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1. Which data structure allows deleting data elements from front and inserting
at rear?

A. Stacks

B. Queues

C. Deques

D. Binary search tree

2. Identify the data structure which allows deletions at both ends of the list but
insertion at only one end

A. Input-restricted deque

B. Output-restricted deque

C. Priority queues

D. None of above

3. Which of the following data structure is non-linear type?

A. Strings

B. Lists

C. Stacks

D. None of above

4. Which of the following data structure is linear type?

A. Strings

B. Lists

C. Queues

D. All of above

5. To represent hierarchical relationship between elements, which data structure

is suitable?

A. Deque

B. Priority

C. Tree

D. All of above

6. A binary tree whose every node has either zero or two children is called

A. Complete binary tree

B. Binary search tree

C. Extended binary tree

D. None of above

7. The depth of a complete binary tree is given by

A. Dn = n log2n

B. Dn = n log2n+1

C. Dn = log2n

D. Dn = log2n+1

8. When representing any algebraic expression E which uses only binary

operations in a 2-tree

A. the variable in E will appear as external nodes and operations in internal


B. the operations in E will appear as external nodes and variables in internal


C. the variables and operations in E will appear only in internal nodes

D. the variables and operations in E will appear only in external nodes

9. A binary tree can easily be converted into q 2-tree

A. by replacing each empty sub tree by a new internal node


B. by inserting an internal nodes for non-empty node

C. by inserting an external nodes for non-empty node

D. by replacing each empty sub tree by a new external node

10. When converting binary tree into extended binary tree, all the original nodes
in binary tree are

A. internal nodes on extended tree

B. external nodes on extended tree

C. vanished on extended tree

D. None of above

1. The post order traversal of a binary tree is DEBFCA. Find out the pre order





2. Which of the following sorting algorithm is of divide-and-conquer type?

A. Bubble sort

B. Insertion sort

C. Quick sort

D. All of above

3. An algorithm that calls itself directly or indirectly is known as

A. Sub algorithm

B. Recursion

C. Polish notation

D. Traversal algorithm

4. In a binary tree, certain null entries are replaced by special pointers which
point to nodes higher in the tree for efficiency. These special pointers are called

A. Leaf

B. branch

C. path

D. thread

5. The in order traversal of tree will yield a sorted listing of elements of tree in

A. Binary trees

B. Binary search trees

C. Heaps

D. None of above

6. In a Heap tree

A. Values in a node is greater than every value in left sub tree and smaller
than right sub tree

B. Values in a node is greater than every value in children of it

C. Both of above conditions applies

D. None of above conditions applies

7. In a graph if e=[u, v], Then u and v are called

A. endpoints of e

B. adjacent nodes

C. neighbors

D. all of above

8. A connected graph T without any cycles is called


A. a tree graph

B. free tree

C. a tree

D. All of above

9. In a graph if e=(u, v) means

A. u is adjacent to v but v is not adjacent to u

B. e begins at u and ends at v

C. u is processor and v is successor

D. both b and c

10. If every node u in G is adjacent to every other node v in G, A graph is said to


A. isolated

B. complete

C. finite

D. strongly connected

1. Two main measures for the efficiency of an algorithm are

A. Processor and memory

B. Complexity and capacity

C. Time and space

D. Data and space

2. The time factor when determining the efficiency of algorithm is measured by

A. Counting microseconds

B. Counting the number of key operations


C. Counting the number of statements

D. Counting the kilobytes of algorithm

3. The space factor when determining the efficiency of algorithm is measured by

A. Counting the maximum memory needed by the algorithm

B. Counting the minimum memory needed by the algorithm

C. Counting the average memory needed by the algorithm

D. Counting the maximum disk space needed by the algorithm

4. Which of the following case does not exist in complexity theory

A. Best case

B. Worst case

C. Average case

D. Null case

5. The Worst case occur in linear search algorithm when

A. Item is somewhere in the middle of the array

B. Item is not in the array at all

C. Item is the last element in the array

D. Item is the last element in the array or is not there at all

6. The Average case occur in linear search algorithm

A. When Item is somewhere in the middle of the array

B. When Item is not in the array at all

C. When Item is the last element in the array

D. When Item is the last element in the array or is not there at all

7. The complexity of the average case of an algorithm is


A. Much more complicated to analyze than that of worst case

B. Much more simpler to analyze than that of worst case

C. Sometimes more complicated and some other times simpler than that of
worst case

D. None or above

8. The complexity of linear search algorithm is

A. O(n)

B. O(log n)

C. O(n^2)

D. O(n log n)

9. The complexity of Binary search algorithm is

A. O(n)

B. O(log )

C. O(n^2)

D. O(n log n)

10. The complexity of Bubble sort algorithm is

A. O(n)

B. O(log n)

C. O(n^2)

D. O(n log n)

1. In linked lists there are no NULL links in:

A. Single linked list

B. Linear doubly linked list


C. circular linked list

D. None of the above

2. In a Stack the command to access nth element from the top of the stacks will

A. S[Top-n]

B. S [Top+n]

C. S [top-n-1]

D. None of the above

3. If yyy, xxx and zzz are the elements of a lexically ordered binary tree, then in
preorder traversal which node will be traverse first

A. xxx

B. yyy

C. zzz

D. can not be determined

4. In a balance binary tree the height of two sub trees of every node can not
differ by more than

A. 2

B. 1

C. 3

5. The result of evaluating prefix expression */b+-dacd, where a = 3, b = 6, c =

1, d = 5 is

A. 0

B. 5

C. 10

D. 15

6. In an array representation of binary tree the right child of root will be at

location of

A. 2

B. 5

C. 3

7. The total number of comparisons in a bubble sort is

A. O(n log n)

B. O(2n)

C. O(n^2)

D. None of the above

8. The dummy header in linked list contain

A. First record of the actual data

B. Last record of the actual data

C. Pointer to the last record of the actual data

D. None of the above

9. Write the out put of the following program: int a[] = {1,2,3}*P;

A. 3

B. Junk value

C. Run time error

D. Address of the third element

10. If the out degree of every node is exactly equal to M or 0 and the number of
nodes at level K is Mk-1 [consider root at level 1], then tree is called as (i) Full m-
ary try (ii) Complete m-ary tree (iii)Positional m-ary tree

