.
I don’t like the expression “JavaScript fatigue.” I am delighted to
have a lot of choices in my ecosystem. This book would never have been
published if I hadn’t had the opportunity to study the code of React,
Angular, and so on. Frameworks and libraries are great for learning. So,
the more frameworks you have, the faster you can learn new paradigms,
and the competition between libraries raises the bar, feature by feature. I
love to call this period the “JavaScript Renaissance,” a great moment to be a
JavaScript developer.

The “Right” Framework

Why did I start this chapter with a section about the JavaScript
Renaissance? Because with the fantastic opportunities this ecosystem
gives developers also comes a challenge: Choosing the suitable framework.
I hope that this chapter can help you and your team with this task.
Remember that whenever I discuss choosing a framework, I always put a
frameworkless option on the table.

Tip When choosing a framework, always consider a frameworkless

option. You may notice that frameworks are not giving you any
advantage in that particular scenario.

With “choose,” I don’t mean just to select a framework from a list but
to analyze and apply some decision-making techniques in a structured
way. Because of the magnitude of the decision-making topic, this chapter

Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

introduces some basic principles that should drive you to choose a

framework. If you want to study decision-making in depth, here are some
books that I suggest you read:

• Decision Making For Dummies by Dawna Jones (www.

• The Thinker’s Toolkit: 14 Powerful Techniques for

Problem-Solving by Morgan D. Jones (

• Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman (www.

What does the “right” framework mean? One of the definitions that
you may find in the dictionary states:

True or correct as a fact.

But can a framework be correct as a “fact”? I don’t think so. There

is probably more than one “right” framework for your project. So I will
change the challenge from “choosing the right framework” to “choosing
a good enough framework.” By good enough, I mean one that helps your
team achieve its goals.

Tip If a framework seems good enough, you should stop searching.

Trying to find the perfect match may cost you a lot of time.

Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

So, throughout the rest of this chapter, I talk about “how to choose
a good enough framework” instead of the differences between React,
Angular, and so on. I do that because I firmly agree with one of the main
points of the Agile Manifesto:1

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.

—Agile Manifesto

In other words, I want to focus on the team making that decision and how
they interact. Therefore, the challenge becomes “choosing a good enough
framework in the right way.”

The Frameworkless Manifesto

As explained in the front matter, this book is related to the frameworkless
movement: A group of developers interested in developing without
frameworks and in making mindful technical decisions. In the Manifesto2
of the Movement, you can find the principles that drive the people who
believe in the frameworkless movement when making technical decisions.
This section analyzes these principles, explaining how they can be
useful in your day-by-day job.

The First Principle

The first principle states that:

The value of software is not the code itself but in the reasons
behind the existence of that code.


Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

In other words, to make mindful decisions about software (like

choosing a framework), you should clarify the reasons that a team is
building software in the first place. A way to know these reasons is to
consult the Business Model Canvas (BMC) of your project. A BMC is a way
to visually represent how the company wants to make money from your
software. You can download an empty Canvas at this website,3 and if you
want more information, you can read the book, Business Model Generation,
by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur.4
This canvas is composed of nine “blocks” that, when filled, give a lot of
information at a glance. For example:

• Customer segments: Which customers your company

is trying to serve

• Value proposition: The products (or services) that your

company offers to meet the needs of the customers

• Key activities: The essential activities needed to

develop the value proposition

• Key resources: The necessary resources to develop the

value proposition

As you may imagine, your technical decisions should be influenced by

the information that you get from the BMC.

Tip If your company does not have a BMC for your project, try to
create one. It contains a lot of helpful information.


Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

The Second Principle

The second principle states that:

Every decision should be made considering the context.

A good choice in a given context could be a bad choice in
another one.

This principle may seem quite apparent at first, but the main problem
is to define the “context” of a software. A method that I find really
compelling is to use a list of non-functional requirements (NFR). We all
know what a functional requirement is: A way to define what the software
should do. Usually, they come in the form of user stories; for example:

As an anonymous user, I want to log in, so that I can access

the premium area.

NFRs are a way to define how a software should be instead of what it

should do. Take a look at this second version of the user story:

As an anonymous user, I want to log in, so that I can access the

premium area in less than one second.

As you can see, in this new version of the user story, it’s beneficial
to understand if you are doing a good job developing the Login feature
of the software. In this case, the software should be performant enough
to let the users log in in less than one second. Table 11-2 shows a
non-comprehensive list of NFRs; for a complete list, you can consult
Wikipedia’s entry about non-functional requirements.5


Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

Table 11-2. Partial List of NFRs

Accessibility Maintainability Extensibility

Performances Wow-Effect Portability

Evolvability Customizability Testability
Deployability Credibility Reusability

The NFRs are a crucial aspect to keep in mind when making any kind
of technical decision. Two software programs with the exact functional
requirements but different NFRs need different technologies. Alas, NFRs
are usually entirely ignored when describing software.

