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Downstream Process

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Downstream Processing

Cell Harvesting
• The first step in the downstream processing of suspended
cultures is a solid–liquid separation to remove the cells from
the spent medium.
• Each fraction can then undergo further processing, depending
on whether the product is intracellularly located, or
extracellularly located in the medium.
• Choice of solid–liquid separation method is influenced by the
size and morphology of the microorganism and the specific
gravity, viscosity and rheology of the spent fermentation
• These factors can also have major influences on the transfer of
the liquid through pumps and pipes.
• When a gas is introduced into the liquid broth, it forms bubbles.
• The cells and other solid particles get adsorbed on gas bubbles.
• These bubbles rise to the foam layer which can be collected and
• The presence of certain substances, referred to as collector
substances, facilitates stable foam formation e.g., long chain
fatty acids, amines.

• In flocculation, the cells or cell debris form large aggregates to
settle down for easy removal.
• The process of flocculation depends on the nature of the cells
and ionic constituents of the medium.
• Addition of floccultating agents (inorganic salt, organic
polyelectrolyte) is often necessary to achieve appropriate

• Filtration is the most commonly used technique for seperating
the biomass and culture filtrate.
• The efficiency of filtration depends on many factors- the size
of the organisms, viscosity of the medium, and the
• Several filters such as depth filters, absolute filters, rotary
drum filters and membrane filters are in use.
Depth Filters:
• They are composed of a filamentous matrix such as glass
wool, asbestos or filter paper.
• The particles are trapped within the matrix and the fluid passes
• Filamentous fungi can be removed by using depth filters.

Absolute Filters:
• These filters are with specific pore sizes that are smaller than
the particles to be removed.
• Bacteria from culture medium can be removed by absolute
Rotary drum vacuum filters:
• These filters are frequently used for separation of broth
containing 10-40% solids (by volume ) and particles in the size
of 0.5-10µm.
• Rotary drum vacuum filters have been successfully used for
filtration of yeast cells and filamentous fungi.
• The equipment is simple with low power consumption and is
easy to operate.
• The filtration unit consist of a rotating drum partially
immersed in a tank of broth.
• As the drum rotates, it picks up the biomass which gets
deposited as a cake on the drum surface.
• This filter cake can be easily removed.
Membrane Filters:
• In this type of filtration, membranes with specific pore sizes
can be used.
• However, clogging of filters is a major limitation.
• There are two types of membrane filtration- Static filtration
and cross flow filtration.
• In cross flow filtration, the culture broth is pumped in a
crosswise fashion across the membrane.
• This reduces the clogging process and hence better than static
• Instead of simply using gravitational force to separate suspended
particles, a centrifugal field is applied.
• Centrifugation may be used to separate particles as small as 0.1
μm diameter and is also suitable for some liquid– liquid
• Its effectiveness, too, depends on particle size, density difference
between the cells and the medium, and medium viscosity.
• The faster the operating speed (w) and the greater the distance
from the centre of rotation, the faster the sedimentation rate.
• Centrifuges can be compared using the relative centrifugal force
(RCF) or g number (the ratio of the velocity in a centrifuge to the
velocity under gravity.
• The choice of centrifuge depends on the particle size and density, and
the viscosity of the medium. Higher-speed centrifuges are required
for the separation of smaller microorganisms, such as bacteria,
compared with yeasts.
• Advantages of centrifugation include the availability of fully
continuous systems that can rapidly process large volumes in small
volume centrifuges.
• Centrifuges are steam sterilizable, allowing aseptic processing, and
there are no consumable costs for membranes, chemicals or filter
• However, the disadvantages of centrifugation are the high initial
capital costs, the noise generated during operation and the cost of
• Also, physical rupture of cells may occur due to high shear and the
temperature may not be closely controllable, which can affect
temperature-sensitive products
Industrial Centrifuges
• Centrifuges can be divided into small-scale laboratory units
and larger pilot- and industrial-scale centrifuges.
• Laboratory batch centrifuges include, in ascending order of
speed attainable: bench-top, high-speed and ultracentrifuges,
capable of applying RCFs of 5000–500000g.
• There is a continuous feeding of the slurry and collection of
clarified fluid, while the solids deposited can be removed
• The different types of centrifuges are commonly used as
1. Tubular centrifuges
• usually produce the highest centrifugal force of
• They have hollow tubular rotor bowls providing a long flow
path for the suspension, which is pumped in at the bottom and
flows up through the rotor.
• Particulate material is thrown to the side of the bowl, and
clarified liquid passes out at the top for continuous collection.
• As the particulate material accumulates on the inside of the
bowl, the operating diameter becomes reduced.
• Consequently, there must be periodic removal of solids.
2 Multichamber bowl centrifuges
• consist of a bowl that is divided by vertically mounted
interconnecting cylinders and are capable of operating at
• The liquid feed passes from the centre through each chamber
in turn, and the smaller particles collect in the outer chambers.