A. Only (i)

B. Only (ii)

C. Both (i) and (ii)

D. Both (ii) and (III)

1. If all c(i, j )’s and r(i, j)’s are calculated, then OBST algorithm in worst case takes
one of the following time.

A. O(n log n)

B. O(n^3)

C. O(n^2)

D. O(log n)

E. O(n^4).

2. The upper bound on the time complexity of the nondeterministic sorting

algorithm is

A. O(n)

B. O(n log n)

C. O(1)

D. O( log n)

E. O(n^2).

3. The worst case time complexity of the nondeterministic dynamic knapsack

algorithm is

A. O(n log n)

B. O( log n)

C. O(n^2)

D. O(n)

E. O(1).

4. Recursive algorithms are based on

A. Divide and conquer approach

B. Top-down approach

C. Bottom-up approach

D. Hierarchical approach

E. Heuristic approach.

5. What do you call the selected keys in the quick sort method?

A. Outer key

B. Inner Key

C. Partition key

D. Pivot key

E. Recombine key.

6. How do you determine the cost of a spanning tree?

A. By the sum of the costs of the edges of the tree

B. By the sum of the costs of the edges and vertices of the tree

C. By the sum of the costs of the vertices of the tree

D. By the sum of the costs of the edges of the graph

E. By the sum of the costs of the edges and vertices of the graph.

7. The time complexity of the normal quick sort, randomized quick sort
algorithms in the worst case is

A. O(n^2), O(n log n)

B. O(n^2), O(n^2)

C. O(n log n), O(n^2)


D. O(n log n), O(n log n)

E. O(n log n), O(n^2 log n).

8. Let there be an array of length ‘N’, and the selection sort algorithm is used to
sort it, how many times a swap function is called to complete the execution?

A. N log N times

B. log N times

C. N2 times

D. N-1 times

E. N times.

9. The Sorting method which is used for external sort is

A. Bubble sort

B. Quick sort

C. Merge sort

D. Radix sort

E. Selection sort

1. In analysis of algorithm, approximate relationship between the size of the job

and the amount of work required to do is expressed by using _________

A. Central tendency

B. Differential equation

C. Order of execution

D. Order of magnitude

E. Order of Storage

2. Worst case efficiency of binary search is

A. log2 n + 1

B. n

C. 2n

D. log n.

3. For defining the best time complexity, let f (n) = log n and g (n) = √n, _________

A. f (n) Ω(g(n)), but g(n)  Ω (f(n))

B. f (n) Ω(g(n)), but g(n)  Ω (f(n))

C. f (n) Ω(g(n)), and g(n)  Ω (f(n))

D. f (n) Ω(g(n)), and g(n)  Ω (f(n))

4. For analyzing an algorithm, which is better computing time?

A. O (100 Log N)

B. O (N) (c)O (2N)

C. O (N logN)

D. O (N2).

5. Let f, t: N→R  0, and t (n) O (f (n)) iff t(n)≤ c.f (n) where cis positive real
constant and n≥ no, then no is ___________

A. Upper bound

B. Lower bound

C. Duality value

D. Threshold value

E. Maximum value.

6. Consider the usual algorithm for determining whether a sequence of

parentheses is balanced. What is the maximum number of parentheses that will
appear on the stack AT ANY ONE TIME when the algorithm analyzes: (()(())(()))

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

7. Breadth first search __________

A. Scans each incident node along with its children.

B. Scans all incident edges before moving to other node.

C. Is same as backtracking

D. Scans all the nodes in random order.

8. Which method of traversal does not use stack to hold nodes that are waiting
to be processed?

A. Dept First

B. D-search

C. Breadth first

D. Back-tracking

9. The Knapsack problem where the objective function is to minimize the profit
is ______

A. Greedy

B. Dynamic 0 / 1

C. Back tracking

D. Branch & Bound 0/1

10. Choose the correct answer for the following statements: I. The theory of NP–
completeness provides a method of obtaining a polynomial time for NP
algorithms. II. All NP-complete problem are NP-Hard.

A. I is FALSE and II is TRUE

B. I is TRUE and II is FALSE


C. Both are TRUE

D. Both are FALSE

1. The Hamiltonian cycles problem uses the following line of code to generate a
next vertex, provided x[ ] is a global array and kth vertex is under consideration:

A. x[k]  (x[k] + 1) mod n

B. x[k]  (x[k]) mod (n)

C. x[k]  (x[k] + 1) mod (n+1)

D. x[k]  x[k+1] mod n

2. The graph colouring algorithm’s time can be bounded by _________

A. O(mnm)

B. O(nm)

C. O(nm. 2n)

D. O(nmn).

3. For 0/1 KNAPSACK problem, the algorithm takes ________ amount of time for
memory table, and ______time to determine the optimal load, for N objects and
W as the capacity of KNAPSACK.

A. O(N+W), O(NW)

B. O(NW),O(N+W)

C. O(N),O(NW)

D. O(NW),O(N)

4. Sorting is not possible by using which of the following methods?

A. Insertion

B. Selection

C. Deletion

D. Exchange

5. What is the type of the algorithm used in solving the 8 Queens problem?

A. Backtracking

B. Dynamic

C. Branch and Bound

D. D and C

6. The following are the statements regarding the NP problems. Chose the right
option from the following options: I. All NP-complete problems are not NP-hard.
II. Some NP-hard problems are not known to be NP-complete.

