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FET Amp With Valve Sound by B. Kainka

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FET Amp with Valve Sound

Warm sound from FETs?
Design by B. Kainka

A class-A FET amplifier can be made to sound as good as a valve amp when you follow the right design principles. This amp may not have a particularly high output power but using just standard components it produces a warm sound reminiscent of a valve amplier.
This purpose of this design is not to produce an amplifier to compete with modern high quality sound systems in terms of output power and low distortion gures but instead to be a bit more experimental and use modern FETs in a valve circuit configuration to try and recreate the warm valve sound produced by valve amplifiers and much appreciated by many audiophiles. To start with, it would seem a good idea to compare a typical single-ended EL84 valve output stage with a modern semiconductor pushpull output amp: The output stage of a valve amplier operates in pure class A configuration. Even with the volume control turned all the way down (quiescent) there is still appreciable dissipation in the output stage so the valves will always run hot. The dissipation in an EL84 could be 12 W so the valves will be running quite hot. By comparison, semiconductor ampliers are typically designed with a class AB output stage. Under quiescent conditions very little power is dissipated in the out-

put transistors. At higher signal levels the two output transistors operate in push-pull, sharing the load but this also gives rise to a certain amount of crossover distortion.

The valve operates as a current source and its output impedance is relatively high so that it offers little electrical damping to the movement of the speaker cone. The motion of the speaker cone is also affected by many


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K1 IC1 78L06
6V R2 220k R4 22k C9 100n T1 R1 1k 100n C2 17V5 C10 330n R10 10k 25V T2 1 25V R11 R5 100 3V9 470n 220 R7 018 C1 P1 1n 100k R3 1k C8 220 25V R9 27k C4 4700 10V R6 15 C6 100n LS1+ R8 10k T3 1000 63V C11


C5 47


C7 4700





LS1 4...8

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Figure 1. The FET valve amp uses few components.

other factors including the resonant frequency of the loudspeaker enclosure. By contrast, a semiconductor amplier has a low impedance output stage operating as a voltage source. This conguration leads to a much stiffer control of the speaker with effective damping and gives a more controlled, atter frequency response characteristic to the sound system. At the same this also means that the individual sound character of the speaker system is suppressed. The characteristics of a valve are not linear but slightly curved. At low volume the signal levels are small so that the valve operates over a near-linear region of its characteristics this will give little distortion of the output signal. When volume is increased the signal swing is larger and the non-linear nature of the valve becomes more apparent, introducing a soft limiting to the output signal. This type of limiting is quite pleasant and is achieved without using any overall negative feedback. A typical AB class semiconductor amplier uses a great deal of negative feedback to produce an amplifier with very low levels of signal distortion and low output impedance. When the volume is turned up in this type of amplifier the output signal increases proportionately until the signal peaks approach the levels of the amplifier supply voltage. Any further increase in signal input will cause overdrive when the driver transistors switch off at the signal peaks. This condition occurs suddenly and the resultant signal clipping gives rise to a

Technical Data
(supply voltage 24 VDC, IT2/T3 1.28 A) Input sensitivity (P = 4 W/ 8 ) Amplication factor (at 10 mVIN) Pmax (8 , 10 % THD+N, 1 kHz) Pmax (8 , <20 % THD+N, 1 kHz) THD+N (1 W, 8 /1 kHz) THD+N (0.1 W, 8 /1 kHz) S/N (at 1 W/8 ) S/N (at 1 W/8 , B = 22 kHz) Bandwidth (at 0.1 W) Damping factor Output impedance Efficiency (4 W/8 ) 0.47 V 13 4 W (sine) 5.5 W (music) 4.2% 1.3% 89 dB(A) 85 dB 83 Hz to 155 kHz 0.21 (!) 38 (approx.) 13%

very unpleasant harsh sound. For this type of amplier it is therefore important to make sure that it isnt overdriven, by contrast a valve amp is much more forgiving and responds to overdriving in a more listener friendly manner. For this reason valves are often used in guitar amps where they are deliberately overdriven to produce different sound effects.

