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Rotary Pendulum Work

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Inverted Pendulum Experiment for MATLAB®/Simulink® Users

Standardized for ABET * Evaluation Criteria
Developed by:
Jacob Apkarian, Ph.D., Quanser
Paul Karam, B.A.SC., Quanser
Michel Lévis, M.A.SC., Quanser

SRV02 educational solutions

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*ABET Inc., is the recognized accreditor for college and university programs in applied science, computing, engineering, and technology. Among the most respected accreditation
organizations in the U.S., ABET has provided leadership and quality assurance in higher education for over 75 years.
Quanser, Inc. would like to thank the following contributors:
Dr. Hakan Gurocak, Washington State University Vancouver, USA, for his help to include embedded outcomes
assessment, and
Dr. K. J. Åström, Lund University, Lund, Sweden for his immense contributions to the curriculum content.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 2

1 Introduction
The objective of this laboratory is to design and implement a state­feedback control system that will balance the
pendulum in the upright, vertical position.

Topics Covered

• Linearizing nonlinear equations of motion.

• Obtaining the linear state­space representation of the rotary pendulum plant.

• Designing a state­feedback control system that balances the pendulum in its upright vertical position using
Pole Placement.
• Simulating the closed­loop system to ensure the specifications are met.

• Introduction to a nonlinear, energy­based swing up control.

• Implementing the controllers on the Quanser Rotary Pendulum plant and evaluating its performance.


• Know the basics of MATLABr and SIMULINKr .

• Understand state­space modeling fundamentals.
• Some knowledge of state­feedback.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

2 Modeling
2.1 Background
2.1.1 Model Convention
The rotary inverted pendulum model is shown in Figure 2.1. The rotary arm pivot is attached to the Rotary Servo
system and is actuated. The arm has a length of Lr , a moment of inertia of Jr , and its angle, θ, increases positively
when it rotates counter­clockwise (CCW). The servo (and thus the arm) should turn in the CCW direction when the
control voltage is positive, i.e. Vm > 0.
The pendulum link is connected to the end of the rotary arm. It has a total length of Lp and it center of mass is 2p .
The moment of inertia about its center of mass is Jp . The inverted pendulum angle, α, is zero when it is perfectly
upright in the vertical position and increases positively when rotated CCW.

Figure 2.1: Rotary inverted pendulum conventions

2.1.2 Nonlinear Equations of Motion

Instead of using classical mechanics, the Lagrange method is used to find the equations of motion of the system.
This systematic method is often used for more complicated systems such as robot manipulators with multiple joints.

More specifically, the equations that describe the motions of the rotary arm and the pendulum with respect to the
servo motor voltage, i.e. the dynamics, will be obtained using the Euler­Lagrange equation:

∂2L ∂L
− = Qi
∂t∂ q˙i ∂qi

The variables qi are called generalized coordinates. For this system let
h i
q(t)⊤ = θ(t) α(t) (2.1)

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 4

where, as shown in Figure 2.1, θ(t) is the rotary arm angle and α(t) is the inverted pendulum angle. The
corresponding velocities are  
⊤ dθ(t) dα(t)
q̇(t) =
dt dt

Note: The dot convention for the time derivative will be used throughout this document, i.e. θ̇ = dt . The time
variable t will also be dropped from θ and α, i.e. θ = θ(t) and α = α(t).

With the generalized coordinates defined, the Euler­Lagrange equations for the rotary pendulum system are

∂2L ∂L
− = Q1
∂t∂ θ̇ ∂θ
∂2L ∂L
− = Q2
∂t∂ α̇ ∂α

The Lagrangian of the system is described

L=T −V
where T is the total kinetic energy of the system and V is the total potential energy of the system. Thus the Lagrangian
is the difference between a system’s kinetic and potential energies.

The generalized forces Qi are used to describe the non­conservative forces (e.g. friction) applied to a system with
respect to the generalized coordinates. In this case, the generalized force acting on the rotary arm is

Q1 = τ − Br θ̇

and acting on the pendulum is

Q2 = −Bp α̇.

See Rotary Servo User Manual for a description of the corresponding Rotary Servo parameters (e.g. such as the
back­emf constant, km ). Our control variable is the input servo motor voltage, Vm . Opposing the applied torque is
the viscous friction torque, or viscous damping, corresponding to the term Br . Since the pendulum is not actuated,
the only force acting on the link is the damping. The viscous damping coefficient of the pendulum is denoted by Bp .

The Euler­Lagrange equations is a systematic method of finding the equations of motion, i.e. EOMs, of a system.
Once the kinetic and potential energy are obtained and the Lagrangian is found, then the task is to compute various
derivatives to get the EOMs. After going through this process, the nonlinear equations of motion for the Rotary
Pendulum are:
1 1 1
mp Lr + mp Lp − mp Lp cos(α) + Jr θ̈ −
2 2 2 2
mp Lp Lr cos(α) α̈
4 4 2
1 1
+ 2
mp Lp sin(α) cos(α) θ̇α̇ + mp Lp Lr sin(α) α̇2 = τ − Br θ̇ (2.2)
2 2
1 1 1
− mp Lp Lr cos(α)θ̈ + Jp + mp L2p α̈ − mp L2p cos(α) sin(α)θ̇2
2 4 4
− mp Lp g sin(α) = −Bp α̇. (2.3)

The torque applied at the base of the rotary arm (i.e. at the load gear) is generated by the servo motor as described
by the equation
ηg Kg ηm kt (Vm − Kg km θ̇)
τ= . (2.4)

See Rotary Servo User Manual for a description of the corresponding Rotary Servo parameters (e.g. such as the
back­emf constant, km ).

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

Both the equations match the typical form of an EOM for a single body:

J ẍ + bẋ + g(x) = τ1

where x is an angular position, J is the moment of inertia, b is the damping, g(x) is the gravitational function, and τ1
is the applied torque (scalar value).

