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Senior Engineer Mindset

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Senior Mindset

Senior Mindset
Dear reader,

Before you is a collection of essays written over my first few

years in Silicon Valley. They catalog the shifts in mindset that
lead to my biggest career growth. More autonomy,
responsibility, rewarding challenges, and money.

I hope they help you too.

Why senior engineers get nothing
Remember when you started your job, how was it?

Let me guess: the sheer amount of new things to learn was

overwhelming, you felt out of your depth, and your calendar
was open and free after the first week of onboarding activities.

Best part of starting a new job my friend 👉 You get to work. It’s
When you’re new life is great
Imagine a typical workday for a new team member:

10:00am – standup
10:15am – work on tickets
11:00am – quick chat to ask a question
11:15am - work on tickets
12:00am – lunch
12:30am – work on tickets
15:00pm - review PRs
15:30pm - break
16:00pm - work on tickets
18:00pm - done for the day

8 hour block of time, 30 minutes of meetings, 30 minutes of

PRs, a whole lotta coding. 😍

A good manager will put you on one long project. It’s the best
way to learn.

Get a big project and do it. You’ll explore the system, figure out
how pieces move together, and have a common thread to guide

New junior engineers get to work on parts of the same big

project over weeks and months. New senior engineers do the
whole thing.

Both are valid.

When you’re seasoned though
Now imagine what a typical day looks like for a seasoned
engineer my friend.

10:00am - standup
10:15am - unblock Susan
10:30am - meet with product manager
11:00am - quick chat to answer Bob’s question
11:15am - answer PM’s followup question
11:30am - code reviews
12:00am - lunch
12:30am - 1-on-1 to welcome new team member to team
13:00pm - 5 slack threads of questions
13:30pm - production bug
13:45pm - unblock Joe
14:00pm - meet with head of engineering
14:30pm - write tech specs for next month’s project
15:00pm - quick chat with PM to clarify something
15:15pm - continue writing specs
15:45pm - unblock Alice
16:00pm - work on tickets
16:15pm - notification in #bugs channel
16:20pm - work on tickets
17:50pm - catch up on Slack threads
18:15pm - done for the day

8 hour block of time, 2h45min of meetings, 45min of writing

tech specs, and an hour of coding. Never more than 30min of
focus time. 😅
And that’s why senior engineers get nothing done. They’re too
experienced and know too much.
How this happens to you
You start with writing code and delivering fantastic results.
You’re killing it and everybody loves you! Rock on.

Then your code hits production.

All code has bugs, yours too my friend, I promise.

Ownership takes time

As a professional software engineer, you maintain this code.
You are the owner.
When a bug happens in production, you look into it. You figure
out who best can solve it. Could be you, could be an upstream or
downstream system. You ensure the bug gets fixed.

That means you are in charge of communicating with

whomever stepped on the bug. Tell them you saw, loop them in
when it’s fixed, offer a workaround for right now.
Force multiplying takes time
As your knowledge of the system grows, your job shifts from
that of writing the code to that of force-multiplying others.

You can make others faster.

When Susan hits a problem, she can spend 3 hours Googling for
a solution, or 5 minutes asking you. When Joe can’t understand
a module, he can spend a day digging through the code, or 5
minutes asking you.

20 minutes of your time to save 7 hours for the team.

Your company will make that tradeoff every day. $40 of your
expensive time for $420 of everybody else’s time? Yes please.

When you complain you can’t get anything done 👇

Make sure your boss understands and values your force

multiplier work!

I’ve been in situations where all this was expected, but only
writing code was valued. That sucked.
What you can do to protect your coding
Do not become that ass who doesn’t answer questions or help their
You can use 2 broad strategies to protect your time:

1. Timeboxing
2. Optimization
Timeboxing is the strategy of blocking off your calendar for
specific types of tasks.

For example I have a meeting with myself every afternoon. 3pm

to 6pm is coding time. My calendar appears blocked off and no
meetings get scheduled.

When you do have meetings, schedule them all in the same part
of the day. Back to back.

Nothing worse than a 15min stretch of time between 2

meetings. Too long to waste, too short to do anything.

Same goes for Slack and email.

Have a time in the day where you go through all of slack. Ignore
notifications and questions for an hour, then answer everything
in 15min.

I find this hard to do but it’s good advice to give. 😇

Configure Slack so it never creates notifications and only dings

when you are mentioned or DM’d. It’s how you stay sane.
Remove all other notifications. Keep your computer in
DoNotDisturb mode.

The fewer pings you get, the easier it is to ignore everything

until your question-answering timebox.

Do not expect immediate replies, do not give immediate

replies. Let questions accumulate
How can you answer more questions faster?

Documentation my friend.

Nobody reads documentation do they? Out of date, hard to find,

impossible to understand without context. Easier to ask.

Here’s what you do:

1. Someone asks a question

2. Answer
3. Take 5min to write down your answer
4. Share publicly

Next time you get the same question, do this:

1. Find your answer

2. Spend 30sec validating it’s correct
3. Send link

With time folks learn to check documentation first. If they

don’t, you’re saving time by sharing pre-packaged answers.

Saving answers to your questions helps you too. 6 months from

now, you won’t remember why or how you did something. Look
it up in your notes. Make the notes searchable and shareable.

Ask good questions and help others ask good

Another optimization is asking good questions.

Problem with a library or framework? Google it.

Problem with our code? Ask.

Problem with how we’re holding a library or framework? Ask.

This is why you should avoid inventing everything from scratch

and use public open source libraries. The more your team can
learn from public resources, the less work for your seasoned
engineers. 😉

After that heuristic comes this magic question format:

Can you help me with this problem? Who is the best person to
ask? Here’s what happens and this is what I expected to
happen. I have tried X, Y, and Z to resolve the issue. I will be
blocked by this in N minutes.

Ask before you’re blocked, ask in public, present what you’ve

tried, explain what happens and what you expected to happen.

PS: Once upon a time I wrote a book called Why Programmers

Work at Night, which talks about how to be more productive as
an engineer. You might enjoy it and I should re-read it too.
What makes you a senior software
engineer anyway?
I used to think a senior engineer was someone who gets a
project, understands the context, puts their head down, and
gets it done.

Here’s an article I wrote 3 years ago 👉 Are you a developer or an

engineer? That’s a difference of some $20,000/year in salary 😉

You get an amorphous blob of a project. What you do next

defines you as an engineer or a developer. If you can take the
amorphous blob and turn it into:

action steps
a staggered delivery plan (perhaps)
opportunities for work in parallel
a clear Thing To Do First™
a well-defined Thing That Says You’re Done™

…then you are an engineer. If somebody else has to do that,

then you’re a developer.

That, I still think is true.

A developer, is someone who writes code, and an engineer is

someone who designs solutions using code and systems. With
some fuzziness around the edges between product and

Now here’s where it all changed for me and my career.

I used to think that “senior engineer” in Silicon Valley is just
what you’d call an “engineer” in the rest of the world. Because
titles are inflated and in San Francisco developers with 3
months of bootcamp experience are called engineers.

But no.

A senior engineer does so much more than just write code and
design systems.

People at DayJob.exe used to say “Eh you’re okay, super talented

engineer, but damn you’re hard to work with sometimes”
Now people who aren’t even on my team come up and say “Holy
shit you’re absolutely killing it, what changed!?”
Not much.
I still write the same code at the same speed make the same
bugs and constantly destroy production with my mistakes.

It’s the soft stuff.

I went from “hard to manage” to “doesn’t need to be managed

at all”. A skill I used to have as a freelancer that eroded during
my tenure as an employee. Oops
So how do you become a senior engineer?

Own the process. The whole process. Be the project manager you
want to see in the world.

What that means to you and your organization varies. It’s hard
to talk specifics. It’s the little things.

When product gives you a project, what happens next?

Do you wait for them to organize a kickoff meeting, make sure

you understand the spec, keep asking you about progress, make
sure you’re on time, look out for obstacles and help you clear
them? Do they pester you about setting up QA, getting it
through code review, and into production?

Or do you manage yourself.

You get the project. You read the spec. You ask questions.
Many questions. Until you are sure you understand both the
spec and the spirit of the spec.

If the spec doesn’t match its spirit, do you talk to product and
suggest improvements? Do you tell them hey this thing you’re
asking for doesn’t solve your problem, but this other thing

Once the spec is clear and solves the problem, do you

proactively find experts on the team to help with stuff you’re
less familiar with? Schedule a chat or whatever to learn about
their part of the system so you can do the things.

That’s what they’re there for by the way. Team members. They
want to help you.

Hiding in the basement trying to figure it all out on your own is

terrible team work. Yes, even if it means letting others work
without distraction.

Once you’re coding, do you provide regular progress updates?

Unprompted, unasked. Just a daily “Hey here’s what I did, here’s
where we’re at, this is when I think we’ll finish”.

Certainty makes the difference

That certainty that stuff is happening and that when stuff stops
happening they’ll know immediately means the world to your

When you come to them and say “Yep gonna be done tomorrow”
or you say “Nope won’t be done, here’s why”. It relieves anxiety
like you wouldn’t believe.

If your manager can count on that little update at the end of the
day, they will never bother you with status updates ever again.
They’re not asking to annoy you, they’re asking because they
have no idea what’s going on.

And don’t worry about looking bad when you fall behind. Shit
happens. If there’s a good reason, they’ll understand. Maybe
help you prioritize better.

When you’re done, do you make sure your code gets tested, goes
through QA, gets reviewed and so on? Do you sit there and
pester politely follow up with people until you all checks are
donen? Do you work with QA and manage the whole process?

Basically: Can you cary a project from start to finish without

your manager’s input?

Then you’re a senior software engineer.

Bonus points if you can do this for a team building a larger

project together. Now you’re a team lead!
Computer science is not software
Wow, college was such a waste of time … when did you ever
invert a binary tree outside of an interview?

Honestly I never inverted a binary tree in college either ☹️

Maybe I skipped that day … I was a terrible student. The kind

who oversleeps 10 minutes and says “Ah screw it, might as well
not go to class today”
And despite working at it for 5 years and never graduating,[^1]
studying computer science was one of the best things I ever did
for my career. We talked about it with Noah Gibbs on his new
podcast, Computer Science: Just the Useful Bits. You should give
it a listen.

Computer science didn’t prepare me for software engineering.

This is true.

There were classes about engineering. Freshman year. Intro to

Java 101. Sophomore year, product management blow off class.

And that’s it. 5 years, 10 semesters, 40 classes. 2 on software

To be perfectly honest, the air of superiority in my college was …
thick. We looked down on software engineers.

We were computer scientists damn it! Going into industry is a

waste of talent. We’re here to advance the field!!

Then we discovered money. We all work in startups building

technically boring apps where the biggest challenge is how to
engineer this thing so a large team can work together without
killing each other 😅
Why study computer science then?
What I got from computer science are the timeless truths of our
field. And a lot of math.

Everything from how transistors work to proving equivalence

between different theories of computation. The understanding
that beats knowledge. The core truths that don’t change every 5

And that’s been invaluable my friend. It changed everything.

I started as a self-taught dev and I remember what it’s like.

When you know every tree in detail and don’t realize there’s a
whole forest. That trees work together. That they’re all the

A tree is a tree is a tree. Some have leaves, some have needles,

some are tall, some are short. And they’re all trees.

Just like JavaScript frameworks.

Some have JSX, some have templates, some split CSS and JS,
some merge it all together. Some like observers, others like
passing props. And they all make you faster.
How to get the most out of a comp sci
If you have a choice between a comp sci and a software
engineering career, go for comp sci. One prepares you for a
wide swath of careers, the other gives you tools for today.

Bootcamps in particular are all about get job NOW. Oh you need
skills that work 5 years from now? Good luck.

Comp sci is forever.

Well there was that one time I taught my databases professor

about NoSQL and he was shooketh. Asked me to do a seminar
and the entire class hated me when that material was on the

Next year NoSQL was part of the official curriculum 🤘

That was 2010. Now it’s 2020 and NoSQL is a strong you
shouldn’t use this unless you have a very specific use-case or
reason in mind.
Relational databases, a comp sci thing, are the default way to
store data for 50 years and counting.

Make sure you code on the side!

That’s the trick. That’s how you get the most out of your degree.
Apply your skills and knowledge in real time.
You can see the effect of that on my old articles. Like when I
built a Turing machine simulator in 133 bytes of JavaScript. Yes
it’s useless. Learned a lot though.

Even better if you can launch an app, get a freelance gig,

moonlight at an agency, anything that teaches you software
engineering. Engineering is best learned on the job.

If you’re an old fart like me, pick up a CS book once in a while.

Read an article. Study a paper.

Shannon’s A Mathematical Theory of Communication is a

fantastic paper with broad applications to modern web
engineering and systems. I read it every few years.
What if you never studied comp sci?
I bet you know more than you realize!

You pick up lots of computer science on the job. Things you

never even realized were part of comp sci.

Like the fact that you can’t parse HTML with Regex, or that
reading from a database is slower than from memory. Or that
you should have a cache and avoid slow operations.

And that async code is faster than sequential code, but never
faster than the slowest non-parallelized part.

I don’t have an answer for how to pick up computer science

later. And I don’t know that you need to. But it won’t hurt.

Try a textbook or a good paper like Shannon’s above (very

approachable). Tannenbaum’s Modern Operating Systems is a
great practical place to start.

You should listen to the full podcast episode with Noah Gibbs
where we talked about what comp sci was like for me and why I
think it was great.

[^1] I dropped out in 2012 after missing graduation by 2 credits.

The credits were in separate semesters and I’d have to stay in
school for a whole ’nother year. Decided to go full time on my
freelancing business instead.

PS: the credits were for a notoriously difficult freshman course

in low level computer architecture. CPU pipelines and such.
Prof was one of the college founders 💪
Your career needs a vision
In his book, The Art of Science and Engineering, Richard Hamming
says the key to a great career is vision.

He likens your career to a random walk. A meandering path through

the unknown where each step goes in a random direction.
A random walk

No matter how fast you walk, how often you change jobs, you’ll
never make it farther than the square root of the number of steps –

You can grind out more steps but it’s gonna be one hell of a grind.
You’ll burn out before you get anywhere.

Now look what happens when you add vision.

Random walk with a vision

Each step is random, but they’re 10% biased towards a vision. You
travel a distance proportional to n and go far!

You can try it yourself here:
What’s going on here
You can think of your career as a multi-variate optimization
problem. You’re looking for the best balance among the criteria you
care about.

For most people that’s a balance between income, freedom, impact,

and the rest of your life. The problem has no exact solution.

Computer science solves this class of problem with a hill climbing

algorithm. Neural networks use it to converge on a solution, for

Hill climbing algorithm

1. start at random spot

2. pick direction
3. take step
4. are you closer to the goal?
5. goto 2
You can’t choose your starting spot. That happened before you were
born. The rest is in your control.

How many steps do you take? How big are they? That decides how
fast you go and how many at-bats you get. The more attempts, the

Do you pick directions randomly? Follow every opportunity, chase

every lead, do whatever anyone asks?

That’s a random walk. No matter how big your steps or how fast, you
won’t get far.

But if you add a pinch of vision, a small bias towards your goal,
you’ll have a great career. My simulation has just a 10% chance of
making the right decision and look what happens.

Random walk with a vision

What’s your vision? Who do you want to be?

PS: the random walk visualizations were coded live on stream, if

you’re curious how they work, you can also see the source code on
Working IN your career vs. ON your
A reader recently asked me how they can do things next to
their demanding day job as a software engineer. Contribute to
GitHub, write blogs, give talks, be active in the community, and
maybe even sidehustle some money on the side.

