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The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Standard Bidding Document (SBD)

For Procurement of Works

For National Competitive Biddings (NCB)

Subject of Procurement Construction

G+1 Residential Building

Procurement Reference Number B1


Project Name: Residential Building

Dateof Issue of Bidding Documents


Addis Ababa, August 2011

Bidding Document
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Table of Contents

Part 1 Bidding Procedures Error! Bookmark not defined.

Section 1. Instructions to Bidders
Section 2. Bid Data SheetIII
Section 3. Evaluation Methodology and CriteriaIV
Section 4. Bidding FormsX
Section 5. Eligible Countries
Part 2 Schedule of Requirement XXI
Section 6. Schedule of RequirementsXXI
Part 3 Contract Error! Bookmark not defined.
Section 7. General Conditions of Contract
Section 8. Special Conditions of ContractVIII
Section 9. Contract FormsX

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Bidding Document Page ii
Part 1: Bidding Procedures Section 2: Bid Data Sheet

Section 2 Bid Data Sheet

Table of Contents

A. General 2
B. Contents of Bidding Documents 3
C. Preparation of Bids 3
D. Submission and Opening of Bids 4
E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids 5
F. Award of Contract 5

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Bid Data Sheet Section III of IX Issued by:
Part 1: Bidding Procedures Section 2: Bid Data Sheet

to Bidders
Data relevant to ITB
A. General
ITB 1.1 The Public Body is: Mizan tepi university
Registered Address: Tepi town
The Bidding Documents is issued under Procurement Method: work
ITB 1.1

ITB 1.2 and The Project name is: Residential building

24.2(b) General description of Works that are subject of the procurement is: G+1
Residential building

ITB 1.4and The Procurement Reference Number is: ETR/ 0484/10


ITB 1.4 The number and identification of Lots in this Bidding Documents is: :1

ITB 4.1(a) The individuals or firms in a joint venture, consortium or association shale
be jointly and severally liable.

ITB Domestic Bidders shall provide VAT registration certificate issued by the
4.5(b)(ii) tax authority in case of contract value 1 millón birr of and above.

ITB Relevant professional practice valid business license certificate shall be

4.5(b)(iv) required.

ITB 4.7 A Bidder shall amend the evidence of its continued eligibility with the
following documents:

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Bid Data Sheet Page 2 of 4 Issued by:
Part 1: Bidding Procedures Section 2: Bid Data Sheet

B. Contents of Bidding Documents

ITB 8.1 and For questions and/or clarification purposes only, the Public Body’s
10.4 address is:
Public Body: Mizan tepi university
Attention: Held at main office
Floor/Room number: G+2 floor/room 4
P.O. Box: 121 Tepi
Street Address: Mizan tepi university block no 20
Town/City: Tepi town
Post Code:
Country: Ethiopia
Telephone: 0923761739
Facsimile: +251-923761738
E-mail address

ITB 8.1 and The deadline for submission of questions and/or clarifications is:
10.4 Date:
C. Preparation of Bids
ITB 12.1 Language of the Bid shall be .English
The Contract is :
ITB 13.1  Unit Price (Admeasurement) Contract, or
Lump Sum Contract
Request for price adjustment may be filed after expirationUp to 28 days of
ITB 13.9
from the effective date of the Contract
Prices quoted for each lot shall correspond to at least percent 10% of the
ITB 13.12
items specified for each lot.
Prices quoted for each item of a lot shall correspond to at least percent10%
of the quantities specified for each item of a lot.
ITB 14.1 For those inputs to the Works that the Bidder expects to provide from inside
Ethiopia prices shall be quoted in .ETB .
ITB 15.1 Bidder must provide in the Bidder Certification of Compliance Form
information related to its professional qualification and capability for the
current 5year and the previous years in order to proof its professional
ITB 16.3 Bidder shall provide at least 3 Certificates of satisfactory execution of
contracts provided by contracting parties to the contracts successfully
completed in the course of the past 5year years with a budget of at least
The Public Body shall undertake physical checking of current Bidder's
ITB 16.7
technical qualifications and competence.

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Document: Bid Data Sheet Page 3 of 4 Issued by:
Part 1: Bidding Procedures Section 2: Bid Data Sheet

As a proof of the bidder's financial standing the following documents need

ITB 17.2(b)
to be furnished:

Alternative Bids shall be considered.

ITB 19.1
If alternative bids are permitted under BDS Clause 19.1 they must meet the
ITB 19.4
following criteria:
(a) Has submitted Bid in accordance with the Bidding Document as issued;
b) Has submitted Bid based on alternative(s) to the Bidding Document as
ITB 20.1 The Bid validity period shall be: 60 days.

ITB 21.1 A Bid security required.

If a Bid security shall ETB of 2% of Project cost is required, the amount of
the Bid security shall . shall of total project cost
In addition to the original of the Bid, the number of copies required is:
ITB 23.1
“Copy -1”, and “Copy -2”.
Bidders shall be required to submit bid documents in two envelopes
ITB 23.1
containing the technical and financial proposals separately.
 Technical proposal shall be consisted of mandatory documentary
evidence listed in the ITB Clause 23.2 (a) to (e);
 Financial proposal shall be consisted of Price Schedule for the Works
offered, as stated in the ITB Clause 23.2 (f).
D. Submission and Opening of Bids
ITB 25.1 For Bid submission purposes only, the Public Body’s address is:
Public Body: Mizan tepi university
Attention: Held at main office
Floor/Room number: G+2floor/room 4
P.O. Box: 121 Tepi
Street Address: Mizan tepi university block no 20
Town/City: TEP TOWN
Post Code:
Country: Ethiopia
The deadline for Bid submission is:
Date: 28/02/2014
Time: 7:30 PM

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Bid Data Sheet Page 4 of 4 Issued by:
Part 1: Bidding Procedures Section 2: Bid Data Sheet

ITB 28.1 The Bid opening shall take place at:

Public Body: Mizan tepi university
Floor/Room number: G+2floor/room 4
Street Address: Mizan tepi university block no 20
Town/City: Tep town
Post Code: 121/TEP
Country: Ethiopia
Date: 25/03/2014
Time: 7:30PM

E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids

ITB 33.2 Bidder has to confirm that he accepts the correction of the calculation error
within the period 10 day

ITB 35.1 The currency that shall be used for bid evaluation and comparison purposes
to convert all bid prices expressed in various currencies into a single
currency is: 1$50

ITB 38.5 Multiple award to one Bidder shall be permitted.

The evaluation methodology to determine the lowest-evaluated
combination of lots shall be detailed in Section 3 Evaluation Methodology
and Criteria.

F. Award of Contract
ITB 44.1 The percentage by which quantities may be increased is: 10 %
The percentage by which quantities may be decreased is: 10 %

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Document: Bid Data Sheet Page 5 of 4 Issued by:
Section 3 Evaluation Methodology and Criteria

Table of Contents

A. Legal, Professional, Technical, and Financial Qualification Criteria 9

1. Legal Qualification of the Bidder Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. Professional Qualifications and Capability of the BidderError! Bookmark not defined.
3. Technical Qualifications, Competence, and Experience of the BidderError! Bookmark not defined.
4. Financial Standing of the Bidder Error! Bookmark not defined.
B. Evaluation of Bids 9
1. Determining the Successful Bid 9
2. Evaluation of the Technical Proposal 6
3. Evaluation and Comparison of Bid Price 8
4. Domestic Preference 9
5. Evaluation of Multiple Contracts 9
6. Completion Time 10
7. Technical Alternatives 10

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Evaluation Methodology and Criteria Section IV of IX Issued by:

Joint Venture, Consortium or Association
All Documentation
Requirement Single
Partners Each Required
Entity At Least One Partner
Combine Partner
Must Must
Nationality in Must meet
meet meet Bid Submission
accordance with ITB requireme n/a
requirem requirem Sheet
Clause 4.2. nt
ent ent
Must Must
No conflict of interest Must meet
meet meet Bid Submission
as described in ITB requireme n/a
requirem requirem Sheet
Clause 6. nt
ent ent
Having been registered
in the Public
Procurement and Must Must
Must meet
Property meet meet Bid Submission
requireme n/a
Administration requirem requirem Sheet
Agency's Suppliers ent ent
List in accordance with
ITB Clause 4.7.
Not having been
debarred by decision
of the Public
Procurement Agency
Must Must
from participating in Must meet
meet meet Bid Submission
public procurements requireme n/a
requirem requirem Sheet
for breach of its nt
ent ent
obligation under
previous contracts in
accordance with ITB
Clause 4.3.
Having been submitted
valid trade license or
business organization Must Must
Must meet Bid Submission
registration certificate meet meet
requireme n/a Sheet with
issued by the country requirem requirem
nt attachments
of establishment in ent ent
accordance with ITB
Clause 4.6.
Having been submitted
Must Must
VAT registration Must meet Bid Submission
meet meet
certificate issued by requireme n/a Sheet with
requirem requirem
the tax authority (in nt attachments
ent ent
case of contract value

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Evaluation Methodology and Criteria Section V of IX Issued by:
of Birr 100,000.00 and
above) in accordance
with ITB Clause 4.6.
Having been submitted
valid tax clearance
Must Must
certificate issued by the Must meet Bid Submission
meet meet
tax authority (Domestic requireme n/a Sheet with
requirem requirem
Bidders Only) in nt attachments
ent ent
accordance with ITB
Clause 4.6.
Must Must Bidder
Compliance with Must meet
meet meet Certification of
conditions of ITB requireme n/a
requirem requirem Compliance with
Clause 4.4. nt
ent ent attachments
Must meet Bidder
At least staff currently meet
requireme n/a n/a Certification of
work for the Bidder. requirem
nt Compliance
Among the staff
mentioned in Sub-
Clause 2.1 Bidder
must demonstrate that Must meet
it will have the requireme n/a n/a
personnel for the key nt
positions that meet the
following Technical
requirements; Proposal Form
PER 1 with
Total Work Experience in
o Position
Experience Similar Works
Site super visor 3 3
project manager 2 2
Office engineer 5 4
Forman 4 3
The Bidder has
successfully completed Must Must Bidder
at least 3 contracts with meet meet Certification of
n/a n/a
a budget of at least that requirem requirem Compliance with
of this contract in the ent ent attachments
past 5 years
The Bidder has
participated as Must meet
Must Bidder
contractor or requireme
meet Must meet requirement Certification of
subcontractor, in at nt for all n/a
requirem for one characteristic Compliance with
least 3 contracts within characteri
ent attachments
the last years,5 each stics
with a value of at least
6,000,000 , that have

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Evaluation Methodology and Criteria Section VI of IX Issued by:
been successfully and
substantially competed
and that are similar to
the proposed Works..