3 Disc stack centrifuges

• can operate at 5000–13000g.
• The centrifuge bowl contains a stack of conical discs whose
close packing aids separation .
• As liquid enters the centrifuge particulate material is thrown
outwards, impinging on the underside of the cone discs.
• Particles then travel outwards to the bowl wall where they
• These centrifuges usually have the facility to discharge the
collected material periodically during operation.

4 Screw-decanter centrifuges
• operate continuously at 1500–5000g and are suitable for
dewatering coarse solid materials at high solids concentrations.
• They are used in sewage systems for the separation of sludge,
and for harvesting yeasts and fungal mycelium.
Cell disruption
• Some target products are intracellular, including many
enzymes and recombinant proteins, several of which form
inclusion bodies.
• Therefore, methods are required to disrupt the microorganisms
and release these products.
• The breaching of the cell wall/envelope and cytoplasmic
membrane can pose problems, particularly where cells possess
strong cell walls.
• For example, a pressure of 650 bar is needed to disrupt yeast
cells, although this may vary somewhat at different times
during the growth cycle and depending upon the specific
growth conditions.
• General problems associated with cell disruption include the
liberation of DNA, which can increase the viscosity of the
• A nucleic acid precipitation step or the addition of DNase can
help to prevent this problem.
• Products released from eukaryotic cells are often subject to
degradation by hydrolytic enzymes (proteases, lipases, etc.)
liberated from disrupted lysosomes.
• This damage can be reduced by the addition of enzyme
inhibitors, cooling the cell extract and rapid processing.
• Alternatively, attempts may be made to produce mutant strains
of the producer microorganism lacking the damaging enzymes.
• Cell disruption can be achieved by both mechanical and
non-mechanical methods.
Physical Methods of cell disruption
• The microorganisms or cells can be disrupted by certain physical
methods to release the intracellular products.
1. Ultrasonication:
• ultrasonication disintegration is widely employed in the laboratory.
• Ultrasonic disruption of cells involves cavitation, microscopic
bubbles or cavities generated by pressure waves.
• It is performed by ultrasonic vibrators that produce a
high-frequency sound with a wave density of approximately 20
• A transducer converts the waves into mechanical oscillations via a
titanium probe immersed in the concentrated cell suspension.
• However, this technique also generates heat, which can denature
thermolabile proteins.
• Rod-shaped bacteria are often easier to break than cocci, and
Gram-negative organisms are more easily disrupted than
Gram-positive cells.
• Sonication is effective on a small scale, due to problems with the
transmission of power and heat dissipation.
2. Osmotic Shock:
• This method involves the suspension of cells in 20% buffered
• The cells are then transferred to water at about 40C.
• Osmotic shock is used for the release of hydrolytic enzymes
and binding proteins from Gram-negative bacteria.

3. Heat Shock (thermolysis):

• Breakage of cells by subjecting them to hear is relatively easy
and cheap.
• But this technique can be used only for a very few heat stable
intracellular products.
4. High Pressure Homogenization:
• This technique involves forcing of cells at high pressure through a
very narrow orifice to come out to atmospheric pressure.
• This sudden release of high pressure creates a liquid shear that can
break the cells.

5. Impingement (To strike or hit):

• In this procedure, a stream of suspended cells at high velocity and
pressure are forced to hit either a stationary surface or a second
stream of suspended cells.
• The cells are disrupted by the forces created at the point of contact.
• Microfluidizer is a device developed based on the prinicple of
• It has been successfully used for breaking E.coli cells.
• The advantage with this technique is that it can be effectively used for
disrupting cells even at a low concentration.
6. Grinding with glass beads:
• The cells mixed with glass beads are subjected to a very high speed in
a reaction vessel.
• The cells break as they are forced against the wall of the vessel.
• Several factors influences the cell breakage-size and quantity of the
glass beads, concentration and age of cells, temperature and agitator
• Under optimal conditions, one can expect a maximal breakage of about
80% of the cells.
• It contains a cylindrical body with an inlet, outlet and a central
motor-driven shaft.
• To this shaft are fitted radial agitators the cylinder is fitted with glass
• The cell suspension is added through the inlet and the disrupted cells
come out through the outlet.
• The body of the cell disrupter is kept cool while the operation is on.
Mechanical and Non-mechanical methods
• Among the physical methods of cell disruption described above,
ultrasonication, high pressure homogenisation, impigement and
grinding with glass beads are mechanical while osmotic shock and heat
shock are non mechanical,
• The chemical and enzymatic method are non mechanical in nature.

