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Linear Programming

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NAME: S.B.BalaSamyukta
SECTION: Neelambari

Topic chosen: Linear Programming – Manufacturing Problem

Learning objective: Using any suitable data, find the
Optimum cost in the manufacturing problem by formulating a
linear programming problem (LPP).
Linear programming is a method for determining optimum
values of a linear function subject to constraints expressed or
Linear programming may be defined as the problem of
maximizing or minimizing a linear function that is subjected
to linear constraints.
The constraints may be equalities or inequalities. The
optimization problems involve the calculation of profit and
Linear programming problems are an important class of
optimization problems that helps to find the feasible region
and optimize the solution in order to have the highest or
lowest value of the function.
The word linear means that all inequalities used and the
function to be maximized or minimized are linear, and the
word programming refers to planning.
American economist Dantzig is credited with developing the
subject of linear programming.

Three Classical Linear Programming

Problems (L.P.P)
1. Manufacturing Problems
2. Diet Problems
3. Transportation Problems

Important Terms
1. Constraints
The inequalities or equations on the variables of an
L.P.P. are called constraints
They may be of = , >,>=,< or <=

2. Objective Function
The linear function which is to be optimized (maximized
or minimized) is called the objective function.

3. Non-negative Restrictions
The values of the variables x1 , x2,…., xn in an L.P.P. are
always non-negative (>=0)

4. Decision Variables
The variables such as x1,x2,…..,xn are the ones which
decide the output.

Feasible Region and Feasible Solution

The common region determined by all the constraints of an
L.P.P. is called a feasible region and every point in this region
is called a feasible solution to L.P.P.
The feasible region is always a convex set – if any two points
in this set are joined by a straight line segment, all the points
on this segment also lie in the set.

Basic Requirements of Linear Programming

1. Well defined objective
2. Limited availability of the resources
3. Finite number of decision variables
4. Finite number of constraints
5. All the elements should be quantifiable
6. The objective function and constraints must be
expressed in terms of linear equations or inequations
7. All decision variables should assume non-negative

Formulation of an L.P.P in Two Variables x and y

1. To identify the objective function as a linear
combination of variables and construct all constraints
(form linear equations)
Mathematically a L.P.P. can be stated as:

Maximize or minimize Z=ax+by

Subject to the constraints
aix+biy <= (or >= or = or > or < )ci , where i=1 to n
and the non-negative restrictions

2. To find the solutions (feasible regions ) of these

equations by graphical method

3. To find the optimal solution

For Example,
A company manufactures two types of shoes: Type A and
Type B. It costs Rs.360 to make a type A shoe and Rs.120 to
make a type B shoe. The company can make atmost 300 shoes
and spend atmost Rs. 72000 a day. The number of shoes of
type B cannot exceed the number of shoes of type A by more
than 200. The company makes a profit of Rs 100 for each
shoe of type A and Rs.50 for every shoe of type B. Formulate
this problem as a linear programming problem o maximizes
the profit of the company. Solve it graphically and find
maximum profit.

Let x shoe of type A and y shoe of type B be manufactured
per day by the company,
Then profit P = 100x+50y
Subject to the constraints :
Maximize P=100x+50y
360x+120y<=72000 3x+2y<=18
The corner points of the feasible region :
Corner Points Maximum value Value
(0,0) 100*0+50*0 0
(200,0) 100*200+50*0 20000
(150,150) 100*150+50*150 17500
(0,200) 100*0+50*200 10000

Hence , maximum profit = Rs. 22500 by manufacturing 150

shoes of type A and 150 shoes of type B

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