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Jan Lesinski 1, Tadeusz M. Zielonka 1, 2, Olga Wajtryt 1, Krystyna Peplinska 3, Aleksandra Kaszynska 3
Clinical Department of Internal Medicine, Czerniakowski Hospital in Warsaw, Poland
Departement of Family Medicine, Warsaw Medical University, Warsaw, Poland
Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Solec Hospital in Warsaw, Poland

Giant hiatal hernias

The authors declare no financial disclosure

Dyspnoea is most often caused by disorders of the respiratory and/or cardiovascular systems. Much less often it is brought about
by the displacement of abdominal organs into the thoracic cage. Hiatal hernias may give rise to diagnostic difficulties, as both
clinical and radiological symptoms suggest different disorders. Computed tomography is the method of choice when making
a diagnosis.
We have presented a series of 7 cases of giant hiatal hernias, each with a varying course of the disease, clinical symptoms,
radiological features and prognoses.
In two of the cases, the hernias were of a post-traumatic nature. Four cases of large diaphragmatic hernias were found in elderly
patients (over 90 years old). An advanced age and numerous coexisting chronic diseases disqualified most of the patients from
surgical treatment despite the hernias’ large sizes. In only one case was fundoplication performed with a good end result. Two
patients died, and an extensive hernia was the cause of one of the deaths. Upper gastrointestinal symptoms were present only
in a few of the patients.
An early diagnosis of giant hiatal hernia is crucial for the patients to undergo prompt corrective surgeries.

Key words: acquired diaphragmatic hernia, dyspnoea, elderly patients, gastroesophageal reflux disease, kyphoscoliosis, hiatal
Adv Respir Med. 2019; 87: 54–62

Introduction ment of the stomach or other abdominal organs

into the thoracic cage through the oesophageal
Diaphragmatic hernias may be congenital hiatus of the diaphragm [6]. Four types of hiatal
or acquired. Congenital Bochdalek and Mor- hernias have been distinguished: sliding (type I),
gagni-Larrey type hernias occur in areas of the paraesophageal (type II), combined (type III), and
diaphragm with decreased resistance [1]. In the giant paraesophageal (type IV) [8]. Each type is
United Stated, the frequency of occurrence is characterised by different symptoms, course of
estimated to be 1/2500 new-borns [2]. Often, they the illness and complications [9]. Sliding hernias
are not diagnosed until adulthood [3]. Acquired are the most common type, as they occur in as
hernias may be posttraumatic, iatrogenic or idio- many as 90% of cases [10]. A giant paraesophageal
pathic [4–6]. Hiatal hernias are the most common hernia is diagnosed when at least 30% of the sto-
type of acquired diaphragmatic hernias. They mach has translocated into the chest [11]. Hiatal
have been described in 2.9–20% of patients under- hernias can be asymptomatic, or they may present
going gastroscopies [7]. In reality, they could oc- with various, sometimes atypical, cardiovascular,
cur much more frequently, even in up to 10–50% pulmonary or gastrointestinal symptoms. An
of the population. They are defined as a displace- undiagnosed diaphragmatic hernia may lead to

Address for correspondence: Tadeusz M. Zielonka, Departement of Family Medecine, Warsaw Medical University, Stepinska street 19/25, 00–739 Warsaw, Poland,
DOI: 10.5603/ARM.a2019.0009
Received: 27.10.2018
Copyright © 2019 PTChP
ISSN 2451–4934

Jan Lesinski et al., Hiatal hernias

death [12]. The mortality rate of hiatal hernias is

estimated to be 0.6/1,000,000 adults [13].
In this article, we have presented a series of
7 cases of large diaphragmatic hernias in elderly
patients. The aim of the work was to show the
variety of clinical symptoms, different course of
the illness, risk factors and prognoses depending
on the actions taken.