Chemical methods of cell disruption

• Treatment with alkalies, organic solvents and detergents can lyse the
cells to release the contents.
• Alkalies:
• Alkali treatment has been used for the extraction of some bacterial
• However, the alkali stability of the desired product is very crucial for
the success of this method.
• E.g. recombinant growth hormone can be efficiently released from
E.coli by treatment with sodium hydroxide at pH 11.
• Organic solvent:
• Several water miscible organic solvent can be used to disrupt the cells
e.g. Methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, butanol.
• These compounds are inflammable, hence required specialised
equipment for fire safety.
• The organic solvent toluene is frequently used.
• As toluene is believed to dissolves membrane phospholipids and
creates membrane pores for release of intracellular contents.

• Detergents:
• Detergents that are ionic in nature, cationic-cetyl trimethyl ammonium
bromide or anionic-sodium lauryl sulfate can denature membrane
proteins and lyse the cells.
• Non-ionic detergents are also used e.g. Triton X-100 or Tween.
• The problem with the use of detergents is that they affect purification
steps, particularly salt precipitation.
• The limitation can be overcome by using ultrafiltration or ion-exchange
chromatography for purification.
Enzymatic methods of cell disruption
• Cell disruption by enzymatic methods has certain advantages i.e
lysis of cells occurs under mild conditions in a selective manner.
This is advantageous for product recovery.

• Lysozyme:
• It is most frequently used enzyme and is commercially available.
• It hydrolyses β-1,4-glucosidic bonds of the mucopeptides in
bacterial cell walls.
• The Gram positive bacteria are more susceptible for the action of
• For Gram negative bacteria, lysozyme in association with EDTA
can break the cells.
• As the cell wall gets digested by lysozyme the osmotic effects break
the periplasmic membrane to release the intracellular contents.
• Certain other enzymes are also used, although less frequently
for cell disruption,
• For the lysis of yeast cell walls, glucanase and mannase in
combination with proteases are used.
• The antibiotics penicillin and cycloserine may be used to lyse
actively growing bacterial cells, often in combination with an
osmotic shock.
• Other permeabilization techniques include the use of basic
proteins such as protamine; the cationic polysaccharide
chitosan is effective for yeast cells; and streptolysin
permeabilizes mammalian cells.
• In order to increase the efficiency of cell disintegration in a
cost effective manner, a combination of physical, chemical and
enzymatic method is employed.
• The filtrate that is free from suspended particles usually
contains 80-98% of water.
• The desired product is a very minor constituents.
• The water has to be removed to achieve the product
• The commonly used techniques for concentrating biological
products are evaporation, liquid-liquid extraction, membrane
filtration, precipitation and adsorption.
• The actual procedure adopted depends on the nature of the
desired product and the cost factor.
• Water in the broth filtrate can be removed by a simple
evaporation process.
• The evaporators, in general have a heating device for supply of
steam, and unit for the separation of concentrated product and
vapour, a condenser for condensing vapour, accessories and
control equipment.
• The capacity of the equipment is variable that may range from
small laboratory scale to industrial scale.
• Some of the important types of evaporators in common use are
briefly described.
• Plate evaporators :
The liquid to be concentrated flows over plates.
As the steam is supplied, the liquid gets concentrated and becomes

• Falling film evaporators :

In this case, the liquid flows down long tubes which gets distributed
as a thin film over the heating surface.
Falling film evaporators are suitable for removing water from various
viscous products of fermentation.

• Forced film evaporators :

The liquid films are mechanically driven and these devices are
suitable for producing dry product concentrates.
• Centrifugal forced film evaporators:
These equipment evaporate the liquid very quickly (in
seconds), hence suitable for concentrating even heat-labile
In these evaporators, a centrifugal force is used to pass on
the liquid over heated plates or conical surfaces for
instantaneous evaporation.

