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MAT 241-Variation of Parameters, Operator and Difference Equations

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Variation of Parameters, Operator Techniques and

Difference Equation

Lawal G.S

University of Ibadan

Thursday 27th April, 2017

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1 Variation of Parameters

2 Operator Techniques

3 Difference Equation

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Variation of Parameters

Variation of Parameter: Procedure

φ(D)y = a0 (x)y n + a1 (x)y n−1 + a2 (x)y n−2 + ... + an−1 (x)y + an (x)y
and suppose that the complementary solution of
φ(D)y = R(x)
y = C1 y1 (x) + C2 y2 (x) + C3 y3 (x) + ... + Cn yn (x)
Replace the arbitrary constants C1 , C2 , C3 , ...Cn by the functions
K1 , K2 , K3 , ..., Kn and seek to determine these functions so that
y = K1 y1 (x) + K2 y2 (x) + K3 y3 (x) + ... + Kn yn (x)
is a solution of
φ(D)y = R(x)

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Variation of Parameters

To determine these n-functions, we must impose n restrictions on them

and since one of these is that the differential equation be satisfied, if
follows that the remaining (n − 1) may be taken at will. The conditions
which lead to the greatest simplicity are given by the equations;

K10 y1 + K20 y2 + K30 y3 + ... + Kn0 yn = 0

K10 y10 + K20 y20 + K30 y30 + ... + Kn0 yn0 = 0
K1 y1 + K20 y2n−2 + K30 y3n−2 + ... + Kn0 ynn−2 = 0
0 n−2

K10 y1n−1 + K20 y2n−1 + K30 y3n−1 + ... + Kn0 ynn−1 = R(x)

where the last equation represents the condition that the given differential
equation be satisfied. From these equations, K10 , K20 , K30 , ..., Kn0 .
K1 , K2 , K3 , ..., Kn can then be found by integration leading to the required
equation. This method is applicable whenever the complementary solution
can be found including cases where a0 , a1 , a2 , ..., an are not constants.

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Variation of Parameters

Example I:
Solve the differential equation using method of variation of parameters
(D 2 − 3D + 2)y = e 5x

The differential equation can also be written as

y 00 − 3y 0 + 2y = e 5x

The complementary solution

yc = c1 e x + c2 e 2x

To find the solution, we assume the general solution

y = K1 e x + K2 e 2x (i)

where K and K are suitable functions

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Variation of Parameters

Differentiating (i) yields

y 0 = K10 e x + K20 e 2x + K1 e x + 2K2 e 2x (ii)

Since there are two functions, we must arrive at two conditions for
determining them. One of these conditions is that

K10 e x + K20 e 2x = 0 (iii)

such that (ii) becomes

y 0 = K1 e x + 2K2 e 2x (iv )

Differentiating (iv) again, we obtain

y 00 = K10 e x + 2K20 e 2x + K1 e x + 4K2 e 2x (v )

substituting (i), (iv) and (v) into the given differential equation, we
obtain Thus,
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Variation of Parameters


y 00 − 3y 0 + 2y = K10 e x + 2K20 e 2x + K1 e x + 4K2 e 2x − 3(K1 e x + 2K2 e 2x )

+2(K1 e x + K2 e 2x ) = e 5x
such that
K10 e x + 2K20 e 2x = e 5x (vi)
solving (iii) and (vi) simultaneously to determine K10 and K20 , we have
K10 e x + K20 e 2x = 0
K10 e x + 2K20 e 2x = e 5x
K10 = −K20 e x (vii)
substitute (vii) into (vi), then
(−K20 e x )e x + 2K20 e 2x = e 5x
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Variation of Parameters


−K20 e 2 x + 2K20 e 2x = e 5x

K20 e 2x = e 5x

K20 = e 3x =⇒ K2 = e 3x + c2

using K20 = e 3x , then from (vii),

K10 = −(e 3x )e x = −e 4x
integrating implies that
K10 = − e 4x + c1
By assumption,
y = K1 e x + K2 e 2x
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Variation of Parameters


1 1
y = (− e 4x + c1 )e x + ( e 3x + c2 )e 2x
4 3
rearranging, we have
1 5x
y = c1 e x + c2 e 2x + e

