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Questioned Document Review Calapan

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Importance of Documents

Documents record man’s life.

1. Conceptual period

2.The intervening period

3. The employment period

4. Terminating period
Universally Principles of Handwriting

1. Like things must be compared.

2. Determine whether the standards are sufficient or adequate.

3.Determine whether the dates of standards are proximate

within the dates of the questioned signature.

4. Consider the conditions under which the question signature

was executed.

5. Determine the writing instruments and paper used.

Is any material having marks,
signs or symbols, either visible, partially
visible or invisible which conveys meaning
or give message to someone.
What is Questioned Document ?
Document is said to be a questioned when
it is disputed or attacked, either in whole or in
part, as to its date or age, as to its source or
origin, as to the material used in their
production and as to its relation to some other
It is the result of a very complicated series of
acts, being on whole combination of certain
forms of visible mental and muscular habits
acquired by long continued painstaking effort.

It is the visible effect of bodily movement,

which is an almost subconscious expression of
fixed mental expression of certain ideas
associated with script form.
Evidential Signature

It is a signature, signed at a particular

time and place, under particular conditions, while the
signer was at a particular age, in a particular physical
and mental condition, using particular implements,
and with a particular reason and purpose for
recording his name.

System of Writing

The combination of the basic design of

letters and the writing movement as taught in
school make up the writing system.
Natural Writing
Any specimen of writing executed normally without
any attempt to control or alter its identifying habits and
its usual quality of execution in natural manner.

Cursive Writing

Writing in which the letters are for the most part are
joined together.
In QD, disguised means an act or an attempt to hide one’s
identity through hand writing, hand printing or signature.

Kinds of Disguised
Change of slant from right to left or vise
Change of capital letter from cursive to block style or
vise versa.
Change from cursive (conventional style) to block form
as vise versa.
Change of style from big to small or vise versa.

Deteriorating one’s handwriting

Using the wrong hand (ambidextrous)

Finger Movement - avails of the thumb, index and middle
fingers particularly in changing directions (point of pivot).
basically a push-and-pull writing movement.

Example A vertical writing with little freedom of strokes and

Hand Movement - entails the action of the hand as a whole
and the point of pivot is the wrist. Freedom in long strokes and
continuity of motion is not possible

Example The medium stroke and structures to signature in Jose Pidal

Case analyzed by QDE written in these manner?
a. Finger movement b. Hand movement
c. Forearm movement d. Whole arm movement
Any disconnected style of writing in which each letter is
written separately in a form of hand lettering or printing.

This term is applied to any characteristic of handwriting, which is

sufficiently unique and well fizzed to serve as a fundamental point in the

Is the product of human mind through the hand. If the pencil is

obvious (indications of genuine) but if Carefulness appears to the
paper, it is the indications of forgery.
Classes of Signatures
1. The formal
2. The Cursory signature
3. The Careless scribble

1. Mr. SCJ was copied the document through simulation

using bold lettering instead of the conventional writing.
2. Ms. Jessica Sanches known winner in American Idol
acknowledged award in her diary using the conventional
3. President Pinoy in one of his visit to China signed his
signature to treaty in Scarborough island applies his abstract
Is produced by movement of both hand and arm and also
fingers in some case with the elbow as point of pivot.

A long strokes and curves with smooth and uniformed sizes of

letters shown in the questioned signatures of Jose Velarde case is
indicative of what handwriting movement?

a. Finger movement b. Hand movement

c. Forearm movement d. Whole arm movement
Involves the action of the entire arm without rest and writing
produced this way with greatest difficulty in simulating a model

Prosecutor Cahanding in the impeachment case againts

Erap were illustrating evidential signatures in the open court through
expert and some of the relevant letters in the case has written in the
board for further illustration.

a. Finger movement b. Hand movement

c. Forearm movement d. Whole arm movement

Writers differ with each other in speed-slow, deliberate,

average and fast movement.
In handwriting is the harmonious recurrence of stress or impulse
and is quality of movement that produces a natural result. Flowing of
hand is a co-ordinates succession of movement impulses that guide into
each with a rhythm.

