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Exercise Answers 3 Asal Biology WB

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Workbook answers
Chapter 3
Exercise 3.1 Answering questions Exercise 3.2 Effects of temperature
about graphs and pH on enzyme activity
1 a As time increases, the total volume of 1 a At temperatures from 20 to 44 °C, the rate
oxygen collected also increases. The rate of activity remains constant at about 15
of increase is fastest at the start of the arbitrary units. As temperature increases
reaction, gradually, decreasing, until from from 44 °C to just over 60 °C, the rate of
about 330 s onwards there is no further activity increases steeply, reaching a peak
increase and the graph levels off at a value of 140 a.u. at about 61 °C. At temperatures
of 11.6 cm3. higher than this optimum value, activity
decreases very steeply, reaching 0 at 75 °C.
b The concentration of the substrate,
hydrogen peroxide, is greatest at the start. b At low temperatures, the kinetic energy
This is when collisions between enzyme of enzyme and substrate molecules is
and substrate will be most frequent, and relatively low, and collisions are infrequent,
therefore when the rate of reaction is resulting in a relatively low rate of reaction.
greatest. This explains the high rate of However, we would normally expect the
production of oxygen during this stage. rate of activity to increase as temperature
As time increases, the concentration increases, but this does not happen until
of substrate decreases, because it is the temperature reaches 44 °C. Perhaps
being changed into product. The rate of the activation energy for the reaction is not
reaction therefore gradually slows, until it reached at temperatures below this so, even
becomes zero at 330 s onwards, because when enzyme and substrate collide, the
all of the substrate has been converted to reaction only rarely takes place.
As temperature increases above 44 °C,
2  he curve for catalase from apple is similar
T increased frequency of collision between
to that for carrot, in that it shows a rate of enzyme and substrate, which happens
reaction that decreases with time. However, with more energy, result in an increased
the rate (that is, the slope of the curve) is rate of reaction.
always less than that for carrot. The maximum
volume of oxygen given off in 360 s is only 6.8 At temperatures above 61 °C, the high
cm3, which is 4.8 cm3 less than the maximum kinetic energy of the molecules causes
volume for carrot. Unlike the curve for carrot, vibrations in the enzyme molecules,
the apple curve has still not levelled off at breaking hydrogen bonds and causing the
this time, showing that the reaction is not enzymes to lose their three-dimensional
yet complete and there is still more substrate shape. The active site no longer fits the
present. substrate molecule and, at a temperature
of 75 °C, denaturation of the enzyme
3  he value that you obtain will depend on
T molecules is complete and no reaction
exactly how you draw the tangent, which is occurs.
tricky to do precisely. Your answer should be
somewhere close to 0.13 cm3 s–1. 2 a We would normally expect activity to
be greatest at an optimum pH and to
decrease at pHs lower or higher than that.

1 Cambridge International AS & A Level Biology – Jones & Parkin © Cambridge University Press 2020

Here, however, we have a ‘two-humped’ temperature. (Note: you cannot keep pH

curve, with two pHs at which rate is the same, because the dependent variable
higher than either side of them. There is a change in pH.)
appear to be two optimums, one at pH 5,
2 I t is possible that the inhibitor might be
and the other over the range 8–9.
harmful, so care should be taken not to get it
b The two peaks on the pH curve suggest onto the skin, or to breathe in the powder.
there are two forms of the enzyme present,
each one with its own optimum pH value.  he solution produced when ammonia
dissolves in water may be very alkaline, so
3  emon juice contains citric acid, which will
L this should not be allowed to touch skin or
lower the pH. The graph for pH shows that the clothing. You should wear goggles and a
enzymes are relatively inactive at low pH values. protective laboratory coat; you could also
wear gloves.
Exercise 3.3 Finding Vmax and Km 3 a Use a top pan balance to measure out
1  he concentration of the lipase and the
T 10 g of urea.
temperature. Put this into a 100 cm3 volumetric flask.
2 35
Add a small volume of distilled water.