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Variation of Parameters

Example II:
Solve the differential equation
(D 2 + 4)y = 8 sin 2x

The differential equation can also be written as

y 00 + 4y = 8 sin 2x

The complementary solution is

yc = c1 cos 2x + c2 sin 2x

To find the solution, we assume the general solution

y = K1 cos 2x + K2 sin 2x (∗)

where K and K are suitable functions

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Variation of Parameters

Differentiating (*) yields
y 0 = −2K1 sin 2x + K10 cos 2x + 2K2 cos 2x + K20 sin 2x (∗∗)
Since there are two functions, we must arrive at two conditions for
determining them. One of these conditions is that
K10 cos 2x + K20 sin 2x = 0
such that (**) becomes
y 0 = −2K1 sin 2x + 2K2 cos 2x
Differentiating again
y 00 = −4K1 cos 2x − 2K10 sin 2x − 4K2 sin 2x + 2K20 cos 2x
y 00 + 4y = −2K10 sin 2x + 2K20 cos 2x = 8 sin 2x (∗ ∗ ∗)

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Variation of Parameters

From the two equations,
K10 cos 2x + K20 sin 2x = 0
−2K1 sin 2x + 2K20 cos 2x = 8 sin 2x
From here,
−K20 sin 2x
K10 =
cos 2x
substituting into the second equation, we obtain
−K20 sin 2x
−2 sin 2x + 2K20 cos 2x = 8 sin 2x
cos 2x
Multiply all by cos 2x, then
2K20 sin2 2x + 2K20 cos2 2x = 8 sin 2x cos 2x

2K20 = 8 sin 2x cos 2x

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Variation of Parameters


K20 = 4 sin 2x cos 2x =⇒ K2 = sin2 2x + c2

−K20 sin 2x sin 2x
K10 = =⇒ K10 = (−4 sin 2x cos 2x)
cos 2x cos 2x
K10 = −4 sin2 2x
integrating, we obtain
K1 = −2x + sin 4x + c1
Using the assumption that
y = K1 cos 2x + K2 sin 2x
we have
−2x + sin 4x + c1 cos 2x + sin2 2x + c2 sin 2x

2 th
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Variation of Parameters


y = c1 cos 2x + c2 sin 2x − 2x cos 2x + sin 4x cos 2x + sin3 2x

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Variation of Parameters

Tutorial Questions:

Solve using variation of parameters

1 y 00 + 2y 0 − 3y = xe −x
2 y 00 + 4y = csc 2x
3 (D 3 + D)y = 4 tan x
4 (D 2 + 9)y = sec 3x
5 xy 00 − y 0 = x
6 (D 2 + D − 2)y = x 2 e 2x
7 (D 2 − 4)y = 16x 3

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Operator Techniques

Operator Techniques

When a0 , a1 , ..., an are constants, the equation

φ(D)y = R(x)

can be written in factored form as

a0 (D − m1 )(D − m2 )...(D − mn )y = R(x) (2.2)

where m1 , m2 , ..., mn are constants and where the other of the factors
(D − m1 )(D − m2 ), ..., (D − mn ) is immaterial. This is not true if
a0 , a1 , ..., an are not constants.The constants, m1 , m2 , ..., mn are the root
of the auxiliary equation and the complementary solution is

y = c1 e m1 x + c2 e m2 x + ... + cn e mn x

To obtain particular solutions,we use the following operator methods:

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Operator Techniques

I.Method of Reduction of order:

a0 (D − m2 )(D − m3 )...(D − mn )y = Y1
then (2.2) becomes
(D − m1 )Y1 = R(x)
which can be solved for Y1 . Also let

a0 (D − m3 )(D − m4 )...(D − mn )y = Y2

so that
(D − m2 )Y2 = Y1
which can be solved for Y2 .By continuing in this manner, y can be
obtained. This method yields the general solution if all arbitrary constants
are kept, while it yields a particular solution if the constants are omitted.

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Operator Techniques

II.Method of Inverse Operators:

be defined as a particular solution, yp such that

φ(D)yp = R(x)
We call φ(D) an inverse operator.By reference to the entries in the
following table, the labour in finding particular solution of φ(D)y = R(x)
is often reduced.