Example Congruency and repetition of stroke structures

shown in the specimen of Jose Velarde case submitted by the
prosecution in the office of questioned document division was
signed with natural result. In this case, what term in the QDE
apply the congruency and repetition of writings?
A. Movement b. Rhythm
C. Slanting d. Strokes
In the investigation of On the other hand, a
forged signature, the term line writing which is
quality will certainly appear. characterized by irregular
Good line quality is line, lack of smooth
characterized by the smooth and transition from stroke to
fluent curve strokes. There is a stroke, the sudden change of
gradation of the ink lines, which curvature, inequality of the
start as an extremely thin line, pen pressure is described as
and gradually widens and “poor line quality”.
deepens in tone.
Kinds of Writing Instruments
1. The earliest kind of ink was India ink.

Example It was made from soot or carbon mixed with

water. This ink does not penetrate the paper and can be
scraped off with a knife.

2. blue dyes & i ron i nk

3. log-wood
4. Sympatheti c or “i nvi si ble” i nks
5. The ballpoi nt Pen
1. Rolling devices

2. Goofing effects

this are highly useful in tracing the

manufacturer and commercial distribution of paper.

also, frequently it prove the vital or establishing the

authenticity or spuriousness of documents, legitimacy
of which hinges irrevocably on the actual date of their
Is the act of making a close and critical study of any
material and with questioned documents are involved.

The process for the discovery of facts about known

and unknown item that will be undertaken, including
microscopic visual, photographic chemical, ultraviolet and
infrared examinations.
Types of Questioned Documents

The most common questioned documents are the following:

1. Documents with disputed signatures, such as checks, notes,

receipts, contracts, wills, deeds, agreements and similar instruments.

2. Documents with disputed handwriting, such as those in which

the text is questioned for identity.

3. Documents containing alleged fraudulent alterations or changes

such as changing the date or adding figures, or altering any other
part of the text.
4. Documents disputed on the question of their date
or age.

5. Documents on the question of typewriting, such as

ascertaining the source, or determining the identity or
differences of two or more typed documents.

6. Documents in question with genuine signature and

fraudulent text.
Is committed by any person who, with
intent to defraud, signs the name of another person,
or of a fictitious person, knowing that he has no
authority to do so; or falsely, alters, forges or
counterfeits any check, draft, due-bill for the
payment of money or property; or counterfeits of
forges the seal or handwriting of another knowing
the same to be fake, altered, forged or counterfeited,
with intent to prejudice, damage or defraud to any
Is the signature of another person or of a
fictitious person written by another who has no authority to
do so, with intent to defraud.

Forgery may be produced under many

processes ranging from the mere writing of the name
without ant attempt to resemble the genuine model,
signature, to the more complicated process of tracing or
simulation to produce a close resemblance or facsimile of
the genuine signature.
Categories of forgery
1. Simple Forgery

2. Simulated Forgery

3. Traced Forgery

In this type of forgery, the forger who is confronted with the

absence of a model signature will not attempt to produce a facsimile
of the genuine signature but instead signs the name in his own
handwriting or in modified handwriting
It is the act of simulation, or copying in imitation of a
genuine signature or writing was to resemble the model.

In some instances, where the forger could not avail

of a genuine signature as a model, he merely relies from memory
his collections of the pattern of the signature, which he may
have by virtue of long association with the signature.
This is the result of an attempt to transfer to a fraudulent
document an exact facsimile of a genuine signature or writing by
some tracing process.

Kinds of Traced Forgery

1. Carbon process as the name denotes is that type
whereby the forgery interleaves a carbon paper between the
genuine signature and the document intended to be forged.