You know, all the things that we look at and say, “That dude is
amazing! Rockstar! Much love 😍 How does she talk at 50
conferences per year wtf!?”
But first I want to answer why.

Why you should work ON your career, not just IN

your career
I’m borrowing a concept from Kai Davis, a famous consultant.
He talks a lot about the difference between working in your
business versus working on your business.

When you work in your business, you deliver value to clients.

When you work on your business, you deliver value to yourself.

Engineering careers are similar. There’s work that benefits

your employer: you go to meetings, you deliver code, you code
review, you help your team and act as a force multiplier, etc.
You do stuff that delivers value to others.

You build features for your users, and you make your boss
happy by showing up on time and going to meetings even
when you don’t really quite feel like it. Stuff like that.

This also builds experience, so it often feels like working on

your career. You’re solving problems you haven’t solved before.
You’re gonna solve them faster next time.

It improves your career a little.

If you want to improve your career a lot, you have to work on

your career. You have to do work that force multiplies yourself,
not just those around you.

For 1 unit of effort, how do you get 3 units of career growth?

How to work ON your career

There are many ways you can work on your career. Depends
what you want.

You can become a better engineer specialist through pet

projects. Explore some new tech, develop some new skills.
Watch talks, read blogs, go to conferences. Learn more skills.

Next time somebody needs a thing, you can say, “I can do

And your career as an engineer improves. You can do more

You can become a thought leader and rockstar 🤘 Give talks at

meetups and conferences, publish blogs, be active in the
community. This makes people know about you and how
awesome you are.
Now you’re a thought leader in some area or community.
People come to you for opinions and advice because they value
the way you think and approach problems.

And your career improves. When someone needs advice, they

think of you.

An easier way at the beginning, and harder when your projects

take off, is to work on open source. It’s a lot like giving talks,
but easier to fit in your schedule. Until you’re famous. Then it’s

Publishing open source projects makes you That Person Whose

Tools We Use™.

Now you’re not just telling people how to fish, you’re giving
them actual fish. This is a great place to be.
The more people use your tools, the more they will like you, the
more they will value your opinions. This can lead to speaking
opportunities, being generally known of in the community,
and sometimes even getting hired as a job perk for other
engineers because everyone wants to work with you.

And your career improves. People know of you, people rely on

you, they want to work with you.

You can be a connector. Go out and meet people. Introduce

people to each other. Make people comfortable in social
situations. Connect person who needs X with a person who
knows X.

This approach may sound silly. Bah, I’m an engineer, and

engineers are judged on their merits and their code!

But are they? We’re all humans, and we work in teams, and we
like to work in teams with people we like and enjoy spending
time with. Humanness matters.

An engineer who is good at social is a rare breed. Your career

will skyrocket. This is how you become a VP of Engineering.
You think they code? No, they deal with people.

The connector approach works best if you ever want to start

your own team. Oh, you need 5 engineers with skills in X, Y,
and Z? Yeah, I know them. I’m buddies with 10 of them. I’ll
have a team put together in 2 weeks.

And your career improves. People come to you when they need
help because they know you’ll point them in the right
Whatever it is, do something
Most importantly, you should do something that builds your
career, not just your code.
What a hockey legend can teach you
about career development
Say your boss gives you $1000 to grow your career. What do you do?

That’s what we talked about at an engineering growth lunch. A

weekly get-together with the engineering team. It’s like a
mastermind. We talk about careers, web technologies, share things
we learned, cool hacks we built, it’s great. Best part of the week.

So, $1000 for your career, what do you do?

You go to a conference, you buy a book, you do a video course, you

hire a coach, you attend a workshop, you get lost in the sea of
options, you …

Ideas fly back and forth. Ideas fill the room. Ideas up to your ears.
Everyone has plenty except our two most experienced engineers
who are silent.

“What do you want?”

The young guys look at us, ears cocked.
We can’t tell you what to do with your $1000, if you don’t know
what you want.

Conferences are great for seeing what’s out there and chatting with
smart people. Workshops are amazing for intense rapid learning on
something specific. Video courses and books are spectacular at
going in depth on a topic.

So what do you want? Where do you want your career to go?

They had never thought about that before.

Skate where the puck is going

Wayne Gretzky in his element

Wayne Gretzky once said

skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it has been

What made Gretzky a legend so big even people like me who never
watch sports know about him, is his uncanny ability to “consistently
anticipate where the puck was going to be and executing the right
move at the right time”[1].
Think about it.

The puck is moving. Flying. By the time you get there, you’re too

You gotta skate to where the puck is going to be. You can catch it
when it gets there. 🏑

Same goes for your career. And your skills.

To have a successful career, you gotta move where the industry is
going. Not where it’s been in the past. What you see right now,
that’s already the past.

The web moves fast.

From a sea of options, how do you choose
Ever heard of the adjacent possible?

It’s the idea that technology, biology, life in general, and your career
develops around its edges. When you gain a new skill, invent a new
tool, or pay off your loans, you expand your adjacent possible.

You push out the edge and reach further into the world. More ideas
become possible, more opportunities show up. All because you’re in
a better position to both see and use them.

I like to think of it as a stochastic search problem. Multivariate

optimization if you will.

There’s a lot that goes into a good career. And it’s different for

How much money are you making? Are you enjoying it? Are you
working with tech you like? Are you helping the world? Are you

The solution is always the same. It looks like this 👇

You look around and identify the tallest hill you can see.
What’s the hottest most sought-after technology right now? What
looks like it’s coming up fast? What problem are you most excited to
solve? What gets your fire going?

Go for it.

Climb until you reach the top. Until your progress starts to slow.
When you aren’t learning and growing, that’s when you’ve reached
the top.

You now have a better vantage point. You see further and wider.
You have more experience. Your adjacent possible is broader.

Look around, identify tallest hill, go for it.


Skate where the puck is going my friend

Where do you want to skate your career? at me 👇

How to grow as a senior engineer or
why I got a new job
When you’re starting out, growth is easy: Learn more about your
tools, discover adjacent tools, get better at doing.

Then what?

You reach a point in your career when growth stalls.

Your problems stop changing, your code stays the same quality –
good enough, ain’t nobody got time for perfect – your stack is static
and solves company needs. You’re spinning wheels solving similar
problem after similar problem.

Sometimes an exciting challenge crosses your desk.

5 minutes later you’re yanked to a production issue. Or a mentoring

question. Or a meeting with stakeholders. Or an urgent project that
ain’t got time for technology risk.

As the experienced engineer on Product X, you’re best suited for


Time to ask yourself

Do you want 5 years of experience, or 1 year of experience 5

If you ever worked at an agency, you’ll know this deep in your gut.
Every project is about the same as every other project. Details
change, requirements evolve, the industry moves, but a website is
just a website.

You might get faster, you might build tools, you may screen clients
better … but you’re building the same thing day in and day out. 🥱

So how do you grow?

Growing senior talent
Nurturing senior talent is a skill. An organizational skill. A skill
many organizations lack.

Engineers come in at junior to mid levels. Stick around for a few

years. Then leave.

And that’s okay.

Not every organization needs senior talent. You wouldn’t pay

someone an AI researcher salary ($500k+ in SFBA) to build a new
landing page every 2 weeks.

So what do you do my friend? There’s 3 ways to grow as a senior


1. management
2. entrepreneur
3. bigger company with bigger problems
4. become junior in new thing
Off-by-one errors notwithstanding, if you’re happy with 1 year of
experience 5 times. Go for it!

That’s a very pleasant way to lead your life. Pays well, easy to do,
leave work at work, spend time with the wife and kids and hobbies
and whatnot.

You do you.

For me that feels like death.

I need a constant supply of new exciting challenges. Especially

because coding is also my biggest hobby. You know, Hackers 😇

1) Management
As you become more experienced, start mentoring, and become a
force multiplier for others, companies will push you into

This is natural.

You’re already mentoring and helping out. You’re already thinking

about others’ productivity. Why not manage them too?

From a company perspective this makes the most sense.

Senior talent understands the company, understands the process,

and is bored with the problems. The company wants to try more
things in parallel, not necessarily harder things.

So the company hires a horde of juniors and mids to do the grunt

work that bores the seniors.

Who’s gonna manage that horde?

But beware: this is a new career.

2) Entrepreneur
You can always start a company. Consulting is a great option here.

Lots of new challenges, lots of new problems, lots of exciting new

things to solve. You’re gonna learn a lot.

But it won’t be about technology or engineering.

Each new consulting client will teach you a little more about your
craft. And a shitload more about consulting.

Each new product will make you a little faster at developing

products. And a shitload better at product management, marketing,
sales, copywriting …

Exciting, but a new career.

You might parlay this path into a principal engineer for hire. That
can be fun.

Waltz into a company, analyze their problems, tell them what to do,
champion some approaches, do some mentoring, then bounce. ✌️

3) bigger company with bigger problems

This path became clear one day in March while watching Formula 1:
Drive to Survive on Netflix.
Netflix - Formula 1: Drive to Survive - Official Trailer


If they’re good enough, they swim, they survive. And if they’re not
… the pressure builds … and builds … and builds ~ Mercedes Team

Mid-season drivers change teams. Negotiate new contracts. Make

plans for next year. 2019 was special because almost every driver on
the grid was up for re-neg. (documentary looks back 1 year) And you
know what most of them said? What was on their minds? Why they

I want to win. I know I got it in me. The fire is there. But this team
can’t get me there.

You enter F1 in a starter team. The back of the grid.

You’re an F1 driver, the pinnacle of racing, and that makes you elite.
But within F1, you’re a chump. You have potential. You have talent.

But you need to turn talent into mastery.

Your car can’t win. Your team can’t win. No matter how good you

Prove yourself and you get to upgrade.

One day you reach Mercedes, Ferrari, or Red Bull. Then you’re
fighting for the championship.

The top 3 change every few years and it’s never more than 3. If
you’re not driving for those, you ain’t got a chance.

Something similar happens in technology companies. Startups in


You can grow and grow and grow and then it just stops. You don’t
grow. You have nothing deeper to solve. No bigger problem. No
bigger concern.

Maybe the startup isn’t growing, maybe it grows by doing more not
deeper, maybe it doesn’t want to grow. Whatever it is, you can’t
grow my friend.

Time to switch.

4) become junior in new thing

So you want 1 year of experience 5 different times? 🤨

Great for diversifying your thinking. Learning Haskell had a huge

impact on how I write JavaScript.

But should I jump into iOS? Nah, I’ll never catch up.

You should expand, of course. Expand into adjacent fields. Fields

where your expertise can help. Fields where you can augment your
skills. Don’t throw it all away and become junior.

Or do, I’m not your mum.

Why engineers are worth so much
Your boss comes up to you and says “Yo we’ve got the perfect
project for you”

"We need new functionality in this feature and you’re the last
person to work on it. Means you’re the best fit
Didn’t I work on this 3 years ago?

“Yes, hasn’t been touched since”

And that’s why engineers are worth the big bux my friend. We
build assets.
How engineers build assets

Consider a typical job: You do the work, create value, get paid.

Service jobs are like that.

You go to the DMV, see the bored bureaucrat and you try to
lighten their day. Smile and a chitchat. Doesn’t work. Still

Now imagine it from their end.

You’re sitting in your chair all day having the same damn
conversations. These fools come up to you, all saying the same
stupid chitchatty words … yes you got in a wreck, no this never
happens to you otherwise, yes it was the other person’s fault,
yep the lines are long, yeah it’s wednesday, mhm weather sure
is nice … 🤮
You grab their papers, add the stamp, count there’s 3, say the
same old "Okay take these papers to window 5, tell them
Margarite sent you, ask for article 2a-dash-c, I added a postit note.
Then you go to …
Every day. Every week. Every month. For years.

You’d be grumpy too.

Compare that to an engineering job.

You get a project. You iterate with the product team, the design
team, the other engineers.

It’s a long and sometimes painful process. You bang your head
against the wall. Problem after problem. Issues always come up.

You ship to production and wish you never have to look at this
bullshit ever again.

And unlike the bureaucrat, you don’t!! You’re done.

Tomorrow brings a new challenge. A new project. New idea.

New everything. You’re using the same technology, building on
your past projects, sure, but you’re building something new.

That’s because you’ve created an asset.

An asset that’s going to keep doing its your job long after you’ve
moved on. After you’ve left the company even. Your code’s
gonna keep chugging along making cash.

That’s why engineers are worth 💰.

And lest you think we’re alone: Designers build assets when
they create design systems, marketers build assets with funnels
and email chains, managers build assets with improved
processes, entrepreneurs build assets with teams.

The trick is to do work that works when you don’t.

Use this concept to up your salary
Your value is in building assets. Now what?

Use that knowledge to increase your salary. In my 5 years of

books & courses or how I made \$369,000 on the side article, I
mention between the lines that day job income went from
$60,000 to $175,000 in 5 years.

That’s a 3x difference. 😇


Part of it is leverage. Having a sidehustle means I can negotiate

aggressively. Savings mean I can always walk away.

The big part is understanding your value and finding folks

who value it. That’s the trick.
Your work is worth different 💰 to different
You can do N hours of coding per day. When you’re done you’re
done. You can’t juice a squeezed lemon.

Who should you sell those value-creating hours to?

Let’s say you create a landing page. Standard work, nothing

hard. Direct revenue generating asset.

2000 visitors, 200 clicks, 20 purchases. 1% conversion, not bad.

Company A sells a $9 product. Company B sells a $90 product.

Your 5 hours of work are worth $180 to Company A and $1800

to Company B. Same 5 hours of work, same difficulty of effort.

Company C has a huge brand, massive traffic machinery, and a

$90 product. 2,000,000 visitors land on your new page on day 1.

👉 you created a $1,800,000 asset. Same 5 hours of easy effort.

PS: this is why SFBA has these crazy salary dynamics. There’s
more unicorns per capita than anywhere else in the world.
Why you should talk about engineering
Twitter went abuzz with engineers sharing their salaries. Then
everything turned to shit.

Why are all these rich fucks complaining about not being rich
enough?? TONE DEAF!

I’m on food stamps and these spoiled Silicon Valley engineers over
here sipping $12 lattes wearing $100 allbirds and complaining
about money on their $1000 iphone.

And that person is right. Engineers are spoiled. We live in a time

where our skills are highly sought after, deliver heaps of value, and
take lots of work to acquire.

Time to get paid, baby! Ka-ching

No seriously, that’s the trifecta of making money:

1. Skill that’s hard to acquire

2. Skill that delivers lots of value
3. Skill that everyone needs

Add to that a fast growing market and 🤑

But mention money and everyone loses their
Engineers are weird when it comes to money.

You’re supposed to love coding for the love of the coding. You’re
supposed to give most of your work away for free. You’re supposed
to be ashamed about how much money you make.

Fuck that.

Ever seen a lawyer give their work away for free? They won’t even
comp you a pencil.[1] What about a doctor? Or a dentist?
Fortune500 exec?

Those are the folks making 6 figures. You need to stop thinking like
a $10/hour barista, my friend.

But please do contribute to open source. The fate of every multi-

billion dollar tech unicorn rests on your free code.
Consider your value

The mindset shift I urge you to consider is this: It doesn’t matter

how hard or how much you work, it only matters how much value
they get.
I think that’s why engineers are squeamish about salary.

We think we’re overpaid. We think our work’s too easy. We come

from backgrounds where hard work is a virtue, physical labor is
king, doing stuff is the norm, and your boss is a jerk.

And all we do is sit there and type and think.

But YOU deliver tons of value. Tons.

Google, for example, makes $1.3 million dollars revenue per

employee. Some $300k of that is pure profit.