For a generalized coordinate vector q, this can be generalized into the matrix form

D(q)q̈ + C(q, q̇)q̇ + g(q) = τ (2.5)

where D is the inertial matrix, C is the damping matrix, g(q) is the gravitational vector, and τ is the applied torque

The nonlinear equations of motion given in Equation 2.2 and Equation 2.3 can be placed into this matrix format.

2.1.3 Linearizing
Here is an example of how to linearize a two­variable nonlinear function called f (z). Variable z is defined
h i
z ⊤ = z1 z2

and f (z) is to be linearized about the operating point

h i
z0⊤ = a b

The linearized function is

∂f (z) ∂f (z)
flin = f (z0 ) + (z1 − a) + (z2 − b)
∂z1 z=z0 ∂z2 z=z0

2.1.4 Linear State-Space Model

The linear state­space equations are
ẋ = Ax + Bu (2.6)
y = Cx + Du (2.7)
where x is the state, u is the control input, A, B, C, and D are state­space matrices. For the rotary pendulum system,
the state and output are defined h i
x⊤ = θ α θ̇ α̇ (2.8)

and h i
y ⊤ = x1 x2 (2.9)

In the output equation, only the position of the servo and link angles are being measured. Based on this, the C and
D matrices in the output equation are  
1 0 0 0
C=  (2.10)
0 1 0 0
and  
D =  . (2.11)

The velocities of the servo and pendulum angles can be computed in the digital controller, e.g. by taking the derivative
and filtering the result though a high­pass filter.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 6

2.2 Pre-Lab Questions
1. Linearize the first nonlinear inverted rotary pendulum equation, Equation 2.2. The initial conditions for all the
variables are zero, i.e. θ0 = 0, α0 = 0, θ̇0 = 0, α̇0 = 0.
2. Linearize the second nonlinear inverted rotary pendulum equation, Equation 2.3, with initial conditions θ0 = 0,
α0 = 0, θ̇0 = 0, α̇0 = 0.

3. Fit the two linear equations of motion found in the above exercises into the matrix form shown in Equation 2.5.
Make sure the equation is in terms of θ and α (and its derivatives).
4. Solve for the acceleration terms in the equations of motion. You can either solve this using the two linear
equations or using the matrix form. If you’re doing it in the matrix form, recall that the inverse of a 2x2 matrix is
 −1  
a b 1 d −b
A−1 =  =  , (2.12)
c d det(A) −c a

where det(A) = ad − bc.

In any case, you’ll have two equations of the form: θ̈ = g1 (θ, α, θ̇, α̇) and α̈ = g2 (θ, α, θ̇, α̇). Make sure you
collect the terms with respect to the θ, α, θ̇, and α̇ variables.
5. Find the linear state­space of the rotary inverted pendulum system. Make sure you give the A and B matrices
(C and D have already been given in 2.1).

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

2.3 In-Lab Exercises
2.3.1 Simulation: Model Analysis
1. Run the setup_rotpen_student.m script. The model parameters are automatically loaded using the
config_servo.m and config_sp.m functions. It then calls the ROPTEN_ABCD_eqns_student.m script to load
the model in the Matlab workspace.
2. Open the ROTPEN_ABCD_eqns_student.m script. The script should contain the following code:

% State Space Representation

A = eye(4,4);
B = [0;0;0;1];
C = eye(2,4);
D = zeros(2,1);

% Add actuator dynamics

A(3,3) = A(3,3) - Kg^2*kt*km/Rm*B(3);
A(4,3) = A(4,3) - Kg^2*kt*km/Rm*B(4);
B = Kg * kt * B / Rm;

system = ss(A,B,C,D);

The representative C and D matrices have already been included. You need to enter the state­space matrices
A and B that you found in Section 2.2. The actuator dynamics have been added to convert your state­space
matrices to be in terms of voltage. Recall that the input of the state­space model you found in Section 2.2 is
the torque acting at the servo load gear (i.e. the pivot of the pendulum). However, we do not control torque
directly ­ we control the servo input voltage. The above code uses the voltage­torque relationship given in
Equation 2.4 in Section 2.1.2 to transform torque to voltage.
3. Run the ROTPEN_ABCD_eqns_student.m script to load the state­space matrices in the Matlab workspace.
Show the numerical matrices that are displayed in the Matlab prompt.

4. Find the open­loop poles of the system.

Before ending this lab... To do the pre­lab questions in Section 3.3, you need the A and B matrices (numerical
representation) and the open­loop poles. Make sure you record these.

2.3.2 Implementation: Calibration

Experimental Setup

The q_rotpen_model_student Simulink diagram shown in Figure 2.2 is used to confirm that the actual system
hardware matches the modeling conventions. It is also a good check that the system is connected properly. The
QUARC blocks are used to interface with encoders of the system. See the QUARC Help documentation for more
information about the QUARCr software. This model outputs the rotary arm and pendulum link angles and can
apply a voltage to the DC motor.

IMPORTANT: Before you can conduct this experiment, you need to make sure that the lab files are configured
according to your system setup. If they have not been configured already, then you need to go to Section 5.1 to
configure the lab files first.

1. Run the setup_rotpen.m script to load your Rotary Pendulum model.

2. In the q_rotpen_model_student Simulink diagram, go to QUARC | Build to build the QUARC controller.
3. Turn ON the power amplifier.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 8

Figure 2.2: q_rotpen_mdl_student Simulink diagram used to confirm modeling conventions

4. Go to QUARC | Start to run the controller.

5. Rotate the arm and the pendulum in the counter­clockwise direction and examine the direction of their
response. Does the direction of these measurements agree with the modeling conventions given in Section
2.1.1? Explain why or why not.
6. Go to the Rotary Pendulum Interface subsystem block, shown in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3: Rotary Pendulum Interface Subsystem ­ Student Version

7. The Source block called u (V) in q_rotpen_mdl_student Simulink diagram is the control input. When you set
u (V) to 1 V, the rotary arm must move according to the model conventions that were defined in Section 2.1.1.
As shown in Figure 2.3, the Direction Convention Gain block is currently set to 0. Change this value such that
the model conventions are adhered to. Plot the rotary arm response and the motor voltage in a Matlab figure
when 1 V is applied.
Note: When the controller stops, the last 10 seconds of data is automatically saved in the Matlab workspace
to the variables data_theta and data_Vm. The time is stored in data_alpha(:,1) vector, the pendulum angle is

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

stored the data_alpha(:,2) vector, and the control input is in the data_Vm(:,2) structure.