Non-performance of
a contract did not
occur within the last
5 years prior to the
deadline for Bid
submission, based on Must
all informationofully meet
settled disputes or requirem
ent by
litigation. A fully ent by
itself or Bidder
settled dispute or itself or
as n/a n/a Certification of
litigation is one that as
partner Compliance
has been resolved in partner
to past
accordance with the to past or
Dispute Resolution existing
Mechanism under the JV
respective contract,
and where all appeal
instances available to
the bidder have been
All pending litigation meet
shall in total not requirem
ent by
represent more than ent by
itself or Bidder
percent of the itself or
as n/a n/a Certification of
Bidder’s net worth as
partner Compliance
and shall be treated as partner
to past
resolved against the to past or
Bidder. existing
The Bidder must
demonstrate that it will
have available for the
implementation of the
meet Must meet Technical
contract the following
requirem requireme n/a n/a Proposal with
equipment listed
ent nt attachments

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Evaluation Methodology and Criteria Section VII of IX Issued by:
N Equipment Type and
Minimum Number Required
o. Characteristics

Tracks 4
Bulldozer 2
Mixer vibration/ compacter 3
Loader 1
Submission of audited
balance sheets and
other financial
statements as required
in the BDS Clause 17, Must Must Bidder
for the last years 5 to meet meet Certification of
n/a n/a
demonstrate the current requirem requirem Compliance with
soundness of the ent ent attachments
Bidder's financial
position and its
prospective long term
The average annual
turnover calculated as
total certified payments
received for contracts Must Bidder
Must meet meet %
in progress or meet Must meet % of the Certification of
requireme of the
completed within the requirem requirement Compliance with
nt requirem
last years must exceed ent attachments
5 million times the
amount of the financial
proposal of the Bid.
The Bidder must
demonstrate access to,
or availability of,
financial resources such
as liquid assets, Must
Must Bidder
unencumbered real Must meet meet %
meet Must meet % of the Certification of
assets, lines of credit, requireme of the
requirem requirement Compliance with
and other financial nt requirem
ent attachments
means, other than any ent
contractual advance
payments to meet the
following cash-flow

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Evaluation Methodology and Criteria Section VIII of IX Issued by:
2. Evaluation of the Technical Proposal 6
3. Evaluation and Comparison of Bid Price 8
4. Domestic Preference 9
5. Evaluation of Multiple Contracts 9
6. Completion Time 10
7. Technical Alternatives 10

This section, read in conjunction with Section 1, Instructions to Bidders and Section
2, Bid Data Sheet, contains all the factors, methods and criteria that the Public Body
shall use to evaluate a bid and determine whether a Bidder has the required
qualifications. No other factors, methods or criteria shall be used. The Bidder shall
provide all the information requested in the forms included in Section4, Bidding
The Bids shall be examined to confirm that all documentary evidence establishing the
Bidders' qualifications requested in ITB Clause 22 have been provided;
After confirming the Bids comprise all mandatory documentary evidence establishing
the Bidder's qualification the Public Body will rule on the legal, technical,
professional, and financial admissibility of each bid, classifying it as compliant or
non-compliant with qualification requirements set forth in the Bidding Documents;
A. Legal, Professional, Technical, and Financial Qualification Criteria
The following qualification criteria will be applied to Bidders:

B. Evaluation of Bids
1. Determining the Successful Bid
According to the methodology defined in the Public Procurement Proclamation and
Directive the Public Body shall select the successful Bid by applying the following
A. The Bid that is found to be substantially responsive to the professional,
technical, and financial qualification requirements, technically compliant in
relation to the technical specifications, and with the lowest price.
B. The Bid that is found to be substantially responsive to the professional,
technical, and financial qualification requirements, technically compliant in
relation to the technical specifications, and with the lowest evaluated bid The
lowest evaluated Bid shall be the bid offering better economic advantage
ascertained on the basis of factors affecting the economic value of the bid.
A. The Bid with the Lowest Price
1.1 The bids shall be examined to confirm that all documentary evidence
establishing the Bidders' qualifications requested in ITB Clause 23 have been
1.2 After confirming the bids comprise all mandatory documentary evidence
establishing the Bidder's qualification the Public Body will rule on the legal,

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Evaluation Methodology and Criteria Section IX of IX Issued by:
technical, professional, and financial admissibility of each bid, classifying it as
compliant or non-compliant with qualification requirements set forth in the
Bidding Document.
1.3 The Public Body will then analyze the bids' technical conformity in relation to
the technical specifications, classifying them technically compliant or non-
1.4 The Public Body shall continue evaluation of Bids that have been determined to
be substantially responsive with rectification of nonconformities and omissions
in bids, if any.
1.5 The Public Body shall examine all Bids to ascertain whether there are any
arithmetic errors in computation and summation. The Public Body shall notify
Bidders on adjusted calculation errors and request bidders to confirm that they
accept the correction of the calculation error within the time limit of three days
from the receiving of the notification.
1.6 The Public Body shall award of the contract the Bidder whose Bid has been
determined to be substantially responsive to the Bidding Documents and with
the lowest price.
B. Determining the Lowest Evaluated Bid Offering the Best Economic
2. Evaluation of the Technical Proposal
2.1 Provided all mandatory legal, professional, technical, and financial requirements
have been met all technically compliant Bids shall be evaluated and scored
using the two-stage bid evaluation and scoring method. In accordance with ITB
Clause 38.3(f), the Public Body's evaluation of the Bid will take into account, in
addition to the bid price, the following technical evaluation criteria in order of
their importance and their proportional weight in the total system of evaluation,
as specified below:
(a). The technical evaluation criteria and their weighting points that indicate
their level of importance are determined, as follows:

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Evaluation Methodology and Criteria Page 6 of 8 Issued by:
Priorit onal
Name of criteria
y points in
Adequacy of Technical Proposal in responding to
the Schedule of Requirements:
(a) Technical capacity to mobilize equipment and
(b) Technical approach and methodology 15
(c) Work plan and scheduling 13
(d) Organization and staffing 10
Total points for criterion (1): 53
Specific experience of the Bidder relevant to the
Schedule of RequirementsParticipated as contractor
2 8
or sub-contractor in another area

Qualifications and competence of the key

professional staff engaged in the works:
(a) Team Leader 2
(b) Project manager 5
(c) Office engineer 4
(c) Site engineer 2
(d) forman 4
3 Total points for criterion (3): 17
The number of points to be assigned to each of the
above positions or disciplines shall be determined
considering the following three sub-criteria and
relevant percentage weights:
(a) General qualifications 20-30% 27
(b) Adequacy for the assignment 50-60% 57
(c) Experience in region and language 10-20% 16
Total weight: 100% 100
1.Turnover requirements fulfilled 10
4 2.Valid provision of Bid Security 1 10
Total points for criterion (4): 20
Σ Total Points for the Four Criteria (1+2+3+4) 100

(b). The Public Body will evaluate any technical evaluation criterion using the
following scoring scale:
Exceeds the requirements of the criteria significantly and in
10 Excellent
beneficial ways/very desirable
Very Exceeds the requirements of the criteria in ways which are
Good beneficial to our needs
7-8 Good Fully meets the requirement of the criteria

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Document: Evaluation Methodology and Criteria Page 7 of 8 Issued by:
Adequately meets most of the requirements of the criteria. May be
5-6 Average
lacking in some areas that are not critical.
Addresses all of the requirements of the criterion to the minimum
3-4 Poor
acceptable level.
Minimally addresses some, but not all, of the requirements of the
1-2 Very Poor
criteria or lacking in critical areas.
Unsatisfacto Does not satisfy the requirements of the criteria in any manner.
2.2 Individual weighted scores for all technical evaluation criteria shall be weighted
according to the set proportional weighting factors. The weighted result shall be
calculated by multiplying the score by the proportional weighting point of the
individual criterion.
2.3 Bidders getting score less than 70 percent in the technical evaluation shall be
3. Evaluation and Comparison of Bid Price
3.1 In the financial evaluation, the highest point shall be given to the lowest priced
Bid, and conversely, the lowest point shall be given to the highest priced Bid;
among technically qualified Bids. The points given to other Bidders shall be
determined depending on their price offers.
3.2 From the total merit points to be given for proposals submitted by Bidders in a
bid for procurement of Works, the share of Technical Proposal shall be percent
70 and the remaining 30 percent shall be the share of the Bid Price.
3.3 The formula for determining the financial score is the following:
 LFP 
FS =  100
 CFP 
FS = The Bid Price Score;
LFP = The lowest Bid Price;
CFP = The Bid Price under consideration
3.4 The Public Body shall then add the technical score to the Bid Price score to
determine the aggregated (total) Bid score and final ranking of Bids by applying
the following method:
(a) For each Technical Proposal its technical evaluation score shall be
normalized according to the highest evaluated technical score that will get
100 points according to which other scores of technical criteria shall be
proportionally ranked. Normalization is the transformation that is applied
equally to every element in the group of data so that the group has a
specific statistical characteristic.
(b) The Public Body shall apply the following formula for the normalization
of values of the technical evaluation results:
 CTP 
TSN =  100
 HTP 