• The concentration of biological products can be achieved

by transferring the desired product (solute) from one
liquid phase to another liquid phase, a phenomenon
referred to as liquid- liquid extraction.
• Besides concentration, the technique is also useful for
partial purification of a product.
• The efficiency of extraction is dependent on the partition
coefficient i.e. the relative distribution of a substance
between the two liquid phases.
• The process of liquid-liquid extraction may be broadly
categorized as extraction of low molecular weight
products and extraction of high molecular weight
1. Extraction of low molecular weight products

• By using organic solvents, the lipophilic compounds can be

conveniently extracted.
• However, it is quite difficult to extract hydrophilic
• Extraction of lipophilic products can be done by the following

Physical extraction :
• The compound gets itself distributed between two liquid
phases based on the physical properties.
• This technique is used for extraction of non-ionising
Dissociation extraction:
• This technique is suitable for the extraction of ionisable
• Certain antibiotics can be extracted by this procedure.

Reactive extraction:
• In this case, the desired product is made to react with a
carrier molecule (e.g., phosphorus compound, aliphatic
amine ) and extracted into organic solvent.

• Reactive extraction procedure is quite useful for the

extraction of certain compounds that are highly soluble in
water (aqueous phase) e.g., organic acids
Supercritical fluid (SCF) extraction :

• This technique differs from the above procedures, since the

materials used for extraction are supercritical fluids (SCFs).

2. Extraction of high molecular weight compounds

• Proteins are the most predominant high molecular weight products
produced in fermentation industries.
• Organic solvents can not be used for protein extraction, as they
lose their activities.
• They are extracted using an aqueous two phase system or
reverse micelles formation.
• Aqueous two-phase system: they can be prepares by mixing a
polymer (e.g. polyethylene glycol) and a salt solution
(ammonium sulfate) or two different polymers.
• Water is the main component in ATPS, but the two phases are
not miscible.
• Cells and other solids remain in one phase while the proteins
are transferred to other phase.
• The distribution of the desired product is based on its surface
and ionic character and the nature of the phases.

• Reverse micelles formation: Reverse micelles are stable

aggregates of surfactant molecules and water in organic
• The proteins can be extracted from the aqueous medium by
forming reverse micelles.
Membrane Filtration
• Membrane filtration technique involves the use of a
semi-permeable membrane that selectively retains the
particles/molecules that are bigger than the pore size while the
smaller molecules pass through the membrane pore.
• Membrane are made up of polymeric materials such as
polyehersulfone and polyvinyl difluoride.
• The filtration technique like microfiltration, ultrafiltration and
hyperfiltration have been already described.
• Precipitation technique employed for the removal of certain
unwanted byproduct e.g. nucleic acid, pigments.
• Neutral salts, organic solvents, high molecular weight
polymers, alteration in temperature and pH are used in
• In addition to these non-specific protein precipitation reactions,
there are some protein specific precipitations e.g. affinity
precipitation, ligand precipitation.
• Neutral salts: the most commonly used salt is ammonium
sulphate. Since it is highly soluble, non toxic to proteins and
• Ammonium sulphate increases hydrophobic interactions
between protein molecules that result in their precipitation.
• The precipitation of proteins is dependent on several factors
such as protein concentration, pH and temperature.
• Organic solvents: Ethanol, acetone and propanol are the
commonly used organic solvents for protein precipitation.
• They reduce the dielectric constant of the medium and enhance
electrostatic interaction between protein molecules that leads to
• Non-ionic polymers: Polyethylene glycol is a high molecular
weight non-ionic polymer that can precipitate proteins.
• It reduce the quantity of water available for protein solvation
and precipitates protein. PEG does not denature proteins,
besides being non-toxic.
• Ionic polymers: The charged polymers such as polyacrylic
acid and polyethyleneimine are used.
• They form complexes with oppositely charged proteins
molecules that causes charge neutralization and precipitation.
• Increase in temperature: heat sensitive proteins can be
precipitated by increasing the temperature.

• Change in pH: Alteration in pH can also lead to protein


• Affinity precipitation: The affinity interaction is exploited for

precipitation of proteins.

• Precipitation by ligands: Ligands with specific binding sites

for proteins have been successfully used for selective
• The biological products of fermentation can be concentrated
by using solid adsorbent.
• Previously, activated charcoal was used as the adsorbent
• In the recent years, cellulose-based adsorbent are employed for
protein concentration.
• And for concentration of low molecular weight compounds
polystyrene, methacrylate and acrylate based matrices are
• The process of adsorption can be carried out by making a bed
of adsorbent column and passing the culture broth through it.
• The desired product, held by the adsorbent can be eluted.

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