8. Click on the STOP button to stop running the QUARC controller.

9. Shut off the power amplifier.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 10

2.4 Results
Fill out Table 2.1 with your answers from your modeling lab results ­ both simulation and implementation.

Description Value

 
0 0 1 0
 
 
 0 0 0 1 
State­Space Matrix A  
 
 0 80.3 −45.8 −0.930 
 
0 122 −44.1 −1.40

 
 
 
 0 
State­Space Matrix B  
 
 83.4 
 

 
1 0 0 0
State­Space Matrix C  
0 1 0 0

 
State­Space Matrix D  

Open­loop poles {­48.42, 7.06, ­5.86, and 0 }

Table 2.1: Results

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

3 Balance Control
3.1 Specifications
The control design and time­response requirements are:

Specification 1: Damping ratio: ζ = 0.7.

Specification 2: Natural frequency: ωn = 4 rad/s.
Specification 3: Maximum pendulum angle deflection: |α| < 15 deg.
Specification 4: Maximum control effort / voltage: |Vm | < 10 V.

The necessary closed­loop poles are found from specifications 1 and 2. The pendulum deflection and control effort
requirements (i.e. specifications 3 and 4) are to be satisfied when the rotary arm is tracking a ±20 degree angle
square wave.

3.2 Background
In Section Section 2, we found a linear state­state space model that represents the inverted rotary pendulum system.
This model is used to investigate the inverted pendulum stability properties in Section 3.2.1. In Section 3.2.2, the
notion of controllabitliy is introduced. The procedure to transform matrices to their companion form is described in
Section 3.2.3. Once in their companion form, it is easier to design a gain according to the pole­placement principles,
which is discussed in Section 3.2.4. Lastly, Section 3.2.6 describes the state­feedback control used to balance the

3.2.1 Stability
The stability of a system can be determined from its poles ([2]):

• Stable systems have poles only in the left­hand plane.

• Unstable systems have at least one pole in the right­hand plane and/or poles of multiplicity greater than 1 on
the imaginary axis.

• Marginally stable systems have one pole on the imaginary axis and the other poles in the left­hand plane.

The poles are the roots of the system’s characteristic equation. From the state­space, the characteristic equation of
the system can be found using
det (sI − A) = 0
where det() is the determinant function, s is the Laplace operator, and I the identity matrix. These are the eigenvalues
of the state­space matrix A.

3.2.2 Controllability
If the control input u of a system can take each state variable, xi where i = 1 . . . n, from an initial state to a final state
then the system is controllable, otherwise it is uncontrollable ([2]).

Rank Test The system is controllable if the rank of its controllability matrix
T = B AB A2 B . . . An B (3.1)

equals the number of states in the system,

rank(T ) = n.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 12

3.2.3 Companion Matrix
If (A, B) are controllable and B is n × 1, then A is similar to a companion matrix ([1]). Let the characteristic equation
of A be
sn + an sn−1 + . . . + a1 .

Then the companion matrices of A and B are

 
0 1 ··· 0 0
 
 
 0 0 ··· 0 0 
 
 . .. .. .. .. 
à =  .. . . . .  (3.2)
 
 
 0 0 ··· 0 1 
 
−a1 −a2 ··· −an−1 −an

and  
 
 .. 
B̃ = 
 
 (3.3)
 

W = T T̃ −1
where T is the controllability matrix defined in Equation 3.1 and

T̃ = [B̃ B̃ Ã . . . B̃ Ãn ].

W −1 AW = Ã
W −1 B = B̃.

3.2.4 Pole Placement

If (A,B) are controllable, then pole placement can be used to design the controller. Given the control law u = −Kx,
the state­space in Equation 2.6 becomes

ẋ = Ax + B(−Kx)
= (A − BK)x

To illustate how to design gain K, consider the following system

 
0 1 0
 
 
A = 0 0 1 (3.4)
 
3 −1 −5

and  
 
 
B = 0 (3.5)
 

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

Note that A and B are already in the companion form. We want the closed­loop poles to be at [−1 − 2 − 3]. The
desired characteristic equation is therefore
(s + 1)(s + 2)(s + 3) = s3 + 6s2 + 11s + 6 (3.6)

For the gain K = [k1 k2 k3 ], apply control u = −Kx and get

 
0 1 0
 
 
A − KB =  0 0 1 .
 
3 − k1 −1 − k2 −5 − k3

The characteristic equation of A − KB is

s3 + (k3 + 5)s2 + (k2 + 1)s + (k1 − 3) (3.7)

Equating the coefficients between Equation 3.7 and the desired polynomial in Equation 3.6
k1 − 3 = 6
k2 + 1 = 11
k3 + 5 = 6

Solving for the gains, we find that a gain of K = [9 10 1] is required to move the poles to their desired location.

We can generalize the procedure to design a gain K for a controllable (A,B) system as follows:

Step 1 Find the companion matrices à and B̃. Compute W = T T̃ −1 .

Step 2 Compute K̃ to assign the poles of à − B̃ K̃ to the desired locations. Applying the control law u = −Kx to
the general system given in Equation 3.2,
 
0 1 ··· 0 0
 
 
 0 0 ··· 0 0 
 
 .. .. . . . 
à =  . . .. .. ..  (3.8)
 
 
 0 0 ··· 0 1 
 
−a1 − k1 −a2 − k2 · · · −an−1 − kn−1 −an − kn

Step 3 Find K = K̃W −1 to get the feedback gain for the original system (A,B).