A. Both (I) and (II) are true

B. Both (I) and (II) are false

C. Only (I) is true

D. Only (II) is true

7. Let G be a graph with ‘n’ nodes and let ‘m’ be the chromatic number of the
graph. Then the time taken by the backtracking algorithm to color it is

A. O(nm)

B. O(n+m)

C. O(mnm)

D. O(nmn).

8. The time complexity of the shortest path algorithm can be bounded by

A. O(n2)

B. O(n4)

C. O(n3)

D. O(n)

E. O(n log n ).

9. Read the following statements carefully and pick the correct option: I. The
worst time complexity of the Floyd’s algorithm is O(n3). II. The worst time
complexity of the War shall’s algorithm is O(n3).

A. (I) is false but (II) is true

B. (I) is true but (II) is false

C. Both (I) and (II) are true

D. (I) is true and (II) is not true always

E. Both (I) and (II) are false.

10. The asymptotic notation for defining the average time complexity is

A. Equivalence

B. Symmetric

C. Reflexive

D. Both (c) and (d) above.

1. For the bubble sort algorithm, what is the time complexity of the best/worst
case? (assume that the computation stops as soon as no more swaps in one

A. best case: O(n) worst case: O(n*n)

B. best case: O(n) worst case: O(n*log(n))

C. best case: O(n*log(n)) worst case: O(n*log(n))

D. best case: O(n*log(n)) worst case: O(n*n)

2. For the quick sort algorithm, what is the time complexity of the best/worst

A. best case: O(n) worst case: O(n*n)

B. best case: O(n) worst case: O(n*log(n))


C. best case: O(n*log(n)) worst case: O(n*log(n))

D. best case: O(n*log(n)) worst case: O(n*n)

3. In an arbitrary tree ( not a search tree) of order M. Its size is N, and its height is
K. The computation time needed to find a data item on T is

A. O(K*K)

B. O(M*M)

C. O(N)

D. O(K)

4. Which of the following belongs to the algorithm paradigm?

A. Minimum & Maximum problem

B. Knapsack problem

C. Selection problem

D. Merge sort

E. Quick sort.

5. If f,t: N→ R+, then t (n)  Ω (f (n)), iff f(n)  O (t (n)) is known as

A. Limit rule

B. Rule of inference

C. Duality rule

D. Rule of consequences

6. The time taken by NP-class sorting algorithm is

A. O(1)

B. O(log n)

C. O(n2)

D. O(n)

7. Find the odd one out from the following categories of algorithms.


B. N-Queens

C. 15-Puzzle

D. Bin-Packing.

8. The time complexity of binary search in best, worst cases for an array of size N

A. N, N2

B. 1, Log N

C. Log N, N2

D. 1, N log N

9. Which of following algorithm scans the list by swapping the entries whenever
pair of adjacent keys are out of desired order?

A. Insertion sort

B. Quick sort

C. Shell sort

D. Bubble sort

10. The mathematical definition for Omega can be defined as, provided f,g:NR+
and c is a positive constant and n > n0,

A. f(n) ≥ c. g(n) n

B. f(n) = c. g(n) n

C. f(n) ≥ c + g(n) n

D. f(n) = c + g(n) n

1. The  notation is

A. Symmetric

B. Reflexive

C. Transitive

D. (a), (b) and (c) above.

2. From the following choose the one which belongs to the algorithm paradigm
other than . to which others from the following belongs to.

A. Minimum & Maximum problem

B. Knapsack problem

C. Selection problem

D. Merge sort

3. Identify the name of the sorting in which time is not proportional to n2.

A. Selection sort

B. Bubble sort

C. Quick sort

D. Insertion sort

4. The optimal solution to a problem is a combination of optimal solutions to its

subproblems. This is known as

A. Principle of Duality

B. Principle of Feasibility

C. Principle of Optimality

D. Principle of Dynamicity.

5. Which of the following versions of merge sort algorithm does uses space

A. Contiguous version

B. Array version

C. Linked version

D. Structure version

E. Heap version.

6. Identify the correct problem for multistage graph from the list given below.

A. Resource allocation problem

B. Traveling salesperson problem

C. Producer consumer problem

D. Barber’s problem

7. How many edges are there in a Hamiltonian cycle if the edge cost is ‘c’ and the

A. c

B. cn

C. n

D. 2c

8. A problem L is NP-complete iff L is NP-hard and

A. L ≈ NP

B. L α NP

C. L ε NP

D. L = NP

9. What would be the cost value for any answering node of a sub tree with root
‘r’ using branch-bound algorithm?

A. Maximum

B. Minimum

C. Optimal

D. Average

10. From the following choose the one which belongs to the algorithm paradigm
other than . to which others from the following belongs to.

A. Minimum & Maximum problem

B. Knapsack problem

C. Selection problem

D. Merge sort

11. Identify the name of the sorting in which time is not proportional to n2.

A. Selection sort

B. Bubble sort

C. Quick sort

D. Insertion sort

12. The optimal solution to a problem is a combination of optimal solutions to its

subproblems. This is known as

A. Principle of Duality

B. Principle of Feasibility

C. Principle of Optimality

D. Principle of Dynamicity.

13. Which of the following versions of merge sort algorithm does uses space

A. Contiguous version

B. Array version

C. Linked version

D. Structure version

E. Heap version.

14. Identify the correct problem for multistage graph from the list given below.

A. Resource allocation problem

B. Traveling salesperson problem

C. Producer consumer problem

D. Barber’s problem

15. How many edges are there in a Hamiltonian cycle if the edge cost is ‘c’ and

A. c

B. cn

C. n

D. 2c

16. A problem L is NP-complete iff L is NP-hard and

A. L ≈ NP

B. L α NP

C. L ε NP

D. L = NP

17. What would be the cost value for any answering node of a sub tree with root
‘r’ using branch-bound algorithm?

A. Maximum

B. Minimum

C. Optimal

D. Average

1. Name the node which has been generated but none of its children nodes have
been generated in state space tree of backtracking method.

