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Heinrich Frings GmbH & Co KG 1/4

Biological and Chemical Technology

Jonas-Cahn-Str. 9 Phone: +49 22 8 98 33-0 eMail:

D-53115 Bonn Fax: +49 22 8 98 33-195 Internet:

Vinegar Infos
The modern Vinegar Plant - Planning and Realization

FRINGS has been investing a lot of work and money in small laboratory and as storage place for nutrients and
the development of processes and equipment for an spare parts.
economical production of vinegar, the famous condiment
and preserving agent already known to our ancestors Existing buildings can be adapted to the requirements
thousands of years ago. of modern production. FRINGS will be pleased to assist
with recommendations for necessary modifications.
During the past fifty years, more than 700 FRINGS
vinegar plants have been designed and installed or
modernized and adapted to the very latest standards of VINEGAR PRODUCTION PROCESS
fermentation technology to ensure cost-effective vinegar
production. An essential part of this impressive record The attached flow chart (ill. 2) illustrates the production
is the result of the work of our sales and service staff, of vinegar made from alcohol, grape wine, fruit wine,
whose experience in customer service and start-up of malt wine, and other raw materials.
vinegar plants all over the world is without parallel in our
industry. Both the experienced vinegar maker and the The diluted or denatured alcohol (or the wine if wine or
newcomer to the vinegar business equally profit from fruit vinegar is produced) is stored in tank I.
our know-how and practical experience.
In tank II this alcoholic liquid (alcohol concentration
FRINGS not only builds the ACETATOR, the between 5% and 13%) is thoroughly mixed with about
sophisticated, fully automatic fermenter for the production 1% of acetic acid and with nutrients for the bacteria by
of natural vinegar, but also supplies the equipment which means of the FRINGS mixing unit which guarantees a
adapts your vinegar plant to state-of-the-art technology: uniform distribution of all components. The water used
for mash mixing must have drinking quality and must be
- cross-flow filters for sterile vinegar filtration absolutely free of all substances which may be harmful
- acid-proof rotary pumps to the fermentation process.
- mixing units for rapid liquid mixing
- laboratory equipment for raw material and vinegar For the production of spirit vinegar, tank II, the mash
testing or quality control tank, may be omitted, as the denatured alcohol, water,
- condensers and scrubbers for yield increase and nutrients can be added directly and automatically
and reduction of air pollution into the fermenter.
- acid-proof fittings and pipe work.
In the patented FRINGS fermenter, the ACETATOR, the
FRINGS nutrients for improved multiplication and health alcohol is now converted to acetic acid by acetic acid
of acetic acid bacteria guarantee optimum fermentation bacteria and oxygen. To start or restart (following
results in the production of spirit vinegar of up to 20% production standstills or failures) fermentation, a starter
acidity. or inoculation vinegar has to be added to the Acetator
contents (either via a pilot fermenter or by direct addition).
FRINGS offers turn-key vinegar plants: engineering and
production of equipment, installation, start-up, personnel The heat which is produced during the fermentation
training: all from one source! process must be dissipated by circulating cooling water
(not drinking water quality necessarily) with an ideal
temperature of between 10° and 24° C. If the water
BUILDING temperature is higher, or if insufficient quantities of cooling
water are available, a cooling tower or water chiller has
Illustration 1 is an example of an ideally designed new to be provided.
factory building, with a platform surrounding the production
area and offering access to all tanks from their tops. The As the fermentation process is seriously affected by
area should have a drain in order to facilitate cleaning interruptions in the electricity supply, however small, the
with water. A room fitted with lock and key serves as a provision of an emergency power plant is prudent.

© 2004 | Heinrich Frings GmbH & Co KG | Vinegar Infos | The modern Vinegar Plant - Planning and Realization | 1/4
Heinrich Frings GmbH & Co KG 2/4
Biological and Chemical Technology

Jonas-Cahn-Str. 9 Phone: +49 22 8 98 33-0 eMail:

D-53115 Bonn Fax: +49 22 8 98 33-195 Internet:

Vinegar Infos
The modern Vinegar Plant - Planning and Realization

The unfiltered or „crude“ vinegar is discharged into and All these factors - a selection only - play an important
collected in tank III. It is cloudy, as it contains acetic acid role for the choice of the ideal vinegar plant.
bacteria. In the FRINGS cross-flow filter this vinegar is
filtered in one step, without any fining or clarification Please answer the questions contained in the attached
agents. The almost sterile, clear vinegar is then pumped questionnaire, and we will be pleased to prepare a tailor-
into the storage tanks IV or V, subsequently diluted with made proposal for you.
drinking water to the desired strength and bottled. For
special local conditions, for instance in tropical countries,
or if the vinegar contains an unusually high amount of FRINGS offers unrivalled experience gained in the
extracts, additional pasteurization is recommended. supply and installation of hundreds of vinegar plants
worldwide. Contact FRINGS with confidence!


The table in ill. 3 lists the most important figures for a

vinegar plant, such as the alcohol quantity processed
per day or the vinegar quantity produced per year
according to the size of the ACETATOR and calculated
on the basis of 10% acidity.

The suitable tank volume, for instance, not only depends

on the ACETATOR size, but also on the type and quantity
of vinegar to be produced. For wine as starter material
a larger tank volume is required than for alcohol. Top
quality vinegar requires a longer storage and ageing
time following fermentation. The conditions of the
particular vinegar production, therefore, influence the
selection of the size, number, and location of the tanks
as well as the tank material (stainless steel, wood, or
synthetic material). The height of the production area
determines the selection of the size of the Acetator, while
adjoining buildings may be lower. The recommended
square area is a guideline figure only, which may be
lower if necessary. The figures for power and water
complete the table.

The pipe work for the crude and the finished products
should be laid in accordance with the size of the vinegar
plant. The material for both pipes and fittings must be
synthetic material or stainless steel. The material for
process and cooling water as well as for the electric lines
should be corrosion-resistant as well.

Fluctuations of the quality and availability of the raw

material as well as of the demand for the finished vinegar,
the available space, and the local conditions in general
will also have to be considered.

© 2004 | Heinrich Frings GmbH & Co KG | Vinegar Infos | The modern Vinegar Plant - Planning and Realization | 2/4
Heinrich Frings GmbH & Co KG 3/4
Biological and Chemical Technology

Jonas-Cahn-Str. 9 Phone: +49 22 8 98 33-0 eMail:

D-53115 Bonn Fax: +49 22 8 98 33-195 Internet:

Vinegar Infos
The modern Vinegar Plant - Planning and Realization
ABB.1: Gebäudeplan ILL. 1: Plan of Building
ILL. 1: Plan d‘ Edifice IL. 1: Plano del Edificio

© 2004 | Heinrich Frings GmbH & Co KG | Vinegar Infos | The modern Vinegar Plant - Planning and Realization | 3/4
Heinrich Frings GmbH & Co KG 4/4
Biological and Chemical Technology

Jonas-Cahn-Str. 9 Phone: +49 22 8 98 33-0 eMail:

D-53115 Bonn Fax: +49 22 8 98 33-195 Internet:

Vinegar Infos
The modern Vinegar Plant - Planning and Realization
ABB.2: Fließ-Schema ILL. 2: Cours de Production
ILL. 2: Flow Sheet IL. 2: Curso de Produccion

© 2004 | Heinrich Frings GmbH & Co KG | Vinegar Infos | The modern Vinegar Plant - Planning and Realization | 4/4

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