Remark: It is important to do the K̃ → K conversion. Remember that (A,B) represents the actual system while the
companion matrices à and B̃ do not.

3.2.5 Desired Poles

The rotary inverted pendulum system has four poles. As depicted in Figure 3.1, poles p1 and p2 are the complex
conjugate dominant poles and are chosen to satisfy the natural frequency, ωn , and damping ratio, ζ, specifications
given in Section 3.1. Let the conjugate poles be
p1 = −σ + jωd (3.9)
p2 = −σ − jωd (3.10)
where σ = ζωn and ωd = ωn 1 − is the damped natural frequency. The remaining closed­loop poles, p3 and p4 ,
are placed along the real­axis to the left of the dominant poles, as shown in Figure 3.1.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 14

Figure 3.1: Desired closed­loop pole locations

3.2.6 Feedback Control

The feedback control loop that balances the rotary pendulum is illustrated in Figure 3.2. The reference state is
xd = [θd 0 0 0]
where θd is the desired rotary arm angle. The controller is

u = K(xd − x). (3.11)

Note that if xd = 0 then u = −Kx, which is the control used in the pole­placement algorithm.

Figure 3.2: State­feedback control loop

When running this on the actual system, the pendulum begins in the hanging, downward position. We only want the
balance control to be enabled when the pendulum is brought up around its upright vertical position. The controller
is therefore (
K(xd − x) |x2 | < ϵ
u= (3.12)
0 otherwise
where ϵ is the angle about which the controller should engage. For example if ϵ = 10 degrees, then the control will
begin when the pendulum is within ±10 degrees of its upright position, i.e. when |x2 | < 10 degrees.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

3.3 Pre-Lab Questions
1. Based on your analysis in Section 2.3, is the system stable, marginally stable, or unstable? Did you expect
the stability of the inverted pendulum to be as what was determined?
2. Using the open­loop poles, find the characteristic equation of A.
3. Give the corresponding companion matrices à and B̃. Do not compute the transformation matrix W (this will
be done in the lab using QUARCr ).
4. Find the location of the two dominant poles, p1 and p2 , based on the specifications given in Section 3.1. Place
the other poles at p3 = −30 and p4 = −40. Finally, give the desired characteristic equation.
5. When applying the control u = −K̃x to the companion form, it changes (Ã, B̃) to (Ã − B̃ K̃, B̃). Find the gain
K̃ that assigns the poles to their new desired location.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 16

3.4 In-Lab Exercises
3.4.1 Control Design
1. Run the setup_rotpen_student.m script to load the rotary pendulum the model you found in previous modeling
2. Using Matlab commands, determine if the system is controllable. Explain why.

3. Open the d_pole_placement_student.m script. As shown below, the companion matrices à and B̃ for the
model are automatically found (denoted as Ac and Bc in Matlab).

% Characteristic equation: s^4 + a_4*s^3 + a_3*s^2 + a_2*s + a_1

a = poly(A);
% Companion matrices (Ac, Bc)
Ac = [ 0 1 0 0;
0 0 1 0;
0 0 0 1;
-a(5) -a(4) -a(3) -a(2)];
Bc = [0; 0; 0; 1];
% Controllability
T = 0;
% Controllability of companion matrices
Tc = 0;
% Transformation matrices
W = 0;

In order to find the gain K, we need to find the transformation matrix W = T T̃ −1 (note: T̃ is denoted as Tc in
Matlab). Modify the d_pole_placement_student.m script to calculate the controllability matrix T , the companion
controllabilty matrix T c, the inverse of T c, and W . Show your completed script and the resulting T , T c, T c−1 ,
and W matrices.

4. Enter the companion gain, K̃, you found in the pre­lab as Kc in d_pole_placement_student.m and modify it
to find gain K using the transformation detailed in Section Section 3. Run the script again to calculate the
feedback gain K and record its value in Table 3.1.
5. Evaluate the closed­loop poles of the system, i.e. the eigenvalues of A − BK. Record the closed­loop poles
of the system when using the gain K calculated above. Have the poles been placed to their desired locations?
If not, then go back and re­investigate your control design until you find a gain that positions the poles to the
required location.
6. In the previous exercises, gain K was found manually through matrix operations. All that work can instead be
done using a pre­defined Compensator Design Matlab command. Find gain K using a Matlab pole­placement
command and verify that the gain is the same as generated before.

3.4.2 Simulating the Balance Control

Experiment Setup

The s_rotpen_bal Simulink diagram shown in Figure 3.3 is used to simulate the closed­loop response of the Rotary
Pendulum using the state­feedback control described in Section Section 3 with the control gain K found in Section

The Signal Generator block generates a 0.1 Hz square wave (with amplitude of 1). The Amplitude (deg) gain block is
used to change the desired rotary arm position. The state­feedback gain K is set in the Control Gain gain block and
is read from the Matlab workspace. The Simulink State­Space block reads the A, B, C, and D state­space matrices

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

Figure 3.3: s_rotpen_bal Simulink diagram used to simulate the state­feedback control

that are loaded in the Matlab workspace. The Find State X block contains high­pass filters to find the velocity of the
rotary arm and pendulum.

IMPORTANT: Before you can conduct this experiment, you need to make sure that the lab files are configured
according to your system setup. If they have not been configured already, go to Section 5.2 to configure the lab files
first. Make sure the model you found in Section 2.3 is entered in ROTPEN_ABCD_eqns_student.m.

1. Run setup_rotpen.m. Ensure the gain K you found in Section 3.4.1 is loaded.
2. Run the s_rotpen_bal.mdl. The response in the scopes shown in Figure 3.4 were generated using an arbitrary
feedback control gain. Plot the simulated response of rotary arm, pendulum, and motor input voltage obtained
using your obtained gain K in a Matlab figure and attach it to your report.
Note: When the simulation stops, the last 10 seconds of data is automatically saved in the Matlab workspace
to the variables data_theta, data_alpha, and data_Vm. The time is stored in the data_theta(:,1) vector, the
desired and measured rotary arm angles are saved in the data_theta(;,2) and data_theta(;,3) arrays, the pen­
dulum angle is stored the data_alpha(:,2) vector, and the control input is in the data_Vm(:,2) structure.