Caution You can’t rely only on functional requirements to make

mindful technical decisions. Keep NFRs in mind as well.

The Third Principle

The third principle states:
The mindful choice of a framework is a technical one and
should be made by technical people, taking business needs
into account.

This is a critical point. Choosing a framework is a technical decision,

and so is a responsibility of a technical team. But to make a mindful
decision, you must consider business needs. For example, if you work for
a startup, shortening the time to market (TTM) is crucial to get customer
feedback. You need to reach a compromise between quality and the
velocity required for a short TTM.

Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

The Fourth Principle

The fourth principle states:

The decision-making criteria that led to the choice of a frame-

work should be known to all the members of the team.

This last principle is not directly related to “how” to make technical

decisions. Nevertheless, it’s a very important one. All the members
(not just developers) of your team should know the criteria that led to
a particular decision. This is very important because, after some time,
it’s hard to judge the result of a decision without knowing the original
context. When somebody enters a brownfield project, they usually have a
lot of questions about the architecture and tools chosen to work. Without
knowing the criteria that brought the team to that decision, they are blind.
They can mindlessly accept the decisions without questioning them, or
they can mindlessly change them. Both of these scenarios are far from
ideal; developers should not make any kind of decisions blindly.
A beneficial tool that tries to address these problems is the Lightweight
Architecture Decision Records (LADR). LADR is a way, developed by
Michael Nygard,6 to keep track of all the meaningful decisions that are
made during the lifespan of a project. For every architectural decision
that the team make, an Architectural Decision Record (ADR) is created.


Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

This ADR is a numbered markdown file that should be kept in the project
repository. You can see an example of ADR on GitHub.7 Every ADR should
contain the following:

• Title

• Context (discussing, accepted, deprecated,


• Decision

• Status

• Consequences

None of these ADRs should be deleted, even if the decision that they
talk about is not valid anymore. In that case, a new ADR is created to state
the new decision and the status of the old one is changed to superseded.
When a new member of the team enters the project, they should read all
the ADRs present in the repository.

This section covers a very small collection of technical decision-making
tools that you can start using every time you need to choose whether to
work with a framework.


Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

Matteo Vaccari’s Tool

This tool,8 created by my friend Matteo Vaccari, is handy for classifying a
list of libraries/frameworks that you’re evaluating for your project. Place
every library on a two-axis graph, like the one shown in Figure 11-1.

Figure 11-1. Matteo Vaccari’s tool

After you place all the elements on the graph, you can use the tool to
develop a strategy:
• Upper-left quadrant: These elements are good
candidates for a frameworkless approach if you have
the time to build the same features from scratch.
• Upper-right quadrant: These elements should be
included in your codebase. Nevertheless, remember to
write an interface around them.


Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

• Lower-right quadrant: You may decide to add them to

the codebase or to study them in order to move them to
the lower-left quadrant.

• Lower-left quadrant: You should avoid putting them

in the codebase. If something is general purpose, it’s
usually hard to remove later.

Of course, what you just read is not a strict rule. There might be
exceptions that you need to discuss with your team.

Trade-off Sliders
This tool helps your team visualize the context of your software which, as
covered in the previous section, is an essential element to making mindful
decisions. When working with this tool, the first task is to choose four or
five metrics that you want to compare. Most of the time, I use Quality,
Scope, Budget, and Deadline, but you can select other metrics if you think
that they can be helpful for your project. After that, order these metrics
by decreasing “negotiability.” You may need to sacrifice the other ones to
protect the metrics you put on the top of the list.
Start with a silent voting phase, where each person writes their list and
then starts a discussion to reach a consensus on the final list. You should
obtain something similar to Figure 11-2.

Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

Figure 11-2. Trade-off slider

When using this tool, you should also involve your managers. You
need their point of view on these metrics, and they need to understand
that in order to achieve something, you need to sacrifice something else.
The name “trade-off sliders” is not accidental; every decision is usually the
result of a trade-off of different aspects.
This simple “game” gives the team a lot of helpful information about
frameworks. If your first concern is the deadline, you probably have to
choose the framework your team knows better. This version of the trade-­
off sliders differs slightly from the standard one; you can read about the
original one on Atlassian’s website.9


Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

Tip Every project has its trade-offs. Use this tool to visualize them
and help all the members of the team act accordingly.

