Chapter V First Part
Chapter V First Part
Chapter V First Part
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Chapter V Determination of the seismic action by Equivalent Static Force Method
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Chapter V Determination of the seismic action by Equivalent Static Force Method
buildings is currently based on elastic analysis, nonlinear structural analysis has become
increasingly important in the investigation of structural response to earthquakes.
Nonlinear structural analysis, but the existing method used for calculating the nonlinear
behaviour of civil engineering structures is often by changing the structural member stiffness.
Linear analysis for static and dynamic loads has been used in structural design for decades.
Nonlinear analysis methods in civil engineering is not a new topic and are widely used, because
emerging performance-based guidelines require representation of nonlinear behaviour. There
are two major sources of nonlinear behaviour of a structure or an element of structure. The first
is a nonlinear relationship between force and deformation resulting from material behaviour
such as ductile yielding, stiffness and strength degradation or brittle fracture. The second type
of nonlinear behaviour is caused by the inclusion of large displacements in the compatibility
and equilibrium relationships.
In succinct manner, the main characteristics of the various methods are recalled.
• Linear analysis (LA)
Displacements and strains are small so that material behaviour is elastic and analysis
may be performed on the basis of the initial, un-deformed geometry of the structure. This
analysis is also called elastic analysis according to 1storder theory. Design is made separately
by application of code-prescribed formulas.
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Chapter V Determination of the seismic action by Equivalent Static Force Method
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Chapter V Determination of the seismic action by Equivalent Static Force Method
same earthquake. This equivalence is restricted only to a single mode of vibration of the
structure, that is, there a set of lateral force exist for each mode of vibration.
5.4.2 Applicability conditions
The lateral force method, is the easiest structural analysis method preferred and used
by structural engineers to assess the structural response because of the familiarity with the basic
calculation approaches used in structural mechanics, allowing also for hand computation for
simple and low-redundant structural schemes. As it is well-known, this method can be applied
only to structures whose dynamic response is basically dominated by the fundamental mode of
vibration. This type of analysis cannot be applied in case of complex structures that are not
vertically regular because of the non-uniform stiffness, strength or mass distribution.
In fact, the structural seismic analysis commonly adopted for calculating the seismic-
induced effects on structures are the lateral force method and modal response spectrum
analysis, because of their computational ease and their high efficiency. It should be noted that
in both methods of analysis an elastic structural response is assumed and the seismic actions
are combined with gravitational loads by the use of d'Alambert's principle of superposition of
5.4.3 Procedure
In the equivalent static force method, the inertial forces are specified as static forces
using empirical formulas. The empirical formulas do not explicitly account for the "dynamic
characteristics" of the particular structure being designed or analysed.
The formulas were, however, developed to adequately represent the dynamic behaviour
of what are called "regular" structures, which have a reasonably uniform distribution of mass
and stiffness. For such structures, the equivalent static force method is most often adequate.
The formulas were, however, developed to adequately represent the dynamic behaviour of
what are called "regular" structures, which have a reasonably uniform distribution of mass and
stiffness. For such structures, the equivalent static force method is most often adequate.
Furthermore, concentrated lateral forces tend to be larger at higher elevations in a structure.
Thus, the greatest lateral displacements and the largest lateral forces often occur at the top
level of a structure (particularly for tall buildings). These effects are modelled in equivalent
static lateral force procedures of the RPA99, EC8, IBC and UBC by placing a force at each
storey level in a structure.
It involves calculating the equivalent static force that would produce the same
maximum response as the dynamic loads that the structure is expected to experience during an
earthquake. This method assumes that the seismic load can be approximated by a single static
force that acts on the structure along a particular direction. The equivalent static force is then
used to determine the design forces and moments on the structure.
Furthermore, concentrated lateral forces tend to be larger at higher elevations in a
structure. Thus, the greatest lateral displacements and the largest lateral forces often occur at
the top level of a structure (particularly for tall buildings). These effects are modelled in
equivalent static lateral force procedures of the IBC and UBC by placing a force at each story
level in a structure.