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Operator Techniques

Table of Inverse Operator

e mx e −mx R(x)dx
(D−m) R(x)
e m1 x e −m1 x e m2 x ... e −mn−1 x e m
(D−m1 )(D−m2 )...(D−mn ) R(x)
1 px e px
φ(D) e φ(p) if φ(p) 6= 0
1 cos(px+q)
φ(D 2 )
cos(px + q) φ(−p 2 )
if φ(−p 2 ) 6= 0
1 sin(px+q)
φ(D 2 )
sin(px + q) if φ(−p 2 ) 6= 0
φ(−p 2 )
1 p k p
φ(D) x = (c0 + c1 D + ... + ck D +)x (c0 + c1 D + ... + cp D p )x p
1 px 1
φ(D) e F (x) e px φ(D+p) F (x)

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Operator Techniques

Examples I:

1 4x
Evaluate D−2 (e )
Using the formula
(e 4x )
D −2
= e 2x e −2x e 4x dx

= e 4x

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Operator Techniques

Example II:
Evaluate (3e −2x )
(D + 1)(D − 2)
Using the formula;
(3e −2x )
(D + 1)(D − 2)
1 1
= (3e −2x )
D +1 D −2
1 2x −2x −2x
= e e (3e )dx
D +1
1 3 −2x
= − e
D +1 4
3 3
= e −x e x (− e −2x )dx = e −2x
4 4
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Operator Techniques

Using Partial fraction
(3e −2x )
(D + 1)(D − 2)
" #
−1 1
= 3
+ 3
(3e −2x )
D +1 D −2
1 1
=− (e −2x ) + (e −2x )
D +1 D −2
−x x −2x
= −e e (e )dx + e 2x
e −2x (e −2x )dx

= e −2x

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Operator Techniques

Example III:
1 px e px
Prove that e = if φ(p) 6= 0.
φ(D) φ(p)
By definition;

φ(D) = a0 (x)D n + a1 (x)D n−1 + a2 (x)D n−2 + ... + an−1 (x)D + an (x)

where a0 , a1 , ..., an are constants. Then,

φ(D)e px = a0 D n + a1 D n−1 + a2 D n−2 + ... + an−1 D + an e px

= a0 p n + a1 p n−1 + a2 p n−2 + ... + an−1 p + an e px

= φ(p)e px

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Operator Techniques

Example IV:
Find the general solution of (D 2 − 3D + 2)y = e 5x using the result in
(Example III):
The complementary solution is;

yc = c1 e x + c2 e 2x

Using the result above, the particular solution is;

1 5x 1 5x e 5x
yp = e = e =
D 2 − 3D + 2 (52 ) − 3(5) + 2 12

Hence the general solution is;

e 5x
y = c1 e x + c2 e 2x +

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Operator Techniques

Example V:

Find the general solution of (D 2 + 1)y = cos 2x

The complementary solution is;

yc = c1 cos x + c2 sin x

U̇sing the result in the table,

1 cos(px + q)
cos(px + q) = if φ(−p 2 ) 6= 0
φ(D ) φ(−p 2 )

then we have
1 1 1
yp = cos 2x = cos 2x = − cos 2x
D2 +1 (−4 + 1) 3

Hence the required general solution is y = c1 cos x + c2 sin x − 31 cos 2x

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Operator Techniques

Example VI:
Evaluate D 3 +D 2 +2D−1
cos 2x
Using the result in example IV,

1 cos(px + q)
cos(px + q) = if φ(−p 2 ) 6= 0
φ(D 2 ) φ(−p 2 )

then we have
1 1
cos 2x = cos 2x
D3 + D2 + 2D − 1 D(−4) − 4 + 2D − 1

1 (2D − 5) (2D − 5)
− cos 2x = − 2 cos 2x = − cos 2x
2D + 5 4D − 25 4(−4) − 25
1 1
= (2D − 5) cos 2x = (−4 sin 2x − 5 cos 2x)
41 41
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Operator Techniques

Example VII:
Evaluate (D 3 + D)y = e −2x cos 2x
Using the formula in the table;
1 px 1
e F (x) = e px F (x)
φ(D) φ(D + p)

1 1
yp = e −2x cos 2x = e −2x cos 2x
D3 +D 3
(D − 2) + D − 2
1 1
= e −2x cos 2x = e −2x cos 2x
D 3 − 6D 2 + 13D − 10 −4D + 24 + 13D − 10
1 9D − 14
= e −2x cos 2x = e −2x cos 2x
9D + 14 81D 2 − 196

e −2x e −2x
= (9D − 14) cos 2x = (9 sin 2x + 7 cos 2x)
81(−4) − 196 260 th
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Operator Techniques