Architecture Compass Chart

I created this tool specifically to help teams choose frameworks. It helps
to visualize your project’s most important NFRs and their relationship.
This tool is meant to put together developers and managers in the same
meeting, just like trade-off slides. The first step is to choose the five most
important NFRs and place them on a radar chart, as shown in Figure 11-3.

Figure 11-3. Empty architecture compass chart

Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

There are different ways to choose the NFRs to put on the chart.
Table 11-3 shows some of the tools that I use with links to instructions.

Table 11-3. Tools to Choose NFRs

Tool Link

Agile retrospective

SWOT analysis
Impact mapping
Lego serious play

Now you have to vote the importance of each NFRs on the chart
(voting from 1 to 5), reaching consensus among the team. You may use
a technique similar to the planning poker.10 Each person calls their vote
simultaneously, and then people with high and low votes talk to justify
their vote. Then repeat this procedure until you reach a consensus. The
result of these votes should be placed on the chart, as in Figure 11-4.


Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

Figure 11-4. Filled architecture compass chart

The technical team can now use this chart as a “compass” to choose a
framework. For each framework that they want to evaluate, they can create
a new chart and see how it fits on the compass, as shown in Figure 11-5.

Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

Figure 11-5. Architecture compass chart with a fitness check

The most crucial advantage of this tool is to drive the discussion of the
tech team toward topics that are useful for the project. In a lot of teams that
I helped, everyone was talking about performance. When I talked with the
managers, they said that performance was unimportant for their customer
segments. This tool helps to avoid these anti-patterns.

Other Tools
There are many other tools you can use when choosing a framework
or making any other technical decision. These tools should gather
information from these four areas:
• Identity (“who are we?”)

• Market (“who are our users?”)

Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

• Value (“what should the software do?”)

• Context (“How should the software be?”)

Figure 11-6 shows the relationship between these areas and decisions.

Figure 11-6. Technical decision-making landscape

Table 11-4 shows a list of tools. Some of them were covered in the
previous sections of this chapter.

Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

Table 11-4. Decision-Making Tools

Area Tool Link

Identity Elevator Pitch

Five Whys Analysis
Delegation Board
Stakeholder Map
Market Business Model Canvas
Customer Interview
Customer Journey Mapping
Value Proposition Canvas
Value Event Storming
Impact Mapping
Lean Value Tree
User Story Mapping

Chapter 11 The Right Tool for the Right Job

Table 11-4. (continued)

Area Tool Link

Context Trade-off Sliders

Architecture Compass
Chart framework-compass-chart-
SWOT Analysis

This last chapter talked about the importance of decision-making
principles when choosing a framework or making any other technical
decision. You explored some technical decision-making anti-patterns
and the problems that they can bring to your organization. The chapter
analyzed the principle behind the frameworkless movement and talked
about some tools that can help you and your team make mindful technical

A connectedCallback method, 100
Custom elements API
add and renderRoot methods, 56
addEventListener method, 72
Callback, 100–103
addItem function, 89
connectedCallback, 97
addItem handler, 88
custom events, 105–111
addRoute method, 162
disappearing frameworks,
AngularJS, 21–25, 149, 227, 232
121, 122
animate method, 12
HTML tags, 96
Apollo Client, 12
managing attribute, 98–100
applyDiff function, 60, 61
vs. rendering functions
Architectural Decision Record
code style, 120
(ADR), 259, 260
community, 121
Architecture compass chart, 264,
portability, 120
265, 267
testability, 120
Array’s push method, 204
TodoMVC application,
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
111–115, 117–119
(AJAX), 123
virtual DOM algorithm, 103, 104
CustomEvent, 77, 78
100–103, 106
Atwood’s law, 252
B data-component attribute, 53, 55
Decision-making techniques, 253
Business Model Canvas (BMC), 256
Decision-making tools, 269, 270
Defending from frameworks
C features, 243
cloneNode method, 46 technical debt, 242
Color attribute, 99–101 technical investment, 241
© Francesco Strazzullo 2023 271
F. Strazzullo, Frameworkless Front-End Development,