2. Indentation process is that type hereby indentation or

canal like outlines of the genuine signature is produced on the
fraudulent document be tracing the outline of the genuine signature
with considerable pressure with any sharp pointed instrument
3. Transmitted light or projection process is that kind
whereby the fraudulent document is placed immediately
above the genuine document and with strong light directed
through the two superimposed sheets of paper from under,
with transparent glass used as writing surface, the outline
which is seen thru the upper sheet is then traced with any
suitable writing instrument.
1. Abrasive Erasures 2. Chemical Erasures

1. Cutting

Filipino forgers in US Veteran Case was altered the content of
numerical number indicated in Check of one US Veteran for gain, his
manner of forging the document is inserting materials on finished Check.

a. Cutting b. Interlineations
c. Fastening d. Scratching
Fraud can be committed just as effectively
by addition as by subtraction. The insertion of a
modifying clause or sentence may completely
change the meaning of a document in as
throughout a manner as the erasure of a key
1. The lack of uniformity of ink

2. The work of more than one pen of typewriter

3. Crowding

4. Uneven margins

5. Unusual spacing of a modifying section if typewritten.

6. Evidence that the document has been removed and reinserted in the same or another

7. Indication of more than one typewriter ribbon or a mark changes in its condition if it is
a fabric ribbon.

8. Evidence of the insertion of pages through study of the paper and fastening devices.

9. Sharp variation in handwriting; and any of a score of another factors and individual to
the problem at hand may point out the insertion.
Obliteration – the blotting out or smearing over of
handwriting to make the original invisible or
undecipherable constitutes obliteration.

Restoration – it describes any process in which

erased writing is developed or brought out again on
document itself.
Indications of Forgery
1. Presence of carbon, pencil or indented outlines along the strokes of Inked

2. Abrupt change of direction of lines or strokes showing uncertainty

of movement.

3. Concealed or hidden joining.

4. Blunt initial and terminal strokes

5. Misplaced shadings

6. Lacks of variation of pen pressure

7. Defective line quality

8. Unnecessary careful of patching or retouching

9. Tremors or shaky writing

10. Presence of carbon, pencil or indented outlines along the strokes

of “inked” patterns
ndications f arbon rocess

a. Leave interleaving sheaf

b. Attach paint carbon

c. Present of fraud imitations

d. Leaves canal depression

e. Strong pressure appear on paper

f. Ink-carbonized faces of paper

Tracing with sufficient pressure over the authentic signature and tracing
the depression on the forge documents does this. This process creates a signature
with signs of re-tracing and pressure in writing.
A. Indented outline (used the principles of physics side light
examination creates shadow impressions.)

B. Direct light use

C. Transmitted light

Putting the genuine document on the glass surface under a strong light
does forgery. The forger re-traces the general outline on the forge

This process creates poor line quality, pen stopping in unusual places
and hesitations.
1. Actual measurement of the signatures to illustrate identity.

2. Super-imposition of the signature by transmitted light.

3. Taking photographs of the signatures and producing

transparencies as to easily superimpose one over the other.
A change that appears on a document should not be readily
considered fraudulent; the alterations should be considered in a
thorough and careful manner to be able to determine what the
reasonable inference is from all the facts.

“ An obvious, necessary change in a document often is

evidence not of fraud but of genuineness,”

“ A delicate and partly concealed change may be very

suspicious and, therefore it is fraudulent.”
-is one, which contains some
change either as an addition or deletion.

the removal of writing,

Typewriting or printing from a document.

- rubbing off with a rubber eraser or scraping-off

with a sharp instrument.

- Ink eradicator or other bleaching solutions.

How to detect mechanical Erasures Indications

Loosening or disturbance of paper fibers and this creates a

feathering effect on the ink. (Felt-tip-pen)

Thinning out of the effected area resulting to a transparency.

Appearance of fibers has a grassy substance on the outward up-

rust position.
-Any matters made a part of the document
after its original preparations

-Is one, which contains some

change, either as an addition or deletion.

-The process of making out what is

illegible or what has been effaced.

-The removal of writing instrument and

typewriting or printing from a document.
-It describes that any process in which
erased writing is developed or brought out again the

- materials used for writing, which is not

visible until treated by some developing process or substance.