A. Dead node

B. Live node

C. E-Node

D. State Node

2. How many nodes are there in a full state space tree with n = 6?

A. 65

B. 64

C. 63

D. 32

3. This algorithm scans the list by swapping the entries whenever pair of
adjacent keys are out of desired order.

A. Insertion sort.

B. Bubble sort.

C. Shell sort.

D. Quick sort.

4. The  notation is

A. Symmetric

B. Reflexive

C. Transitive

D. B & C only

5. From the following chose the one which belongs to the algorithm paradigm
other than to which others from the following belongs to.

A. Minimum & Maximum problem

B. Knapsack problem.

C. Selection problem.

D. Merge sort.

6. To calculated (i, j )’s, w( i, j)’s and r(i, j)’s; the OBST algorithm in worst case takes
the following time.

A. O(log n)

B. O (n4)

C. O (n3)

D. O (n log n)

7. What is the type of the algorithm used in solving the 4 Queens problem?

A. Greedy

B. Dynamic

C. Branch and Bound

D. Backtracking.

8. In Knapsack problem, the best strategy to get the optimal solution, where Pi,
Wi is the Profit, Weight associated with each of the Xith object respectively is to

A. Arrange the values Pi/Wi in ascending order

B. Arrange the values Pi/Xi in ascending order

C. Arrange the values Pi/Wi in descending order

D. Arrange the values Pi/Xi in descending order

9. Greedy job scheduling with deadlines algorithms’ complexity is defined as


A. O(N)

B. Ω( n log n)

C. O (n2 log n)

D. O ( n log n)

10. The divide and conquer merge sort algorithm’s time complexity can be
defined as

A.  (long n)

B.  (n)

C. Ω (n log n)

D.  (n log n)

1. In analysis of algorithm, approximate relationship between the size of the job

and the amount of work required to do it is expressed by using

A. Order of magnitude or Big – O

B. Central tendency

C. Differential equation

D. Polynomial equation

2. Worst case efficiency of binary search is

A. log2 n + 1

B. n

C. N^2

D. 2^n

3. Worst case efficiency of which search is O(n)?

A. Sequential search

B. Binary search

C. Indexed search

D. Hashing

4. Breadth first search

A. Scans all incident edges before moving to other vertex

B. Scans adjacent unvisited vertex as soon as possible

C. Is same as backtracking

D. Computes a path between two vertices of graph or equivalently

5. Which of the following searching methods requires that all keys must reside in
internal memory?

A. Binary search

B. Sequential search

C. Hashing

D. Depth first search

6. Which of the following formulas in Omega notation best represent the

expression n²+35n+6?

A. Ω (n³)

B. Ω (n²)

C. Ω (n)

D. Ω (35)

7. What term is used to describe an O(n) algorithm?

A. Constant

B. Non Polynomial Deterministic

C. Logarithmic

D. Linear

8. Express the formula (n – 2)*(n – 4) using θ notation:

A. θ (n^2)

B. θ (8)

C. θ (log n)

D. θ (n)

9. Which of the following are essential statement types for describing


A. Sequence

B. Selection

C. Repetition

D. All the above

1. When we say an algorithm has a time complexity of O (n), what does it mean?

A. The algorithm has ‘n’ nested loops

B. The computation time taken by the algorithm is proportional to n

C. The algorithm is ‘n’ times slower than a standard algorithm

D. There are ‘n’ number of statements in the algorithm

2. Can we read a data item at any location of a list within a constant time (i.e.

A. Yes

B. Yes, only if the list is implemented by pointers (i.e. linked-list)

C. Yes, only if the list is implemented by an array

D. No, we need O(n) computation steps no matter what kind of

implementation is used

3. Sequential search has a time complexity of O(n), and binary search has a time
complexity of O(log(n)). What difference will it make when the size n is 1000?

A. You would not notice much difference because computers run very fast

B. As n is 1000, binary search is twice as fast as sequential search

C. As n is 1000, binary search is 10 times as fast as sequential search

D. As n is 1000, binary search is 100 times as fast as sequential search.

4. Read the following statements carefully, and choose the correct answer. I. The
Ω notation is Anti Symmetric. II. The big Oh notation is Semi Equivalence.

A. (I) is FALSE but (II) is TRUE

B. Both (I), (II) are TRUE

C. (I) is TRUE but(II) is FALSE

D. Both (I), (II) are FALSE

5. Find the odd one out.

A. Merge Sort

B. TVSP Problem

C. KnapSack Problem

D. OBST Problem

6. How many minimum number of spanning trees, one can have from a given
connected graph with N nodes is having different weights for the edges.