Tutorial Question II:

Evaluate the following:

1 e −2x
D +3
9e 5x − 4e −x
D + D − 12
D −1
3 8 cos x
D + D2 + 1
4 e −2x cos 2x
(D − 4)(D + 3)(D + 1)
5 Prove that

φ(D)[e px R(x)] = e px φ(D + p)R(x)

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Difference Equation

Difference Equation

Definition 3.1.1
An equation which contains independent variable, dependent variable and
successive differences of the dependent variable is called the difference

Examples 3.1.2
1 yn+2 − 6yn+1 + 9yn = 0
2 (E 2 + 6E + 9)yn = 2n i.e yn+2 + 6yn+1 + 9yn = 2n
3 (∆2 + 3∆ + 2)yn = 1 or ∆2 yn + 3∆yn + 2yn = 1
or (yn+2 − 2yn+1 + yn ) + 3(yn+1 − yn ) + 2yn = 1
or yn+2 + yn+1 = 1

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Difference Equation

Order of a difference equation:

Definition 3.1.3
The order of the difference equation is the difference between the largest
and smallest arguments occurring in the difference equation divided by the
unit of argument.
Thus, the order of the difference equation is
largest argument - smallest argument
unit of argument

Example 3.1.4
The order of the difference equation yn+2 − 7yn = 5 is

(n + 2) − n

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Difference Equation

Definition 3.1.5

Degree of a difference equation

The highest degree of yn0 s in the difference equation is called the Degree
of the difference equation.

Example i:
The order and degree of yn+2 + 4yn+1 + 4yn = 2n are = 2 and 1

Example ii:
2 n+3−n
The order and degree of yn+3 + 3yn+2 + 3yn+1 + yn = 0 are =3
and 2 respectively.

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Difference Equation

Definition 3.1.6

Solution of Difference Equation

Any function which satisfies the given difference equation is called the
solution of the difference equation.

General solution of the difference equation

A solution in which the number of arbitrary constants is equal to the order
of the difference equation is called the general solution of the difference

Particular solution
A solution which can be obtained from the general solution by assigning
particular values is called particular solution.

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Difference Equation

Formation of difference equation:

Example I: Write the difference equation ∆3 yn + ∆2 yn + ∆yn + yn = 0 in
the subscript notation.
∆yn = yn+1 − yn

∆2 yn = yn+2 − 2yn+1 + yn

∆3 yn = yn+3 − 3yn+2 + 3yn+1 − yn

substituting these into the given difference equation, we obtain

(yn+3 − 3yn+2 + 3yn+1 − yn ) + (yn+2 − 2yn+1 + yn ) + (yn+1 − yn ) + yn = 0

yn+3 − 2yn+2 + 2yn+1 = 0

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Difference Equation

Example II: Form a difference equation from

yn = A2n + B(−2)n

yn = A2n + B(−2)n =⇒ yn − A2n − B(−2)n = 0

yn+1 = A2n+1 + B(−2)n+1 =⇒ yn+1 − 2A2n + 2B(−2)n = 0

yn+2 = A2n+2 + B(−2)n+2 =⇒ yn+2 − 4A2n − 4B(−2)n = 0

Eliminating A and B, we obtain,

yn+2 − 4yn = 0

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Difference Equation

Definitions :

Linear Difference Equation

A difference equation in which yn , yn+1 , yn+2 , ..., occur to the first degree
only and not multiplied together is called the Linear difference equation.
A linear difference equation of order k is an equation of the form

a0 yn+k + a1 yn+k−1 + a2 yn+k−2 + ... + ak yn = R(n) 1.1.6

If R(n) = 0, then the equation 1.1.6 is called linear homogeneous

difference equation, otherwise it is called non-homogeneous difference

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Difference Equation

Homogeneous Linear Difference Equation with constant

The equation of the form
(a0 E k + a1 E k−1 + a2 E k−2 + ... + an−1 E + an I )yn = 0
φ(E )yn = 0
where a0 , a1 , ..., an are all constants is known as homogeneous linear
difference equation with constant coefficient.
Let yn = mn be the solution of the difference equation, then we have
a0 mn+k + a1 mn+k−1 + ... + an mn = 0

