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Bài Thi Thử.003

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Học phần: Phong cách học Mã đề: 003

Mã học phần: 4112842 Số TC: 02

KHOA TIẾNG ANH Ngày thi: Thời gian: 60 phút

Thí sinh làm bài trên phiếu trả lời

1. A polysyndeton is the stylistic device of connecting sentences, phrases, syntagms or
words by using ……(mostly conjunctions and prepositions) before each component

A. Connectives

B. Interrelation

C. Semantic

D. Analysis

2. What is slang?

A. Slang is words or phrases that are informal language, and it is typically seen used in
speech more often than writing. It can be specific to a particular group of people or
context; therefore, the meanings of the words may not be apparent to all people.

B. Some basic notions are discussed and main definitions are provided.

C. Slang is a recognized term for a group of words that exist in almost every language.

D. Slang are those which in the process of integration of the English national language
remained beyond its literary boundaries.

3. Special colloquial vocabulary includes:

A. Jargon, Archaic words, Vulgar words and Dialectal words.

B. Jargon, Dialectal words, Vulgar words and Colloquial coinages.

C. Technical Terminology, Archaic words, Poetic and highly literary words and foreign

D. Technical Terminology, Archaic words,Vulgar words and Dialectal words.

4. Individual style is a unique combination of language units, expressive means and

…….. devices peculiar to a given writer, which makes that writer’s works or
even utterances easily recognizable.
A. lexical

B. phonetic

C. stylistic

D. morphemic

5. "…………….. is a flow, movement, procedure, etc., characterized by basically regular

recurrence of elements or features, as beat, or accent, in alternation with opposite or
different elements or features".

A. Theme B. Rheme C. Rhythm D. Accent

6.Speaking and writing are usually considered as the two main types of …………….. in

A. Style
B. Language medium
C. Stylistics
D. A&B are correct

7.The dialect of some community has ……………. That distinguish(es) it from other

A. a phonetic peculiarity
B. a semantic peculiarity
C. phonetic and/or semantic peculiarities
D. none of A, B or C is correct

8.Which of the following is an example of a "trite" metaphor?

A. Head of department
B. Flight of fancy
C. Shadow of a smile
D. All of the above

9. What is known as " univerbalisation" in Slovak can be compared with the word-forming
process in English called:

A. Basic lexis
B. Qualifying lexis
C. Grammatical lexis
D. Expressive lexis

10.……………. Is a combination of speech-sounds which aims at imitating sounds produced

in nature (wind, sea, etc), by things (machines or tools, etc), by people (sighing, laughter,
patter or feet, etc) and by animals

A. Onomatopoeia
B. Repetition
C. Imitation
D. Rhyme

11.Style can be seen as:

A. The manner of expression in writing and speaking
B. From the point of view of ‘language in use’ as a variation
C. A choice of items
D. A, B & C are right
12.The sentence "The sun kissed the earth." is: )
A. Personification
B. Metaphor
C. A & B
D. None of the above
13.Which one is often regarded as a non-verbal, but vocal system, with prosodies features
such as pitch and loudness?
A. Paralanguage

B. Semiotics

C. Kinesics

D. Graphetics

14.The sentence “You is smart. You is kind. You is important” (The Help) is:

A. Metonymy
B. Climax
C. Repetition
D. Enumeration

15. What is metonymy based on according to Galperin?

A. Affinity or similarity

B. Opposition or irony

C. Association connecting two concepts

D. Unexpected substitution of words

16.Which of the following sentences is a grammatical sentence?

A. Millions of people starved to death in North Korea in the 1990s.
B. North Korea's famine killed millions of people in the 1990s.
C. North Korea witnessed millions of people starved to death in the 1990s.
D. B and C are correct.
17. What is the real meaning of the metonymy in this sentence: “Wall Street lawsuits caused
the financial crisis”. (Như Ngọc)
A. Wall Street suits represent successful businessmen
B. Wall Street lawsuits represent the entire financial industry
C. Wall Street lawsuits demonstrate the greed of Wall Street executives
D. Wall Street lawsuits represent the economic system
18. "He is such a loyal traitor. He fooled his best friend just for his own benefits." 'Loyal
traitor' is an expression of…” (
A. Metonymy

B. Metaphor

C. Irony

D. Oxymoron

19.... is a stylistic device also based on the simultaneous realisation of two logical meanings,
dictionary and contextual.
A. Metaphor
B. Metonymy
A. Irony
D. Both A & C are correct

20. ………….is based on a different type of relationship between the dictionary and contextual
logical meanings, a relationship based on some kind of association connecting the two concepts
which these meanings represent (Galperin, ibid., p.140).