The equivalent (static) lateral force for an earthquake is obtained by carrying out a
modal analysis of structures, and then a static analysis of the structure with equivalent (static)
lateral force in each mode of vibration is performed to obtain the desired responses. The entire
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Chapter V Determination of the seismic action by Equivalent Static Force Method
procedure is known as the response spectrum method of analysis and is developed using the
following steps.
1. A modal analysis of the structure is carried out to obtain the mode shapes,
frequencies, and mode participation factors for the structure.
2. An equivalent static load is derived to get the same response as the maximum
response obtained in each mode vibration, using the acceleration response spectrum of the
3. The maximum modal responses are combined to find the total maximum response of
the structure.
5.4.4 Comparison between EFM and RSA
On the other hand, RSA is a more advanced method used to analyse the behaviour of
structures under seismic loading conditions. It involves calculating the response of the structure
to a range of ground motions, which are represented by a response spectrum. RSA provides a
more detailed analysis of the behaviour of the structure, which can help engineers to design
safer and more efficient structures.
One of the main differences between ESM and RSA is the level of accuracy they
provide. ESM is a simplified method that assumes the seismic load can be approximated by a
single static force. This method is less accurate than RSA, which takes into account the dynamic
nature of the seismic load and its effect on the behaviour of the structure.
In terms of computational requirements, ESM is typically faster and less
computationally intensive than RSA. ESM involves the calculation of a single static force,
while RSA involves the calculation of the response of the structure to a range of ground
motions. This makes RSA more time-consuming and computationally expensive than ESM.
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Chapter V Determination of the seismic action by Equivalent Static Force Method
5.6.2 Modelling
a) The building model to be used in each of the two directions for analysis is plane, with
masses concentrated at the gravity centre of the floor and only one degree of freedom by floor
in horizontal translation is considered.
b) The lateral stiffness of supporting elements of the bracing system is calculated from
non-cracked sections for reinforced concrete structures or masonry structures.
c) Only the fundamental vibration mode of the structure is considered in the calculation
of the total seismic load.
A. D. Q
V= W
V: base shear force associated with ground motion at the base of the structure.
• Base Shear to UBC 97
Base shear is an estimate of the maximum expected lateral force that will occur due to seismic
ground motion at the base of a structure. Calculations of base shear (V) depend on:
• soil conditions at the site
• proximity to potential sources of seismic activity (such as geological
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Chapter V Determination of the seismic action by Equivalent Static Force Method
- A: zone acceleration coefficient, given in table 5.1, according to the seismic zone
and the using group of the building.
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Chapter V Determination of the seismic action by Equivalent Static Force Method
2.5 0 T T2
D = 2.5(T2 T )3 T2 T 3.0s
2 5
2.5(T2 3.0)3 (3.0 T )3 T 3.0s
T2: characteristic period, associated to the category of the site and given in the table
η: is the damping correction factor given by the following formula:
= 7 (2 + ) 0.7
where ζ (%) is the critical damping ratio depending on constitutive material,
structure type and importance of infills.
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Chapter V Determination of the seismic action by Equivalent Static Force Method
the ratio of two adjacent spans must not exceed 1.5. The frame bay can be constituted of
shear walls.
shear walls system: every plan of shear-walls must include at all floors, at least one (01)
pier having a ratio “storey height on width” less or equal to 0.67 or two (02) piers having a
ratio “story height on width” less or equal to 1. These piers must rise on all the height of the
floor and must not have any opening or perforation that can reduce significantly their strength
or their stiffness.
2. redundancy in plan
Every story should have, in plan, at least, four (04) plans of frames and/or shear walls
in the considered direction.
These bracing plans should be arranged as much as possible symmetrically with a ratio
between maximal and minimal values of spacing less than 1.5.
