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CAFO2A - Business Law - Full Syllabus

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CA Foundation
Paper 2: Business Law and Business Correspondence and Reporting
Full Syllabus

Duration: 1 Hour 10 minutes Mark: 60

Answer any four questions

a. A, B, C and D are the four partners in a firm. They jointly promised to pay `
6,00,000 to F. B and C have become insolvent. B was unable to pay any
amount and C could pay only ` 50,000. A is compelled to pay the whole
amount to F. Decide the extent to which A can recover the amount from D
with reference to the provisions of the Indian Contract Act, 1872.
{CA Fo D21, 4Marks}
b. AK Private Limited has borrowed ` 36 crores from BK Finance Limited.
However, as per memorandum of AK Private Limited the maximum
borrowing power of the company is ` 30 crores. Examine, whether AK Private
Limited is liable to pay this debt? State the remedy, if any available to BK
Finance Limited.
{CA Fo D21, 4Marks}
c. "A breach of condition can be treated as a breach of warranty". Explain this
statement as per relevant provisions of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930.
{CA Fo D21, 4Marks}
a. Explain any five circumstances under which contracts need not be performed
with the consent of both the parties.
{CA Fo D21, 7Marks}
b. State the rules regarding registered office of a Limited Liability Partnership
(LLP) and change therein as per provisions of the Limited Liability
Partnership Act, 2008.
{CA Fo D21, 5 Marks}


a. Define partnership and name the essential elements for the existence of a
partnership as per the Indian Partnership Act, 1932. Explain any two such
elements in detail.
{CA Fo D21, 3+3=6 Marks}
b. Examine the validity of the following contracts as per the Indian Contract Act, 1872 giving
1) X aged 16 years borrowed a loan of ` 50,000 for his personal purposes. Few months later
he had become major and could not pay back the amount borrowed, on due date. The
lender wants to file a suit against X.
2) J contracts to take in cargo for K at a foreign port. J's government afterwards declares war
against the country in which the port is situated and therefore the contract could not be
fulfilled. K wants to file a suit against J.

{CA Fo D21, 6 Marks}

a. Distinguish between 'Sale' and 'Hire Purchase' under the Sale of Goods Act,
{CA Fo D21, 6 Marks}
b. State whether the following are partnerships:
1) A and B jointly own a car which they used personally on Sundays and
holidays and let it on hire as taxi on other days and equally divide the
2) Two firms each having 12 partners combine by an agreement into one
3) A and B, co-owners, agree to conduct the business in common for profit.
4) Some individuals form an association to which each individual contributes
` 500 annually. The objective of the association is to produce clothes and
distribute the clothes free to the war widows.
5) A and B, co-owners share between themselves the rent derived from a
piece of land.
6) A and B buy commodity X and agree to sell t e commodity with sharing
the profits equally.
{CA Fo D21, 6 Marks}


1) TK ordered timber of 1 inch thickness for being made into drums. The seller
agreed to supply the required timber of 1 inch. However, the timber supplied
by the seller varies in thickness from 1 inch to 1.4 inches. The timber is
commercially fit for the purpose for which it was ordered. TK rejects the
timber. Explain with relevant provisions of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930
whether TK can reject the timber.
{CA Fo D21, 3Marks}
2) AB sold 500 bags of wheat to CD. Each bag contains 50 Kilograms of wheat.
AB sent 450 bags by road transport and CD himself took remaining 50 bags.
Before CD receives delivery of 450 bags sent by road transport, he becomes
bankrupt. AB being still unpaid, stops the bags in transit. The official receiver,
on CD's insolvency claims the bags. Decide the case with reference to the
provisions of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930.
{CA Fo D21, 3Marks}
b. What do you mean by the term Capital? Describe its classification in the
domain of Company Law.
{CA Fo D21, 6Marks}
1) Meaning of capital: The term capital has variety of meanings. But in
relation to a company limited by shares, the term 'capital' means 'share
capital'. Share capital means capital of the company expressed in terms
of rupees divided into shares of fixed amount.
2) Classification of capital: In the domain of Company Law, the term
capital can be classified as follows:
A. Nominal or authorised or registered capital:
This expression means such capital as is authorised by
memorandum of a company to be the maximum amount of share
capital of the company.
B. Issued capital: It means such capital as the company issues from
time to time for subscription.
C. Subscribed capital: As such part of the capital which is for the
time being subscribed by the members of a company.


D. Called up capital: As such part of the capital which has been

called for payment. It is the total amount called up on the shares
E. Paid-up capital: It is the total amount paid or credited as paid up
on shares issued. It is equal to called up capital less calls in
a. What is meant by 'Quasi-Contract'? State any three salient features of a quasi-
contract as per the Indian Contract Act, 1872.
{CA Fo D21, 5 Marks}
b. Sharing in the profits is not conclusive evidence in the creation of
partnership”. Comment.
{CA Fo D21, 4Marks}
“Sharing in the profits is not conclusive evidence in the creation of
Sharing of profit is an essential element to constitute a partnership. But it is
only a prima facie evidence and not conclusive evidence, in that regard. The
sharing of profits or of gross returns accruing from property by persons
holding joint or common interest in the property would not by itself make
such persons partners. Although the right to participate in profits is a strong
test of partnership, and there may be cases where, upon a simple participation
in profits, there is a partnership, yet whether the relation does or does not
exist must depend upon the whole contract between the parties.
Where there is an express agreement between partners to share the profit of a
business and the business is being carried on by all or any of them acting for
all, there will be no difficulty in the light of provisions of Section 4, in
determining the existence or otherwise of partnership.
But the task becomes difficult when either there is no specific agreement or
the agreement is such as does not specifically speak of partnership. In such a
case for testing the existence or otherwise of partnership relation, Section 6
has to be referred.
According to Section 6, regard must be had to the real relation between the
parties as shown by all relevant facts taken together. The rule is easily stated
and is clear but its application is difficult. Cumulative effect of all relevant

facts such as written or verbal agreement, real intention and conduct of the
parties, other surrounding circumstances etc., are to be considered while
deciding the relationship between the parties and ascertaining the existence of
Hence, the statement is true / correct that mere sharing in the profits is not
conclusive evidence.
c. BC Private Limited and its subsidiary KL Private Limited are holding 90,000
and 70,000 shares respectively in PQ Private Limited. The paid-up share
capital of PQ Private Limited is ` 30 Lakhs (3 Lakhs equity shares of ` 10 each
fully paid). Analyse with reference to provisions of the Companies Act, 2013
whether PQ Private Limited is a subsidiary of BC Private Limited. What
would be your answer if KL Private Limited is holding 1,60,000 shares in PQ
Private Limited and no shares are held by BC Private Limited in PQ Private
{CA Fo D21, 3 Marks}

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