Social Work
Social Work
Social Work
1. Social workers are advocate for social change. (Social Injustices – law, social
2. Strengthening personal and social functioning. (Personal skills and abilities)
3. Linking people with systems (Social Systems)
4. Empowering individuals and communities. (Concept of self-determination)
1. Child Development
2. Medical Social Work
3. Administrative and Management
4. Local Social Work
5. International Social Work
6. Social Work in acute Psychiatric Hospital
7. Social Work as community organizer
FIELDS INCLUDED IN SOCIAL WORK – According to Morales and Sheafor (1983)
Primary Discipline
Secondary Discipline
Equal Partner
A. Correctional Facilities
Provide counseling and link them to the outside world, provide support upon release.
B. Industry
Support to both managers and employees. Serve as basis for development.
C. Medical and Health Care
Attend to the social and psychological factors contributing to the medical condition of
the patients.
D. Schools
Organize parent and community groups to channel concerns.
Develop and maintain liason between the school and social work.
Provide leadership in coordination of student services in guidance, clinic staff,
psychologists and attendance.
A. Family and Child Welfare – help children that experience abuses. Help family rights.
B. Health – Helps assistance and treatments to patience. Provide legal advice.
C. Mental – Provide therapy and counseling. Depression, anxiety, schizophrenia.
D. Correction – Provides counseling and legal advice to inmates and rehabilitation.
E. School – To provide support and guidance. Counseling to students who experience
learning difficulty.