The Amplier circuit

The amplifier operates in class A configuration. The design does not use any overall negative feedback to compensate for the non-linear char-

acteristic of the output FET. The output impedance for this amp is quite high in order to reduce loudspeaker damping and allow the individual acoustic properties of the speaker system to be heard. At the input, R1/C1 act as a lowpass lter to remove unwanted high frequency signals. The rst stage of the circuit shown in Figure 1 consists of BS107 (T1) this is used an input buffer giving a high input impedance and low output impedance with a voltage gain of about 1. The low output impedance helps to overcome the effects of the gate capacitance of T2. T3 operates as a constant current source; it passes dc


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current while the ac content of the output signal from the drain of T2 is applied across the loudspeaker. The amplier requires a 24 V input voltage. No set-up is necessary with this circuit because the operating point is automatically adjusted. A 6 V voltage regulator is used to derive the gate voltage for both T1 and T2. Current through the FET is defined by the value of source resistance. The quiescent current in T2 is self-regulated to 1.28 A but the relatively wide spread of individual FET characteristics can inuence this gure. output capacitor would ensure accoupling to the loudspeaker. The amplifiers operating point should not require any set-up adjustment and must be self-stabilising. A stabilised gate voltage should be used together with some localised feedback from a resistor in the FET source lead. The input to the amplifier should be compatible with a standard high impedance line-in signal (1.0 Vpp). (The input transistor T1 is configured as a source-follower to act as a buffer). With these requirements in mind the amplifier circuit shown in Figure 1 was produced. The diagram shows just one channel and the most obvious difference from the earlier design is the extra power FET (T3) in the output stage. This FET is used as a highimpedance current source and biases the drain of the output FET at the mid point of the supply voltage. Potential divider network R8/R9 provides the bias voltage to the gate of T3 with an additional 4 V necessary to take into account the gate-source voltage of the FET. Capacitor C8 reduces any ac ripple on this reference voltage. C5 maintains a constant gate voltage to T3 during operation. This gives the current source a high output impedance which together with the high impedance output of the signal amplifying FET gives the complete amplier its high impedance output characteristic. During tests the dynamic impedance of the amplier was measured as 38 . The output signal to a low imped+5V
TR1 P1 1k



R1 1k

T1 C1


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Figure 2. An earlier prototype amplier.

The ouput driver

As part of the background to this project a earlier prototype amplifier was built and is shown in Figure 2 This amplifier uses just one single VMOS FET per channel. The output transformer acts as a choke. The dc resistance of the secondary winding is less than 1 so that only a small proportion of the drain current flows through the loudspeaker. A preset is used to adjust the amplier operating point. No driver stage is used so the relatively high input capacitance of the power FET means that it is only possible to drive the amplifier successfully at high frequencies by using a low impedance signal e.g. from the headphone output of a CD payer. The sound produced by this simple circuit is almost as good as the amplier described here. The design however needed to be improved in three main areas: The FET Amp should be able to connect to normal impedance loudspeakers without the need for an output transformer. An electrolytic

F1 250mA T





10 5W C1 1000 35V

18V 50VA


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Figure 3. The basic power supply with a series resistor.

ance loudspeaker (4 to 8 ) is not in the form of a signal voltage but rather a signal current, this is unusual for a semiconductor amplier but gives rise to the characteristic valve sound produced by the amplier. The use of an FET as a current source in the output stage instead of the more usual impedance matching transformer means that we do not need to compensate for the frequency response of the transformer. A suitable transformer or output choke is a specialist item and not that easy to nd these days either. A disadvantage of this approach however is the increased power consumed by the circuit. The signal amplifier FET (T2) dissipates around 12 V 1.28 A 15 W in its quiescent state and the constant current source uses about the same amount so altogether this gives more than 30 W of energy converted into heat. With this in mind its important to ensure that this energy can be safely dissipated so we recommend that the heat sink should have a minimum thermal resistance of 1 K/W or lower. The FET amp can also be run with a higher supply voltage up to around 35 V giving a larger drain current. In this case the source resistor will need to be correspondingly reduced in value. It would be worth considering this modification if you like the sound produced by this amp and would like to experiment a little. The voltage produced across the source lead resistor generates a localised negative feedback and reduces the slope and amplification factor of the amplifier without reducing its output impedance. C4 shunts this feedback signal to ground and controls the amplifiers frequency response. The amplification factor at high frequencies is set by resistor R7 (0.18 ). To extend the amplifier response down to 30 Hz the value of capacitor C4 would theoretically need to be increased to 30,000 F! This modification


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R1 6k8 R3 33 T2

R2 27 T1 T3 C1 47 63V

R4 027



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Figure 4. An add-on circuit to reduce hum.

would not only be expensive but also potentially damaging because it is much easier to overload the amplifier at low (bass) frequencies.

regulator is independent of the value of the rectified transformer voltage. T1 and T2 are configured to form a Darlington transistor with T3/R4 providing short-circuit current sensing in the collector lead. With T2 mounted on a sufficiently big heat sink the regulator is short-circuit proof. The regulator voltage drop is about 1.9 V so in normal operation the power dissipation should be less than 2.5 W. The current limit is set to around 1.9 A, a short circuit at the output will produce approximately 45 W power dissipation by the circuit. For testing we used a 50 VA toroidal mains transformer with two 18 V secondary outputs together with a 10,000 F (35 V) reservoir capacitor. With no additional ltering