=⇒ (a0 mk + a1 mk−1 + ... + an )mn = 0 3.1.7

which shows that mn is the solution of 3.1.7 if m satisfies
a0 mk + a1 mk−1 + ... + an = 0 3.1.8
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Difference Equation

Equation 3.1.8 is known as the auxiliary equation. This equation has
k-roots m1 , m2 , m3 , ..., mk .Some cases may arise;
Case I: When the roots are real and distinct
If m1 , m2 , m3 , ..., mk are real and distinct roots of auxiliary equation
(3.1.8), then the solution is

yn = c1 (m1 )n + c2 (m2 )n + ... + ck (mk )n

Case II: When some of the roots are equal

If two roots are equal, i.e m1 = m2 , then the solution is

yn = (c1 + c2 n)(m1 )n + c3 (m3 )n + ... + ck (mk )n

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Difference Equation


If three roots are equal, i.e m1 = m2 = m3 , then the solution is

yn = (c1 + c2 n + c3 n2 )(m1 )n + c4 (m4 )n + ... + ck (mk )n

If k-roots are equal, i.e m1 = m2 = m3 = ... = mk , then the solution is

yn = [c1 + c2 n + c3 n2 + c4 n3 + ... + ck nk−1 ](m1 )n

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Difference Equation


Case III: When the roots are complex number

If complex roots occur then they must be complex conjugate. i.e If
(α + iβ) is the root, then (α − iβ) is also a root where α and β are real.
Then the solution is

yn = c1 (α + iβ)n + c2 (α − iβ)n

which can be written as

yn = γ n (A1 cos nθ + A2 sin nθ)

where γ = α2 + β 2 , A1 = c1 + c2 , A2 = i(c1 − c2 and θ = arctan α .

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Difference Equation

Example I:
Solve the difference equation yn+2 − 2yn+1 − 8yn = 0
This equation can also be written as

(E 2 − 2E − 8)yn = 0

Let yn = mn , then

yn+2 − 2yn+1 − 8yn = mn+2 − 2mn+1 − 8mn = 0

m2 − 2m − 8 = 0 =⇒ (m − 4)(m + 2) = 0
m = 4 and m = 2. Hence

yn = c1 (4)n + c2 (−2)n

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Difference Equation

Example II:

Solve the difference equation yn+3 + yn+2 − 8yn+1 − 12yn = 0

The given difference equation can be written as

(E 3 + E 2 − 8E − 12)yn = 0

Let yn = mn , then the auxiliary equation becomes

m3 + m2 − 8m − 12 = 0

The roots are m = −2, −2, 3

Hence the solution is

yn = (c1 + c2 n)(−2)n + c3 3n

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Difference Equation

Example III:
Solve the difference equation yn+2 + 16yn = 0
The given difference equation can be written as

(E 2 + 16)yn = 0

Let yn = mn , then the auxiliary equation becomes

m2 + 16 = 0

The roots are m = ±4i

Hence the solution is

yn = (c1 (4i)n + c2 (−4i)n

yn = 4n {c1 (i)n + c2 (−i)n }

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Difference Equation


π n π n
n π π
= 4 c1 cos + i sin + c2 cos − i sin
2 2 2 2
nπ nπ nπ nπ
= 4n c1 cos + i sin + c2 cos − i sin
2 2 2 2
n nπ nπ
= 4 (c1 + c2 ) cos + i(c1 − c2 ) sin
2 2
n nπ nπ
= 4 A cos + B sin
2 2

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Difference Equation

Non-homogeneous linear difference equation with constant


The equation of the form

(a0 E k + a1 E k−1 + a2 E k−2 + ... + an−1 E + an I )yn = R(n) 3.1.9

φ(E )yn = R(n)
where a0 , a1 , ..., an are all constants is known as non-homogeneous linear
difference equation with constant coefficient.
The general solution of (3.1.9) consist of two parts, the complementary
function and the particular integral.
The complementary function is the general solution of the homogeneous
equation of (3.1.9) and the Particular Integral = R(n)
φ(E )

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Difference Equation

Rules for obtaining the Particular Integral

Case I:R(n) = an
1 n 1 n
P.I = a = a
φ(E ) φ(a)
provided φ(a) 6= 0
If φ(a) = 0, then for the equation

(E − a)k yn = an ; k is a positive integer.