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Document: Evaluation Methodology and Criteria Page 8 of 8 Issued by:
TSN = Normalized Bid Technical Proposal Score;
CTP = The technical evaluation score for the Bid under consideration
HTP = The highest evaluated Technical Proposal score
3.5 The Public Body shall award the contract to the Bid that has the highest point in
the total sum of results of the technical and Bid Price evaluation.
3.6 Where two Bidders get equal merit points in the evaluation, preference shall be
given to local Bidders.
3.7 The Public Body may require Bidders scoring equal merit points in the
evaluation to submit further Proposals on certain aspects of the Bidding
Document with a view to identifying the successful Bidder.
3.8 Where by reason of the Bidders scoring equal merit points not submitting final
proposals they are invited to submit, or by reason of the evaluation result of the
final proposals submitted by the Bidders being still equal the successful Bidder
can not be singled out, the successful Bidder shall be determined by casting lot
in the presence, as far as possible, of the Bidders concerned.
4. Domestic Preference
If the ITB Clause 34 so specifies, the Public Body will grant a margin of preference to
local construction companies for the purpose of bid comparison, in accordance with
the procedures outlined in subsequent paragraphs Responsive Bids shall be classified
into the following groups:
(a) Group A: Bids offered by local construction companies and joint ventures
meeting the criteria of ITB Sub-Clause 34.3; and
(b) Group B: all other Bids.
For the purpose of further evaluation and comparison of Bids only, an amount equal
to 7.5% percent of the evaluated Bid prices determined in accordance with ITB Sub-
Clause 34.3 shall be added to all Bids classified in Group B.
5. Evaluation of Multiple Contracts
Since in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 38.5 the Public Body shall be allowed to
award one or multiple lots to more than one Bidder, the following methodology shall
be used for award of multiple contracts:
To determine the lowest-evaluated lot combinations, the Public Body shall:
(a) evaluate only lots or contracts that include at least the percentages of
items per lot and quantity per item as specified in ITB 13.12;
(b) take into account:
(i) the lowest-evaluated bid for each lot that meets the requirement of
evaluation criteria;
(i) the price reduction per lot and the methodology for their
application as offered by the Bidder in its bid; and
(ii) the contract-award sequence that provides the optimum economic
combination, taking into account any limitations due to constraints
in supply or execution capacity.

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Document: Evaluation Methodology and Criteria Page 9 of 8 Issued by:
6. Completion Time
An alternative Completion Time, if permitted under ITB Clause 19.2, will be
evaluated as follows:
7. Technical Alternatives

Technical Alternatives, if permitted under ITB Clause 19.4, will be evaluated as


Section 2. Bidding Forms

Table of Contents
A. Bid Submission Sheet 5
B. Bidder Certification of Compliance VI
1. General Information About the Bidder VI
2. Financial Standing VII
3. Bidder's Organization VIII
4. Technical Qualifications, Competence, and Experience in the Procurement
Object VIII
5. Historical Contract Non-Performance IX
6. Current Contract Commitments / Works in Progress X
7. Professional Qualifications and Capabilities X
8. Comments and Suggestions on the Schedule of Requirements X
9. Quality Assurance / Managerial and Control Procedures XI
10. Further Information
11. Bidder's Audit Agency XI
12. Bank Account Number and Bank Address
C. Financial Offer -Unit Price Contract XI
1. Bill of Quantities XI
2. Detailed Breakdown of Prices Error! Bookmark not defined.
D. Financial Offer -Lump Sum Contract Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Preamble Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. Financial Offer - Total Price
3. Financial Offer - Breakdown of the Lump-sum Price
4. Detailed Breakdown of Prices
E. Technical Proposal
1. Personnel
2. Equipment Error! Bookmark not defined.
3. Work Plan and Site Organization
4. Method Statement Error! Bookmark not defined.

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Document: Evaluation Methodology and Criteria Page 10 of 8 Issued by:
Part 1: Bidding Procedures Section 4: Bidding Forms

5. Mobilization Schedule Error! Bookmark not defined.

6. Construction Schedule Error! Bookmark not defined.
7. Others Error! Bookmark not defined.
F. Curriculum Vitae for Proposed Personnel Error! Bookmark not defined.
G. Form - Data on Joint Venture/Consortium Error! Bookmark not defined.
H. Bid Security Error! Bookmark not defined.

Bid Submission Sheet
Place and Date SECOND FLOOR ROOM 4
Procurement Reference Number: E/0484/10

Addis Ababa
Complete Legal Name and Address of the
Seat of the Bidder
Leader3 Abenezer chala Ethiopia
Member Gelaye Gezumo Ethiopia
Etc … Habtamu Aynalem Ethiopia

In response to your Bidding Documents for the above Procurement Number:, :

E/0484/10 we, the undersigned, hereby declare that:
(a) We have examined and accept in full the content of the Bidding Documents for
the, Procurement Number: : E/0484/10 We hereby accept its provisions in their
entirety, without reservation or restriction.
(b) We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this Bid are
true and accept that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to our
(c) We, the undersigned, offer to execute in conformity with the Bidding Documents
dated the following Works :G+2 residential building construction
(d) The total price of our Bid, excluding any discounts offered in item below is:
11.660.808.36 birr including contingency 10% of total project cost
(e) The discounts offered and the methodology for their application are: no discount
occurred Unconditional Discounts: If our bid is accepted, the following discounts
shall appl

1 One signed original Bid Submission Form must be supplied together with the number of copies specified in the
Instruction to Bidders.
2 Country in which the legal entity is registered.
3 Add/delete additional lines for members as appropriate. Note that a subcontractor is not considered to be a

member for the purposes of this bidding procedure. If this Bid is being submitted by an individual Bidder, the
name of the Bidder should be entered as "leader" and all other lines should be deleted.

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Bidding Forms Section V of IX Issued by:
Part 1: Bidding Procedures Section 4: Bidding Forms

Methodology of Application of the Discounts: The discounts shall be applied

using the following method: ;no discount occurred G+1
Conditional Discounts: If our bid(s) are accepted, the following discounts shall apply.

Methodology of Application of the Discounts: The discounts shall be applied

using the following method: ;
(f) Our Bid shall be valid for a period of days from the date fixed for the Bid
submission deadline in accordance with the Bidding Documents, and it shall
remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before expiry of that
period; there is no discount methodology
(g) The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently, without, for the purpose
of restricting competition, any consultation, communication, or agreement with
any other bidder or competitor relating to:
i. Those prices;
ii. The intention to submit a bid; or
iii. The methods or factors used to calculate the prices offered.
(h) The prices in this bid have not been and will not be knowingly disclosed by the
Abenezer chala,A directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or competitor before
bid opening.
(i) We, including any subcontractors for any part of the contract resulting from this
procurement process, are eligible to participate in public procurement in
accordance with ITB Clause 4.1 and have not been debarred by a decision of the
Public Procurement and Property Administration Agency from participating in
public procurements for breach of our obligation under previous contract
(j) We are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, not have had
our business activities suspended and not be the subject of legal proceedings for
any of the foregoing;
(k) We have fulfilled our obligations to pay taxes according to Ethiopian Tax laws
(l) We have read and understood the provisions on fraud and corruption in GCC
Clause 5 and confirm and assure to the Public Body that we will not engage
ourselves into these evil practices during the procurement process and the
execution of any resulting contract;
(m) We have not committed an act of embezzlement, fraud or connivance with other
(n) We have not given or have been offered to give inducement or bribe to an official
or procurement staff of the to influence the result of the Bid in our favor.
(o) We are not participating, as Bidders, in more than one bid in this bidding process,
other than alternative bids in accordance with the Bidding Document;
(p) We do not have any conflict of interest and have not participated in the
preparation of the original Schedule of Requirements for the Public Body;
(q) If our bid is accepted, we commit to submit a performance security in accordance
with the GCC Clause 58 of the Bidding Documents, in the amount of for the due
performance of the Contract;
(r) We, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract, have
nationalities from eligible countries ];
(s) We will inform the immediately if there is any change in the above
circumstances at any stage during the implementation of the contract. We also

SBD- Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Bidding Forms Page 2 of 29 Issued by:
Part 1: Bidding Procedures Section 4: Bidding Forms

fully recognize and accept that any inaccurate or incomplete information

deliberately provided in this Bid may result in our exclusion from this and other
contracts funded by the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of
(t) We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof
included in your notification of award, shall not constitute a binding contract
between us, until a formal contract is prepared and executed.
(u) We understand that you reserve the right to reject any or all Bids that you may
Name Gelaye Gezumo
In the capacity of .contractor;
Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of .Gelaye Gezumo ans Habtamu
Dated on 20 day of 10 2014 Attachments:
1. Valid trade license indicating the stream of business in which the is
engaged;Gelaye Gezumo.
2. VAT registration certificate issued by the tax authority ;presented
3. A valid tax clearance certificate issued by the tax authority ;Gelaye Gezumo
issued the certificate;
4. Business organization registration certificate or trade license issued by the country
of establishment ;Presented
5. Relevant professional practice certificates.
6. Bid Security; and
7. Other documents requested by the Public Body

SBD- Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Bidding Forms Page 3 of 29 Issued by:
B. Bidder Certification of Compliance4
Place and Date 2nd floor room 4
Procurement Reference Number: : E/0484/10

Addis Ababa
1. General Information About the Bidder


In case of Joint Venture,

legal name of each party:

Place of Registration: Teppi Town

Legal Address in Country Tepi,Ethiopia

of Registration:
Name: Group 3 cotm
Position: G-3 contractor
Authorized Representative
Address: Teppi
E-mail address: www.
In case of JV, letter of intent to form JV including a
draft agreement, or agreement governing formation of
JV, in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 4.1
Form Data on Joint Ventures
Attached copies of original
In case of government owned entity from the Public
documents of:
Body’s country, documents establishing legal and
financial autonomy and compliance with the principles
of commercial law, in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause

We have attached an official written statement by a power of attorney (or notary

statement, etc.) proving that the above person, who signed the Bid on behalf of the
company/joint venture/consortium, is duly authorized to do so.