800 mVpp ripple voltage was measured on the output. In order to reduce this ripple a higher voltage is necessary so R1 (6.8 k) produces an additional 1 V voltage drop across the regulator. It is also necessary to take into account the thresholds of transistors T1 and T2. In practice it is possible that the HFE of T1 could cause the voltage to be too high or too low so that R1 will need to be changed to compensate (this is the only disadvantage of this simple solution). Transistor T3 limits the output current by controlling the base voltage of T1 so that the output current reaches a maximum value dened by the voltage drop across R4. A BD912 is used for T2, this transistor can handle 15 A so a higher maximum output current can be safely selected

The power supply

The power supply shown in Figure 3 can be constructed quite easily. A small amount of mains ripple on the output voltage will be damped by the constant current output of the amplier. A resistor in series with the reservoir capacitor reduces the peak charging current and helps to attenuate the higher frequency content of the ripple voltage. The amplifier has a relatively poor hum rejection figure of 20 dB. An additional addon circuit is shown which reduces the supply ripple so that the output hum is no longer audible. The add-on circuit is shown in Figure 4 and consists of a voltage regulator circuit built from discrete components. The reference voltage is derived from an averaged value of the supply voltage. The voltage drop over the

Resistors: R1,R3 = 1k R2 = 220k R4 = 22k R5 = 100 R6 = 15 5W R7 = 018 5W R8,R10 = 10k R9 = 27k R11 = 1 R12 = 220 P1 = 100k preset Capacitors: C1 = 1nF C2,C6,C9 = 100nF C3 = 470nF C4 = 4700F 10V (radial, max. diam. 18.5mm, lead pitch 5mm or 7.5mm) C5 = 47F 25V radial C7 = 4700F 25V (radial, max. diam. 18.5mm, lead pitch 5mm or 7.5mm) C8 = 220F 25V (radial, lead pitch 2.5mm or 5mm) C10 = 330nF C11 = 1000F 63V (radial, max. diam. 18.5mm, lead pitch 5mm or 7.5mm) Semiconductors: T1 = BS170 T2,T3 = BUZ72A IC1 = 78L06 Miscellaneous: K1, LS1 = 2-way PCB terminal block, lead pitch 5mm Heatsink, Rth < 1 K/W


T2 C7 R6 R11 R7




C4 R2 C1 R1 P1

C3 T1 C2


R8 R10 R9 R3 R4




Figure 5. The power amp PCB.


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C5 C8



R12 C11 0




if necessary by reducing the value of R4. The maximum current for T3 (a BC639) is 1 A (1.5 A peak). Under noload conditions (with the voltage at approximately 27 V) or sudden output short-circuit, resistor R2 limits the current through T3 to 1 A as mentioned earlier. Capacitor C1 is discharged and the power dissipation in R2 remains small. der pins and connection blocks. Next t the large upright components like the electrolytic capacitors and power resistors. Finally the two power FETs can be soldered into place but not before the heatsink has been tted to the PCB with a suitable bracket. This ensures that no mechanical strain will be put on the FET leads and joints. Make sure that the FETs are tted to the heat sink with electrical insulators and heat conducting paste. Once the components have been tted and all the soldered joints carefully inspected the amplifier can be tested. The voltage levels shown on the circuit diagram should help during testing but power FETs are produced with fairly wide tolerances on their characteristics so the voltage levels shown should be considered as approximate values only. A amplier is not particularly high. Theoretically with this design it should be possible to produce an output power about 25% of the quiescent power dissipated in the amplier, but in practice its a little bit less. This amp is therefore probably not the best choice for the sound system if you are planning a big party but it does produce a sweet sound with the volume control set around its mid-range. The soft limiting characteristic ensures that even with the volume cranked up to maximum the sound is not at all unpleasant. At low volume settings it is distortion-free with a good transparent tone. Altogether the sound produced has a full and soft character, truly reminiscent of a valve amplier. The sound quality of any amplifier is of course subjective and depends on many factors, not the least being the quality of the speakers connected to the output. In many cases we found that during testing, the same speakers produced a more pleasant sound from this amp than when they were connected to a conventional hi- amplier.

The hum suppressor is not included on the layout of the amplifier PCB (Figure 5), there is only room on this board for the amplifier. The large value electrolytics are mounted vertically on the board, so ensure that their case size and lead spacing will fit. This also applies to the power resistors. Before any components are tted solder the wire link between C7 and C11. Next t all the low-prole components like the standard resistors, small capacitors, preset resistor, sol-

In use
As can be seen from the technical data the output power of this class-


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