– any matters made a part of

the document after its original preparation.

-blotting out or smearing over of

writing to make the original invisible or undecipherable.
The initial considerations in every handwriting
inquiry is to ensure that evidential handwriting are
preserved in precisely the same condition in which it
was originally received for investigation.
1. What are the best sources of authentic standards that
can be admissible as evidence?

Public records such as marriage license, driver license,

car registrations, signature at the board of election and tax papers.

Bank records such as signature cards, ledgers or loan


Identification cards such as social security cards,

hospitalization cards and other membership cards.

A signature on legal documents such as leases deeds

of sale, contracts or promissory notes.

Handwriting samples taken by a handwriting expert in

the presence of at-least one witness or taken in court.
2. What are the two classes of standards for
Procured or collected standards
–those writing which
prepared in the normal, routine course of business or
personal affairs.
Requested or dictated standards
– those writing
which were executed or prepared I the presence of the
examiner and at his request.
Scientific Examination of Handwriting
Scientific examination of handwriting entails three processes, namely:

- ANALYSIS (Or recognition) of characteristic

- COMPARISON (Or recognition) of characteristic
- EVALUATION (Or recognition) of characteristic
-EXAMINATION ( Or recognition) of characteristics

- involves the observation, measurement

and/or determination or properties or characteristic.

- entails the actual comparison of the

properties or characteristics of an unknown item determined thru
analysis with familiar or recorded characteristic of known items.
- means the correct interpretation of
characteristics will each have a certain value of identification
determined by their like hood of occurrence.

- therefore, involves the recognition,

comparison and correct interpretation of all the characteristics of
Recognition of Handwriting

Mere Similarities
Form or system characteristics do not indicated identify
of writer.

Basic Differences
Form of letters indicate that different writers made two
In writing refer to one’s ability or proficiency as skill in
any other endeavor. In the same vein, we observe one’s
handwriting as good, medium or poor, depending on the
manual dexterity of the individual.

As a rule, an individual cannot write better than his

“level best”.
Contrary wise, any one writer can do a “poorer” hand
than his usual best without much effort.
Refers to the slope of the handwriting in relation to the
base line. It is fairly a stable characteristic and the average
slant varies very slightly in writings done naturally.

Between letters in words or between words they are

dependent on many things. Space between letters depends
on the length of connecting links or strokes.
Refers to the more obvious increase in the width of
strokes. Consistency in the variation of width attributable to
variation in pressure of fine and delicate lines is correctly
termed as “unconscious” to distinguish it from perfectly
evident shading.

Of handwriting as characteristics is somewhat variable

under different conditions and may have but little importance
when applied to only one example, or to a small quantity of
writing like a signature, unless the divergence is very
Of letter may refer to proportion of a part to the other part of
a letter, or the relative height of one letter of the other. This one
of the hidden features of writing as it is unknown to the writer
Refers to the proportion of the strokes to each other in width as
affected shading. It is one of the most personal if somewhat hidden
characteristics in writing.

Is one of the unconscious and inconspicuous writing habits of individual

and clumsy writers frequently lift the pen to readjust his writing words then
to be broken after every letter.
What are individual Characteristics?

The following are individual characteristics of the writer;

Is a sharp pointed beginning stroke, which can be made when the

writing instruments, is in motion before it touches the paper.

Appears as a square beginning stroke, this can be made when the

writing instrument is placed on the surface before it moved.

Is a sharp pointed ending stroke, which can be produced when the

writing instrument is still in motion before, it is lifted from the surface of the
Is a square stroke, which can be produced, when the writing
instrument is placed a stop before it is lifted.

A minute and rudimentary loop frequently found at the

closing point of small “o”.

Forms similar to the upper portion of the small letter “l” [loops
may be open-in a conventional manner; or “ blind “ when made so narrow
that the inside apace becomes filled with ink.].

Short horizontal terminal or initial stroke.[ as used in conventional

small b, f, v, and w ].
Rounded curves of letters h, m, and n.