4 One signed original Bidder Certification of Compliance Form must be supplied together with the number of copies
specified in the Instruction to Bidders. If this bid is being submitted by a joint venture/consortium, the data in the tables
below must be the sum of the data provided by the joint venture/consortium members.

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Schedule of Requirements Section VI of IX Issued by:
2. Financial Standing

COTM construction plc has adequate financial resources to manage this Contract as
established by our audited financial statements, audited by an independent auditor,
submitted in this Bid. The following table contains our financial data. These data are
based on our annual audited accounts. Figures in all columns have been provided on the
same basis to allow a direct, year-on-year comparison to be made.
Historic Information for Previous Years
DATA Current
Year 2 Year 1 Last Year Average
A. Information from Balance Sheet
1.Total Assets 22,068,798.00 1,200,000 2,000,000 20000000 6100000
2. Total Liabilities 6,659,457.00 200000 600000 10000000 2875000
I. Net Value (1-2) 15409341 1000000 1400000 10000000 3225000
3. Current Assets 10,651,456,4 1000000 1400000 10000000 3225000
4. Short-term debts 12,345 50000 400000 1000000 387500
II. Working Capital
106502219 950000 1000000 9000000 2837500
B. Information from Income Statement
1. Total Revenue 1221655846 950000 1000000 9000000 2837500
2. Pre-tax Profits 15455487 950000 1000000 9000000 2837500
3. Losses 1254 20000 30000 400000 115000
Along with financial data we provided above we have attached the following documents
as proof of our financial standing, as required in the BDS:
Attached documents comply with the following conditions:
 Documents reflect the financial situation of the Bidder or partner to a Joint Venture,
and not sister or parent companies;
 Historic financial statements are audited by a certified accountant;
 Historic financial statements are complete, including all notes to the financial
 Historic financial statements correspond to accounting periods already completed and

Annual Turnover Data (Works Only)

Year Amount and Currency
2004 351,275,260.40
2005 278,352,354.07
2012 335,197,052.30
Average Annual
Works Turnover*

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Schedule of Requirements Section VII of IX Issued by:
*Average annual turnover calculated as total certified payments received for work in
progress or completed over the number of years specified in Section 3, Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria, Sub-Factor 4.2, divided by that same number of years.
Financial Resources
No. Source of Financing Amount
building construction 351,275,260.40
Building construction 10,567,337
building construction 335,197,052.30

3. Bidder's Organization
4. Technical Qualifications, Competence, and Experience in the Procurement
As proof of the technical and professional ability in executing Works of a similar nature
and volume to the ones listed in our Bid the table below summarizes the major relevant
contracts successfully completed in the course of the past years with a budget of at least
that of this Bid.

General Experience
Percen Prime
Name of tage of Contractor Final acceptance
Value of of Client and
project/kind of Works (P) or issued?
Works Contra Place
works Compl Subcontrac
eted tor (S)
A. In Home Country
Construction of Abeni Yordi Yes: Not Yet
4,500,000 2 Years 100%
road tepi gelaye No:
Construction of
Gelaye Gelaye Yes: Not Yet
residential 5,500,000 2 year 100%
tepi habte No:
Construction of 18,000,00 Binyam Dani Yes: Not Yet
3 year 100%
aspartament 0 tepi fikir No:
B. Abroad
Yes: Not Yet
Yes: Not Yet
Yes: Not Yet
Specific Experience

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Schedule of Requirements Section VIII of IX Issued by:
Percenta Prime
Name of ge of Contractor Final acceptance
Value of od of Client and
project/kind of Works (P) or issued?
Works Cont Place
works Complet Subcontrac
ed tor (S)
A. In Home Country
In Construction Gelaye Yordi Yes: Not Yet
12,000,000 2 100%
of BUILDING abeni zedi No:
Yes: Not Yet
Yes: Not Yet
B. Abroad
Yes: Not Yet
Yes: Not Yet
Yes: Not Yet
The Clients' Certificates concerning the satisfactory execution of contract are attached to
this document
5. Historical Contract Non-Performance
Non-Performing Contracts in accordance with Section 3, Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria
Contract non-performance did not occur during the stipulated period, in
accordance with Sub-Factor 3.3 of Section 3, Evaluation and Qualification
Contract non-performance during the stipulated period, in accordance with
Sub-Factor 3.3 of Section 3, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.
Outcome Total
as Contract
Year Percent Contract Identification Amount
of Total (current
Assets value)
Contract Identification:
Name of Client:
Address of Client:
Matter in dispute:
Pending Litigation, in accordance with Section 3, Evaluation and Qualification
No pending litigation in accordance with Sub-Factor 3.4 of Section 3,
Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
Pending litigation in accordance with Sub-Factor 3.4 of Section 3, Evaluation

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Schedule of Requirements Section IX of IX Issued by:
and Qualification Criteria, as indicated below
Outcome Total
as Contract
Year Percent Contract Identification Amount
of Total (current
Assets value)
Contract Identification:
Name of Client:
Address of Client:
Matter in dispute:
Contract Identification:
Name of Client:
Address of Client:
Matter in dispute:

6. Current Contract Commitments / Works in Progress

Value of Estimated Average Monthly

No Client's Contact
Name of Contract Details outstandin Completio Invoicing over
g work n Date Last Six Months
Both Clint And 3 years
Contractor have a
deep knowledge 6,000,000 3,350,000
in construction

7. Professional Qualifications and Capabilities

In order to proof our professional qualifications and capability the following table
contains personnel statistics for the current and the two previous years.
Year before last Last year This year
Specialists Specialists Specialists
in in in
manpower Overall Overall Overall
Technical Technical Technical
Area Area Area
8. Comments and Suggestions on the Schedule of Requirements We can suggest that if
the bidder idea is acceptable it can change easily without compliance

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Schedule of Requirements Section X of IX Issued by:
9. Quality Assurance / Managerial and Control Procedures We can use technical
staffs like site supervisor, engineer to control the overall progress of the project
1. 10. Further Information
2. Bidder's Audit AgencyThe bank account into which payment should be made
and bank address are the following:
Name Gelaye Gezumo
In the capacity of .
Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of .
Dated on 20 day of , 15 2014 Attachments:
1. Statement issued by a power of attorney authorizing the signatory of the Bid and all
related documentation;
2. Certificates of satisfactory execution of contracts provided by contracting parties to
the contracts successfully completed in the course of the past years, as required in
the BDS,.
3. Audited financial statements;
4. Documents required as proof of the Bidder's financial standing, as listed in the BDS.
C. Financial Offer -Unit Price Contract
1. Bill of Quantities
Place and Date MIZAN TEPI UNIVERSITY tepi 20/2/2014
Procurement Reference No.: B1 /07/06/2010
Alternative No.: BID NO1

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Schedule of Requirements Section XI of IX Issued by:
Item No Description Unit Qty Amount
1. Earth work

site clerance Clear and remove top soil to an

1.1 average
depth at 200mm depth m2 486 8.99
Bulk excavation in ordinary soil over the site
to reduce levels to a depth not exceeding
1.2 380cm m3 331.5 331.10
Pit excavation in ordinary soil for isolated
1.3 footing to a depth not exceeding 172cm m3 108.68 55.60
Trench excavation in ordinary soil for stone
masonry peripheral foundation wall to a depth
1.4 not exceeding 150cm m3 135.792 70.91
1.5 Backfill m3 79.3123 25.58
1.6 cartway m3 542.945 1877.57
Total summery
2 Stone work
Masnory under gread beam.
500mm thick hard trachytic roughly dressed
stone masonry foundation wall below ground
level bedded in cement mortar mix ratio (1:3) m3 45.264 3036.19
Hard basaltic or equivalent stone hard core
well rolled, consolidated and blinded with
crushed stone to a finished thickness of 250
mm. m3 406.719 107.73
Total summary m3
3 Concret work
lean concrete quality c-5 with minmum 5cm
cement content of 165kg/m3,of concrete
5cm thick c-5 lean concrete Under Footing
a Pad m2 21.68 5555.38
5cm thick c-5 lean concrete under foundation
b wall m2 56.58 5555.38
c 5cm thick c-5 lean concrete Under grade beam m2 28.29 5555.38
5cm thick c-5 lean concrete under ground
d slab m2 406.719 5555.38

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Schedule of Requirements Section XII of IX Issued by:
Total summary m2
Reinforced concrete quality C-25,320 kg of
cement/m3 filled in to form work and vibrated
around rod reinforcement (Formwork and
reinforcement measuredseparately)
a C-25 Reinforced concrete on Footing Pad m3 7.898 5766.23
b C-25 Reinforced concrete for Footing column m3 1.98234 5766.23
c C-25 Reinforced concrete for grade beam m3 7.566 5900.49
d C-25 Reinforced concrete for Ground slab m3 406.719 5925.60
Total summary m3

Itemno DISCRIPTION UNIT Quantity price
4 Form work
Provide, cut and fix in position sawn
wood formwork which ever is
by adding free space both 25mm each side.
a Formwork on Footing Pad m2 24.195 431.73
b Formwork on Footing column m2 21.12 497.09
c Formwork for grade beam m2 68.844 460.58
Total summary m2
5 Rainforsment bar
a Dia. 6mm deformed bar Kg 29.9954 151.59
b Dia. 8mm deformed bar Kg 6.18807 128.81
c Dia. 10 mm deformed bar Kg 182.087 134.93
d Dia. 12mm deformed bar Kg 192.811 133.30
e Dia. 14mm deformed bar Kg 482.15 136.56
f Dia. 16mm deformed bar Kg 341.984 149.58
Total summary Kg