Case study

Case 1
A 94-year-old female, leading a sedentary
lifestyle for the past three years due to a surgi-
cally operated intertrochanteric hip fracture, was
admitted to hospital because of general condition
deterioration and acute renal failure caused by de-
hydration secondary to decreased food and fluid Figure 1. Posterior–anterior chest X- ray. An image of a large sliding
intake. Her medical history included abdominal hernia, with the gastrointestinal tract visible in the midline (arrows)
pain, nausea, regurgitation aggravated by meals
and orthopnoea. On admission, the patient was
in a fair medical condition, with slight dyspnoea,
but no respiratory distress (SaO2 98%, BP 150/90
mm Hg, HR 70/min). Normal breath sounds were
heard over both lungs, the abdomen was soft,
but painful in the epigastrium on palpation. The
patient also presented with abnormal laboratory
values: GFR 20 mL/min/1.73m2; urea 183 mg/mL,
Na+ 126 mmol/L. The chest X-ray showed a large
shadow with a diameter of 95 mm overlying the
heart (Fig. 1). The chest CT revealed a large hia-
tal hernia with translocation of nearly the entire
stomach into the thoracic cage (Fig. 2). The hiatus
was estimated to have 55 mm in diameter. Due
to the patient’s advanced age and a high risk of
complications, the woman was disqualified from
surgery. The treatment (i.v. proton pump inhibi-
tor, fluids) led to a significant improvement in the
patients’ clinical state and in laboratory values,
a relief of dyspnoea and abdominal pain, and an Figure 2. Computed tomography of the chest. The shadow observed
improvement in kidney function. On discharge, in the chest X-ray was caused by a large hernia (black arrows) of the
esophagus with displacement of the stomach into the chest
the woman was recommended to eat in a recli-
ned position, and follow a suitable diet (small,
frequent meals, avoidance of foods increasing of congestion on lung auscultation and increased
gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms). peripheral oedema. Laboratory studies reve-
aled a raised level of NT-proBNP (1085 pg/mL).
Case 2 Scoliosis and a mass in the middle lobe of the
A 92-year-old female with severe kyphosco- right lung connecting with the right hilum were
liosis, chronic heart failure, permanent atrial described in the chest X-ray (Fig. 3). The chest
fibrillation, deep vein thrombosis treated with CT showed a large hiatal hernia, lung emphysema
anticoagulants, posthaemorrhagic stroke, was and fibrosis, atelectasis in the second segment of
admitted to the clinic due to an exacerbation of or- the right lung, and also enlargement of multiple
thopnoea. On admission, the patient was in a fair hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes up to 14 mm
general condition and presented with tachypnoea, (Fig. 4). Diuretic use led to a decrease in dyspnoea
an irregular HR of around 85/min, SaO2 94%, signs and total regression of oedema. The patient was 55
Advances in Respiratory Medicine 2019, vol. 87, no. 1, pages 54–62

Figure 3. Posterior–anterior chest X-ray. Significant distortion of the

chest with a large hiatal hernia with displacement of the entire stom- B
ach into the chest (black arrows)

Figure 4. Computed tomography of the chest. Deformation of the Figure 5. A — posterior–anterior chest X- ray; B — lateral chest X- ray.
chest, a large hiatal hernia (arrows), atelectasis in the right lung, and A significant scoliosis and a brighter area partially projecting onto the
enlargement of multiple hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes heart silhouette (black arrows)

released home in a stable condition. After 2 years tory studies showed an increase in CRP (6.1 ng/
she was readmitted with a diagnosis of communi- dL), and NT-proBNP (4386 pg/mL). The chest CT
ty acquired pneumonia. The woman complained revealed a persistent large hiatal hernia with the
of a cough, expectoration of a large amount of stomach protruding into the thoracic cage, as well
a mucopurulent secretion, dyspnoea and dyspep- as signs of increasing pulmonary hypertension.
tic symptoms after meals. These signs intensified The EF was 60% in the ECHO, and also large tricu-
when compared to the previous hospitalisation. spid regurgitation with Right Ventricular Systolic
On patient examination, attention was turned to Pressure RSVP of 70 mm Hg were described. The
the severe deformation of the thoracic cage, an woman received oxygen therapy, a loop diuretic,
irregular HR of around 90/min, BP 140/100 mm a mucolytic agent and an antibiotic obtaining an
Hg, SaO2 89%, signs of congestion over the lung improvement in her medical state. The patient
fields and intensified peripheral oedema. Labora- observed a decrease in nausea after the implemen-

Jan Lesinski et al., Hiatal hernias

tation of a proton pump inhibitor and a change in

body position while eating. She was discharged
to home in a stable condition.