3. regularity in plan
The structure is classified regular in plan. (cf. 3.5 1a)
4. regularity in elevation
The structure is classified regular in elevation. (cf. 3.5 1b)
Cat Description of lat. Force res. systems (see chapter III § 3.4) Value of R
A Reinforced concrete
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Chapter V Determination of the seismic action by Equivalent Static Force Method
B Steel
7 Ductile moment resistant frames 6
8 Ordinary moment resistant frames 4
9a Structure braced by X triangulated elements 4
9b Structure braced by V triangulated elements 3
10a Mixed moment resisting frames/ X triangulated braces 5
Mixed moment resisting frames/ V triangulated braces
10b 4
Vertical cantilever frames
11 2
C Masonry
12 Bearing tied masonry 2,5
D Other systems
13 Steel structure braced by diaphragm
14 Steel structure braced by reinforced concrete core
15 Steel structure braced by reinforced concrete shear walls
16 Steel structure with mixed bracing including a reinforced concrete
core and steel braces or frames in façade
Criteria Q Observed unobserved
- W: total weight
W= Wi
i =1 And Wi= WGi + WQi
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Chapter V Determination of the seismic action by Equivalent Static Force Method
W is equal to the sum of the load calculated at each storey
- WGi: weight due to the dead loads and loads of the eventual fixed equipment attached
to the structure.
- WQi: live loads
- β: weighting coefficient, depending on the nature and the duration of the live load,
given in table 5.5.
Table 5.6 Weighting coefficient
Type of building β
hN: height measured in meters from the basis of the structure to the top of the last level
(N). CT: coefficient, function of the lateral force resisting system and of the type of infill. It is
given by the following table.
Table 5.7 Values of the coefficient CT
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Chapter V Determination of the seismic action by Equivalent Static Force Method
N.B. Method A of UBC: T = CTh N 4
h = height of the roof above the base in meters, not including the height of parapets.
Ct = 0.085 for steel moment resisting frames = 0.073 for reinforced concrete moment
resisting frames and t eccentric braced steel frames = 0.050 +for all other buildings.
In cases n° 3 and 4, the following formula can be used also:
T = 0.09 hN/D0.5
Where D is the dimension of the building measured at its basis in the direction
of calculation.
In this case the smaller value between the values given by the formulae 4.6 and 4.7 is considered.
3. The value of T can be calculated using the Rayleigh formula or a
simplified version of this formula:
) / g f )
T = 2 Wi i
i i
i i
δi = static elastic deflection at level “i” due to the forces applied at all levels, increasing
in a linear way with height. The value of deflection must be with respect to the base in mm.
= to
ki = shear stiffness of columns under floor “i”
fi = lateral force at level “i”, N
wi= dead load located at level “i”, N
g= acceleration due to gravity = 9810 mm/sec.
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Chapter V Determination of the seismic action by Equivalent Static Force Method
4. The Values of T, calculated using Rayleigh formulae or numerical methods must not
exceed those estimated by appropriate empirical formulae of more than 30%.
V = Fi + Σ Fi
The concentrated force Ft at the top of the structure allows to take into account the
influence of the high vibration modes of the structure. It is determined by the formula: Ft =
0.07 TV Where T is the fundamental period of the structure (in second). The value of Ft
should not exceed 0,25 V and should be taken equal to 0 when T is smaller or equal to 0.7
The differential part of V, i.e., (V - Ft) should be distributed following the height
of the structure following the formula:
(V − Ft )Whi
Fi = n
W h j j
j =1
N.B to UBC97
A concentrated force Ft that shall be applied to the top of the structure as part of the base
shear shall be determined from the following formula:
Ft = 0.07 TV < 0.25 V for T>0.7 seconds
Ft = 0.0 for T<0.7
V = Fi + Σ Fi
(V − Ft )Whi
Fi = n
W h j j
j =1
The shear force at the level k: Vk = Ft + Fi
i =k
In the case of structures containing rigid floors in their plan, is distributed to vertical
elements of the resisting system proportionally to their relative stiffness.
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Chapter V Determination of the seismic action by Equivalent Static Force Method
Torsion Effect
The increasing of the shear force provoked by the horizontal torsion due to the
eccentricity between the centre of gravity and the centre of rigidity should be taken into
account. The negative shear forces due to the horizontal torsion should be neglected.
For all structures having rigid floors or diaphragms in their plan, it is supposed that at
each level and in each direction, the global horizontal force has an eccentricity in comparison
with the torsion centre equals to the greater of the two values:
-5% of the greatest dimension of the building at this level (this eccentricity
should be considered on either side of the centre of torsion)
-Theoretical eccentricity given by the schemes.
• 0.8 G * E (5-2)
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Chapter V Determination of the seismic action by Equivalent Static Force Method
better resistance to the effects of overturning moments due to major seismic
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