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Mock Test Examination – 2021 MBBS, Microbiology

Marks – 20, Time – 30 Min. Date – 10-07-2023

1. The epidemic that infected Europe, a. I-3, II-1, III-4, IV-2
Middle East, and North Africa and killed b. I-3, II-4, III-1, IV-2
tens of millions of people were known as c. I-4, II-1, III-2, IV-3
the Black Death. d. I-4, II-1, III-3, IV-2
a) Anthrax
b) Breathing of foul air 6. All of the following scientists got Nobel
c) Bubonic plague Prize for their contribution to the field of
d) Smallpox Microbiology except
e) Swine flu a) Antony Van Leeuwenhoek
b) Elie Metchnikoff
2. Which of the following pioneers of c) Paul Ehrlich
Microbiology is credited with the discovery d) Robert Koch
of microorganisms using high-quality 7. A propagated epidemic is usually the
magnifying lenses (early microscopes)? result of what type of exposure?
a) Anton Van Leeuwenhoek A. Point source
b) Louis Pasteur B. Continuous common source
c) Robert Hooke C. Intermittent common source
d) Robert Koch D. Person-to-person
e) Semmelweis
8. Disease control measures are generally
3. Which scientists’ first disproved directed at which of the following?
spontaneous generation by showing that A. Eliminating the reservoir
maggots only appear on decaying meat that B. Eliminating the vector
has been exposed to flies? C. Eliminating the host
a) Francesco Redi D. Interrupting mode of transmission E.
b) Joseph Lister Reducing host susceptibility
c) Louis Pasteur
d) Robert Hooke 9. Indirect transmission includes which of
e) Robert Koch the following?
A. Droplet spread
4. The Alpha helical structure of DNA was B. Mosquito-borne
discovered by: C. Foodborne
a) Edward Tatum D. Doorknobs or toilet seats
b) Eile Metchnikoff
c) James Watson and Francis Cric 10. The epidemiologic triad of disease
d) Oswald Avery, Maclyn McCarty, causation refers to: (Choose one best
and Colin McLeod answer)
e) Paul Ehrlich A. Agent, host, environment
B. Time, place, person
5. Match the following scientists with their C. Source, mode of transmission,
contribution: susceptible host
I. Sergey N. 1 Established germ D. John Snow, Robert Koch, Kenneth
Winogradsky theory of disease Rothman
II. Louis Pasteur 2 Vaccination for
Small pox 11. Key feature of a cross-sectional study
III. Joseph lister 3. Discovered is that:
nitrogen fixing A. It usually provides information on
bacteria in soil prevalence rather than incidence
IV. Edward Jenner 4. Developed B. It is limited to health exposures and
aseptic techniques behaviors rather than health outcomes

Mock Test Examination – 2021 MBBS, Microbiology
Marks – 20, Time – 30 Min. Date – 10-07-2023
C. It is more useful for descriptive A. 1-year age groups
epidemiology than it is for analytic B. 5-year age groups
epidemiology C. 10-year age groups
D. It is synonymous with survey D. Depends on the disease

12. A cohort study differs from a case- 16. In the definition of epidemiology,
control study in that: “determinants” generally includes:
A. Subjects are enrolled or categorized on A. Agents
the basis of their exposure status in a B. Causes
cohort study but not in a case-control study C. Control measures
B. Subjects are asked about their exposure D. Risk factors
status in a cohort study but not in a case- E. Sources
control study
C. Cohort studies require many years to 17. Which of the following bacteria is a
conduct, but case-control studies do not part of normal flora present inside the
D. Cohort studies are conducted to mouth and also a frequent cause of
investigate chronic diseases, case-control bacterial dental caries?
studies are used for infectious diseases a) Staphylococcus epidermidis
b) Lactobacillus acidophilus
13. British investigators conducted a study c) Streptococcus mutans
to compare measles-mumps-rubella d) Candida albicans
(MMR) vaccine history among 1,294
children with pervasive development 18. Which of the following microorganism
disorder (e.g., autism and Asperger’s is a part of the normal flora of the skin and
syndrome) and 4,469 children without is also a common pathogen isolated from
such disorders. (They found no skin infections?
association.) This is an example of which a) Bacillus anthracis
type(s) of study? b) E. coli
A. Experimental c)Staphylococcus aureus
B. Observational d)Candida albicans
C. Cohort
D. Case-control 19. Name a fungus that is a part of the
E. Clinical trial normal flora present in the vagina and is
also the common cause of vaginitis?
14. The Iowa Women’s Health Study, in a) Candida albicans
which researchers enrolled 41,837 women b) Cryptococcus neoformans
in 1986 and collected exposure and c) Helicobacter pylori
lifestyle information to assess the d) Plasmodium falciparum
relationship between these factors and
subsequent occurrence of cancer, is an 20. Name a fungus commonly found as a
example of which type(s) of study? part of the normal flora in the nails
A. Experimental a) Pseudomonas spp
B. Observational b) Mycobacterium spp
C. Cohort c) Aspergillus spp
D. Case-control d) Histoplasma spp
E. Clinical trial

15. When analyzing surveillance data by

age, which of the following age groups is

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