Case 3
A 96-year-old male with chronic heart failure,
persistent hip and knee joint pain due to osteoar-
thritis, treated with hormone therapy for prostate
cancer for the past couple of years, as well as
citalopram and donepezil due to a mild depres-
sive disorder, was admitted to hospital because
of a decline in his general condition, increasing
weakness for the past month, dizziness and brady-
cardia of around 38–50/min. He denied episodes
of fainting, loss of consciousness and chest pain.
He didn’t complain of dyspnoea or decreased
exercise tolerance. There were no gastrointestinal
problems such as nausea, vomiting, dyspeptic
symptoms or heartburn. The patient was fully Figure 6. Computed tomography of the chest. A large hiatal hernia
oriented, mobile, and aware of his conditions. imitating a tumour in the mediastinum (arrow)
Laboratory studies revealed increased levels of
NT-proBNP (1688 pg/mL). The ECG showed sinus
bradycardia of 51/min, PQ 0.19 s, elongation of She had been bedridden with right-sided hemi
the QT interval (490 ms), QRS 113 ms, without -paralysis for the past four years due to a stroke.
signs of ischemia. The 24-hour ECG Holter moni- She had hypertension, chronic atrial fibrillation
toring registered a sinus rhythm of 59/min, with with chronic heart failure. On admission to ho-
episodes of bradycardia down to 45/min, without spital, muscle atrophy and oedema of the lower
any relevant pauses, an average elongation of the limbs were noted. On lung auscultation, breath
QT interval to 481 ms, maximally to 568 ms, but sounds were normal. Laboratory studies revealed
without any significant ventricular arrhythmias. an increase in inflammatory markers (CRP 1.85
The echocardiogram showed an enlarged left mg/dL, WBC 17 ×103/mL) and hyponatraemia
atrium, diastolic dysfunction, moderate aortic, (124 mmol/L), with normal concentrations of
mitral and tricuspid valve insufficiency, and an troponin, D-dimers and haemoglobin. An arterial
EF of 65%. Drug-induced QT-prolongation was gasometry was done: pH 7.41, PaCO2 47 mm Hg,
suspected. Citalopram and donepezil were di- PaO2 55 mm Hg, HCO3 29.8 mmol/L. The chest
scontinued. The chest X-ray revealed a brighter X-ray showed a huge hiatal hernia with translo-
area of 55 × 70 mm in size in the left side of the cation of the entire stomach into the chest (Fig.
thoracic cage, partially projecting onto the heart 7). A nasogastric tube was placed, the patient
silhouette, described as a thick-walled cavity with received fluids intravenously, ceftriaxone, me-
features of atelectasis on the periphery or a hiatal tronidazole and oxygen therapy. There was no
hernia (Fig. 5). The chest CT showed a large hiatal change in the woman’s medical condition and
hernia imitating a tumour in the mediastinum the patient passed away after 72 hours.
(Fig. 6). Because of the asymptomatic course, the
only changes in therapy included conservative Case 5
treatment involving headrest elevation and ke- A 70-year-old male with coronary artery
eping an upright position for at least 30 minutes disease, after a bypas (CABG) and subsequent
after meals. angioplasty (PTCA) with implantation of two
stents, with ischaemic cardiomyopathy, hyper-
Case 4 tension, type 2 diabetes treated with insulin,
postischaemic stroke with subsequent left-sided
A 95-year-old female was admitted to hospi- hemiplegia, suffered a spinal injury after hitting
tal due to suspected pneumonia. Her general con- a wall when trying to drive out of the garage. The
dition was poor. She had substantial dyspnoea at CT revealed fractures of vertebrae Th10 and Th11,
rest because of cardiorespiratory failure (irregular as well as the arch of C7, fluid in both pleural
HR around 120/min, BP 90/60 mm Hg, SaO2 80%). cavities, and a substantial hiatal hernia with 57
Advances in Respiratory Medicine 2019, vol. 87, no. 1, pages 54–62

Figure 7. Anterior–posterior chest X-ray. A huge hiatal hernia with Figure 8. Posterior–anterior chest X-ray. A large diaphragmatic hernia is
translocation of the entire stomach into the chest (black arrows) visible at the base of the lung (black arrows) with a diameter of 21 cm