You don’t even have to work for Google. Any profitable company will
do. Hell, even unprofitable companies get tons of value from you in
investments and future returns on your work.

If your company bleeds money and not because they’re betting on

VC rocketship stuff … you should reconsider 😅
Why sharing salaries helps everyone
Ok so you’re being paid for value, your value is massive, and what’s
the point of sharing salaries?

Sharing your salary in public might hurt your negotiating position,

this is true. They’re gonna say “Yo you did this work for $X, why you
want $Y now?”
You are talking to a wage slave. Stop. Find someone else. Change the

It doesn’t matter that you did similar work for $X. The new company
is bigger, more profitable, and has more painful more expensive
problems. You are here to help and deliver more value.

That’s why you’re getting more.

And sharing your income could make people envious, jealous, feel
bad about themselves, etc. That’s the short term.

Long term those people will learn from you. They’ll be inspired.
They’re going to change their lives.

YOU can show them what’s possible.

HackerNews comments 10 years ago made me look at my income
and think “Why the fuck am I working for peanuts when folks just like
me in Silicon Valley are making bank? This shit whack”
I moved. Now I put more into savings every year than my just-as-
talented peers back home make in total salary. At least the ones that
aren’t freelancing remotely for US companies.
Without folks sharing how much they make, I’d still be stuck
building websites for $5/hour.

Thank you kind internet strangers.

In conclusion
Tell your friends how much you make. Figure out together how you
all can make more.

Just a $2000 salary increase can compound into $178,000 of

lifetime savings and that’s kinda crazy. source

Compounding impact of a $2000 salary bump

PS: you can see the full spreadsheet of salaries compiled from
tweets here: [click]. Data is kinda messy but very fascinating

[1] when you work with lawyers you’ll sometimes notice an invoice
for thousands of dollars of their time … oh and $20 for ink and
Should you work at a startup
“If you’re so good at this, why don’t you start your own business?”
"Dude, they pay me so much. Like so much. My skills are in such high
demand these days. You have no idea. Starting my own business
would be the dumbest thing in the world right now.
Press play, continue reading:

Chris Janson - “Buy Me A Boat” (Official Video)

It was 6 or 7 months ago at some sort of dinner at Red Dog in SoMa.

My friend likes to brag when you poke him, but he makes a good
point 👇

If you can get paid really well, have stable income, work on
problems you enjoy solving, and work in nice offices with free lunch
… why would you resist? Go be a normie.

Think about it. A software engineering job in BigTech pays

anywhere from $150,000 to unlimited. Some cash, some stock.
Another friend of mine sold his BigTech stock a year into his job.
Paid for an MBA program in New York cash. No debt, just 3 years in
Silicon Valley BigTech. Not even an engineer.

3 years, 2 jobs.

My engineering friend from Red Dog? I ran into him outside a

climbing gym the other day. 3rd job in 6 months.

That sounds like a lot, but we seem to run into each other at the
boundaries between his jobs.

You know how greetings work in Silicon Valley?

“Hey, how are you?”

“Good, you?”
“Killing it. You still at … what was it again?”
Seriously, first thing you ask. Are you still at the same job you had
last time we talked? Bonkers.
The modern Silicon Valley hustler is an
employee with the mindset of a freelancer
You get a job. You do the thing. You move on.

If you like the company and think it’s a rocket, you wait out your
vesting cliff. Maybe even the whole vesting period.

A business coach once told me that vesting is considered finished

for retention purposes when an employee hits 75%. That’s the point
where their vested stock outweighs what’s left to vest and they start

The way vesting works is that you get 4 years to gain the right to
purchase all of your stock for a discounted price. Those are options.
If you have RSUs, you buy your stock in advance and the company
has options. After 4 years the company loses its options on your

Financial mumbo jumbo.

Point is, you get 0% in the first year. Then you get 25% of your grant.
After that you accrue monthly until you hit 100% four years later.

This is how Silicon Valley companies retain their employees.

Work at the right company and you get to build your wealth and get
the big cash bucks at the same time. Don’t even have to save. But you
still should. Stock, especially not-public stock, is a lottery ticket.

But you’ll notice that recruiter reach-out spikes 1, 3 and 4 years

after you start a new job. At year 1 everyone’s asking “So are you
liking it?”, at year 3 and 4 everyone’s emailing you “Yo! New
opportunities, this is fun, come have fun with us! We know you’re
bored of your job!”
Startup vs. BigTech vs. Start Your Own
You went to an okay school, young with plenty of time, got the fire
in your belly for the hustle, really good at what you do. No or few
outside commitments.

You can start your own business or startup, get a job at a startup, or
go work in BigTech.

Here we define “business” as a bootstrapped company growing on

revenue: delivering value, making cash. No investment.

Startup is a VC-backed company at any stage before unicorn.

BigTech is a technology company that’s unicorn or public.

So what will it be?

BigTech is a job. You won’t love it. But you also won’t hate it. You’ll
put up with everybody’s bullshit, chant the company line about
changing the world while knowing deep down you’re just a
capitalist machine pumping data for money.

Your experience will depend on your boss. Get a great boss, have a
great job. Get a bad boss, hate your life.

When you climb through the ranks I’ve heard all sorts of great
things can happen. Some even get paid big bucks to do whatever
they want and work on open source. That’s nice.

Your big salary exists to keep you there. BigTech knows you’re there
for the money. This is a business relationship and there’s no bullshit
around that.

We pay you big big while you’re useful. Stop being useful, we drop
you like a hot potato.
Most common complaints I hear from friends:

this is boring, I’m bored

I have to fight 5 ranks of managers for a promotion
everything takes so long to get done
I’m not adding value to society
I have so many meetings I have to come early and stay late to get
my work done
I can’t tell how my work contributes
too much politics

A lot of those come down to bad managers.

Say you start with $150k and switch jobs every 18 months for the
standard 30% pay bump. Raises are crap because that’s 5%. You
gotta switch jobs to get a real raise. At the very least switch jobs

After 6 years you have: $329k/year compensation.

Your wealth and savings depend on which companies’ stock you’ve

got, how much you’ve sold, and how good you’ve been at avoiding
lifestyle inflation. I am confident that at $329k/year you can save at
least $150k every year.

Yes even living in San Francisco.

FIRE (financial independence retire early) in your 40’s for sure.

Startups are a job but not quite. Depends on the size of startup
you’re in.

Small startups just starting out, you’re gonna have a lot of fun
building cool shit with friends. You have control of what happens,
huge impact on company trajectory.

Bigger startups morph into BigTech. The bigger the company, the
less direct impact you have, the more layers of management, and
the less fun you’re having.

Your compensation is low compared to BigTech, but you get a

lottery ticket. This stock of yours, it’s going to make it all worth it in
the end. You’re suffering right now for that huge payout later.

In return, you have to trust. Believe. Drink the kool-aid. This startup,
it’s not just a job, it’s your baby! We’re in this together! Work long
nights, early mornings, long weekends, focus hard all day, put in
some muscle.

Don’t forget we’re family. You’re doing this for you!

Nevermind your ownership percentage is laughable compared to

everyone who assures you that this is your baby, your company, and
you should work hard. Super hard.

Complaints I hear from friends and feel myself:

changing company direction every 2 months
no idea if what you build today will still be useful tomorrow
office ran out of paper towels the other day
can’t plan grown up things because money is tight
founder disputes
manager disputes
will I be able to mention this company on my resume in 5 years?
too much politics

All the problems you get at a big company except you’re not
compensated for the bullshit. You’re supposed to grin your teeth
and love it.

Believe the mission!

You probably make enough to live your life, save a little, but your
wealth and savings are tied to a lottery ticket that might or might
not pan out. You never know.

6 years from now you could be a millionaire or you could be living

on the streets.
Ok maybe not the streets. Unless you’re dumb enough to work just
for equity. But that’s on you buddy.

Start your own

Start your own is the most stressful option. Whether you bootstrap
or get investment.

You take away all the BigTech bullshit and all the Startup bullshit
and you’re left with all of the control, all of the stress, and none of
the compensation.

You will suffer, you will work hard, you will stress about money and
about whether it’s all going to work out.

Hire people and you are responsible for their livelihoods. You are the
person they complain about when they realize you can’t pay as
much as BigTech. You are the bad guy when someone complains
about drinking mission statement kool-aid instead of getting paid.

It sucks. Why would anyone do it?

Because it’s the only way you can bring your dream to fruition. You.
Your company. Your dream. Your results. Not somebody else’s
dream. Not somebody else’s job. Your job, your dream, your

You get to be captain of your own ship, but you also get to be captain
of your own ship.

Six years from now, maybe you’re rich, maybe you’re doing okay,
maybe you’re a beggar on the streets.

But what’s the worst that can happen? You fail and get a $300k/year
job at BigTech from your experience and the network you’ve built.
so cry
So what do you do?
BigTech is stable and pays well, but can be soul crushing. Startup is
stressful and pays okay, but can become soul crushing. Founder is
stressful and opportunity cost is huge, but can set you up with
something you enjoy doing for forever.

Should you take a pay cut for equity
Would you take some % of your salary in bitcoin?

The joke is that compared to pre-IPO equity, bitcoin is predictable

and has a known value. But getting your salary in bitcoin feels like a
joke and equity is standard in tech 🤔

If you can get post-IPO equity that’s a different story.

Public stock has a dollar value, trends you can follow, and teams of
hedge fund quants predicting its future. And boy have the markets
been good to public tech stock.

Microsoft did 4x in the last 5 years. 😱

Microsoft stock since 2015

If you’re at Microsoft, I sure hope you took part of whatever

employee stock program they offer. And maybe beer’s on you when
we meet 😛
What is equity
5. Informal. ownership, especially when considered as the right
to share in future profits or appreciation in value.

6. the interest of the owner of common stock in a corporation.

When people talk about equity and total compensation, this is what
they mean. Ownership of a part of the company you work at.

But not like socialism where workers own the means of production.
Like capitalism where workers own shares of the company.

Giphy - @ryndean - hmmm

Equity comes in several forms known as financial instruments. Each

gives you different rights and obligations as a share holder.

Employees can’t control this part. Lawyers, investors, and founders

make the rules. Read the contract carefully.

Options are the most typical. You get an option to buy company
stock at a certain price regardless of current valuation. You’re
betting value goes up and you can buy for less.

RSUs – restricted stock units – are what options translate into most
often. This is company stock that you own. But there’s limitations on
what you can do with it. Like a ban on selling without board
approval before the company goes public.

Common stock is what RSUs turn into after the company goes
public. Often, not always. Read your contract. These are the typical
shares with no special rights.

Preferred stock is what investors get. It’s company stock they own
and get special treatment on top of. Like being paid off first in case
the company sells.

Non-public startups grant options or RSUs. The main difference for

you is how they’re taxed.

Public companies grant common stock. Or they make you purchase

stock as part of an employee program.

But then it isn’t part of your salary, you’re buying as any other
market investor. You’ll be limited to a trading window either way
due to insider trading concerns[^1].
How equity becomes cash money
Owning equity increases your wealth but not your riches.

Being wealthy means you own lots of assets. Being rich means you
have lots of income/cashflow.

Modern BigTech valuations make it easy to be wealthy and not

afford your rent. If you owned 0.01% of Uber in 2017, you were
worth $4.8 million.

But you couldn’t use any of it. 🤨

RSUs and stocks

Owning equity suffers from the gains vs. realized gains problem.
You gain wealth any time your company’s valuation increases.

Buy 10 MSFT stocks in 2015 for $500, wait 5 years, gain $1630 of

And before you can enjoy your $1630 windfall, you have to sell.
Selling turns gains into realized gains.
Oh and you’ll be taxed on that sale. Capital gains are untaxed,
realized gains are taxed[^2].

In 2017 you didn’t have Uber stock, you had options. Employees of
most tech companies own stock options.

You have to exercise your options before selling. That means buying
your stock with cash money.

That’s right my friend, nothing comes for free. Even tech stock. Yes
you’ve worked hard for your equity, but what you got were options.

Say you were granted 1000 options at $10. That adds to your total
comp. Huzzah!
How much? That depends.

1000 options at $10 means you’ll have to pay the company $10,000
to turn your options into RSUs or common stock. Hope you saved 😉

Say your company did great and stock is now valued at $50.
Congratz you’re rich! Pay $10,000 and get $50,000.

Giphy - @brooklynninenine - Hot Damn

“A-ha”, the IRS says, “you made \\$40,000 in salary just now! Pay us”
Your total comp package now has a number attached. This number
is taxed.

If you’re lucky, the company is now public, you can sell that brand
new common stock, pay taxes, and have plenty left over.

But the IRS doesn’t care about realized vs paper gains. When you
exercise your stock, the delta counts as income. Whether it’s cash
money or not.

Vesting and exercise windows

Companies use various machinations on top of RSUs and options to
keep you around and make it more or less likely you’ll ever see any
of that money.

Ideally the company would give you a shitload of options, keep you
around for 3 or 4 years, then have you leave without exercising
those options. They get a great employee and keep all of the

Vesting is what keeps you around. You get 100,000 options, yes, but
over 4 years. Nothing for the first year, then 25%. Known as The Cliff.
After The Cliff, you get part of your options every month. After 4
years you reach 100% of your 100,000 options grant.

You can exercise options as soon as you get them. Or wait until the
end. Up to you and the details in your contract.

Exercise window specifies how long after leaving a job you can buy
your options and turn them into RSUs or stocks. The company
would like you not to buy. You want to wait until a liquidation event
like an IPO or a sale.

30 days is standard these days. 10 years is becoming the norm in

employee friendly companies. Read your contract carefully.

Reverse-vesting is done when companies grant RSUs instead of

options. You insta-exercise your options and enter a reverse-vesting
agreement with the company. You own the shares and your
company has an option to buy at price for anything you haven’t
vested yet.

Same as normal vesting in effect, but the tax implications are

friendlier. You don’t get a huge windfall after 4 years to be taxed on.

Preferred shares
Preferred shares mean investors get paid first. If your company sells
low, has a bad IPO, or goes bankrupt, the investors eat first.

If there’s anything left, you get the scraps.

To take cash or to take equity 🤔

Now the big question, should you take cash or equity?

It depends my friend. You should run the numbers. These numbers:

1. How much cash are they offering?

2. How much cash could I get elsewhere?
3. How much equity?
4. How much dilution to expect?
5. How much public equity could I get?
6. How much can I expect the company to grow?

Think like an investor. Your investment is one of opportunity cost.

How much are you losing by working here instead of there?

Let’s say you’re the sort of engineer who could work at a big public
tech company.

Those pay around \\$160,000 cash/year. With an additional

$100,000/year in common stock. Remember this is stock sellable on
the public market right now.
A startup offers $100,000/year plus 0.5% of the company.

With the usual 4 year vesting you’re taking a $240,000 cash pay cut
compared to Facebook. That’s your base investment in the company.

Say it’s a seed-stage company valued at $10,000,000. Your 0.5% is

worth $25,000 right now. You can’t sell it.

With each round of funding, your percentage goes down and your
value goes up. If all goes well.

Over those 4 years, assuming no raises, your equity has to go from

$25,000 to $240,000 just to make up the cash you’re losing. Make
that $640,000 to cover the BigTech stock grant.

Do you think this startup is worth investing $640,000 into? Will you
make realized gains of at least that or more? Think hard.

And remember, if you get cash, it’s yours right now. You can invest
it, you can use it, you can build a fuck you fund. Compound interest
is no joke.

Run the numbers, make sure you’re not building a financial hole
you’ll never patch. Google “returns calculator” and plug your
Lucy Liu on Fuck You Fund

At the very least make sure the cash you’re getting covers your
living expenses and your retirement savings.

