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Physics 141: Principles of Physics II

Fall 2014
T &R 11:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m., UH 0141
W 2:00–4:50 pm, UH 050

Instructor: A. BOUKAHIL

Office: UH 153. Phone: (262) 472-1080.

Office hours: T & R: 8:00 – 9:00 AM, UH 0153

W: 7:45 – 10:45 AM, UH 0153
Please note:

Since Friday is my research day, the following applies

I will not answer emails between Thursday 5:00 PM – Monday 8:00 AM


Tutoring: The Physics department hires qualified students to help you with your
homework problems. The hours for open tutoring will be posted by the end of the 1 st
week of classes.

Course description

An algebra-based course in electricity and magnetism, circuits, electromagnetic waves,

optics and an introduction to modern physics. Applications to the life and health sciences
are emphasized, and essential MCAT subject matter is included. Basic understanding of
trigonometry and the manipulation of vectors is necessary. Students with adequate
mathematical preparation may wish to consider taking the PHYSCS 180 series.
Prereq: PHYSCS 140.

Textbook and required materials

1. College PHYSICS, 9th edition, by Serway and Vuille, Cengage
(Textbook rental)
2. Access Code (purchased from the first floor of bookstore). To access the online
Homework assignments go and use your access code.
You will also be asked to input the class, Enter “uww 4249 8183”.
3. A scientific NONPROGRAMMABLE calculator.

Read the textbook
You must familiarize yourselves with the textbook’s method. Read the assigned sections
of a chapter before coming to lecture and write down any questions you may have.
Please note that reading in PHYSICS means working through the details with pen/paper
in hand.
Tentative topics to be covered
This schedule can change depending on student preparation. It takes a while for physics
concepts to sink in. The speed will vary from one chapter to the next. This is my plan but
there is a world of difference between what we wish to accomplish and what we can

Suggested Study Schedule

Week Date Topic Chapter Sections Quizzes/

1 Sept. 03--04 Historical outline of electromagnetism; Electric 15 15.1--15.3
charges, conductors & insulators
2 Sept. 09--11 Coulomb’s law, Electric fields and conductors 15 15.4--15.6

3 Sept. 16--18 Electric potential, potential energy due to point charges 16 16.1--16.3
Equipotential surfaces, applications 16 16.4--16.5
4 Sept. 23--25 Capacitance, capacitors, energy & dielectrics 16 16.6-16.10
Electric current, resistance, Ohm’s law, resistivity 17 17.1--17.4
5 Sept. 30- Temperature & resistance, Electrical energy and power 17 17.5--17.6 Exam 1
/Oct. 02 Emf, combinations of resistors in series and parallel 15—17
6 Oct. 07--09 Kirchhoff’s rules and DC circuits, Electrical safety 18 18.1--18.4
18.6, 18.7
7 Oct. 14--16 Magnets and Earth’s magnetic field 19 19.1--19.2
Magnetic fields, Magnetic force on currents 19 19.3--19.4
8 Oct. 21--23 Motion of charged particles in a magnetic field, 19 19.6--19.7
Ampere's Law. Magnetic force between parallel 19.8--19.9
conductors, Magnetic fields
9 Oct. 28—30 Magnetic flux, Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law 20 20.1--20.4 Exam 2
Resistors in AC circuits, transformers, Maxwell 21 21.1, 21.7, chapters
predictions 21.8 18—20
10 Nov. 04--06 Electromagnetic waves and spectrum 21 21.11 & 12

11 Nov. 11-13 Nature of light and geometric optics 22 22.1--22.3

Laws of reflection and refraction of light
12 Nov. 18-20 Prisms, total internal reflection 22 22.4, 22.7
Flat and Spherical Mirrors 23 23.1--23.4
13 Nov. 25-26 Mirrors and thin lenses 23 23.6 Exam 3
Exam on Tuesday Nov. 25 Chapters
14 Dec. 02-04 Interference and diffraction 24 24.1--24.4
15 Dec. 09-11 Review 15-24

Comprehensive Final Exam
December 16, 2014 (10:00—12:00) UH0141


Two mid-terms and a comprehensive final exam

1. Midterm 1: Thursday, October 09, in UH 0141 (11:00 am – 12:15 pm)*

2. Midterm 2: Thursday, November 06, in UH 0141 (11:00 am – 12:15 pm)*
3. Final exam: Tuesday, December 16, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon, in UH 0141*.
(*): A formula sheet will be provided to you with each exam.