translocation of the stomach into the thoracic sition, the tube curled within the hernia (Fig. 9).
cavity. The patient was not at that time qualified The man was disqualified multiple times by
for surgery. After the accident, he remained in surgeons from surgical treatment, mainly due to
a supine position or in a corset. He reported heart failure. The patient’s condition gradually
increased nausea, vomiting after food or fluid deteriorated. In addition, he presented with diar-
intake and also presented with increasing retro- rhoea caused by Clostridium difficille. During the
sternal chest pains of a non-ischaemic character, course of vancomycin treatment, the man went
appearing after meals and lasting around 1 hour. into cardiac arrest in the mechanism of asystole,
For this reason, he was admitted to the general and despite cardiopulmonary resuscitation, there
ward. On admission, vital signs were normal (BP was no return of vital functions.
110/70 mm Hg, HR 98/min, SaO2 95%). The chest
X-ray showed atelectasis located near the heart Case 6
in the left lung, a significantly enlarged heart An 87-year-old woman, chronically treated
and moderate pulmonary congestion (Fig. 8). only for arterial hypertension, was admitted to
Circulatory treatment was intensified with a cli- hospital due to fluid in the right pleural cavity.
nical improvement. The patient was discharged Three weeks earlier she sustained a thoracic cage
home and was advised to eat frequent small por- injury after falling over and hitting a chair. The
tions with a raised headrest and not eat while in chest X-ray revealed fractures of ribs VI, VII, VIII
a supine position. After two weeks the man was and IX on the right side and changes suggesting
readmitted to hospital with forceful vomiting a large oesophageal hernia (Fig. 10). For the past
after meals. A nasogastric tube was inserted, and couple of weeks she had significantly decreased
600 mL of retained fluid was obtained in a short her food intake due to a lack of appetite and
period of time with a marked alleviation of symp- nausea. On physical examination, she presented
toms. Gastroscopy was performed revealing the with decreased breath sounds at the base of the
body and fundus of the stomach to be in the tho- right lung as well as reduced fremitus and dull-
racic cage as well as inflammatory changes of the ness on percussion (BP 154/81 mm Hg, HR 69/
mucous membrane. Intravenous fluid supplemen- min, SaO2 96%). Laboratory tests showed a slight
tation, a proton pump inhibitor, metoclopramide, decrease in sodium concentration (131 mmol/L)
antibiotics to treat a urinary tract infection and and haemoglobin (11.9 g/dL), and an increase in
intensive insulin therapy were used. Increasing D-dimers up to 2895 ng/mL. The chest CT showed
emaciation and hypoalbuminaemia were ob- a large oesophageal hernia, a 5 cm in diameter
served. After consulting the gastroenterologist, polypoid structure with polycyclic features on the
tube feeding was used parenterally, and subsequ- anterior stomach wall and a widened oesophagus
ently, a Ryles nasogastric tube was inserted. Ho- up to 35mm partially filled with fluid (Fig. 11).
wever, when the patient remained in a supine po- During gastroscopy, a large sliding hernia with

Jan Lesinski et al., Hiatal hernias

Figure 9. Anterior–posterior chest X-ray. Arrows pointing at the right Figure 11. Computed tomography of the chest showed a large oe-
side of hernia and at the left side the tube curled within the hernia sophageal hernia (arrows), a 5 cm in diameter polypoid structure
(black arrows) with polycyclic features on the anterior stomach wall and a widened
oesophagus up to 35 mm partially filled with fluid

Figure 10. Posterior–anterior chest X-ray. Arrows pointing at the Figure 12. Computed tomography of the chest revealed a shadow,
heart silhouette suggesting a large oesophageal hernia 8 cm in diameter, in the lower mediastinum with a visible fluid level
— an oesophageal hernia (black arrows)

the translocation of the entire stomach fundus

into the thorax was observed. The stomach duodenostomy performed years ago due to bile
mucous membrane was inflamed. The patient stones. In 2012, a chest X-ray showed a round
did not consent to surgery. She was discharged structure located on the diaphragm with a fluid
home with recommendations of following an level superimposed on the heart. The CT revealed
appropriate diet. a shadow, 8 cm in diameter, in the lower mediasti-
num with a visible fluid level — an oesophageal
Case 7 hernia (Fig. 12). In the following years, the patient
presented with abdominal pain in the epigastric
An 82-year-old female with an oesophageal region, an expanding sensation retrosternally,
hernia and esophagitis diagnosed over ten years reflux of food content or gastric acid, a decreased
ago, ulcerative colitis, arterial hypertension, exercise tolerance and restricted breathing. She
substantial kyphoscoliosis, narrowing of the bile also complained of nausea and vomiting, parti-
ducts after a cholecystectomy and choledocho- cularly when driving a car. She was hospitalised 59
Advances in Respiratory Medicine 2019, vol. 87, no. 1, pages 54–62

of large diaphragmatic hernia prevalence [17].