[^1] as an employee of a public company you have insight into its

operations. The higher up you go, the more insight you get. To avoid
insider trading, the SEC asks employees to limit their trading to pre-
defined time windows. You decide “I’m buying X per month” for a
year in advance. Or in April say “I’m selling Y in October”. That avoids
trading in reaction to insider info.

[^2] specific details on stock taxation depend on where you live. In

USA you get different tax rates for assets sold within 1 year of
purchase and later. No taxes on holding without selling.

PS: I am not a financial expert and I do not play one on the internet.
This is what I’ve learned over the past 12 years of working
at/on/with startups and reading about these topics. Please talk to
an expert before life-changing decisions.
What I learned while 6x-ing my
income in 4 years
I would say don’t take advice from people like me who have
gotten very lucky. We’re very biased. You know, like Taylor
Swift telling you to follow your dreams is like a lottery winner
telling you, “Liquidize your assets, buy Powerball tickets, it
works!” - Bo Burnham

I may not be Taylor Swift or Bo Burnham, but the last four years
went pretty damn well. Some luck, some talent, a lot of fuck-it-
let’s-try backed by a sense of “Oh yeah, I def know what I’m
Sometimes I even believed myself.
Oh, and I have a big ego. That helps.

Before we begin, I want you to keep one thing in mind: this is

not advice. This is a ”Here are the lottery numbers that worked for
me…” kind of story. The things that worked for me might not
work for you. In fact, they probably won’t work for you. But you
should try anyway.

Some of it might even be a good idea.

The point of this article is to show you that it’s possible. You can
double your income every year for four years in a row, even if
you’re not Taylor Swift or Bo Burhnam or Pewdiepie or <insert
your fav lucky bastard>. Even if you dropped out of college, got
held back a year in high school1, and come from a country
where the average engineer makes just 20k/year.

Those were the cards I was dealt. Yours might be better.

Our story begins in September 2012.

I had just failed two classes yet again, for the fifth or sixth time
in four years of trying. How hard can it be to memorize a CPU
pipeline or two? ?
I even had a special tattoo planned for when I passed. But I
didn’t pass.

So I dropped out of college two credits short of a master’s

degree in computer science2. I became a 25-year old
unemployed college dropout living with his mum and sister.
The stoner comedy writes itself.

To be fair, the average Slovenian guy moves out at 31, according

to this report. So I wasn’t that bad.

But I remember one night at a bar, with a table full of absinthe

cocktails, a friend said something like “Dude, you’re always so
broke. Why don’t you just get a job?”. Truthfully? Because I didn’t
want one.
Freelancing / consulting
For the last two years of my college career, I was freelancing as
a software engineer on the side. My blog got good traffic, and
the HackerNews frontpage 3 was kind to me. I put up a “Need a
freelancer? Email me” link.
It worked pretty well, and in September 2012, I went full-time
with one local client lined up.

I started with two goals in mind: focus on freelancing for US

startups and only do things that interested me. Of course, all
my US gigs dried up just a few months before going full-time.
Focusing on exams for 2 months does that. Oops.

Web scraping for a local company was fine, too. Then somebody
needed an MVP, and that was much more fun.

That year, I made €5,540. The government extrapolated that to a

full year’s pay and charged me taxes on the €22,160 that I didn’t
have. That was fun.

But I followed [@patio11's]( advice

and pushed my luck with every new client. First it was
€150/day, then €200, then €250. Then that turned into

Lesson: When a client says “YES! LET’S DO IT!” instead of “Oof!

Well, we need you, so let’s do it,” you’re leaving money on the

Life was great until it wasn’t.

In 2014, I found myself clientless in the San Francisco Bay Area.

My blogging was sporadic and lame, and traffic had dwindled.
Instead of sending “Nope, I don’t have time” emails every week, I
was hoping someone, anyone, would send me any type of gig at

An old friend remembered me, and I took the only gig I could
find: keeping a jQuery and Angular monster alive for $180/day.
It was a step down from what I considered my rate, but
landlords don’t take promises as payment. Even in the “I’ll be
rich next year!” capital of the world.

Lesson: Don’t run out of money. It will make you a bad

freelance consultant. You’ll take gigs that don’t fit, and say
yes instead of giving advice.

I kept looking, and soon I had another gig: developing an email-

server-on-device MVP for a young startup. That was fun, and it
paid $300/day at first, then $450. A magnificent rate! But
because of the other gig, I could only do 2 days/week. And they
never paid on time.

So I had two side-by-side gigs, and I was constantly stressed.

Each gig was a liability for the other, and much stress was put
into bridging late payments with my credit card. Turns out
$1300/week is not that much in San Francisco. That year, I went
$-21,351 into the hole. Guess I had savings from 2013?


Lesson: When you have a client that pays 2x of another

client… maybe take the hint? Focus.

But I needed both clients to avoid a clientless situation in case

one of them flopped. One paid little, but at least it was on time.
One paid plenty, but it was ALWAYS late. Neither felt secure. See
how running out of money makes you a bad freelancer?

I kept looking.
Then I fired myself from both those clients in December 2014. A
friend needed help on a gig. It was $320/day, stable, it paid on
time, and it was a great reference by association. I became a
Google subcontractor.

I’m still not sure if I’m technically allowed to say that. They
were always weaselly about it. ?

6 months later, I quit. Or I got poached. A bit of both, I guess.

The Job job
One of my old clients had secured some real funding, and they
wanted me back. But only if I agreed to a Job.

As terrifying as this was, I said yes anyway. They offered $30k

more than the Google subcontracting gig, an O-1 visa, less
stress, and shares that might actually be worth a damn. I don’t
usually put much stock (heh) in startup shares, but sometimes,
on very special occasions, they do look promising.

But only if the base offer without shares is also good enough.

We started with technically-contracting: I had to come to the

office every day at 10am, they offered a free laptop (to which I
said no 4), and every month I sent an invoice. I had to handle
the taxes and stuff.

After my one-year cliff – June 2016 – we switched to Job job. I’m

talking about taxes, health insurance, dental, vision, the works.
It was everything you hear about in the movies. I’m not used to
caring about these things because in Europe, they’re legally
mandated and cannot count as perks. Even lunch and
transportation money is a legal requirement.

All those great “perks” that Silicon Valley companies offer are
the legally mandated baseline in Europe. Fun.

They also gave me a small raise, which was nice because my new
post-tax income was now smaller than before. Slovenian
business taxes are lower than Californian income taxes.

I also learned that due to nexus reasons, I owed some $20,000 to

the US taxman. That was real great to find out. ?

Lesson: If you feel like you’re making WAY too much money,
you might be forgetting about taxes somewhere. The taxman
is forgiving and lets you pay later, but he makes you pay 5%

Having a job job isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I still think
offices are where work goes to die, but as bad as it is for
personal productivity, it’s great for the productivity of the
company as a whole. I should write about that some day ?

We’ve built some amazing things in the last year and a half.
AND because it’s a job job, it’s doubleplus unstressful. I have
nights and weekends now! Time and headspace to focus on the
side hustle. ??

Lesson: It’s easier to build one business at a time than it is to

build two. Products and consulting don’t mix as well as you’d
The side hustle
That’s how I 4.7x-ed my freelance/consulting/job life. Now…
how did I 46x the side hustle?

Damn, I’ve never calculated that number before ?

In 2012, the products side hustle was largely nonexistent and

somewhat neglected. I published the first version of Why
Programmers Work at Night in November and put a link on my
blog. I probably also posted the link on Reddit and HackerNews.
The pricing was dumb. Records show I asked for $3+. ?

That year, I made €650 in sales and was absolutely ecstatic at

the fact that you can make money when you’re not even doing
anything. That was so cool!

Lesson: Sell products. It doesn’t matter how much you feel

comfortable charging. Just do it. The feeling of making
money, any money, passively is amazing.

Over the next two years, I worked on improving Why

Programmers Work at Night, built a landing page, increased the
price, and experimented with Google Ads. Nothing worked too
well. I essentially stopped working on it as my freelancing
picked up. Some day, I intend to finish it. It does have potential. I
know it.

In 2012, Packt also asked me to write Data Visualization with

D3.js based on my “expertise” from a single article. I said, “Fuck
it, why not?” and the book was published on my 26th birthday
in 2015. That was fun.

And by the publish date, I hated the book so much that I didn’t
even write a “Yay, the book is here!” blogpost. I think. The only
marketing I did was to add it to D3’s github page.
You’d think publishers would do shitloads of marketing.
Especially when the author gets only 6%…

I was wrong.

Lesson: If you spend a year making a thing, market the shit

out of that thing. Nobody else is gonna do it for you.

But hey, passively making a couple grand ain’t bad at all. It

saved my ass plenty of times during the bridge-gaps-with-credit
in 2014.

If you wrote something for which someone sent you a check,

if you cashed the check and it didn’t bounce, and if you then
paid the light bill with the money, I consider you talented. -
Stephen King

Then, in the spring of 2015, a friend of mine wanted to learn

React. He said to me on IRC: “Dude, you should write a React
book. Nothing big, just something to help me get a quick feel.”
Challenge accepted! I will learn React, and I will write a book in
a month.
Two months later, React+d3js was born, and I made some
$4,000. Great success!

Learning from my earlier books, I:

had a launch mailing list of 200 or so people

made a landing page
focused marketing on “You need this because” and not on “I
made this and need sales”

That last part is key. The more you understand why people need
what you made, the better it’s gonna go

Reading Nathan Barry’s Authority before the launch was

paramount. I probably would have fucked it up completely
without his lessons. Thanks, Nathan.

The mailing list helped, too. Having even 10 people eagerly

anticipating what you’re launching is fantastic. It’s so much
more motivating than 0 people.

2015 mostly went towards reviving this blog, experimenting

with Facebook Ads, learning about Drip campaigns, and
building an automated sales funnel. We made some $15,000 in
sales if you count the React Indie Bundle as well.

I say we because towards the end of 2015, I hired an editor. He

makes my articles better, and he helps with the publishing
process. Especially once I learned how to leverage him properly.

These days, I write a thing, throw it over to him, and he handles

everything. He polishes the content, adds pictures, puts it on
the site, makes a Facebook post, creates weekly emails,
everything. It’s really the only reason I’m able to publish so

He also edits my books :)

P.S.: You should hire him. (Ed. Note: Yes, you should. ?)

Lesson: Automate your sales funnel. Get help. Focus on the

things only you can do.

And that’s really all we did to double sales in 2016. More

content, better content, book updates, drip campaigns, focus on
audience building, experiment with referral engines, stuff like
that. I wish I had more insight to give, but we really focused on
those same basics you learn in all the books and courses for
small businesses.

Things like 30x500, 10ksubs, microconf talk recordings, and

various solopreneur podcasts.

That shit works. Do it.

Lesson: Do the work. Little else matters.
The flip-side
I lined my pockets green and laughed maniacally all the way to
the bank.

Ha, I wish. Here’s the above graph with the addition of how-
much-I-spent. Thanks Toshl for making it easy to track.

In the same 4 years that I 6x-ed my income, I also 9x-ed my

expenses. I’m really bad with money, and people keep giving it
to me! O.o

At least I’m not in debt…

Seriously though. In 2012, living on my mum’s buck, staying in
beautiful Ljubljana, Slovenia, I got through the year on just
$14,000. That’s not even six months of rent here in San
Francisco, not to mention food and utilities. ?

Last year, I spent $125,535. I don’t even know where that money
went. I certainly don’t feel like I got much out of all that money.

Toshl says $24,850 went for rent, $17,686 for taxes I had to take
care of personally, $728 went for my phone bill ?, $5,000 for ads,
$3,400 for my amazing editor and my wonderful virtual
assistant 5, $7,700 for asset investments, $4,400 for restaurants,
$700 for caffeine ?, $3,000 for taxis and car rentals ?, $3,700 for
airplanes, $3,900 for internet SaaS-es ?, $2,700 for clothes,
$3,300 for sports ??, $3,100 for tech, and $1,800 for gifts. So I
guess that’s where it all went. #transparency

What I’m trying to say is that if you grow up without money, it’s
really hard to learn how to handle money. $10 here, $30 there
adds up damn quick.

Lesson: The hedonic treadmill is a bitch.

What do I have to show for these 4 years of hustle? An expensive

lifestyle and $16,000 in assets.
What’s next
Can I 6x my income in the next 4 years? Probably not.
$864,000/year is crazy talk… But I can try.

The job is asymptotically approaching a glass ceiling for a single

contributor. Maybe I could break through if I invented some
unique IP and licensed it to my employer. That sounds hard

I could become a manager or a proper team lead, I guess. That

depends on my employer’s growth, which is not my card to play.

There’s growth left in infoproducts. The problem is that I can

sense from other people’s stories and life paths that
infoproducts for a single creator cap out around $100k/year.
$200k, if you’re lucky. 7 figures if you’re Ramit Sethi or Tony

Capital gains are showing some promise. My startup shares are

illiquid for many years to come, but Wealthfront seems
promising. I made $514 this year. Even more passively than
product sales.

Not sure it counts as income though ?

Maybe 4x in 4 years?

We’ll see

PS: if you read this whole post, I’ll buy you a beer.
1. I had to repeat the 3rd year of high school because my grades
were so bad. And I had to take remedial summer exams 3 out
of my 5 years of high school. I was a terrible student. Many
people told my mum I’m probably just too dumb or
undisciplined and should be taken out of schooling and put
to work. ↩︎
2. In Slovenia, you have high schools called gymnasiums.
They’re 4-year general high schools meant for “advanced
placement” kids. You get almost the equivalent education to
a college bachelor’s degree, but more general. By the time I
was in high school this had softened a bit.After a
gymnasium, you’re meant to go to a 4 year university degree
that’s the equivalent of a master’s. While I was in college, the
Bologna reform came through. What used to be a 4 year
master’s equivalent degree got changed into a 3+2. 3 years
for a bachelor’s, which looks and feels a lot like extended
high school focused on a field; 2 years for a master’s, which
looks and feels a lot like the old system, but more researchey.
I flunked into the new system, but was allowed to take both
bachelor’s and master’s classes. The bachelor’s were
mandatory; the master’s were because I already had the
prerequisite credits. ↩︎
3. I even sold “get on HN frontpage” as a service to local
startups. I charged a whopping $100 per essay :D ↩︎
4. I like using my own computers even at work. The US has
strange employee-employer privacy and IP laws. Using your
own equipment is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself
as far as I know. You also immediately lose the technically-
contracting status if you use their equipment. But: IANAL. ↩︎
5. The editor is more of a publishing mastermind and strategic
content helper, and my VA has so far done a great job of
removing inbox anxiety. I’m figuring out how to leverage her
skills even more. They also both need more clients so they
can afford to keep helping me. Please hire them :) ↩︎
What if engineers were paid like
Money and career has been on my mind lately. Lots of
conversations. Here’s what I uncovered.

The question folks are asking is this 👉 With global economy in

turmoil, why are stocks up? Why are experienced engineers
getting hired faster and junior engineers struggle more than

It’s a good question.

I think it’s because hiring incentives in tech are shifting.

Old incentives in tech
When we talk about “tech”, we mean VC-backed startups with
the stated goal of becoming a billion dollar unicorn. Some make
it, most don’t.

Companies say they’re building a product for a market, but look

behind the curtain and you’ll see the product is irrelevant. At
least at first.

The company is the product, investors are the customer.

What do investors want? A big company.

How do you get a big company? Headcount.

Companies want to hire fast, fire slow, and accumulate lots of

cruft. Get 5 junior engineers, let them loose, and wow your
valuation looks great.