Any arcade form in the body of a letter or forming tent.

Failure to complete the junction between two letters without

lifting the pen.

Are symbols added to complete certain letters such as “i“,

dot, or “ t” crossing.
Comparison of handwriting Characteristics
When the class and individual characteristics have been
identified, the second phases of investigation are the comparison of

Objectives and comparison of handwriting characteristics.

To illustrate fairly the complete identifying details, of the

author’s personal habit and on his handwriting.

Comparison– is the act of setting two or more items side by

side to weigh their identifying details.
Questioned Documents Report Sample
Comparative examination and analysis of the
questioned and submitted handwriting of Juan
delaCruz reveals significant similarities in
movement, slant, proportion, stroke structure and
other individual’s handwriting characteristics.


The questioned signature of Juan delaCruz

marked “Q-1” appearing in the above-mentioned
document and the submitted standards of Juan
delaCruz marked “S-1” to “S-7” inclusive, were
written by one and the same person.
Ascender - is the top portion of the loop
Descender- is the lower portion of the loop
Buckle knot- is the horizontal and looped that are after
used to complete the letter.
Cacography – is characterized as bad writing.
Calligraphy- is characterized as good writing.
Hiatus – is a special form of pen lift distinguishable in
the perceptible gap appear in the writing.
Hesitation- an irregular thickening of ink which is found
when the writing slow down or stop.
Fist-Off theory of comparison – The act of setting two or
more signatures in an inverted position to weigh their
identifying significance, the reason being that those we fail
to see under normal comparison may readily be seen
under this theory.

Collation – means critical comparison or side by side

Signature as defined by Mr. Webster – Is one’s name written by
him on a document as sign of acknowledgement.

Holographic Document- any document which is completely

written and signed by the person.
Standards of Forms - consists of the known handwriting of
a person and in such case “Standard” has the same
meaning as is understood by the word “specimen” of

Habit – A writing habit is any repeated element or detail,

which may serve to individualized writing.

Significant Writing Habit – This term is applied to any

characteristic or handwriting which is sufficiently unique
and well fixed to serve as fundamental point in the
Characteristic – A characteristic is any property or mark, which
distinguishes and in document examination commonly refers to
identifying details. There are two groups of characteristic, class
and individual.

Class Characteristic – Not all characteristics encountered in

document examination are peculiar to single person or thing
and one, which is common to a group, may be described as a
class and individual.

Natural Variations – These are normal or usual deviations found

between repeated specimen at any individual handwriting or in
the product of any typewriter.

Individual Characteristics – A characteristic, which is highly

personal or peculiar and is unlikely to occur in other instances,
are best, described as individual. (Compare with class
Graphology - the art of attempting or interpreting the character
or personality of an individual from his handwriting.

Expert Witness - This is the legal term used to describe a

witness, who by reason of his special technical training or
experience is permitted to express an opinion regarding then
issue or a certain aspect of the issue that is involved in a

Guided Signature – a signature which is executed unlike the

writers hand or arm is steadied in any way or assisted
Oblique or Sidelight Examination - an examination with the
illumination so controlled that it grazes or strikes the surface of
the document from one side at very low angle.

Qualifications - the professional experience, education and

ability of a document examiner, before he is permitted to testify
as an expert witness, must the court ruled that he/she is

Reference Collection - materials compiled and organized by the

document examiner to assist him in answering special

Sample - A selected representative portion to the whole

Standards - are condensed and compact set of authentic
specimen which if adequate and proper should contain a true-
cross section of the material from a known source.

Transmitted Light Examination - is an examination of document

of this kind, the document is viewed with the source of
illumination behind it and the light passing through the paper.

Drawn Forgery - where the forger tries to imitate the

handwriting of a genuine person by copying it freehand. If
done properly by a skilled forger, this is very difficult form of
forgery to detect.

Patching- retouching or going back over a defective portion of

a writing strokes.
Pen Emphasis- the act of intermittently forcing the pen
against the paper surface with increases pressure.