A. Metaphor

B. Metonymy

C. Irony

D. Polysemy

21. ………….is the study of a language’s writing system, or orthography, as seen in various
kinds of handwriting and typography.
A. Graphetics

B. Graphology

C. A & B are right

D. A & B are wrong

22. …occurs when the interpretation of some elements in the discourse is depent on that of

A. Coherence

B. Cohesion

C. Intergration

D. Substitution

23. A figure of speech that uses “like” or “as” to compare two dissimilar things is called:

A. Onomatopoeia

B. Metaphor

C. Simile

D. Personification

24. Paralanguage is?

A. often regarded as a non-verbal, but vocal system, with prosodic features such as pitch and

B. include prosodic features and also other non-vocal signs like facial expressions and

C. significantly interacts with language in spoken discourse.

D. A, B and C are right.

25/ What type of stylistic device is used in a sentence: "Don't spill the beans about the
surprise party," said the mother to her children? (Hằng Quyên)





26/ What is the term "kinesics" used to describe in communication? (Thuận)

A) The use of facial expressions

B) The communication system of gestures and motion

C) The tone of voice in verbal communication

D) The use of written language in communication

27/ What is the term for the study of personal space and the distance between people during

(a) Kinesics

(b) Proxemics

(c) Haptics

(d) Paralinguistics

28. P. Kvetko consider a specific degree of motivation and distinguishes ……… main type of

A. one B. two C. three D. four

29. Lexical relations of ……… and ……… are studied with respect to the genre and style
characteristics. At the same time, they provide information on the authorial style.
A. synonymy – polysemy B. polysemy – synonymy

C. synonymy – paronymy D. paronymy – synonymy

30. A style of language can be defined as a system of…..…language means intended to fulfill a
specific function of communication and aiming at a definite effect.

A. Co-ordinated

B. Interrelated and interconditioned

C. A and B are correct

D. None of the above

31. The study of creating and guiding a dialogue, talk or discussion, as well as the study of
methods of persuasion, was called…

A. Rhetoric

B. Poetics

C. Dialectics

D. Stylistics

32. The three sub-styles of the belles-lettres style include:

A. The language of poetry, or simple verse.

B. Emotive prose or the language of fiction.

C. The language of drama.

D. Both A,B and C

33. Speaking and writing are usually considered as the two main types of .......... in

A. Style

B. Language medium

C. Stylistics

D. A&B are correct

34. J.Místrik (1970) defines: “newspaper style as a ……. arrangement of language means”

A. purposeful

B. thematic

C. A&B are correct

D. None of the above

35. Style can be seen as:

A. The manner of expression in writing and speaking

B. From the point of view of ‘language in use’ as a variation

C. Choice of items

D. A, B & C are right

36. A style of language can be defined as a system of…..…language means intended to fulfill a
specific function of communication and aiming at a definite effect.

A. Co-ordinated
B. Interrelated and interconditioned
C. A and B are correct
D. None of the above
37. The study of creating and guiding a dialogue, talk or discussion, as well as the study of
methods of persuasion, was called…

A. Rhetoric
B. Poetics
C. Dialectics
D. Stylistics
38. The three sub-styles of the belles-lettres style include:

A. The language of poetry, or simple verse.

B. Emotive prose or the language of fiction.
C. The language of drama.
D. Both A,B and C
39. Speaking and writing are usually considered as the two main types of .......... in

A. Style
B. Language medium
C. Stylistics
D. A&B are correct
40. J.Místrik (1970) defines: “newspaper style as a ……. arrangement of language means”

A. purposeful
B. thematic
C. A&B are correct
D. None of the above

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