Table 1. Demographic and clinical data of the whole group
In Japan, an increase in the percentage of
of patients
diaphragmatic hernias from 10% to 15% was no-
Sex (M male/F female) 2/5 ted in the population under age 70 , whereas in
people over age 70, it rose from 32% to 48% [18].
Age (years ± SD) 88 ± 9.36
It is also believed that progressive diaphragmatic
Symptoms: (+/–) flaccidity is one of the causes of an increased
Respiratory (cough or dyspnoe) 5/2 prevalence of large diaphragmatic hernias in the
Heart (arrhythmias or tachycardia) 4/3 elderly related to the process of ageing [19].
Thoracic pain 3/4 Old age, along with coexisting disorders,
Abdominal (pain or nausea) 4/3
was the main risk factor for perioperative death
in patients operated due to large diaphragmatic
Respiratory failure 3/4
hernias in the Canadian population [20]. For this
Heart failure 7/0 reason, only in one of the patients in the studied
Post-traumatic hernia 2/5 group, a relatively young, 82-year-old, was the
Kyphoscoliosis/fracture 7/0 fundoplication procedure a success (Table 1).
Surgical treatment 1/6 Recently published Japanese data have indicated
good results of large diaphragmatic hernias be-
Improvement after treatment 4/3
ing repaired laparoscopically in the elderly [21].
Death 2/5 The authors have highlighted the safety of the
procedure. However, the surgeries were carried
out in a younger population than in the presented
due to an exacerbation of symptoms (chest pain, material, since the operated patients were 74–87
dyspnoea and heartburn). Gastroscopy revealed years old. This indicates the importance of an
signs of type B oesophagitis according to the LA early diagnosis of large diaphragmatic hernias,
classification of GERD, as well as a large hiatal when it is still possible to carry out the procedure
hernia. During 24-hour pH monitoring, pH < — the only effective treatment method. Periope-
4 was recorded for 244 min — 91% of the total rative mortality was 0.9%, and 5-year mortality
recording time. The total DeMeester score was was 10% [22]. Unfortunately, in a large group of
201.5 times the norm (a normal value is below patients who were operated on, a reoccurrence of
14.72 — 95th percentile). At this point in time the symptomatic diaphragmatic hernias was found
patient agreed to surgery. A Nissen fundoplication in up to 35% of patients [22]. Nevertheless, the
was performed. Since then the woman hasn’t had significant improvement in life quality after surge-
any of the previously reported symptoms. ry and the alleviation of cumbersome symptoms,
mainly gastric, is highlighted [23].
Discussion Thoracic cage deformity, in the form of ver-
tebral fractures, significant scoliosis or costal
In the study group of patients with large fractures, was observed in all 7 of the examined
oesophageal hernias, 4 things stood out: advanced patients. In some of the subjects, as in case 2,
patients’ age, thoracic cage deformity (kyphosco- serious anatomical deformities occurred with the
liosis, broken vertebrae or ribs), female sex and displacement of the stomach to the right of the
a wide range of symptoms and disease progression heart (Fig. 3). In these cases it is very difficult,
(Table 1). As many as 4 patients were above the using the chest X-ray, to diagnose a diaphragmatic
age of 90 (96, 95, 94 and 92 years, respectively). hernia, and a CT scan is necessary. This radiolo-
This is consistent with earlier Japanese observa- gical examination is believed to be the gold stan-
tions, in which the importance of age, vertebral dard in the diagnosis of hernias, as it allows us to
fractures and female sex were also emphasised in evaluate their presence, localisation, dimensions
the development of large diaphragmatic hernias and content [24, 25]. The sensitivity, specificity
[14–16]. A conception was put forward that as and accuracy of this method are 100%, 93% and
osteoporosis in women advances with age during 95%, respectively [25]. Significant chest wall de-
menopause, it favours vertebral fractures, which formity due to scoliosis is a recognised risk factor
leads to thoracic cage deformities, which in turn affecting diaphragmatic hernia formation [26].
contributes to the formation of large diaphragma- The development of diaphragmatic hernias
tic hernias [14]. The ageing of society can be the may be connected with not only external factors
cause of the observed, not only in Japan, increase such as for example trauma, but also endogenous