A. N-1

B. One

C. 1/(N+1) 2NCN


7. The mathematical definition for Omega can be defined as, provided f,g:NR+
and c is a positive constant and n > n0,

A. f(n)≥ c. g(n) n

B. f(n) £ c. g(n) n

C. f(n) ≥ c + g(n) n

D. f(n) £ c + g(n) n

E. f(n) £ g(n) n.

8. The OBST algorithm in worst case takes _______ time if all c(i, j )’s and r(i, j)’s are

A. O(log n)

B. O(n^4)

C. O(n^3)

D. O(n log n)

9. The  notation is __________ I. Symmetric. II. Reflexive. III. Transitive.

A. Only (I) above

B. Only (II) above

C. Only (III) above

D. All (I), (II) and (III) above.

10. Breadth first search uses __________ as an auxiliary structure to hold nodes
for future processing.

A. Stack

B. Linked list

C. Graph

D. Queue

1. From the following pick the one which does not belongs to the same paradigm
to which others belongs to.

A. Minimum & Maximum problem


B. Knapsack problem

C. Selection problem

D. Merge sort

2. Prims algorithm is based on _____________ method

A. Divide and conquer method

B. Dynamic programming

C. Greedy method

D. Branch and bound

3. The amount of memory needs to run to completion is known as_____________

A. Space complexity

B. Worst case

C. Time complexity

D. Best case

4. The amount of time needs to run to completion is known as____________

A. Space complexity

B. Worst case

C. Time complexity

D. Best case

5. __________ is the minimum number of steps that can executed for the given

A. Average case

B. Worst case

C. Time complexity

D. Best case

6. __________ is the maximum number of steps that can executed for the given

A. Average case

B. Worst case

C. Time complexity

D. Best case

7. __________ is the average number of steps that can executed for the given

A. Average case

B. Worst case

C. Time complexity

D. Best case

8. Testing of a program consists of 2 phases which are ______________________ and


A. Average case & Worst case

B. Time complexity & Space complexity

C. Validation and checking errors

D. Debugging and profiling

9. Worst case time complexity of binary search is ______________

A. O(n)

B. O(logn)

C. Ɵ(nlogn)

D. Ɵ(logn)

10. Best case time complexity of binary search is ______________

A. O(n)

B. Ɵ(nlogn)

C. O(logn)

D. Ɵ(logn)

1. Average case time complexity of binary search is ______________

A. O(n)

B. Ɵ(nlogn)

C. O(logn)

D. Ɵ(logn)

2. Merge sort invented by _____________





3. Quick sort invented by _____________





4. Worst case time complexity of Quick sort is ______________

A. O(n^2log7)

B. O(nlogn)

C. O(n^2)

D. O(logn)

5. Best case time complexity of Quick sort is ______________

A. O(n^2logn)

B. O(nlogn)

C. O(logn)

D. O(logn2)

6. Average case time complexity of Quick sort is ______________

A. Ɵ (nlogn)

B. O(logn)

C. O(nlogn)

D. Ɵ(logn)

7. Which design strategy stops the execution when it find the solution otherwise
starts the problem from top

A. Back tracking

B. Divide and conquer

C. Branch and Bound

D. Dynamic programming

8. Graphical representation of algorithm is _____________________

A. Pseudo-code

B. Graph Coloring

C. Flow Chart

D. Dynamic programming

9. In pseudo-code conventions input express as __________

A. input

B. Read

C. Write

D. Return

10. In pseudo-code conventions output express as __________

A. input

B. Read

C. Write

D. Return

1. Performance based criteria of algorithm , which has to do with its computing

time is _______________

A. Time Complexity

B. Input

C. Space Complexity

D. Finiteness

2. Performance based criteria of algorithm , which has to do with its storage

requirements is _______________

A. Time Complexity

B. Input

C. Space Complexity

D. Finiteness

3. O(1) means computing time is __________________

A. Constant

B. Quadratic

C. Linear

D. Cubic

4. O(n) means computing time is __________________

A. Constant

B. Quadratic

C. Linear

D. Cubic

5. O(n^2) means computing time is __________________

A. Constant

B. Quadratic

C. Linear

D. Cubic

6. O(n^3) means computing time is __________________

A. Exponential

B. Quadratic

C. Linear

D. Cubic

7. O(2^n) means computing time is __________________

A. Constant

B. Quadratic

C. Linear

D. Exponential

8. Application of quicksort _________

A. Graphic card

B. Data Processing

C. Tape sorting

D. Card Sorting

9. Application of merge sort _________

A. Graphic card

B. Networking

C. Card Sorting

D. Data Processing

10. The method will choosing when sub problems share sub problems

A. Divide and conquer

B. Greedy method

C. Dynamic programming

D. Back tracking

1. Time complexity of given algorithm Algorithm Display (A) { For I:=0 to n-1 { For
J:=0 to n-1 { Write A; } } }

A. 2n^2+4n+4

B. 2n^2+n

C. 2n^2+4n+2

D. 2n^2-1

2. The sorting , which works very well for small file is ______________

A. Count sort

B. Selection sort

C. Merge sort

D. Quick sort

3. Merge sort is _________.

A. External sorting

B. Insertion sorting

C. Internal sorting

D. Exponential sorting

4. __________ is a step-by-step procedure for calculations

A. Program

B. Algorithm

C. Greedy Method

D. Problem

5. Advantage of finding maximum and minimum using divide and conquer

method instead of using conditional operators is __________________

A. Reduce Space complexity

B. Get accurate value

C. Reduce Time complexity

D. Simple calculations

6. Given two non-negative functions f(n)= 5n2+6n+1 and g(n)=n2 . Calculate

upper bound value ,C

A. C=5

B. C=12

C. C=6

D. C=11

7. Given two non-negative functions f(n)= 6n2+5n+1 and g(n)=n2 . Calculate

lower bound value ,C

A. C=5

B. C=12

C. C=6

D. C=11

8. The functions f &g are non-negative functions. The function f(n)=O(g(n)) if and
only if there exist positive constants c& n0 such that __________ for all n, n≥ n0

A. f(n)≤C*g(n)

B. f(n) = C*g(n)

C. f(n) ≥ C*g(n)

D. f(n) != C*g(n)

9. The functions f & g are non-negative functions. The function f(n)=Ω(g(n)) if and
only if there exist positive constants c& n0 such that ___________ for all n, n≥ n0

A. f(n) ≤ C*g(n)

B. f(n) = C*g(n)

C. f(n) ≥ C*g(n)

D. f(n) != C*g(n)

10. The functions f & g are non-negative functions. The function f(n)=θ(g(n)) if
and only if there exist positive constants c1,c2 & n0 such that ________for all n, n≥