You added 5 whole engineers! Awesome 😍

How much they get done, how many wheels they invent
because they don’t know wheels exist, how much your code
looks like duct tape and chewing gum 👉 irrelevant.

As long as you have 1 or 2 senior engineers for every 5 to 6

juniors, you’ll be fine.
New incentives in tech
With the uncertain future, free money is slowing down. [^1]

Companies realized winter is coming and it’s time to start

making money. Like, you have to build a business.

Wtf that’s not what we signed up for ~ every “entrepreneur”

with a rich mommy and daddy

First thing that happened were rounds of layoffs at big

companies. Even engineers got fired.

Everyone who wasn’t directly involved with bringing home the

bacon, gone.
Who do companies hire when engineers
need to bring home the bacon?
They hire seniors. Because seniors get shit done.

And they avoid juniors. Because they don’t have the time to
train them.

It’s unfortunate and juniors aren’t making it any easier. To a

hiring committee or an HR person they all look the same.

Friend of mine recently said: Yeah I was part of hiring at my old

job and one day I went through 200 resumes and couldn’t find one
single thing to tell them apart
Everyone looks the same!

Yay graduated from X with GPA, did extracurricular Y, part of

frat Z, went to bootcamp Q, super duper know tech A, B, C.

That shit matters if you have nothing better to show.

Do something.
PS: this is an area I’m figuring out how to help with. Hit reply if
you’re interested.
What if you were paid like an athlete?

Say you’re a senior or have a way to stand out from the crowd.

This gives you leverage.

Companies want you. Not any schmuck who can type code into
an editor, you. Your experience, your expertise, you.

Not saying it’s easy to get there, saying it’s realistically doable ✌

Past a certain level companies stop seeing you as a code

monkey. They don’t care about your hours, lines of code, or
tickets closed.

Companies care about the systems and tools you put in place
to make the whole engineering team run better, do more,
and make bank.

You’re paid for value, not work.

Now what? Cash, baby.

This is a simplistic model of what you could achieve with a
pretty basic “The Tech” career ladder for a software engineer.
Here’s a more realistic version from [@ArvindVermani]

You start with a salary and no wealth. 6-figures is common.

Then you switch jobs regularly. About 2 years is the median

tenure in tech. 4.7 years across all industries.

Don’t worry about looking like a job hopper. Everyone does it.

Reid Hoffman calls this the Tour of Duty model.

Avoid saying it out loud and you’ll be fine 😛

A 30% raise is common when switching jobs. Lots of advice on

salary negotiation and how to make this happen.

I recommend Josh Doody’s Fearless Salary Negotiation. He’s

helped me in the past.

And lest you worry that a few 30% jumps lead to unrealistic
numbers, check out for SFBA. $500k+ for 10 years of
experience is normal.

Yes that means you’ll have to bring the bacon. The game is not
“sit around and wait”, it’s “get aggressively better and work”.
What about the athlete thing?
Athletes are paid for value.

Sponsorship money. Notoriety. Daniel Ricciardo is the 4th

highest paid F1 driver despite bad race results.

But he looks good on camera and has a fanbase. Value.

Your value is the expertise, the experience, the not gonna make
avoidable mistakes that cost us 3 years to fix.

Tech contracts come with a 4 year vesting cycle. You’re

incentivized (but not required) to stay 4 years.

Here’s how to shift your mindset 👇

cash and bonuses included, equity is the unpredictable icing on

PS: my model above includes 7% investment returns because

that’s the standard rate everyone uses when talking about “the
economy as a whole long term”. Individual results vary and
years like 2020 are bad.

[^1] free money has weird effects right now because investors
want their average returns and have nowhere to put the money
How to make what you’re worth
even if you’re from the wrong
It always upsets me when I see talented engineers bickering
about whether they’re worth $12/hour or $15/hour. Happens a
lot in Slovenian Facebook groups and I’m sure many others.

I’m from Slovenia by the way, some don’t know. 🤷‍♂️

When discussions about salary come up, the group splits in two:

1. Those with US or EU salaries saying it’s nigh impossible for

an able-minded engineer to stay under $80,000/year 2)
Those with local salaries, in the $30,000/year range, saying
everybody else is a liar

Silicon valley $300,000/year salaries are summarily dismissed

as impossible and unachievable so they aren’t part of the

Discussion quickly devolves into name calling, excuses, and my

favorite “Yeah well I’m not greedy like you, I live a good life, feel
rich in my environment, and provide for the kids. Why should I
want more”
Because money is nice …

Well, debatable. Let’s assume that money is nice, solves most

problems, and that lacking money is stressful. You can cushion
against lacking money by making more than you need.

If you truly are happy and satisfied with your income, you can
stop reading now. You win at life. Congratz 👏
For everybody else: Here’s some ways you can make more even
if you’re from the wrong country.

Without resorting to

yeah but you have a blog

yeah but you got lucky
yeah but you have a podcast
yeah but you do open source
yeah but you have more time
yeah but you go to conferences
yeah but you …

Yeah but everyone was born pretty much the same. Without a
blog or podcast or even engineering skills. Now look at us, we’re
all writing code and solving business problems like there’s no

And we’ve all got the same 24 hours in the day.

The difference is in the mind.

How your environment holds you back
You are the average of the five people you spend the most
time with.

You’ve heard that one before yeah? You are the average of the
five people you spend most time with.

Makes sense.

Except it’s even worse. You are the average of everyone around
you [1]. Not just five.

Here’s how that plays out in salaries 👇

You live in a small town or country. You are surrounded by

people making, say, $1960/month. The net purchase parity
adjusted median income in Slovenia. [2]
With $1960/month you can live a normal life, support a family
when both parents work, send everyone to college (because in
Europe it’s free), go on holiday once a year, and drive a normal 5
year old car. You’re not rich and you’re not poor.

Nothing wrong with that. Sounds like a great life.

But you’re a software engineer and software engineers are in

high demand. Employers fight tooth and nail to work with you.

You make $3000/month and you are king (or queen).

Richest kid on the block. Best car, nicest clothes, shiny new
iPhone. You rock.

When others complain about their income at the pub, you stay
quiet. Avert your eyes. Don’t attract attention.

What, just because you can afford a new iPhone you think
you’re better than us? Lemme tell you something, Joe, you’re
buying the next round.

Sound familiar?

You make so much it’s almost embarrassing. Your job ain’t

hard, you don’t come home dirty, your hands don’t bleed, you
sit in the office and play with computers. Just like you used to
when computers were for video games.

And so you don’t feel making more is fair. Your environment

says you’ve already got more than you need.

Less “Wow I wonder how she got that BMW”, more “Wow look at
that asshole in her fancy car”
Also known as the tall poppy syndrome
1 👉 Change your environment
For comparison, a typical engineer’s purchasing power adjusted
salary in San Francisco is around $5800/month. Based on this
ppp calculator, this regional parity index saying SF is 1.24x
more expensive than “normal USA”, a CA salary calculator, and
my rudimentary math skills.

So even though everyone tells you SF is too expensive … a typical

engineer still makes 4x median income. 😇

But you don’t have to move!

You don’t have to move to change your environment. This is

2019 we’re talking about and your mental environment trumps
your physical environment.

Go online. Surround yourself with people who have a positive

attitude towards money.

Associate with those who say “What can we do to make more?”

not those who say “The system is rigged and we’re stuck”

Hang out with ambitious folk. It’s gonna rub off on you.

Become friends with those who push you to strive not those who
pull you back.

Read books that normalize success. Avoid books that call

successful people crooks.

You can still move physically, if you want to, but that’s harder
than changing where you hang out online. Avoid places with a
lot of victims complaining how life is unfair.
2 👉 Upgrade your attitude
Once you upgrade your environment, it’s time to work on your
attitude. I don’t have a shortcut for you here.

You are worth more.

You can make more.

You can achieve things.

But until you believe that, nothing anyone can do to help.

Hanging out with folks who push you to become the best you
that you can be helps. Great first step :)

And return the favor yeah? Encourage those around you.

2.5 👉 Think about value
The biggest part of upgrading your attitude is to think about
value. Many words exist online about value-based pricing so I
won’t go too deep.

The idea is this 👇

Don’t think about how much time or effort it takes to do

something. Consider instead how much value it provides.

Work for a big company with a lot of revenue and any

contribution you make, even if hard to measure, can have
business impact measured in the millions.

Work for a company that’s struggling and it doesn’t matter how

good you are. The best skills in the world just aren’t worth $50 to
a business barely making $10.
Everything changes when you think about income as return for
3 👉 Income arbitrage
Now the fun stuff: How you can make more without moving
somewhere expensive.

This is the approach a lot of professionals take. Live in a cheap

country, work for a rich country. You don’t even have to be a
digital nomad.

All you need is a remote job.

How do you find a remote job? You’re gonna have to hustle a


First you gotta find someone looking for your skillset in a

remote employee. RemoteOK is a great job board with remote
positions, HackerNews has a “Who’s hiring” thread every 1st of
the month with hundreds of posts, you can try something like
TopTal or Upwork.

Or just network with people from the first section above. Ask
how you can help them succeed. You’ll be surprised how many
would love to hire you.

The income arbitrage blueprint looks like this:

1. Become freelancer (start solo company) 2) Find leads (job

boards, hackernews, etc) 3) Email a bunch of people 4) Find a
match 5) Agree on value and get to work

You’ll need soft skills for this one. Ability to motivate yourself,
stay focused, work some sales skills, think about outreach, how
to grow your business, etc.

Keep making your clients happy and you should be fine.

You often won’t make as much as if you were local to the client
for various reasons too long to explain, but you’re gonna make
plenty more than you would at home.


Because your remote customer is making more money than

your local customer. Your same skills are worth more.

Remember: It’s easy to pay $50 to make $150 and impossible to

pay $50 to make $10.
4 👉 Increase your value
Now it’s time to increase your value and your perceived value.

What looks good to a prospective client?

They need to know you’re a real person with real history and
skills. Having a blog helps to an extent. Existing on the internet
helps too. Anything you can point to that says you are a
professional in your field and know what you’re doing.

Client testimonials trump all. Collect those.

When you work with someone, ask for a referral. Ask for a
testimonial. Ask them how you can do even better next time.

A warm intro is worth 10 cold emails.

What I’m talking about roughly falls under “authority”. What

can you do to show your authority on the subject? Do it.

Every niche is different. Don’t impress your friends and family,

focus on impressing your clients.

You can also invest in your skills.

If everyone’s looking for JavaScript, why are you working on

COBOL? Unless you have access to a bunch of clients looking
specifically for COBOL, then go ahead.

Once more this is largely about “What can I do that provides

Ask your clients. Learn it. Do it.

Often you can increase your value tenfold just by being

dependable. Clients (and bosses) love it when you can handle
things without continuous prodding from their end.
You got dis 🤘
Hope that helps. I wrote it because it pains me every time I see
an engineer reading a menu right-to-left. ✌️

PS: reading the menu right-to-left is a habit many consider

normal. Then you tell someone who grew up well-off and they
give you this funny look. What does right-to-left mean? It
means you read the price first :)
4 years of coding in San Francisco,
lessons learned

Your code doesn’t matter. Your tools are irrelevant. Shipped

beats perfect.

That’s the biggest lesson I learned working in the heart of

Silicon Valley. Outside your team, nobody cares about your

Your line breaks don’t matter. Your single quote, double quote,
or backtick debate is a waste of time. Named arguments or not,
short functions or long, fat views or models, single file or many,
React or Vue, NoSQL or Postgres, …

None of it matters.

You know what matters?

Did you find customers? Do they enjoy your product? Are they
paying? Are you improving the lives of hundreds of people or
That’s what matters.

How many lives has your code improved?

Until you work on that, nothing else matters.

Your code won’t matter if you’re dead
My former CTO once explained to me when I huffed and puffed
into our 1-on-1 that our codebase is terrible and hard to work
with and that if we don’t do something quick, we soon won’t be
able to ship features anymore! What would the engineering
team come to, if all we ever do is trip over ourselves and our
shitty code?

“Look mate, we don’t even know if we’re gonna be alive in 6

months. What code quality? What impending doom? Just do your
best, work around the issues, and let’s survive first”
He was right.

You are a talented engineer. You’re paid a lot of money. Your job
is to keep the duct tape and chewing gum charade going long
enough for the business people to even figure out what they

Companies and products go through stages.

At first everything is a prototype. You build it. Try it out. See if it


Then you rip it out and try something else.

How well must you engineer something you’re throwing away 3

days after deploy because customers hate it?
You die a prototype or become that code
everyone hates to work with
Sometimes your prototype survives, hits its stride, and you’re
left dealing with your own mess for the next 3 years.

That’s a good thing!

If you don’t feel bad looking at your old code, you’re not
growing. Fact. Your old code always looks like crap.

Old code that isn’t shitty was over-engineered the first time
around. You want to ship prototype code. Faster iterations,
faster learning, company/department/team more likely to

You’ll fix the code later, if it proves itself.

That’s a platitude. You won’t have time. You’ll be working on a

million other things :P
Don’t fix it until it breaks

So when do you fix old code?

When it breaks. When it tells you where it hurts.

Would you put a cast on your leg just in case? Maybe you’ll get
in a car crash and break it. Good thing the cast is already there!

Sounds silly right?

Yet we do that with code all the time. An article made the
rounds recently: You are not Google.

“Oh noes I better build for scale! I need Hadoop and a million
microservices, and I better engineer this real good. What if we get
a million users all at once and our Ruby On Rails app buckles?”
You won’t.

To quote Rob Pike’s 5 Rules of Programming: N is usually small.

Fancy algorithms are slow when n is small, and n is usually

small. Fancy algorithms have big constants. Until you know
that n is frequently going to be big, don’t get fancy. (Even if n
does get big, use Rule 2 first.)

Build it the most obvious simplest way first. When that breaks,
make it more complicated, if you have to. Simple systems are
easier to fix and they break less often.

Optimize for simplicity, not speed or scale.

Relax constraints
You can often make an unsolvable problem solvable by relaxing
constraints. When the business people say “the best”, they often
mean “good enough”. When they say “guaranteed” they often
mean “unlikely”.

There is a world of difference between writing software that

works well enough in the real world and software that is
provably always correct in the mathematical sense.

You likely don’t need perfection. Ask.

If your code doesn’t matter, what does?
Can you ship on time?

Does it work when you ship?

Do your customers love it?

Do you have customers?

Can you add features?

Can you fix it when it breaks?

Not if, when.

Can your team work on your code when you can’t?

Optimize for those and you’ll be fine. Write code anyone can
understand, write code that’s easy to expand, write code that’s
easy to fix.

However you and your team get there, it’s all good. React, Vue,
Reason, JavaScript, Java, or FORTRAN. Whatever floats your
team’s boat and gets the software shipped and in user’s hands.
San Francisco is expensive but worth it

When I first moved to San Francisco a lot of friends back home

poked fun at me. It’s too expensive they said. It’s not worth it.
It’s covered in shit. Literally. There’s too many homeless people.
It’s too tech bro.

Yeah, it’s covered in poop. There’s heroin needles everywhere.

You get used to the homeless people. They mean you no harm.
Don’t bother them, they won’t bother you. It’s like you’re living
past each other. Two people stuck on different sides of the class
divide, rarely interacting.

It’s like a cyberpunk movie.

And yeah … it’s expensive. But San Francisco is expensive for a


I work in and with startups. That caps my salary at Not Very

High. And even that makes my life cushy enough.