1 Concrete work

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Schedule of Requirements Section XIII of IX Issued by:
Reinforced concrete quality C-25,320 kg of
cement/m3 filled in to form work and vibrated
around rod reinforcement (Formwork and
reinforcement measuredseparately)
a for elevation column m3 5.90692 5925.60
b forFloor Beams m3 7.0072 5925.60
c forTop Tie beams m3 7.566 9146.32
d for stair Case m3 2.2086 5891.50
e for frist floor slab m3 26.9138 5925.60
Total summary m3
2 Form work
2.1 provide, cut & fix in position sawn structural
wood formworks which ever is
5cm both side to free space
a To Elevation Column m2 62.6483 497.09
b To Floor Beams m2 92.8375 764.16
c To Top Tie beams m2 113.4 492.36
d To stair Case m2 9.55 616.23
e To frist floor slab m2 407.16 616.23
Total summary m2

Itemno DISCRIPTION UNIT Quantity price
3 Rainforsment bar
d Dia. 12mm deformed bar Kg 321.995 133.30
e Dia. 14mm deformed bar Kg 706.322 136.56
f Dia. 16mm deformed bar Kg 1219.31 149.58
Total summary Kg

4 walling
class A,200mm thick HCB wall which can
a satisfy the

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Schedule of Requirements Section XIV of IX Issued by:
designed strength, bedded in cement mortar
Price shall includemortar bed. m2 236.058 2741.07
class A,150mm thick HCB wall which can
b satisfy the
designed strength, bedded in cement mortar
Price shall includemortar bed. m2 152.243 2494.15
Total summary m2
5 Roofing
Fix harvey tile roof cover to 700*500 mm
zigba purlin. Price includes UV resistance
washer. (purlin measured separatly & roof
measured in horizontal projection). m2 204.07 847.71
Total summary
Supply and fix made of HPL wood doors
pressure laminated wood),
a D2 = 0.80*2.10 m pcs 4 1864.42
b D3 = 0.90*2.10 m pcs 6 1864.42
Supply and fix 6mm thick chipwood ceiling
and including 40*50 mm structural wood
battens placed c/c 600 mm both ways
suspended to tress lower member and upper
All structural member shall be well seasones
a & free of harm full defects, each truss shall be
fixed to dia. 6 mm plain bars to concrete
b beams
dia. 10-12 cm eucaluptus truss upper member
lower member of truss
dia, 8-10 cm eucaluptus truss for vertical &
diagonal chord truss
c 7*5 cm wooden purlin with c/c 900 mm
dia.100 ecualyptus ml 719.18 603.14
Total summary

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Schedule of Requirements Section XV of IX Issued by:
Itemno DISCRIPTION UNIT Quantity price

frames according to the detail drawing &

window door
for doors glass and window

Aluminium frame with 4mm thick frosted

a glass
1.90x2.60 pcs 1 794.12
Aluminium frame with 4mm thick frosted
b glass
1.50 x 1.40 pcs 5 794.12
c Aluminium frame with 6mm thick tinted glass
3.02x2.10 pcs 3 876.27
Aluminium frame with 6mm thick figured
d glass
2.8 x 1.50 pcs 1 911.40
Aluminium frame with 6mm thick figured
e glass
2.7 x1.80 pcs 1 911.40
f Aluminium frame with 6mm thick tinted glass
1.90 x1.60 pcs 1 876.27
Total summary
8.Metal work

alimunium profile for window and doors of

metal pcs 12 10141.39

Total summary
9. Plastering work

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Schedule of Requirements Section XVI of IX Issued by:
a 1st coat plastering for 20 HCB wall 236.058 574.23
b 2nd coat plastering for 20 HCB wall 236.058 64.25
c 3rd coat plastering for 20 HCB wall 236.058 64.25
d 1st coat plastering for 15 HCB wall 152.243 7552.23
e 2nd coat plastering for 15 HCB wall 152.243 6687.79
f 3rd coat plastering for 15 HCB wall 152.243 6687.79
g plastering for stair 14.05 1657.84
h plastering for beam 40.15 1657.84
Total Carried to Summary for cement

unit Total
Itemno DISCRIPTION UNIT Quantity price price
10.Gypsum plastering
a plastering for 20 HCB wall 236.058 45.26
b plastering for 15 HCB wall 152.243 45.26
c plastering for stair 14.05 43.71
d plastering for beam 40.15 43.71
Total Carried to Summarry
11. Painting
1nd coat to externall wall surface 20cm HCB 236.058 45.26
2nd coat to externall wall surface 20cm HCB 236.058 45.26
1st coat painting for 15cm HCB wall or
internal 152.243 50.76
2nd coat painting for 15 cm HCB wall 152.243 45.26
1st coat painting for stair 10.35 49.52
2nd coat painting for stair 10.35 43.71

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Schedule of Requirements Section XVII of IX Issued by:
Total Carried to Summarry
12.Finishing work
A. Floor finish material for ground floor & 1st
parquet tile 147.5 1631.20
marble tile 57.01 5175.00
ceramic tile 42.49 1051.01
cement tile 24.27 1282.07
Total Carried to Summarry for floor finish

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Schedule of Requirements Section XVIII of IX Issued by:
Itemno DISCRIPTION UNIT Quantity price
13. Sanitary instalation
All fixtures that specified below is subject
to the owner's or consultants approval, based
on samples, catalogues and brochures
presented by the contractor.
Supply and fix Hand wash basin made of
white vitreous china including Glass
500x400mm) near hand wash. pcs 4 3608.40
Supply and fix Water Closet (WC) of wash
12.1 down
action, floor mounted, close coupled, made of pcs 6 3608.40
Supply and fix shower(SH) of wash down
action, floor mounted, close coupled, made
white vitreous China with plastic sit & cover
and low
1 flush cistern. The waste fittings, pcs 2 5662.93
Supply and fix bath tup made of with the
approved quality, complete with P-smel
3 Supply and fix kichen sink made of stainless
steelof approved quality, complete with
P-smell trap and all the necessary fittings and
accessories. Size:- Dia. 100 mm pcs 2 3211.21
4 Supply and install PVC pipes to waste water
drainage system as shown on the drawing,
Diameter 150 mm ml 60 327.67
Diameter 110 mm ml 12 327.67
Diameter 75 mm ml 12 327.67
Water supply pipes shall be PPR pipes and be
2 to walls, beams, etc.Unit price shall include all
assistance civil works and necessary fittings
such as T,

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Schedule of Requirements Section XIX of IX Issued by:
bends, Y, reducers
Supply and install TVC pipe to water
system as shown on the drawing, complete
the necessary accessaries.
Diameter 20mm ml 40 327.67
Diameter 25mm ml 22 327.67
Gate valve pcs 34 169.34
Total summary


A+B COST & VAT.........

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Schedule of Requirements Section XX of IX Issued by:
Part 2 Schedule of Requirement
Section 6 Schedule of Requirements
Table of Contents

A. Scope of Works 1
B. Technical Specification 1
1. Preamble to Schedule of Rates 1
2. General Requirements 2
3. Protection of the Environment / Works 2
4. Equivalency of Standards and Codes 3
5. Project Sign Boards 3
6. Work Item Specifications 3
C. Design Documents and Drawings Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. List of Drawings Attached Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. List of Design Documents Available Error! Bookmark not defined.
D. Bill of Quantities or Activity Schedule 6
1. Preamble 6
2. Terms Relating to Payments 7
3. Pricing 7
4. Completing the Bill of Quantities 8
5. Description of Unit Prices 8
6. Bill of Quantities or Activity Schedule 9

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Schedule of Requirements Section XXI of IX Issued by:
A. Scope of Works
B. Technical Specification
1. Preamble to Schedule of Rates
1.1 It is a general principle throughout this Specification that the payment for each work item
is inclusive of all operations, resources and inputs necessary to complete the work Item.
The cost of operations or works not included in the Specifications or the Bill of Quantities,
but are all necessary for the completion of the Works, shall be deemed to included within
other items
1.2 In the Schedule of Rates the Item numbers, headings and item descriptions identify the
work covered by the respective items. The exact nature and extent of the work is to be
ascertained by reference to the Works description, Specifications and Conditions of
Contract. The rates and prices entered in the Schedule of Rates shall be deemed to be the
full inclusive value of the work including the following, unless expressly stated otherwise:
(c) The provision, storage, transport, handling, use, distribution, and maintenance of all
materials, plant, equipment, machinery and tools including all costs, charges, dues,
demurrage or other outlays involved in carriage and importation, including waste
and delivery to Site and the Network,
(a) The provision, storage, transport, use, handling, distribution and maintenance of all
consumable stores, fuel, water and electricity,
(b) Temporary Works,
(c) Establishment charges including temporary accommodation at individual sites,
overheads and profit,
(d) All risks, liabilities, contingencies, insurance and obligations imposed or implied by
the Contract,
(e) Attendance and transport for sampling and testing carried out by the Engineer’s
Representative, supplying results of tests carried out by the Contractor and providing
test certificates,
(f) Awaiting approvals and or consents,
(g) Traveling to, between and from different locations within the Network,
(h) The provision and care of all staff and labor and their payment, accommodation,
transport, fares and other requirements including First Aid, welfare and safety
(i) Setting out, including the location and preservation of survey markers, measurement
and supervision,
(j) The opening operation and reinstatement upon completion of all quarries and borrow
(k) The construction and maintenance of the temporary diversion routes as required, the
control of traffic, and the provision of temporary road signs as described or
otherwise necessary for the safe performance of the Works,
(l) Injury caused to the works under construction, plant, materials and consumable
stores by weather,
(m) Co-ordination with other Contractors or Authorities carrying out work either in
connection with or adjacent to the works,
(n) The protection of mains, ducts and services,