A. C2*g(n)≤ f(n) ≤ C1*g(n)

B. C2*g(n)≥ f(n) = C1*g(n)

C. C2*g(n)!= f(n) = C1*g(n)


D. C2*g(n)≤ f(n) = C1*g(n)

1. Tight bound is denoted as _______

A. Ω

B. Θ

C. Ω

D. O

2. Upper bound is denoted as _______

A. Ω

B. Θ

C. ω

D. O

3. lower bound is denoted as _______

A. Ω

B. Θ

C. ω

D. O

4. The function f(n)=o(g(n)) if and only if Limit f(n)/g(n)=0n->∞

A. Little oh

B. Little omega

C. Big oh

D. Omega

5. The function (n)=o(g(n)) if and only if Limit g(n)/f(n)=0 n->∞

A. Little oh

B. Little omega

C. Big oh

D. Omega

6. The general criteria of algorithm zero or more quantities are externally

supplied is ______

A. Output

B. Finiteness

C. Effectiveness

D. Input

7. The general criteria of algorithm; at least one quantity is produced ______

A. Output

B. Finiteness

C. Effectiveness

D. Input

8. The general criteria of algorithm; Each instruction is clear and unambiguous


A. Output

B. Definiteness

C. Effectiveness

D. Input

9. The general criteria of algorithm; algorithm must terminates after a finite

number of steps ______

A. Output

B. Finiteness

C. Effectiveness

D. Input

10. Which is not a criteria of algorithm

A. Input

B. Output

C. Time complexity

D. Best case

1. Which is not in general criteria of algorithm

A. Input

B. Output

C. Time complexity

D. Effectiveness

2. Time complexity of given algorithm Algorithm Display(A) { S:=0.0; For i:=0 to n-

1 { S:=S+A[i]; Return S; } }

A. 4n+4

B. 4n^2+4

C. 2n^2+2n+2

D. 4n+4

3. Time complexity of given algorithm Algorithm Sum(A,S) { for i:=1 to n-1 { for
j:=2 to n-1 { S:=S+i+j; return S; } } }

A. 6n^2-14n+4

B. 4n^2+6n+12

C. 6n^2+14n+10

D. 6n^2-14n+10

4. kruskal algorithm is based on ___________method

A. Divide and conquer method

B. Greedy method

C. Dynamic programming

D. Branch and bound

5. Prims algorithm is based on _____________ method

A. Divide and conquer method

B. Dynamic programming

C. Greedy method

D. Branch and bound

6. The output of Kruskal and Prims algorithm is ________________

A. Maximum spanning tree

B. Spanning tree

C. Minimum spanning tree

D. None of these

7. which is not feasible solution in the case of job sequence problem item : 1 2 3
4 profit : 100 10 15 27 deadline : 2 1 2 1

A. (1,4)

B. (4,3)

C. (2,4)

D. (1,2)

8. which is optimal value in the case of job sequence problem item : 1 2 3 4 5

profit : 20 15 10 5 1 deadline : 2 2 3 3 3

A. (1,3,4)

B. (4,2,3)

C. (1,2,4)

D. (1,5,2)

9. which is optimal value in the case of job sequence problem item : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

profit : 3 5 20 18 1 6 30 deadline : 1 3 4 3 2 1 2

A. (1,5,6,4)

B. (7,6,4,3)

C. (2,3,1,7)

D. (1,2,3,4)

1. which is optimal value in the case of fractional knapsack problem, capacity of

knapsack is 20 item : 1 2 3 profit : 25 24 15 weight : 18 15 10

A. 498

B. 480

C. 499

D. 485

2. which is optimal value in the case of fractional knapsack problem, capacity of