3. Measure the pendulum deflection and voltage used. Are the specifications given in Section 3.1 satisfied?
4. Close the Simulink diagram when you are done.

3.4.3 Implementing the Balance Controller

In this section, ths state­feedback control that was designed and simulated in the previous sections is run on the
actual Rotary Pendulum device.

Experiment Setup

The q_rotpen_bal_student Simulink diagram shown in Figure 3.5 is used to run the state­feedback control on the
Quanser Rotary Pendulum system. The Rotary Pendulum Interface subsystem contains QUARC blocks that interface
with the DC motor and sensors of the system. The feedback developed in Section 3.4.1 is implemented using a
Simulink Gain block.

IMPORTANT: Before you can conduct this experiment, you need to make sure that the lab files are configured
according to your system setup. If they have not been configured already, then go to Section 5.3 to configure the
lab files first.

1. Run the setup_rotpen.m script.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 18

(a) Rotary Arm (b) Inverted Pendulum Angle

(c) Motor Voltage

Figure 3.4: Balance control simulation using default gain

2. Make sure the gain K you found in Section 3.4.1 is loaded.

3. Open the q_rotpen_bal_student Simulink diagram.
4. Turn ON the power amplifier.
5. Go to QUARC | Build to build the controller.
6. Go to QUARC | Start to run the controller.
Ensure the modifications you made in the Modeling Laboratory (Section 2.3) have been applied. Verify
that the model conventions still hold (e.g. motor turns in expected way when a positive voltage is supplied).
7. As shown in Figure 3.5, the Simulink diagram is incomplete. Add the blocks from the Simulink library to
implement the balance control. When implementing the control, keep in mind the following: unlike in the
simulation, where the pendulum is already upright, the pendulum begins in the hanging down position. Thus
when the controller starts, the inverted pendulum angle reads ±180 and it goes up to zero when brought to the
upright position. You will need to add a switch logic to implement Equation 3.12.
8. Ensure the pendulum is in the hanging down position and is motionless. Go to QUARC | Build and QUARC |
Run to start the QUARC controller. Once it is running, manually bring up the pendulum to its upright vertical
position. You should feel the voltage kick­in when it is within the range where the balance control engages.
Once it is balanced, introduce the ±20 degree rotary arm command by setting the Amplitude (deg) gain in the
Simulink diagram to 20.
9. The response should look similar to your simulation. Once you have obtained a response, click on the STOP
button to stop the controller. Be careful, as the pendulum will fall down when the controller is stopped. Similarly
as in the simulation, the response data will be saved to the workspace. Use this to plot the rotary arm,
pendulum, and control input responses in a Matlab figure (see Section 3.4.2 for more information on plotting).

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

Figure 3.5: q_rotpen_bal_student Simulink diagram can be used to run balance controller

10. Measure the pendulum deflection and voltage used. Are the specifications given in Section 3.1 satisfied for
the implementation?
11. Shut off the power amplifier.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 20

3.5 Results
Fill out Table 3.1 with your answers from your control lab results ­ both simulation and implementation.

Description Symbol Value Units

Pre Lab Questions
Desired poles DP
Companion Gain K̃
Simulation: Control Design
Transformation Matrix W
Control Gain K
Closed­loop poles CLP
Simulation: Closed­Loop System
Maximum deflection |α|max deg
Maximum voltage |Vm |max V
Control Gain K
Maximum deflection |α|max deg
Maximum voltage |Vm |max V

Table 3.1: Results

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

4 Swing-Up Control
4.1 Background
In this section a nonlinear, energy­based control scheme is developed to swing the pendulum up from its hanging,
downward position. The swing­up control described herein is based on the strategy outlined in [3]. Once upright,
the control developed in Section Section 3 can be used to balance the pendulum in the upright vertical position.

4.1.1 Pendulum Dynamics

The dynamics of the pendulum can be redefined in terms of pivot acceleration as
1 1
Jp α̈ + mp gLp sin(α) = mp Lp u cos(α). (4.1)
2 2

The pivot accleration, u, is the linear acceleration of the pendulum link base. The acceleration is proportional to the
torque of the rotary arm and is expressed as
τ = mr Lr u (4.2)
where mr is the mass of the rotary arm and Lr is its length, as shown in Section Section 2. The voltage­torque
relationship is given in Equation 2.4.

4.1.2 Energy Control

If the arm angle is kept constant and the pendulum is given an initial position it would swing with constant amplitude.
Because of friction there will be damping in the oscillation. The purpose of energy control is to control the pendulum
in such a way that the friction is constant.

The potential and kinetic energy of the pendulum is

Ep = mp gLp (1 − cos(α)) (4.3)
Ek = Jp α̇2 .

The pendulum parameters are described in Section Section 2 and their values are given in Rotary Pendulum User
Manual. In the potential energy calculation, we assume the center of mass to be in the center of the link, i.e. 2p .
Adding the kinetic and potential energy together give us the total pendulum energy
1 1
E= Jp α̇2 + mp gLp (1 − cos α). (4.4)
2 2

Taking its time derivative we get  

Ė = α̇ Jp α̈ + mp gLp sin α . (4.5)

To introduce the pivot acceleration u and eventually, our control variable, solve for sin α in Equation 4.1 to obtain
sin(α) = (−2Jp α̈ + mp Lp u cos(α)).
mp gLp

Substitute this into Ė, found in Equation 4.5, to get

Ė = mp Lp uα̇ cos α

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 22

One strategy that will swing the pendulum to a desired reference energy Er is the proportional control

u = (E − Er )α̇ cos α.