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Schedule of Requirements Page 1 of 11 Issued by:
1.3 Each individual item shall have a rate or price entered against it.
1.4 Unless expressly stated otherwise the Contractor shall allow in his rates and prices for
carrying out the works at any location within the Network, for setting up at each Site and
for movement between Sites.
1.5 The Contractor shall allow for the items in the Schedule of Rates being used only once, a
number of times or not at all and in any quantity during the currency of the Contract
1.6 Where the Schedule of Rates includes separate pay items depending on work quantity, this
shall be on the basis of the quantity of each work Item instructed by a single Works Order.
1.7 The final measurement of quantity against each item on a Works Order shall be computed
net to two decimal places from the dimensions stated in the Contract unless stated
otherwise in the Specifications or stated on the Works Order.
1.8 The measured quantity for each item of work executed by the Contractor in accordance
with the Contract shall be measured net and no allowance will be made for waste, bulking,
shrinkage, increase or decrease of volume due to compacting or to the provision of working
1.9 Where in the Contract a choice of alternatives is permitted, the scheduled description and
the rates and prices inserted shall be deemed to cover any of the permitted alternative
materials or designs the Contractor may elect to use.
1.10 The Schedule of Rates does not include or infer any pre-estimate of the required work
quantities. The Contractor should make his own predictions regarding the amounts,
frequencies and distribution of the Works based on the information contained in the
Contract, his own experience of patterns of road deterioration, and his pre-tender
inspection of the Network. The Contractor is entirely responsible for any inaccuracies in
his predictions.
1.11 Except in circumstances as provided for in the Contract, the Contractor will not be entitled
to any monthly interim payment or any other payment on account until all the work
required by a Works Order is complete. Payment will then normally be claimed in the next
monthly statement following certified completion by the Engineer. However, payment for
continuous Length-Person activities may be claimed on a regular monthly basis in arrears.
2. General Requirements
The Contractor shall engage only those people who have been adequately trained and instructed
in their duties. All operators of equipment and vehicles shall be competent and hold all necessary
licenses in accordance with current legislation. The Contractor shall employ sufficient numbers of
helpers and watchmen who shall guide operators and provide warning of potential conflict with
people and other vehicles, as applicable.
The Contractor shall pay due regard to the safety of his workers.
Where appropriate, the Contractor shall pay particular attention to the safety of operators and all
persons in the vicinity of fuel transfer / storage operations. A prohibition on smoking must be
actively enforced when close to flammable liquids.
All equipment and vehicles shall be in a good and safe working condition. The Contractor must
have contingency arrangements in place to attend to personal injuries that may result from
accidents occurring within the work site.
3. Protection of the Environment / Works
The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to preserve the condition of the environment.
In particular:

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(a) No pollutants shall be allowed to enter any watercourse;
(b) No unauthorized or indiscriminate felling of trees shall be permitted;
(c) No open or uncontrolled fires shall be permitted;
(d) The Contractor shall not cause areas of stagnant water to form, on the surface or in
open containers;
(e) All spoil or waste materials remaining after the works must be neatly disposed of in
approved dump sites;
(f) The Contractor shall ensure that the Works, including the action of individual
workers, do not result in any littering. Where such littering does occur the Contractor
shall be responsible for the collection and proper disposal of the litter;
(g) The use of herbicides and pesticides shall not be permitted.
(h) Excavations, finished works are to be protected from adverse weather and any work
damaged by adverse weather is to be repaired by the Contractor.
4. Equivalency of Standards and Codes
Wherever reference is made in the Contract to specific standards and codes to be met by the
goods and materials to be furnished, and work performed or tested, the provisions of the latest
current edition or revision of the relevant standards and codes in effect shall apply, unless
otherwise expressly stated in the Contract. Where such standards and codes are national, or relate
to a particular country or region, other authoritative standards that ensure a substantially equal or
higher quality than the standards and codes specified will be accepted subject to the Employer’s
prior review and written consent. Differences between the standards specified and the proposed
alternative standards shall be fully described in writing by the Contractor and submitted to the
Engineer at least 28 days prior to the date when the Contractor desires the Engineer’s consent. In
the event the Engineer determines that such proposed deviations do not ensure substantially equal
or higher quality, the Contractor shall comply with the standards specified in the documents.
5. Project Sign Boards
The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain, Project Sign Boards at all the principle
boundaries to construction location. The cost of providing and maintaining the sign boards should
be included in the rates tendered for other work items and will not be separately reimbursed.
6. Work Item Specifications
The pages that follow provide the work Specifications for each of the term work activity Items. A
standard layout sheet is used for the Specifications of each Item. As well as stating the title,
reference number and units for measurement, these provide information under the following
(a) Description – provides an overview of the repair / work technique and the circumstances
when it is normally used.
(b) Typical Equipment – where included, provides advice on key items of equipment needed
to perform the work. This is for guidance only and the Contractor may select his own
(c) Materials – describes and defines the type and quality of main materials which are to be
incorporated into the work.
(d) Work Specifications – describes the general methodology for performing the work, states
any mandatory requirements (e.g. when mechanical compaction must be used), required
standards of workmanship quality and any required testing.

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(e) Measurement and Payment – describes in what units and how the accomplished work is
to be measured for the application of unit payment rates. The units of measurement used are
those of the International System of Units (SI). No other units may be used for measurements,
pricing, detail drawings etc. (Any units not mentioned in the technical documentation must also
be expressed in terms of the SI.) Abbreviations used in the specification are to be interpreted as
mm means millimeter h means hour
m means meter L.s. means Lump sum
mm² means square millimeter km means kilometer
m² means square meter l means liter
m³ means cubic meter % means per cent
kg means kilogram N.d means nominal diameter
to means tone (1000 kg) m/m means man-month
pcs means pieces m/d means man-day

Work Series No.:

Item No.:

Name of Item:

Unit of





Measurement and

Work Series No.:

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Item No.:

Name of Item: Daywork

Unit of

Description: Dayworks

Equipment: as per Bill of Quantities

This Item covers the listing of dayworks items for use in determining
payment for work for which no other applicable rate exists in the Schedule
of Rates or for which the mode of operation required by the Engineer differs
Materials: significantly from that specified in the individual items.
The scope of possible works is not limited but may be particularly
appropriate in the following examples:

No daywork shall be undertaken unless written authorization has been

obtained from the Engineer in the form of a Works Order. In the case of
emergency work, the Contractor shall act upon the verbal instructions of
duly authorized representatives of the Engineer, provided that the
Engineer will confirm such instruction in writing and by formal Works
Order at the earliest, reasonable opportunity.
Work In respect of ordered dayworks, the Contractor shall deliver each day (or
Specification: such longer reasonable period as the Engineer may permit) accurate
statements in duplicate which shall include the following details of the
resources used in executing the previous day’s work:
 Name, designation and hours of Contractor’s personnel,
 Identification, type and hours worked of Contractor’s plant and
 Type and quantities of all materials used.

The records described above for personnel, plant / equipment, and materials,
shall form the basis for determining payments due for works instructed to be
performed under dayworks. The amounts payable will be subject to the
following provisions:
(i) Plant and equipment
The unit of measurement shall be the unit specified for the item of plant or
equipment in the Bill of Quantities.
Measurement and
Non-working hours for transport, breakdown, lack of operator or any other
reason shall not be measured.
Rates entered by the Contractor in the Dayworks Schedule for each category
and type of plant shall be deemed to include for: all mark-ups: operation,
maintenance, repairs, fuel, oil, taxes, duties, drivers wages, insurances
overhead, and overtime. Where plant or equipment has to be brought to Site
solely for an item of dayworks, the resources used in transporting the
equipment to and from its normal base to the work Site may be payable but
not the item of transported equipment itself.

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Item No.:

Name of Item: Daywork

(ii) Personnel
The unit of measurement shall be the unit specified for the personnel in the
Schedule of Rates. The workforce eligible for payments shall be restricted
to workers and direct site supervisors such as foreman only. Site office and
head office management and support workers shall be excluded. The rates
entered by the Contractor in the Dayworks Schedule for each category of
worker shall be deemed to include for: wages, overtime, shift work, all
statutory payments required to be made by the Engineer, travel time and
transport to place of normal reporting, hand tools, accommodation,
insurances, overhead, and supervision.
Time spent and resources used in traveling from the place of normal
reporting to the Site are normally payable when resources are specifically
mobilized for the dayworks task. Otherwise, only the actual time spent
working shall be paid for.
(iii) Materials
The basic unit of measurement shall be the amounts actually paid for the
procurement of materials which are used in the ordered works as evidenced
by official invoices and receipts. The Engineer may require that the
Contractor seeks his prior consent before purchasing Materials, in which
case this will be stated in the Works Order. The tendered additional
percentage applied to procurement charges shall be in full and final
compensation in respect of the Contractor’s handling costs, insurances,
overhead, and all other charges in connection with the procurement, supply
and installation/use of the materials.

C. Bill of Quantities or Activity Schedule

1. Preamble
Bidders must price each item in the Bill of Quantities separately and follow the instructions
regarding the transfer of various totals in the summary.
The Bill of Quantities must be read with all the other contract documents and the Contractor shall
be deemed to have thoroughly acquainted himself with the detailed descriptions of the works to
be done and the way in which they are to be carried out. All the works must be executed to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.
(a). Quantity of items
The quantities set forth against the items in the bill of quantities are an estimate of the quantity of
each kind of the work likely to be carried out under the contract and are given to provide a
common basis for Bids.
There is no guarantee to the Contractor that it will be required to carry out the quantities of work
indicated under any one particular item in the bill of quantities or that the quantities will not differ
in magnitude from those stated.