Note concerning final exams:”No student shall be required to take more than
Two comprehensive final examinations on the same day”

Rules for the exam

1. All examinations are closed books/notes.
3. A formulae sheet will be provided to you with each exam.

Homework assignments
All homework assignments will be done online and they are meant for practice to master the
subject matter. The homework assignments are provided as an aid to learning, and at times,
the problems are extensions to arguments presented in lecture. No grades will be assigned to
your homework, but I strongly encourage you to do all the problems.

Please read carefully the following items:
1- You must finish the experiments and their write-ups during the lab time.
2- The lab notebooks must be kept in the laboratory for reviewing.
3- Be Neat.
4- If you miss two laboratory sessions you will fail the course.
5- No student shall leave the laboratory before completing the assigned work. Avoid
scheduling doctor’s appointments during lab time; No exceptions will be made.

Grading Policy
Your final grade in this course is calculated on an absolute scale for the following

1. Laboratory work will count 25% of your total grade.

2. Two midterm exam will count for 40% of your total grade.
3. A cumulative final exam counts 35% of your total grade. You should be aware that any
topic covered during this semester may be on the final, even things that were not
represented on the earlier exams. The final exam is comprehensive.

Course expectations:
I expect you to attend the lectures and actively participate by asking me questions.
I expect you to complete the reading assignment before coming to class.
I expect you to complete you homework assignment since this is how you learn the
subject matter and prepare for exams.

Grading Scale:

A 94%—100%
A_ 90%—93%
B+ 88%—89%
B 83%—87%
B_ 80%—82%
C+ 77%—79%
C 73%—76%
C_ 70%—72%
D+ 67%—69%
D 63%—66%
D– 60%—62%
F <60%

Course Policies:
1- Avoid missing a scheduled examination.

2- No make-up exams will be given. Unexcused absence from a scheduled exam will
result in a zero point in that exam.

3- Class attendance is not required but students are responsible for assignments due.

4- Absences for University sanctioned events are excluded from the above policies, but
the student must inform the instructor before the anticipated date of absence from

5- Be on time for the lectures as late arrivals cause disturbance to the class.

6- If a student comes to lab after 3:15 p.m., he/she will not be allowed to perform the
experiment and will be marked as an unexcused absence.

7- You must turn off all electronic devices while in class.
8- All electronic devices, except calculators, are not allowed during exams. YOU ARE

1- Since this is a five (05) credit course, you are supposed to spend a minimum of 10
hours/week studying for this class (outside the classroom).
2- This course is about electromagnetism, a subject that is hard to teach and hard to learn.
3- It is ASSUMED that you know all the concepts introduced in PHYSCS 140.
4- You should make sure that there are no conflicts between your scheduled final
examinations. You must inform your instructors of any such conflicts during the first
week of classes.

Week Date

1 Sep. 10 Electrostatics, E1

2 Sep. 17 Electrostatics, E2

3 Sep. 24 Electrical circuits

4 Oct. 01 Wheatstone Bridge

5 Oct. 15 Magnetic Fields

6 Oct. 22 Magnetism (Free-Format)

7 Oct. 29 Magnetic induction

8 Nov. 12 Lenses

9 Nov. 19 Interference and diffraction, part I

Interference and diffraction, part II
10 Dec. 03

UWW Policies

Special needs statement: Students with special needs should contact the
instructor within the first two weeks to make appropriate arrangements.

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is dedicated to a safe, supportive

and non-discriminatory learning environment. It is the responsibility of all
undergraduate and graduate students to familiarize themselves with
University policies regarding Special Accomodations, Misconduct,
Religious Beliefs Accomodation, Discrimination and Absence for University
Sponsored Events. (For details please refer to the Undergraduate and
Graduate Timetables; the Rights and Responsibilities section of the
Undergraduate Bulletin; the Academic Requirements and Policies and the
Facilities and Services sections of the Graduate Bulletin; and the Student
Academic Disciplinary Procedures [UWS Chapter 14]; and the Student
Nonacademic Disciplinary Procedures [UWS Chapter 17].)

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