Engineers back home don’t make much

Back home a well paid engineer with a local job makes around

In San Francisco I can save almost that much every year even
without my side hustle. You need about $5000/month for a
normal life with an SO. You won’t take Uber all the time and
maybe you can stick to just 1 latte per day, eat out only a few
times per week, and keep it to 1 maybe 2 vacations per year.

Wait … that sounds pretty cushy!

With a normal software engineer at a startup salary, you’ll still

have way more than $1000 left over every month. Maybe that
doesn’t sound like a lot to you. To me it was unimaginable just 5
years ago.
Only people back home I know who pull that off are engineers
playing the income arbitrage game. Live in a cheap country,
work remotely for a rich country.

But that makes you lazy.

And I have friends here who work with big companies. They
make upwards of $300k per year. More cash left over than they
know what to do with.
The environment pushes you 🔥

That’s my favorite part of San Francisco. The fire under butt.

In San Francisco you never feel like you’re making it. You never
feel like you’re crazy successful. You never feel like you’re out of
the woods.

One bad month or two and you’re digging into your long term
savings. You have short-term cash buffers because d’oh.

You don’t want to dig into long term savings. Those exist for 70
year old you and for any Life Stuff that comes up.

Everyone in San Francisco is always crushing it. Or says that

they are.

And that’s a good thing.

You are the average of the 5 people you spend most time with.
You can’t fight your environment. But you can change it.

That said …
SF is not an entrepreneurial mecca
This one surprised me.

I always thought San Francisco was an entrepreneurial mecca.

But it isn’t. San Francisco is a careerist mecca.

People don’t come here to start companies. People come here to

get rich in companies. It’s too expensive to be on your own.

Come here, make a bunch of money, leave. 5 to 10 years.

Switch a bunch of jobs, play the career game, climb the startup
ladder, and get the hell out. Catalyst for leaving is often kids or
a good liquidity event.

Some just get tired of the grind.

Fire under butt is great when you want to grow, terrible when
you need some rest.
And that’s what I learned about San Francisco in my 4 year stint
so far

1. Your code doesn’t matter

2. Shipped beats perfect
3. Everything’s a prototype
4. Play the career game
5. It’s expensive for a reason
Building software is a distraction
We often write code to distract ourselves from the fact we don’t
know what we’re building.

Yesterday I had a long conversation with a friend who’s starting

a company. Let’s call him Matt because that’s not his name.

After months of thought, Matt quit his job and went looking for
investors. He realized it was too early and he doesn’t know shit.
So he started really digging into his idea and his market.

He uncovered a goldmine.

A swathe of the economy that’s growing, inefficient, and needs

some help. His wonderful idea will grease the wheels, the
economy will flourish, the consumers will love him, and he’ll get
filthy rich in the process 💪

Matt wanted my help hiring an engineer. Or a designer.

Someone, anyone, who could help him build the product.

Matt is not technical, you see. His skill lies in business

development, sales, and big picture thinking. The skills you
really need to succeed in the market he’s targeting. The stuff us
engineers run away from screaming.

“How do I find an engineer? Someone local, someone I can sit

down and work with, who won’t rip me off.”

He’s unfunded, bootstrapping, and on his own in San Francisco.

Money is always tight when you have no income.

“Mate, you’re looking for a cofounder?”

“Yeah but nobody I talked to wants to work for equity”
Well yeah. You’re a guy with an idea.

“Matt, what have you done to prove people will pay for this? Why
do you think you’re ready to build software?”
Hint: he isn’t.
Software is a tool, not a goal

Through conversation we discovered that Matt wants to build

software because his company doesn’t feel real without it. You
need something that you’re building. You can’t just “be a

But you can.

A company isn’t the software it sells. A company isn’t the

offices. It isn’t the team. It isn’t even anything in particular.

A company is a set of processes. A machine.

Some of those processes are encoded in software, some are

done by people, some aren’t even documented. That’s a
company. That set of processes and ideas.

Software is just a tool.

What Matt needs are customers. People whose problem his

solving. People who are better people because they use his

That service is what he needs to build. Not some nebulous piece

software the definition of which he doesn’t even know yet.

I dug deeper.

“Matt, what do you need? What’s blocking you from making your
first sale?”
Well I need a website.


So I look real when I’m talking to people. So there’s something

to point them at.


Because it builds credibility. Without a website I’m just a

random schmo.

Okay that’s fair. Credibility and authority. You don’t need a

designer or even an engineer for that. You definitely don’t need
to hire anyone. Get an account on square space, carrd, or
similar, pick the prettiest template you can find, and fill in your

Voila, a website.

You can even hire a freelancer to cobble it together for you.

Don’t waste money on a custom solution until you need one.

Ok there’s your website, you’ve got your credibility. What’s

next? Why do you need an engineer, Matt?

Well I need to build the product.


… because I’m a product company? Because it isn’t real without

a product?


Err …

Matt, did anyone pay you yet? Do you know exactly what they
need to make their jobs easier? Have you talked to them?

Well I know they have to fill out a form with 465 fields and
reproduce it in triplicate and file it to the right people and it’s
just a mess and super hard and nobody wants to do that.

Okay and you can make it easier with software?

Yes! I can build a beautiful flow and a wonderful UI that guides

them through needing just 250 fields it’s gonna be amazing!

And you need an engineer for that?

Well I can’t build it myself.

Mate, you need a google form and some customer research. Go

sell a shitty version of your product. No code, no software, just
your elbow grease and a smile.
People buy your solution, not your
People don’t really care how you solve their problem. They just
want somebody to do it for them.

When I hire an accountant to do my taxes, I’m not buying the

software they use, I’m buying peace of mind. The confidence
that I won’t overpay or underpay and that we’ll find every legal

When I pay for Spotify, I’m paying for ease of access to all the
world’s music. Their software, the player, just needs to be good

When I hire a lawyer to help me get a visa, I don’t care what

they use to make the process easier or their margins higher. I
only care that I get my visa and Trump doesn’t kick me out.
That’s it. That’s what I’m paying for.

And that was my advice to Matt.

Build the service first. Solve somebody’s problem. Make them a

better human. Get paid.

Then, when you’re ready, when you feel the inefficiency deep
within your bones, then build your software. You’ll know what
you need.
DO more work less

Readers often ask me how they can make time to write, work,
learn, workout, code, and still read too much Hacker News and

Here’s two examples from just last week:

How do you make time to code and learn and write? How do I
learn new languages and frameworks while still continuing
my job?

And in truth, I like Sarah Drasner’s answer a lot. I asked her that
same question at a conference last month.

I’m tired a lot

I’m tired a lot too, Sarah. 😴

A more inspiring answer comes from an old internet anecdote.

The one I always butcher when retelling in person.

You can hear me butcher it on ReactPodcast episode 67 where I

talked with [@chantastic](
about life, hustle, and getting shit done.
The Jar of Life
A philosophy professor stood before his class and had some
items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he
picked up a large jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks about 2″
in diameter. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They
agreed that it was.Visual So the professor then picked up a box
of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar
lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas
between the rocks. He then asked the students again if the jar
was full. They agreed it was.

The students laughed as the professor picked up a box of sand

and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up
everything else.

“Now,” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this is

your life. The rocks are the important things — your family,
your partner, your health, your children — things that if
everything else was lost and only they remained, your life
would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter
like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else.
The small stuff.”

There was total silence as the students absorbed the lesson.

“If you put the sand into the jar first, there is no room for the
pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all
your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have
room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to
the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your
children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner
out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the
house, give a dinner party and fix the disposal.”
The students started nodding in agreement at the professor’s
profound wisdom.

“Take care of the rocks first,” the professor finished — “the

things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just

But then…

A student then took the jar which the other students and the
professor agreed was full, and proceeded to pour in a bottle of
beer — and then another! Of course the beer filled the
remaining spaces within the jar making the jar truly full.

The moral of this tale is…

That no matter how full your life is, there is always room for a
beer or two.
Oh and buy time if you can
The Jar of Life is a wonderful story and it’s missing a key
component: You can buy time.

Let me explain.

Everyone’s got the same 24 hours in the day, right? Wrong. You
can buy extra hours in the day with cold hard cash. If you have

Here’s how it works:

1. You make more money than you need for your immediate
needs. As a software engineer this is doable.
2. You use some of that money to buy other people’s time
3. Voila, 25 hour days. Or 26. Or 27. Maybe even 240.

Your CEO runs a company, for example.

They make decisions, wave their arms, and things happen. With
100 employees each day fits 800 hours. At Apple scale, Tim Cook
can get 1,056,000 hours of work done every day. 🤯

At a smaller scale, you can hire professionals for certain tasks.

Me and my girlfriend pay for cleaners. That’s 2 hours and one

incredibly tedious task off our plates. Chantastic has a podcast
editor, job gets done better and faster than he could do it

I have an assistant that sorts my email so instead of 300+ emails

per day I read 5. She also handles random little tasks like
replacing my broken sunglasses case or renewing my
motorcycle registration. Just so I can focus on coding instead.
Once upon a time I had an editor who took my writing and
compiled it into emails, blogs, etc. Now there’s

Saves 3 frustrating tedious hours every month.

Point is: Focus on what you’re uniquely good at outsource
everything else.

Do this at work also.

If someone else can test, let them. If someone else can compile
that report, let them. If someone else can go to that meeting, let
them. Focus on the one thing only you can do: Being awesome.

DO more and work less.

What’s more productive, a team or a
talented soloist?
Engineers hate it when you say it doesn’t matter how good they
are because a team will outcode them any day.

They like to cite The Mythical Man Month in their outrage. “Two
women can’t make a baby faster than 9 months” … “Adding
people to a late software project makes it even later”
You can tell they never read the book. Brooks starts with
“Communication introduces overhead, but it would take a single
programmer 50 years to build something like an operating
A soloist can move fast
We started chatting about the response to our Junior to Senior
podcast episode with David and he emailed this example:

I’ve built a lot of cool stuff I don’t think many of the devs I
oversee could do (e.g.,, generative art,
etc…). And just now over the weekend, I built, and I did it in about a day. I spent a few
hours at night and then another few the next morning. I
showed the demo to one of my managers and asked how long
it would take for 5 of his devs to build it, and his estimate was
10 days

David is right, you can get a stupid amount of work done when
you get in the zone and bang out code uninterrupted for a few
hours. And it’s fun!

I’ve written before Why Senior Engineers Get Nothing Done –

they don’t get the chance! It’s all tiny spurts of coding between
other obligations.
David continues:
At the end of that single day, I did not have something that
resembled a public-facing product. If both I and the team of 5
started from that demo/prototype and we raced each other to
get to a “finished product” I’m sure I would lose. After my
initial prototype is working, most of the work is time
consuming and doesn’t benefit from my unique
Node.js/ffmpeg/streaming/UI skills anymore, and I’m not
going to be much faster than “normal” devs.


That’s the rub. You can bang out a prototype to test an idea or
play with your special skillset. That’s the first 90% of the work.
Now you’re left with the second 90% and that shit is a slog.

Teams excel at that part.

Surgical teams do best
David ends his observation with a question:

was my real value “coding” or could I just have told the team
how I wanted to approach the problem and saved myself a
day of coding and them a week and half of figuring out the
best way to do it?

David can’t write code any faster than you or I. Typing is typing.
What he can do is write the right code. His value is the

You could even say writing the code himself was a waste of
time. Rather than a whole day of typing code, he could Own the
project like a senior engineer:

1. Grab a team
2. Explain the correct solution
3. Ensure everyone understands
4. Oversee the execution
5. Validate the result

And while everyone’s busy building something David could

build in his sleep, he can focus on solving (or finding) the next
gnarly problem.

That way he can be the engineer who sells their expertise

instead of their hands and increases the leverage on his time. 1
hour of solving a gnarly problem instead of 12 hours executing
the solution.

And the best part 👉 Others can now maintain and understand
this code, even build from scratch next time a similar problem
comes up. David can thus move on to bigger and better

Being special is fun, but let others play lest you get stuck.

PS: in a “true” team, the surgicalness is fluid. Sometimes you’re

the expert, sometimes you’re the code monkey. That way
everyone helps everyone and you’re all getting better.
How to succeed as a lead engineer –
tactics and mindsets from practice
You’ve just been handed a big project at work. It spans parts of
the app you’ve never touched, tech you’ve never heard of, and it
all needs to work together in one big unified feature.

But fear not! Bob’s gonna help with iOS, Kevin has Android,
Stuart’s doing backend, and you’ve got the webapp. You got dis!

Congratulations, you just became Lead Engineer on a project.

You’re nobody’s boss and it’s your fault when something goes

Yes, your fault. Not your team’s, not your boss’s, yours.

Extreme Ownership is a book you should read. Here’s a TEDx

recap from the author. Ignore the navy seal hardass delivery.

I’ve been leading projects more and more this year as our team
grows and the folks with “manager” in their title become too
busy. It’s been both empowering and frustratingly humbling.

My last project was so smooth I think I finally figured out how to

lead well. Here’s what I’ve learned 👇
How to succeed as a lead engineer
As lead engineer you are straddling the line between
management and engineering. Your job is to do your work,
write your code, oh and also you’re responsible for the whole
project and everybody else’s work. Good luck.

You often have no power – you don’t choose your team, you
don’t hire anyone, you don’t pick what to work on … you
manage the project, not the people.

Ever noticed how there’s no project managers in Silicon Valley?

This is why. Engineers are project managers.

Because you’re lead engineer your main work is still writing the
code. You are expected to focus on implementing the feature,
making tests pass, getting through code review.

Managing the project is just tacked on top. It won’t show up in

your sprint, time will not be allotted. You just gotta find it.

But come review time all your manager is going to ask, or know,
is “Was that project successful?”
Doesn’t matter if you wrote the best code of your life and
everyone else produced crap, or you wrote shit code and
managed everyone else to excellence. Project failed.

Your objective is a successful project

Make sure you check with your boss to know what that means.
“What does success look like?” is the most important question in
your arsenal when starting any project.
It’s a shift in mindset

Once you realize your goal is a successful project, not great

code, everything changes. What can you do to make this

Your role is that of a force multiplier.

In military science, force multiplication or a force multiplier

refers to a factor or a combination of factors that gives
personnel the ability to accomplish greater things than
without it.
What can you do to make everyone else better?

The best way to become a 10x engineer is to find 10 engineers

and make them 2x. That’s your role as lead. Making your team

Your team is likely smaller so maybe aim for 5x? 😛

What this means is that you will have to deprioritize your own
work in favor of everybody else’s work. Somebody blocked? Help
them. Decision needs to be made? Help. Code review waiting for
ya? Do it now, not later. Stuff needs to go into QA? Do it.

Your job is to take on the crap work nobody else wants to do.

That means organizing discussions, keeping everyone in sync,

dealing with QA, getting product signoff, organizing
deployment, carrying that project over the finish line no matter
what. All the stuff that makes you groan and wish you were
writing code.
So what do you do
Mindsets and objectives are nice, but what do you do? We’re
engineers, we like details.

You can read this section as an SOP – standard operating

procedure. It’s what I’ve found works for me and something I
hope others on my team use as a guideline. Hi Pru 👋

Create a Slack channel

Or email thread, or whatever your team uses for
communication. You need a central place for everything to do
with a specific project. All async communication goes there. All
in-person communication gets a recap there.

This will be invaluable later on when something goes wrong and

you want to see what the fuck happened. If you didn’t write it
down, it didn’t happen.
Humans forget everything.

Keep a checklist
Ask your team to break down their part of the project as much
as they can. You can attach estimates to each line or not. I
personally find them useless but my bosses love seeing those
imaginary numbers. 🤷‍♀️

Add a checkbox next to each line. When a task gets done. Check
it off.

This creates an overview at a glance for all stakeholders.