Pen Lift - an interruption in a stroke caused by removing

the writing instrument from the paper.

Pen pressure- the average force with which the pen contacts the
Retracing – any stroke which goes back over another writing

Shading- is a widening of the ink stroke due to added pressure

on a flexible pen point or to the used of a stub.

Anachronisms - an anachronism is something in the wrong time

or place. This means that the forger has trouble matching the
paper, ink, or writing material to the exact date it was
supposed to have been written. Some examples of
anachronisms are:

1. Printed Heading
2. Stamps
3. Opening and Releasing of Envelopes
Types of handwriting “Standards”

A. Collected

Collected standards are known (genuine) handwritings of

an individual, such as signature and endorsement on cancelled
checks, legal papers, letters, memoranda, etc. written in the
course of daily life, both business and socials.

B. Required

Request standards are signatures or other handwritings

(or hand printings) written by an individual upon request for
the purpose of comparison with other handwritings, or for
specimen purposes.
Type printing and Type-print Examination

In a modern business today’s demands that most of its

documents be typewritten or computerized basis. As we all
know, the typewriter makes impression by striking typefaces
against an ink ribbon, leaving impression on the paper; but we
may be surprised to learn that every machine has
idiosyncrasies as definite as these of handwriting.

The Principal Typewriting Questions are

- Whether an evidential typewriting was accomplished on a

suspected typewriter.
- Whether an evidential typewriting, prepared a known
typewriter was actually typewritten on its purported
Basis of Typewriting Identification
Same type designs

? Standard type sizes

- ELITE [ 12 character per inch ]

- PICA [ 10 character per inch ]
Alignment defects

- Horizontal alignments defects

- Vertical alignment defects
- Character printing “ off-its-feet”
- Tilted characters
Type face defects

Permanent defects – actual breaks on type face, like worn-off

series, cut on shanks

Transitory defects – dirty impression from “clogged” or “dirty”

type faces, and incomplete impressions due to poor condition
or worn-out ribbon.
Definition of Terms

Alignment defects - include characters, which write

improperly in the following respects; twisted letter or “tilted”
character, horizontal mal-alignment, vertical mal-alignment, and
character printing “off-its-feet”.

Character - in connection with type-printing

identification, the term “character” is used to include letters,
symbols, numerals, or points of punctuation.

Clogged (dirty) Type faces - when the characters become

filled with dirt or ink, particularly in enclosed letters such as o,
e, p, and g.

Defects - describes any abnormality of maladjustment in a

typewriter which is reflected in its work and which leads to its
individualization or identification.
Horizontal Mal-Alignment – An alignment defects in which
the character prints to the right or left of its proper position.

Off Its-Feet - the condition of a type face printing heavier

on one side of corner than ever the reminder of its outline
Platen - the cylinder, which serves as the backing for the
paper and which, absorbs the blow from the type, face.
Rebound - is a defect in which a characteristics a double
impression with the lighter one-slightly offset to the right or to
the left.

Ribbon Impression - typewriting which is made directly

through a cloth ribbon, most original typewriting is made in this

Type Face - the printing surface of the type block

Type Face Defects - any peculiarity of typewriting caused

by actual damage to the type fact metal.
Twisted Letter - each letter and character designed to print
at a certain fixed angle to the base line. Due to wear and
damage to the type bars and the type block, some letters
become twisted so that it leans to the right or left of their
correct slant.

Vertical Mal-alignment - a character printing above or

below its proper position.
Type of Typewriting Standards

Collected Standards - consist of material, which has been

written on the machine ion question from day to day in the
course of business or private affairs.