By setting the reference energy to the pendulum potential energy, i.e. Er = Ep , the control will swing the link to its
upright position. Notice that the control law is nonlinear because the proportional gain depends on the pendulum
angle, α, and also notice that the control changes sign when α̇ changes sign and when the angle is ±90 degrees.

For energy to change quickly the magnitude of the control signal must be large. As a result, the following swing­up
controller is implemented
u = satumax (µ(E − Er )sign(α̇ cos α)) (4.6)
where µ is a tunable control gain and satumax function saturates the control signal at the maximum acceleration of
the pendulum pivot, umax . Taking the sign of α̇ cos α allows for faster switching.

In order to translate the pivot acceleration into servo voltage, first solve for the voltage in Equation 2.4 to get
τ Rm
Vm = + Kg km θ̇.
ηg Kg ηm kt

Then substitute the torque­acceleration relationship given in Equation 4.2 to obtain the following
Rm m r Lr u
Vm = + Kg km θ̇. (4.7)
ηg Kg ηm kt

4.1.3 Self-Erecting Control

The energy swing­up control can be combined with the balancing control in Equation 3.11 to obtain a control law
which performs the dual tasks of swinging up the pendulum and balancing it. This can be accomplished by switching
between the two control systems.

Basically the same switching used for the balance control in Equation 3.12 is used. Only instead of feeding 0 V
when the balance control is not enabled, the swing­up control is engaged. The controller therefore becomes
K(xd − x) |x2 | < ϵ
u= (4.8)
satumax (µ(E − Er )sign(α̇ cos α)) otherwise

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

4.2 Pre-lab Questions
1. Evaluate the potential energy of the pendulum when it is in the downward and upright positions.
2. Compute the maximum acceleration deliverable by the Rotary Servo. Assume the maximum equivalent voltage
applied to the DC motor is 5 V such that
Vm − Kg km θ̇ = 5. (4.9)
The Rotary Servo motor parameters are given in Rotary Servo User Manual.
3. Find the controller acceleration when the pendulum is initially hanging down and motionless. From a practical
viewpoint, what does this imply when the swing­up control is activated?
4. Assume the pendulum is starting to swing from the downward position in the positive direction. Calculate the
acceleration the swing­up controller will generate when µ = 20. Does this saturate the controller?

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 24

4.3 In-lab Exercises
In this section, you will be implementing the energy­based swing­up controller described in 4.1.

Experiment Setup

The q_rotpen_swingup_student Simulink diagram shown in Figure 4.1 is used to run the swing­up control on the
Quanser Rotary Pendulum system. Similarly with the q_rotpen_balance_student Simulink diagram, the Rotary
Pendulum Interface subsystem contains QUARC blocks that interface with the system hardware and the feedback is
implemented using a Simulink Gain block. The balance and swing­up control are not completed.

Figure 4.1: q_rotpen_swingup_student Simulink diagram can be used to run the swing­up controller

IMPORTANT: Before you can conduct this experiment, you need to make sure that the lab files are configured
according to your system setup. If they have not been configured already, then go to Section 5.4 to configure the
lab files first.

1. Run the setup_rotpen.m script.

2. Make sure the gain K you found in Section 3.4.1 is loaded.
3. Open the q_rotpen_swingup_student Simulink diagram.

4. Turn ON the power amplifier.

5. Ensure the modifications you made in the Balance Control Laboratory in Section 3.4 have been applied
to q_rotpen_swingup_student. Run the controller and verify that the balance control runs well.
6. Open the Swing­Up subsystem. As shown in Figure 4.2, it is incomplete.

7. Go into Energy­Based Swing­Up Control | Pendulum Energy block. The incomplete diagram is shown in
Figure 4.3. Modify the Pendulum Energy diagram to measure the total energy of the pendulum. Use the
pendulum parameters already loaded in Matlab, i.e. from the config_sp function, and any of the blocks from
the Simulink library you require.
8. Go to QUARC | Build to build the controller.

9. Go to QUARC | Start to run the controller.

10. Run the controller and rotate the pendulum up to the upright position. While the inverted pendulum is balancing,
record the total energy reading displayed in Pen Energy (J) numeric indicator. Is the value as expected?

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

Figure 4.2: Incomplete Swing­Up Control subsystem.

Figure 4.3: Incomplete Energy­Based Swing­Up Control subsystem.

11. Implement the energy­based swing­up controller by modifying the Energy­Based Swing­Up Control subsystem
shown in Figure 4.4. Use the Source block with the variable Er as well as the inputs u_max (m/s2 ) and mu
that are already included. Make sure you are using the full pendulum angle α, i.e. not the upright based angle
used in the feedback for the inverted pendulum balance control.
12. Add the necessary modifications to convert the acceleration generated by the swing­up control to servo voltage.
To do this, edit the Swing­Up subsystem shown in Figure 4.2. Use the model parameters that are already
defined in the Matlab workspace, i.e. using the config_servo function, for any of the servo­based attributes
you need.
13. Implement the self­erecting control in Equation 4.8, which includes both the swing­up and balance control. As
in the Balance Control lab, plot the rotary arm, pendulum, and servo voltage response in a Matlab figure.
14. Set the reference energy, maximum acceleration, and proportional gain parameters in q_rotpen_swingup_student
Simulink model to:

Er = Ep
umax = 1 m/s2
µ = 1

Make sure the reference energy is set to the pendulum potential energy. Then go to QUARC | Run to start the

The pendulum should be moving back and forth slowly. Gradually increase the umax and/or µ until the pendu­
lum goes up. Do not increase the umax above the maximum acceleration you found for the servo in Section

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 26

Figure 4.4: Incomplete Energy­Based Swing­Up Control subsystem.