knapsack is 10 item : 1 2 3 4 5 profit : 12 32 40 30 50 weight : 4 8 2 6 1

A. 345

B. 384

C. 354

D. 350

3. 4 -Queen problem what is the space complexity

A. O(|V|)

B. O(|E|)

C. O(|V|+|E|)

D. O(|V2|)

4. In the case of Fibnocci heap the running time of Prim’s algorithm is _________

A. O(E log V)

B. O(V log E)

C. O( log V)

D. O(E log E)

5. Time complexity of 4-queen problem

A. O(|V|)

B. O(|E|)

C. O(|V|+|E|)

D. O(|V2|)

6. If the graph is represented as an adjacency matrix then the time complexity of

Kruskal’s algorithm is ____________

A. O(E log V)

B. O(VlogE)

C. O(V2)

D. O(logE)

7. BFS is best compared to DFS in the case of ________________

A. The graph’s width is large

B. The graph’s depth is large

C. The graph consists of many nodes

D. The graph is complex


8. The time complexity of Strassen’s algorithm is ___________

A. O(E log V)

B. O(V2)

C. O(nlog7)

D. O(log n7)

9. By Strassen’s equation what is wrong in the following equation

A. p1=(a+d)(e+h)

B. p3=(a-c)(e+f)

C. p2=(-e+g)d

D. p4=(a+b)h

10. By Strassen’s equation what is wrong in the following equation

A. p1=(a+d)(e+h)

B. p3=(a-c)(e+f)

C. p7=(-e+g)d

D. p4=(a-b)h

1. The advantage of selecting maxmin algorithm using divide and conquer

method compared to straight maxmin algorithm is _____

A. Less time complexity

B. High accuracy

C. Less space complexity

D. High time complexity

2. The number of comparisons of elements for best case is ____________ in the

case of maxmin algorithm based on divide and conquer method

A. 3n/2

B. n/4

C. n/2

D. n-1

3. The number of comparisons of elements for average case is ____________ in the

case of maxmin algorithm based on divide and conquer method

A. 3n/2

B. n/4

C. n/2

D. n-1

4. The number of comparisons of elements for worst case is ____________ in the

case of maxmin algorithm based on divide and conquer method

A. 3n/2

B. n/4

C. n/2

D. n-1

5. The method which stops the execution ,if it find the solution. Otherwise it start
from the top

A. Branch and bound

B. Dynamic programming

C. Back tracking

D. Divide and conquer

6. Which is not return optimal solution from the following methods

A. Dynamic programming

B. Backtracking

C. Branch and bound

D. Greedy method

7. In the case of sub problems share sub problems ,which method is suitable

A. greedy method

B. branch and bound

C. dynamic programming

D. divide and conquer

8. The method which return different solutions from a single point ,which is

A. greedy method

B. branch and bound

C. dynamic programming

D. divide and conquer

9. Bin packing problem is the application of ____________

A. Knapsack

B. Branch and bound

C. Back tracking

D. Dynamic programming

1. job sequencing with deadline is based on ____________method

A. greedy method

B. branch and bound

C. dynamic programming

D. divide and conquer


2. fractional knapsack is based on ____________method

A. greedy method

B. branch and bound 2 8 7 1 3 5 6 4

C. dynamic programming

D. divide and conquer

3. 0/1 knapsack is based on ____________method

A. greedy method

B. branch and bound

C. dynamic programming

D. divide and conquer

4. The files x1,x2,x3 are 3 files of length 30,20,10 records each. What is the
optimal merge pattern value?

A. 110

B. 60

C. 90

D. 50

5. The optimal merge pattern is based on _________ method

A. Greedy method

B. Dynamic programming

C. Knapsack method

D. Branch and bound

6. Who invented the word Algorithm

A. Abu Ja’far Mohammed ibn Musa


B. Abu Mohammed Khan

C. Abu Jafar Mohammed Kasim

D. Abu Ja’far Mohammed Ali Khan

7. In Algorithm comments begin with____________

A. /*

B. /

C. */

D. //

8. The ___________ of an algorithm is the amount of memory it needs to run to


A. Space Complexity

B. Best Case

C. Time Complexity

D. Worst Case

9. ___________ is the process of executing a correct program on data sets and

measuring the time and space it takes to compute the results.

A. Debugging

B. Combining

C. Profiling

D. Conqure

10. In Algorithm Specification the blockes are indicated with matching _______

A. Braces

B. Square Brackets

C. Parenthesis

D. Slashes

1. Huffman codes are the applications of _________ with minimal weighted

external path length obtained by an optimal set.



C. Binary tree

D. Weighted Graph

2. From the following which is not return optimal solution

A. Dynamic programming

B. Backtracking

C. Branch and bound

D. Greedy method

3. ____________ is an algorithm design method that can be used when the solution
to a problem can be viewed as the result of a sequence of decisions

A. Dynamic programming

B. Backtracking

C. Branch and bound

D. Greedy method

4. The name backtrack was first coined by _________

A. D.H. Lehmer

B. L. Baumert

C. R.J. Walker

D. S. Golomb

5. The term ________ refers to all state space search methods in which all children
of the –nodes are generated before any other live node can become the E-node.

A. Backtracking

B. Depth First Search

C. Branch and Bound

D. Breadth First Search

6. A __________ is a round trip path along n edges of G that visits every vertex
once and returns to its starting position.



C. Multistage Graph

D. Hamiltonian Cycle

7. Graph Coloring is which type of algorithm design strategy

A. Backtracking

B. Greedy

C. Branch and Bound

D. Dynamic programming

8. Which of the following is not a limitation of binary search algorithm?

A. must use a sorted array

B. requirement of sorted array is expensive when a lot of insertion and

deletions are needed

C. there must be a mechanism to access middle element directly

D. binary search algorithm is not efficient when the data elements are more
than 1000

9. Binary Search Algorithm cannot be applied to


A. Sorted linked list

B. Sorted linear array

C. Sorted binary tree

D. Pointer array

10. Two main measures for the efficiency of an algorithm are

A. Processor and memory

B. Time and space

C. Complexity and capacity

D. Data and space

1. The space factor when determining the efficiency of algorithm is measured by

A. Counting the maximum memory needed by the algorithm

B. Counting the minimum memory needed by the algorithm

C. Counting the average memory needed by the algorithm

D. Counting the maximum disk space needed by the algorithm

2. Which of the following case does not exist in complexity theory

A. Best case

B. Average case

C. Worst case

D. Null case

3. The Worst case occur in linear search algorithm when

A. Item is somewhere in the middle of array

B. Item is the last element in the array the array

C. Item is the last element in the array


D. Item is not in the array at all or is not there at all

4. The Average case occur in linear search algorithm

A. When Item is somewhere in the middle of the array

B. When Item is the last element in the middle of the array array

C. When Item is not in the array at all

D. When Item is the last element in the array or is not there at all

5. The complexity of the average case of an algorithm is

A. Much more complicated to analyze

B. Sometimes more complicated and than that of worst case some other
times simpler than that of

C. Much more simpler to analyze than worst case that of worst case

D. None or above

6. The complexity of linear search algorithm is

A. O(n)

B. O(n^2)

C. O(log n)

D. O(n log n)

7. The complexity of Binary search algorithm is

A. O(n)

B. O(n^2)

C. O(log n)

D. O(n log n)

8. The complexity of Bubble sort algorithm is


A. O(n)

B. O(n^2)

C. O(log n)

D. O(n log n)

9. The complexity of merge sort algorithm is

A. O(n)

B. O(n^2)

C. O(log n)

D. O(n log n)

10. The time factor when determining the efficiency of algorithm is measured by

A. Counting microseconds

B. Counting the number of statements

C. Counting the number of key operations

D. Counting the kilobytes of algorithm operations

1. Which of the following sorting algorithm is of divide-and-conquer type?

A. Bubble sort

B. Quick sort

C. Insertion sort

D. All of above

2. An algorithm that calls itself directly or indirectly is known as

A. Sub algorithm

B. Polish notation

C. Recursion

D. Traversal algorithm

3. The running time of quick sort depends heavily on the selection of

A. No of inputs

B. Size o elements

C. Arrangement of elements in array

D. Pivot element

4. In stable sorting algorithm

A. One array is used

B. More then one arrays are required

C. In which duplicating elements are

D. Duplicating elements remain in not handled. same relative position after


5. Which sorting algorithm is faster :

A. O(n^2)

B. O(n+k)

C. O(nlogn)

D. O(n^3)

6. In Quick sort algorithm, constants hidden in T(n lg n) are

A. Large

B. Not known

C. Medium

D. Small

7. Quick sort is based on divide and conquer paradigm; we divide the problem
on base of pivot element and:

A. There is explicit combine process as well to conquer the solution.

B. No work is needed to combine the sub-arrays, the array is already sorted

C. Merging the subarrays

D. None of above.

8. Dijkstra’s algorithm :

A. Has greedy approach to find all shortest paths

B. Has both greedy and Dynamic approach to find all shortest paths

C. Has greedy approach to compute single source shortest paths to all other

D. Has both greedy and dynamic approach to compute single source

shortest paths to all other vertices.