Jan Lesinski et al., Hiatal hernias

factors like obesity and the tissue degeneration cal symptoms, such as haemodynamic instability
associated with age. In the literature, we can find caused by a large diaphragmatic hernia [31], chan-
reports suggesting a relationship between the oc- ges suggesting an acute myocardial infarction
currence of GERD symptoms and diaphragmatic [32], left ventricle compression by a large hernia
hernias and obesity [27, 28]. However, in the [33] and fainting after a meal [34], dominate.
discussed group, none of the patients were obese. What is surprising, only one patient compla-
This agrees with Japanese results, which indica- ined of a cough, which was rather connected to
ted a higher incidence of diaphragmatic hernia a respiratory tract infection and was not chronic.
symptoms in middle-aged obese men and elderly Diaphragmatic hernias contribute to the develop-
women with a low BMI [16]. ment of GERD, which is an important cause of
In the presented cases, attention is drawn non-pulmonary cough [35]. Meanwhile, in cases
to the varied clinical course of diaphragmatic of large diaphragmatic hernias this symptom was
hernias (Table 1). In two patients, who were after not observed. On the other hand, dyspnoea was
thoracic cage trauma with fractured ribs or ver- reported by 5 patients and respiratory failure
tebrae, gastric symptoms (nausea and vomiting was diagnosed in 3 cases. Respiratory symptoms
after meal consumption) worsened rapidly le- occurred mostly in an acute disease presentation
ading to dehydration. However, in two subsequ- or in cases of overlapping disorders (for example
ent patients, serious injuries and bone fractures pneumonia with a diaphragmatic hernia or heart
were also noted, but GERD symptoms progressed failure with a diaphragmatic hernia). It is belie-
gradually and were accompanied by dyspnoea. ved that dyspnoea is not a common symptom of
In the literature, the importance of trauma as diaphragmatic hernias [36]. It may be the result
a causative agent in the formation of diaphragma- of ventilation or perfusion abnormalities [37].
tic hernias has been underlined [24, 25, 29, 30]. Despite the large sizes of hernias, gastrointesti-
Violent thoracic or abdominal trauma leads to nal symptoms did not occur in all of the patients.
diaphragmatic injury in 0.8–15% of cases [29]. Five patients reported nausea, 4 complained of GERD
In some of these cases, patients present with ra- symptoms, and 3 of vomiting. Abdominal pain occur-
pidly worsening symptoms leading to a quicker red in 3 of the subjects. The literature has underlined
diagnosis. Hernia symptoms are not always so the importance of these symptoms in patients with
pronounced, which is why the diagnosis may be hiatal hernias, which may lead to ulceration of the
delayed by months or even years [30]. In certain stomach mucosa or even to its perforation [9].
cases, diaphragmatic rupture occurs sometime The overlapping of gastrointestinal, cardiolo-
after the event [25]. Post-traumatic hernias are gical and pulmonary symptoms is quite common
associated with a higher mortality rate and are in these patients [24]. In one of the cases, the
more often an indication for surgical treatment co-occurrence of pronounced gastrointestinal,
[24, 30]. This was also confirmed by one of the cardiological and pulmonary manifestations was
cases presented above. noted and should be treated as an alarm group of
On the other hand, in one of the cases, a large symptoms requiring a rapid response and emergen-
diaphragmatic hernia was discovered by accident cy surgical treatment. This patient was disqualified
basing on abnormalities in a chest X-ray while the from surgery due to multiple coexisting risk factors
patient was being treated for drug-induced bra- and died after a few months’ time. The remaining
dycardia. Heart arrhythmias in the form of atrial cases concerned people over the age of 90. In these
fibrillation were found in two of the patients, patients, hernias had a long documented course
while chronic heart failure was found in all of and their symptoms were subdued and non-speci-
them. However, this is more likely to be due to fic. However, analysing these cases, it seems that in
the advanced age of the study group. Tachycardia older people the prognosis will be less favourable,
(> 120/min) was observed in only one of the particularly with coexisting disorders.
patients. Chest pain was reported by 3 patients, The observed population ageing in developed
but in 2 of the cases, the pain was retrosternal, countries will lead to an increase in the detec-
described as distending and associated with food tion of large hiatal hernias. Such a diagnosis in
intake, and in the third case, it was pleural pain 80-year-olds, and all the more in 90-year-olds,
related to chest wall injury. Although most of will have a significant effect on the further quality
the literature indicates a prevalence of gastroin- of their lives, as well as worse future survival
testinal symptoms and specifically symptoms of prognosis. A great majority (78%) of deaths is
gastroesophageal reflux disease and oesophagitis, pronounced in type III and IV hiatal hernias and
some reports describe cases in which cardiologi- is correlated with coexisting diseases [13]. This 61
Advances in Respiratory Medicine 2019, vol. 87, no. 1, pages 54–62

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