4.2. When the pendulum swings up to the vertical upright position, the balance controller should engage and
balance the link. Show the response of the arm and pendulum angles as well as the control voltage and record
the swing­up parameters. Did the swing­up behave with the parameters you expected?
15. Click on the STOP button to stop running the controller. Be careful, as the pendulum will fall down when the
controller is stopped.
16. Shut off the power amplifier.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

4.4 Results
Fill out Table 4.1 with your answers from your swing­up control lab results.

Description Symbol Value Unit

Pre Lab Questions
Potential Energy Ep J
Maximum Acceleration of Servo umax m/s2
Control Gain K
Reference Energy Er J
Control Maximum Acceleration umax m/s2
Proportional Gain µ

Table 4.1: Results

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 28

5 Files Description and
File Name Description
Rotary Pendulum User Manual Describes the hardware of the Rotary Pendulum system and how to setup
and wire the system for the experiments.
Rotary Pendulum Workbook Laboratory guide containing pre­lab questions and lab experiments
(Student).pdf demonstrating how to design and implement a self­erecting controller on
the Rotary Pendulum using QUARCr .
setup_rotpen.m The main Matlab script that sets the Rotary Servo motor and sensor
parameters, the Rotary Servo configuration­dependent model parameters,
and the Rotary Pendulum sensor parameters. Run this file only to setup
the laboratory.
config_servo.m Returns the configuration­based Rotary Servo model parameters, sensor
calibration constants, and the amplifier limits.
config_sp.m Returns the pendulum model parameters.
calc_conversion_constants.m Returns various conversions factors.
ROTPEN_ABCD_eqns_student.m Contains the incomplete state­space A, B, C, and D matrices. These are
used to represent the Rotary Inverted Pendulum system.
d_pole_placement_student.m Use this script to find the feedback control gain K.
q_rotpen_mdl_student.slx Simulink file used with QUARCr to read angles and drive DC motor. Used
to validated the Rotary Inverted Pendulum model conventions.
s_rotpen_bal.slx Simulink file that simulates the Rotary Inverted Pendulum system when
using a state­feedback control.

Table 5.1: Files supplied with the Rotary Pendulum

5.1 Setup for Modeling Lab

Before performing the in­lab exercises in 2.3.2, the q_rotpen_mdl_student Simulink diagram and the setup_rotpen.m
script must be configured.

Follow these steps to get the system ready for this lab:

1. Setup the Rotary Servo with the Rotary Pendulum module as detailed in Rotary Pendulum User Manual.
2. Load the Matlab software.
3. Browse through the Current Directory window in Matlab and find the folder that contains the QUARC ROTPEN
file q_rotpen_mdl_student.mdl.
4. Open the q_rotpen_mdl_student.mdl Simulink diagram, shown in Figure 2.2.

5. Configure DAQ: Ensure the HIL Initialize block in the Rotary Pendulum Interface subsystem is configured for
the DAQ device that is installed in your system. By default, the block is setup for the Quanser Q2­USB DAQ.
See QUARC Documentation for more information on configuring the HIL Initialize block.
6. Open the setup_rotpen.m file. This is the setup script used for the Rotary Pendulum Simulink models.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

7. Configure setup script: When used with the Rotary Pendulum, the Rotary Servo has no load (i.e. no disc or
bar) and has to be in the high­gear configuration. Make sure the script is setup to match this setup:
• ENCODER_TYPE and TACH_OPTION parameters are set according to the Rotary Servo system that is
to be used in the laboratory.
• K_AMP to the amplifier gain. For VoltPAQ­X1, set K_AMP to 1 or 3 depending how gain switch on amplifier
is set.
• AMP_TYPE to the amplifier you are using, e.g. VoltPAQ.

5.2 Setup for Inverted Pendulum Control

Before going through the control simulation in 3.4.2, the s_rotpen_bal Simulink diagram and the setup_rotpen.m
script must be configured.

Follow these steps to configure the lab properly:

1. Load the Matlab software.

2. Browse through the Current Directory window in Matlab and find the folder that contains the s_rotpen.mdl file.
3. Open s_rotpen_bal.mdl Simulink diagram shown in Figure 3.3.
4. Configure the setup_rotpen.m script according to your hardware. See 5.1 for more information.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the model you found in 2.3 is entered in ROTPEN_ABCD _eqns_student.m.

5. Run the setup_rotpen.m script.

5.3 Setup for Inverted Pendulum Control

Before beginning the in­lab exercises given in 3.4.3, the q_rotpen_bal_student Simulink diagram and the
setup_rotpen.m script must be setup.

Follow these steps to get the system ready for this lab:

1. Setup the Rotary Pendulum system as described in the Quick Start Guide and Rotary Pendulum User Manual.
2. Load the MATLABr software.
3. Browse through the Current Directory window in Matlab and find the folder that contains the q_rotpen_bal.mdl
4. Open the q_rotpen_bal_student.mdl Simulink diagram. The student based version is shown in Figure 3.5.

5. Configure DAQ: Ensure the HIL Initialize block in the Rotary Pendulum Interface subsystem is configured for
the DAQ device that is installed in your system. By default, the block is setup for the Quanser Q2­USB DAQ.
See QUARC Documentation for more information on configuring the HIL Initialize block.
6. Configure setup script: Set the parameters in the setup_rotpen.m script according to your system setup.
See 5.1 and 5.2 for more details.
7. Run the setup_rotpen.m script.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 30

5.4 Setup for Swing-Up Control Implementation
Before beginning the in­lab exercises given in 4.3, the q_rotpen_swingup_student Simulink diagram and the
setup_rotpen.m script must be setup.

Follow these steps to get the system ready for this lab:

1. Setup the Rotary Servo with the Rotary Pendulum module as detailed in Rotary Pendulum User Manual.
2. Load the Matlab software.
3. Browse through the Current Directory window in Matlab and find the folder that contains the
q_rotpen_swingup.mdl file.

4. Open the q_rotpen_swingup_student.mdl Simulink diagram. The student based version is shown in Figure 4.1.

5. Configure DAQ: Ensure the HIL Initialize block in the Rotary Pendulum Interface subsystem is configured for
the DAQ device that is installed in your system. By default, the block is setup for the Quanser Q2­USB DAQ.
See QUARC Documentation for more information on configuring the HIL Initialize block.