9. What algorithm technique is used in the implementation of Kruskal’s solution

for the MST?

A. Greedy Technique

B. Divide-and-Conquer Technique

C. Dynamic Programming Technique

D. The algorithm combines more than one of the above techniques

10. Which is true statement in the following?

A. Kruskal’s algorithm is multiple source technique for finding MST.

B. Kruskal’s algorithm is used to find minimum spanning tree of a graph,

time complexity of this algorithm is O(EV)

C. Both of above

D. Kruskal’s algorithm (choose best non-cycle edge) is better than Prim’s

(choose best Tree edge) when the graph has relatively few edges )

1. Data by itself is not useful unless


A. It is massive

B. It is processed to obtain information

C. It is collected from diverse sources

D. It is properly stated

2. Which of the following data structure is not linear data structure?

A. Arrays

B. Linked lists

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

3. The disadvantage in using a circular linked list is …………………….

A. It is possible to get into infinite loop.

B. Last node points to first node.

C. Time consuming

D. Requires more memory space

4. A linear list in which each node has pointers to point to the predecessor and
successors nodes is called as ..

A. Singly Linked List

B. Circular Linked List

C. Doubly Linked List

D. Linear Linked List

5. A ……………….. is a linear list in which insertions and deletions are made to from
either end of the structure.

A. circular queue

B. random of queue

C. priority

D. dequeue

6. In a priority queue, insertion and deletion takes place at ………………

A. front, rear end

B. only at rear end

C. only at front end

D. any position

7. Which of the following is an application of stack?

A. finding factorial

B. tower of Hanoi

C. infix to postfix conversion

D. all of the above

8. The data structure which is one ended is ………………

A. queue

B. stack

C. tree

D. graph

9. A list which displays the relationship of adjacency between elements is said to


A. linear

B. non linear

C. linked list

D. trees

1. A binary tree whose every node has either zero or two children is called

A. Complete binary tree

B. Binary search tree

C. Extended binary tree

D. None of above

2. When converting binary tree into extended binary tree, all the original nodes
in binary tree are

A. internal nodes on extended tree

B. external nodes on extended tree

C. vanished on extended tree

D. None of above

3. An algorithm that calls itself directly or indirectly is known as

A. Sub algorithm

B. Recursion

C. Polish notation

D. Traversal algorithm

4. In a Heap tree

A. Values in a node is greater than every value in left sub tree and smaller
than right sub tree

B. Values in a node is greater than every value in children of it

C. Both of above conditions applies

D. None of above conditions applies

5. A connected graph T without any cycles is called

A. a tree graph

B. free tree

C. a tree

D. All of above

6. The in order traversal of tree will yield a sorted listing of elements of tree in

A. Binary trees

B. Binary search trees

C. Heaps

D. None of above

7. The application of heap tree is

A. To Sort the elements in array

B. To evaluate the mathematical expression

C. To search the element in array

D. None of these

8. The deletion mechanism in the stack is called as



C. Delete

D. None of these

9. LIFO mechanism is used in

A. Stack

B. Queue

C. Array

D. linked list

10. The element which is inserted first will be removed last in the

A. Queue

B. Array

C. Linked list

D. None of these

1. Data structure that contains a relationship between a pair of elements, this is

not necessarily hierarchical in nature.

A. Tree

B. String

C. Graph

D. Array

2. Which of the following operations accesses each record exactly once so that
certain items may be processed?

A. Inserting

B. Deleting

C. Traversing

D. Searching

3. Which of the following is also called first in first out FIFO system?

A. Tree

B. Stack

C. Queue

D. Graph

4. Which of the following is is also called last in first out LIFO system?

A. Queue

B. Stack

C. Graph

D. Tree

5. Which of the following is a non linear data structure?

A. Array

B. Linked list

C. Stack

D. Graph

6. Which of the following involves arranging the records in a logical order?

A. Merging

B. Sorting

C. Traversing

D. Searching

7. Which of the following operations combined record into different sorted files
into a single sorted file?

A. Sorting

B. Merging

C. Searching

D. Inserting

8. Which of the following is a set of data values and associated operations that
are specified accurately, independent of any particular implementation?

A. Stack

B. Tree

C. Abstract data type


D. Graph

9. Which of the following refers to a single unit of values?

A. Group item

B. Data item

C. Basic item

D. Elementary item

10. Which of the following is something that has certain attributes or properties
which may be assigned values?

A. Field

B. File

C. Records

D. Entity

11. Which of the following is the collection of records of the entities in a given
entity set?

A. Field

B. File

C. Records

D. Entity

12. The values in which field uniquely determine the record in a file

A. Primary key

B. Secondary key

C. Pointer

D. Key

13. In which of the following length records file records may contain different

A. Fixed

B. Primary

C. Variable

D. Entity

14. Which is the logical or mathematical model of a particular organization of a


A. Structures

B. Variable

C. Data structures

D. Function

15. Which of the following is not a primitive data structure?

A. Boolean

B. Integer

C. Arrays

D. Character

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