Someone wonders how the project is doing, how close to
completion y’all are 👉 check the checklist.

Your boss will ask you less often how it’s going because they’re
already gonna know.

Daily standup
Create a daily standup. In person if that’s your culture, over
video, if you’re remote.

This is a quick sync up, 5 minutes or less. Chat about the project,
discuss any issues, get an update on how everyone’s doing.
Build a team spirit. We’re all in this together and we all want the
project to succeed.

There is no judgement, no guilt, only facts.

Some management theories say standups are about making

people feel guilty for not being as productive as their peers so
they’ll work harder. That shit is bullshit.

Post a standup recap

Only those actively working on the project today should
participate in your standup.

The smaller the standup, the faster it’s gonna go. You don’t
need everyone there in person. Sometimes they just need to
know when they can start working on their part.

Don’t waste people’s time.

Instead, after standup, write a short recap summarizing the

project status. Post it in the common communication area you
created earlier.

To quote my wonderful PM:

That’s the goal right there.

Added bonus: your boss won’t bug you for updates. They can
read the standup recap

I like to split the recap by person for accountability. Stuart did

so and so, Kevin got this far, Bob was stolen from us by a
production issue.

This is your new super power. As lead, you get to delegate.
Delegating is hard. It means letting go of your babies, letting
others play with your legos, and stepping away from some of
the work.

But it’s okay, they’re great engineers and they’re gonna do it

even better than you could have.

You’re delegating everything you can’t do. Those parts of the

feature you aren’t owning anyway. Your job there is to provide
clarity, help with organization, and hope for the best.

But you should also delegate some of the things you can do.
Because others can do them better.

Coming up with examples is tricky, you’ll know it when you see

it :)

Communicate like a boss

This is more general advice but I like it a lot. A few turn-of-
phrase hacks you can use to make everything flow smoother.
Ask for updates and always follow up. When something’s done
congratulate, when something falls behind ask why.

And remember, a well managed team will out-code you any day
of the week.

PS: I crowdsourced some of the ideas, you can check out for
more wisdom
How to own projects like a senior
The best skill you can learn is ownership.

Ownership means that when YOU grab the project, it will get
done. No matter what.

Unless it’s no longer a priority. Then you drop it like it’s hot.
This is harder than it looks.
Overcoming obstacles
At its core, ownership is about overcoming obstacles.

How good are you on your worst day? When the code hates you,
production is on fire, user story makes no sense, and half your
day is spent helping others?

That’s when ownership shines.

You find time with your Product Manager – PM – to clarify the

story, you work around the bad code, make time to fix it, and
add “fixme” stories to the backlog. When that fails, you find
people with more context and ask questions.

You can google for library questions. You have to ask for
codebase questions.
Excuses and reasons
Steve Jobs liked to share a great story about ownership: When
your office isn’t cleaned, you ask the janitor why.

“Office was locked and there’s no key”

And that’s fine. That’s a good excuse. You can’t clean an office
without the keys.

But when you’re a certain level, that’s no longer fine. Why

didn’t you go find the key? Why isn’t there a backup? If all else
fails, why didn’t you pick the lock?

An excuse is when you say “I couldn’t do it because of X”. A

reason is when you say “It was delayed because X. When I tried Y
and Z that didn’t work, I’m trying W next unless you have a better
Your job is to ensure that office is cleaned. Figure it out.
“it wasn’t in the story”
As an engineer, your job is to solve problems, not to mindlessly
fulfill requirements like a drone.

Own the process. The whole process. Be the project manager

you want to see in the world.

You get the project. You read the spec. You ask questions.

Many questions. Until you are sure you understand both the
spec and the spirit of the spec.

When your PM says “Send user a message at 9am”, she doesn’t

know to also ask:

What happens in different timezones?

What if our server is down at 9am?
What if the messaging service is down?
What if the database was corrupted?
What if the cronjob runs at 9:01am?
What if it runs at 8:54am?
What if we have to send 1000 messages and that blows
through our rate limit?
What if sending 1 message out of 100 fails?
What if we want to analyze sends later?

Finding those hidden requirements is your job my friend.

You’re the expert and distributed systems are inherently flaky

When you ask, the PM might say “Not a business priority right
now, thanks for asking”.
Which is a lot better than getting a text on your Bahamas
vacation at 10am saying “Hey our business is down because we
tried to send 10,000 messages in 1 second and it locked the
database, what the fuck?”
And she’s not gonna ask that your React component follows
basic accessibility guidelines either. That’s on you.
Own the outcome, not the work
The second best skill you can learn is to let go.

Just because you own the project, doesn’t mean you have to do it
alone. Get help!

Notice what I said earlier:

Your job is to ensure that office is cleaned.

Ensure, not clean.

You take the responsibility. You don’t have to take the work.
Doing the work might even be a bad use of your time!

Do you have to build that component you’ve built a thousand

times or can someone else do it with your guidance while you
focus on bigger things?
When shit hits the fan, opt for speed. When there’s time, train
Surgical teams
I like the surgical team analogy.

You’re the lead engineer for this project and the rest of your
team is there to help.

You own the outcome.

If the patient dies, your fault. If the patient lives, your fault. If
there’s complications, your fault. If you publish a report, your
name first.

But it’s a team effort.

Nurses prep the patient, an anesthesiologist administers drugs,

a team preps the tools, an assistant hands you the right thing at
the right time, a trainee opens the patient up and closes them
back, …

You planned it all. From start to finish.

Described the tools you’ll need, the team, the procedure, talked
with the patient, managed risk, delegated tasks, helped when
there’s questions.

And then you do the hard part. The critical part. The part that
needs an expert. The bit only you can do.

Be the expert my friend. Own the outcome.

How Grit superchargers your career
Today I wanted to talk to you about grit. It’s not technical but it
can help your career. ✌️
Finished the book a few days ago. It’s amazing and I suggest
you give it a try. Here are my full takeaways 👇
Why grit
Grit is the strongest predictor of long-term success. Hard work
beats talent when talent fails to work hard.

The world is full of talented people who never reach their


Even if you love what you do, you still need grit to succeed. You
will not enjoy every moment. There will be tough shit, dark
days, days when all feels lost. Talent won’t help you there. Grit
What’s grit
The key difference between gritty and ungritty people is how
they respond to setbacks.

Ungritty people fail and say “Fuck it, I’m too dumb”

Gritty people fail and say “Fuck that, I gotta try harder”

It boils down to growth vs. fixed mindsets. Gritty people have a

growth mindset.

Angela spent half the book on this so it’s hard to summarize 😅

I’ll say it like this:

If you fall and get back up, you’re gritty. If you fall and give up,
you aren’t.

However sometimes giving up is the correct thing to do. You

have to say No to a lot of things so you can say Yes to the right
things. This is where nuance comes in.

For example:

It is the right decision for Swizec to say “No, I will not try to
qualify for Boston marathon”. Because I’m 30 minutes too slow
and the amount of training to get there isn’t worth it.

It would be wrong, however, for Swizec to give up on learning

Kotlin. Because that is a valuable engineering skill that I can
use to broaden my career and gain insights into other stuff.
How grit wins
Do that the most which you are worst at.

Part of why gritty people win in the long run is that working
harder when you fail lets you systematically fix what you’re
currently worst at.

Also known as deliberate practice.

That’s how Senna became king of the rain. As a kid he had a

kart race in the rain, he sucked. After that he practiced every
single time it rained.

15 years later, at Donington, in the wet 👉 The Lap of The Gods.

Widely considered the best lap of F1 racing in history.

Senna started 5th, advanced to 1st in the first lap, and won with
a whopping 1 minute lead. Donington lap record is 1min
18seconds. Astounding performance.
How you can be gritty
Grit is learnable.

That which doesn’t kill you doesn’t always make you stronger.
When you can’t control your suffering, it leads to learned

BUT! With even a modicum of control, you learn grit.

Experiments on dogs showed that when you zap them, it hurts.

D’oh. If they have a button to shorten their zap, they learn that
there’s a way out. Without the button, they don’t.

What happens next is the cool part.

You take those dogs and put them in an open cage. Zap them
again and the dogs who used to have a button think “Oh look
the cage is open I’ll just jump out!”.
Dogs without the button look at the open cage and think
“There’s nothing I can do. This hurts. Mom help me. Why are you
zapping me?”. And they don’t jump out. They sit there and take

Similar experiment on rats showed that if you go through this

experience as a teenager, you become a gritty adult and the
lesson stays with you for life.

Which brings another interesting point.

Often the least gritty people are those who look most
successful as kids.

Straight A students with perfect grades at their perfect little

high schools and amazing track records at ivy league colleges
with stellar GPAs, president of the chess club … you know the

They never learn how to handle failure.

A small slap in the face from Real Life absolutely floors them.
They don’t know how to deal. They’ve never failed at anything.
It is the end of days.
How to grow gritty people
Parenting is important. When you’re a parent, you’re
parenting obviously. You’re also parenting when you’re a boss.
When you’re a mentor. Sometimes even when you’re a friend.

When you have an effect on people’s personal and professional

growth, you are parenting.

So how do you grow gritty people?

And remember, you want to be surrounded by gritty people

because you are the average of your 5 closest friends.

Angela talks about different models of parenting and the one

that sticks out as most effective is this:

Supportive with high standards.

What that means is that you support your people, you give
them what they need to succeed, you nourish, you create a safe
environment, you encourage and cajole.

You also have high standards. You let them fail. You let them
flounder and flop around. You give them a task and you accept
nothing but perfection. If what they deliver isn’t good enough,
you don’t hide the fact. You say it isn’t good and ask them to

This is often hard to do. Especially when there’s deadlines. But

it’s important.
How to teach yourself
If you need to teach grit to yourself in adulthood: Good luck.

You can do it but you won’t enjoy the process.

The only way is to streeeeeeetch yourself on purpose. Bite off

more than you can chew. Chew until you’re through.
What about passion?
Grit is a form of passion. A dogged pursuit of a goal over the
long frame of your life.

But passion isn’t a flash of inspiration. It isn’t something that

hits you one day and then you know what you want to be in life.

Passion grows from a little seed. Passion develops over time.

The more you learn about a thing, the more you enjoy
deepening your knowledge. The better you are the more you
love doing it.

So don’t worry if you don’t know yet what you want to be when
you “grow up”. Experiment. Try stuff. Find something that
pulls you and keep going.

Sooner or later you’ll find it. I believe in you :)

Why programmers work at night
[This essay has been expanded into a book, you should read it, here]

A chimpanzee brain at the Science Museum London

A popular saying goes that Programmers are machines that turn

caffeine into code.

And sure enough, ask a random programmer when they do their

best work and there’s a high chance they will admit to a lot of late
nights. Some earlier, some later. A popular trend is to get up at 4am
and get some work done before the day’s craziness begins. Others
like going to bed at 4am.

At the gist of all this is avoiding distractions. But you could just lock
the door, what’s so special about the night?

I think it boils down to three things: the maker’s schedule, the

sleepy brain and bright computer screens.
The maker’s schedule
Paul Graham wrote about the maker’s schedule in 2009 - basically
that there are two types of schedules in this world (primarily?). The
traditional manager’s schedule where your day is cut up into hours
and a ten minute distraction costs you, at most, an hour’s worth of

Prim clockwork of a wristwatch, watchmaking ex…

On the other hand you have something PG calls the maker’s

schedule - a schedule for those of us who produce stuff. Working on
large abstract systems involves fitting the whole thing into your
mind - somebody once likened this to constructing a house out of
expensive crystal glassand as soon as someone distracts you, it all
comes barreling down and shatters into a thousand pieces.

This is why programmers are so annoyed when you distract them.

Because of this huge mental investment, we simply can’t start

working until we can expect a couple of hours without being
distracted. It’s just not worth constructing the whole model in your
head and then having it torn down half an hour later.

In fact, talking to a lot of founders you’ll find out they feel like they
simply can’t get any work done during the day. The constant
barrage of interruptions, important stuff (tm) to tend to and emails
to answer simply don’t allow it. So they get most of their “work
work” done during the night when everyone else is sleeping.
The sleepy brain
But even programmers should be sleeping at night. We are not some
race of super humans. Even programmers feel more alert during
the day.

Ballmer’s peak

Why then do we perform our most mentally complex work work

when the brain wants to sleep and we do simpler tasks when our
brain is at its sharpest and brightest?

Because being tired makes us better coders.

Similar to the ballmer peak, being tired can make us focus better
simply because when your brain is tired it has to focus! There isn’t
enough left-over brainpower to afford losing concentration.

I seem to get the least work done right after drinking too much tea
or having a poorly timed energy drink. Makes me hyperactive and
one second I’m checking twitter, the next I’m looking at hacker
news and I just seem to be buzzing all over the place..

You’d think I’d work better - so much energy, so much infinite

overclocked brainpower. But instead I keep tripping over myself
because I can’t focus for more than two seconds at a time.

Conversely, when I’m slightly tired, I just plomp my arse down and
code. With a slightly tired brain I can code for hours and hours
without even thinking about checking twitter or facebook. It’s like
the internet stops existing.

I feel like this holds true for most programmers out there. We have
too much brainpower for ~80% of the tasks we work on - face it,
writing that one juicy algorithm, requires ten times as much code to
produce an environment in which it can run. Even if you’re doing
the most advanced machine learning (or something) imaginable, a
lot of the work is simply cleaning up the data and presenting results
in a lovely manner.

And when your brain isn’t working at full capacity it looks for
something to do. Being tired makes you dumb enough that the task
at hand is enough.
Bright computer screens
This one is pretty simple. Keep staring at a bright source of light in
the evening and your sleep cycle gets delayed. You forget to be tired
until 3am. Then you wake up at 11am and when the evening rolls
around you simply aren’t tired because hey, you’ve only been up
since 11am!

A city

Given enough iterations this can essentially drag you into a

different timezone. What’s more interesting is that it doesn’t seem
to keep rolling, once you get into that equilibrium of going to bed
between 3am and 4am you tend to stay there.

Or maybe that’s just the alarm clocks doing their thing because
society tells us we’re dirty dirty slobs if we have breakfast at 2pm.
To conclude, programmers work at night because it doesn’t impose
a time limit on when you have to stop working, which gives you a
more relaxed approach, your brain doesn’t keep looking for
distractions and a bright screen keeps you awake.
My favorite lessons from Pragmatic
Pragmatic Programmer is a book everyone should read at the
start of their career. The earlier the better.

Don’t be like me and wait until every lesson is a “Oh yeah,

learned that the hard way” … “Hah yes! That was a fun and
painful lesson” … “ooo good one! I remember a project just like
that. Fuck that hurt”
And if you are like me, I suggest reading Pragmatic Programmer

David Thomas and Andrew Hunt put into words a lot of those
little feelings inside your gut that you can’t quite verbalize.
When you say “No, we shouldn’t do it that way.” and someone
asks why and you’re like “I don’t know. It just doesn’t feel right.”

“it doesn’t feel right” is no argument, so your team does it that

way anyway. 6 months later the codebase goes to shit and
you’re like “See! That’s why”.

But now it’s too late.

The Cat Ate My Source Code
“Don’t blame someone or something else, or make up an
excuse. Don’t blame all the problems on a vendor, a
programming language, management, or your coworkers.
Any and all of these may play a role, but it is up to you to
provide solutions, not excuses.”
Good-Enough Software
Building software is about trade-offs. Perfect software doesn’t
exist and the more you chase perfection, the more off target
you’ll be.

Good enough doesn’t mean “sloppy”. It means good enough to

fulfill all requirements, but no better.

Don’t waste time and effort on things nobody needs.