6. Configure setup script: Set the parameters in the setup_rotpen.m script according to your system setup.
See 5.1 and 5.2 for more details.
7. Run the setup_rotpen.m script.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

6 Lab Report
This laboratory contains three experiments, namely,

1. Modeling,
2. Balance Control, and
3. Swing­Up Control.

When you are writing your lab report, follow the outline corresponding to the experiment you conducted to build the
content of your report. Also, in Section 6.4 you can find some basic tips for the format of your report.

6.1 Template for Content (Modeling)


1. Model Analysis
• Briefly describe the main goal of the simulation.
• Briefly describe the simulation procedure in steps 2 and 3 in 2.3.1.
2. Calibration

• Briefly describe the main goal of the experiment.

• Briefly describe the experiment procedure (2.3.2)

Do not interpret or analyze the data in this section. Just provide the results.

1. State­space representation from Step 3 in 2.3.1.

2. Provide applicable data collected in this laboratory (from Table 2.1).

Provide details of your calculations (methods used) for analysis for each of the following:

1. Open­loop poles found in Step 4 in 2.3.1.

2. Measured arm response in Step 7 in 2.3.2.

Interpret your results to arrive at logical conclusions for the following:

1. Whether the arm and pendulum angles match the model conventions in Step 5 of 2.3.2, Sensor calibration.
2. Whether the control voltage matches the model conventions in Step 7 of 2.3.2, Actuator calibration.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 32

6.2 Template for Content (Balance Control

1. Control Design
• Briefly describe the main goal of the control design.
• Briefly describe the controllability check procedure in Step 2 in 3.4.1.
• Briefly describe the control design procedure in Step 3 in 3.4.1.
2. Simulation
• Briefly describe the main goal of the simulation.
• Briefly describe the simulation procedure in Step 2 in 3.4.2.
3. Implementation
• Briefly describe the main goal of this experiment.
• Briefly describe the experimental procedure in Step 8 in 3.4.3.


Do not interpret or analyze the data in this section. Just provide the results.

1. Matrices from Step 3 in 3.4.1, Find transformation matrix.

2. Response plot from Step 2 in 3.4.2, Simulating balance control.
3. Completed Simulink diagram in Step 7 in 3.4.2, Simulating Inverted pendulum balance control block diagram
4. Response plot from Step 9 in 3.4.3, Implementing balance control.
5. Provide applicable data collected in this laboratory (from Table 3.1).


Provide details of your calculations (methods used) for analysis for each of the following:

1. Step 2 in 3.4.1, Controllability of system.

2. Step 5 in 3.4.1, Closed­loop poles.
3. Matlab commands in Step 4 in Section 3.4.1, Matlab commands used to find control gain from complimentary
gain found.
4. Matlab commands in Step 6 in Section 3.4.1, Matlab commands used to generate the control gain.
5. Step 3 in 3.4.2, Balance control simulation.
6. Step 10 in 3.4.3, Balance control implementation.


Interpret your results to arrive at logical conclusions for each of the following:

1. Step 5 in 3.4.1, Closed­loop system poles.

2. Step 3 in 3.4.2, Balance control simulation.
3. Step 10 in 3.4.3, Balance control implementation.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

6.3 Template for Content (Swing-Up Control

1. Implementation
• Briefly describe the main goal of this experiment.
• Briefly describe the experimental procedure in Step 7 in 4.3.
• Briefly describe the control states and parameters for the swing­up control in Step 11 in 4.3.
• Briefly describe the parameters used to convert torque to voltage in Step 12 in 4.3.


Do not interpret or analyze the data in this section. Just provide the results.

1. Completed Simulink diagram in Step 11 in 4.3, Implemented swing­up controller.

2. Completed Simulink diagram in Step 13 in 4.3, Implemented self­erecting controller.

3. Response plot from Step 14 in 3.4.3, Self­erecting inverted pendulum control implementation response.
4. Provide applicable data collected in this laboratory (from Table 4.1).


Provide details of your calculations (methods used) for analysis for each of the following:

1. Step 10 in 4.3, Potential energy of pendulum.


Interpret your results to arrive at logical conclusions for each of the following:

1. Step 14 in 4.3, Swing­up control implementation.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 34

6.4 Tips for Report Format

• Has cover page with all necessary details (title, course, student name(s), etc.)
• Each of the required sections is completed (Procedure, Results, Analysis and Conclusions).
• Typed.

• All grammar/spelling correct.

• Report layout is neat.
• Does not exceed specified maximum page limit, if any.
• Pages are numbered.

• Equations are consecutively numbered.

• Figures are numbered, axes have labels, each figure has a descriptive caption.
• Tables are numbered, they include labels, each table has a descriptive caption.
• Data are presented in a useful format (graphs, numerical, table, charts, diagrams).

• No hand drawn sketches/diagrams.

• References are cited using correct format.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

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ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student 36


[1] Bruce Francis. Ece1619 linear systems, 2001.

[2] Norman S. Nise. Control Systems Engineering. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2008.
[3] K. J. Åström and K. Furuta. Swinging up a pendulum by energy control. 13th IFAC World Congress, 1996.

ROTARY PENDULUM Workbook ­ Student v 1.1

Over ten rotary experiments for teaching fundamental and advanced controls concepts

Rotary Servo Base Unit Inverted Flexible Link Flexible Joint


Ball and Beam Double Inverted Gyro/Stable 2 DOF Robot

Pendulum Platform

2 DOF Inverted 2 DOF Gantry Multi-DOF Torsion 2 DOF Ball

Pendulum Balancer

Quanser’s rotary collection allows you to create experiments of varying complexity – from basic to advanced. Your lab
starts with the Rotary Servo Base Unit and is designed to help engineering educators reach a new level of efficiency
and effectiveness in teaching controls in virtually every engineering discipline including electrical, computer, mechanical,
aerospace, civil, robotics and mechatronics. For more information please contact
©2012 Quanser Inc. All rights reserved.


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