Defending from frameworks (cont.) Event-driven architecture

visualizing strategy, 247–249 (EDA), 205
diff algorithm, 59, 61 Extreme Programming (XP), 66
Disappearing (or invisible)
frameworks, 121, 122
Document Object Model
(DOM), 33 Fragment identifier
DOM events API definition, 150
addEventListener, 68–70 example, 150–155
custom events, 77, 78 navigation program, 155–157
event delegation, 91–94 route parameter, 157–165
event object, 70–72 Frameworkless toolkit
keyboard events, 66 HTTP request, 245
lifecycle, 67, 72–76 rendering/event
properties, 67, 68 management, 244
TodoMVC application routing, 246
event handling state management, 246, 247
architecture, 85–90 strategy, 243
events, 79 Frameworks
rendering engine, 80 angular decisions, 6
template element, 81–85 frameworkless animation
library, 13
language, 6
E observables, 6, 7
Event Bus React, 8, 9, 12
definition, 205 technical debt, 15–17
EDA, 205 web animations API, 10,
example, 205 11, 14, 15
frameworkless implementation, elements, 1
208–213, 215, 217 vs. libraries, 2–5
ITEM_ADDED event, 206 strategy map, 247, 248
model structure, 207 system of rules, 5
pattern, 206 Front-end application, 251
Redux, 217–220 Front-end ecosystem, 19


Front-end frameworks REST, 126, 127

Angular, 24, 25 to-do list REST server, 124, 125
Angular and React,
comparing, 27
AngularJS/Backcone.js/ I
Ember, 21–23 iframes, 238
jQuery, 20, 21 Injectable annotation, 4
Next.JS, 30 isNodeChanged function, 61
React, 26
Svelte, 28, 29
timeline, 19
J, K
tools, 31 JavaScript fatigue, 252, 253
web components, 27
G Lightweight Architecture Decision
getAttribute method, 98 Records (LADR), 259
getState method, 182
GitHubAvatar, 105
GitHub repository, 38 M
Matteo Vaccari’s tool, 261, 262
Model View Controller (MVC), 21,
H 177, 187, 220
hashchange event, 154 Mozilla Developer Network, 66
href attribute, 171
HTTP requests
AJAX, 123, 124 N
code examples Navigo, 150, 172, 175
fetch, 140–143 Next.JS, 30
HTTP clients, 128–131, 133 Non-functional requirements
review architecture, 143, 144 (NFR), 257, 258
XMLHttpRequest, 128, notFound function, 154
133–135, 137, 139, 145 npm package, 124


O, P monitoring performance
Chrome developer
Observable model, 191, 194
tools, 36–38
onclick property, 67
custom performance
on* properties, 67
widget, 39, 40
stats.js widget, 38, 39
Q tools, 36
querySelector method, 36 pure functions
application dynamic, 44
R component functions, 51–57
React, 8, 21, 24, 26 controller, 47
React community-created DOM element, 46
libraries, 12 rendering schema, 48
React Extensions for JavaScript reviewing code, 48–51
(RxJS), 196 TodoMVC, 44, 45
Reactive programming, 221 TodoMVC App structure, 43
model, 196–200 Render method, 188, 193
proxies, 201–204 Representational State Transfer
RxJS, 195 (REST), 126–128
state management library, 196 “Right” framework, 254
React Router, 12, 174 Routing, 246
Redux, 26, 177, 217, 218 fragment identifier, 150
Redux DevTools, 220 history API, 166
removeEventListener method, 70 cheat sheet, 167
Render cycle, 188 links, 170–172
Rendering router built, 167–169
DOM, 33, 34, 36 without fragments, 170
dynamic data Navigo, 172–174
examples, 57 React router, 174
virtual DOM
approach, 58–64
functions S
pure, 41, 43 Server-side rendering (SSR), 30
TodoMVC, 41, 42 setAttribute method, 98, 101


Single page applications (SPAs), moving services, 232–234

21, 29, 147 original application,
AJAX, 147 228–230, 232
definition, 147 Web Components, 235–237
high-level architecture, 149 frameworkless application, 239
web application front-end application, 225
architectures, 148 setting stage, 226
start method, 153 solution, 227
State management, 246 String.matches method, 162
characteristics, 220 Style property, 36
event bus, 205
model view controller, 177
model object, 184–186
observable model, Timeout property, 137
188, 190–195 Time to market (TTM), 258
parts, 187 TodoMVC, 41, 111
pattern schema, 187 todos model object, 131
render cycle, 188 Trade-off slider, 262, 263
TodoMVC application, TypeScript, 6
182, 183
updated version, 180–182 U
reactive programming, 195
updateItem methods, 182
Event Bus, 222–224
model view controller, 220 V
reactive programming, Valtio, 177
221, 222 Virtual DOM algorithm, 103
TodoMVC application, Virtual DOM approach, 58
reviewing, 178–180
loop, 85, 86 W, X
StranglerFigApplication pattern Web components
convertion strategies, 238 API, 95
example custom elements API, 96


Web components (cont.) Y

technologies, 95, 96 You aren’t Gonna Need It
window.customElements (YAGNI), 66
property, 97
World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C), 96 Z
Wow effect, 24 Zombie framework, 246


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