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When pricing items, reference should be made to the conditions of contract, the specifications and
relevant drawings for directions and descriptions of work and materials involved.
The quantities given in the bill of quantities are provisional and reflect the estimates made at the
time of approval to provide a basis for this Bidding Document and Bids. Bidders must consider
every aspect of the Bidding Document carefully.
Any comments concerning the quantities must be made in the form of an attachment, following
the system of itemization, quoting the codes and brief descriptions, as in the present documents,
including the rates and prices.
Except where the technical specifications or the bill of quantities specifically and expressly state
otherwise, only permanent works are to be measured. Works will be measured net to the
dimensions shown on the drawings or ordered in writing by the Engineer, except where described
or prescribed elsewhere in the Contract.
In adjusting extras or variations on the Contract, works will be measured on the same basis as that
on which the quantities were prepared. All works not specifically mentioned in the bill of
quantities will be taken as included in the prices of various items.
Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, extra works cannot be properly measured or valued, the
Contractor may, if so directed by the Engineer, carry out the work at the day work rates shown in
the schedule of day work. All completed day work sheets must be signed by the Engineer on or
before the end of the week in which the works are executed.
No allowance will be made for loss of materials or volume thereof during transport or
(b) Units of measurement
The units of measurement used in the annexed technical documentation are those of the International
System of Units (SI). No other units may be used for measurements, pricing, detail drawings etc. (Any
units not mentioned in the technical documentation must also be expressed in terms of the SI.)
Abbreviations used in the bill of quantities are to be interpreted as follows:

mm means millimeter h means hour

m means meter L.s. means Lump sum
mm² means square millimeter km means kilometer
m² means square meter l means liter
m³ means cubic meter % means per cent
kg means kilogram N.d means nominal diameter
to means tone (1000 kg) m/m means man-month
pcs means pieces m/d means man-day
2. Terms Relating to Payments
Each item in the bill of quantities for which payment is to be made in a lump sum, and for which no
payment schedule is provided, must be paid after the work covered by the lump sum has been
completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
3. Pricing
The prices and rates inserted in the bill of quantities are to be the full inclusive values of the
works described under the items, including all costs and expenses which may be required in and
for the construction of the works described together with any temporary works and installations
which may be necessary and all general risks, liabilities and obligations set forth or implied in the

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documents on which the tender is based. It will be assumed that establishment charges, profit and
allowances for all obligations are spread evenly over all the unit rates.
Rates and prices must be entered against each item in the bill of quantities. The rates will cover
all tax, duty or other liabilities which are not stated separately in the bill of quantities and the Bid.
4. Completing the Bill of Quantities
In the bill of quantities, rates and prices will be entered in the appropriate columns in currency
specified in BDS.
5. Description of Unit Prices
The Bills of Quantities that follow give the description of the items required. The relevant clauses
from the technical specifications are shown.
(b). Day work schedule
A day work schedule should be included only if there is a high probability of unforeseen works not
covered by the bill of quantities. To facilitate checking by the Public Body of the realism of rates
quoted by the Bidders, the daywork schedule should normally comprise the following:
(iv) A list of the various classes of labor, materials, and construction plant for which
basic daywork rates or prices are given by the Bidder, together with a statement of
the conditions under which the Contractor will be paid for work executed on a
daywork basis;
(v) The nominal quantities for each item of daywork, to be priced by each Bidder in its
Bid. The rate to be entered by the Bidder against each basic daywork item should
include the Contractor's profit, overheads, supervision and other charges.
(c) Provisional sums/Contingencies
A general provision for physical contingencies (quantity overruns) may be made by including a
provisional sum in the overall bill of quantities. The inclusion of such provisional sums often
facilitates budgetary approval by avoiding the need to request periodic supplementary approvals as the
future need arises. Where such provisional sums or contingency allowances are used, the SCC must
state the manner in which they will be used, and under whose authority (usually the Engineer's).

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6. Bill of Quantities or Activity Schedule
Item Specification
Description of Works Unit Quantity Price in Amount in
No. Reference

Sub-Total Item No. 1


Sub-Total Item No. 2


Sub-Total Item No. 3


Sub-Total Item No. 4

1 Item No. 1
2 Item No. 2
3 Item No. 3
4 Item No. 4
5 Daywork (provisional allowance)
I Summary Total (1+2+3+4+5)
II Add Contingencies
III Summary Total
IV Taxes
L Labor
L01 day
L02 day
L03 day
L04 day
L05 day
Total Day work Provisional Sum

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Part 3: Contract Section 8: Special Conditions of Contract

Section 8 Special Conditions of Contract

Table of Clauses

A. General Provisions 8
B. The Contract 8
C. Obligations of the Public Body 4
D. Obligations of the Contractor 5
E. Payments to the Contractor 6
F. Performance of the Contract 8
G. Acceptance and Defects Liability Error! Bookmark not defined.

The following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall supplement the

General Conditions of Contract (GCC). Whenever there is a conflict, the
provisions herein shall prevail over those in the GCC.

GCC Clause Section 8. Special Conditions of Contract

B. General Provisions
Procurement Reference Number is: : B1/UCB/25/08/2010
GCC 1.2(dd) The Public Body is: : Mizan Teppi-University

GCC 1.2 (g) The Contractor is: :COTM.CONSTRUCTION PLC

C. The Contract
In addition to documents listed in GCC Clause 7.1 the following
GCC 7.1 (i)
documents shall form the Contract:
 Instruction of the Engineers issued from time to time with in
the contract period. Its priority is between general condition of
contract and specification.
 Price index, that will be filled by the contractor in the
attachedAnnex form

GCC 8.1 The governing law shall be The law of the Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia.
GCC 9.1 Language of the Contract shall be .ENGLISH
GCC 10.2 For notices, the Public Body’s address shall be:

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GCC Clause Section 8. Special Conditions of Contract

Public Body: Mizan tepi university
Attention: Held at main office
Floor/Room number: G+2 floor/room 4
P.O. Box: 121 Tepi
Street Address: Mizan tepi university block no 20
Town/City: Tepi town
Post Code:
Country: Ethiopia
Telephone: +25-922418393
Facsimile: +251-922418393
E-mail address
For notices, the Contractor’s address shall be:
Attention: MR. Gelaye gizachew
Floor/Room number: Unity building , 1rd Floor,12 ROOM
P.O. Box:
Street Address: jimma city
Post Code:
Country: Ethiopia
E-mail address
GCC 11.1 The Member in Charge is [insert name of member]}

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GCC Clause Section 8. Special Conditions of Contract

GCC 12.1 The Public Body’s Engineer shall be: : English
Engineer: authorized representative
P.O. Box:
Street Address: Mizan tepi university block no 2
Town/City: tepi
Post Code:
Country: Ethiopia
Telephone: +25-956464568
Facsimile: +25-923761739
E-mail address
The Contractor’s authorized officer shall be:
Authorized Officer: authorized representative
P.O. Box:
Street Address: jima near commercial bank of ethiopia
central branch
Town/City: Addis ababa
Post Code:
Country: Ethiopia
E-mail address

In case of change of laws and regulation after the deadline for submission
GCC 16.1
of the Bid Contract Price be correspondingly increased or decreased
and/or the Delivery Date be reasonably adjusted to the extent that
Contractor has thereby been affected in the performance of any of its
obligations under the Contract.
The Contractor, Sub-Contractors, and their Personnel :
GCC 17.1
(i) Shall not be exempted from duties and indirect taxes levied by
the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, or
(ii) Shall be exempted from duties and indirect taxes levied by the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, or
(iii) Shall be reimbursed by the Public Body for any such duties and
indirect taxes levied by the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia they might have to pay (or that the Public Body would pay
such levies on behalf of the Contractor and the Personnel).
The Public Body warrants that the Contractor, the Sub-Contractors and
the Personnel shall be exempt from (or that the Public Body shall pay on
behalf of the Contractor, the Sub-Contractors and the Personnel, or shall
reimburse the Contractor, the Sub-Contractors and the Personnel for) any
indirect taxes, duties, fees, levies and other impositions imposed, under
the Applicable Law, on the Contractor, the Sub-Contractors and the
Personnel in respect of:

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Part 3: Contract Section 8: Special Conditions of Contract

GCC Clause Section 8. Special Conditions of Contract

(a). any payments whatsoever made to the Contractor, Sub-Contractors
and the Personnel (other than nationals or permanent residents of the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia), in connection with the
carrying out of the Works;
(b). any equipment, materials and supplies brought into the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia by the Contractor or Sub-
Contractors for the purpose of carrying out the Works and which,
after having been brought into such territories, will be subsequently
withdrawn there from by them;
(c). any equipment imported for the purpose of carrying out the Works
and paid for out of funds provided by the Public Body and which is
treated as property of the Public Body;
(d). any property brought into the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia by the Contractor, any Sub-Contractors or the Personnel
(other than nationals or permanent residents of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia), or the eligible dependents of such
Personnel for their personal use and which will subsequently be
withdrawn there from by them upon their respective departure from
the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, provided that:
(i) the Contractor, Sub-Contractors and Personnel, and their eligible
dependents, shall follow the usual customs procedures of the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in importing property
into the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; and
(ii) if the Contractor, Sub-Contractors or Personnel, or their eligible
dependents, do not withdraw but dispose of any property in the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia upon which customs
duties and taxes have been exempted, the Contractor, Sub-
Contractors or Personnel, as the case may be, (i) shall bear such
customs duties and taxes in conformity with the regulations of the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, or (ii) shall reimburse
them to the Public Body if they were paid by the Public Body at
the time the property in question was brought into the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
GCC 22.1 The percentage to apply to the value of the work not completed,
representing the public Body's additional cost for completing the Works,
is .
D. Obligations of the Public Body
GCC 30.2 The Public Body shall provide the following further assistance to the

The documents to be provided by the Public Body and the Engineer are
GCC 30.3
the following:

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GCC Clause Section 8. Special Conditions of Contract

E. Obligations of the Contractor
GCC 34.5(b) The Public Body's prior approval is also required for:

The Schedule of Key Personnel to carry out the functions stated in the
Schedule of Requirements is the following:

Project manager (BSC 5yrs /Advance Diploma7yrs)

GCC 38.3
Site Engineer (BSC 2yrs /Advance diploma 4yrs)
General Forman (Technical school diploma 10yrs)
Construction Forman (Technical school diploma 4yrs / Certificate 7yrs)

GCC 39.2 (b) The amount of aggregate liability shall be:

The minimum insurance cover and deductibles shall be:

(a) The minimum cover for insurance of the Works, Plant and Materials
is 110% of the contract value.
(b) The maximum deductible for insurance of the Works, Plant and
Materials is 50,000 birr
(c) The minimum cover for insurance of Equipment is 100% of the
GCC 40.1 value of equipment
(d) The maximum deductible for insurance of Equipment is .25,000 birr.
(e) The minimum cover for insurance of property is (f) 25,000 birr.
(f) The maximum deductible for insurance of property is 25,000 birr.
(g) The minimum cover for personal injury or death insurance is with no
deductible 50,000 birr.
The amount of insurance covering liability with regard to risks and civil
GCC 40.3 liability insurance shall be: Unlimited ; or
(ii) Limited .
The Contractor shall submit a Program of implementation of the tasks
within days of delivery of the Notice of Acceptance.
GCC 41.1
The specific requirements of the Program of implementation of tasks are
the following:

GCC 41.4 The period between Program updates is 60 days.

