Kristen Bradshaw Self-Study Project Reflection Journal ISTC 735 Towson University
Kristen Bradshaw Self-Study Project Reflection Journal ISTC 735 Towson University
Kristen Bradshaw Self-Study Project Reflection Journal ISTC 735 Towson University
ISTC 735
Towson University
Personal Story
blog page (See Artifact 1). This was an expectation for sharing our assignments and
reflections for the ISTC 731 class. I had never used the Weebly platform before, and
was extremely overwhelmed with the customization options that went into blog design.
The instructor of the course introduced the blog requirement by asking students to
simply share their blog links in the first few days of the class. When exploring the
template options, it was difficult to choose which one I wanted to show my vision. I felt
unprepared for how to imagine a “finished product” without truly knowing what I was
Artifact 1
Weebly Blog page
ways. Some of the expectations for the blog were to create blog reflections, post them
on our site, and then respond to our peer’s blog posts. Other assignments expected us
to link and embed projects, resources, or other data into a blog page. Each of these
digital formats had its own method of publishing on the blog. Every time I found myself
spending hours trying to figure out, not only how to complete the Graduate level
assignment, but then organize and publish it to the blog site. I used my technology
resources to “Google It” which oftentimes resulted in someone else’s expertise giving
me step by step directions for certain formatting. Although frustrating at times, after
Once the course was completed, I was able to reflect and see my culmination of
effort. Many of the smaller frustrating memories faded away and I really only felt pride
for the product I had created. Not only was technology the focus of this challenging
experience, but it also helped me to research solutions for all of these obstacles. As
with every experience, a learner can be proud of the growth that results from
overcoming challenges.
Peer Responses
My partner for this assignment, Jess, has been one of my closest peers
throughout this program, our previous iSTEM cohort, and is a fellow AACPS employee.
While reading my story, she shared that she also felt that the initial blog creation for
ISTC 731 was a learning curve. The technology challenge of the coding and creation
was an added stressor to the weekly grad assignment deadlines. Thus, the process
required more time for execution and implementation. It is a difficult task when you
Jess felt this was such a powerful learning experience for me because it took me
out of my comfort zone. It pushed me to learn and achieve a task that was new, but
helped me attain new skills in the end. Jess made a good point when she said
something that made the blogging experience even more powerful was that it was being
unknowingly carried over into the current ISTC 735 course. This meant that our
After reading Jess’s thoughts about my story, there were many things that
resonated. I also enjoyed taking the time to really reflect and take the time to unpack
this experience. We spent some time reflecting in-person and were able to discuss our
thoughts. This collaboration was presented into a Slide deck (See Artifact 2).
Artifact 2
Self-Study Project Group Presentation
Obviously, it was difficult to balance the graduate-level content of the Blog with
the self-set expectations for making it visually appealing to the reader. When tasked
with learning something new, it can cause initial stress and challenges. Taking the time
to learn, often by trial and error, yet successfully produce a webpage was very
Jess made a good point about the relief we experienced when realizing that our
existing Blog page could be modified for our current ISTC 735 course. The fact that we
did not have to start from scratch, and could continue learning and building our Blog
Discussing Implications for Teaching and Learning. “The facilitator invites everyone to
share any thoughts they have about their own teaching, children’s learning, or ways
that this particular experience might influence their coaching of teaching and learning.”
For the amount of effort and time I have put into this tech product, I wish it had some
connection to my 3rd grade classroom. I do feel more confident with the knowledge I’ve
gained in web design. This self-study process has inspired me to consider creating a
classroom webpage for students and parents to use as a resource in the future. In my
Google Site for resources and tools for families which could be shared with the entire
3rd grade.
Baron, Daniel. “The Making Meaning Storytelling .” National School Reform Faculty,