1 n(n − 1)(n − 2)...(n − (k − 1)) n−k n

P.I = k
an = a = Ck an−k
(E − a) k!
When k = 1
P.I = an = nan−1
E −a

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Difference Equation

When k = 2,
1 n n(n − 1)an−2
P.I = a =
(E − a)2 2!

Case II: When R(n) = sin an or cos an

1 1 e ian − e −ian
P.I = sin an =
φ(E ) φ(E ) 2i
1 1 ia n 1 −ia n
= (e ) − (e )
2i φ(E ) φ(E )

1 1 1
= e ian − e −ian
2i ia
φ(e ) φ(e −ia )
provided φ(e ia ) 6= 0 and φ(e −ia ) 6= 0
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Difference Equation

Case III: When R(n) = nk

1 k 1
P.I = n = nk
φ(E ) φ(1 + ∆)
since E = 1 + ∆.
= [φ(1 + ∆)]−1 nk
Expansion of φ(1 + ∆)]−1 in the ascending powers of ∆ by the Binomial
theorem as far as the term in ∆k , and distributing it into each term of
the expansion.

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Difference Equation

Example I:
Solve the difference equation yn+2 − 4yn+1 + 3yn = 5.4n
This equation can also be written as

(E 2 − 4E + 3)yn = 5.4n

Solving the homogeneous equation yn+2 − 4yn+1 + 3yn = 0 , we obtain a

complementary solution
yn = c1 + c2 (3)n
To determine the Particular integral P.I, we have
1 1 5.4n
P.I = 5.4n = 5. 2 4n =
φ(E ) 4 − 4(4) + 3 3

Hence the general solution is

yn = c1 + c2 (3)n + 4n
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Difference Equation

Example II:

Solve the difference equation yn+2 − 3yn+1 + 2yn = 6.2n

This equation can also be written as

(E 2 − 3E + 2)yn = 6.2n

Solving the homogeneous equation yn+2 − 3yn+1 + 2yn = 0, we obtain a

complementary solution
c1 + c2 (2)n
To determine the particular integral, P.I, we have
1 1
P.I = 6.2n = 6. 2 2n
φ(E ) E − 3(E ) + 2

but φ(2) = 0, therefore we have

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Difference Equation


1 1 1
= 6. .2n = 6. .2n = 6. .2n
(E − 1)(E − 2) (2 − 1)(E − 2) (E − 2)

= 6.n2n−1 = 3n2n
Hence the general solution is

yn = c1 + c2 (2)n + 3n2n

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Difference Equation

Example III:
Solve the difference equation yn+2 − 6yn+1 + 8yn = 3n2 + 2
The given difference equation can be written as

(E 2 − 6E + 8)yn = 3n2 + 2

Ṫhe complementary solution is

yn = c1 2n + c2 4n

The particular solution is

1 1
P.I = (3n2 + 2) = (3n2 + 2)
E2 − 6E + 8 2
(1 + ∆) − 6(1 + ∆) + 8

= (3n2 + 2)
1 + 2∆ + ∆2 − 6 − 6∆ + 8
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Difference Equation


1 1 1
= (3n2 + 2) = 2
2 (3n + 2)
∆2 − 4∆ + 3 3 (1 − 4∆−∆
4∆ − ∆2
= 1− (3n2 + 2)
3 3

4∆ − ∆2 (4∆ − ∆2 )2
= 1+ + + ... (3n2 + 2)
3 3 9
8 44
= n2 + n +
3 9
Hence the general solution is
8 44
y n = c 1 2n + c 2 4n + n 2 + n +
3 9

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Difference Equation

Tutorial Questions

Solve the following difference equations

1 (E 2 − 2E − 8)yn = 0
2 2yn+2 − 5yn+1 + 2yn = 0
3 yn+2 − 4yn+1 + 3yn = 4n
4 yn+2 − 4yn = 5.3n
5 2yn+2 − 5yn+1 + 2yn = 0, y0 = 0, y1 = 1
6 yn+2 − 4yn+1 + 4yn = 2n
7 yn+2 − 4yn = n2 + n + 1

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