DRY—The Evils of Duplication
DRY – do not repeat yourself, is a maxim of the software
industry. Touted as a basic wisdom, it’s caused more harm than
good over the years.

The beginner thinks DRY and bends over backwards to avoid

duplicating her code.

The expert thinks DRY and copy pastes code to avoid duplicating
the architecture.

Duplicate your code, not your intent. Just because it looks the
same doesn’t mean it is the same.
Tracer Bullets
It’s hard to hit your target. Especially when you can’t see the

That’s why machine gunners use tracer bullets – glow-in-the-

dark bullets loaded as every 5th on the reel. They help you see
where you’re shooting.

The same works for software.

Build a working happy path version of your program first.

That’s your tracer bullet.

Users see if you’re going the right way, you and your team get a
skeleton to hang edge cases off of. This is not a prototype. This is
part of your real code.
Prototypes and Post-it Notes
Prototypes are throwaway. You build them to explore a new
idea, technology, or architecture.

Do not refactor a prototype into production code. Stay away

from shipping a prototype as production code. Despite the
business folks protestations of “But it already works!”

Best build your prototypes with post-it notes instead of code.

Removes temptation.
Engineering Daybooks
When you code, write down everything

Keep a notebook. Write down your thoughts and ideas. When

you get distracted, you can look it up. When you come back to
some code 2 weeks later, you can look it up.

As the old proverb from the balkans says: Budala pamti,

pametan piše. The fool remembers, the clever one writes.
Don’t Outrun Your Headlights
Build only as much as you can test. Run your code early, run it

Don’t code for 2 hours then see if it works. You’ll find it’s hard to
tell which change broke your program.

Test your code after every significant change.

What’s significant depends on many factors. When you’re new

to a codebase you’ll make smaller steps than when it all fits in
your head.
Transforming Programming
“All programs transform data, converting an input into an

When you think of code as a series of transformations, your life

will be easier. Small discrete steps, rather than large objects and

Spend an afternoon learning about functional programming.

Inheritance Tax
Inheritance is a trap, often misused, rarely understood.

Are you using inheritance to share code? Try mixins or traits.

Are you using inheritance to build types? The real world never
fits a clean taxonomy. Try interfaces instead.

“Can do X” trumps “Is a X”.

Shared State Is Incorrect State
Modern computing is full of concurrency and parallelism.
Anything you build has to deal with this reality.

Shared state is your enemy.

Immutable shared state and mutable local state are your

friends. Avoid relying on state others may have changed.
Programming by Coincidence
Do you know why your code works?

If not, it might be a coincidence. Code that works for the wrong

reason is worse than code that doesn’t work.

Verify until you’re certain.

Coconuts Don’t Cut It
Do what works, not what’s fashionable.

You are not Google. You are not Facebook, Amazon, Netflix,
Apple, or Spotify either. What works for them will not work for

Listen to the trends, try their ideas, judge for yourself.

What works for Google in 2020 wouldn’t work for Google in

2010. Every team is different. Find what works for you now.
Change when it stops working.
Delight Your Users
“Your users are not particularly motivated by code. They have
a business problem that needs solving within the context of
their objectives and budget.”

Find what your users need, not just what they ask.

The biggest danger to a software team is a client that limits

their ask based on perceived software limitations. Encourage
clients to ask for their wildest dream. Work together to find a

Their goal is not the tool, their goal is what your tool enables
them to do.

And remember, programming is not meant to be safe. It’s a life-

long lesson in building wisdom and tradeoffs.
Why great engineers hack The

Companies start life in the cowboy phase – a band of brothers

and sisters building something cool.

You ship straight to prod, you understand the whole business,

you vibe with everyone around you. They think it, you build it.
Telepathic almost.

When something goes wrong, you know how to fix it. The whole
system fits in your head. You know what everyone is working
on, and you Just Know™ what matters most.

Life is good. An engineer’s dream.

Then something goes wrong.

You push a critical bug. Production goes down. Customers lose

data. Thanksgiving promotions don’t work. The site crashes at a
pitch to investors. Money is lost.

Time to grow up.

A process is born
You add checks and balances.

Something simple – everyone’s code needs to go through a pull

request. Helps you know what’s going on, increases team
learnings, ensures at least two people see every change.

Great idea!

Then you add QA, product managers, designers, feature owners,

internal clients, external clients, this person that person …
before you know it every idea goes through committee after
committee before it even reaches the developer.
Nothing gets done anymore
3 or 4 years after starting, if you’re not careful, most of your
time goes to meta work. Work about work.

You have an idea. Tell the PM.

PM puts it on their pile of ideas.

Every Friday, your PM – now called Head of Product because

you’re a very real grownup company – looks at this list and
decides what to work on.

Your idea might just align with business objectives.

PM looks at everyone touched by this idea and goes into

Requirements Gathering mode. They talk to sales, customer
support, operations, engineering, the CEO, the COO, the janitor,
and maybe that homeless dude outside.

3 weeks later a spec is born.

5 miles long, covering all edge cases, and with everyone’s pet
addition. Your idea is on line 5 paragraph 6. Now
You get to work
Work starts with reviewing the spec. You talk to the PM ask a
bunch of questions, poke holes in the edge cases, talk to the
clients again just to make sure everyone understands the spec
in the same way.

Everyone had a new idea. That little something they forgot.

The spec grows a mile.

You create a detailed estimate. Line by line. Investigate the

code, plan the solution, really dig down to what’s needed. Hand
waving with an “Eh about 5 days” won’t do in a serious grownup
organization like yours.

It takes you 3 days to dig through the requirements, the aging

codebase, and the technical debt. You’re pretty sure you know
how to implement this.

Estimate: 5 days.

You spend another 2 days writing test cases for QA, help docs
for feature testing, and some documentation for yourself. Gotta
know how you’ll know the feature works before you start.
Them’s the rules.
Code is just a checklist
You finally get to code. 2 weeks since you started the project.

Ah bliss

Except your estimate is so detailed that there’s no fun left.

You’re just following a checklist. A detailed list of steps pre-
determined while estimating.

You’ve done the engineering. The fun stuff. Now you’re just
doing work. Like digging a trench.
Time to deploy
10 days later you’re ready to deploy.

Oh the estimate was 5? Ha! You forgot work takes work. Even if
it’s simple, easy, and following a checklist, it still takes time.

Frustrating, I know.

You send a pull request to the 5 repositories you changed. Ship

off to QA. And ask the PM to verify everything looks good.

Five hundred comments and 3 feature additions later, you’re

ready to ship.

That took another week.

5 months from idea to feature but at least your deployment

process is easy. You’re a young startup after all!

Just poke the deployment engineer and she’ll get to it tomorrow.

HOW great engineers hack The
Earlier this week we talked about why engineers hack the
process. Today I wanna talk about how.

The Process is like an organization’s immune system against

the incompetent, the lazy, and the too busy to pay attention.
Safety rails to make sure everyone does at least sort of good
work no matter what.

We can’t trust you to run tests? Fine, no merging without a

green test suite.
We can’t trust you to dev test your code? Fine, not done without
independent sign-off.

Can’t trust you to think through your solution before coding?

Fine, no starting without an engineering kickoff.

Can’t even trust you to read the spec? Fine, no coding without a
detailed time estimate verified and agreed upon by five
independent parties.

But you’re a great engineer. Never incompetent, rarely lazy, and

always too busy to pay attention … wait a minute 🤔
Hacking The Process
So how do you hack The Process when it gets in the way?


First you have to build trust. Without trust you won’t have the
leeway to hack the process.

Trust is best built by not fucking up.

Think of trust like karma points on Reddit. Say something

useful, get a point. Say something dumb, lose a point.

Deliver a project on time. +2 points. Find an edge case in the

spec and talk to the PM. +5 points. Refactor a tricky piece of code
and improve everyone’s lives. +10 points.

Kill production because of a typo. -20 points.

Take ownership, fix the typo, and explain how you’ll ensure a
typo never gets into production again. +10 points.

Oh and you just added to The Process. oops.

Second, you need to take responsibility.

When something goes wrong and you followed The Process,

your ass is covered. Process is the ultimate cover-your-ass

“Oh but I was just following the process. You should fix that if you
want to fix this sort of mistake”
Weak move my friend. -5 trust points, but I get it.

/me throws another step onto The Process

When you hack the process, it’s all on you. Everything works
out? You’re a hero.

Production goes down, customer gets double-charged, investor

sees a blank page instead of an app demo 👉 your ass is grass.

And you gotta own it. Take full responsibility. You hacked the
process and it didn’t work out. Own it, apologize, fix the
mistake, explain the incentives, move on.

But without ownership, you’ll never be trusted to hack the

process ever again.


The last step is good judgement.

You’re about to hack The Process. Is it worth the risk?

Think of risk like jumping over a canyon. You have to balance

probability and consequence.

Let me explain with a crude comic of a stick figure jumping over

a canyon 👇
Good judgement means you can tell the difference between
these situations.

Hacking The Process when probability of failure is low and

consequences are nil? Go for it.

Hacking The Process when probability of failure is high and

consequences are dire? Please reconsider.
So how
Ok so you’ve got the trust, responsibility, and judgement to hack
The Process. Now what?

Now you find opportunities to hack the process, my friend.

Start simple like disabling a merge check or two when it gets in

the way of deploying a well-tested branch to production in a
timely manner. Re-enable after you’re done.

Drop a step or five from the feature development checklist

when it feels unnecessary. Does your feature actually benefit
from QA or will automated tests do a better job? Does what
you’re doing even need automated tests? Do you need a detailed
checklist estimate to think through a feature?

Just don’t be late. “Multiply your gut estimate by 3.14” is a rule of

thumb I’ve heard a lot.

You can graduate from there to completely subverting The


Something broken? Just fix it. Don’t wait for a spec.

Glaring hole in the spec? Propose a solution, tell the PM, let
them add to the spec.

Better yet, implement the solution and show your PM a

screenshot. They’ll be happy as heck.

Everyone loves it when you have their back.

As long as implementing a quick solution doesn’t take you 5

days and blows your estimate to shreds. Make that the next
project instead :) And most of all: use your hacks to improve The
Every improvement starts as an experiment. YOU can make life
better for everyone my friend.

Happy hacking.
What I learned from Software
Engineering at Google
When I first picked up Software Engineering at Google I thought it
was another one of those FAANG books full of lessons that make no
sense at human scale. I was surprised, the lessons apply to teams as
small as 5.

Software Engineering at Google cover

This is a “good shit stays” recap. The lessons that stick with you a
few weeks after reading.
Software Engineering vs. Programming
The difference between Software Engineering and Programming is
at the core of this book. Titus Winters, author of the first chapter,
finally made it click for me.

Software engineering is programming over time

Programming is about writing code. You take a task and write code
to solve it.

Software engineering is when you take that piece of code and


How will this task evolve?

How will this code adapt to those changes?
What does this code encourage others to do?
How does this code encourage other programmers to use it?
How will I understand this code in 5 months?
How will a busy team member jumping around grok this?
What happens when the business becomes bigger?
When will this code stop being good enough?
How does it scale?
How does it generalize?
What hidden dependencies are there?

That’s engineering 👉 considering the long-term effects of your code.

Both direct and indirect.

You always face the underlying concern of “What’s the expected life
span of this code?”. How you approach a black friday marketing site
is different from how you approach your company’s payment
Beyonce rule and Hyrum’s law
If you liked it you should’ve put a test on it

When you’re small, coordination is easy. When you’re big, anyone

might touch your code.

Solo programmers on small projects don’t need lots of tests. The

whole thing fits in your head. You know how it works.

As the system grows, you start to forget. Add a feature, fix a bug,
part of the system you didn’t even touch breaks. 🤨

{INSERT 99songs image here}

Part of the problem is Hyrum’s Law. As engineers join your project,

they will find a way to make it work. That’s a threat 😉

Any observable behavior, documented or not, supported or not, will

be relied upon by someone.

You fix a bug … Joe from billing relied on that bug for his code to
work. 💩

The Beyonce rule says that if Joe liked that bug, he shoulda put a test
on it. When you fix the bug, his test breaks, and you say “Oh shit,
gotta fix Joe’s code too”.
And because Joe put tests on everything he likes about his code, you
can go fix it without understanding all the gnarly details.
Shift left
The earlier you find a mistake, the easier it is to fix.

Static analysis runs in your editor. Finds typos, incorrect function

calls, autocompletes code.

Unit tests take a few seconds to verify your code does what you
think it does. Like a checksum.

Integration tests take a few minutes to validate your system works.

May catch fun edge cases.

Code review takes a few hours to validate you’re following standard

norms and practices of your team. Great way to share knowledge
and learn from others.

QA takes a few hours or days to ensure everything works together as


Users in production will find everything and expose you to edge

cases you never thought possible.

The later you go in this sequence, the harder to recover from an

Automate common tasks


Scaling an organization is a lot like scaling a software system. How

many resources does it take to support a new engineer?

Take production deploys, for example. How much work is it to

combine everyone’s contributions into a new release? At Google
they measure velocity in commits per second.

What about code reviews?

Explaining codebase norms to 1 engineer is easier than 10. If 5

engineers join every quarter, can you keep up? What about 5 per

You’re in trouble when overhead grows faster than engineering.

Automation helps.

Code formatters, linters, codemods, continuous integration

pipelines … anything you can use to take work off people’s plates.
Many tasks are more mechanical than you think.
Sometimes if you make things less flexible, take control away from
your engineers, you can automate the whole thing. Deploys and
server config are a great example.

Less flexibility, more automation, easier codebase.

Stubs and mocks make bad tests
Large sections of Software Engineering at Google are devoted to
automated testing. It’s the only way you can scale to an
organization of that size.

The part that stuck with me was a hunch I’ve had for a while 👉 stubs
and mocks are bad.

Your tests are only as good as your mocks. They hide the true
behavior of your system, drift away from reality, and take a lot of
effort to maintain.

After all that, you can’t even trust your tests. Like that time I had
perfectly passing unit tests, deployed to staging, and realized my
code relied on a database column that doesn’t exist.

But it worked with my mocked database 🙃

Google recommends using fakes instead. Simplified

implementations of the real thing maintained by the same team for
API parity.

Use integration tests when possible.

Small frequent releases
A small release is easier to manage. A small release is easier to
revert. A small release is easier to understand.

Keep shipping.

Weekly at slowest. Daily is great. Hourly is dreamy. Minutely is …

that’s for large companies :D

The bigger the change, the harder to figure out which commit or
feature broke production. Small changes make it obvious.

Use automation to make it painless.

Upgrade dependencies early, fast, and often
Same deal as releases. The smaller the change, the easier to manage.

Upgrading from 4.3.7 to 4.3.8 is no big deal. Going from 4.3.7 to 4.4.0
might require a few changes. You can run around and update.

But going from 4.3.7 to 4.9.0 is going to be a pain. Even if every

intermediate version was backwards compatible, there’s no telling
how far it drifted.

When you jump multiple major versions, prepare for a world of

pain. Last time I attempted a project like that, we abandoned after 2
weeks. Not worth it. 😅

But a small update? You can do that in an afternoon.

Keep up to date. It’s counter-intuitive but it works. Straight from

The Theory of Constraints
Expert makes everyone’s update
Hand-in-hand with keeping your code up to date is how.

You can upgrade a dependency or a piece of code or make a

function deprecated. Then tell everyone “Hey please upgrade”.

They won’t.

You have to do it for them. It’s the fastest way. Get into their code
and make the update.

You’re the expert on what needs to happen, you’ll do it fast.

Everyone else has to grok the change, find time in their schedule, …

And if you have time, read the book. I liked it more than I thought.

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