The amount to be withheld for late submission of an updated Program is
.10% of the interim payment

GCC 47.1 The Contract is subject to price adjustment in accordance with Clause 47
of the Conditions of Contract.
The date by which operating and maintenance manuals are required is 15
GCC 55.1 days before provisional acceptance day.
The date by which “as built” drawings are required is 15 days before

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GCC Clause Section 8. Special Conditions of Contract

provisional acceptance day.
The amount of the Performance Security shall be: 5%
GCC 58.1

The types of acceptable Performance Securities are: Public

GCC 58.4 Body.Insurance bond
The currency shall be: .Birr

GCC 58.8 Discharge of the Performance Security shall take place:

F. Payments to the Contractor

All payment to the Contractor under this Contract shall be made in .Birr
GCC 59.1

GCC 60.1 Advance payment granted to the Contractor, at his request.20%

The amount of the advance payment shall be: [The amount of the advance
GCC 60.2
payment shall be: 20% of the total contract price. It will be paid to the
contractor no later than 30 days after the signing of contract,
provided that Unconditional Bank Guarantee and Performance bond
is furnished.
The following provisions shall apply to the advance payment and the
GCC 60.9
advance payment security:
(a) An Advance Payment Security shall be required.
(b) An advance payment shall be made within days after the Effective
Date. The advance payment will be set off by the Public Body in
equal installments against the statements for the first months of the
Works until the advance payment has been fully set off.
(c) The Advance Payment Security shall be in the amount and in the
currency of the currency portion of the advance payment.
(d) The repayment of the advance payments shall take the form of
deductions based on the monthly claims
(i) The advance payment (maximum of 30%) shall be repaid by
means of deductions from the installments and, if necessary, the
balance due to the Contractor. This repayment shall begin with
the first installment and be completed, at the very latest; by the
time 80% of the amount of the contract has been paid.
Repayment shall be made in the same currency as the advance
The amount to be deducted from each installment shall be
calculated using the following formula:
Va  D
Vt  0.8
R = the amount to be repaid
Va = the total amount of the advance payment
Vt = the initial contract amount

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Part 3: Contract Section 8: Special Conditions of Contract

GCC Clause Section 8. Special Conditions of Contract

D = the amount of the installment.
The result is rounded up to two decimal places.
GCC 61.1

The fraction for each specified element and exact combination of

GCC 62.7, elements that will be applied in the formula for price adjustment shall be.
62.13 as follows:

The following methods shall apply to the valuation of works:

(i) The amounts due in case of unit-price contract shall be
GCC 63.1 determined' as follows: : in accordance with GCC 63.1
(ii) The amounts due in case of lump sum contract shall be
determined' as follows:
Arrangements for interim payments shall be the following: when 80% of
GCC 64.1
the project is completed
Ownership of the plant and materials referred to in GCC Clause 83 be
GCC 64.2(e)
deemed to be vested in the Public Body.
GCC 64.7 The frequency of interim payment shall be: 3

The draft Final Statement of Account shall be submitted at the latest at the
GCC 65.1 moment of the Contractor's application for the provisional acceptance
The Engineer shall prepare and sign the Final Statement of Account
GCC 65.2 within 30 days from the issue of the certificate of final acceptance referred
to in GCC Clause 89.

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Part 3: Contract Section 8: Special Conditions of Contract

G. Performance of the Contract

The Scope of Works shall be defined in: as section 6, schedule of
GCC 70.1
requirement .
The Contractor shall carry out the Works at following Sites: .
GCC 70.2
Sites are located at and are defined in Drawings No. .as section 6,
schedule of requirement .
GCC 71.1 The Start Date shall be shall be 30 days after the letter of acceptance
The Intended Completion Date for the whole of the Works shall be
GCC 72.1
.march 2021 (120 days)
GCC 74.1(j) The following events shall also be Compensation Events:

GCC 79.1 The work register shall be: Required ; or: Required (in accordance
with GCC 79.1)
(ii) Not required.
The technical rules for drawing up the statements shall be: Statements
should be labeled and dated .
GCC 79.2
Statements should be signed and sealed by both the Engineer and the
contractor’s representative
The works, components, equipment and materials used in their
construction must comply with:
GCC 80.2 (a) The following specifications ;Technical Specification and methods of
Measurement, Working drawings & Bill of Quantities
(b) The requirements of
Preliminary technical acceptance is necessary for all construction
GCC 80.3
materials and component.

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Part 3: Contract Section 9: Contract Forms

Section 9 Contract Forms

Table of Contents

A. Contract Agreement 10
1. The Agreement 10
B. Performance Security 3
C. Advance Payment Security 4

H. Contract Agreement
for the Procurement of

Procurement Reference No: B1/UCB/25/08/2010

This Contract Agreement is made on the 30 day of 02 /2014E.C of , BETWEEN

of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and having its principal place of
business (hereinafter called the “Public Body”), Mizan tepi
And cotm construction plc
a corporation incorporated under the laws of and having its principal place of business at
(hereinafter called the “Contractor”), of the other part
(a) The Public Body invited bids for certain Works (hereinafter called the “Works”), and
has accepted a Bid by the Contractor for the provision of those Works in the sum of
(hereinafter called “the Contract Price” 11,660,808.36 birr.

(b) in the manner and on the terms described herein

(c) The Contractor having represented to the Public Body that it has the required skills,
personnel and technical resources, has agreed to carry out the Works on the terms and
conditions set forth in this Contract;
NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:
1. The Agreement
1.2 In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract referred to.

1.3 The following documents shall constitute the Contract between the Public Body and
the Contractor, and each shall be read and construed as an integral part of the Contract:
1. Contract Agreement, including all appendices;

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Part 3: Contract Section 9: Contract Forms

2. Letter of Acceptance by the Public Body to the Contractor;

3. The Special Conditions of Contract;
4. The General Conditions of Contract;
5. The Bid Submission Sheet with Annexes;
6. Technical Proposal with technical specifications;
7. The design documentation (drawings);
(a) For Unit-price contracts: The Bill of Quantities and Price Schedule
(after correction of arithmetical errors);
(b) For Lump-sum contracts: The Breakdown of the Lump-sum Price (after
correction of arithmetical errors);

1.4 This Contract shall prevail over all other Contract documents. In the event of any
discrepancy or inconsistency within the Contract documents, then the documents shall
prevail in the order listed above.

1.5 In consideration of the payments to be made by the Public Body to the Contractor as
hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Public Body to carry
out the Works and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the
provisions of the Contract.

1.6 The Public Body hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the
provision of the Works and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or such
other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and
in the manner prescribed by the Contract.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Contract to be signed
in their respective names as of the day and year first above written.

SIGNED for and on behalf of Mizan tepi WITNESS to signature on behalf of

university Mizan tepi university
Signature: Signature:
Name: : kebede alemu Name: : Abebe Belete
Position: : General manager Position: : vice manager
Date: : 30/2/2014 Date: : 30/2/2014

SIGNED for and on behalf of of cotm WITNESS to signature on behalf of

construction plc cotm construction plc
Signature: Signature:
Name: Gelaye Gezumo Name: Takele moges
Position:contractor Position: Construction manager
Date: 30/2/2014 Date: 30/2/2014

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Contract Forms Page 2 of 4 Issued by:
Part 3: Contract Section 9: Contract Forms

I. Performance Security
(Bank Guarantee)

Date: 27/01/2014
Procurement Reference No: B1/UCB/25/08/2014


WHEREAS (hereinafter “the Contractor”) has undertaken, pursuant to Contract No.

dated , to supply (hereinafter “the Contract”).
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the aforementioned Contract that
the Contractor shall furnish you with a security issued by a reputable guarantor for
the sum specified therein as security for compliance with the Contractor’s
performance obligations in accordance with the Contract.
AND WHEREAS the undersigned , legally domiciled in JIMMA,
AROUND CENTRAL HOTEL (hereinafter the” Guarantor”), have agreed to give the
Contractor a security: 10% of total contract price.
THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to you, on
behalf of the Contractor, up to a total of and we undertake to pay you, upon your first
written demand declaring the Contractor to be in default under the Contract, without
cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of as aforesaid, without your
needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified
This security is valid until the day of , .

This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC
Publication No 458.

Name: Gelaye Gezumo

In the capacity of Contractor


Duly authorized to sign the Security for and on behalf of: : Abenezer chala

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Contract Forms Page 3 of 4 Issued by:
Part 3: Contract Section 9: Contract Forms

Advance Payment Security

(Bank Guarantee)

Date: 30/02/2014

Procurement Reference No: : B1/UCB/25/08/2010

In accordance with the payment provision included in the Contract, in relation to

advance payments, (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) shall deposit with the Public
Body a security consisting of , to guarantee its proper and faithful performance of the
obligations imposed by said Clause of the Contract, in the amount of .

We, the undersigned , legally domiciled in (hereinafter “the Guarantor”), as

instructed by the Contractor, agree unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as
primary obligor and not as surety merely, the payment to the Public Body on its first
demand without whatsoever right of objection on our part and without its first claim
to the Contractor, in the amount not exceeding .

This security shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the advance
payment received by the Contractor under the Contract until ,2014

Name: : Gelaye Gezumo

In the capacity of contractor

Duly authorized to sign the Security for and on behalf of: Abenezer Chala

Dated on 30/2/2014

SBD-Works (NCB) - Prepared by the FPPA (Version 1, August 2011)

Document: Contract Forms Page 4 of 4 Issued by:

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