Mix until the urea has all dissolved.
Initial rate of activity of lipase/µmol fatty acid

Add more distilled water to make up the

solution to the 100 cm3 mark on the flask.
Mix thoroughly.
produced min-1

20 b You could use a more concentrated

solution of urease.
15 4 a You could use serial dilution. Take 1 cm3
of the 1% solution and add it to 9 cm3 of
10 water, to make a 0.1% solution. Then take
1 cm3 of the 0.1% solution and add it to
9 cm3 of water, to make a 0.01% solution.
Repeat to make a range of solutions, each
10 times as dilute as the previous one.
0 10 20 30 40 50 Alternatively, you could take 8 cm3 of the
Concentration of substrate / % 1% solution and add it to 2 cm3 of water,
to make a 0.8% solution. Then take 6 cm3
3  his is the value at which the graph levels off.
of the 1% solution and add it to 4 cm3 of
Vmax is 33 µmol of fatty acid per minute.
water to make a 0.6% solution. Continue
4 You should find the Km is just above 10.0% until you have a sufficient range of
concentration of substrate. concentrations.
5  he second enzyme has a greater affinity for its
T b You could try 1%, 0.1%, 0.01%, 0.001%
substrate than the one from B. cepacia. and 0. Alternatively, you could try 1%,
0.8%, 0.6%, 0.4%, 0.02% and 0. The
Exercise 3.4 Planning an sample with no enzyme is a control.
investigation into the effect of c It would be good to do ten replicates at
inhibitor concentration on urease each concentration of inhibitor.
activity 5  easure a known volume of urease solution
– say 5 cm3 – into several test tubes. Place the
1 a the concentration of the inhibitor
test tubes in a water bath at a temperature
b the rate of activity of urease, measured as known to be close to the optimum for this
the rate of change of pH enzyme.
c The concentration of the enzyme; the  easure a known volume of each concentration
concentration of the substrate; the of inhibitor (including 0) – say 5 cm3 – and add

2 Cambridge International AS & A Level Biology – Jones & Parkin © Cambridge University Press 2020

to each of the test tubes containing the enzyme, Exercise 3.5 Calculating actual
in the water bath.
and percentage error
 easure a known volume of urea solution – say
5 cm3 – into several test tubes. Place these test 1 ±5 cm3
tubes in the water bath. 2  he uncertainty or error for each
 eave all the tubes for at least ten minutes,
L measurement is ± 1 cm3, so the total error
to allow their contents to come to the when calculating the difference between two
temperature of the water bath. measurements is ± 2 cm3.

 lace a pH probe into one of the test tubes

P 3  he error in the measurement is 0.05 cm3. The
containing the enzyme and inhibitor. Note the percentage error is therefore (0.05 ÷ 10) × 100 =
pH. Pour the contents of one of the urea test 0.5%.
tubes into the enzyme and inhibitor. Note the 4  he error in each measurement is 0.5 mm, so
pH at suitable intervals of time, or after a set the error in the measurement of the change in
period of time. Record. length is 1.0 mm.
 epeat with each of the concentrations of
R The change in length is 3.35 cm.
 he percentage error is therefore
Repeat the whole experiment three times. (1.0 ÷ 33.5) × 100 = 2.99%.
6  he precise design of the results chart will
T 5  he error in each measurement is 0.005 g, so
depend on the method for recording the the error in the measurement of the change in
results. This could either be the pH reached at mass is 0.01 g.
a particular time, or the time taken to reach a
particular pH. The change in mass is –0.07 g.

One possible design could be:  he percentage error is therefore (0.01 ÷ 0.07)
× 100 = 14.3%.
Concentration pH after 5 minutes
of inhibitor / % Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mean  otice that we ignore the minus sign when
calculating actual error or percentage error –
it makes no difference whether the mass has
gone up or down.

7  he curve should be drawn on axes labelled

with the concentration of the inhibitor (x-axis)
and the dependent variable (e.g. the pH after
five minutes) on the y-axis. The curve should
show that the rate of reaction decreases as
the concentration of the inhibitor increases,
plateauing at high concentrations of inhibitor.
So, if the dependent variable is the pH after
five minutes, the curve should start high when
the concentration of inhibitor is 0, then fall to
a constant value.

3 Cambridge International AS & A Level Biology – Jones & Parkin © Cambridge University Press 2020

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