Prepared Standards - comprises matter written by the

document examiner himself, or by some other person at his
direction, on the suspected machine specifically for comparison
with the questioned documents.
Pertinent Laws To Protect Philippine Peso
Art. 163. RPC. Making and importing and uttering false coins.
Art. 166. RPC. Forging treasury or bank notes or other documents
payable to bearer: importing, and uttering such false or forged
notes and documents.
Art. 168. RPC. Illegal possession and use of false treasury or bank
notes and other instruments of credit.
Art. 176. RPC. Manufacturing and possession of instruments or
implements for falsification.
PD 247. Defacement, mutilation, tearing, burning or destruction of
CBP notes and coins.
Chapter II & III, Circular 61, series of 1995. reproduction and/or use
of facsimiles of legal tender Philippine currency notes.
(2003, 2009, 2012, 2013)
1. Standards needed in the examination of receipt signatures:
a. Requested signature b. Other receipt signatures
c. Disguised signatures d. Intoxicated signatures

2. Kind of signature where the examination is hampered by lack of truly adequate and
proper standards.
a. Intoxicated signature b. Requested signature
c. Disguised signature d. Old age signature

3. Writing characterized by lack of freedom of movements, which gives the impression

that every stroke was made with great difficulty;
a. Restrained writing b. Loss writing
c. Free – writing movement d. Regulated writing
4. Writing characterized by too much freedom of movement and lack of
regulation which are usually tall letters;
a. Loose writing b. Restrained writing
c. Genuine writing d. Regulated writing

5.Handwriting characterized by a succession for awkward, independent ,

poorly directed and disconnected motions:
a. Restrained Handwriting b. Lack of Rhythm
c. Lack of Precision d. Lack of freedom in writing

6. Standards needed in the examination of the signature of a careless or

erratic writer;
a. Collected samples b. Requested signatures
c. Genuine standards d. Disguised standards
7. Primary determinant of a writing speed:
a. Writing movement b. Rhythm
c. Natural writing d. Strokes

8. Great difference in emphasis in upstrokes and down strokes;

a. Indicates speed writing b. Indicates slow writing
c. Indicates good coordination d. Indicates variations

9. No difference in emphasis in upstrokes and down strokes;

a. Indicates speed writing b. Indicates slow writing
c. Indicates good coordination d. Indicates variations

10. Marked uncertainty as to the location of the dots of small letters “i” , “j”
and crosses of small letter ”t”:
a. Indicates speed writing b. Indicates slow writing
c. Indicates motor coordination d. Indicates variations

11. Conspicuous certainty as to the location for the dots of small letters “i” ,
“j” and crosses of all small letter “t”:
a. Indicates speed writing b. Indicates slow writing
c. Indicates motor coordination d. Indicates variations
12. A kind of document which is executed by a person in
authority or by private parties and notarized by a competent
public official?
a. Private document b. Public document
c. Official document d. Commercial document

13. Refers to the more obvious increase in the width of strokes

consistency in the variation of width attributable to variation
in pressure?
a. hiatus b. Pen pressure
c. shading d. Spacing
14. This is a normal or usual deviation that can
be found between repeated specimens of any
individual person’s handwriting.

A. Individual characteristics
B. Class characteristics
C. Natural variations
D. Deviations
15. A sign of forgery in guided hand signature is-
a. Bad shading
b. Irregular alignment
c. pen control
d. Discounted strokes

16. It is a natural phenomenon, even a document

examiner cannot examine questioned document
without it-
a. Light b. Eclipse
c. Natural talent d. Acquired knowledge
Actual board exam 2013
17. In examination documents, examined documents under
stereoscopic microscope, direct light, oblique light, and transmitted
light if necessary ultra-violet and infra-red light to ensure what-
a. Determining the gravity of erase writing
b. Determining secrecy over the questioned document
c. To see and magnified minute details for examination
d. To enhance object for better comparison

18. In QD examination inquiry, when we speak insertion or

intercalation of document, It result to the additional-
a. Paper Mark
b. Standard
c. Forgery
d. Writing
Actual board exam
19. What do you call a burned document-
a. Charred b. Poisonous
c. Fragmented d. De-formed

20. In case of signature, there are two methods

of forging and these are tracing and?
a. Shading b. Copying
c. Simulating d. Imitating

“Good Luck”


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